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Publisher: Louisa B. Hellegers
Development Editors: Gino Mastascusa, Barbara Barysh, /anet Johnston
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© 1998 by Prentice Hall Regents

A Pearson Education Company
10 Bank Street
White Plains, NY 10606

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be

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Printed in the United States of America

10 9 8 7

)dL1CtlO]'1S and Greetings identify self; introduce self and others; understand and use
formal and informal introductions and leave takings 2
More About You ask and tell about basic personal information and reasons
for studying English 6

Congratulations extend congratulations in appropriate situations; compare

cross-cultural customs 10
Apologies extend apologies in appropriate situations; compare
cross-cultural customs 12
Good and Bad Manners compare and contrast polite and impolite behavior across cultures 14:
Helping Each Other offer and ask for help in various situations; compare cross-cultural
customs 16
Expressing Sympathy extend sympathy in appropriate situations; compare cross-cultural
customs 20
Review 22

Daily Life 0 conrpare and contrast differing lifestyles; clarify and/or reconfirm

pers<mal lifestyle

Favorite Fonds com;pare and contrast food preferences; explain and introduce
pars:)nal food preferences 26
Personality Characteristics 0 iden tify and discuss various characteristics of personality; explain
own personality characteristics 28
Friends 0
com]pare and contrast positive and negative aspects of friendship;
exp]:ain opinions about friendship 30
aska nd answer questions about childhood memories 32

Childhood Memories 0

Cultural Identity iden tify and discuss cultural traits and traditions; compare and
cont rast cultural differences: explain own cultural heritage 34

Life Story 0 ask a nd answer questions about personal experiences; share

pers(Jnal stories 36
Future Plans, Hopes,
and Dxeams exp]:sin and ask about future goals and ways of reaching them 38
Learning Styles 0 iden tify and discuss characteristics of various learning styles;
clarilfy and/or reconfirm personal preferred learning style; discuss
langiuage learning skills 40
Fa milies 0
identify and discuss family members and roles in the family; share
personal family memories 44
Falling in Love compare ar1d contrast personal and cross-cultural perspectives on courtship 46
Marriage Identify and CllSCUSS common milestones in marriage; share Opln10l'lS
about marriage 48

Having a Baby identify and discuss common preparations for having a baby and experiences
with babies SO

Growing Up identify and discuss contrasting lifestyles and problems of adolescence; share
and compare experiences as adolescents 52

Parenting identify and discuss common problems or parenting; clarify, share, and/or
reconfirm personal opinions about disciplining children 54
After School compare and contrast supervised and unsupervised behavior of children after
school; discuss ways for parents to be involved in children's education outside
school; discuss community programs for learning English and for special
learning problems 56
Divorce a identify and discuss causes for divorce across cultures and legal solutions to
marital problems 58
Growing Old identify and discuss problems and pleasures of growing old 60
Review 62
UN’? 4;»: CQMMW AND conisuioxfi-R uee

Around Town ask foxrand give directions to places in the community; identify
places on a map; share experiences in a new place 64
Community Services identi fy and discuss local community services and volunteer
oppcu-1Lunities across cultures 66
Utility Services identi fy and discuss local utility needs and services; explain
proble ms and request help for repairs 68
Mailing Services identi‘{y and discuss available mailing options; compare and
contra st different methods of communication; discuss mailing
servicz*5 across cultures 70
Telephone Services identilfy and discuss available telephone service options; compare
teleph one experiences 72
Shopping in Today’s World identilfy and discuss available shopping options; share shopping
experilences and preferences 74
Shopping for Clothes comp:ire and contrast clothing style preferences and store
selectil0115 76
Returns and Exchanges identilEy and discuss reasons and procedures (or returning and/or
exchaxiging purchases or gifts 78
School and Community identilfy and discuss parental involvement in schools, school
discipl ine, rules and regulations, dress codes, and extra~curricular
activit ies across cultures 80
Lifelong Learning identiiiy and discuss possibilities for adult higher education and
trainirlg; compare and contrast educational goals across cultures 82
Recreation identilfy and discuss varieties of local recreation opportunities and
personial recreation preferences S4
Review 86
%—‘l‘/’ll*lG HEALTHY 3'7
COMPETENCY OBJECTIVES PAGE*u zmd vonlrasl gonal and lxzul )1. Hill ;vmr:ucL ' ‘

. .
l1<‘.’1lrl1—g.’.lL‘ llalwm 85 )

I ltlcnlzhr and (llsum m1t<l<>m‘ health ha:/_ rd», pm 1u(im1s.u11n1


- Coxnpam and cunlraat hmnt‘ I'§'ll'lU(ll0s acmw cl1ll'ur(’3: ask and tell
;<.huutporson;1l hnmc remedies , Z
0 identify and diam x hvallh plohlelns and llealth care acroxa cultures;
10%| about an c\_l)y .ce with 3 health pL‘0l'»k'll7 94

- (llscms procedur s and ex Werioncex '»\'lll1 health care

express upiuimxs about treating ljL1tiCI‘t.\‘
for emargcn<:io ~

- idu\l'i1\’:1 ml dxscuss procedures and question: for filling and refilling;

pr:-sp lpliom and lm, ‘ng mxirivlonal suppl:*n\{-nts and over-tl1t~
cmxmvr Llrugx at a pharmacy cmnparc and contrast pl\arn1acic§ and
Asnrlptinn drugs across cultures: compare and L'Ol1ll'dSt\’al‘l(,>LlS
imm sold at at pllemxmcy 98

- inlL-nliiy ml dlecuss cmnmun lmuselmld pnisons and procedures

lor u‘]g with a lmimn exxwrgomy 100

- i:lcnm_\ :1 .21 LllSL'U\§[1f()l)l€UlV \\'hirh Loumeling can help snllc‘;

dlsnm mum] pmblcms and l‘(‘S\)1l1‘U‘S a\ allahle to lzelp salvo them
pmhlulm acrmx cultures 102
‘VF \

UNIT 6: Housm;>lG W3”


Places to Live
- pare and contrast advantages ind
com] disadvantages of living
different locations, kinds of housing, and renting or buying
a ho-

Inside Your Home discp special individual housing needs, explain decorating
zrences 108
Finding the Right Home readand discuss ddS for housing; discuss what to look for when
.)¢ renting an apartment or buying a house 110
Uuhty Problems I dlSCl155 mistakes people maxe with utilities and how to avoid
3 problems, discuss different kinds of heating and air
com?litioning across cultures 112
lcnants and Landlords compare
| and contrast rights and responsibilities of tenants and
la mllords; discuss problems between tenants and landlords and
recolnmend solutions 114
Insuring Your Property ' {if} and discuss common problems resulting in property
age or loss; discuss insurance coverage across cultures
dam; 110
Moving 0 tify and discuss reasons for moving and the process and

problems of moving: ask and tell about experiences with moving

Answering the Door iden'

tify and discuss reasons why people come to your door and
:m say when thev do
whal 120
Nerghborhood Problems 0 my and discuss neighborhood problems and solutions in
general and in your neighborhood in particular; find out what

vourcommunity is doing to solve the problems

Neighborhood lmprovemen ts tify and discuss neighborhood improvements; discuss ways

2 neighborly, compare and contrast neighborhoods and
to bk
“HJOYS across cultures 124
Rcvinw 126


Commuting idem _v zliiferent forms of commuting; discuss advantages and

disadvantages nf each 128
Learning to Drive discuss procedures and problems of lear ning to drive and taking
driving tests 130
Driving Problems idemify and discuss common problems 01 driving, what to do about
them, and how to avoid them; cliswss .' In automobile insurance poiicy 132

Buying a Car discuss preferences and priorities in sele cting a car‘ and what to do and _

say when buying an car 154

On Vacation compare preferences for vacation travel, state own travel wishes OI plans 136
Traveling by Car identify and discuss procedures and mg might: of long-(listance car travel;
compare and contrast car travel across (‘uitures 138
Bus and Train Tra\ el discuss advantage: and disadvarrtages 01rhus and train transportation; ask
and answer questions about personal erzperiences with buses and trains 140
Air Travel identify and discuss pmccdurcs and con imon problems associated with
air travel


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