2 Periodic Classification of Elements New Indian Era by Prashant

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Periodic classification of elements

“Elements and their classification”

✓ Today 118 elements are known to the scientific world.
✓ However, around year 1800 only about 30 elements were known.
✓ More number of elements were discovered in the course of time.
✓ You know that in the initial classification elements were classified into the groups of
metals and nonmetals.

“Dobereiner’s traids”
✓ a German scientist Dobereiner suggested that properties of elements are related to
their atomic masses.
✓ three elements each, having similar chemical properties and called them triads.
✓ He arranged the three elements in a triad in an increasing order of atomic mass and
showed that the atomic mass of the middle element was approximately equal to the
mean of the atomic masses of the other two elements.

Newland’s law of octaves:-

❖ When the elements are arranged in increasing order of their atomic
❖ the properties of the eighth element are similar to that of the first.
❖ Examples : ... The eight element from lithium is sodium. Similarly, eight
element from sodium is potassium…..

YouTube :- New Indian Era

By Prashant Email :- tprashant044@gmail.com
“Mendeleev’s Periodic table”
✓ Mendeleev developed the periodic table of elements during the period 1869 to
1872 A.D.
✓ Mendeleev’s periodic table is the most important step in the classification of
✓ Mendeleev arranged 63 elements known at that time in an increasing order of
their atomic masses.
✓ Then he transformed this into the periodic table of elements in accordance with
the physical and chemical properties of these element….
✓ Mendeleev realized that the physical and chemical properties of elements were
related to their atomic mass in a 'periodic' way, and arranged them so that groups
of elements with similar properties fell into vertical columns in his table.
✓ There are some vacant places in the Mendeleev’s periodic table.
✓ In some of these places the atomic masses are seen to be predicted. Enlist three of
these predicted atomic masses along with their group and period.

“Merits of periodic table”

✓ He classified all the known 63 elements at that time.

✓ He left gaps for elements to be discovered later on e.g eka-aluminium(Galium),
✓ He predicted properties of these unknown elements.

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By Prashant Email :- tprashant044@gmail.com
“Actual and predicted properties of Galium That have to be

“Demerits of Mendeleev’s periodic table”

✓ 1.He grouped elements which are not similar like he placed (Na,K,Rb) with the
same group of (Cu, Ag)

✓ 2. He seperated similar elements like Au(gold) and Pt(platinum)

✓ 3. He was unable to define the position of hydrogen

✓ 4. He placed elements in increasing order of mass but placed elements with

lighter mass before element with heavier mass thus violating his own law like Co
was placed before Ni(nickel)

✓ 5. When isotopes(same atomic no. but different atomic masses) were discovered,
they didn't fit in his table…….

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By Prashant Email :- tprashant044@gmail.com
❖ “Similarity in hydrogen and alkali metal”
✓ Similar to alkali metals, hydrogen has 1 electron in its outermost shell and can
form compounds with non-metals (such as HCl, etc.).
✓ However, it has non-metallic character, is a gas (while alkali metals are solid)
and cannot lose its valence electron..

“Similarity in hydrogen and halogens”

✓ Hydrogen has one electron in its electron shell, needing one additional electron to fill
that shell. ...
✓ Hydrogen, however, also forms a positive ion by losing its one electron;
no halogen does this.

“Modern periodic Law”

✓ Definition:- “The modern periodic law states that the physical and chemical
properties of the elements are the periodic function of the atomic numbers”.
✓ The various elements with similar properties repeat after certain regular intervals.
✓ This repetition occurs when you arrange the elements in order of their increasing
atomic numbers….

“Modern periodic table”

✓ Elements are arranged in the table by increasing atomic number.
✓ In the modern periodic table, each element is represented by its chemical symbol. ...
✓ Columns of the periodic table are called groups. Elements in the same group have similar
✓ As a result, most of the drawbacks of Mendeleev’s periodic table appear to be
✓ However, the ambiguity about the position of hydrogen is not removed even in the
modern periodic table.
✓ The relation between atomic number is clearly seen in modern periodic table…….

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By Prashant Email :- tprashant044@gmail.com
“Structure of modern periodic table”

✓ The periodic table is organized like a big grid.

✓ Each element is placed in a specific location because of its atomic structure. As with
any grid, the periodic table has rows (left to right) and columns (up and down).

“Classification in groups”
✓ This table has 18 vertical columns called groups and 7 horizontal rows known as
✓ The groups are not divided into subgroups.
✓ 2. The elements present in a group have the same number of valence or similar
✓ 3. The elements present in a group have the same valency.
✓ 4. The number of shells increase as we go down the group.
✓ 5. The elements present in a group have identical chemical properties.
✓ 6. The physical properties of the elements such as melting point, boiling point, density
in a group vary gradually.

“Classification in Rows”
✓ Elements of a period do not have the same number of valence electrons but they
contain the same number of shells.
✓ 2. The number of valence shell electrons increased by 1 unit as the atomic number
increases by 1 unit on moving from left to right in a period
✓ 3. As the number of valence shell electrons change is the chemical properties of the
elements also change.
✓ 4. Different periods have different number of electrons which can be explained on the
basis of filling of electrons into various shells.

Valency : the valency of an element is determined by the number of electrons present in the
outermost shell of its atoms, that is, the valence electrons.

Atomic size:- Atomic size is the distance between a nucleus of an atom and it's valence or
outermost shell .

Atomic radius:- The atomic radius is defined as one-half the distance between the nuclei of
identical atoms that are bonded together.

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By Prashant Email :- tprashant044@gmail.com
Metallic character:- Metallic minerals are those minerals which can be melted to obtain new
products. ... Examples of metallic minerals are iron, copper, bauxite, tin etc

Non metallic character:- Non-metallic minerals are those which do not yield new products
on melting. They are not so hard and have no shine or luster of their own.

What is metal??
✓ Majority elements in the periodic table are metals.
✓ This includes alkali metals, transition metals, lanthanides, actinides, and alkaline earth
✓ Metals are separated by nonmetals on a periodic table through a zigzag line starting from
carbon, till radon
✓ . The elements between the two are phosphorus, selenium, and iodine.

What is non- metal??

✓ Very few elements in the periodic table are nonmetals.
✓ These are present on the right-hand side in the periodic table.
✓ Elements that come under nonmetals are sulfur, carbon, all halogens, phosphorus,
hydrogen, oxygen, selenium, nitrogen, and noble gases.

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By Prashant Email :- tprashant044@gmail.com
“Chemical properties of metal”
• Easily corrodible
• Can lose electrons
• Form basic oxides
• Have low electronegativities
• Good reducing agents

“Chemical Properties of Non-metals”

• The number of electrons in the outer shell is generally 4-8
• Easily gain or lose valence electrons
• Form acidic oxides whenever they come in contact with oxygen
• High electronegative elements
• Great oxidizing

Best of luck

YouTube :- New Indian Era

By Prashant Email :- tprashant044@gmail.com

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