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Dearest God, I humbly ask for your forgiveness for all the sins I’ve committed. If I have failed to
do my job the other day, guide me as I prepare myself in becoming a better version of myself and
sincerely accept the Holy Spirit to rule my heart and mind.

As I begin my new endeavour today as a student teacher, help me to overcome all the challenges.
Guide me Father God towards the process of inculcating knowledge of the lesson that I will
teach and give me the wisdom to make the teaching – learning process not just content vase but
surely with meaningful life lessons.

For in shaping conscience, equip me to teach with truth. Shower ma also Father God with
patience for me to efficiently deal the diversity of my learners and strength to facilitate the
teaching - learning process efficiently.

Thank you for this magnificent opportunity to fulfil what you’ve called me to; to be an
instrument of knowledge and to touch lives. I am just grateful for the blessings that you have
showered upon me.

Allow me to share light and hope to my students that I’ll be able to leave a positive impact on
their lives. Use me oh Father as in inspiration for them to continue the love for learning. Ignite
within me the passion for the profession and bless me towards the path of embracing new
experiences, sharing new ideas, feeding morale with new vales and lessons to ponder.

I know I am not perfect but I also know that you are there to help me turn my weaknesses into
strengths. This I ask you Lord Jesus Christ, who lives, and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever Amen.

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