Culminating Activity Lesson 3

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Generating Comments and Feedbacks


MELC3: Generate comments, feedbacks and observations on the feasibility,

appropriateness and relevance of concept


Culminating Activity is a new subject for Grade 12 GAS students

developed as the replacement for the subject immersion. The subject
“Culminating Activity” requires you to come up with a portfolio that will
showcase and mirror your learning progress as a student under GAS strand.
Therefore, your portfolio must be comprehensive allowing you to explore
further in your topic preference.

Achieving feasible, appropriate and relevant concept for the

preparation of your portfolio is highly important in order for you to better
showcase your innovations in learning along with your journey as a student
under the said strand.

Upon reaching this module, you should already have outlined and
finished your concept paper according to the sets of criteria that this module

In this module, the feasibility, appropriateness and relevance of your

concept will be evaluated that later will serve as your basis and guide in
enhancing your concept paper and in preparing your comprehensive and
purposeful portfolio.

Thus, in this module, you are expected to:

A. conduct evaluation of your concept paper using the developed
evaluation tool that this module provides;
B. generate comments, feedbacks and observations cohering to the sets
of standards required for the concept paper; and

C. write your finalized concept paper anchored to the generated
comments, feedbacks and observations gathered.


Track and Assess

Keep track on your progress. Answer the assessment tool below to

reflect on your journey towards the process of completing your portfolio.

PART I. Directions: Put a check mark (/) under the description that
corresponds to the manner of your portfolio development and accomplishment.

Self-Assessment on the Portfolio Development

1 2 3 4 5





1. Practiced self-independence in

completing the required contents for the

2. Sought the help of others (peer,

teacher, tutor etc.) in polishing the
contents of my portfolio.

3. Used credible sources for the

enriching information shared in the

4. Shared and used information that

are properly cited and referenced.

5. Accomplished independently the


(Part 1/MELC 1)

a. Activity 1

(Narrowing Topics or Lessons)

b. Activity 2

(Map of Interrelating Concepts)

(Part 2/MELC 2)

The Concept Paper

I. Introduction

II. Portfolio Description

III. Budget and Materials

IV. Reflection

6. Submitted the required

tasks/contents within the target dates.

Part II. Directions: Reflect based on your answers in PART I by answering the
questions below.

1. How much did you progress? Rate yourself by circling the number that
reflects your progress.

(5-Highest; 1-Lowest)

My Rate: 1 2 3 4 5

2. In 2-3 sentences, justify the score you have in your self-rate.

Look Back and Define

The sentences below give definitions to the words you have been
encountering from different subjects, especially, in subjects Practical
Researches 1 and 2.

Directions: (Word Hunt) Find each word being defined in Column A to the
rumbled letters in Column B.

Column A Column B

1. Circle the word that speaks of

the study or the proposal’s
probability to be carried out or
2. Make a line across the word T I Y I L I B I S A E F E A S I B I L I T Y I L
that means drawing
connections of one concept to U A C C O U N T A B I L I T Y W E S A B E
3. Box the word that defines the
study’s quality of being suitable R E L E V A N C E S F G J Y L H F D D C
to its particular purpose.



Evaluation is a systematic, continuous and comprehensive process of

determining one’s growth and progress towards identified objectives or
values (Santos, 2007). Hence, it is found vital in the development of your
concept paper to achieve sets of standards provided in this kind of
requirement. Furthermore, gathering generated comments and feedbacks
would assure your paper’s feasibility, appropriateness and relevance in
content, in form and, especially, in concept.

In this part of the module, you have to secure the accomplishment of

the evaluation form (Form-A) that will help you later in improving your

The following are the persons who will be filling the form:

(Evaluator 1)

PRO– someone in the family or your community (neighbor, friend,

barangay official, etc.) who can validate and contribute to the
enhancement of your paper’s feasibility, relevance and

(Evaluator 2)

PEER (optional) – a peer (your classmate or another grade 12 student)

whom you think might be reliable in giving valid evaluation; and

(Evaluator 3)

Self – You, as the author of the paper, who can reflect on your
learning and assess your skill development as a writer.


1. Read and study the concept paper.

2. Evaluate the paper using the evaluation sheet (Form A).

3. Put a checkmark under the level of performance that corresponds to

your perception of the paper.

4. Share your brief and constructive comments and feedbacks of the


5. Compute the total number of checks under each level of performance.

(Note: The total number will be used later as reference for Form B-1

FORM A- Concept Paper Evaluation Form


Levels of Performance Remarks/

Pro Self Comments

CRITERIA (Briefly state your
ideas in bullet
(optional) form)







- TITLE  For me my
concept title
The Concept Paper Title is… attained the
A. what the paper summarizes basic
qualities of a
P B. catchy and attracts the concept
attention of readers. paper tittle
a like it
r summarizes
C. brief and easily understood. the content of
t the paper.

Total Number of Checks 0 2 1 0 1 2 0 3 0

. PARTS  For me the
I. Introduction
part of my
C The paragraph/s clearly and concept
O briefly…
N A. state/s the problem sufficient
adhered in the concept paper background
T presented.
E B. express/es the purpose of about the
the paper. objectives of
the portfolio
C. present/s the paper’s
T objectives.  I also
D. include/s the paper’s thesis thesis
statement to
express the

of my paper
Total Number of Checks 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 4 0

II. Purpose  When I’m

doing my
A. Need concept
The paragraph/s… paper I also
put some
1. provide/s information on information
why the proposal is relevant about the
and necessary. relevance of
the topic and
 Information
about why it
is mandatory
to conduct
2. maintain/s clarity and this paper
consistency in content.  I also double
check the
parts to

Total Number of Checks 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 2 0

B. Rationale  The concept

paper for me
The paragraph/s… clearly
1. justify/ies the need to explains the
implement the proposal. need to
perform the
 It show the
benefits of
2. is/are clear and
the study to
consistent in content.
the students
or teachers.

Total Number of Checks 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 1 1

III. Portfolio Description  For me the
A. Goals and Objectives paper clearly
1. The paragraph/s presents or
logically lay/s out the the goals and
paper’s goals and objective of
objectives. the paper in
sensible way.
2. The statements are easy  The paper is
to be understood. easy to
3. The goals and objectives
 The goals and
objective of
i. simple; the paper is
very simple.
ii. measureable;
 But not
iii. measurable.
achievable/attainable;  It is relevant
for students
iv. relevant;  Also it’s not
very time
v. time bound.

Total Number of Checks 1 4 2 1 5 1 1 6 0

B. Methodology  Some of the

steps in the
1. The paragraph/s concept
provides detailed paper
description on how the describes
proposed project will be how the
carried out. project will be
2. The presentation of the
 It is easy to
steps and procedures in
the paragraph/s is/are
the steps by
clear and easy to be

Total Number of Checks 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0

C. Benefits  The concept

explains the
1. The paragraph/s benefits of
specify/ies the the paper to
contribution of the students and
proposal to the target

beneficiaries. other
2. The paragraph/s is/are
 The concept
consistent in the content
arranged in
of the paper.
clear way.
 It is very easy
3. The paragraph/s is/are
easy to be understood.

Total Number of Checks 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1

IV. Budget and Materials  The concept

Needed paper
specified the
A. Sources sources of
1. Financing the money
that will be
i. The paper specifies used in the
target financial sources concept
for the proposed paper.
 The paper
ii. The paper presents
presents the
the budget proposed
financial cost
with reasonable
a bit over
estimation of cost.
iii. The paper presents  For average
the sentences in a way student the
that is easy to be paper can be
understood. understood
B. Materials
 It presents
1. The paper reflects the the need of
list of materials according the paper
to the project needs. according to
the need of
the project
 The
2. The paper presents the
sentences are
sentences in a way that is
very easy to
easy to be understood.

Total Number of Checks 1 3 1 0 3 2 1 3 1

V. Reflection and Conclusion  The paper

present the
A. The proposal reflects the

academic and intellectual needs of the
needs of the students. students to
B. The proposal justifies the
need to have innovative
 The paper
education-related projects in
has the idea
all HUMMS subjects.
of innovation
related to
C. The sentences are
constructed in a way that is
easy to be understood.

Total Number of Checks 0 1 2 0 2 1 0 3 0

Part II. Overall Perception of the Paper

1. Rate the paper based on your 2. Overall feedback on the paper critiqued (Share
overall perception to the paper you main points of strengths and weaknesses
critiqued. Circle the number that observed and ways to further improve the paper’s
corresponds to your perception. (5- content and structure)
Highest; 1-Lowest)

5 4 3 2 1

The concept paper itself is very easy to

understand and it has clarity and consistency in

Name: Cynthia D. Delos Santos every content it also describes the purpose
objective of the study thoroughly. The sentences
in each paragraph is also very easy to
Signature: _________________ understand. It also presents the needs of the
portfolio in particular or specific way.
5 4 3 2 1

The concept paper provides detailed description


on how the proposed project will be carried out.

Name: Jedidiah Rey D. Delos The sentences in each paragraph is also very easy
Santos to understand. The content of this paper is also
very relevant and necessary. The concept paper
also specified the sources of the contents that will
be used in the concept paper.

5 4 3 2 1 For me my portfolio or the concept paper is very
simple to apply and It is relevant for students and
teachers who want to study about leadership. The

Name: James Ezekiel D. Delos paper also not very time consuming. The concept
Santos paper for me clearly presents or the goals and
objective of the paper in sensible way. The
content of the paper is very consistent. The steps


Consolidate and Summarize

Upon reaching this part of the module, the evaluation form (Form A)
must have been fully accomplished. Study all the comments and
suggestions shared in the form regarding your paper’s feasibility,
appropriateness and relevance. Use the form below to consolidate and
summarize the evaluator' perceptions.



1. Prepare the evaluation form (Form A).

2. Complete the table by writing the total number of checks under every
performance level in each part of the paper.

3. Compute the total number of points each performance level gained.

4. Identify the performance level that gained the highest total points.



Performance Levels gaining

Teacher Peer Self Total







Parts of the Concept

(Part I. STRUCTURE) 0 2 1 0 1 2 0 3 0 0 6 3 Achieved
0 0 4 0 0 4 0 4 0 0 4 8 Excellent
I. Introduction 4
II. Purpose 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 4 2 Achieved
A. Need
0 0 2 0 0 2 0 1 1 0 1 5 Excellent
B. Rationale 2
III. Portfolio Description 1 4 2 1 5 1 1 6 0 3 3 Achieved
A. Goals and Objectives
0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 6 0 Achieved
B. Methodology 2
0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 6 3 Achieved
C. Benefits 3
1 3 1 0 3 2 1 3 1 2 9 4 Achieved
IV. Budget and Materials 5
0 1 2 0 2 1 0 3 0 0 6 3 Achieved
V. Reflection 3


1. Gather the evaluation form and the accomplished Form B-1.

2. Identify which level of performance obtained the highest points in each

part of the paper.

3. Write the remarks/comments mainly shared in each part of the concept


(Note: You may reword the remarks/suggestions shared to keep them brief
and avoid repetition.)

4. Answer the questions in Part II based on the evaluation form.

Form B-2. Evaluation Summary Sheet

Level of
Parts/Aspect of the General Remarks/Suggestions
Concept Paper

The title should have shorter words.

Also it should have no explanation
TITLE Achieved why you choose the title.

The sentences of the introduction

itself has tightly compacted
I. Introduction Excellent knowledge about the topic. The
introduction should have lesser

Over all the contents achieved to

provide information on why the
proposal is relevant and necessary.

II. Purpose Achieved But details like these should be
carefully and fully explained in the
A. Need
concept paper.

Over all the paragraph did a good job

to justify the need to implement the
B. Rationale Excellent proposal. I don’t have anything to
mention because these all sentences
are clear and consistent.

The paragraphs has no layouts about

the papers goals and objective, I
III. Portfolio Description Achieved suggest to at least the paper has
A. Goals and Objectives simple layout especially in portfolio

The steps in the concept paper

describes how the project will be
B. Methodology Achieved executed. It is easy to understand the
steps by average student but lack in

The sentences really explains the

benefits to specified beneficiaries. I
C. Benefits Achieved can’t suggest anything else.

The paper specified the sources of all

materials needed but I suggest to
IV. Budget and Materials
Achieved make the budget with reasonable

The reflection The sentences are

constructed in a way that is easy to
V. Reflection
Achieved be understood, I suggest to keep it
that way.

Part III. Overall Perception of the Paper

1. Compute and write the average rating of your paper.

My Rate: Lacking-5



2. Paraphrase the feedbacks of your paper in 2-4 sentences.

The sentences should have lesser words and only provide necessary information.
It is also easy to understand the sentences and paper describes how the project
will be executed. Also make the budget with reasonable cost.



Now that you have consolidated and summarized the comments and
feedbacks in your evaluation form, you can finalize your concept paper.

Directions: Finalize your concept paper based on the evaluation summary sheet
(Form B-2.)

Finalized Concept Paper

Name: James Ezekiel D. Delos Santos Section: Grade 12-GAS Einstein

Subject Teacher: Norma F. Cerezo Date: May 1, 2021


Identifying the Important Roles of Leadership in BAIHS Students

I. Introduction

This concept paper circulates in identifying the important roles of leadership

for the students of BAIHS. It’s important for students to experience leadership
during their schooling to learn the art of building relationship within terms,
defining identities and achieving task effectively. It also provides an
opportunity to learn to identify and display effective communication and
interpersonal skill.

II. Purpose

A. Need
This portfolio will be significance in understanding the important role in
leadership on students life specially for BAIHS students. This will help
students to identify and understand that being school leader has effects on
their education specially in their academic performances. This also will help
school administrations like teachers, it will provide reliable facts that shall
serve as practical standards in mending to the fullest extent of my topic.

B. Rationale
This portfolio will address the importance and challenges students and
teachers in leadership specially BAIHS students. Tis concept paper also seeks
answers regarding to leadership importance on a student’s life, this will also
provide additional information imperative in pursuing deeper studies related to

III. Portfolio Description

A. Goals and
The main objective of this concept paper is to identify the important role of
leadership in every aspects of students life for career development where they
need leadership skill in the modern world. Student are facing many career
challenges, employment problems, and conflicted between idealism and
Ibeneficial. That’s
will use these why they
different kindneed leadership
of methods that skills
can betoused
accept challenges,
in reaching the solve
and and of
objective analyze career direction
this portfolio. First I to achieve
will gatherthese goals.
every literary pieces I have
already written. Then I will select what fits in my chosen topic. Then illustrates
B. Methodology
the ideas I put in. Then lastly I will bind it on a folder.

C. Benefits
The significance of this portfolio is understanding the Importance of leadership
on students specially for the students of BAIHS. It will also provide knowledge
for the teachers of our school or future researchers by providing additional
information about the importance of leadership on one students life. It also can
act as a resourceful material for the people who will also conduct a concept
paper about the related topic.

IV. Support
The materials I needed for portfolio are papers, folder, printing machine,
computer, and binding shops (if possible). I will use folder to bind my paper woks
and printing machine to print the images and letters I needed to illustrate the
concept paper. The sources and found will be provided by my own money or I will
ask my parents if needed. The laptops and computer will be provided by my

V. Reflection
The concept paper helps me to influence people around me by sharing a strong
shared knowledge. It informs and educate my fellow students and the teachers
by sharing thoughts about my topics about leadership it also helps them
understand the importance of making concept paper and how it is beneficial to
the future of our community.


Directions: Complete the concept map by providing the

information needed in each part of the map.

2. Evaluator 2’s Most

Constructive Feedback
Make the sentences more
1. Evaluator 1’s Most 3. My Most Constructive
easier to understand and
Constructive Feedback Feedback
has lesser words.
Make the sentences less Provide more sufficient
wordy and make simple background details
layout about the portfolio.

4. My Formulated Learning
(In a sentence, state what concept or idea were you able to realize)
53 wordy than I realize and lacked in
I realize that my paper is more
5. The Result of My Learning
(In a sentence, state how the new learning become useful to you.)
The criticism and learning that I found out can be helpful to me for future


Santos, R. DG (2007). Advanced Method in Educational Assessment and

Evaluation-Assessment of Learning 2. Cubao, Quezon City, Metro Manila:
Lorimar Publishing, Inc.


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