Philippines During The Time of Rizal

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Name: Jan Elmer L.

Year & Course: BSN-1B

Philippines During the Time of Rizal

“Every generation has its own suffering”. This is the striking phrase that
came across my mind after I watched the video. As much as we are struggling
to battle against the Covid-19 today, Filipinos way before, struggles as much
as we do, since at that time, they were ruled by a country that consist mostly
of oppressors; who violates human rights and condones to racial
discrimination. The video presented enabled me to empathize the life of a
Filipino before wherein they were deprived of their own rights as a person and
were abused by the ruling power. The sufferings that these Filipinos
undertook before have only proven how strong we are in bearing in any
adversities in life and how resilient we are in bouncing back from any
difficulties that confronts our way. The video also ignited my inner Filipino
heart that made me appreciate all the efforts that these Filipinos made in
order to pave the way for freedom. All the things that we are able to access
now, like the right to be educated and the right to be able to voice out our
concerns and be treated as a human being are all made to be thankful to
those people who sacrificed their lives to gain the freedom that our country
has longed to be craving for.

Overall, the video is a really a great eye-opener to never waste the

freedom that our fellow Filipinos struggled to fought. As much as possible, we
should never miss the chance to be really educated and give importance to it,
since way before they were not granted to have the right to be in school and
also, we should not be afraid in voicing out our opinions and concerns that
benefits the welfare of our society. Lastly, we should never let oppression to
transpire and turn a blind eye on these people who are struggling to get an
equal opportunity in the present time that we are living.

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