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CPE Use Of English 1 for the revised Cambridge Proficiency Examination Student's Book Virginia Evans oS Express Publishing Published by Express Publishing Liberty House, New Greenham Park, Newbury, Berkshire RG19 GHW Tol: (0044) 1635 817 363 - Fax: (0044) 1635 817 463 ‘e-mail: inquiries http://www © Virginia Evans, 2002 Design and illustration © Express Publishing, 2002 Al rights reserved. No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, fr transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers. First published 2002 ISBN 1-84325-965-8 Acknowledgements We would like to thank al the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed thelr skills to the production of this book. Thanks are due in particular to: Mary Palmer (Editor in Chiet), Helen Smith (Senior editors), Mary Brown (ecitorial assistant), Phiippa Porter (senior Production Controller), the Express Publishing design team, and Mary Lews and Steve Mason for their suppor and patience. We would also like to thank those institutions and teachers who piloted the manuscript, and those whose ‘comments and feedback influenced positively the production of the book. ‘The authors and publishers also wish to thank the following who have kindly given permission to use copytight material: A future {or our Past. Historical Really, by Mark Brisbane and John Wood, © English Heritage Education Serviee, on p. 24. Corals and Cora! Roots, © Seaworld Adventure Parks, on pp. 46:47; Play's the thing, by Bryant Furlow., © New Scientist, on p. 61; Journal of Educational Psychology, © Dr Ra Persaud, on p. 68; Dad's beatime siory, © Sesame Street Parents, on'p. 69; The future of Tootball ies with women, © Vivek Chuachary, The Guardian Weekly, on p. 101: Peta! Power, by Jacqui Higgins. © Faicady Magazine, on p. 108; Vitamins... foo much of a good thing, by Dr Danny Penman, ® Focus, on p. 188; A dity business, by Fred Pearce, © New Scientist, on pp. 126-197; Research finds no il effects from use of mobile phones, © Tim Radford, The Guardian, ‘on p. 154; Charles Dickens. His Tragedy and Thumph, © Edgar Johnson, on pp. 156-157; Global communication and the return ‘f pictograms, © Focus, on p. 164; Westem Europe on a shoestring, Switzerland, © Lonely Planet Publications on p. 174; The Hindenberg, © Navy Lakehurst Historical Society, on p. 176; Thanks to Encarta online for Amelia Earhart, on p. 177; The freelance poisoner, by Gryant Furlow, © New Scientist, on p. 192; Soccer, © Synterga (USA) inc. on pp. 194-195: Batleialds, Defence, CContct and Wartare, English Hentage 1995, © English Heritage Education Service, on p. 212: Kingmaker’s feast, © Warwick Castle, England, on p. 213: Quiet Revolution, by Jane Feinmann, © The Observer Magazine, on p. 216; Internet wins 9% of young readers, by John Ezard, © Hellenic Star, on p. 222: Minoan Culture, © Washington State University, on p. 226; Inverness, © Inverness courier, on p. 243; Why boys can't be boys, © Tony Mooney, The Observer, on p. 243; Mars in popular cuture, © web site humbabe.are:nasalgovimgem/tun/pop himi, on p. 244; Mediterranean diet slashes heart disease risk, © Healthwel, on 'p. 269; This means war, by Debora MacKenzie, © New Scientist, on p. 270; Europe on a shoestring 2nd eaition, Highlands ancl Northem Islands, © Lonely Planet Publications, on p. 286; World's most endangered plant protected, © Focus, on p. 297: Perfect Vehicle (Driving Tomorrow), © Focus on p. 298: Saving the planet with a tree lunch, by lan Francis (b00k review) © Focus on p. 304; Aboriginal Music. © Aboriginal Art, on p. 309. Special thanks to the New Encyclopaedia Britannica ang the World Sook Encyclopaedia, Every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders but if any have been inadvertently overlooked, the publis be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity 10 u 12 13 4 Contents Units Page Tenses . . 6 Practice Test 1 24 Modals eee : ee 28 Practice Test 2 Ad Infinitive -ing FOrM ossssesestsesee evsneene oe os 48 Practice Test 3 : 66 Passive Voice : 7 Practice Test 4 86 Reported Speech 90 Practice Test 5... . - oe 110 Adjectives - Adverbs soe 14 Practice Test : . - i! Conditionals 138 Practice Test 7 ' 154 Wishes - Unreal Past sevens 158 Practice Test 8 evceeenee . 174 Relatives : 178 Practice Test 9 192 Nouns ee ee 196 Practice Test 10 : - oe . 210 Articles - 214 Practice Test 11 - - sevsnnnannnnsensnne 226 Cousative Form 230 Practice Test 12 SS : : : oa Clauses 248 Practice Test 13 ... 270 Inversion ... sosnnninnntnnnnnntninnnennnnnnennene on 274 Practice Test 14 286 Conjunctions - Punctuation : eo) Practice Test 15 306 Appendix 1 - Phrasal Verbs ...... : : E32 Appendix 2 - Idioms/Fixed Phrases csnnsnnenee - ose B17 Appendix 3 - Words often confused 322 Appendix 4 - Word Formation ..... : 329 Appendix 5 - Verbs, Adjectives, Nouns with Prepositions 338 Appendix 6 - Verbal Constructions 350 Introduction The CPE Use of English I for the revised Cambridge Proficiency Examination is a practice book intended for cedvanced students of English who wish to sit the revised CPE examination as well as other exominations cat the same level of dificully. lt con also be used by advanced students, who wish to polish up their skills in the difficult grammatical area of structures and usage. The Teacher's Book for the Students Book contains the answers overprinted on the relevant pages of the Student's Book. How the book is organised Each unit consists of three main sections: Grammar, English in Use ond a Practice Test. Grammar In this section there is a condensed presentation of grammar structures followed by graded exercises Which practise the various phenomena, including conversational grammar fouroplion multiple choice sentences. There is also a Verbal Construction Appendix (Appendix 6) which students can use as reference guide for specific structures. English in Use This section consists of ‘Open cloze texts ~ modified cloze tex's containing fifteen gaps. Phrasal verbs ~ presentation of phrasal verbs clearly set out in coloured tables and with relevant exercises. (To be used with reference to Appendix 1) Idioms/Fixed phrases - presentation of idioms/fixed phrases in coloured tables with relevant exercises. {To be used with reference to Appendix 2) Prepositions — verbs, nouns and adjectives followed by prepositions written in alphabetical groups and tested in sentence form. (To be used with reference to Appendix 5) Key word transformations — discrete items with a leadin sentence and « gapped response to complete using a given word. Fixed phrases - presentation of fixed phrases in coloured tables with relevant gap filing and four-option multiple choice sentences. Note expansion exercises ~ notes to be expanded into complete sentences. Register transfer exercises - one text including certain information followed by a gapped text providing the same information in a different register. Mistake identification exercises - sentences with deliberate mistakes to be identified and corrected by students, Proverbs - commonly used proverbs with explanations through exercises. Word usage ~ word formation texts containing ten ops (to be used with reference to Appendix 4), four option multiple choice cloze texts and sentences to be completed using the most appropriate choice from groups of words offen confused. [To be used with reference to Appendix 3) Collocations - exercises designed to familiarise students with word-combination. Gopped sentences - each question is made up of three discrete sentences. Each sentence contains one gap which has fo be completed with only one word which is common to all three sentences. Preparing for Port 5 - a two-page section preparing students for the comprehension questions and summary writing task required for Part 5 of the revised Cambridge Proficiency Examination. Practice Test This section consists of complete Use of English practice tess in the same form as the revised Cambridge Proficiency Examination Paper 3. Appendices The appendices on phrasal verbs, idioms/fixed phrases, words offen confused, word formation, prepositions and verbal constructions at the end of the book aim to help students in their studies as well os teochers in checking the students’ competence in these dificult areas of the English language. How to use the book The book is designed for use in class or selfstudy. The teacher is encouraged fo adapt the book to the needs of the students and according to individual preference. The material in the book is structurally graded and is intended to be practised over the duration of the Proficiency course. Components Student's Book Teacher's Book IT ta Grammar: Tenses aN PRESENT habitual actions or Tepeated actions with permanent states, chvays, forever, constantly He goes swimming every _(olien to show annoyance) day. You're always leaving the ‘She works in o bank. cap off the toothpaste. corranged future actions actions in progress/ Ulimetables, programmes, temporary actions ete) He's sleeping at the The match begins ot 8:30 moment next Monday evening. They're hunting for @ fat laws of nature/scientfic fixed arrangements for the facts and instructions near future ce melts when heated. They are going on an First you chop the meat, excursion tomorrow. then you hy it dramatic narration current trends and The lights go out anda developments figure tears ovt of the villa. Oil prices are rising at present Time Expressions: usvolly, Time Expressions: now, ot offen, always, every day, in present, at the moment, the morning, on Mondays etc these days, sil, todoy, tonight, nowadays etc asd recently completed actions She has just painted her actions beginning in the past ond continuing up to the present, focusing on the result He has writen three books. indefinite post actions oF experiences She has seen this film. (We do not know when.) {ve been to Berlin twice repeated actions sill continuing He has worked as a teacher for four years. (He is silo teacher.) Time Expressions: since, yet, for, already, just, ever, so far, recently, lately, stil, how long etc Present Perfoct Cont. past actions produci Visible results in the present She has been painting her room. (it smells of paint) ‘an action beginning in th past ond continuing up to the present, focusing on the ection especially with for or since She has been waiting for two hours but there's still no sign of him. ‘action showing annoyance, inition or surprise What have you been doing fo my computer? Time Expressions: for, since, how long, lately, recently etc Stative verbs describe « state and do not have continuous forms. These include verbs related to: senses see, heor, smell feel, toste thinking think, agree, believe, consider, doubt, expect, feel (think) emotion & feeling feel, forgive, hate, loathe, like, disike, love, mind, wish, etc other ‘appear/seem, be, belong, have [=possess), keep (=continue}, matter, owe, possess/own ete Notes * Verbs ofthe senses con have continuous forms, but then there's @ change in meaning 1'm seeing my dentist tomorrow. [= @ prior arrangement) time, etc We were having 0 good time at the party when the fire broke out you can call him. (= possess) but: Do you see those birds? fabiliy 10 see) The verbs think, consider and expect can have continuous forms when they refer to an actvily Bo quiet, please! I'm thinking. but: 1 think you are wrong. {~ | believe) + Have can have continuous forms in certain expressions such os: have a bath, have a nap, have fun, have a good but Since you have his phone number, Ja Grammar: TeRses, 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate present tense. © Our firm is launching (launch) two new products next week, 1 “Why .- fhe/leave}?” “Because he (play football ct 6:30 this evening,” 2 Dancers at the ballet schoo! {train for the performance since last November. 3 You (n01/really/expect) me to eat this stow! It {smel) awful! 4 (try) to complete that jigsaw for over three months now! 5 "Why (you/feel) Annie's forehead?” 4 (think) she’s got « temperature.” He has been to Berlin. (=He has gone and come back.) He has been in Buenos Aires foro year. {=He lives there He has gone to Toledo. (=He hasn't come back yet 2 Fill in the blanks with have been to, have been in or have gone to in their correct form. 0 Ihave never been to (never) Cambodia, but | might include it on my itinerary nex! year. 1 Mrs Bates Cologne. She won't be back for at least three weeks. 2 Nick Woles for three years now, studying for his degree. 3 Why don’t you ask Clare about the tropics? She Thailand. 4 He Visit his father. 'm afraid you've just missed him, 3 Put the verbs in brackets info the Simple Present or Present Continuous. Terry Poole (06 (be) an engineer who (1) {work for on international aid orgenisation. Although he roxmally (2) {work in Indonesia, ot present he 8) : (supervise) 0 project in Rwanda which (4). (involve) the coordination of local people, aid workers and engineers lke himself. Athough he (5) soso (enjoy) the experience, he 6 {dovbi he projec wil be finished soon 6 The place looks like a bombsite! What (do) all day? 7 Come on John! You . (know) me since high schooll You .. (7 ot/really/believe) | would do such a tetble thing, 8 The opposition party {oppear) to be making ground in the opinion poll. 9 Randell (kick) the ball into the net and it {be} « goal! 10 He (study) most of the year, but now it's summer, he (work) in o shop. 11 You (always/leave) the bathroom tap running. “HRS BEEN TO / HAS BEEN IN / HAS GONE TO 4 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous. Stonehenge (0) has been (be) the subject of erchaeological debate for many years. No one a) (yet/explain) satisfactorily why or how it was buil, although teams of experts 2) (excavate) the site for years and a team of American scientists (3) (recentty/start] working in the area with sophisticated new equipment. Popular theories 4 (sugges) that Stonehenge was built os a temple, but no one (5) (manage) to work out how the stones were transported here. A group of students from Bangor University 6 soe (iscuss) the possibilty of reenacting the journey from Wales, where such stones are to be found, overland to Stonehenge and sponsors 7)... .- (come) forward with offer: of financial assistance. The Bish ‘Museum (8) {lso/announce) « forthcoming exhibition of artefacts from the Stonehenge period which they (9) (gether) over the last five years from all over Northern Europe. Ja Grammar: | Tenses FUTURE FORMS A A TY TT predictions, offers, intentions, factions in progress at a factions finished before a promises, requests, 1 know my clothes are dirty. suggestions {/m going to wash them Will you help me with the tomorrow. dishes?/Shall | get you some coffee? conthe-spot decisions “Your clothes are dirty.” “Are they? Ill wash them.” planned actions She's going to take her diving test next month ‘opinions, hopes, fears, especially wit think, expect, suppote, imagine, possible action seen in the future as a result of sth else He doesn't know how to fear, etc light o fire. He’s going to [think he'll pass the test. burn himself when its not certain ‘when there is evidence that whether sh will happen sth will definitely happen (prediction) She's going to have a Perhaps itl rain tomorrow. baby. Time Expressions tomorrow, the day offer tomorrow, fonight, soon, next week, month/year, in a week/month/year ele OTHER WAYS OF EXPRESSING THE be + to infinitive (future plans, instructions) The meeting is to take place on Wednesday. certain time in the future 11 be ying to Paris this ime fomorrow. certain future time, usually th before, by, by then, by the time, until/ill By the end of July he will have been in Athens for ‘two months. logical assumptions about logical assumptions about sb’ actions in the present sbs actions He will be sleeping now. He will have gone fo sleep {it's midnight.) by now. previously planned actions {instead of Present Continuous) 1 be seeing Sam tonight. Would you like me to tell ‘on action up to a certain time’ inthe future, emphasising the continuity, usually with by. him the news? ra By next Sunday, they will ‘have been living here for wo weeks Note by/before ore used wih Future Perfect in postive sentences; un is used in negative sentences She will have cleaned the house by 6 o'clock ‘She won't have cleaned the house until 6 o'clock. FUTURE You are not to leave the premises until 17:00. bbe about + to - infnitive/be on the point of + gerund {immediate future) They are about fo leave. CONVERSATIONAL GRAMMAR 5 Choose the correct item. © “Any news from Tess?” "Yes. She tomorrow on the 9:15 train.” A will have been arriving C arriving B will have arrived arrives They are on the point of leaving. 1. “I suppose your report isn’t ready yet.” “Don't worry. | it by tomorrow." A will have been finishing Cam finishing B_ will be finishing D will have finished 10 *So, ore you coming along, after all?” “Well, | don’t know. What fime on 2" A you're leaving C will you leave B will you be leaving D do you leave “Ive called Eddie o hundred times but he won't ‘answer the phone.” “Try once more. He A will sleep B sleeps C will be sleeping D is to be sleeping "Well, first came here last June.” "So by the end of May you ... almost a year.” A will have been working C will have working B are going to have worked D will work "Shall | call Eddie ot home?" with us for Link Re sas. NOW." A will be working C is to work B is going to work will work “ls Nigel stil here?” "Yes, but hurry up, he is just ‘A about to leave C to be leaving B about leaving D to leave Maggie's birthday today?” "Yes, she «© party fonight.” A hos C is to have B is having D will have “Doesn't she feel nervous about having to teach that class?” “| shouldn't think so os she’s such an experienced feacher. By October she teaching for fifteen years.” A is going to be C will have been B has been D istobe “Why don’t we go to the cinema?” “Vs 00 late; the film... started by now." A will be shall have B is going to be D will have "You look gorgeous in that dress.” “Really? | it then.” A will be buying C will buy B buy D am to buy "So, when is your maths exam?” "Well, this time tomortOW Venn for it.” A will be siting C will have been siting B will sit D sit Ja Grammar: TeRses, 6 Put the verbs in brackets into an appropriate present or future form. “161 0) am (be) reelected, | (1) {give} you my word that the first issues | (2) (tackle) are those of the environment and education. As of next month, 1 (3) vero . (serve) my country in a public capacity for 6 years; | (4) .. hope) to continue for at least as many more. While the general attitude (5) . (seem) to be that things inthis CoUNtY (6) .srnssensnnneess (QO) from bad to worse, I believe that by the end of my next term of office we ” --- (beable) to look back and count the improvements that have been made. In fact, | am so confident that if it (8) (n01/be) the cose, | ° {never/maks) another promise in my life. But | firmly believe that these (10) (bo) ‘years of positive change and dramatic improvements.” 7 Fill in will o be going to. 0 A: I'm going to start learning Chinese. B: Are you? Will you let _me know what i lke os I'd like to have a go too? 1 A: Sheila ... have an operation nex! Tuesday. B: If you tell me which hospital she'll be in, Il go cond visit her 2A: Thave to be at work by 8:30. B: But ts nearly 8:00. You be late. 3. A: So I'll book your dental appointment for 4:30, shall I? B: No later than that, as 1 be at the office before 5 today. Vm sure | this time. B: I hope you do. You've worked really hard this term. Look ot those clouds. i's definitely going to rain. ect bering the chairs in from the garden, then So, are you ready to go? B: I've told you a thousand times! I. come. If you buy the flowers, I'l get some chocolates. OK, but get a move on or we be late. {not} pass the course N P> \ 10 Ja Grammar: Tenses PAST Past Simple ‘ctions completed in the past when there is direct or indirect time reference He left on hour ago. [direct time reference) ‘She phoned before the boss findirect time reference) past actions in progress/ ‘at a given point in time She was siill working at eight o'clock yesterday evening, post habitual actions He travelled/used to travel «a lot when he was young. past action in progress interrupted by onother action She was leaving when the phone rang. post actions happening one simultaneous past actions after the other While Jane was getting He stood up, picked up his dressed, Tom was enjoying briefeose ond let the office. his drink. pas! actions which won't be polite inquiries repected J was wondering if you ‘Marilyn Monroe starred in could help me. “The Seven Year lich”. Time Expressions: yesterday, then, when, ago, How long ago...?, last right/week/year ete Time Expressions: while, when, 0s, oll morning/evening, day, night ete USED TO / GET USED TO / WOULD Used to + infinitive (post habitual action/state) be/get used to + gerund/noun {habitual action} ‘would (repeated past action and routine) ‘a longer past action which post action which happened before another continued up to another past action past action ‘She had already typed all She had been cooking cll the leners before her boss day long when Tom came corrved. home with some fish and chips. «3 the past equivalent of the actions producing visible Present Perfect results in the past Compare: ‘She was covered in paint Bob had always dreamed because she had been of being in o musical, but he never got the chance. Tom has always dreamed of being ina musical; he ‘might make it one day. painting her room. Time Expressions: before, after, already, just, for, since, tll/until, by the fime, never etc Time Expressions: for, since, how long, before, until etc This theatre used to be a hospital Ho used to work fill late at night. (He doesn’t anymore.) ‘She isn’t used to driving on the left. 1 haven't got used to living abroad yet. When | was at my grandparents’ cottage, | would wake up early and go for a ride. 8 Pur the verbs in brackets into an appropriate past lense. © He walked (walk) to the front of the stage, took {toke) a bow and waved {wave} to the audience. 1 Her clothes were soaked because she (walk) in the rain. 2 We (201/enjoy) the play so we (leave) early. 3. While you (sleep) Joan (ty) hard to finish her dissertation 4 Susan and To {moet} when they (study) in Edinburgh 20 years ago. 5 In June 1979 they : {sill/build) this shopping centre. 6 They (walk) fo the water's edge, (wade) in ond (swim) to the other side 7 While the soldiers (advance) they did not reolise that the enemy (plan) « surprise attack. 8 The politician (already/finish) his speech by the time the TV reporter (arrive). 9 By the time Monica {get fo the library, Elena {olready/do) all the research. CONVERSATIONAL GRAMMAR 9 Choose the correct item. 0 "Where's Christine?” "Idon't know; she the office fifteen minutes ogo.” Biet C has left B hod left D had been leaving 1 "Why didn’t Madeline show up at the party last night?” "When | called her at 11:00 she : A. was sill studying would sill study B had still been studying D sill studied 2 Did you know that Oscor Wilde during his final years? A has been living B had lived in Poris © had been living D lived 10 uN 12 1a Grammar: TeXses, “You're looking miserable.” 4 ‘on my thesis when my computer suddenly crashed.” A. was working B used fo work CC would work D have been working "Did you hear the rain last night?” Y8, oneal igh.” ‘A had been pouring B was pouring C has poured D was poured “Can't we just order a nice bit of cod?” “Don't be ridiculous! We ...... all this way to eat fish and chips.” ‘A haven't been coming C aren't coming B_ haven't come D hadn't come “love your car.” “This old thing? We A had had B have been having “What's wrong with Robert?” “1 don't know. He... up, slammed the door and stormed out ofthe building.” A got C was geting B has got D had got “Mary has difficulty fiting in.” “Well, | quess she .... 4 this type of work." it for fifteen years.” C have had D used to have A didn't use C doesn't get used B isnt used D hasn't been used “loved Christmas as a child.” “So did I. Every Christmas Eve all the fomily the tree together.” ‘A would have decorated C had been decorating B would decorate used to decorating ‘When I lived downtown | to the cinema almost every night ‘A wos going have been going B went D had been going Sue from a severe bout of flu at the time. C would recover D was recovering A recovered B used to recover “How's Peter doing?” “| don't know. | A have to hear B didn’t hear from him for months." CC haven't heard D don’t hear Ja Grammar: Tenses 13. “Ted is so inconsiderate.” “What you say that, George?” A is making C mokes B_ was making D had made 10 Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate past lense. IF it (0) hadn't been (not/be) for Lovis, Joan (1) neo {never/survive) her trip to Paris lost month, She (2) -- (not/meet} him before, but she (3) (be) certainly glod that she had by the end of her stay. The first thing that (4) {happen} was that the hotel where she (5) {plan) to stay (6) {not/receive) her booking, so they had no room for her. Then, as she (7) {try) fo get a taxi 1 take her to another hotel, someone on a motorbike @ (snatch) her bag with all her tickets ‘and credit cards init. As her French (9) (be) quite rusty, she (10) {not/know) how to explain what (11) (happen). it was then that Louis (12) +» (approach) her cond (13) (introduce) himself CONVERSATIONAL GRAMMAR 11 Choose the correct item. 0 “Tina is sil looking for a decent flat.” “How long " A was she looking Chad she looked B is she looking © has she been looking 1. “Has Paul come to terms with his examination results?” “Yes. He the fact that he'll have to resit.” A had accepted C accepted B hos accepted D has been accepting 12 10 “Did you have @ good fime at the Jordans?” *Not realy. ...nn Fl ever visi them again.” ‘Adon’ think © won't be thinking B_ om not thinking D think not Gerold jst cont nme working shifts A used 10 get used to B be used D used to be Alson feels more sympathy and less anger than she A had C was B would D used Will you we withthe audiowideo equipment by 12:30 pm?" “Possibly, but I'l lt you know beforehand.” A finish C be finishing B finished D have finished “George is in hospital.” “Yes, I've heard he A makes B is making good progress.” will make D would moke “Ym geting my work permit next week.” “t's about time. You here for two months by then.” A are C will have been B will be D have been “How do you like your sushi?” “Well, it’s really different. It's the first time | Jopanese food.” A have eaten B eat C am eating D have been eating “Wasn't sacking Mary rather harsh on his port?" “Not really; he her several times in the past." A had warned C warns B was warning D will worn “Where's Jonathan?” “He nn 10 the travel agent's.” A has been Chas been going B hos gone D had gone y: STRUCTURAL CONVERSION ~- 1 I've never been given such a nice present before. It's the nicest presen! I've ever been given. 2 He's never flown by Concorde before. 1's the first time he’s (ever) flown by Concorde. 3 I's a long time since he visited us. He hasn't visited us for a long time. 4 When did you leave school? How long ago did you leave school? How long is it since you left school? 5 The last time | saw her was @ month ago. haven't seen her for a month 6 He joined the golf club fen months ago. He has been a member of the gol club for ten months 7 It's. month since she moved fo Austria She moved to Austria a month age. 8 She started English lessons a year ago. ‘She has been taking/having English lessons for @ year. 1's. year since she stated toking/having English lessons 9 Having had dinner, | wont to bed. ‘Afr having dinner, | went bed. ‘AftorIhad had dinner, | went to bed. 10 think there will be o war soon. In my opinion, there is going to be @ war soon. Ifyou ask me, there’s bound to be a war soon. In my estimation, war is imminent. 11 I don’t believe that he'll agree. I's my boli that he won't agree. Ihave a feeling that he won't agree. There’s no reason to believe that he'll agree. Ja Grammar: TeXses, While I was walking down the street, | saw Mary. While walking down the sree, | sow Mary. When / was walking down the street, | sow Mary. Jhwas while | was weiking down the steet that | saw Mary 13 Was there any response to his appeal? Did anyone respond to his appeal? 14 The race takes place tomorrow. The race will/s going to be held/take place tomorrow. | The race is scheduled to take place/tor tomorrow. | 15. She started doing her homework as soon as her brother had lof for school ‘She started doing her homework when her brother had | lef for school ! ‘She didn’t start (doing) her homework until her brother had laf for school ; ‘She waited unt her brother had lef for schoo! before she | started (doing) her homework/or before starting to do... | ‘Not until her brother had left for school did she stort {doing} her homework. t 18 When did you last have o haircut? i When was the last ime you had a haircut? ; 17. She wrote the book while she was on holiday. : ‘She wrote the book during her holiday. i 18 | only slept for an hour last night. ' only had an hour's sleep last night. : 19 his certain that he'll pass his exams. i There is no doubt that he'll pass his exams i He is bound to pass his exams 12 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including the word given. 1 fs been months since | last spoke with Paul contact haven't months. 2. He has never felt so embarrassed before. ever Ws peers embarrassed 3. She was going to hand in her notice when the boss decided to promote her. point She notice when the boss decided to promote her. 4 He has tried to lose weight before. first Ws a diet 5. France hasn't won @ gold medal in this sport for ages. time Wes medal in this sport. 6 is certain that he will compensate you for the damage he has done. bound He .. seve ests to you for the damage he has done. 7 Stephen realised something terrible had happened {5 soon as he saw May erying ‘aware Stephen €s soon as he saw May crying 13 \ Ja Grammar: Tenses CONVERSATIONAL GRAMMAR 13 Choose the correct item. 1. “John really ought to lose some weight.” "You're right; he ........ very heavily during the walk yesterday." A. was breathing CC has been breathing B had breathing D had been breathing 2 “Sheard Roy and Alice had an argument.” "Do you know what it this time?” A has started CC had been starting B started D had started 3. “I wonder how Jeff is doing.” “I haven't got a clue. l’s been a long time since | to him.” A have spoke C had spoken B spoke D speaking 4 “It’s0 pity she had to pull out of the competition.” “Yes, especially since she such excellent progress.” A is moking C had been making B made D has been making 5. "Who's going to collect your mail while you're on holiday?” have asked my cousin.” A ever C yet B sill D okeody & “Did you get to see Frances in the end?” "No, She for the airport when | ortived ot her home.” A would leave C had left B_ was leaving D left 7. "Helen moved to London last week.” “Well, | suppose she'll find it dificult to on the lef.” A be used fo driving C get used to driving B use to drive D be used to drive 8 “How long have you been with Sears S.A,?" “By nex! month |... there for @ year.” ‘A will be working Cam going to work B have worked D will have been working 9 “Did you stay up late yesterday?” “Not really. | went to bed after Monica A. was leaving C leaving B had left D has left 14 14 Complete the second sentence so that it has o similar meaning tothe fist sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use benween three and eight words, including the word given 1 I believe the man you're looking for is standing right rex! to us. feeling 1 to us is the one you're looking for. 2 Jeremy joined the cricket club a year ago. member Jeremy's «0 yea 3. It was proposed that a new orphanage should be built. forward They to build a new orphanage The olections take place next Sunday. scheduled The next Sundoy. 5. I believe there will be an economic crisis soon. estimation In imminent & The final question in part 6 wasn’t answered correctly by anyone. answer Nobody - ne the final question in part 6° 7 Mozart started composing music during his ear childhood. young Mozart sess sess child 8 According to Dr Donovan, Rosie is bound to b offered the position, doubt According to Dr Donovan, the position 9 He's been writing the novel for nearly two years. started his the novel 15 Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. POST IN HISTORY Although it may come as a surprise (0) to many people, postal services have existed in some parts of the word for thousands of yeors. (1) isomple evidence that a postal service existed among the Assyrians and Babylonians. In China a regular postal service (2) ‘established in the seventh century BC, ond (3) -.the centuries attained (4) a high level of efficiency that some 2,000 years after its insitution it won the admiration of travellers (5) Marco Polo. Efficient and highly developed postal services were also established in the Persian and Roman ‘empires. In ancient times, (6) services were mainly confined (7) .... the use of representatives. ofthe state; private citizens (8) use of slaves, merchants and the like to send their messages and documents, In Medieval Europe, postal services ° ‘organised by emperors ond by the papacy, (09) private citizens continued to ‘entrust their correspondence to various travellers. Later, ‘around the 13th century, universities and towns came (uy have their own messengers. However, it was not (12) the 14th century that merchants, the private ciizens (13) had the greatest need fora speedy and regular exchange of correspondence, began to (14) up regular courier services. The needs of business led to the development of the postal service as we know (15) today. PHRASAL VERBS 1 16 look at Appendix 1 and fill in one of the prepositions or adverbs below, then give o synonym for each phrasal verb, * beneath * off # up to * in for # in-witr * down on * out * on * down with * into © Susan gets all the perks because she’s in with the administration 1 She fees itis uneducated people. her to socialise with 2 Aso vegetarian, Poul is se people who at meat 3 Hellbe it when his parents discover he took the money. 4 Half the staff are the flu this week, 1b English in Use, 5. She doesn’t eat crisps or chocolate; she's health food 6 Ourdag has been 7 Do you know whats 8 I don’t know what he's been looks very embarrassed 9 The roses have been PHRASAL VERBS 2 ‘act do whatever is advised/ suggested behave awkwardly or badly/not work properly answer (sb) back (inf): respond rudely to sb its food for days now. at the cinema tonight? , but he for 0 few doys now. ‘act up fin: ‘answer for: be responsible for sth/pay for/vouch for answer to: be under the command of sb/have the characteristics described back down: cease to oppose or demand back out (of): withdraw (from) back up: support/confirm bear on (A): be relevant to/affect bear with: be patient 17 Fill in the correct preposition(s) or adverb. © The Ministers statement has no bearing on this case 1. The Prime Minister said that he would speak to his advisors and then act their advice, 2 You can’t change your mind now. I's too late to back the deal 3. The plant manager answers directly runes the head of the company. A. Iwas prepared to back .. her story because I knew it was the truth, 5. The boby has been acting all doy. 1 think she must be teething, The accused will answer highest court in the land 7 Faced with such formidable opposition to his proposal, he had no choice but to back 8 I was always in trouble for answering when I was at school 9 Ifyou can bear me a lite longer, Ill try to explain the reasons behind our actions. 15 his actions in the \e As English in Use IDIOMS/FIXED PHRASES 1) all but ‘nearly, almost/except all in (nf: exhousted all told: altogether for all: in spite of of all people: used fo express annoyance/ surprise because a certain person was thought to be unsuitable all along: from the beginning cllthe same: yet, however all in all: when everything is considered for all know: as far os | know forall leare: I don't care IDIOMS/FIXED PHRASES 2) take sth into account: ‘on account of: ‘on no account: ‘on this/that account: ‘on the air: under no circumstances for this/that reason broadcasting (opp.: off the oir) uncertain it exists, but not talked bout remove suspicion or bad feeling be very angry on the lookout; 16 expecting sth 18 Fill in the blanks with one of the idioms/fixed phrases. 0 I've all but Finished; just give me o few minutes Vo ceessnmnnmnnnsenney i S@med 10 be quite @ good suggestion. 2. He promised to come to the party on Friday; I don't think we should count on him. 3 his hard work, he didn’t get «@ promotion 4 I don't know how they found out, but they've known about it 5. I've been following the election campaign and [think the government wil win the election. 6 She told me her nome was Joan but é she could be lying. 1 don’t think V'l go out tonight. I'm I never expected you . such a thing! 9 You can take the whole lot ON to soy 19 Fill in the blanks with one of the idioms/fixed phrases. 0 Instead of botling up your feelings, let's talk abou! it and clear the alr 1 The fire fighters are always for forest fires, particularly in the summer. 2 There's a feeling of anticipation a the moment 3. The villogers ore .. proposed motorway. 4 [haven't been able to travel much lately nnn svsnnmnnsneseeseese My €0F having broken down. 5 His future is sill ; he can’t decide whether fo become a surgeon or a psychiatist 6 You must. ..- his educational background when deciding what work to .. about the give him. 7 The meeting tomorrow is very important; should you be late. 8 There's been o hurricane in Manila, and all flights have been cancelled 9 You can’t go into the studio just yet as the programme is sill Tb English Use, 22 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the POSITIONS 20 Look at Appendix 5 and fill in the blanks with the correct preposition © The cinema which was adjacent go the bank was badly damaged in the earthquake. 1 The child showed no animosity... her new stepbrother. 2. What you're saying amounts blackmail 3. Mr Parker was arrested exceeding the speed limit. 4. She is finding it difficult to adjust cnn the imate. 5 Your calculations do not accord mine. 6 She was very appreciative cll the support she got from her fiends 7 Iwas totally ebashed 8 His abstinence months. his rude manner. caffeine lasted only two 9 Ihave an aversion spiders. 211 Look at Appendix 5 and fill in the blanks with the correct preposition 1 The recommendations are based 4 recent Home Office report. 2 My litle sister sill believes Father Christmas. 3 Beware the strong currents when ‘swimming in this area, 4 bumped ... ... an old school friend in town last week 5 The tourists bartered at the local market. 6 When the children arrived at the fair, they made a the souvenirs beeline the ghost train. 7 There's a ban using hosepipes during the drought. 8 The cot basked ... the warm sunshine. 9 He continually boasts his fantastic job 10 The man begged his wife... forgiveness. word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including the word given The suspect could not explain why he had sand in his boots, account The suspect in his boots. What he told me made me very curious to hear the rest of the story. ppetite ‘What he told me f the story. | don’t mind staying in on a Saturday night if| have good company. averse Im e eas . night if | hove good company. ‘Miss Hayes will explain the day-to-day running of the office to you. acquaint Miss Hayes running of the office. I/don’t know how I can make it up to you for spoiling your plans. amends I don’t know “your plans Ihis 0 foregone conclusion that Mark will get he jab saying h the job, Ou teacher doesn't like it when we leave the classroom without asking firs. ‘approve Our teacher without asking firs. Those official files cannot be seen by the public until the end of the decade. ‘access The files until the end ofthe decade, Being her only niece, Ana is very precious to her. ‘apple Being her only niece, .. eye. 1? 18 Ib English in Use 10 12 13 4 15 16 7 18 19 You need to consider the fact that he hasn't spoken French for years. allowances You need to : he hasn't spoken French for years. Sheila was the only one who succeeded in finding the solution to the problem. wp Only Sheila to the problem. | was surprised not fo see Meg at the party but | loter heard she was il ‘apparently | wos surprised that Meg she was ill | know this route looks dangerous but | can't think of @ better option alternative However dangerous this route looks, : think of. Because of the lack of co-operation he decided to leave the project unfinished cebandon He chose «10 lack of co-operation. Helen won't be happy till she gets « ful refund. than Nothing Helen. | always think about transport costs when job hunting consideration always . os when job hunting Becky didn’t tell you because she assumed you already knew. granted Becky didn't tell you cesses fe you already knew. How would you deal with such « challenge? presented What such a challenge? la my opinion, Simon was a fool not to accept their job offer. down \ think their job offer. 20 The neighbours will look after our house while we ore away. eve The neighbours while we are away. FIXED PHRASES in abeyance (: be of have no fixed abode (|: cut and about: in the abstract: of its own accord: agree to differ/disagr in arrears: ‘cast aspersions (A) cost an arm and a leg (inf): be thrown off balance: ‘on the ball: below the belt: bbe beside oneself with ‘anger/excitement: bide one’s time: in the black: blaze a trail: con the blink (in: 90 by the board: ‘cut fo the bone: out of bounds: pick someone's brains (in: halted temporarily be homeless 1) outdoors: 2) travelling from one place fo another in a general way automatically stop arguing because there is no chance of agreement have not paid the money they owe criticise be very expensive be surprised/confused olert crvel and unfair to be extremely aangry/excited wait for a good opportunity not owing anybody ony ‘money (opp.: in the red} discover/explore sth stop working properly (of electrical equipment be rejected/ignored/ rno longer possible reduced to the/a prohibited, forbidden place) ‘sk sb to help with o problem/extract information from an expert 23 Complete the sentences using one of the fixed phrases in an appropriate form. 1 Ifyou until the market improves, you'll goto better return on your investment 2 Doctors in World War I plastic surgery techniques. 3. Ben's dreams of a university education when his father died and he was forced to earn « living 4 The swimming pool is toll pupils unless accompanied by o teacher. 5 Aholiday in the UK these days & MyTVhas been cll week. 1" have to call @ repairman, 7 Households that are more than six months with their morkgage repayments will foce repossession of their homes. 8 You don't need to worry. This kind of rash will usually dear up. 9 Costs must be if the company isto survive the current economic downturn Ws nice to see him ater his illness. 10 ‘again 24 Choose the correct item. 1 During winter the shelters ore full of people of no fixed A residence B abode 2 Unil your finances are in the idea to take out a loan A credit B funds 3 The matter has been left in romifications have been explored. A recess C obeyance B suspension D waiting C home D domicile , isnot a good © profit D black nfl the legal 4. hwos an extremely hostile article which cast ‘on the conduct of the entire cabinet A ciiticism C disapproval B aspersions D abuse 5 Could | pick your... on the subject before the eating? A brains C head B mind D intellect 1b cot 6 I'm not sure | can answer that. I've only thought about it in the before. A. general indefinite B hypothetical D abstract 7. You'll never convince me! We'll just have to to disagree. A agree © admit B consider D consent 8 The entire staff was thrown off of the takeover was announced. A composure C stable B disarray D balance 25 Read the following article and using the information ‘given, complete the folowing ler by writing the missing words inthe corec spaces. The words you need do not cccur in the anicl. The fist one has been done for you. Do not use more than hwo words fr each blonk. when the news The French government is planning to inkoduce new measures to monitor ond limit the use of live onimals in scientfic research, Ther aim is to establish new stondards for all of Europe. The new measures oim to ensure thatthe public will be informed as fo the condiions in which animals are kept, and scientiss wll be made to justify their use of ive animals in cases where subsiuls can be found. A council will so be | formed, consisting of scientists, animal rights activists ond ‘other qualified members. is hoped that Frances actions will be an example to other European counties which now hove fow controls regarding the reament of animal Deor John, 1 just wanted to write and tell you about he nw (0) daw! that is being (1) in herein (2) 0 8) ‘of the way live animals are used in ‘experiments and even 10 4) their use Ih makes all our hord work worthwhile. What they (5) todos 6) new guidelines for 7) of Europe. i will mean that (8) will know about 0 the animals are kept. Best ofall, it means that scientists wil have to explain (10} they experiment on live animals at allt Apparently, some kind of commits of my vill also be (12) Hopeful, this wal (13) cther counties in Europe change their ‘ways for the beter. We'llkeep you posted, Hopefully the changes here wil help with your campaign! 4 Yours, © Jocques 19 20 bé English in Use WORD USAGE 26 Read the text below. Use the word given in copitals af the end of some of the lines to form a word that fit figure, and simple but (2) . oft cotmosphere with which they are invested: a kind of mute (4) the ortist and siter that implicates the spectator in a truly (5) Alter suffering from serious illnesses as a child, he was forced to give up (6) in the space in the same line. ‘A MODERN ITALIAN ARTIST Amedeo Modigliani (1884 - 1920] was an ltelian painter and sculptor whose (0) original pointings, which were characterised by asymmetry of composition, (I) nnnmvenes of .» Use of line, are among the most important he 20th century. They have also gained (3) ‘ORIGIN LONG MONUMENT POPULAR RELATION REMARK CONVENTION for the entirely personal between way. education, and it was then that he began to study painting. After his studies in ltaly, Modigliani left for Poris. There, he was overwhelmed by the painting of Pavl Cezanne, which exerted an ” (8) influence on the earliest phase of his work. Furthermore, his, study of African sculpture made a profound impression on his painting style. ‘QUESTION EXTEND, Modigliani was not a professional portraitist in the strict sense of the word. His paintings are ‘almost always portraits of relatives, (9) scene of his times and the contemporary artistic world, along with many portraits of (19) persons. 27 Fill in the blanks with one of the words from the 10 box below in the correct form. * laugh * smile * giggle * chuckle * sneer ‘grin # snigger * smirk * beam * titter * guffaw Mr Jones chuckled to story in the newspaper. The audience started when the cameras pointed their way. The students when they saw that their feacher had sat on some chewing gum. self as he read a funny nervously Ihordly ever ot jokes. | just don't find them funny. The woman .. wih pleasure when she saw her daughter get off the plone Fiona pleasantly at her neighbour when she saw her walking through the park When he loudly at the joke, everyone in the theatre turned to look at him. The boy could do nothing but nervously when he was asked fo stand up in front ofthe class. It’s disgusting the way she at everyone who doesn’t dress as well as she does. Mr Smith always when he sees me; | get the feeling he knows something | don’. Those teenage girls do nothing but when they see boys they lke of the Parisian literary PERSON IDENTIFY 28 Choose the correct item. 1 A small dog went for my ankles but | edroily managed to i. A. dodge © shirk B evade D duck 2. He's so lazy! We all have to work harder because he’s always his duties. A evading CC ducking B shirking D dodging 3. The Prime Minister managed to cony tricky ‘questions asked by the interviewer. A shirk © dodge B duck D evade 4. The domp has... his health; he's got rheumatism A offected C swayed B influenced D impressed 5 I'm sure thet living with a vegetarian has ...... me to eat less meat A. swayed € influenced B affected D impressed 6 Before | poy for the pointing, | need proof that it ofp) ns. Picasso, not @ copy. A real C valid B outhentc D natural 7 He may appear to be but in fact he's a compulsive liar A outhentic B genvine C natural D real 8 If you have stomach problems it is best to avoid A ich C wealthy B affluent D lavish 9 Iwas rother embarrassed when John gave me such ofr} gif. A welloff CC extravagant B rich D affluent 10 Brozil derives the mojority of its revenue from one _ coffee. A stock C wore B merchandise D commodity COLLOCATIONS 29 Fil in artificial, false. © false teeth 6 . light 1 passport | 7 flowers 7 alarm 8 .. tears 3 hair 9 peorls 4 note 10 impression 5 limbs | 11 odditives 30 Think of one word which can be used appropriately in all three sentences. 0 + One doesn't need to be an expert to appreciate the beauty of classical music * He seems confident that houses in this area will appreciate in valve in the next few years. + ll always appreciate your help and support. 1 Her hands were swollen and 1... from the unaccustomed hard work. * Dieticians consider be the healthiest option. * | think you got a joined that frm. 2eA of dirt and oil lay over the surface of the pond. * Lorna Rook has been all over the world promoting her latest «Ifyou wrap the cheese tightly in plastic ‘and put it in the fridge it will last longer. vegetables to deal when you Ib English RU: The original of the restourant included an open kitchen by the front entrance. My heart is set on @ couch with an embossed floral | have to admit that | met him by 5 | waited in the lobby until he arrived. Game wardens traps to catch poachers and hunters IF you pay on our installment plan, we will : your carpets free of charge. You can’t simply the blome on the government whenever things go wrong! She the pillow angrily and started crying, wishing she hadn't told him anything. Danny holes in the reports and filed them The accountant quickly info the calculator. the amounts The school staff needs new in order fo bring in novel ideas. Having met his parents, | can see that generosity is in his : The doctors said they would have to carry out a test prior to the operation, After the whole ordeal, we wondered if it wos worth the The at the football match arose when fans of the losing team didn’t agree with the referee's call His chronic back his sleeping on a soft mattress. Peter's cond sense of humour made him a welcome guest on anyone's lis. Although he claimed not to be superstitious, he puta in his back pocket before heading for the exam The plan was a great success. It worked like 0 ‘wos caused by Ever since John broke the window, he's been in the teacher's books Rumour has it that he quit the country leaving nothing but debts behind Poor Markl | feel really bout his being laid off on his birthday. 2 Ib English in Use PREPARING FOR PART 5 SUMMARY WRITING I Locating and Paraphrasing Relevant Information 31 a) Read the passages, then read the following summary question, and decide which four of the eight bole parts should be included in the answer. One has been done for you. Ina paragraph of between 50 and 70 words, summarise how each child reacted to the storytelling Relevant paris: B Kenneth Grahame was o large, self-effacing Scotsman (at 39, the youngest ever Secretary of the Bank of England) whose shyness and aloofness meant thot he had few friends. (A) To his son Alastair, however, he gave his heart and the wonderful literary gilt of The Wind in the Willows. The creation of this timeless clossic started in young Alastair’s bedroom, as his father would tell him bedtime stories about the magical world of Toad, Mole, Badger and Otter. (8) The irresistible combination ‘of fantasy and realism kept the boy spellbound night cafter night. (C} Soon, he would refuse to go to bed without his father furnishing him with another episode. Underlying this wonderful story is a caring father's ‘attempt to quietly instruct his son in the ways of the world, Wisdom, folly, firm action and tolerance are all discreetly displayed in such a way that a young child could understand and opprecicte. (D) ‘The Wind in the Willows’ has all of the characteristics of didactic children’s literatura, in that it primarily aims to teach. However, the ingenuity of its content means that it stands out from other didactic children’s literature, making it @ novel that can be read simply for the pleasure one finds in the hilarious exploits of Toad ‘ond his friends; on a didactic level, it acts as a gentle, benevolent guide. My husband and | write books for o living Specifically, we write books for eight to twelve yeor ‘olds and teens. As cowriters, we've put together all sorts of stories featuring all sorts of heroes, from princesses and trolls to singing horse riders and| animated green slime. (E) A few years ago we| decided to try a new genre and added goblins and various other monsters fo our cast of characters. Both our children have had the occasional] nightmare, but iis our younger one, Susan, who is the more sensitive ond more prone 10 fears of monsters lurking under her bed. (F} When she was four and her| brother Kevin was seven, my spouse and I were asked to write a scary book. As the level of the books wos ‘appropriate to my children’s age, | thought I'd "test” the book on them. (G) | hadn't even finished reading them} the first chapter when my daughter sat up and yelled| “That's horrible! How could you write something like that?” Needless to soy, | didn’t finish the story. (H) My sever:yearold hadn't said anything, but it was ‘obvious from his expression that he wasn’t exactly ‘enjoying it. We've gone back to writing non-scary books now, as the experience made us aware that children are extremely impressionable when it comes {Jo ghosts and other things that go bump in the night. 4) Porophrase the relevant parts so that you use as few of the words appearing in the passage as posible. The fofal wordcount for all four parts should not exceed 50 words. Hem (B] has been done for you. B Alastair loved his father's bedtime stories, which were both realistic and imaginative Complete the summary below. Alastair loved his father’s stories, (1) After o while, he wouldn't (2) : The experience of the writer of the second passage was very different. Her younger child (3) Although her (4) 22 Ib English iMUse, 32 a) Read the passages, then read the following summary question, and underline the parts which should be included in the answer. One part in the second passage has been underlined for you. ‘In a paragraph of between 50 and 70 words, summarise the different accounts of how the Giant's Causeway was formed. Witness the result of nature's ancient fury. Burning lava pours out of the earth's interior and comes in contact with the freezing cir, rapidly cooling into 40,000 black, hexagonal columns. The tops of these columns (he tallest of which is 12 metres high) are relatively fat, and act as stepping stones which lead from the top of a perilous cliff gradually out into the rough Irish sea. Welcome to the world’s most spectacular volcanic site: the Giant's Causeway, in Northern Ireland ‘Coledonion Holidays’ now offers you the opportunity to visit this awesome site. Near the coast of County Antrim in Northern Ireland, the Giant's Causeway will astonish you with its alien ‘oppearance. Let our guides tell you all about its ‘reation, its history, and how it has inspired numerous lsh myths and legends. ‘Caledonian Holidays’ offers pockage weekend trips to the Giant's Causeway from Glosgow, Liverpool, Dublin ond Belfast. Normally priced ct £190 per person, this magnificent journey to the Earth’s most spectacular beach is now on special offer, costing only £145 per person, Offer ends on June 30th, s0 book now by using our free phone number or our web page. According to Irish tradition, the Giants Causeway has two possible origins, both involving legendary hero, Finn McCool. The first legend says that the Couseway was McCool’s labour of Tove. He had fallen for the charms of a itl from Sfaffo, an island in the Hebrides, and, in an attempt to see her more ‘offen, McCool built the Causeway so that she could ‘ross to Ulster, The second story presents the Causeway's construction ina less romantic light. The Scottish giant, Benandonner, challenged Finn McCool to a duel to the death. Finn, thinking he would win the duel easily and rid Britain of the giant forever, hastily hurled large stones into the Irish Sea to form a passageway for his enemy to walk across. Finn's wife, on seeing the giant, feared that her husband would be defeated, and so set out to fool Benandonner. She dressed her husband up as o baby and made him lie in an enormous cradle. She then invited the giant for a cup of fea, pleading for him to be quiet as her “baby” was sleeping. When Benandonner saw the huge “infant”, he began to ‘wonder about the size of the father, and ended up beating « hasty retreat back to Scotland. As he ron ‘off, he ripped up parts of the Causeway, which explains why only pars of it remain }) Poraphrase the relevant parts so that you use as few of the words appearing in the passage as possible. One item has been done for you. ‘A One legend has it that Finn McCool built the Causeway to help his love cross from the Hebrides. Write the summary. 23 Jc, Practice Test One Paper 3 Use of English Time: 1 hour 30 minutes om Read the text below and think of the word which best fis each space. Use only one word in each space. TO SLEEP OR NOT TO SLEEP ‘Are you one of those people (0) who toss and turn all night, unable to (1) oo to sleep? Although many people who have sleeping problems, (2) ...-nn.nn chronic or occasional utomatically reach for the sleeping tablets when they see o difficult night (3) of them, there are o number of so-called “folk” remedies which are not only cheaper but also much safer in the long run. Most people hove tried having « hot drink such os milk or (4) ofe number of commercially available herbal infusions before going to bed, but there are other, (6) -eoccnsnenns Welkknown remedies, which can help you on your way to 0 restful night's sleep. One unusual (6) effective technique involves not warmth, (7) you might think, but cold. Before going to bed, run very cold water for several minutes over your forearms and legs from the knee (8) 1 then dry yourself quickly and hop into bed. You will find yourself feeling {olally relaxed and drowsy. Another unusual approach has to do with eating or, to (9) more precise, chewing. Take a large apple, wash it and eat it slowly, (10) particular care to chew the peel thoroughly. Chewing is not only relaxing in (11) , but the peel of the apple contains @ natural substance (12) induces relaxation. Meditation, stretching, waking and (13)... reading are also effective for many people. Clearly there are many ‘ways fo avoid the pillpopping route and (14) enjoy 0 good night’ sleep. Then again, if all (15) fails, you could always ry counting sheep! arp Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fils in the space in the same line. THE PRESENTATION OF HISTORY When dealing with (0) sensitive issues such as the atrocities of war SENSE and man's (16). foran, rt sory HUMAN may ty in vain to give an everrhanded (17) ws TREAT ofthe subject. This creates the danger of “softening” the image to make it litle less (18)... covey @ litle ess HORROR (19) vw and @ litle more acceptable to the SHAME general audience. This isan injustice to history, with foo much emphasis put on the bland and not enough on the harsh recliy of the past. Interpreting our heritage is not a soft option where oll that is required is anice, (20) view of the post. It requires SENTIMENT «full working (21) of the issues and the PERCEIVE evidence, together with a (22) to wilt be open about the strengths and weaknesses of our ability to interpret in a way that (23) understanding, DEEP IF (24) is required to do that, then it should not PROVOKE be avoided for fear of presenting something (25) AGREE 24 mp Think of one word only which can be used oppropriately in all three sentences 0 * One doesn’t need to be an expert to appreciate the beauty of classical music. ‘+ He seams confident that houses in this area will appreciate in value in the next few years. + Ill olways appreciate your help and support. 26 * Ray married a woman ten years his + Ill always remember Mrs White, my teacher in school. Ripton was at that time a offical at the Treasury. 27 * Before signing the contract, make sure you read the small * Pat wore a dress with a pretty floral on it 4 The wild cot hadn't let single nace fOr us to follow. 2B + They bul « cottage on their Hille nu OF land. * The ploy had too many characters and o confused ... Guy Fowkes Night commemorates a to blow up Parliament 29 * You needn't take the pot out ofits in order to water i. The government is taking « firm ... on the issue. The witness wos asked to take the witness cond teslfy under oath 30 * They puto stronger wnnnssne Of the gate fo stop their dog from getting out © A ssnsnnns 08 @ CONG! regulates the flow of water 4+ Holen blew back @ stay vccnnsrnn OF halt 31 © Carmen had always... . hypnotherapy unl she found it octually worked © Sh WOS soosnneeee Sideways when she heard she had won the lottery * Aller negotiation, the price was . down on condition we paid cash Tc Practice TesNOne, amp Complete the second sentence so that it has @ similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including the word given, © Nobody spoke when the teacher asked who the culprit was. remained Everyone remained silent when the teacher asked who the culprit was. 32. My boss says I can use his car whenever | want fo, s0 long as I'm coreful. disposal My boss , 0 long as I'm coreful 33. The news was a shock to us. aback We 34. James realised thot he could never be an architec. cut Jomes realised sevnsnnntnseninnseennnsesene QD OFChIIECL 35. They chose not to drive because they thought there would be too much snow. fear They chose too much snow. 36 I'm sick of that programme; I've watched it too often off Ive ; I've watched it too often. 37 | never have enough time these days. short I esc eee -. these days. 38. They tried very hard to finish by midnight. best They .. —— soon By midnight 39 The trapped fireman finally got away through the back window. scope The trapped fireman window. 25 \ Ic Practice Test One 26 amp For questions 40-44 read the following texts. For questions 40 - 43 answer with a word or short phrase, You do not need fo write complete sentences. For question 44, write a summary according fo the instructions given. line 1 1 The chemical senses are the gatekeepers of the body. They provide information about the substances we come into contact with, and thus influence our decisions about what to eat and drink. Although our responses to many Flavours may appear to be hard-wired, they can actually be modified by experience. Much cof what we like and dislike about Flavours is learned, Scientists are exploring Factors related to Food choice and intake across the human lifespan. One research programme with human infants examines the role of early experience on development of Flavour preferences later in lif. The late- ‘term Foetus has Functional chemosensory systems that can detect tastes and odours, and research has shown that Flavours associated with the mother's diet are passed into the amniotic Fluid. Such transmission of flavour may provide the Foetus with an early introduction to elements of the mother’s cuisine. [Mt the other end of the lifespan, research has shown that loss of sensitivity of taste in the elderly affects the way food is perceived by these individuals. For | example, olfactory loss can diminish Food cravings and also aversions, leading to | lack of preference and subsequently to lack of appetite. 40 Explain the use of the phrase “gatekeepers of the body” os itis used in line 1 41 How does loss of olfactory sensitivity affect older people's perception of foods? Te Practice TesNOng | Is your fouryear-cld reluctant to eat vegetables? Do you have to disquise Foods like broccoli and carrots in pies and pasta bakes? Do you have difficulty line 3 —— convincing him or her to drink milk? Believe it or not, this may all be of your doing line 5 —— This is not another one of those guilt trips magazines tend to put women through, like claiming that the reason your child is not doing well at school is | that you didn't listen to enough Mozart when you were pregnant. Researchers are Tooking into the possibility of the mother's nutritional habits during her pregnancy affecting a child's response to certain Flavours after the age of three. Unborn children have the ability to smell and taste, and elements which keep ‘some of the Flavour of what the mother eats and drinks do end up in the amniotic Aluid. Following birth, Flavours From foods and drinks consumed by the mother pass into breast milk, and can influence what a breast-fed infant likes or doesn't Tike in its later life. Apart from Food preferences, what nutritional elements reach the unborn child may affect its body's physiological needs well into early adulthood. For instance, if a Foetus receives an overloading of calcium through ‘the mother's consumption of milk, cheese, pulses etc, the less likely it is that he | or she will be keen on dairy products in later life. So what is 2 lady-in-waiting to do? Follow your doctor's advice and make sure | you get enough of all nutrients. At the same time don't overdo it. As with most | things about being a mum, striking the right balance is essential. 42 What does the writer mean by the phrase “it may all be of your doing” (line 3}? 43 What does the word “This” refer to in line 3? 44 Ina paragraph of between 50 and 70 words, summarise how @ woman's nutritional habits can affect her child before and alter its birth. 2? \urt 2a Grammar: Modals ~S idee ‘can ~ could ~ may ~ might ~ must ~ ought to ~ will - would ~ shall ~ should — have to - need ~ dare FUNCTIONS OF MODALS res ea I can see smoke in the distance. Reckless driving can result in road PF Can | ask you a question? She ean’? speak German accidents Could you give me some advice? When | was at school, | could play You could be right ‘Might | borrow your newspaper? the piano. (repeated action) He may be lucky this fime. (formal) He was able to escape through 0 She might come with us. (but Idon’t_ May I join you? window. (single action) think so} You can sit here if you want, She wasn't able to/eouldn’t finish You can't be serious! You may take the lost sweet, if you the report on fime. (Both types con I's almost midnight. She should be wish be used in the negative for either a here any moment now. repeated or a single action.) ‘She must pay the rent by Friday. ¥ I need to improve my French. You mustn't eat in this room. {strong obligation or duty) The house needs cleaning. You may not make personal phone | have to meet the boss at noon. He has to see a dentist soon. calls during working hours. {obligation} ‘Must | go with you? You are not fo eatin this room. He had to have an X-ray before Do | have to/need to finish this now? (= its against the rules) going to the consultation Need he sign the form? You can’t park here. (= you aren't allowed to park here} ‘Absence of Obligation or erry eee ery i Cie) a) You needn't worry - everything's WP He must be nervous about the test. VP it can't be yours - Isn't yours blue? under contol You must be feeling very sad after She can't be enjoying herself: she | don't have fo leave until 3pm. the loss of your father hates classical music! You needh’t have waited for me. 1's already 6:00. She must have laf He can’t have broken the kichen {but you did} by now. window. He wasn’t even there! They didn’t need fo make any more He must have been lying all along. You can't have been listening food. (so they dida't properly. Mary would never be so rude fo anyone. You don’t look well. You should take NP We should have made sure that the WP Can you hurry up, please? a holiday. tickets were valid. (but we didn’) Wuld/Will you pass me the sal!? You ought to iy harder. That's what He ought to have cooked dinner. II give you a if I would do. {but he did’ Shall | make the toa? You ought not fo complain so much. You could have helped me (but you She should go to the dentist's didn't) 28 2a Grammar: Mo¥als, CHARACTERISTICS OF MODALS © They take no + in the third person singular except for have fo, need and dare. They have no infinitive or present participle forms except for need, have to and dare * They are followed by the bare infinitive except for ought fo and have fo. + They form their negative and interrogative forms inthe some way as the auxiliaries e.g. may not, may I..”} except for need, have to and dare, Notes * Need and dare are usually followed by a bare infinitive if they are used as modals; otherwise they are followed by a full infinitive. You needn't come. or You don’t need fo come. + Be able to, be allowed to and have to are used to replace the missing tenses of can, may (when expressing permission) and must respectively When you pass your test, you will be able to drive. They were allowed 10 leave as soon as they finished the exam. He had to have an operation. * Could/was able to are used to talk about « general ability whereas was able to is used to talk about an action in a particular sitvation. Both con be used in negatives and questions. Although he was tced, he was able to swim to safety. He couldn’t/wasn’t able to admit he was wrong. Were you able to/Could you find your way? ‘+ Have to expresses external obligation whereas must expresses obligation imposed by the speaker. According 10 the law, all motorcyclists have to wear o helmet when riding their motorcycles. | must vst my grandparents more often. ( feel obliged.) ‘© May and might both express possibility, although may is slightly stronger. He may come if you ask him to. ‘She might come if she has time. (slight possibility) 1 Fill in the blanks with the correct form of can, be able to, must or have to. 0 Students have to pass an entrance examination in order to be accepted by this college. 1 Our father told us that we be home by 10 pm. 2. Despite his lack of experience he get the job. 3 You get visa fo travel fo the USA. 4 You be careful with electricity. 5 Brian buy his new car as he'd been given o bonus at work 6 Ifyou want to be @ member of the club, you ... - register with the secretory. 7 I gave up French 8 | evenness . get down to studying. 8 She was so short she s-vsee Fach the door handle 9 We . go yet. I's not that late 29

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