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Assessment of Noise, Temperature,

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Raju Muhammad Shahidul Islam
IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology (IOSR-JESTFT)
e-ISSN: 2319-2402,p- ISSN: 2319-2399.Volume 12, Issue 3 Ver. I (March. 2018), PP 25-31

Assessment of Noise, Temperature, Light Intensity And Their

Impacts on Workers In Footwear And Leather Products
Industries of Bangladesh
Amal Kanti Deb1*, Manjushree Chowdhury2, Md. Israil Hossain3,
Md. Rayhan Sarker4
Institute of Leather Engineering and Technology, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1209, Bangladesh,
Corresponding Author: Amal Kanti Deb

Abstract: Noise, temperature and light intensity are invisible indoor environmental trepidations that affect the
quality of life and productivity of the industries. The study was carried out in twenty footwear and leather
products industries to reveal the current indoor environmental scenarios in Bangladesh. The noise level,
temperature and light intensity were measured by digital sound level meter, temperature meter and digital lux
meter respectively. An experiment was done over 280 workers to identify the disturbing level and types of
annoyance due to noise, temperature and light intensity. The results revealed that the level of noise in the all
sample factories exceeds the rational limit (75 dB) and it was found that the average noise level in the
workplaces ranged between 78.55 dB and 102.77 dB. The result also proclaimed that the maximum temperature
was found 36.4 0C at lasting department and minimum 31.5 0C at cutting department. The average light
intensity was observed between 234.5 lux and 445 lux. In general, 86.43% and 38.93% of workers were
annoyed from the noise and temperature in their workplaces while 23.21% of workers have complained about
headache as a type of annoyance.
Keyword: Noise, Temperature, Light, Industry, Annoyance
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Date of Submission:22-02-2018 Date of acceptance: 10-03-2018
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I. Introduction
The indoor environmental factors in the footwear and leather products industries are noise, temperature
and light intensity. Noise is an unwanted disturbing sound which can hinder the regular activities of human such
as communication, conversation, sleeping and productivity. Noise is generally defined as the unpleasant sound
which disturbs the human being physically and psychologically and pollutes the environment by destroying its
ecosystem properties [1]. Noise is generated from various sources in the production floor such as cutting,
sewing, roughing & scouring, lasting, and generator area of the footwear and leather product industries. Lighting
is an imperative requirement both practical and aesthetic purposes which produces the visual sensation upon
human eyes. Proper and adequate lighting in the industry improves the visibility of an object, enhance the work
performance, job satisfaction and reduces loss and compensation payment due to accidents in the industry [2, 3].
In industry, Poor light level and work place can cause of eye strain, fatigue, stress, headaches and accidents. On
the other hand, under too much light, “glare” can also cause health and safety problems. Both can lead to
mistake at work, poor quality and low productivity [4]. Temperature is an important inside environmental factor
which extensively influences the manufacturing output through its impact on workers and productivity. High
temperatures may reduce manufacturing output by lowering worker productivity through heat stress [5]. At
present most of the machineries and manufacturing processes in the footwear and leather products industries
generate huge noise and temperature during the processing and fabrication of products. These pollutions such as
extensive noise, light and temperature not only create adverse effects on workers’ health but also deteriorate
products quality and productivity. The psychological effects of noise are more common compared to the
physical ones and they can be seen in the forms of annoyance, stress, anger and concentration disorders as well
as difficulties in resting and perception [6-8].
Footwear and leather products are subsectors of leather getting priority from the government as for
their high value addition. The world renowned shoe and goods brands like Timberland, Hush Puppies, Hugo
Boss, Bass, Picard and Armani etc. are sourcing their products from Bangladesh due to the best product quality
with low production cost. The direct employment of these footwear and leather products industries is
approximately 1,80,000 workers where 70% of the people are women. Most of the workers are leading to
temporary and permanent hearing losses due to expose of high noise at the work places. Proper analysis is of
utmost important to assess the indoor environmental pollution level of noise, temperature and light in the

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Assessment Of Noise, Temperature, Light Intensity And Their Impacts On Workers In Footwea..

footwear and leather products industries. Therefore, effective information is essential for the industry’s to take
proper action in preventing pollution by maintaining exact quality of products and good health of workers. In
this research, the current indoor environmental (physical) factors such as noise, temperature and light intensity
have been measured and determined the effects of these factors on workers.

II. Materials And Methods

The analysis and evaluation of noise level, temperature range and light intensity were measured in twenty (20)
footwear and leather products industries during July to September 2017, in Bangladesh. The geographical
location of these industries (A, B, C… S, T) is presented in figure 1.

Figure 1: Geographical locations of the study area

2.1 Instruments
Digital sound level meter (Model SM 100) was used to measure noise level with measuring range 30dB to
130dB, accuracy ± 1.5 dB. Digital lux meter (Model Lx1010BS) is a device that determined the amount of
light level with the range of 0 to 100000 lux at operating temperature 0 ̊C to 40 C
̊ . Temperature meter with
measuring range of -20 C̊ to 50 C
̊ was deployed for assessing and recording temperature.

2.2 Measurement of Noise

Noise level was measured in decibel, by holding the digital sound level meter at the height of 2 meter from
various production floor such as cutting, sewing, soling, lasting, roughing, finishing and generator area
respectively. Measurement was taken seven times at each section at different intervals of time from 9.00 am to
5.00 pm.

2.3 Measurement of Light

The light intensity of production floor in the footwear and leather products industries was determined in lux unit
by holding the light meter at the height of 2 meter from production floor in individual experimental departments.
The measurement was carried out seven times at each section at different intervals of time from 9.00 am to 5.00

2.4 Measurement of Temperature

The temperature range of the industries at different departments was measured in Degree Celsius maintaining
the same procedures mentioned above at different intervals of time from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm.

2.5 Data Analysis

The measured data of noise, temperature and light was processed and analyzed with computer program
Microsoft excels. The minimum value of an individual department was calculated by finding with the average
value from all of observed minimum data. The maximum value of each department was also calculated
following the same procedure mentioned above. The average value of an individual department was determined
considering the minimum and maximum value.

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Assessment Of Noise, Temperature, Light Intensity And Their Impacts On Workers In Footwea..

A questionnaire was prepared to collect data regarding noise, temperature, and light related annoyances
and type of annoyances. The number of workers from different departments participated in the interview were
280 and the resultant data was then analyzed and evaluated.
III. Results And Discussion
1.1. Noise Level
The industrial activities generate noise but it may differ from one department to another. The noise levels were
measured in twenty footwear and leather products industries at different intervals of time in a day at different
sections that are depicted intable1. Among the seven departments of the industries, the lowest average noise was
found in the cutting department (78.55 dB) and the highest average noise level was found in the generator area
and that was 102.77dB.

Table1: Noise level at different departments

Departments Min (dB) Max (dB) Average (dB)

Cutting 74.13 82.98 78.55

Sewing 80.78 88.16 84.47
Soling 83.67 91.03 87.35
Lasting 84.45 91.52 87.98
Roughing 80.82 85.52 83.17
Finishing 76.43 81.86 79.14
Generator Area 100.08 105.47 102.77

The noise is produced from different sources within and across the footwear and leather products
industries. The study found that the dominant sources of noise inside the industries were generators,
compressors, hammering, roughing, sewing, skiving, toe lasting, seat and side lasting since many of the
machineries used by the industries generated noise exceeding acceptable limits (75 dB) set by the Bangladesh’s
Department of Environment (DOE). Figure 2 shows the minimum and maximum values of individual
departments and standard limits of noise level for industrial area. The standard limit of noise for industrial area
is 75 dB at day time and 70 dB at night time. From the figure 2, it is clear that among the seven departments of
the selected factories, the maximum noise (105.47 dB) generated in the generator area and minimum noise level
(74.13 dB) was found in the cutting department. The noise pollution level at sewing and soling departments
were compiled and it was found the maximum values 88.16 dB in sewing and 91.03 dB in soling department
whereas the minimum values for these two departments were 80.78 dB and 83.67 dB respectively. Likewise, the
noise pollution in both lasting and roughing departments were determined 84.45 dB, 80.82 dB as minimum and
91.52 dB, 85.52 dB as maximum values. On the contrary, the minimum and maximum noise pollution in the
finishing department were noticed as 76.43 dB and 81.86 dB.

Figure 2: Noise level of different sections of footwear and leather products industries

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Assessment Of Noise, Temperature, Light Intensity And Their Impacts On Workers In Footwea..

1.2. Temperature
Temperature is a very critical pollution for the industry because higher temperature is hazard and hampers the
regular activities and productivity. The recorded temperature ranges of the sample footwear and leather products
industries are presented in the table 2. The lowest average temperature was found in finishing department (32.8
C) and the highest average temperature was in the lasting section (34.90C).

Table 2: Temperature range at different departments

Departments Min (0C) Max (0C ) Average (0C)
Cutting 31.5 34.7 33.1
Sewing 31.8 34.6 33.2
Soling 32.4 36.1 34.25
Lasting 33.4 36.4 34.9
Roughing 32.3 35.8 34.05
Finishing 31.9 33.7 32.8
Generator Area 32.5 34.8 33.65

The possible temperature sources in the industries were noticed and that were generated from heat setting, heat
reactivation, lasting and few manufacturing machineries. The figure 3 indicates the minimum and maximum
values of temperature for seven individual departments in the sample industries.

Figure 3: Temperature range of different sections of footwear and leather products industries

The minimum and maximum temperatures evolved in the cutting section were 31.5 0C and 34.7 0C successively
while these values were 33.4 0C and 36.4 0C in the lasting department where lasted upper and bottom part
attached together. Similarly, sewing, soling, roughing, finishing and generator departments discharges the
minimum temperature of 31.8 0C, 32.4 0C, 32.3 0C, 31.9 0C and 32.5 0C and maximum of 34.6 0C, 36.1 0C, 35.8
C, 33.7 0C and 34.8 0C respectively. Temperature range is a bit more in lasting department compared to the
other departments of footwear and leather products industry.

1.3. Light Intensity

Proper lighting is essential for the production floor to perform visual work efficiently and enhance the
productivity by maintaining product quality. The light intensity of production floor at different departments in
footwear and leather products industry is described in the table 3. It is observed that among the seven
departments of the industries, the lowest and highest average light intensity were recorded in cutting department
and generator area; and the value were found to be 234.5 lux and 445 lux respectively. According to
Bangladesh National Code 2011, standard light intensity for shoe manufacturing (Leather) industry is 450 lux
for sewing, soling, roughing and generator area;

Table 3: Light intensity at different departments

Departments Min (Lux) Max (Lux) Average (Lux)

Cutting 275 615 445

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Assessment Of Noise, Temperature, Light Intensity And Their Impacts On Workers In Footwea..

Sewing 217 408 312.5

Soling 213 360 286.5
Lasting 227 495 361
Roughing 248 405 326.5
Finishing 225 480 352.5
Generator Area 179 290 234.5

600 lux for lasting and finishing section [09]. The figure 4 exhibits the minimum and maximum values of
individual departments and standard limit of light intensity for shoe manufacturing (Leather) industry. The
minimum light intensity of individual departments such as cutting, sewing, soling, roughening, finishing and
generator area were found 275,217, 213, 227, 248, 225 and 179 lux respectively. The maximum light intensity
was recorded 615 lux in cutting department, 408 lux in sewing, 360 lux in soling, 495 lux in lasting, 405 lux in
roughing, 480 lux in finishing and 290 lux in generator area. Hence the highest and lowest light intensities are
found in the cutting section and in the generator room successively.

Figure 4: Light intensity of different sections in footwear and leather products industries

3.4 Annoyances from Noise and Temperature

Noise and temperature are the major pollutants for the footwear and leather products industries that can interfere
workers efficiency and productivity and eventually deteriorate health of the worker both physically and
psychologically. The levels of disturbances from industrial noise are given in table 4. In general, about 86.43%
workers (among 280 participants) have complaint about high level of noise in the production floor. When all the
departments are considered individually; a relationship can be established between the annoyance and exposure
to noise in the workplaces. It has been observed that all 20 participants complained against the over sound of
generator area and this was quoted 102.77 dB. The minimum sound (78.55 dB) was found in cutting department
and the complaints were also comparatively less than that of other departments.

Table 4: Annoyance from noise at different departments in the industries

Annoyance from noise
Participants Yes % No % No Opinion %
Cutting 60 47 78.33 3 5.00 10 16.66
Sewing 60 52 86.66 2 3.33 6 10
Soling 40 38 95.00 2 5.00 0 00
Lasting 40 37 92.5 0 00 3 7.50
Roughing 30 29 96.66 1 3.33 0 00
Finishing 30 19 63.33 7 23.33 4 13.33
Generator Area 20 20 100 0 00 0 00
Total 280 242 86.43 15 5.36 23 8.21

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Assessment Of Noise, Temperature, Light Intensity And Their Impacts On Workers In Footwea..

The level of annoyance due to the temperature is shown in table 5 and it is found that 38.93% of workers had
complaints about high level of temperature in the production floor. The highest level of complaint came from
generator room (75.93%) and about 70% workers’ complaints from the roughing department (as shown in table
Table 5: Annoyance from Temperature at different departments in the industries
Departments Annoyance from Temperature
Participants Yes % No % No %
Cutting 60 09 15.00 33 55.00 18 30.00
Sewing 60 13 21.66 38 63.33 9 15
Soling 40 25 62.50 10 25.00 5 12.5
Lasting 40 24 60.00 8 20.00 8 20.00
Roughing 30 21 70.00 4 13.33 5 16.66
Finishing 30 2 6.66 22 73.33 6 20.00
Generator Area 20 15 75.00 3 15.00 2 10.00
Total 280 109 38.93 118 42.14 53 18.93

The workers had been asked about their type of annoyance such as headache, nervousness, insomnia and eye
strain. 23.21% of workers responding to this question have complained about headache. Roughing is identified
as the most vulnerable department in the footwear and leather products industries since 53.33% complaints has
arisen due to headache from this department. From the following data in the table 6 it was revealed that 17.50%
workers have complained about nervousness, 13.57% about insomnia and 13.92% about eye strain respectively.

Table 6: Annoyances observed by workers in footwear and leather products industries

Departments Participants Headache Nervousness Insomnia Eye strain
N % N % N % N %
Cutting 60 11 18.33 7 11.66 12 20 3 5

Sewing 60 10 16.66 7 11.66 6 10 6 10

Soling 40 7 17.5 8 20 6 15 8 20

Lasting 40 12 30 10 25 4 10 5 12.5

Roughing 30 16 53.33 5 16.66 4 13.33 11 36.66

Finishing 30 5 16.66 7 23.33 3 10 6 20

Generator area 20 4 20 5 25 3 15 0 0

Total 280 65 23.21 49 17.50 38 13.57 39 13.92

IV. Conclusion
Noise, extensive temperature and improper light intensity are imperceptible enemies for the footwear
and leather products industries and most of the industries are not concerned about these complications. This
study results disclosed that the existing noise pollution levels in the footwear and leather products industries far
exceeds the standards limits (75 dB) set by Bangladesh’s Department of Environments (DOE). During analyzing
the data, it was found that the average noise level in the workplaces was between 78.55 dB and 102.77 dB and
86.43% of workers in the industries were annoyed from the noise in their workplaces. It was also unfolded that
the temperature was more than the normal room temperature (250C) and light intensity was lower than the
standard limits for the shoe and leather goods manufacturing industry. The maximum temperature was found
36.4 0C at lasting department and minimum 31.5 0C at cutting department; and 38.93% of the workers in the
workplaces were disturbed by the effect of high temperature. The average light intensity was observed between
234.5 lux and 445 lux in the working floor. These factors caused the problem of headache on 23.21% workers.
These are the indoor environmental scenarios of footwear and leather products industries in Bangladesh which
are great threats to workers health, productivity and product quality. The impacts of the indoor environmental
factors should immediately be addressed and proper mitigation must be taken to improve the health condition of
the workers and productivity as well.

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Assessment Of Noise, Temperature, Light Intensity And Their Impacts On Workers In Footwea..

The authors wish to acknowledge Bangladesh Tanners Association (BTA) for instrumental support, the
sample footwear and leather products industries for giving scope to carry out the experiment and the participants
who gave the information regarding health problems.

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Amal Kanti Deb. “Assessment of Noise, Temperature, Light Intensity And Their Impacts on
Workers In Footwear And Leather Products Industries of Bangladesh." IOSR Journal of
Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology (IOSR-JESTFT) 12.3 (2018): 25-

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