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Legislative Power

(based on the 2011 Constitutional Declaration)

NOTE: the nature of the Legislative as described here following the constitutional declaration is
expected to change in light of a new constitution. This note will be revised accordingly.

What is it?
It is one of the three powers of state that is given to Parliament. Parliament consists of
two houses: the upper house of parliament is called the Shura Council and the lower
house of parliament is called the People’s Assembly.

How does it get formed?

Articles 32-34 of the Constitutional Declaration give legislative power to the People’s
Assembly (lower house). Articles 35-37 of the Declaration give legislative power to the
Shura Council (upper house). Articles 38-45 define the composition, membership rules
and characteristics of members for both houses.

When does it meet?

Parliament meets yearly for a 9 month session.

Powers and functions

Parliament has 3 main functions: to enact legislation, to draw up and approve policy
and budget and to scrutinise and control the executive including the power to impeach
the president and to replace the government. It also plans for economic and social de-
velopment and ratifies international conventions. As you can tell, there is an overlap of
functions between the 2 powers of the executive and the legislature.

(see overleaf for summary)
Legislative Power
(based on the 2011 Constitutional Declaration)

Duties and functions (contin.)

People’s Assembly (lower house) Shura Council (upper house)

350 members 232 members

All members have parliamentary immunity to enable them to perform the
function of scrutiny of the executive and in the event of criminal activity,
no proceedings can commence until approval is sought from either
340 members directly elected with 116 members directly elected with
farmers and workers making up half farmers and workers making up
Member- the number + 10 members may be half the number + 58 appointed
ship but do not have to be appointed by by the president.
the president.

Duration 5 years from the date of first meeting 6 year term

-propose laws and vote -has a consultative
on them for approval role
Legisla- -authorise decrees and Legisla- -to be consulted on
tion decisions issued by the tion amendments to consti-
president. tution or bills

Policy -approve plan for Policy -to be consulted on

economic & social devel- general and foreign
opment policy
Func- -approve state budget -protects principles of
tions -forms bodies and national unity, social
committees to assist with peace and rights of
legislative & scrutiny the people
Scrutiny -questioning, debates Scrutiny -scrutinises executive
and accountability of in the same way as
president, ministers and the Assembly
deputies on issues of pol-
icy, personal actions and
any other topic.

Next: Judicial Power
‫ا  ا‬
(2011 ‫) ً ن اري‬

.ETE€ ‫ر‬RA]‫ء د‬Rz @w ‫ري‬RA]E8‫ن ا‬Gcd‫ ا‬UJN 6\‫… ه‬N9_ †? 67‫ آ‬CP>T9VA8‫ ا‬C=;J8‫ وا{^ ا‬9P‡AT ‫{^ أن‬RA78‫ ا‬KL :)HIJ:
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.W86Q78‫ ا‬KL oS8 ‫ء‬6mcq‫ا‬

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(CP86A8‫ ا‬Cegk8‫)ا‬
‫ا  ا‬
(2011 ‫) ً ن اري‬

@B1C‫ت وو‬1K4‫وا‬
‫رى‬S>M‫ ا‬O;P: N->M‫ ا‬O;P:
Rmc 232 Rmc 350

CT~Pg\A8‫ ا‬C=;J;8 C:{‫ا‬978‫ ا‬CgPs‫ ز‬CT‫ ?Šد‬KL †Z\S7A8 CPh6L|9x Ch6kN ‫ء‬6mcq‫ ا‬KL oS8
o:{ KL Cvw‫ا‬R78‫† ا‬A? <AN @hRh6{ ‫اء‬9€‫† أي ا‬AT ‫‹ أن‬7JT | Rmc ‫ أي‬W:;? C86N @w‫و‬

KL rkh r8ŠAT‫ و‬KP:ŒA\L Rmc 116 KL rkh r8ŠAT‫ و‬KP:ŒA\L Rmc 340
KP>T 67‫ل آ‬67>8‫ وا‬KPNGg8‫ ا‬KL ‫ء‬6mcq‫ا‬ ‫ى‬E8 67‫ل آ‬67>8‫ وا‬KPNGg8‫ ا‬KL ‫ء‬6mcq‫ا‬
.Rmc 58 C8‫و‬E8‫ ا‬WPj‫ر‬ KS8‫ء و‬6mc‫ أ‬10 KPP>? CT9N C8‫و‬E8‫ ا‬WPj‫ر‬ T+SU-M‫ا‬
.‫… ذاك‬P;c †AeT |

‫ات‬R\] 6 CTRm>8‫ة ا‬EL ‫ أول‬T‫ر‬6? KL ‫ات‬R\] 5 CTRm>8‫ة ا‬EL

CT‫ر‬6VA]‫ ا‬CgPs‫ و‬6ZTE8- TRkA8‫ وا‬KPh‫ا‬R{ ‫اح‬9A{‫ا‬-
‫ت‬GTE>? @w 6Z?‫ر‬6VA]‫† ا‬AT- Cvw‫ا‬R7;8 †ZP;c
^T9VA8‫ا‬ ^T9VA8‫ا‬
KPh‫ا‬Rv8‫ر وا‬RA]E8‫ا‬ <;c Cvw‫ا‬R78‫’ ا‬TRg?-
CP]6j98‫ارات ا‬9v8‫† وا‬P]‫ا‬978‫ا‬
@w 6Z?‫ر‬6VA]‫† ا‬AT- CP7\A;8 C=Œ8‫;< ا‬c Cvw‫ا‬R78‫ا‬-
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C]6PJ8‫ا‬ C]6PJ8‫ا‬
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.CPx6{98‫ وا‬CP>T9VA8‫ا‬
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U>V8‫ ا‬W;QL CvT9• Wg\x C8‫و‬E8‫ ا‬WPj98 CP8‫—و‬J78‫ا‬
Cx6{98‫ا‬ 6T6m{ @w ‫اب‬R\8‫زراء وا‬R8‫وا‬ Cx6{98‫ا‬
KL CPkŒ_ r{‫ا‬RL‫ و‬CP]6P]
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CPj6mv8‫ ا‬C=;J8‫ ا‬:LM13M‫ا‬
‫ا  ا‬
(2011 ‫) ! ان اري‬

‫؟‬T<-+,>. TF;G )+‫ ا‬L8-+

:KPJ;QL Kc ‫رة‬6:c ‫ن‬6789:8‫ ا‬.‫ن‬6789:;8 6ZTEAx @;8‫ ا‬E;:8‫@ ا‬w ‫ت‬6=;] CFGF KL ‫ة‬EN‫ وا‬CP>T9VA8‫ ا‬C=;J8‫ا‬
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‫>=] ازاي؟‬33X TF;^M‫ ا‬L‫ه‬

‫د‬EeAx ‫اد‬RL …Pw ˆ‫ري د‬RA]E8‫ن ا‬Gcd‫ وا‬ETE€ ‫ر‬RA]‫ د‬Cx6A‫† آ‬AT6L CT6‡8 E;:8‫ر ا‬RA]‫ د‬R‫ري ه‬RA]E8‫ن ا‬Gcd‫ا‬
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.6‫ءه‬6mc‫ت أ‬6g™‫ دˆ و‬W86Q78‫ ا‬CTRmc ‫دئ‬6:L‫ و‬C:P‫آ‬9? 45-38

‫؟‬93:‫ ا‬W23P<X ‫ن‬12M,KM‫ ا‬S‫ه‬

.9Z_‫ أ‬9 6Z?EL CJ;Q8 ‫ة‬9L C\] o‫ن آ‬6789:8‫^ ا‬7AQPx

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^7AQL‫د و‬6kA{d‫ ا‬9TR=A8 š=ŒT …h‫ن ا‬67‫ن آ‬6789:8‫ ا‬CgPs‫ وو‬.CLRSe8‫ال ا‬E:A]| C=;J8‫ˆ ا‬E\c ‫ن‬67‫وآ‬
C=;J8‫ وا‬CT~Pg\A8‫ ا‬C=;J8‫ ا‬rj6s‫ و‬KPx ol‫ا‬E? @w KPgT6_ †Ah‫ ا‬6L ‫ وزي‬.CP8‫و‬E8‫ات ا‬E‫ه‬6>78‫;< ا‬c Cvw‫ا‬R78‫وا‬
(CP86A8‫ ا‬Cegk8‫)ا‬
‫ا  ا‬
(2011 ‫) ً ن اري‬

‫)؟‬+‫] ا‬2-3X _‫ د‬OM1P2M‫ا‬

‫رى‬S>M‫ ا‬O;P: N->M‫ ا‬O;P:

Rmc 232 Rmc 350

C86N @w Wx CT~Pg\A8‫ ا‬C=;J8‫ا ا‬R:{‫ا‬9T ‫روا‬EvT †ZP;Œ? CPh6L|9x Ch6kN †‫ه‬E\c ‫ء‬6mcq‫ا‬
6ZP;c Cvw‫ا‬R78‫† ا‬AT 6L Ee8 †AT KS7L @hRh6{ ‫اء‬9€‫› أي ا‬PgL ‫ن‬6789:8‫ ا‬KL Rmc ‫ أي‬W:;?
.W;Q78‫ ا‬o:{ KL

rkh †Z\7z KL‫ و‬KP:ŒA\L Rmc 116 rkh †Z\7z KL‫ و‬KP:ŒA\L Rmc 340
‫ل و‬67>8‫ وا‬KPNGg8‫ ا‬KL ‫ء‬6mcq‫ ا‬KL WPj‫ و ر‬.‫ل‬67>8‫ وا‬KPNGg8‫ ا‬KL ‫ء‬6mcq‫ا‬
.KPPh6? Rmc 58 C8‫و‬E8‫ ا‬WPj‫ ر‬KP>T ˆ‫ د‬Wx ‫ء‬6mc‫ أ‬10 KPP>A8 CT9e8‫… ا‬8 C8‫و‬E8‫ا‬ T+SU-M‫ا‬
.CPL‫ا‬u8‫ إ‬C€6N ›L

‫ات‬R\] 6 CTRm>8‫ة ا‬EL ‫ أول‬T‫ر‬6? KL ‫ات‬R\] 5 CTRm>8‫ة ا‬EL

CgPs‫… و‬8 ‫س‬6Q78‫ا‬- TRkA8‫ وا‬KPh‫ا‬R{ ‫اح‬9A{‫ا‬-
CT‫ر‬6VA]‫ا‬ Cvw‫ا‬R7;8 †ZP;c
‫ت‬GTE>? @w 6Z?‫ر‬6VA]‫† ا‬AT- ^T9VA8‫ا‬ <;c Cvw‫ا‬R78‫’ ا‬TRg?- ^T9VA8‫ا‬
KPh‫ا‬Rv8‫ر وا‬RA]E8‫ا‬ CP]6j98‫ارات ا‬9v8‫† وا‬P]‫ا‬978‫ا‬

@w 6Z?‫ر‬6VA]‫† ا‬AT- 9TR=A;8 C=Œ8‫;< ا‬c Cvw‫ا‬R78‫ا‬-

CP€‫ر‬6Œ8‫ وا‬CL6>8‫ت ا‬6]6PJ8‫ا‬ @c67A€d‫دي وا‬6kA{d‫ا‬
‫ة‬ENR8‫دئ ا‬6:L CT67N- C8‫و‬E8‫ ا‬CPh‫ا‬uPL <;c Cvw‫ا‬R78‫ا‬-
C]6PJ8‫ا‬ C]6PJ8‫ا‬ @B1CSM‫ا‬
@c67A€d‫م ا‬GJ8‫ وا‬CP\•R8‫ا‬ ‫ن‬6Q;8‫ت وا‬6“PZ8‫ ا‬WP]Š?-
‫اد‬9wq‫ق ا‬RvN‫و‬ rj6sR8‫@ ا‬w ‫ة‬Ec6J7;8
.CPx6{98‫ وا‬CP>T9VA8‫ا‬
CT~Pg\A8‫ ا‬C=;J8‫ ا‬Cx6{‫ر‬- oP7e?‫ات و‬9s6\78‫ وا‬C8‫ء‬6J78‫ا‬-
U>V8‫ ا‬W;QL CvT9• Wg\x C8‫و‬E8‫ ا‬WPj98 CP8‫—و‬J78‫ا‬
Cx6{98‫ا‬ 6T6m{ @w ‫اب‬R\8‫زراء وا‬R8‫وا‬ Cx6{98‫ا‬
‫ وأي‬CPkŒ_ r{‫ا‬RL‫ و‬CP]6P]
CPh6? 6T6m{

CPj6mv8‫ ا‬C=;J8‫ ا‬:LM13M‫ا‬

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