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Prepared By:
Taqdees Hira
 What is a flat character?
 Character which is 2 dimensional, uncomplicated and does not
change throughout the play or novel.
 What is round character?
 Character which is 3 dimensional, complex and undergoes
development in the play/novel is called round character.
 What is soliloquy?
 A monologue representing key thoughts of a character when he is
alone. E.g. “to be or not to be”
 What is Shakespearean sonnet?
 A sonnet comprising of the Shakespearean structure of sonnet, 3
quatrains and a concluding couplet, i.e. “abab cdcd efef gg”
 What is Novella?
 A literary piece of writing which is longer than short story and
shorter than a novel is called novella. E.e “Death in Venice”
 What is a lyric?
 It is a type of poetry that expresses subjective thought
and feelings often in a song like style.
 What is the difference between metaphor and
1. It is a figurative comparison between two things using
words like, ‘as’ or ‘like’. E.g. “life is like a bed of roses”
2. Metaphor is the figurative compariosn between two
things without using the words like or as. E.g. “all the
world’s a stage”
 What is heroic couplet?
 Pair of rhyminh iambic pentameter in verse form is called
heroic couplet. E.g. “Alexander Pope’s Rape of the lock”
 What is oxymoron?
 Figure of speech in which contradictory ideas are joined to
create effect. E.g. “living death, cruel kindness”
 What is Neo-Classicism?
 It is 18th century movement which starts the revival of
classical (Greek and Roman) treatment in literature, art,
architecture and music.
 What is mock epic?
 It is a form of satire that adapts elevated heroic style of
classical epic poems to a trivial subject.” e.g. “rape of the
 What are the names of 2 famous epics in English
1. Paradise lost
2. Virgil’s Aenied
 What is complex plot?
 The plot which includes a reversal of dramatic situation or
recognition unfolds the action through internal logic is
called complex plot. E.g. “Oedipus”
 What is interior monologue?
 The expression of a character’s thoughts, feelings and
impressions, usually an internal conflict is called interior
 What is blank verse?
 Verse in iambic pentameter but not rhymed is called blank
verse. This means it consists of lines of five feet, each foot
being iambic, meaning two syllables long, one unstressed
followed by a stressed syllable. E.g. “ to be or not to be,
that is the question….whether it is nobler in the mind to
 What is art for art’s sake?
 That intrinsic value of art and true art is independent of any
didactic, moral or utilitarian function.
 What is free verse?
 Poetry that does not rhyme and does not have any regular meter.
 What is Anagnorisis?
 The moment in the plot of a drama where hero makes recognition
of a hidden truth which results in the reversal of the whole
 What is Peripeteia?
 A sudden reversal of fortune , a dramatic downfall from
prosperity which enhances the tragic effect .
 What is tragedy?
 Tragedy is a form of drama based on human suffering that
invokes an accompanying catharsis or pleasure in audiences. E.g.
“Oedipus rex”

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