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Unit : seven History Lesson: Abduction of Democracy and Ban on Political Parties

1. What happened on 1st poush 2017? Why is the date considered as a Black Day in the history of
 King mahendra dismissed the first elected government of Nepal, suspended the
parliament, and imprisoned the prime minister B.P. Koirala and other leaders of Nepali
Congress,political activists and took the sole power in his hands using article 55 of the
constitution of Nepal,2015 with false charges. The day Poush 1 is is known as the Black Day
in the history of Nepal since 10 years long democracy brought down by the huge sacrifice
of the people was seized and afterward partyless panchayat system was imposed in the
nation. Abducting the elected government was by no means a democratic step. King
Mahendra became jealous with the popularity of B.P. Koirala and became ambitious for
absolute power and privilege. This day lead to bring the Partyless Panchayat system in the
country which abdicated people’s freedom and rights and created chaos in the society.

2. Write the blames announced by the King Mahendra on political parties? ( Why he banned
 The blames announced by the King Mahendra on political parties were:
 Corruption has increased because of the misuse of the authority
 National Unity is threatened because of the anarchy in the nation
 Random economic decisions have caused instability
 Government was unable to solve the problems of the people and failed to
maintain the law and order and sovereignty of the country.

3. Why was King Mahendra very ambitious king?

 King Mahendra was a very ambitious king because he was not satisfied by the democratic
rule. He disliked the popular government formed on the premiership of B.P. Koirala. He
disliked his popularity too who was the administrator but he thought he was the head of
the state. So, he dismissed the elected government, suspended the parliament and
Imprisoned B.P. Koirala using the article 55 of the constitution. He wanted to rule himself
by seizing the democracy. He wanted to prove that democratic leaders were not
experienced and good to administer the country to solve the problems of the people. He
came to active state affairs by introducing the Partyless Panchayat system.

4. Why did king Mahendra impose ban on political parties in 2017 B.S.?
The King imposed ban on the political parties because of the following reasons:
 He was an ambitious leader who wanted to be active in state affairs
 There was no unity among the political parties
 The congress party had became arrogant after it’s landslide victory in the first general
election with 2/3rd majority and opposition parties were very weak.
 Corruption, lawlessness and disorder had all been growing for a decade.
 He disliked the multi party system and was hugely inspired by China’s Party less system.

5. List out the Major educational achievements made by Nepal during 2007-1017.

4. Despite political instability that prevailed in the country, there were some educational
achievements made by Nepal. They are:
 Literacy rate which was 2% before 2007 had increased.
 Common people had gone chance to go to schools and colleges
 English medium schools were opened throughout the country
 Tribhuwan University was established in 2016 B.S.
 National education planning commission was established in 2011 B.S. to reform the
education sector.
 Technical institute was established with German’s government help.

6. List out the economic achievements made by Nepal between 2007-2017.

5. Economic achievements during 2007-2017 were:

 Nepal Industrial Development corporation was established to develop the industries of
 Nepal Rastra Bank was established on 14 th Baisakh 2013 B.S.
 Annual budget was presented for the first time In Nepal in 2008 Magh 21 st
 Five year plan was declared on 22nd Ashoj 2013 and started the planned development of
the country.
 Indian Rupees exchange rate’s was kept 100 for Rs. 160 Nepali rupees and uniformity was
brought in the use of money.

7. List out some of the Social achievements during 2007-2017 B.S.

6. The social achievements during 2007-2017 were:

 Civil service act was implemented from 22 nd Bhadra 2013
 Birta system was abolished from 19th poush 2016
 Royal Nepal airlines was established in Ashoj 27, 2016
 The forests were nationalized
 Koshi agreement was done on 12th Baisakh 2011 and Gandaki agreement was done on 19 th
Mangsir 2016
 Radio Nepal was established on 20th Chaitra 2007
 Nepal became the member of United Nations on 14 th December 1955
 First general election was held on 7th Falgun 2015

8. Against the general expectation, why socio- economic development couldn’t take place in 2007-2017?

7. With the end of democracy and end of 104 year long autocratic Rana regime, the general
people had been hopeful for major socio- economic development in the country. But it
couldn’t take a pace because of the following reasons-
There was no unity among the agents of change- the political parties and the king
The democratic system was new and they were n’t experienced in handling it smoothly
There was extreme form of political instability owing to 10 governments in 10 years
There was lack of budget and infrastructures for new projects and programs with lack of skilled
manpower too.

9. What is meant by Birta abolition? Why was it felt necessary in those days?

8. Birta means the land that is obtained from the government as recognition to one’s bravery
which is not taxable. It prevailed in Nepal for a long time under feudal administrative system. It
was abolished on 19th poush 2016 B.S. During the time of B.P. Koirala’s premiership, 36 % of
the total land of Nepal was Birta. It was necessary because the democratic system was
introduced in the country and the government was based on fairness, justice and equality. It
had two advantages. One the farmers got the ownership of the land and the national income
also increased in the form of tax.

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