Group 4

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Intro: Many years ago, people were talking about the ozone layer There was a hole in it that

expanding in the 1990s and everyone was really worried about it. However, after many actions were
taken to prohibit the use of certain chemicals , the damage has begun to be repaired. This gives us a
clear message – we must continue to take care of our environment before it is too late.

We are currently facing the most critical environmental issues in human

history. Our climate, planet, lives, and future as a civilization are all at risk.
While the magnitude of that thought can be extremely overwhelming, don’t
allow yourself to feel helpless, not knowing where to begin. Making small
steps and adjustments in your daily routine will give you a sense of success
and a yearning to attempt more.

- The environment may not be preserved without the appearance of lawmakers and authorities
Environmental laws and management programs are in place to keep companies and
individuals from destroying ecosystems by preventing them from dumping industrial and
domestic contaminants on the ground, into rivers or streams or other waterways. For
example, in Singapore. a country with the strictest regulations in terms of environmental
preservation such as fine for buying or selling chewing gum. This aids Singapore to reduce a
large amount of waste and become one of the most liveable cities in the world.
- Ex: + Wildlife preserves and national parks protect scores of ecosystems
around the world. Within these zones, animals and plant life thrive under
laws that keep them from harm. People, with the help of governments,
established these zones to protect specific ecosystems containing threatened
plant and animal life
+ Singapore : ban chewing gum, fine: throwing rubbish in the wrong

-  Have environmental pressure groups that are constantly raising awareness
of issues and trying to stop disasters happening …
Ex: WildAct is a Vietnamese non-governmental organization, established in
2013, which has many activities to protect nature through education,
disseminate information to raise awareness of the Vietnamese.

- Lessons aimed at preserving the nature and skills to react to natural disasters
are included in curriculum
- Form an environmental club and this becomes a part of an existing one in
the vicinity and conduct activities around environment preservation.

EX: For instance, in our school we have a environmental club named TEW
for raising students' awareness and doing some activities to help the


- We can restrict the use of plastic bags. Plastic grocery
type bags that get thrown out end up in landfills or in other parts of the envir
onment. These can suffocate animals who get stuck in them or may mistake
them for food

- Cut down on what you throw away. Follow the three "R's" to conserve natur
al resources and landfill space.

lots of coffee shops even offer a discount to customers who use a reusable co
ntainer for their drinks. Starbucks, as an example, offers a small discount for 
customers who do this.

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