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Assalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh

May peace for all of us

The honorable Chief of Dehasen Foundation

The honorable Rector of Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu
The honorable faculty deans in Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu, especially dean of Fakultas
Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu as the host of the 4th
International Conference on Health
The honorable keynote speakers from the international and national institution who has been
sparring their time to share with us in the 4th International Conference on
Health this time
The honorable lecturer of Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu
The honorable all presenter that are going to participate in the oral presentation session
And all of the audience of the 4th Internationa Conference on Health

Praise our thanks to Allah subhanahuwataala, as for His mercy and grace. We are still given
health and time to attend the 4 th International Conference on Health 2020 with the theme,
"Health and Education Service in the New Normal Era."
Also, best wishes and greeting may always be poured out to the best role model, the best
human, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.

Ladies and Gentlemen

Firstly, as the Governor of the Bengkulu Province, I convey the best appreciation for
Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu, especially Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Dehasen
Bengkulu which always consistent participating in the scientific development especially,
health science even in this pandemic condition.

Also in this opportunity, by the name of the Bengkulu Province Government, I hope that the
4th International Conference on Health 2020 can go smoothly according to plan and also
become a resource for all of us – not only the health practitioner but also other society groups
– to get more information and knowledge to face the great challenge that we experience
together COVID-19 pandemic.

Ladies and Gentlemen

The pandemic of COVID-19 is one of the unexpected things that happened in our life. It is an
extraordinary condition. There is no one in this world could predict that 2020 will be started
with the tragedy of millions of human death, and even today, the count is still increasing.
This condition is a great challenge, not only for Bengkulu Province but also for our country,
the Indonesian Republic, and even the rest of the world.

However, like any other challenge we ever face, we could choose to face it or to surrender to
it. Of course, as a normal individual, we do not want to surrender to the condition, even
though the situation is a difficult one. As one public figure of this country once said, "Dare to
live then dare to try. Dare to try, then dare to face problems and challenges. On the other
hand, do not dare to face problems and challenges, do not try. do not want to try then do not
even think about living." Problems and challenges are part of our lives. Moreover, another
unexpected thing will always come to our life, so we do not have to be panic by the situation
today. What we need to do now is a struggle.

Ladies and Gentlemen

Our struggle in facing the COVID-19 pandemic is not like our struggle in a war. We do not
need any special weapon for that; what we need to do is to be disciplined. Once more, what
we need to do is to be disciplined. We need to discipline in maintaining distance in public
spaces. We need to discipline using masks, discipline in carrying out a healthy lifestyle - for
example, washing hands, and covering mouth when coughing or sneezing.

Ladies and Gentlemen

Discipline only comes when we willingly build a habit. Our willingness to adapt is the crucial
point in building a habit. The truth is that all of us have to adapt every time. In our life, there
will always be changes, but the problem this time is the change is too drastic. Nevertheless,
as stated before, we need to be ready to adapt to the change. As Herakleitos once said,
"nothing endures but change." Change is a symbol of a movement – a flow, which is the
symbol of life itself. So adapting is the truth of life, if we can not adapt, then we will fall
behind and then lost.

In line with adaptation in human life, an institution must also make adaptations in order to
stay 'alive' during a pandemic like today. The personnel in it must be able to adapt to new
circumstances. Like Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu has done. Of
course, at first, it would have been challenging to adapt to the lecture process and carry out
other routine activities amid the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. However,
Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu, especially Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan, has proven that it was
able to survive and even held an International Conference on Health.

Ladies and Gentlemen

The increase in the number of positive patients and positive victims of COVID-19 that
occurred in Bengkulu Province should not make us discouraged. However, it should be an
encouragement for us to be more disciplined in implementing health protocols in this
pandemic era. We must remind each other. Because any efforts made by the government,
especially the Bengkulu Provincial Government in overcoming the spread of COVID-19, will
not succeed without the support and active role of each member of society in adapting to a
new habit in the current pandemic.

Ladies and Gentlemen

We hope that the 4th International Conference on Health today could be a media for us to
share information to face and solve the spread of COVID-19. Hopefully, this conference
could also be a source of information for us to solve the problems caused by COVID-19. So
that every finding shared in this conference could be a suggestion, especially for Bengkulu
Province Government and generally for the Republic of Indonesia in solving these pandemic

Ladies and Gentlemen

That is the preface and introduction I could share today. Hopefully, the 4 th International
Conference on Health 2020 could smoothly run as planned. I hope that all of the
inconvenience and mistakes could be apologized. Furthermore, before ending this preface, by
saying Bismillahirohmanirohim, the 4th International Conference on Health with the theme
"Health and Education Service in the New Normal Era." is officially opened.

That is all, and thank you.

Wassalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh

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