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Constitutional Law 1 (JD)

Tuesday (6:00PM – 9:00PM)

Atty. Madel P. Villaroman-Fiel

3) The presidential communications
privilege remains a qualified privilege
Sections 1 to 23 of Article VII of the 1987 that may be overcome by a showing of
Philippine Constitution adequate need, such that the
information sought "likely contains
Romulo L. Neri vs. Senate Committee important evidence" and by the
on Accountability of Public Officers unavailability of the information
elsewhere by an appropriate
and Investigations, et al., G.R. No.
investigating authority.
180643, March 25, 2008
In the case at bar, Executive Secretary Ermita
There are two (2) kinds of executive privilege; premised his claim of executive privilege on the
one is the presidential communications ground that the communications elicited by the
privilege and, the other is the deliberative three (3) questions "fall under conversation and
process privilege. correspondence between the President and public
officials" necessary in "her executive and policy
Presidential communications privilege applies decision-making process" and, that "the
to decision-making of the President while, the information sought to be disclosed might impair
deliberative process privilege, to decision- our diplomatic as well as economic relations with
making of executive officials. the People's Republic of China." Simply put, the
bases are presidential communications privilege
and executive privilege on matters relating to
The first is rooted in the constitutional diplomacy or foreign relations.
principle of separation of power and the
President's unique constitutional role; the Using the above elements, we are convinced that,
second on common law privilege. Unlike the indeed, the communications elicited by the three
deliberative process privilege, the presidential (3) questions are covered by the presidential
communications privilege applies to communications privilege.
documents in their entirety, and covers final
and post-decisional materials as well as pre- First, the communications relate to a
deliberative ones. As a consequence, "quintessential and non-delegable power" of the
congressional or judicial negation of the President, i.e. the power to enter into an executive
agreement with other countries. This authority of
presidential communications privilege is
the President to enter into executive agreements
always subject to greater scrutiny than denial without the concurrence of the Legislature has
of the deliberative process privilege. traditionally been recognized in Philippine
The elements of presidential communications
privilege, to wit: Second, the communications are "received" by a
close advisor of the President. Under the
1) The protected communication must "operational proximity" test, petitioner can be
relate to a "quintessential and non- considered a close advisor, being a member of
delegable presidential power." President Arroyo's cabinet.

Third, there is no adequate showing of a

2) The communication must be authored
compelling need that would justify the limitation of
or "solicited and received" by a close the privilege and of the unavailability of the
advisor of the President or the President information elsewhere by an appropriate
himself. The judicial test is that an investigating authority.
advisor must be in "operational Akbayan Citizens Action Party
proximity" with the President.
Constitutional Law 1 (JD)
Tuesday (6:00PM – 9:00PM)
Atty. Madel P. Villaroman-Fiel

(AKBAYAN), et al., vs. Thomas G. deliberation which, in pursuit of the public interest,
Aquino, et al., G.R. No. 170516, July must be presumed confidential.
16, 2008*
Clearly, the privilege accorded to diplomatic
Privileged character of diplomatic negotiations follows as a logical consequence
negotiations from the privileged character of the
deliberative process.
In PMPF vs. Manglapus, the Court stressed the
“secrecy of negotiations” with foreign countries There being a public policy supporting a
is not violative of the constitutional provisions privilege for diplomatic negotiations for the
of freedom of speech or of the press nor of the reasons explained above, the Court sees no
freedom of access to information." The reason to modify, much less abandon, the
Resolution went on to state, thus: doctrine in PMPF vs. Manglapus.

The nature of diplomacy requires Whether there is sufficient public interest to

centralization of authority and expedition of overcome the claim of privilege
decision which are inherent in executive
action. Another essential characteristic of It being established that diplomatic
diplomacy is its confidential nature. negotiations enjoy a presumptive privilege
against disclosure, even against the demands of
Applying the principles adopted in PMPF vs. members of Congress for information, the
Manglapus, it is clear that while the final text of the Court shall now determine whether petitioners
JPEPA may not be kept perpetually confidential – have shown the existence of a public interest
since there should be "ample opportunity for sufficient to overcome the privilege in this
discussion before [a treaty] is approved" – instance.
the offers exchanged by the parties during the
negotiations continue to be privileged even after To clarify, there are at least two kinds of public
the JPEPA is published. It is reasonable to conclude interest that must be taken into account. One is
that the Japanese representatives submitted their
the presumed public interest in favor of
offers with the understanding that "historic
confidentiality" would govern the same. Disclosing keeping the subject information confidential,
these offers could impair the ability of the which is the reason for the privilege in the first
Philippines to deal not only with Japan but with place, and the other is the public interest in
other foreign governments in future negotiations. favor of disclosure, the existence of which must
be shown by the party asking for information.
The earlier discussion on PMPF vs. Manglapus
shows that the privilege for diplomatic negotiations The deliberative process privilege is a qualified
is meant to encourage a frank exchange of privilege and can be overcome by a sufficient
exploratory ideas between the negotiating parties showing of need. This need determination is to
by shielding such negotiations from public view. be made flexibly on a case-by-case, ad hoc
Similar to the privilege for presidential
basis – a balancing of competing interests
communications, the diplomatic negotiations
privilege seeks, through the same means, to protect taking into account factors such as "the
the independence in decision-making of the relevance of the evidence," "the availability of
President, particularly in its capacity as "the sole other evidence," "the seriousness of the
organ of the nation in its external relations, and its litigation," "the role of the government," and
sole representative with foreign nations." And, as the "possibility of future timidity by
with the deliberative process privilege, the privilege government employees.
accorded to diplomatic negotiations arises, not on
account of the content of the information per se, Petitioners have failed to present the strong and
but because the information is part of a process of "sufficient showing of need" referred to in the
Constitutional Law 1 (JD)
Tuesday (6:00PM – 9:00PM)
Atty. Madel P. Villaroman-Fiel

immediately cited cases. The arguments they President UNTIL the President-elect
proffer to establish their entitlement to the subject shall have qualified.
documents fall short of this standard.
President shall not have been chosen:
Vice President-elect shall ACT as
SECTION 7 – Rules For Filling A Vacancy At President UNTIL a President shall have
The Beginning Of The Term been chosen and qualified.

The President-elect and the Vice President-elect In case of default of both President and
shall assume office at the beginning of their terms. Vice President by any of the reason
If the President-elect fails to qualify, the Vice provided: The President of the Senate or
President-elect shall act as President until the the Speaker of the House of
President-elect shall have qualified. Representatives, as the case may be,
shall ACT as President or Vice-
If a President shall not have been chosen, the Vice
President-elect shall act as President until a
President shall have been chosen and qualified.
In the event of inability of the officials
If at the beginning of the term of the President, the mentioned, Congress may, by law,
President-elect shall have died or shall have provide for the manner of selection of
become permanently disabled, the Vice President- the person who will act as President or
elect shall become President. Vice President.

Where no President and Vice-President shall have

been chosen or shall have qualified, or where both SECTION 8 – Rules For Filling A Vacancy
shall have died or become permanently disabled,
the President of the Senate or, in case of his During The Term
inability, the Speaker of the House of
Representatives, shall act as President until a 1. Death, permanent disability, removal
President or a Vice-President shall have been from office or resignation of the
chosen and qualified. President: Vice President shall become
the President.
The Congress shall, by law, provide for the manner
in which one, who is to act as President shall be Constructive Resignation
selected until a President or a Vice-President shall
have qualified, in case of death, permanent
disability, or inability of the officials mentioned in Joseph E. Estrada vs. Aniano
the next preceding paragraph. Desierto, et al., G.R. No. 146710-15,
March 2, 2001 (supra.)
Significance of the Provision
Joseph E. Estrada vs. Gloria
1. The President has no right to “hold Macapagal-Arroyo, G.R. No. 146738,
over.” March 2, 2001
2. Death or permanent disability of the FACTS
President-elect: Vice President-elect Petitioner denies he resigned as President or that
shall become President. he suffers from a permanent disability. Hence, he
submits that the office of the President was not
Failure of the President-elect to qualify: vacant when respondent Arroyo took her oath as
Vice President-elect shall ACT as President.

Constitutional Law 1 (JD)
Tuesday (6:00PM – 9:00PM)
Atty. Madel P. Villaroman-Fiel

The issue brings under the microscope the meaning Using this totality test, we hold that
of section 8, Article VII of the Constitution, which petitioner resigned as President.
In sum, we hold that the resignation of the
"Sec. 8. In case of death, permanent disability, petitioner cannot be doubted. It was confirmed by
removal from office or resignation of the President, his leaving Malacañang. In the press release
the Vice President shall become the President to containing his final statement, (1) he acknowledged
serve the unexpired term. In case of death, the oath-taking of the respondent as President of
permanent disability, removal from office, or the Republic albeit with reservation about its
resignation of both the President and Vice legality; (2) he emphasized he was leaving the
President, the President of the Senate or, in case of Palace, the seat of the presidency, for the sake of
his inability, the Speaker of the House of peace and in order to begin the healing process of
Representatives, shall then act as President until our nation. He did not say he was leaving the
the President or Vice President shall have been Palace due to any kind inability and that he was
elected and qualified." going to re-assume the presidency as soon as the
disability disappears: (3) he expressed his gratitude
ISSUE to the people for the opportunity to serve them.
The issue then is whether the petitioner Without doubt, he was referring to the past
resigned as President or should be considered opportunity given him to serve the people as
resigned as of January 20, 2001 when President (4) he assured that he will not shirk from
respondent took her oath as the 14th President any future challenge that may come ahead in the
of the Public. same service of our country. Petitioner's reference
is to a future challenge after occupying the office of
the president, which he has given up; and (5) he
called on his supporters to join him in the
Resignation is not a high level legal promotion of a constructive national spirit of
abstraction. It is a factual question and its reconciliation and solidarity. Certainly, the national
elements are beyond quibble: there must spirit of reconciliation and solidarity could not be
be an intent to resign and the intent attained if he did not give up the presidency. The
must be coupled by acts of press release was petitioner's valedictory, his final
relinquishment. The validity of a resignation act of farewell. His presidency is now in the part
is not government by any formal requirement tense.
as to form. It can be oral. It can be written. It
can be express. It can be implied. As long as the The court declared that the elements of valid
resignation is clear, it must be given legal resignation are (1) intent to resign; and (2) act
effect. of relinquishment. Both were present when
President Estrada left the palace.
In the cases at bar, the facts show that
petitioner did not write any formal letter of 2. Death, permanent disability, removal
resignation before he evacuated Malacañang from office or resignation of the
Palace in the afternoon of January 20, 2001 President and Vice President: the Senate
after the oath-taking of respondent Arroyo. President or, in case of his inability the
Consequently, whether or not petitioner Speaker of the House of
resigned has to be determined from his act and Representatives, shall act as President
omissions before, during and after January 20, until a President or Vice President shall
2001 or by the totality of prior, be elected and qualified
contemporaneous and posterior facts Civil Liberties Union vs. The
and circumstantial evidence bearing a Executive Secretary, G.R. No. 83896,
material relevance on the issue. February 22, 1991

Constitutional Law 1 (JD)
Tuesday (6:00PM – 9:00PM)
Atty. Madel P. Villaroman-Fiel

The threshold question therefore is: Does the sweeping, all-embracing prohibitions imposed
prohibition in Section 13, Article VII of the on the President and his official family, which
1987 Constitution insofar as Cabinet members, prohibitions are not similarly imposed on other
their deputies or assistants are concerned public officials or employees such as the
admit of the broad exceptions made for Members of Congress, members of the civil
appointive officials in general under Section 7, service in general and members of the armed
par. (2), Article IX-B which, for easy reference forces, are proof of the intent of the 1987
is quoted anew, thus: "Unless otherwise Constitution to treat the President and his
allowed by law or by the primary functions of official family as a class by itself and to impose
his position, no appointive official shall hold upon said class stricter prohibitions.
any other office or employment in the
Government or any subdivision, agency or Thus, while all other appointive officials in the
instrumentality thereof, including government- civil service are allowed to hold other office or
owned or controlled corporation or their employment in the government during their
subsidiaries?" tenure when such is allowed by law or by the
primary functions of their positions, members
HELD of the Cabinet, their deputies and assistants
We rule in the negative. may do so only when expressly authorized by
the Constitution itself. In other words, Section
It is quite notable that in all these provisions 7, Article IX-B is meant to lay down the general
on disqualifications to hold other office or rule applicable to all elective and appointive
employment, the prohibition pertains to an public officials and employees, while Section
office or employment in the government and 13, Article VII is meant to be the exception
government-owned or controlled corporations applicable only to the President, the Vice-
or their subsidiaries. In striking contrast is the President, Members of the Cabinet, their
wording of Section 13, Article VII which states deputies and assistants.
that "The President, Vice-President, the
Members of the Cabinet, and their deputies or This being the case, the qualifying phrase
assistants shall not, unless otherwise provided "unless otherwise provided in this
in this Constitution, hold any other office or Constitution" in Section 13, Article VII cannot
employment during their tenure." In the latter possibly refer to the broad exceptions provided
provision, the disqualification is absolute, not under Section 7, Article IX-B of the 1987
being qualified by the phrase "in the Constitution. To construe said qualifying
Government." The prohibition imposed on the phrase as respondents would have us do, would
President and his official family is therefore all- render nugatory and meaningless the manifest
embracing and covers both public and private intent and purpose of the framers of the
office or employment. Constitution to impose a stricter prohibition on
the President, Vice-President, Members of the
Going further into Section 13, Article VII, the Cabinet, their deputies and assistants with
second sentence provides: "They shall not, respect to holding other offices or employment
during said tenure, directly or indirectly, in the government during their tenure.
practice any other profession, participate in
any business, or be financially interested in any The prohibition against holding dual or
contract with, or in any franchise, or special multiple offices or employment under Section
privilege granted by the Government or any 13, Article VII of the Constitution must not,
subdivision, agency or instrumentality thereof, however, be construed as applying to posts
including government-owned or controlled occupied by the Executive officials specified
corporations or their subsidiaries." These therein without additional compensation in an
Constitutional Law 1 (JD)
Tuesday (6:00PM – 9:00PM)
Atty. Madel P. Villaroman-Fiel

ex-officio capacity as provided by law and as
required by the primary functions of said POWERS OF THE PRESIDENT
officials' office. The reason is that these posts
do no comprise "any other office" within the A. Executive Power
contemplation of the constitutional prohibition
but are properly an imposition of additional Cases:
duties and functions on said officials.

To reiterate, the prohibition under Section 13, National Electrification

Article VII is not to be interpreted as covering Administration vs. Court of Appeals,
positions held without additional G.R. No. 143481, February 15, 2002
compensation in ex-officio capacities as
provided by law and as required by the primary Under our system of government all executive
functions of the concerned official's office. The departments, bureaus and offices are under the
term ex-officio means "from office; by virtue of control of the President of the
office." It refers to an "authority derived from Philippines. This precept is embodied in
official character merely, not expressly Article VII, Section 17 of the Constitution,
conferred upon the individual character, but which provides as follows:
rather annexed to the official position." Ex-
officio likewise denotes an "act done in an “Sec. 17. The President shall have control of all
official character, or as a consequence of office, the executive departments, bureaus and
and without any other appointment or offices. He shall ensure that the laws be
authority than that conferred by the office." An faithfully executed.”
ex-officio member of a board is one who is a
member by virtue of his title to a certain office, The presidential power of control over the
and without further warrant or appointment. executive branch of government extends to all
executive employees from Cabinet Secretary to
The term "primary" used to describe the lowliest clerk. The constitutional vesture of
"functions" refers to the order of importance this power in the President is self-executing
and thus means chief or principal function. The and does not require statutory
term is not restricted to the singular but may implementation, nor may its exercise be
refer to the plural. The additional duties must limited, much less withdrawn, by the
not only be closely related to, but must be legislature.
required by the official's primary functions.
Executive officials who are subordinate to the
The ex-officio position being actually and in President should not trifle with the President’s
legal contemplation part of the principal office, constitutional power of control over the
it follows that the official concerned has no executive branch. There is only one Chief
right to receive additional compensation for his Executive who directs and controls the entire
services in the said position. The reason is that executive branch, and all other executive
these services are already paid for and covered officials must implement in good faith his
by the compensation attached to his principal directives and orders. This is necessary to
office. provide order, efficiency and coherence in
carrying out the plans, policies and programs
WHEREFORE, subject to the qualification of the executive branch.
above-stated, the petitions are GRANTED.
Executive Order No. 284 is hereby declared B. Residual Power
null and void and is accordingly set aside.
Constitutional Law 1 (JD)
Tuesday (6:00PM – 9:00PM)
Atty. Madel P. Villaroman-Fiel

Ferdinand E. Marcos, et al. vs. to the early 1900's, and the swing from the
Honorable Raul Manglapus, et al., presidency by commission to Lincoln's
G.R. No. 88211, September 15, 1989 dictatorship, he concluded that "what the
(Decision) and October 27, 1989 presidency is at any particular moment
(Resolution) depends in important measure on who is
The issue is basically one of power: whether or
not, in the exercise of the powers granted by The Power Involved
the Constitution, the President may prohibit
the Marcoses from returning to the The Constitution declares among the guiding
Philippines. principles that "the prime duty of the
Government is to serve and protect the people"
and that "the maintenance of peace and order,
Executive Power
the protection of life, liberty, and property, and
the promotion of the general welfare are
The Constitution provides that "the executive
essential for the enjoyment by all the people of
power shall be vested in the President of the
the blessings of democracy."
Philippines." However, it does not define what
is meant by executive power" although in the
Admittedly, service and protection of the
same article it touches on the exercise of
people, the maintenance of peace and order,
certain powers by the President, i.e., the power
the protection of life, liberty and property, and
of control over all executive departments,
the promotion of the general welfare are
bureaus and offices, the power to execute the
essentially ideals to guide governmental
laws, the appointing power, the powers under
the commander-in-chief clause, the power to
grant reprieves, commutations and pardons,
To the President, the problem is one of
the power to grant amnesty with the
balancing the general welfare and the
concurrence of Congress, the power to
common good against the exercise of rights of
contract or guarantee foreign loans, the
certain individuals. The power involved is the
power to enter into treaties or international
President's residual power to protect the
agreements, the power to submit the budget to
general welfare of the people. It is founded on
Congress, and the power to address Congress.
the duty of the President, as steward of the
people. It is a power borne by the President's
The inevitable question then arises: by
duty to preserve and defend the Constitution.
enumerating certain powers of the President
It also may be viewed as a power implicit in
did the framers of the Constitution intend that
the President's duty to take care that the laws
the President shall exercise those specific
are faithfully executed.
powers and no other? Are these enumerated
powers the breadth and scope of "executive
power"? Petitioners advance the view that the
President's powers are limited to those
specifically enumerated in the 1987
Constitution. Thus, they assert: "The President
has enumerated powers, and what is not SECTION 17 – Power of Control
enumerated is impliedly denied to her.
Lacson-Magallanes Co., Inc. vs. Jose
Reviewing how the powers of the U.S. Paño, G.R. No. L-27811, November 17,
President were exercised by the different 1967
persons who held the office from Washington
Constitutional Law 1 (JD)
Tuesday (6:00PM – 9:00PM)
Atty. Madel P. Villaroman-Fiel

al., G.R. No. L-30057, January 31,
Control simply means "the power of an officer 1984
to alter or modify or nullify or set aside what a
subordinate officer had done in the Meaning of Appointment
performance of his duties and to substitute the
judgment of the former for that of the latter." By "appointment" is meant the act of
designation by the executive officer, board or
The President is not expected to perform in body, to whom that power has been delegated,
person all the multifarious executive and of the individual who is to exercise the
administrative functions. The Office of the functions of a given office.
Executive Secretary is an auxiliary unit which
assists the President. The rule which has thus Mary Concepcion Bautista vs.
gained recognition is that "under our Senator Jovito Salonga, et al., G.R.
constitutional setup the Executive Secretary
No. 86439, April 13, 1989
who acts for and in behalf and by authority of
the President has an undisputed jurisdiction to
affirm, modify, or even reverse any order" that Second Sentence of Section 16
the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural
Resources, including the Director of Lands, The threshold question that has really come to
may issue. the fore is whether the President, subsequent
to her act of 17 December 1988, and after
petitioner Bautista had qualified for the office
SECTION 16 – Power of Appointment to which she had been appointed, by taking the
oath of office and actually assuming and
The President shall nominate and, with the consent discharging the functions and duties thereof,
of the Commission on Appointments, appoint the could extend another appointment to the
heads of the executive departments, ambassadors, petitioner on 14 January 1989, an "ad interim
other public ministers and consuls, or officers of appointment" as termed by the respondent
the armed forces from the rank of colonel or naval Commission on Appointments or any other
captain, and other officers whose appointments are kind of appointment to the same office of
vested in him in this Constitution. He shall also Chairman of the Commission on Human
appoint all other officers of the Government whose Rights that called for confirmation by the
appointments are not otherwise provided for by Commission on Appointments.
law, and those whom he may be authorized by law
to appoint. The Congress may, by law, vest the
appointment of other officers lower in rank in the
President alone, in the courts, or in the heads of The Court, with all due respect to both the
departments, agencies, commissions, or boards. Executive and Legislative Departments of
government, and after careful deliberation, is
The President shall have the power to make constrained to hold and rule in the negative.
appointments during the recess of the Congress, When Her Excellency, the President converted
whether voluntary or compulsory, but such petitioner Bautista's designation as Acting
appointments shall be effective only until Chairman to a permanent appointment as
disapproved by the Commission on Appointments Chairman of the Commission on Human
or until the next adjournment of the Congress. Rights on 17 December 1988, significantly she
advised Bautista (in the same appointment
Cases: letter) that, by virtue of such appointment, she
could qualify and enter upon the performance
Bruno Aparri vs. Court of Appeals, et of the duties of the office (of Chairman of the
Commission on Human Rights). All that
Constitutional Law 1 (JD)
Tuesday (6:00PM – 9:00PM)
Atty. Madel P. Villaroman-Fiel

remained for Bautista to do was to reject or the subject office on 14 January 1989 to which
accept the appointment. Obviously, she an appointment could be validly made.
accepted the appointment by taking her oath of
office before the Chief Justice of the Supreme Jesulito Manalo vs. Pedro Sistoza, et
Court, Hon. Marcelo B. Fernan and assuming al., G.R. No. 107369, August 11, 1999
immediately thereafter the functions and
duties of the Chairman of the Commission on Under Section 16, Article VII, of the
Human Rights. Bautista's appointment Constitution, there are four groups of officers
therefore on 17 December 1988 as Chairman of of the government to be appointed by the
the Commission on Human Rights was a President:
completed act on the part of the President.
First, the heads of the executive departments,
When the appointment is one that the ambassadors, other public ministers and
Constitution mandates is for the President to consuls, officers of the armed forces from the
make without the participation of the rank of colonel or naval captain, and other
Commission on Appointments, the executive's officers whose appointments are vested in him
voluntary act of submitting such appointment in this Constitution;
to the Commission on Appointments and the
latter's act of confirming or rejecting the Second, all other officers of the Government
same, are done without or in excess of whose appointments are not otherwise
jurisdiction. provided for by law;

Under this heading, we will assume, ex gratia Third, those whom the President may be
argumenti, that the Executive may voluntarily authorized by law to appoint;
allow the Commission on Appointments to
exercise the power of review over an Fourth, officers lower in rank whose
appointment otherwise solely vested by the appointments the Congress may by law vest in
Constitution in the President. Yet, as already the President alone.
noted, when the President appointed petitioner
Bautista on 17 December 1988 to the position It is well-settled that only presidential
of Chairman of the Commission on Human appointments belonging to the first group
Rights with the advice to her that by virtue of require the confirmation by the Commission on
such appointment (not, until confirmed by the Appointments.
Commission on Appointments), she could
qualify and enter upon the performance of her Congress cannot by law expand the power of
duties after taking her oath of office, the confirmation of the Commission on
presidential act of appointment to the subject Appointments and require confirmation of
position which, under the Constitution, is to be appointments of other government officials not
made, in the first place, without the mentioned in the first sentence of Section 16 of
participation of the Commission on Article VII of the 1987 Constitution.
Appointments, was then and there a complete
and finished act, which, upon the acceptance STEPS IN THE APPOINTING PROCESS
by Bautista, as shown by her taking of the oath 1. Nomination by the President;
of office and actual assumption of the duties of 2. Confirmation by the Commission on
said office, installed her, indubitably and Appointments;
unequivocally, as the lawful Chairman of the 3. Issuance of the Commission; and
Commission on Human Rights for a term of 4. Acceptance by the Appointee
seven (7) years. There was thus no vacancy in
Constitutional Law 1 (JD)
Tuesday (6:00PM – 9:00PM)
Atty. Madel P. Villaroman-Fiel

The Supreme Court declared that an appointment In the cases where the power of removal is
is deemed complete only upon acceptance. lodged in the President, the same may be
Pending such acceptance, which is optional to the exercised only for cause as may be provided by
appointee, the appointment may still be withdrawn. law, and in accordance with the prescribed
Appointment to a public office cannot be forced administrative procedure.
upon any citizen except for purposes of defense of
the State under Section 4, Article I, as an exception Alba vs. Evangelista, et al., G.R. Nos.
to the rule against involuntary servitude. (Lacson L-10360 and L-10433, January 17,
vs. Romero 84 Phil. 740)

SECTION 15 – Midnight Appointments A public office is the right, authority and duty,
created and conferred by law, by which for a
Two months immediately before the next given period, either fixed by law or enduring at
presidential elections and up to the end of his term, the pleasure of the creating power, an
a President or Acting President shall not make individual is invested with some portion of the
appointments, except temporary appointments to sovereign function of government, to be
executive positions when continued vacancies exercised by him for the benefit of the public.
therein will prejudice public service or endanger
public safety. It is an established rule that when the law
authorizes a superior officer to remove a
Conrado De Rama vs. Court of subordinate at pleasure his discretion in the
Appeals, G.R. No. 131136, February exercise of the power of removal is absolute. As
28, 2001 long as the removal is effected in accordance
with the procedure prescribed by law, it may
The records reveal that when the petitioner not be declared invalid by the courts, no matter
brought the matter of recalling the how reprehensible and unjust the motives of
appointments of the fourteen (14) private the removal might be.
respondents before the CSC, the only reason he
cited to justify his action was that these were
"midnight appointments" that are forbidden SECTION 18 – Military Powers
under Article VII, Section 15 of the
Constitution. However, the CSC ruled, and SANLAKAS, et al. vs. Executive
correctly so, that the said prohibition applies Secretary, et al., G.R. No. 159085,
only to presidential appointments. In truth February 23, 2004
and in fact, there is no law that prohibits local
elective officials from making appointments It is true that for the purpose of exercising the
during the last days of his or her tenure. calling out power the Constitution does not
require the President to make a declaration of a
state of rebellion.
Power of Removal
It is equally true that Section 18, Article VII
As the general rule, the power of removal may does not expressly prohibit the President from
be implied from the power of appointment. declaring a state of rebellion. Note that the
However, the President cannot remove officials Constitution vests the President not only
appointed by him where the Constitution with Commander-in-Chief powers but, first
prescribes certain methods for separation of and foremost, with Executive powers.
such officers from public service.
Thus, the President's authority to declare a
Constitutional Law 1 (JD)
Tuesday (6:00PM – 9:00PM)
Atty. Madel P. Villaroman-Fiel

state of rebellion springs in the main from her Prof. Randolf David, et al. vs. Gloria
powers as chief executive and, at the same Macapagal-Arroyo, G.R. No. 171396,
time, draws strength from her Commander-in- May 3, 2006 (supra.)
Chief powers.
Petitioners, particularly the members of the House
It is not disputed that the President has full of Representatives, claim that President Arroyo’s
discretionary power to call out the armed inclusion of Section 17, Article XII in PP 1017 is an
forces and to determine the necessity for the encroachment on the legislature’s emergency
exercise of such power. While the Court may powers.
examine whether the power was exercised
within constitutional limits or in a manner This is an area that needs delineation.
constituting grave abuse of discretion, none of
the petitioners here have, by way of proof, A distinction must be drawn between the
supported their assertion that the President President’s authority to declare "a state of
acted without factual basis. national emergency" and to exercise
emergency powers. To the first, as elucidated
The argument that the declaration of a state of by the Court, Section 18, Article VII grants the
rebellion amounts to a declaration of martial law President such power, hence, no legitimate
and, therefore, is a circumvention of the report constitutional objection can be raised. But to
requirement, is a leap of logic. There is no the second, manifold constitutional issues
indication that military tribunals have replaced civil arise.
courts in the "theater of war" or that military
authorities have taken over the functions of civil Section 23, Article VI of the Constitution reads:
government. There is no allegation of curtailment
of civil or political rights. There is no indication SEC. 23. (1) The Congress, by a vote of two-thirds
that the President has exercised judicial and of both Houses in joint session assembled, voting
legislative powers. In short, there is no illustration separately, shall have the sole power to declare the
that the President has attempted to exercise or has existence of a state of war.
exercised martial law powers.
(2) In times of war or other national emergency, the
Nor by any stretch of the imagination can the Congress may, by law, authorize the President, for a
declaration constitute an indirect exercise of limited period and subject to such restrictions as it
emergency powers, which exercise depends upon a may prescribe, to exercise powers necessary and
grant of Congress pursuant to Section 23 (2), proper to carry out a declared national policy.
Article VI of the Constitution. Unless sooner withdrawn by resolution of the
Congress, such powers shall cease upon the next
The petitions do not cite a specific instance adjournment thereof.
where the President has attempted to or has
exercised powers beyond her powers as Chief It may be pointed out that the second
Executive or as Commander-in-Chief. The paragraph of the above provision refers not
President, in declaring a state of rebellion and only to war but also to "other national
in calling out the armed forces, was merely emergency." If the intention of the Framers of
exercising a wedding of her Chief Executive our Constitution was to withhold from the
and Commander-in-Chief powers. These are President the authority to declare a "state of
purely executive powers, vested on the national emergency" pursuant to Section 18,
President by Sections 1 and 18, Article VII, as Article VII (calling-out power) and grant it to
opposed to the delegated legislative powers Congress (like the declaration of the existence
contemplated by Section 23 (2), Article VI. of a state of war), then the Framers could have
provided so. Clearly, they did not intend that
Congress should first authorize the President
Constitutional Law 1 (JD)
Tuesday (6:00PM – 9:00PM)
Atty. Madel P. Villaroman-Fiel

before he can declare a "state of national Congress.
emergency." The logical conclusion then is that
President Arroyo could validly declare the Section 17, Article XII must be understood as
existence of a state of national emergency even an aspect of the emergency powers clause. The
in the absence of a Congressional enactment. taking over of private business affected with
public interest is just another facet of the
But the exercise of emergency powers, such as emergency powers generally reposed upon
the taking over of privately owned public utility Congress. Thus, when Section 17 states that the
or business affected with public interest, is a "the State may, during the emergency and
different matter. This requires a delegation under reasonable terms prescribed by it,
from Congress. temporarily take over or direct the operation of
any privately owned public utility or business
Courts have often said that constitutional affected with public interest," it refers to
provisions in pari materia are to be construed Congress, not the President.
together. Otherwise stated, different clauses,
sections, and provisions of a constitution, The order cannot properly be sustained as an
which relate to the same subject matter will be exercise of the President’s military power as
construed together and considered in the light Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. The
of each other. Considering that Section 17 of Government attempts to do so by citing a
Article XII and Section 23 of Article VI, number of cases upholding broad powers in
previously quoted, relate to national military commanders engaged in day-to-day
emergencies, they must be read together to fighting in a theater of war. Such cases need
determine the limitation of the exercise of not concern us here. Even though "theater of
emergency powers. war" be an expanding concept, we cannot with
faithfulness to our constitutional system hold
Generally, Congress is the repository of that the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed
emergency powers. This is evident in the tenor Forces has the ultimate power as such to take
of Section 23 (2), Article VI authorizing it to possession of private property in order to keep
delegate such powers to the President. labor disputes from stopping production. This
Certainly, a body cannot delegate a power not is a job for the nation’s lawmakers, not for its
reposed upon it. However, knowing that during military authorities.
grave emergencies, it may not be possible or
practicable for Congress to meet and exercise It may be argued that when there is national
its powers, the Framers of our Constitution emergency, Congress may not be able to
deemed it wise to allow Congress to grant convene and, therefore, unable to delegate to
emergency powers to the President, subject to the President the power to take over privately-
certain conditions, thus: owned public utility or business affected with
public interest.
(1) There must be a war or other emergency.
In Araneta vs. Dinglasan, this Court
(2) The delegation must be for a limited period emphasized that legislative power, through
only. which extraordinary measures are exercised,
remains in Congress even in times of crisis.
(3) The delegation must be subject to such
restrictions as the Congress may prescribe.

(4) The emergency powers must be exercised to

carry out a national policy declared by
Constitutional Law 1 (JD)
Tuesday (6:00PM – 9:00PM)
Atty. Madel P. Villaroman-Fiel

SECTION 19 – Power to Grant Executive Where the pardoning power is subject to the
Clemencies limitation of conviction, it may be exercised at
any time after conviction even if the judgment
Except in cases of impeachment, or as is on appeal. It is, of course, entirely different
otherwise provided in this Constitution, the where the requirement is " final conviction, "
President may grant reprieves, commutations, as was mandated in the original provision of
and pardons, and remit fines and forfeitures, Section 14, Article IX of the 1973 Constitution,
after conviction by final judgment. or "conviction by final judgment," as presently
prescribed in Section 19, Article VII of the 1987
He shall also have the power to grant amnesty Constitution. In such a case, no pardon may be
with the concurrence of a majority of all the extended before a judgment of conviction
Members of the Congress. becomes final.

DEFINITIONS: A judgment of conviction becomes final (a)

when no appeal is seasonably perfected, (b)
1. Pardon – is an act of grace, which when the accused commences to serve the
exempts the individual on whom it is sentence, (c) when the right to appeal is
bestowed from the punishment that the expressly waived in writing, except where the
law inflicts for the crime he has death penalty was imposed by the trial court,
committed. and (d) when the accused applies for
2. Commutation – refers to reduction or probation, thereby waiving his right to appeal.
commutation of penalty. Where the judgment of conviction is still
3. Reprieve – pertains to postponement of pending appeal and has not yet therefore
sentence or stay of execution. attained finality, as in the instant case,
4. Parole – release from imprisonment, executive clemency may not yet be granted to
but without full restoration of liberty, as the appellant.
parolee is still in the custody of the law
although not in confinement. The 1981 amendments had deleted the earlier
5. Amnesty – is an act of grace, concurred rule that clemency could be extended only
in by the legislature, usually extended to upon final conviction, implying that clemency
groups of persons who committed could be given even before conviction.
political offenses, which puts into
oblivion the offense itself. The reason the Constitutional Commission
adopted the "conviction by final judgment"
People of the Philippines vs. Rolando requirement, reviving in effect the original
De Gracia, G.R. Nos. 102009-10, July provision of the 1973 Constitution on the
6, 1994 pardoning power, was, as expounded by
Commissioner Napoleon Rama, to prevent the
President from exercising executive power in
The grant of pardon is discretionary upon the
derogation of the judicial power.
President. It may not be controlled by the
Legislature or reversed by the courts, unless
there is a constitutional violation. CLASSES OF PARDON (Plenary or Partial;
Absolute or Conditional)
People of the Philippines vs. Hon.
Francisco Salle, et al., G.R. No.
103567, December 4, 1995

Constitutional Law 1 (JD)
Tuesday (6:00PM – 9:00PM)
Atty. Madel P. Villaroman-Fiel

LIMITATIONS: been convicted, that is, obliterates the offense
it abolishes or forgives with which he is charged
1. Pardon cannot be granted in cases of the punishment, and for that the person released
impeachment; that reason it does not by amnesty stands
2. In cases involving election offenses, work the restoration of before the law precisely
pardon cannot be given without the the rights to hold public as though he had
favorable recommendation of the office, or the right of committed no offense.
Commission on Elections; (Section 5, suffrage, unless such
Art. IX-C) rights be expressly
3. It can be granted only upon conviction restored by the terms of
by final judgment; the pardon,' and it 'in no
4. It cannot be granted in cases of case exempts the culprit
legislative contempt (violation of from the payment of the
civil indemnity imposed
separation of powers) or civil contempt;
upon him by the
5. It cannot absolve the convict-pardonee
of civil liability; (People vs. Nacional,
G.R. No. 111294, September 7, 1995) and
6. It cannot restore public offices forfeited.



It is granted by the Chief It is given by
Executive and as such it Proclamation of the
is a private act which Chief Executive with the
must be pleaded and concurrence of
proved by the person Congress, is a public act
pardoned, because the of which the courts
courts take no notice should take judicial
thereof. notice.

It is granted to one after It is granted to classes

conviction. of persons or
communities who may
be guilty of political
offenses, generally
before or after the
institution of the criminal
prosecution and
sometimes after

Pardon looks forward Amnesty looks

and relieves the backward and abolishes
offender from the and puts into oblivion
consequences of an the offense itself, it so
offense of which he has overlooks and

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