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WORDFORM (16/8/2021)

1. They were enraged at the __acquittal_____ of a policeman accused of murder. (ACQUIT)

2. The individuality, immediacy and _mimicry______ in computer games satisfy the needs from
these people. (MIMIC)
3. His cartoons __ mercilessly_____ lampooned the leading politicians of his time. (MERCY)
4. We are disappointed by her approaching this matter so ___amateurishly____. (AMATEUR)
5. It was sheer __ínsanity_____ to try to drive through the mountains in that thunderstorm.
6. He is a totally _amoral______ person who deliberately defies all standards. (MORAL)
7. The _victorious______ nations carved up the defeated country into several parts,each taking
an equal share. (VICTORY)
8. They have a duty to set the record straight, otherwise they are conniving at _falsehood______.
9. Cancer is perceived as a heterogeneous group of diseases that is characterized by
_error______ patterns of gene expression. (ERR)
10. She did not reply, but sat with crimson cheeks and __downcast_____ eyes. (CAST)
11. I've been hearing about your __unblemished_____ reputation for a long time, and greatly
respect you. (BLEMISH)
12. The national orchestra gave a(n) ___electricifying____ performance of classic music.
13. The law is vulnerable to being manipulated or abused to serve injustice, and vulture lawyers
simply rape the law and prostitute justice to serve the __unscrupulous_____ and guilty for profit.
14. While such mentalistic constructions may sound ___implausible____ at first sight, they are
justified in three ways. (PLAUDIT)
15. If you are a reckless, unrestrained and emotionally _impulsive______ person, you are more
likely to lose your future. (IMPEL)
16. Emmanuel suffered a(n) miscarriage_______ two weeks later and was taken to the hospital
shackled and handcuffed. (CARRY)
17. There was an embarrassing silence after her ___khong biết____ remark but she was able to
laugh it off. (DISCERN)
18. His lack of qualifications was taken as a sign of a(n) __misspent_____ youth. (SPEND)
19. Psychologists are dealing with the problem of _maladjusted______ adolescence and "
juvenile delinquency ". (ADJUST)
20. After the Soviet Union __disintegrated_____ in 1991, the protests escalated into war.
21. The __pile-up_____ happened in thick fog and caused a seven-mile tailback on the
motorway. (PILE)
22. I had a(n) __nerve-wracking_____ time reading your latest article about the Western moron
who cheated on his Chinese wife and subsequently got himself pretty roughed up by her paid
muscle. (WRACK)
23. We had to listen to another of his __interminable_____ stories of his days as a soldier.
24. There is a(n) ___uncanny____ resemblance between this reasoning and that which had
earlier led John Dalton to an atomic theory of chemistry. (CAN)
25. The scan shown here indicates _dysfunctional______ metabolism and blood flow in the
brain's emotional center. (FUNCTION)
26. The children were __overjoyed_____ at the thought of going to the seaside on holiday. (JOY)
27. Alvin met the genial master poet Langston Hughes, who became a lifelong friend and
_confidant______. (CONFIDE)
28. A bomb was __deactivated_____ at the last moment, after the fuse had been lit. (ACT)
29. It has to be said it was rather __ingenuous_____ of him to ask a complete stranger to look
after his luggage. (GENUS)
30. Their inability to work together for the good of the republic would only increase the peoples'
__cynicism_____ about government. (CYNICAL)
31. Before the war the __preponderant_____ output was produced in mass for a prospective
demand. (PONDER)
32. She had enjoyed the __camaraderie_____ of colleagues, and the mild flirtation which often
underlay it. (COMRADE)
33. The __plaintiff_____ voluntarily agrees to undertake the legal risk of harm at his own
expense. (PLAINT)
34. Online funerals would not retain the ashes, but set up an online cemetery and memorialize
the deceased by posting an _obituary______ and funeral messages. (OBIT)
35. The taxpayer received not only a capital sum when the companies were sold but now also
receives a substantial annual __dividend_____. (DIVIDE)
36. The next government will play an energetic role in seeking multilateral nuclear
__disarmament_____. (ARM)
37. Upholders of the scientific faith shudder at the implications of having to mix it with such
irredeemably_______ subjective and impure elements. (REDEEM)
38. A(n) _______ public consultation paper will be issued this autumn and a more fundamental
public discussion paper will be distributed next spring. (PREPARE)
39. We have a number of technical publications on various oil products including lubricants,
bitumen, and _______ petroleum gas. (LIQUID)
40. The lawyer was disbarred from practice when he was round guilty of __unlawful_____ acts.
41. Even today a man who stays at home to look after the children is regarded as something of
a(n) ____oddity___. (ODD)
42. Avoid detached signatures, unless they are of extreme _rarity______ and unimpeachable
authenticity. (RARE)
43. In order to produce the _desired_____ effect of losing weight permanently, you must alter
your eating habits. (DESIRE)
44. Environmentalists fear that this is a(n) __short-sighted_____ approach to the problem of
global warming. (SIGHT)
45. Typically the various stimuli are presented concurrently, each associated with a different
outcome or requiring a different response. (CONCUR) concurently
46. It's one of the most difficult problems __besetting_____ our modern way of life. (SET)
47. It was announced that the times were __provisional_____ and subject to confirmation.
48. The government is facing an angry __backlash_____ from voters over the new tax. (LASH)
49. The Chancellor was forced into a humiliating _______ on his economic policies. (CLIMB)
50. People in his office view him with respect as some one who is _______ and does not choose
to join in casual conversation. (CONTAIN)

Breathtaking underwater footage and detailed scientific explanations make Cuttlefish: Kings of
Camouflage a documentary DVD well worth buying. For those who don’t know, cuttlefish are
nature’s (51. RIVAL) __________ masters of camouflage – creatures that can, in a fraction of a
second, alter their skin colour, pattern and texture to match any background. Viewers are sure to
be (52. FIX) __________ by the astonishing underwater scenes in this documentary that capture
the (53. INSTANT) __________ physical transformations cuttlefish undergo as they move about
the sea floor.
But don’t be fooled. Cuttlefish: Kings of Camouflage is so much more than spectacular wildlife
photography. Riveting commentary from expert scientists educates viewers on the latest research
into these (54. CAPTIVE) __________ creatures. The information provided is both entertaining
and (55. LIGHT) __________. In short, the producers of Cuttlefish: Kings of Camouflage have
(56. DO) __________ themselves. This is a documentary that asks, and prompts, questions. Most
importantly, it is a documentary that allows us a privileged glimpse into the secret world of one
of nature’s most remarkable creatures.
Handsome and sensitive, Nero made a good start as emperor, but before long he gave in to wild
extravagance and his rule ended violently. Today, Nero’s name is a byword for (57. RULE)
__________ and debauchery. A brutal and (58. TYRANT) __________ leader, Nero practised
every sort of obscenity. During his reign, he became famous for his many executions – including
that of his own mother – and his countless perverse and (59. SPEAK) __________ acts of
violence. History famously remembers him as the emperor who merrily ‘fiddled whilst the whole
of Rome burned’, although many historians now consider this an inaccurate rumour.
Born in 37 AD, Nero was the only surviving direct male descendant of the emperor Augustus. It
is difficult to determine to what extent Nero was mentally (60. BALANCE) __________ , but
one thing is certain: absolute power corrupted him. By the final years of his rule, a high-level
(61. CONSPIRE) __conspiracy________ to assassinate him had emerged. In 68 AD, the Senate
declared Nero a ‘public enemy’ which meant anyone could kill him without punishment. Upon
learning that his execution was imminent, a terrified Nero fled Rome and committed suicide.
Disputes over his (62. SUCCEED) __________ quickly led to civil war, as Nero had left no

Most snap judgements about people are formed on the basis of their facial features. The eyes,
regarded as clues to one’s true character, are said (63. POETRY) __________ to be the windows
of the soul: closely positioned, they imply (64. SLY) __________; set wide apart they suggest
honesty and (65. DIRECT) __________. Thin mouths are equated with meanness and full
mouths with (66. SENSE) __________. Unconsciously, we make such instant judgements and
they are made about us. There is no hiding place for the face. Always exposed and vulnerable, it
involuntarily expresses happiness, desire and joy, anger, fear, shame and (67. LOATHE).
Precisely for that reason, a masked face evokes fear and horror: once someone’s distinguishing
(68. CHARACTER) __________ are hidden, we cannot read or recognise the person and fear of
the unknown immediately arouses suspicion.

The house cat, Felis catus, is a small furry animal much valued by humans for both (69.
COMPANY) __________ and its skill at hunting vermin. Although there is some uncertainty as
to when cats and humans first developed a (70. SYMBIOSIS) __________ relationship, there
have been instances of cat (71. DOMESTIC) __________ since as early as the Neolithic era, at
least. It is believed that cats may have an inborn (72. DISPOSE) __________ towards tameness
and, according to some researchers may have actively sought human company and inveigled
their way into early human (73. SETTLE) __________. It is debatable as to whether cats were
really valued for their ability to keep pest numbers down but there is no doubt that there are few
creatures who can hunt as (74. GRACE) __________. With lithe, flexible bodies and sharp
retractable claws, cats are eminently suited to stealth attacks on prey and are (75. EXAMPLE)
__________ predators.

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