Vocabulary Files C2

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IELTS Score: 7.0 - 8.0 - 9.0

including a lot of low-frequency words, used in Academic English context

CEFR Level C2 Proficiency


UNIT 1 The Business World Page 4-7

UNIT 2 The World of Politics Page 8-1 1

UNIT 3 Employment Page 12-15

UNIT 4 Crime and Punishment Page 16-19

UNIT 5 Different Kinds of People Page 20-23

UNIT 6 Poverty and Social lssues Page 24-27

UNIT 7 Food, Travel and Holidays Page 28-31

UNIT 8 lssues Facing Young People Page 32-35

UNIT 9 Medical and Health lssues Page 36-39

UNIT 1O The Entertainment lndustry and the Mass Media Page 4O-47

UNIT 11 Environmental lssues and the Natural World Page 48-55

UNIT 12 General, low-frequency, Advanced Vocabulary Page 56-63

(A) Use the verbs from the box below to fill in the gops in sentences I - 20. Use eoch verb once only. You moy need to chonge the tense
or form.

facilitate rSsue overrun direct aud it write

face put convene embark budget
operate put engage wind recapita lise
float strip merge form cut

l. All staff have been warned that they the axe should productivity not improve, and that no one, no matter
how senior, is exempt from having to up their performance.

2. Rumours abound that Maxwell Mining is about to on the stock exchange.

3. There is talk of the two struggling companies , and it is believed that they would benefit significantly from
synergy were this to happen.

4. The company is willing to _ on a hostile takeover bid if necessary as it has well and truly set its sights on acquiring
a majority share in lndie Motors, which is by far and away its biggest rival in the industry.

5. Management has promised to an easy transition to the new ownership structure.

6. The company an unexpected profit warning on Monday sparking a two-thirds drop in its share price as
investors in panic-selling.

7. The owners have made the decision to the business up as it can no longer as a gorng concern.

8. The owners a very tight ship and are highly-regarded for what they have achieved with very limited resources
in a very short space of time, owing almost completely to their efficiency and excellent organisation of the business.

9. The two former rivals have an unlikely strategic alliance leaving everyone perplexed as to why they were at
loggerheads for so long.

t0. The board has forward a motion of no confidence in the Chief Executive and his days at the head of the
company now appear numbered.

il. The company's assets have been down to the bare minimum with all non-core business units having been sold off.

12. Thecompany'sbookswere-byDeforbesAccountantsforallthreeyearsduringwhichtheywerebeingfiddled
by the Chief Financial Officer and questions are now being asked as to whether Deforbes was negligent in carrTing out its duties.

t3. The additional expenditure arising from the snap decision made by the board to acquire Boovampe Limited had, naturally,
not been for.

14. The interim management team is looking for ways to the firm and investors are being sought.

t5. ln an effort to _ wage-related costs, the company has ceased to allow staff to work overtime on weekends.

16. Staff have been on notice that their jobs are at risk should the company remain in financial difficulty much longer.

17. Financialmismanagementhasresultedinspending

t8. The value of the company has been down after it was found that it had not been depreciating its assets
according to the guidelines of the FCA.

t9. lnvestors reacted favourably to the news that the company had succeeded in even for the first time since the
restructuring and cost-cutting measures were introduced.

20. A meeting of the Board of Directors has been to discuss the implications of the offer tabled by Manton lnvestments.
It is largely assumed that they will shareholders to accept same.
The BusinGss Wonld
(B) Motch a - k from Column A with their strongest collocates in Column B.

(a) credit (i) industry

(b) credit (ii) recession
(c) double-dip (iii) check
(d) cottage (iv) crunch
(e) corporate (v) floor
(f) cash (vi) bottom
(g) junk (vii) ladder
(h) false (viii) flow
(i) factory (ix) bond
O cut-throat (x) business
(k) exit (xi) strategy

(C) Now use your onswers from (B) obove to complete the sentences below.

l. This is a(n) so don't act like you are surprised that I double-crossed you. I believe you would have
done exactly the same thing to me given the opportuniry.

2. lnvestors have paid a heavy price for not recognising last week's share-price low as a ; although the
stock briefly rallied earlier this week, it has plummeted to new lows as the week fras progressed.

3. The company went into the market blindly without having thoroughly thought through the connotations for their core business, nor
did they bother to develop a(n) in case things should go wrong.

4. lt has had its rating lowered again and is now only one level above being regarded as a(n) - it's hard to
believe now that iust three months ago it had an AA rating.

5. The company was quick to reassure shareholders that its is in a very healthy state and that there is no
liquidity issue - and will be none for the forseeable future.

6. They ran a on her and rejected the loan application based on its poor results.

7. Word on the is that staff on the production line are preparing to go on strike to protest against what
they perceive to be unfair conditions of employment.

8. The much-feared has become a reality after it was confirmed that the country has been in negative
growth now for three consecutive months.

9. You will never reach the top of the unless you change your attitude towards your superiors; it is not
only about how good you are at your iob, but also how well liked you might be.

10. The is having an effect on the number of houses being bought. Figures forJanuary were at an all-time
low and there was a notable lack of interest in the housing market from prospective first-iime buyers.

I l. She has grown her business from being a(n) to become an international power house in the catering
world with remarkable speed.

(D) Use i - v below to fill the gops in the text. You will need to chonge the word-forms so thot they ore correct to filt the gaps.

(i) consort (ii) conglomeration (iii) delegate (iv) solicit (v) ascertain

It is a huge l. with activities in diverse industries ranging from extraction and mining to call
centre support services, but that hasn't stopped a(n) 2. of ambitious investors from launching
a takeover bid. Unperturbed by a valuation of $ l8 billion, Matriarch lnvestors, as the group call themselves, have sent
a(n) 3. of high-powered lawyers to meet with the present owners to discuss possible terms
of sale, although before discussions can begin it will first have to be 4. whether or not the
owners are even willing to tolerate such talk as this takeover offer is entirely 5.
(E) Tronsform the word in brackets so that it fits correctly in the gap.

I . The level ofmarket (penetrate) has not been as high as desired. That said, we are confident of making steady
inroads and growing our market share significantly over the next two quarters.

3. There were _ (mitigate) factors at play and I do not think the product's failure was down to it simply having been
poorly conceived.

4. The bank has been accused of "

(pr"y) lending and its loan book is to be closely examined by the financial
ombudsman, government sources have clainied.

5. This business is a _ (merit) ; we are led by and reward our best and most talented staff members; who you know
counts for very tittte frere.

6, (protect) and the notion of free trade are two (idea) opposed economic philosophies.

7. He was awarded (punish) damages over and above the amount of compensation he was due for loss of profits
asthe iudge felt th-e
defendant needed to be iaught a lesson.
8. Our boss is a (nepotic) of the highest order; he just hired his niece for the newly-vacant position of Financial
9. This sets a _ (precede) of sorts by sending out the message that the mere act of calling a lightning strike is
sufficient to get you exactly what you want from the owners. I have never seen a more immediate (capitulate)
by those in authority, have you?

10. The decision was made (lateral) ; he did not consult his partners prior to the announcement.
I L The (viable) of the proposal must now be called into question on the basis that the estimated cost of the build
alone is now three times greater than the original figure quoted.

I 2. The business is (solve) as it can no longer meet the repayments on its debt.

I 3. The company was put into _ (receive) by the court after it was declared bankrupt on Monday,
14. The army issued a _ (require) order for 50 new tank units.

I 5. There is a strong likelihood that your home will be (possess) if you continue to miss your repayments.

(F) Which of the words used to fill the in (E) obove meon the following:
(i) the act of surrendering
(ii) the capacity to be sustainable/successful
(iii) relating to one side only

(G) Choose o word from the box to ftll eoch gap. Use eoch word once only.
mark-up yield tranche boycott
remunerationloophole purveyor mandate mogul
margin nominal inventory indemnify

l. The to lure him away from the company.

package was not lucrative enough
2. He is a business who holds much sway in the political sphere, too, and is viewed as one of the best
ambassadors the countryh-as on account of the high reptite in wliich he is held abroad.
3. They exploited a(n) to avoid having to pay tax on the profits from the transaction.
4. The insurance company agreed to the business against losses arising from civil disorder.
5. He has been given a(n) by the shareholders to proceed with the expansion of the company - how else
could their o;erwhel#ingEndo$r-rsEment-dffim'in the vote at the AGM be interpreted?
6. The profit is not high enough to make this a viable business.
7. lncluded in the was a one-of-a-kind platinum necklace which has been described as irreplaceable.
8. The company is a(n) of jam to the royal family.
9. The of goods from Zimbabwe ended when the corrupt regime was removed from power.
10. The interest rate may have risen but the real interest rate remains the same.
I l. There is a considerable on the price of bread considering that it costs wholesalers in the region ol t0.20
per loaf yet they chargeZ0306fr ave@e to consumers.
I 2. A large of money was transferred to an account in the Cayman lslands, raising suspicions that the
comflanyE olfiEET mod-us operandi is but a front to mask a money laundering racket.
I 3. The on German government bonds is lower now than it has been at any other stage since the introduction
of theTuro currerrcy.
The Busin€ss World
(H) Choose o word from the box to fit in eoch gop below. You should use eoch word once only.

intangible gagging nest learning labour

insider golden passing sleeping inheritance
hyper pyramid majority hush stamp

must be quick to catch on to succeed in this company.
3. He was paid some money in return for his public silence on the issue of who the child's mother was.
4. He invested in the company:$ a partner, leaving the running of the business entirely in the hands of the other owners.

5. lt was exposed as a scheme and he was arrested on the charge of misappropriating some f6 million in total.

6. The trade in this area is quite strong, which is lust as well because there is not enough local business to sustain a
serviEEJtati6n round here.

8. The couple were exempt from paying duty on their house purchase as the home's value did not exceed the
threshold of f250,000.
9. Hestronglyrefutesthechargeof-tradingandclaimsthatheisavictimofhisownsuccesS.
t0. The judge issued a order to prevent the witness releasing a statement to the press.
Il. He secured a interest in the company when his brother died as the laffer's shares passed to him.
t2. He was given a handshake to ensure that he would leave his post without incident.

t3. Naturally, you will be liable for tax if you stand to gain to the tune of f I million or more from the proceeds of
your father's will.
14. The phenomenon of inflation is seldom an issue outside of wartime, during which it is nearly impossible to avoid.
15. Goodwill is one of the most significant assets found on this company's balance sheet.

(l) Motch the following wordslphroses in Column A with the wordslphroses of similor meoning in Column B.

(a) tycoon (i) bonanza

(b) windfall (ii) dole
(c) sabbatical (iii) self-employed
(d) donor (iv) pension
(e) outlay (v) insolvent
(f) bankrupt (vi) expenditure
(g) speculator (vii) working class
(h) blue-collar (viii) magnate
(i) sole trader (ix) benefactor
fi) annuity (x) market player
(k) unemployment benefit (xi) leave of absence

Now complete the sentences below using wordslphroses from Column B.You will not need to use oll the wordslphroses.

l. He has been drawing the for well over a year now so his employment prospects must surely be diminishing
by the day.
2. The Russian oil has bought a majority share in another of the Premiership's top football clubs.
3. has exceeded income for the third successive quarter - soon we will have serious cash-flow issues.
4. She has taken a in order to spend some time caring for her terminally ill partner.
6. lf the company is rrs you speculate then it is only a matter of time before it will miss one of its repayments.
(A) Match the verbs in Column A with the appropriate phrose-endings in Column B.

(a) represent (i) the election result

(b) fix (ii) from cabinet
(c) jump (iii) on your campaign pledges
(d) resign (iv) defeat in the election
(e) form (v) an ovation
(f) canvass (vi) the constitution
(g) capture (vii) the public mood
(h) receive (viii) the voters
(i) concede (ix) on the bandwagon
fi) renege (x) a coalition government
(k) amend (xi) your constituents
(l) convene (xii) along party lines
(m) launch (xiii) a delegation to represent you
(n) send (xiv) a party manifesto
(o) vote (xv) the speaker
(p) heckle (xvi) a security council meeting

(B) Use from the verbs in Column A obove to fill in the gaps in the sentences below Use eoch verb once only. You may need to change
the tense of the verb.

I . The Prime Minister that it will be very' difficult for him to win the next election considering that his party's
satisfaction rating in tl're polls is at an all-time low.
2. He on a promise to his constituents to campaign for the closing down of the nuclear plant in Sellafield.
3. The candidate who the hearts and minds of the voters with his passion for office and his integrity will win this
4. The leader of the opposition was by members of his own party when making a speech in the House of
Commons yesterday.
5. They-downtheproposedamendmenttothebill,whichwasthenpassedinitsoriginalform.
6. She an emergency cabinet meeting in light of the revelations that had emerged in the press.
7. Theformerministersurprisedherex-partycolleaguesby-shipandrunningforelectionasamemberofthe
Labour Party this time around.
8. Thetest-firingoftherocketwasinterpretedasalessthansubtlemessage-inthedirectionofneighbouring
countries to back off or face full-scale conflict.
9. Mary Malden the constituency of Bath for twenty-five consecutive years.
t0. Theywereunableto-anysortofgovernmentonaccountoftheelectionresultinginahungparliament.
il. They broke away from the Conservatives and a new political party called the Neo-Conservative Party.
t2. To a law, the bill proposing to do so must be passed by both houses of parliament.
r3. He fewer first-preference votes than his opponent but still managed to win the seat on transfers.
14. I've been out for the party door-to-door every evening so far this week and I'm exhausted.
t5. The embattled Prime Minister faced accusations that the result of the no-confidence vote had been

(C) F// the gop in eoch sentence with on oppropriate verb. You ore not given any c/ues to help you.

l. He his seat in parliament for a second term of offlce.

2. She her seat by the narrowest of margins and bowed out of politics for good.
3. The electorate came out in huge numbers to their vote.
4. He was from the party for not toeing the official party line.

The World of Politics
(D) Choose o verb from the box to ftt in eoch gop. Use eoch verb once only. You may need to change the tenselform

adopt shift hold extend question

pledge turn run spin polarise
call defeat nominate withdraw ratify
reject hold veto suffer pursue

t. He from the presidential race for personal reasons and appealed for privacy.
2. The treaty was formally this afternoon and will pass into law once signed by the President later tonight.
3. They-acandidatefortheVacantleadershippositionandhewaselectedunopposed.
4. Since forming a government three months ago, the party has been accused of an extremely liberal agenda.
5. She has confirmed that she will for political office again in the September by-election.
6. Max Dalton has confirmed that he fully intends to be the leader of the party next March when the election is due to be
7. The motion a comprehensive defeat in the lower house.
8. The Prime Minister refused to be drawn on whether the recent press leak would make him the loyalty of some
of the members of cabinet.
9. No matter what way the Prime Minister's press office choses to try to this, it looks very bad indeed. This will
be a damage-limitation exercise at best.
t0. Thegovernment-toreformthevotingsystemifre-elected'
I t. A snap election has been for the 25th June.
12. A referendum will be on the 30th May to settle the issue once and for all.
t3. Fewer people out at the polls to vote in this election than ever before.
14. Publicopinionhas-seismicallyinthewakeofthesenewrevelationsaboutthePrimeMinister'sprivatelife,
t5. The motion was narrowly in what will be a major embarrassment for the Prime Minister who had proposed it
in the first place.
t6. He his term of office by another five years.
17. The debate is becoming and there appears to be little in the way of middle ground between the two sides.
r8. The government has the power to this proposal at the next meeting of the UN Security Council should it deem
it necessary to do so.
personal attack on the Prime Minister.
20. The electorate has emphatically the outgoing government and clearly thinks there is a need for urgent change.

(E) Motch eoch word in Column A with its strongest collocote in Column B.

(a) landslide (i) runner

(b) front (ii) donation
(c) exit (iii) reshuffle
(d) political (iv) horse
(e) dark (v) poll
(f) hung (vi) parliament
(g) diplomatic (vii) immunity
(h) cabinet (viii)

(F) Use the onswers to (E) obove to ftll the gops in the sentences below. You will not need to use oll the onswers.

t. The Prime Minister looks set to announce a(n) in response to the resignation of the Finance Minister.
2. There is no doubt that the in this presidential race is James Dott, but Wallis Graham is a potential
3. The latest puts the two pafties neck and neck with a(n) the most likely outcome.
4. He has been granted and so will not face prosecution.
5. The government wuls returned to office in a(n) as expected.

(G) Use the words from the box below to complete the gops in sentences t - 20.

gambit apathy raucous booth bu rea u cratic

spin disaffected rhetoric old boys'
swing ovation bipartisan whistle-stop
lame appetite incumbent cata lyst
budget partisan gerrymandering unanimous

t. Her clever opening gave her the edge in the presidential race.
2. HiselectionmayProVea(n)-forrealandmeaningfulchange.
3. The candidates embarked on a(n) tour ofthe southern states.
4. This election looks set to be decided by a handful of voters.
5. His doctors were hard at work this morning trying to put a positive slant on the latest opinion poll figures.
6. He is lust the breath of fresh air that needed to be inlected into this political system which has been for far too long
dominated by members of the elite club.
campaign trial - he will surely pull out of the race before long.
9. Voter is the real talking point of this election; politicians on both sides of the political divide have failed to
t0. He claims to retain the support of the cabinet despite the fact that the murmurings of discontent are growing louder.
il. The party's only hope of success is for it to attract
t2. The investigation confirmed that the boundary changes were tantamount to
t3. This looks set to be the most eagerly anticipated in living memory with speculation rife that a significant tux cut
is on the cards for low-income earners.
14. The civil service in this country is very _ in nature and there is a needless amount of paperwork necessary to get
even the simplest of things dohe.
15. He received a standing after making his final speech to the house.
| 7. This is the first genuinely government to be formed since the war; the house stands united in the face of the
daunting task that lies ahead in trying to rebuild the nation's crumbling economy following a triple-dip recession.
18. A crowd gathered in support of the candidate and he was greeted with a rousing reception as he made his way
to ttE stage.
level of disrespect was frankly disturbing.
20. There is a growing for change amongst the electorate.

(H) Motch the wordslphroses in Box A to their definitions in Box B.

Box A Box B
l. a republic a. a small country ruled by a corrupt g. a country in which people have no authority
dictatorship dependent on a single and the state absolute control
2. the aristocracy export commodity h. a government with a hereditary head of
3. a technocracy
b. ruled not by a hereditary leader but a state who holds most of the power
4. a dictatorship government voted for by the people
5. fascism
i. a political movement based upon the idea of
c. a class of people of high social rank tight, centralised control of all aspects of life
6. a monarchy
d. ageneral state of lawlessness in the j. a democracy with a symbolic hereditary
7. a constitutional monarchy absence of organised government head of state with little power
8. a totalitarian state
e. a political system founded on the notion k. a system of rule whereby one person wields
9. capitalism of the right to own private property, and all the power
10. socialism committed to free trade
l. a system of government which places
I l. anarchy f. a political system founded on the notion of power in the hands of those who are best
12. a banana republic public ownership of property and resources, qualified from a scientific and technical
and collective and centralised administration PersPective
The Wonld of Politics
(l) Motch the words in Column A with their strongest collocotes in Column B.

(a) trade (i) trade

(b) free (ii) debt
(c) fiscal (iii) aid
(d) welfare (iv) ombudsman
(e) national (v) service
(f) state (vi) company
(g) semi-state (vii) state
(h) civil (viii) year
(i) attorney (ix) general
O excise (x) duty
(k) tertiary (xi) partnership
(l) public-private (xii) sector
financial su

(f) Now use your onswers to (l) obove to complete these sentences. You shou/d use eoch phrose once only.

l. The is a state-appointed individual tasked with ensuring that banks and other financial institutions
behave ethically and adhere to legislation.
must be applauded. This is a model other local councils should look to copy as not only does it result in improved educational
facilities being made available to local students, it also encourages businesses to give something back to the community and
play a more active role in community affairs.

3. Last year's deficit has been transformed into a significant this year, reflecting the improved
performance of indigenous companies in the export market.
4. The in lreland runs from the start of January until the end of December.
5. The , it still underperforming compared to agriculture, the fisheries industry and manufacturing, all
three@ somewhat of a boom.
6. The will cripple this country for generations unless it is radically restructured.
7. within the European Union ensures that all companies operate on a level playing field and that
exporters in particular are not handicapped by restrictive customs regulations and prohibitive import tariffs.
8. The on cigarettes looks set to rise again in the upcoming budget.
9. The government is to consult the on whether the enacting of such a law would be in breach of the constitution.
t0. Government intervention in the form of looks set to save the country's national carrier from being
forced out of business - that is assuming the European Union approves the rescue package.
I t. The is still largely male-dominated despite a recruitment drive by the present government aimed at
amra@rs into th'e employment of state bbdies.
- looks set to be the latest
12. The Electricity Supply Board to be privatised as the government tries to
raise funds to finance its ambitious programme of infrast*Eural Gvelopment.

13. Britain risks becoming a if it continues to compensate those out of work so generously; at present,
there are few incentives to encourage the unemployed back into the job market.

(K) Use the clue-word in brockets to help you find the missing word in I - S below.

The lack of an l. (extradite) treaty has caused an 2. (nation)

incident between the Argentinean and British governments, the latter of which is demanding the return of a
British national charged in a London court with several counts of murder. Argentina has thus far refused to
comply with the request. As relations between the two countries continue to 3. (integral),
Britain has taken the unusual step of ordering its 4. (consult) staff in Buenos Aires home.
Meanwhile the key witness in the case has been put in 5. (protect) custody amid fears
that he may be targeted by gang lords linked to the accused, James Bloom. Bloom, it appears, intends to remain
on the run in Argentina and has no intention of returning to the UK to launch his defence.
fob Matters
(a) Motch the words in Column Awith their strongest collocates in Column B.

(a) glass (i) in kind

(b) shop (ii) appraisal
(c) performance (iii) prospects
(d) working (iv) specification
(e) career (v) practice
(f) p"v (vi) insurance
(s) iob (vii) slip
(h) pav (viii) conditions
(i) employment (ix) worker
O salary (x) politics
(k) Blue-collar (xi) benefit
(l) constructive (xii) dismissal
(m) unemployment (xiii) freeze
(n) social (xiv) dispute
(o) office (xv) tribunal
(p) maternity (xvi) leave
(q) hiring (xvii) steward
(r) benefit (xviii) ceiling

(b) Now use the collocotionsfrom (o) obove tofill the gops in the sentences below You should use each collocotion once only,
ond you will not need to chonge the form.

l. I would question their on the basis of the fact that the rate of turnover of staff is so high; clearly they are
not finding the right people.
some high-flyer; it's the factory slog for me from now until the day I retire.
3. My company car is a(n) were I to move to another iob that did not offer the same perk.
; I would sorely miss it
4. I have been claiming since I lost my iob in April of last year.
5. I took them to a(n) and the panel of experts sided with me and awarded me comPensation in the
sum of f4,500.
6. You might have a case for there if you feel you were forced out for airing a genuine grievance.
7. I paid for over 40 years so I have no guilt about claiming benefits now that I am out of work.
8. Thereisa(n)-inthisindustryandthetruthisthatwomenarenotallowedtoPro8ressbeyondacertainPoint
in the hierarchy.
9. My-aren'tgreat,butthenbeingexposedtohazardouschemicalsissimplyparforthecourseinmylineof
work, lsuppose.
r0. My quarterly went very well; my ratings were good and I was praised for my efforts by my line manager.
lt. The is going to accompany me to the meeting with the HR Manager and make my case in relation to the
dispute oveFiFE?iscipliniry measures the company is trying to take against me.
12. A-isinplacesothelikelihoodofmegettinganotherraiseisnil;besides,mycurrentsalar7isrightatthetopend
of the pay scale.
t3. The ongoing looks likely to harm the company from a PR perspective and could also yet result in strike action
being taken by the employees affected.
14. I consider my rather good on account of my good education and track record.
t5. is a fact of life in most companies, I'm afraid. The best person for the job is not always the one who gets it;
often it is rnore a question of who is on better terms with the boss.
t6. I'm going on in six weeks' time; the baby is due at the end of January.
t7. My-isnotlookingsohealthyatthemoment;lhavenotbeendoingasmuchovertimeoflatesomy
take-home pay is down considerably.
t8. The _ has all the details you need to know about the nature of the role. Please read this carefully before
your application, and do so only if you truly consider yourself a strong candidate for the iob.
Verb Collocations
Use the verbs from the box below to complete the sentences . All verbs should be used ot /eost once and some will be needed more thon
once. The form of the verb should be chonged where necessary.

table put cut hand draw

pursue let drive serve ca ll
dismiss reject enter plv claim
overlook reach go tender hold
breach air climb relieve
lay terminate apply give
return take make miss

t. Street vendors their trade on street corners across the country.

2. Please, if you have a grievance, by all means it; we don't want there to be any bad feeling.
3. He has in his notice; how are we going to be able to replace him?
4. Either-yourresignationorlwillfireyou;it'sassimpleasthat.
5. I can't seem to _ down a job much longer than a couple of months.
6. I'm a career break to do some travelling while I'm still young and fit enough to make the most of it.
7. We're your contract of employment immediately on account of your abusive behaviour.
8. You are in ofyourcontract;consideryourself-ofyourdutiesasofnow.
9. Why don't you a leave of absence to sort out your personal problems and come back to us when you are fully better.
r0. Wehadnochoicebutto-offtwo-thirdsoftheworkforce'
il. I'mbeing redundant - they're giving me a {250,000 pay-off.
12. The company under, leaving its 50-odd staff jobless.
t3. lf you continue to behave so irresponsibly, rest assured that you will be the sack.
t4. l-myeXPensesbackforthetrainjourneyltooktothemeetinginHoburn.
t5. You should for that position; I think you would be perfect for it!
t6. On account of having one of my targets, I forfeited my bonus; such is life...
17. I am presently jobless and the dole.
t8. I intend to _ my notice period out in full.
t9. I am not prepared to on new responsibilities unless I receive a pay rise.
20. The staff at all ten of their centers a lightning strike.
71. We on strike about 6 days ago; so far management have refused to negotiate.
22. This industrial dispute is now drawing to a close as both parties have agreed to into negotiations on a
compromise agreement.
23. You a hard bargain, but I agree that your role in this company is central to its success; therefore, I am prepared
to ofEr you 'a considerable fay rise.
24. We were forced to industrial action when our salaries were _by l0o/o.
25. I have to you go, I'm afraid; it's just not working out for you here if you are honest with yourself, is it?
26. His determination is commendable, but to the corporate ladder he will also require no small measure of cunning.
27. an offer on the table but it has been firmly _ . ln light of this, I have nothing further to say. See you in court.
28. Both parties have agreed to to the negotiating table in an effoft to a compromise.
29. We are being _ in the courts for damages as a result of an allegation of unfair dismissal.
30. She was on the trounds that she was no longer mentally fit to carry out her role.
31. I the motion, which was seconded by my superior, Roger.
32. was
She for the position because the interviewing panel felt there were other candidates with more relevant

Making Ends Meet

(A) Se/ect the correct word from the box below to fill each gop. Use each word once only.

permanent hierarchy threshold camaraderie poach suit

remuneration fist firm fringe mobile
internship apprenticeship practice review satisfaction
profession white-collar partner wage freelance
recession exposure autocrat class receivership

that this was not a reflection on the way I had performed but rather of the economic reality of life in post- c _
Britain. Perhaps, truth told, it was no harm that I was let go. I must say I never found her brand of leadership particularly
inspiring at any rate. She was a(n) d and ruled with an iron e . There was a clear f
that had to be respected.

Well, with little money and what I had of it fast disappearing, I was fairly desperate and necessity forced my hand so I took
the first job that came along - quite literally, and, before I had quite let it sink in, I was enrolled in a paid g
programme at Lawry and Sons - not one in the traditional sense as it applies to the trades mind, but rather a programme
experience in a law firm whilst also studying part-time.

While outwardly, I would from then on be considered a i worker; a professional in a respected field, in
the first year or two, such was the financial strain of having to cover rent and utilities as well as the bare necessities of
day-to-day living in the city with the highest cost of living in Europe. However, as my studies progressed, I made a steady
progression up through the ranks of the I

can, em, 'enjoy'working. There was good n in the team, and the o _ benefits were
considerable;l had a company car and a generous pension, which only my employer was expected to contribute to, as well
as access to the company gym twenty-four, seven. Life was good.

However, things took a sudden turn for the worse when the company went into p . This threw us all and

no one had expected it. Apparently, one of the partners had been found negligent in a high-profile case, paving the way for a
the company made the situation public and informed staff that their jobs would be in serious jeopardy, I had just received a
glowing appraisal in my six-monthly performance r and a consequent pay rise of some f5,000. Well, needless
to say, I could kiss that money goodbye.

big-shot lawyer in demand.There would be a flood of offers coming through the letterbox. lt was not like I would have to
tried to u me from LawrT on a number of occasions already. But I found none of them particularly enticing and
what was top of my agenda now was job v

ln the end, I decided that would not be found at any other law w . I had come to the point where I needed
to branch out on my own, so I duly set up Fitzgerald Solicitors. At flrst, work was slow, so I supplemented my income by
doing some x pieces for the local newspaper on various legal cases. But eventually I began to attract more
local council after it had introduced a new so-called 'pavement tax' requiring homeowners to pay towards the cost of
maintenance of the section of pavement directly outside their property - a tax which the residents, to an individual, boycotted.

Winning that case earned me a lot of z and put me in demand; my financial security was thereafter secure.
(B) Find o word from Text (o) which:

l. refers to a (large) group of people abstaining from doing or cooperating with something in protest

2. means 'added to complete or make something else last longer'

Word Association
(a) First group the words in the box under the occupational headings.

l. Author 2. lnvestment Banker 3. Lawyer 4. Scientist 5. Police Officer

turmoil specrmen technica lity floatation writ

executor checkpoint dividend pseudonym squad
plaintiff enforcement critic(al) memoir precinct
broker clinical trial breakthrough commodities subject(s)
journal autopsy homicide revenue forensic
obituary cordon subpoena(ed) counsel genre

(b) Nou use the words obove to ftll in the gops in the extrocts below. Use eoch word once only.

t. His favourite i. was science-fiction, though he wrote on a variety of subjects and in a variety of styles during his
career, even contributing at one point to a prestigious scientific ii. _ . The iii. reception was positive
problems and portrayed himself as a victim. He always wrote under the v_ "Max Marks". When the newspapers
2. Hebeganhiscareerasai.-butlosthisjobintheii.-thatfollowedtheinfamousmarketcrashof
which had a very successfuliv. in 1982. lt remains a one of the best-performing publicly-quoted investment
companies with one of the highs-i- yields in its industry to this day.

3. Whenai.-wasissuedagainstMaddyTuncloughforlatePaymentofbills,shehiredhimasii.forthe
defence. He got her off on a iii. and the iv. h" b"."-"
was forced to pay the coss. Later-, h()TT*"uo,
He began his career as a i. scientist but switched to genetics not long after graduating, and did his PHD in this
This was achieved by administering a new form of drug. His test iii. _ , rather controversially, were chimpanzees.
Once the effectiveness of the drug had been confirmed, he was given the go-ahead to commence iv. . How
everi it wasn't long before disaster struck and one of his patients fell ill anJdied. The v. _ f6G?-tMtthe." h"d
been an unexpected reaction - of the human body to the drug which had caused ."rt-rnGfi-orl of .ells. All testing of the
drug was immediately halted and ultimately the project had to be abandoned. "

5. He is part of an elite unit in the drugs i. and is stationed in the 35th ii. . He started out as an
one to watch. His promotion to the elite unit was swift and came one month after his most high-profile case, which was also
immediate aftermath of his shooting. Senator Karnegie would go on to lose his life, but lnspector Doggins solved the case
after a relentless pursuit of the chief suspect yielded an eventual admission of guilt.
Types of Crime
Motch the crime to the correct definition os in the exomple

(a) abduction (i) the striking of a person with intent to do them harm
(b) affray (iD a threat or attemPt to strike someone, whether or not successful
(c) assault (iii) deliberate destruction or damage of property
(d) battery (iv) fighting in a public place
(e) blackmail (v) breaking into a house with intent to steal from it
(f) burglary (vi) acts of abuse against a person living in your household
(g) domestic violence (vii) following someone around persistently when not invited to
(h) embezzlement (v:i:) involvement in a dishonest scheme to trick people
(i) extortion (ix) obtaining money or something else by abusing your Power
0) forgery (x) dividing a voting area so as to give one Party an unfair advantage
(k) fraud (xD repeatedly troubling or tormenting another Person
(l) gerrymandering (xii) acts of general lawlessness, often associated with football
(m) harassment (xiii) the killing of one person by another
(n) hijacking (xiv) not very serious crime
(o) homicide (xv) importing or exporting goods in a way that breaks the law
(p) hooliganism l (wi) robbing someone under threat of violence in a public place
(q) manslaughter l (xvii) lying under oath in court
(r) money laundering l (xviii) hiding the source of money gained illegally
(s) mugging l (xix) seizing a vehicle by force or threat of force
(t) perjury (xx) falsely making or altering a piece of writing that has legal standing
(u) petty crime (xxi) forcing a person into a particular action by use of threats
(v) racketeering (xxii) theft of money or proPerty a Person has put in your care
(w) smuggling (xxiii) the carrying, taking or enticing away of a Person, esp. a child
(x) stalking (xxiv) general acts of deceit or trickery
0) vandalism (tr") the unlawful killing of a person without forethought or malice

Perpetrators of Crime
Write the word for the person who corries out the crime in the squore brockets os in the exomple. Where not ovoiloble iust put
o slosh (l).

(a) abduction (n) hijacking t

(b) aflray (o) homicide t
(c) assault (p) hooliganism t
(d) battery (q) manslaughter I
(e) blackmail (r) money laundering t
(0 burglary (s) mugging t
(g) domestic violence (t) perjury t
(h) embezzlement (u) petty crime t
(i) extortion (v) racketeering t
(t) forgery (t") smuggling t
(1.) fraud (x) stalking t
(l) gerrymandering (V) vandalism t
(m) harassment
Cnime and punishment

Vocabulary in Action
Se/ect o word from the Types of Crime or Perpetrators of Crime sections to ftll eoch gap os in the exomple. Use eoch word once
only. Not oll of the words will be needed. You may need to chonge the formltense of the word to ftt the gap.

(a) He himself by providing the defendant with a false alibi.

(b) The newspapers are already portraying him as some sort of maniac before any shred of evidence against
him has been heard.

(c) I can't believe my own sister _ my trust fund. When Father died, he entrusted her with the management of
my finances untii I turned lS.SFeTas uttery betrayed me.

(d) lf my boss pinches me on the behind once more, I swear I will have him up in front of a judge on sexual
charges faster than you can sayJack Robinson.

(e) My house was last week while I was away on a business trip.

(f) He what is thought to amount to some € I billion euro before his scheme was discovered.

(g) Thepriceofabottleofwaterthesedaysissimply-;howcouldanyoneever|ustifpaying€2.50forsomethingyou
can get free from a tap?

(h) How did you manage to move all those cigarettes across the border. I know they are only for home consumption James,
(i) lsn't threatening to post graphic nude pictures of your boss on the internet unless he gives you a raise basically a form of

c) Jim,thisisthe8thtimeinfourdayswe'vebumpedintoeachotherinthelibrary.l'mbeginningtothinkyou're-me!
(k) You walk into prison a and you walk out a hardened one - a lifer, effectively; there is something very wrong
with our penal system.

(r) The charge of murder was rejected by the jury but the defendant was convicted on the lessor crime of

(m) I went o.ut to my car to drive to work this morning only to find that it had been the night before. Those
pups of layabout, no-good neighbours of ours are iesponsible; I just know it. lt wil-l coii aJ5rtune to rlpair.
(n) The happened mid-flight. Reportedly, the pilot was threatened at knife-point.

(o) You made a _claim for welfare payments yet you think you shouldn't have to return the money. Whose
rules do youl@Tf \6u are lucky you are n6t being toi:t<et up in jail.
(p) The identity papers were so convincing that he managed to give customs officials the slip and escape from
the country.

(q) The two drunks were charged with and breach of the peace after their street-side dispute turned violent.

(') The little girl was right in front of her mother, but the mall was so crowded that no one was able to
identify the person responsible. Luckily, she was returned unharmed less than ten minutes later.

(t) often goes unreported. What is more, people think that women and children are the only victims
of this type of abuse, but, in reality, it is not unheard of for men to be targeted by their spouses either.

Verb Collocations
Motch eoch verb with the appropriote phrase-ending

(a) charge I (i) to life

(b) commit I (iD on bail
(c) break out ] (iii) on suspicion of murder
(d) plead I (i") guilty
(e) break I (v) an offence
(f) detain I (vi) innocent
(s) find I (viD of prison
(h) arrest I (viii) the law
(i) remand I (ir) for questioning
0) release I (r) to give evidence
(k) quash I (xi) with murder
(l) sentence I (xii) sentence
(m) file I (xiii) the verdict
(n) call I (xiv) for divorce
(o) pass I (xv) of all charges
(p) acquit t I (xui) in custody

Verbs in Action
'Jseowordfromtheboxtofill thegapineoch sentence. Youmoyhovetochonge thetense of theverbinsome coses. Do notuseony
,r'ord more than once.

let off deport interrogate subpoena

dismiss inspect incarcerate collapse
bail extrad ite apprehend

(a) He was to give evidence at the trial of his former business partner, who was charged with trying to defraud
the state.

(b) The trial when it became clear that the main witness for the prosecution was not credible.

(c) The case was by the judge who said the proceedings were a waste of time.

(d) The assailant was by police in a hideout near where the attack had taken place

(e) Following his sentencing by the judge, he was in Loggersdale Penitentiary.

(0 He was onabondof{18,000.
(g) The police the suspect at length before releasing him for lack of evidence.

(h) The illegal migrant was _ back to his home country having spent ten weeks in a sort of limbo waiting to learn his fate.

(i) She was from Britain to America on a charge of murder in the first degree.

(j) He was with a caution by police on account of the extenuating circumstances - he was only speeding due of
the fact that his wife was in hospital giving birth at that very moment.

(k) Officers the crime scene found traces of blood on one of the walls in the lounge.
Cnime and punishment
Types of Punishment
Motch the word or phrose (o - j) with its defrnition (i - x) os in the example.
(a) capital punishment tl (D isthe death penalty
(b) community service tl (iD is when a judge says an offender must serye at
least a certain amount of time in jail (he may serve more)
(c) probation tl (iii) is a sentence which will only have to be served if the
criminal re-offends
(d) suspended sentence tl (iv) is a sentence all of which must be served
(e) parole tl (v) is tagging an offender to keep an eye on them
(f) mandatory sentence tl (vi) is a sum of money paid as a penalty for a
(g) minimum sentence I] (vii) is a sentence whereby the offender is required to
work for a certain period of time voluntarily on local
(h) electronic monitoring t I (viii)is the payment of damages to the victim of a crime
(D restitution tr (ix) is the early release of a prisoner on good behaviour
or for compassionate reasons
0) fine I] (x) is the setting free of a criminal under the supervision of
the court or the local police

Verb Collocations
Se/ect o word from the box below to fit in eoch gop. Use eoch word only once. You moy need to chonge the tense ofthe verb you use
in some coses.

hand down impose dismiss

overturn settle claim
reach threat
appeal grant

(a) He was parole on account of his good behaviour.

(b) The disputing parties an out-of-court settlement, the details of which were not made public.

(.) She is damages of $ I billion for loss of earnings as a consequence of the libelous newspaper report.

(d) She is to sue if the paper prints the pictures of her private holiday in Barbados.
(") They the case on the steps of the court building, minutes before proceedings were due to get underway.

(D The judge a mandatory life sentence to the defendant on account of the serious nature of the crime.

(e) The judge a fine of f500 on the defendant for failing to pay his parking tickets.

(h) The verdict was on appeal to the High Court.

(D He is the verdict; the case will be reheard in ten days'time.

(i) The judge his appeal, allowing the original verdict to stand.
Good Qualities and Character Flaws
(a) Motch eoch odjective denoting charocter to its deftnition.

I. An affable person is t 1a. a slothful or lazy one; someone who tries to do as little as possible.
2, An aloof person is t 1b. one who appears distant or disinterested; someone with whom it is hard
3. A belligerent person is tt to engage in meaningful conversation
4. A benevolent person is t lc. good-willed and generous with their time, resources or praise of others;
5. A capricious person is t1 they desire to help others.
6. A cynical person is t Id. argumentative, and aggressive even; someone looking for a fight or
7. A dogmatic person is tI argument.
8. An eccentric person is t Ie. likely to act suddenly without thinking; someone who doesn't consider
9. An erudite person is tI the consequences before acting.
I 0. A gregarious person is t lf. distrusting of the motives of others; they think the worst of people and
I I . An impetuous person is tI are suspicious ofgood deeds.
I 2. An indolent person is t Ic. one who has a very odd or peculiar personaliry; they may have very
strange beliefs or behave in a very strange way all the time.
h. one who forcibly and stubbornly defends their views; they believe they
are right and are not willing to consider other ideas.
i. one who is fond of the company of others; somebody who is very
j. one who is very learned and knowledgeable; someone who is scholarly.
k. one whose behaviour you can never predict; you never know how they
are going to react.
t. one who is very friendly, warm and polite; a Person who is easy to

(b) Complete the sentences using the underlined words from section (o) above

t. Why do you have ro be so ? Look at the flne mess your thoughtlessness has got us into; you should maybe
consider the consequences next time.
2. ldowishyouwouldn'tbeso-;afterall,howcouldheknowaboutourvastwealthwhenwe'vejustmovedto
the area. Maybe he was iust offering his help to be a good citizen.
3. He actively seeks out friendship wherever he goes, such is his desire for company, and he can fit in anywhere. He is possibly
the most person l've ever known.
4. He is very ; our new boss Katie walked into the room and immediately he told her that he had been running
'this joint' for )reara and that he would be the one really in charge.
5. He is an extremely professor of Biology, widely respected throughout the world of academia for his vast
knowledge of, in particular, marine ecosystems.
6. Her enthusiasm for lying in front of the television seems to know no bounds; she is the most person I have ever met.

7. Forget about trying to convince Jenny; I have yet to meet a more teenager; her conviction that she is right
would almost be admirable were she not so very very wrong.
8. I find him enough; he is pleasant to talk to and always greets me with a smile.-
9. lthink,inthecaseofMaryitisnotfairtosaythatsheis-;hershynessoftentranslatesintoaneedforherto
keep some distance from those around her, especially in large social groups.
t0. She is one of the most souls I have ever met in my life; she always speaks so highly of those she meets and I

truly believe in doing so that of oPtimism in people.

sl'te instils confidence and a sense

lt. My boss is the most woman on the planet; one minute she's all happy and full of praise for us; the next she's
screaming and shouting ab,r.rseJ never know where I stand with her from one moment to the next.
t2. I wouldn't call myself _ per se, but I must admit my lifestyle could hardly be classed as 'normal' - whatever that means...
Diffenent l(nds of People
(c) Now motch the opposites, using your understonding of the words leornt in (a) ond contextuolised in (b). There moy
be more than one correct motch possible for some of the words in Column A.

(a) affable (i) industrious / diligent

(b) aloof (ii) reserved / introverted / unsociable
(c) belligerent (iii) submissive / deferential / cooperative
(d) benevolent (iv) conventional
(e) capricious (v) uncultured / ignorant
(f) cynical (vi) dependable / steady
(g) dogmatic (vii) accommodating / agreeable
(h) eccentric (viii) trusting / optimistic
(i) erudite (ix) approachable / friendly
O gregarious (x) standoffish
(k) impetuous (xi) malevolent
(l) indolent (5ii) cautious / circumspect
Good Qualities and Character Flaws 2
(a) For eoch question, tick the word or phrose (o or b) thot oppears c/osest in meaning to the words underlined.

t. To be insolent is to be (a) rude (b) likeable

2. To be irascible is to be ..... . (a) short-tempered (b) good-humoured
3. To be mendacious is to be ..... . (a) dishonest (b) motivated
4. To be mercurial is to be ..... . (a) even-tempered (b) lively but unpredictable
5. To be pedantic is to ..... . (a) p"y attention to detail (b) always be in a hurry
6. To be pensive is to be ..... . (a) deep in thought (b) anxious about something
7. To be pernickety is to be ..... . (a) very witty (b) overly fussy
8. To be quixotic is to be ..... . (a) a visionary (b) predictable and boring
9. To be recalcitrant is to be ..... . (a) disobedient (b) creative
t0. To be sanguine is to be ..... . (a) serious in character (b) cheerful and optimistic
lt. To be scrupulous is to be ..... . (a) loyal (b) principled
t2. To be steadfast is to remain ..... . (a) faithful to something (b) critical of something
r3. To be stoic is to be ..... . (a) very emotional (b) impassive
44. To be vociferous is to be .. ... . (a) noisy (b) shy
t5. To be wilful is to be .... . (a) easy to please (b) overly stubborn
t6. To be wistful is to be ..... . (a) focused on the future (b) longing for something

(b) Tronsform the odjectives from Tosk one into on oppropriate Noun or Adverb form.

t. lf you are steadfast in your belief, you will defend that belief .

2. lf you are wilful by nature, you come to be known for your

3. Someone who is stoic is known for their
4. lf you want to complain in a vociferous manner, you might shout
5. A wistful person thinks ................ about their long-lost love.
6. ..... ls not a characteristic of someone who is unscrupulous.
7. lf you do something in a sanguine manner, you do it ................ .

8. lf you communicate with your parents in a way that is insolent, you speak to them.
9. A mendacious person has the unbecoming characteristic of ..............
t0. He is mercurial, so his is what makes him interesting.
lt. He threw the stone in an irascible rage because of his innate
42. She looked towards the sky because she was in a very pensive mood.
t3. His ............. is very annoying; he should really try not to be so pernickety.
t4. .... is a quality found in those who tend to be recalcitrant.
t5. He ................ predicted greatthings forthe economy; afterall, itwas in his nature to be sanguine.
t6. Hg.
?PptgfEd every problem , which meant that he always found an unusual way around it; they used ro

call him Mr. Quixotic.
Types of People and their Roles
(a) Motch the nouns A - Kwith their oppropriote definitions, I - I l.
A a connoisseur l. someone who is too passionate or devoted - a fanatic
B a charlatan 2. someone who sees the way forward before everyone else
C a degenerate 3. someone who is very knowledgeable in a particular field
D a maverick 4. someone who hides away from the rest of the world
E a pragmatist 5. someone who is very practical in their approach to things
F a hermit 6. someone who is rebellious and stands apart from the rest
G an extrovert 7. someone who is very outgoing and lively
H an introvert 8. someone who is quite shy and reserved
I a sycophant 9. a 'yes man' who flatters others to get what they want
I a visionary 10. someone who has degraded themselves from the normal moral standard
K a zealot I l. a person who claims to be something they do not possess the
qualities, qualiflcations or skills to be

(b) Use eoch word from the box no more thon once to complete sentences , - ,2.

mediator aristocrat protagonist luminary villain subordinate

proponent mercenary denizen mentor patriarch partisan

l. The tried but failed to get the two opposing sides to reach some common ground, shattering all remaining
hope ttat a quicFand painless resoluiion to the dispute cbuld be found.

2. ln terms of helping me overcome my problems with my second year biology course, he was not much of a
but whether he meant it or not, as a life coach he was second to none.
3. He is regarded by his people as the _ of their faith and is worshipped in much the same way as a god.

4- Howcouldheberegardedasanythingbut"-givenhisfamily'stiestothe8roup_wemustbeinnodoubt
that his loyalties will lie with the rebels should war break out.
5. Heisa of the public house - he is there more than he is in his own home I dare say!

6. He is nothing but a who will sell his services to whomever will pay him the most. Morals do not come into it.
7. She is a in this field so show some respect for the lady; what she has achieved in this life, others would
struggleio?6ln ten
8. You are my and you will obey me. Failure to do so will result in your dismissal.

9. People make him out to be some kind of _ just because he criticised the Queen; he is a figure of hate in this country.

of 20 years.
I I . He has been identified as the ; the police believe that, if they catch him, his followers will drop their
weapons ano go home.

12. He considers himself an and thinks that his 'high class' makes him better than everyone else. I think his

Ugly Characteristics
(a) Motch the chorocter troit with its definition.

A audacious t I l. recklessly bold; behaving in a wild and risky way

B meddlesome t I 2. lacking any sense of guilt for your wrongdoings
C clingy t I 3. very argumentative
D remorseless t I 4. cruel, overly harsh or hostile
E vindictive t I 5. likely to interfere in other people's affairs
F brazen t I 6. unlikely to feel ashamed of your poor behaviour or behave humbly
G quarrelsome t I 7. spiteful; determined to get revenge on people who wrong you
H truculent t I 8. thinking a lot of yourself and overestimating your own importance
I self-righteous t I 9. too intense in close relationships; needing to be around your loved ones all the time
Different l(nds of People
(b) Se/ect one ofthe chorocter traits from (a) to fill eoch gop below. You shou/d use eoch troit once only. You moy have to chonge
the form of the word for it to fit properly in rhe senrence.

l. He always comes across so holier-than-thou; and where does he get off doling out advice to people all the time as if he
know's best - uh, he's so . What has he actually everlone is whit I would like t6 know.
2. His astounds me; iust days after being outed as one of the most high profile and prolific drugs cheats of all time,
he a[pears on a talk show deminding ieniency. I ca"n't believe he had the nerve i6 i6o* up let'alone dismiss the notion that
he should issue an apology.
3. Mustyoualyays.b"'9.-,Jane?Atthisratewe'lldowelltosimplyagreeonasubjectforourresearchproject
before the due date. How about a compromise?
4. He became known in the business for his when it came to reviewing local eateries; he seldom showed them
any mercy at all and was scathing in his critlZErn
5. Yo.ut brother has been sticking his nose in where it's not wanted again. Tell him to stay out of the dispute; it's a
private matter.
6. You''|a.vet9.sto-P_toMike,Sarah.otherwise,he'llendupfeelingsuffocatedandwilljustwanttoescape;then
you'll lose him for good.
7. - said that on account of the genuine
The iudge shown by the witness he was going to impose a more lenient sentence.
8. I can't believe you had the to call your boss an idiot to his face, John. I mean, you can laugh about it now, sure,
but you were lucky this time.Flow eractly will we cope if next time you lose your job?
9. His is such that he wrote a damning review of her performance in his column despite privately admitting that
he haci-seiiiorn seen acting as fine. As usual, his h"urt pride came ["f"i" everything else.

Story: The Hopeless Romantic

Choose the most suitoble word from the four options given, o - d, to filt eoch gop in the text.
At first when I tried to ( | ) ... a response from him, I got nothing. his affection did little to dampen Jeff's spirits. lt may have been
PoorJeff had been (2) ... with Martha Higgins, the neighbours' rather (9) ... of him, but he had this soft of (10) ... notion of
I 8-year-old daughte6 for the best part of five years now, ever fairy-tale endings, and he believed that if he professed his undy-
since he had laid eyes on her skipping gracefully up next-door's ing love for Martha, she would fall into his arms. Well, it was a
driveway without a care in the world as the Joneses moved in to painful but perhaps necessaly reminder that we live in the real
the then-vacant 37 Downs Road. Back then, as a thirteen-year- world Jeff received from Martha that day; he was kedonked
old he had a fairly (3) ... way of expressing his feelings, one fairly ( I I ) ... over the head with a wooden mallet by a(n)
which I'm sure Martha w:$ none too appreciative of. But, boys (12) .... Marcha as he poured his heart out to her at her front
will be boys at that age ... a kick here, a pinch there, a hair-pull, door - the poor girl didn't know what was going on.
some name-calling . . . eventually, as Jeff went from little boy to Now, at last, he was just about becoming responsive again. fu
hormonally-charged teenager, he began to realise that his desire he opened his eyes I shook my head in that knowing'l told you
to push, poke and prod Martha was transforming into some- so'fashion that so irritates people who've just been made a fool
thing far more translatable and mature - he was in love. His of. Jeff looked absolutely distraught - like his whole world had
stubborn denial of this was (4) ... at times; he couldn't hide his toppled in on him. Then, (13) ..., there came a knock on the
feelings from his big brother - I knew he was smitten. But as the door, and who was it but Martha Higgins with a(n) (14) ... of
years rolled by, Martha Higgins became more and more of a(n) flowers and a get-well-soon card. The smile was back on Jeff's
(5) .... She had a (6) ... for the Arts and it wasn't long untilJeff face again and the spark of the hopeless romantic was ( I 5) . . .
by happy coincidence also developed a(n) (7) ... appetite for I could tell, even as he sat there with that enormous, stupid-
classic novels, poetry painting and the like. And the fact that he looking lump on the side of his head, that he was plotting his
seldom if ever got more than a (8) ... glance from the object of next move. lf only Martha knew what she was in for!

t. a. elicit b. illicit c. concerve d. evolve

2. a. infatuated b. mesmerized c. entertained d. seduced
3. a. cutting edge b. novel c. rare d. familiar
4. a. visible b. farcical c. ingenious d. insensitive
5. a. enigma b. cliffhanger c. brainteaser d. twister
6. a. penchant b. likeness c. likening d. affirmation
7. a. insatiable b. picky c. contented d. partial
8. a. cursory b. thorough c. painstaking d. superficial
9. a. ingenious b. ingenuous c. insistent d. intrepid
t0. a. grave b. fanciful c. fortuitous d. frank
il. a. tamely b. infrequently c. viciously d. accidentally
t2. a. terrific b. comforted c. petrified d. pretentious
t3. a. ordinarily b. plausibly c. inexplicably d. punctiliously
14. a. fragrance b. vase c. wreath d. bouquet
15. a. rekindled b. resurrected c. revamped d. resuscitate
(A) Use the verbs from the box below to ftll the gops in sentences I - I 8. Use eoch verb once only. Chonge the form if necessory.

pilfer live expose obligate bottle cast sponge ride

tea r live hit plunge ca rry lead turn addict ta ke
weather struggle prey cry exploit scrounge turn th rust

l. The loss of both her parents at such an early age its toll on her mentally and she became disturbed during
her adolescent years.
2. Those living on the streets are at their most vulnerable during the cold winter months when they are
the elements.
out onto the streets are in particular need of our help and care'
4. The temptation to _ a blind eye to the plight of the homeless is ever-present, but we must not let ourselves
forget the most vulnerable and needy.
5. Many of the homeless have been ous elements within our society, people
roughshod over by the unscrupulous
prepared to them for their own immoral ends and them down the path to a life of crime.
6, Often, young people who run away from home and escape from an abusive environment mistakenly believe that they have

7. Emotional instability is only worsened when the affected individual attemPts to everything up inside;
eventually, their issues will explode forth and the consequences may be very far-reaching.
8. We cannot yet seriously consider our society a civilised place in which to live when we are content to pass by the
anonymous street-folk on our daily sojourn to work and stand by idly ignoring the squalor in which they
9. Those to make ends meet are but one missed mortgage or rent payment away from being thrown out onto
the stre-ets
and into a life of dire poverty. -
t0. It the most vulnerable who are
is always
upon, but the predatory tendencies have seldom come from such an
alarming source as the government; howeVei tFe announcement that the minimum wage is to be cut in the next budget is
nothing short of an attack on those on the very margins of sociery.
il. Peoplewho-theirnosesupatthehomelessastheywalkpastthemonthestreet-woulddowellto
reconsider; aEeFaffien the right combination of calamitous circumstances, it could very well be any 9ne of us in their
position. To so scornfully ignore their plight is to surely only _ them further into the Pits of desPair.
12. Some of the young people who make up the majority of the homelesss on the streets of our city look as though they
the weight of the world on their shoulders.
r3. The homeless are out for help, but no one is listening to their Pleas.
14. They are effectively from hand to mouth, unable to think about tomorrow because they are constantly
having to worry about lust making it through today.
t5. A homeless man came up to me and tried to a cigarette; I told him I don't smoke...

16. Many of the homeless do not qualify for dole payments, so the accusation that they are off the government is
fallacious at best.
17. When his wife and children left him, he _ rock bottom and turned to drink; he has been now for
the best part of a decade and it has his life apart.

18. He was caught sweets from a local shop.

(B) Motch the phrase in Column A to its meoning in Column B. You will not need oll the Column B options.

(a) to be on the margins (of society)

E@r (i) waiting around with the intention of causing trouble

(b) to run amok (ii) having no monex luck or opportunities

(c) to be down-and-out (iii) to behave in a wild and dangerous manner
(d) to be on the game (iv) working as a prostitute
(e) to be loitering with intent (v) focused on what needs to be achieved
(vi) determined to escape something
(vii) perched on the edge ofgreatness
i triii) excluded/isolated/not significantly involved I
Poveftg and Social lssues
(C) Now use the phroses in Column A of (B) above to fill the gops in the following sentences. You moy need to chonge the form,
tense, word order or phrose structure slightly.

I . Those have few if any friends and lack the means, faculties or desire to make a meaningful
contrib@are utterly alone and despondent.
Few of us however well-intentioned w-ould be prepared to welcome someone in offthe streets and into our home for fear they
would if we let our guard down and took our eyes off them for even a moment.

3. He was pulled in by the police fot _ , but the reality is that he was simply and innocently passing the
time watching the passers-by go about their daily business.
4. She was and her once glamorous life was in pieces; she held little hope of finding a way back to her
glory days.
She was forced to go to earn enough money to support her abusive husband's drug addiction.

(D) Motch the word in Column Awith its strongest collocote from Column B

- (a) domestic (i) history

(b) chequered (ii) scars
(c) kerb (iii) violence
(d) illicit (iv) guidance
(e) soup (v) market
(f) black (vi) kitchens
(g) sleeping (vii) trafficking
(h) people (viii) abuse
(i) substance (ix) drugs
O parental (x) rough

(E) Now use the onswers from (D) obove to fill the gops in the followins sentences. Use eoch collocotion once only.
l. He has a history of and I would regard him as a loose canon with the potential to explode again at any
given point in time wittout warning. lt is tragic that Ee has been thrown out onto the streets but his as
both a parent and a father moderate the level of sympathy I have for him somewhat.
2. She has severe from her time under the guardianship of her foster parents, who, it later turned out,
were serious dea]ersln- and psychologically unstable themselves. This girl was let down badly by the system.
3. She is lacking and the absence of a role model and authoriry figure in her life has made her especially
susceptible to suggestion; it is hardly surprising that she had been led astray by the group of troubled youths she fell in
with while
4. is rife amongst the homeless; you only have to look at the huge queues of people lining up outside the
metttione clinic each day tJtell you that. Yould seldom observe as big a queie outside the
, ironically.
5. Thosewhoengagein-mustrealisethattheyareendangeringthewomentheypickupandthattheir
whole of Europe not to mention shady dealings in the _ .

The Role of Education in the Developing World

Use the word in brockets os o clue to help you find the correct onswer for eoch gap in the exercise below.

so until the West provides or sponsors new education 3. _ finitiate], preferably also getting directly involved. A better educa-
tion is a prerequisite should the 4. [poverty'] masses of Africa ever wish to hold any genuine hope of gaining their
[emancipate] from the metaphorical shackles of poverty. Education 6. _[initiate]
for young people as well
as lifeJong learning prograllmes will also help to breach the gulf that sepafifes the working classes from their ruling elite, a 7.
[privilege] few who enjoy the 8. [trap] of Western wealth and the lifestyle that goes with it, while those in their midst are
completely 9. [occupy] with the daily struggle for survival. Furthermore, we must promote a culture of 10.
Itolerate] of corruption, and help to create a newl I . [generate] for whom education rather than an I 2.
fscruple] nature will reap the true rewards. Education-will also helpio bridge another gap; that of the cultural on" *hi.TGFEGs the
West from its brethren in the developing world. The 13. [poverry] slums and shanty towns are a hotbed of religious and
Programmes themselves are administered by Western professionals, who, in much the same way as they can teach a thing or wvo to
their 17. [counter] in the developing world, have also, no doubt, much to learn from them in the process as well. Cooper-
ation between people from the different cultures of the West and the developing world will also, hopefully, help to reduce levels of
preludice, bigotry xenophobia and racial 18. _
[tense]. And, last but not by any means least, educating women will


lmmigration and the Developing World

(A) Use the words from the box to ftll the gops. You moy need to use some words severol times. You will not hove to chonge the
tenselform, but you moy need to plurolise in some coses.

sustenance destitution asylum indigenous inferiority deprivation integration

obligation cosmopolitan corru ption oppresslon inequity deportation assimilation
malnutrition surrogate metropolis tangible sa nitation starvation repercussion

Most of our main l. in the West are now pretty diverse places. However, many 2.
seel<ers come from far less 3. parts of the world, and it can be quite a culture shock for them when they
arrive in their 4. homes. Genuine 5. seekers are, by definition, fleeing a
6- threat to their very lives and should be afforded all the assistance and Protection the state can provide
once their status has been upheld and 7. granted. This extends as far as helping then cope with the
8. process, one of the most immediate barriers to successfully embracing which is, of course, often the
language. But there are other factors which can make 9. difficult, too. Many 10.
seekers carry the physical and emotional scars of I l. . They may suffer from an 12.
complex of sorts, too, and feel overwhelmed by the perceived 'sophistication' of their new home. Of course, the state's first
is to provide them with adequate 14. . shelter and 15.
may also be a concern if their recent past has been particularly traumatic and eventful. But, of
course, these are the lucky ones - at least they get to remain in their adopted homes. lf an I 8. applica-
tion is reiected, then the applicant faces 19. back to their country of origin. Sometimes, those seeking
asylum know their claim will be reiected but go through the process nonetheless out of sheer desperation in the hope that it
can buy them time to find some other way to stay in the country which some manage to do, often illegally. But iust because a
case is reiected, that is not to say that the individual or individuals concerned will not face serious 20.
they return home. For some, the door to the West is a tantalising jar agape, but not enough so as to gain entry. lnstead, they
are perhaps faced with the harsh realities of famine and 2 | . , political22. or social
23. back in their 24. homes. The grim realities of 25. and life
on the very margins are all that await the most tragic cases of the reiected.

(B) Find closest motches for the definitions listed below from the onswer choices given for the /ost section.
I . substitute 7. the state of being without money, food, shelter or
2. unfair and cruel government of people POSSeSSTOnS
3. large city 8. relating to or originating in a Particular region,
4. disposal of sewage and solid waste associated with native
cleanliness 9. food
5. diverse and varied, having a global feel lO.the feeling of not being as good as something
6. injustice or unfairness else

Pover$ in the Developing World

(A) Se/ect on oppropriote word from the box in the following page to fill eoch gdp. Use eoch word once only and do not chonge the form.

Much of the developing world is caught in a(n) l. of sorts, battling to overcome the psychological and physical
scars of the near past - of, in many cases, colonial or 2. rule - while at the same time oddly 3.
about making the changes necessarT to 4. a better future. ln many cases, the sums don't add up; large Parts of
Africa and Latin America, for example, are resource-rich and 5. well-positioned to make their mark in the 2lst
century but, alas, there is something holding them back. For some, the source of the problem lies very high up indeed; in corrupt
and/or unstable governments, which typically rule for the privileged few while the 6. many struggle on in
7.-.othersareravagedbyyearsoreVendecadesoftribalwarand8. , and yet more have simply
been the victims of misfortune - the wrath of Mother Nature, for example, which has unleashed drought, famine and, at times,
urter 9. on the hapless masses of much of Sub-Saharan Africa over the years.

But, whatever about the 10. _ causes, the results are as clear as day. A lack of access to education and medical care
has left many countries ravaged by diseases by and large under control in the West. Think the AIDS epidemic; that immunity-crip-
pling terminal illness that much of Africa is still struggling to get a handle on. Factors like poor sanitation, malnutrition, Poor or a
total lack of access to clean water, high rates of violent crime and civil | | . all play their part and contribute to the
t2. reality on the ground: high infant 13. _ rates, low life expectancy, loblessness, substance abuse,
14. , benightedness; the situation for many is dire. Where, in the West, when we talk about poverty, we do so in
relative terms, here, Poverty is 15. . The poverty line is not drawn to distinguish those who can maintain a good

standard of living from those struggling to do so, but rather it underlines the difference between life and death; the struggle to exist
lust long enough to welcome in another tomorrow. -

Poveftg and Social lssues
absolute despotic hesitant limbo ostensibly squalor underlying disheartening
corruption devastation indigence mortality safeguard subservient unrest

(B) Ihe words below ore synonyms of or similor in meaning to the onswer choices for exercise (A).Write eoch onswer-choice from
(A) next to its synonym(s) below.
I . essentiaUfundamental 2. destruction
3. filth/dirt 4. ty rannicalI autocratic
5. death 6. total
7. reluctant 8. dishonesty/unscrupulousness
9. compliant 10. secure/protect
I l. state of uncertainty I 2. demoralising/depressing
| 3. destitution/poverty I 4. apparently/seemingly

I 5. disturbance/discontent

(C') Motch the words in Column A with their strongest collocates in Column B.

(a) humanitarian (i) clash

(b) debt (ii) aid
(c) culture (iii) change
(d) war (iv) tension
(e) racial (v) doctor
(f) religious (vi) camp
(g) refugee (vii) zealot
(h) physical (viii) infrastructure
(i) regime (ix) fighter
O witch (x) crime

(D) Use the onswers to (C) obove to fill in the gops in the sentences below.

l. The government has sanctioned the sending of to the areas worst affected by the conflict.
2. The _ are thought to have lost considerable ground in the exchange today, and now look unlikely to
threaten theEFiEi.
3. The girl died after her parents chose to take her to a(n) rather than a hospital where she could get
the medical care she so badly needed.
4. He is a(n) who stokes up hatred with his inflammatory speeches about the evils of Christendom.
5. A(n) _ was set up lust across the border in Ti.rrkey to give those fleeing the conflict area shelter and
access to basic essentials.

6. The U.S. is demanding _ and has pledged to support the people of the country should they rise up in
arms against their leaders.
crippling repayments while the people on the ground starve.
8. is thought to have been the catalyst for the latest conflict, which is less about land than identity.
9. The U.S. called it a(n) , but Syria says it acted with restraint and in accordance with international law in
it will take years to rebuild.
I l. ContrarT to predictions that there would be a massive , the group of asylum speakers have assimilated
perfectly into the local community.
Your Hotel
rA1 Chose the correct onswer option from the four choices, a - d.

I . The room was decorated in gold and silver; it was quite simply over the top.
------E-. tantalisingly
a. ostentatiously c. tactfully d. benevolently
2. They made preparations in anticipation of the arrival of their celebrity guests.
a. degenerate b. decadent c. elaborate d. strenuous
3. lt was a(n) location with an intoxicating sense of romance, something akin to what
one might fiftfdesaribed in a fairytale.
a. chivilrous b. whlm'sical c. enchanting d. extravagant
1. The decor of the hotel was ; it screamed 'five-star' from the moment you stepped into
the lobby.
a. sumPtuous b. picturesque c. idyllic d. quaint
Dinner was , and the after-dinner entertainment was equally exceptional.
a. delectable-b. despicable c. voluptuous d. ravishing
The location was far from and certainly not as described on the brochure.
a. nostalgic melo?fious c. bpulent
b. d. idyllic
a. semblance b. amblEnce c. traction d. disposition
8. The prices were and there was little value for money to be had in any of the items on
the menu.
a. oppressive b. exacting c. extortionate d. fraudulent
The was decorated in an Edwardian style, but it looked like the inside of the building
had b-een ErougFt right up to date.
a. facade b. veneer c. gurse d. camouflage
t0. Our hotel room was surprisingly , especially tal<ing into consideration that it was very
reasonably priced.
a. decadent b. commodious c. languid d. vivacious
|. The level of service we received from all staff, without exception, was quite simply
a. gallant b. solicitous c. punctilious d. exeinplEry
12. The hotel's description in the brochure was in the extreme and we were left utterly
disappointed on arrival.
a. fallacious b. pretentious c. perplexing d. erratic

1B) Put the words of similor meoning together in groups

cra m ped immaculate spotless elegant inco n sp icuou s clutte red

quirky offbeat remote subtle chic secluded
sombre rowdy ga rish subdued trendy picturesque
boisterous fu nctio na I quaint refined gaudy utilitarian

l. Charming
2. Fashionable
3. Understated
4. Classy
5. Vulgar
6. lsolated
7. Basic
8. Clean
9. Noisy
10. Dull
I L Not spacious
12. Unconventional
Food, Tnavel and Holidags
Food - Cooking and Eating
(A) Choose the correct verb from the box to fill eoch gop. You shou/d use eoch verb once only, ond you moy need to chonge the form.

baste simmer salivate marinate garnish gorge braise

munch whisk mince grill drizzle devour

t. After bringing the saucepan to the boil, allow to for a further five minutes.
2. a little salad dressing over the top iust before you begin to serve.
3. the egg whites and sugar together in a separate bowl.
4. The mere sight and smell of the dish had us all
5. Such was the aPPetite I had worked up that I had _ everT last morsel that had been put on my plate in a mafter of minutes.
6. She the steak in a brandy-and-stock mix for two hours.
7. the turkey at regular intervals during the cooking process.
8. the dish with a sprig of mint.
finish the box tomorrow.
r0. the fish in the lemon-and-spice mix for about four hours before frying.
il. the fish on a high heat for approximately five minutes, turning halfway through.
12. the beef yourself is an option, but a laborious one when you can buy it from the butchers.
t3. I'm just going to pop into the shop a second; I need something to on to keep me going until dinner.

(B) Use the words from the box below to fill the gops. Use each word once only. You will not need to chonge the form of the word.

scrumptious delectable rare bountiful satiated soggy

starchy raw curdled putrid tangy

lhadal. med at the Riverdale Park Hotel last night; the best I've had dining out for as long as
were 2.
I can remember. And, surprisingly, the portions
_ , not the miserly servings I've grown
accustomed to getting in these "high-class" eateries. Dessert was the most 3. part of the meal;
perfect accompaniment; inexpensive but full-bodied and flavoursome; I drank until I was well and truly
5. . Contrast that with my experience at the weekend in Grey's Bowl; I've never had such
tried to pass off for mashed potatoes, with 9. vegetables and more exceptionally lO. _
beef - the blood was still oozing out of it for goodness' sake. Then, for dessert, I had the joy of tasting a custard
that had I l. to such an extent that it might just as well have been scrambled egg - absolutely disgusting!

(C) Match the food term on the left with its definition on the right.

l. hors d'oeuvres a. an informal term for a beer

2. a brew b. cooking of a very high standard
3. haute cuisine c. describes when you can combine any selection of dishes - not a fixed menu
4. condiment d. a substance like salt which you add to food to make it taste better
5. platter e. a self-service meal where diners choose from a variety of foods on display
6. buffet I a small room in a home/restaurant used for storing food
7. a la carte g. a large plate on which a variety of foods are served together
8. larder h. the appetizer or first course of a meal
(D) Se/ect the correct word from the box to fill each gap.

inedible nibbles fusion eatery connoisseur beverage casserole

fa re gourmet consistency culinary assortment accompaniment palate

Why is it that soft drinks are so much more exPensive than alcoholic s in pubs?

This sparkling wine is the perfect to spicy food.
This is a lamb , cooked to perfection on a low heat for five hours.
Just plating up this dish is a(n) feat in itself; it must have taken the chef forever to achieve this level of detail in
his presentation.
The local which I frequent the most is Gardner's on 43rd Street.
Ycu will struggle to find finer in any restaurant in the city; this is truly a delight for the senses.
He runs a restaurant downtown which is beloved of the hip and trendy, but, to me, his food sounds like an
You don't have a very discerning , do you? I mean, I would have sent that Plate of food back to the kitchen
personally, but then who am I to say what you should or shouldn't do...
I'm not sure this _ cooking malarkey is all it's cracked up to be; for me, I think the word is iust an excuse to serve
miserly portions offooclon a plate and charge astronomical prices for doing so.
I 2. lt's not really of the right for a good rue sauce - far too runny, if you ask me.
I 3. The food in that restaurant was simply , and while I felt a bit guilty about doing it, I was left with no choice but
to return my plate to the kitchen, and get up and leave.
I 4. I bought some crisps, nuts and other to have when the neighbours come around.

(A) Motch the words or phroses in Column A with their strongest collocotions in Column B.

(a) toilet (i) luggage

(b) carry-on (ii) lodge
(c) cab (iii) bag
(d) foreign-exchange (iv) sickness
(e) ski (v) year
(f) cabin (vi) miles
(g) departure (vii) occupancy
(h) double (viii) counter
(i) air (ix) gate
fi) travel (x) crew

Which of the collocotions obove:

l. is a term used to describe a long break students
often take before starting their third-level education?
2. is a form of accommodation?
3. is a type of hotel-room booking?

Se/ect on oppropriote collocotion from those you motched obove to fill eoch gop in the following sentences.'

4. The from the airport to the hotel was considerably less than I had feared it might be;l read horror stories
before I got here of how tourists are frequently ripped off.
5. Mv exceeded the weight limit and had to be put in the hold.
6. The was changed at the last minute, causing considerable confusion amongst Passengers wishing to board
the flight.
7. I got 1,000 bonus for using my frequent flyer number when booking.

Food, Ti'avel and Holidags
(B) Complete the following sentences by inserting the misslng verb. You do not have ony clues to help you.

l. I don't normally business class, but I had an operation only last week so comfort is my priority.
2. We've been on standby for the next available return-flight to Majorca.
3. Please via the rear exit of the plane.
5. His application for a visa was down due to an incident which occurred on a previous visit to the country.
6. The flight has b""n _ by more than three hours on account of the adverse weather conditions.
7. lt is customary here in America to the bellboy at least 5olo of the room-price.
8. He remains at Frankfurt airport until such time as the runway
9. Efforts to the runway of lying snow have proved in vain as the clean-up crew have also had to contend with fresh falls.
10. The plane was forced to to Jefferson Airport on account of the runway closures at its original terminal destination.

(C) Use the words from the box below to fill in the gops in sentences I- 12.

retreat(s) amenity(ies) jau nt sabbatical junket

capacity promenade(s) hiatus recuperation keepsa ke(s)
hectic regatta(s) diversion(s) downtime itinerary

2. When we arrived, we were informed that the hotel was full to , and that our room was no longer available
due to an administrative error that had seen it double-booked.
3. A Sunday to the hills is all the holiday I need to feel refreshed and ready to face another week of work.
4. The government-sponsored _ was ostensibly a trade trip but in reality it was a holiday by any other name.
5. -
6. They strolled along the hand-in-hand and watched the sun set over the still ocean.
7. Our Economics lecturer is on for the next six months, which means we'll have someone new teaching us this semester.
9. He is staying at a(n) up in the mountains for a few weeks; apparently isolating himself from the outside world is
iust the form of-heneedsrightnowtohelphimrecoverfromhisbreakdown,
just of
relax and do nothing; we realised you were right about our schedule being too and unrealistic.

il. This year's is predicted to be the best-attended for many a year with a crowd of 10,000 expected to turn out
to see the boats off.
12. Forme,holidaysareawelcome-fromthegrimrealitiesofworkinglife.

(D) Choose the correct word to fill eoch gap from the two onswer-choices given ond chonge the formltense if required.

[foreign / domestic]

technical fault in the front door was being examined by ground crew. fboard / disembark]

3. Hisholidaywas-bytwodaysonaccountofhishavingtorushbackhomeintimeforthebirthofhisthird
grandson. [cut short / postpone]

4. His daughter's injury served to his return to the family home while he stayed behind at the resort to care for
her. fdelay / hasten]
(A) Family lssues
Choose a word from the box below to fit in eoch gop. You should use eoch word once only. Plurolise if necessory.

material woe epidemic obstinate

promiscuous device amok breakdown
chasm inept crisis conspicuous

I . Father and mother figures are becoming more and more by their absence, forced to spend a greater amount
of time away from the family unit due to workplace commitments.
2. The of the family unit is leading to single-parent families.
3. Economic are helping to create a situation whereby there are more and more families with two working parents.

4. There is not so much a gap as a huge _ between the generations; this causes regular disputes and misunderstandings.

5. Adolescentteensareexperiencinga(n)-ofidentityandarenotbeinggivensufficientparentalguidancetocoPe.
6. Children are being left unsupervised more often and from a younger age, and given licence to run
7. The prevailing culture of opting for convenience and junk foods is contributing to the obesity affecting today's youth'

8. The fact that fewer and fewer families sit down to eat together at the dinner table is helping to create a generation that is

9. Left to their own , many - and drinking.

youths are turning to destructive habits like smoking
t0. The youth of today are more opinionated and than ever before.

il. Young people are exploring their sexuality from a younger age and are becoming more and more
Experimenting in this way can lead to problems such as teenage pregnancy.
I 2. Parents try to compensate for the fact that they are around less by buying more.gifts for their children, and, in so doing,
unintentionally contribute to the skewing of vaiues in society such that more and more emphasis is being placed on

Teen lssues
(a) Choose the word from the box which collocotes most strongly for eoch gop in the text.

morbidly academic friendship calorie splendid

unrealistic virtu a I self sleep a ntisocial

suicide pushy social sedentary

There are a myriad of lifestyle issues affecting the youth of today. Such is the pressure heaped on many school-goers to achieve
t. excellence by their parents that these 2. _expectations are causing children to become hopelessly
depressed. lndeed, some, in their desperation to escape and their sense of guilt at being unable reach the levels of success
4. -harm. lt is no coincidence that 5. rates, expecially amongst young males, have been rising steadily for
some time now. These are tough times to be a teen.

Then there are those who get hooked on the internet; the 6. world becomes their reality. For these teens, their
7. circle shrinks dramatically until, at last, their 8. sphere is limited solely to their online
play and net-surfing, their behaviour may become so erratic and peculiar over time as to be considered I 0. And

while they sit at their comPuter screens hidden away in I l. isolation from the real world, such is the lack of exercise
they get that their I 2. intake far exceeds what is necessary for them to maintain a stable weight. ln essence, due to
their !3. lifestyle, their weight skyrockets until such time as they become 14. obese.
lssues Facing Young People
(b) Choose the most suitable verb from the box to fit in eoch gop ond chonge the form or tense if necessary,

resist yield gratify foster refine

dabble involve yea rn impart exclude
compromise esta b lish ostracise become instill

Never is it more important to fit in than during adolescence, that critical time of development when a young person's character
is l. and they find their place in the world. To be 2. or socially 3. is, in fact, probably the
worst nightmare for most teens, and the majority will do anything to avoid it, even if that means 4. their own be-
liefs, 5. to peer pressure and doing things they normally would never dream of. But it is in the making of such
compromises that a teen's life can be destroyed in an instant. Indeed, it is not at all uncommon for an otherwise perfectly decent
young lad or lass to fall in with the wrong crowd and find themselves caught up in all sorts of trouble. Depending on how im-
efforts to gain same, from 7. with drugs to 8. themselves in criminal activities. The key determining
factor in 9. the likelihood of whether a young person will go off the rails is not simply their background as one
might expect. lt is, in fact, the extent to which their parents have 10. confidence and a sense of self-worth in them
as they have grown up. A child who is at ease in their own skin and confident in who and what they represent as a person is far
less likely to put themselves in a position where they will be compromising their morals simply to I l. a few peers.
ln short, you can give a child the best education money can buy and 12. on them all the moral virtues and wisdom
you wish, but this will count for nothing unless you also 13. in them an appreciation of their own value as an
individual. Only then will they be able to 14. the pressure from their peers and the natural inclination to try to
I 5. _ popular and be considered 'cool' regardless of the consequences.

Teen Mischief-making Motch the verbs in Column A with the phroses in Column B.

(a) falling (i) around

(b) playing (ii) with drugs
(c) dabbling (iii) up to no good
(d) rebelling (iv) against authority
(e) getting (v) a run in with the law
(f) getting (vi) the class
(g) getting/having (vii) a criminal record
(h) ganging (viii) one over on your peers
(i) spreading (ix) rash decisions
fi) pulling (x) for attention
(k) making (xi) no thought for anyone
(l) acting (xii) on the spur of the moment
(m) sparing (xiii) a strop
(n) flunking (xiv) up on one another
(o) vying (xv) mdicious rumours
(p) flouting (xvi) the rules
(q) having (xvii) truant
(r) sleeping (xviii) in with the wrong crowd

Now use o number of the phroses obove to fill in the gops. You will not need to use oll of them, and nor will you hove to chonge the verb
form or tense for the correct onswers.
l. lam and it's looking verT likely that I'll have to repeat.
2. No doubt that 'angel' of ours is again with those mischievous friends of his.
3. Why must you persist in ? One of these days you will get caught and wind up in serious trouble.
4. lf I catch your son again, Mrs White, he will automatically be expelled; his attendance record
is already appalling.

5. Alex and Paula are always ; I have to be very careful to devote equal time to them both so as
not to be accused of favouritism.
Teen Relationships and Relationship lssues
Se/ect o verb from the box which fits in eoch gop ond change the form or tense os oppropriate. Sorne verbs ore used more thon once.

fa ll ca ll do go stand break chat brush ask fall

t. We'dbeensteadyforaboutsixmonthsbeforehe-itoff.
2. They-offtheen8agementjustbeforeChristmasand-uP.
3. lspentthewholeni8ht-herupandeventuallypluckedupthecourageto her out.
4. She me off and said she wasn't interested.
5. When it was clear to us both that it wasn't working, we our separate ways for good.
6. He the dirt on me with my best friend; I don't think I can ever forgive either of them.
7. We'd arranged to meet outside Barney's Cafe at 8 o'clock, but she me up.
8. We're up and going to it quits.

10. We head over heals in love probably the flrst time we ever met; it was sort of instant.

lssues affecting School- and College-leavers

(a) Match the verbs in Column A to the correct phrase-endings in Column B.

(a) priced (i) candidates

(b) vetting (ii) of debt
(c) spiralling (iii) out of the market
(d) burden (iY) with debt
(e) saddled (v) out of control
(f) diminishing (vi) cost of third-level education
(g) prohibitive (vii) value of a college education
| (h) let (viii) down by the system I

(b) Now use the completed phrases to fill the gaps in the sentences below. You will need to use each phrase once only,
You will not need to change the verb forms.

I. The rate of youth unemployment is

2. Moreover, the is putting many good students from disadvantaged areas off the idea
of pursuing their studies further.
3. After all, the only option open to them is to finance their education through loans and face having to deal with a huge
as they start into their working lives.
4. And yet, more and more today, recruiters require that applicants for even fairly basic
administrative roles have at least a foundation degree.
5. The is clear for all to see, so why is it then that something that is worth less
6. Those lucky enough to be able to pursue their college education are _ on exiting the system,
and will be struggling to pay this off for much of their early working life.

7. Graduates would be lustified in feeling aggrieved and _ , having been made false promises and
given assurances about the opportunities that would present themselves on attaining a college education only to discover
that their prospects are very bleak indeed.
8. And they also have to contend with the reality of having been when it comes to buying
property; they will not get a foothold on the property ladder for a good many years.
lssues Facing Young People
Life for 2O-something-year-olds

toil balance rat race exorbitant brownie points

midnight oil climate commuter belt suburbia

The notion of work-life l. is something many a 20-something-year-old would have a good chuckle at, for theirs is

the grim reality of the 2. , which they are caught up in from the moment they leave university, if, that is, in the
harsh economic 3. that exists at present, they are lucky enough to find a job in the first place. And to make mat-
ters worse, 4. house prices push them further and further out into the 5. , from where they have
thing of the past, so not only have they to contend with the debt burden they inherited on leaving college, they also have mort-
gage or rental payments to cover. ln an effort to safeguard their precious jobs, and, indeed, their financial futures, they work
tirelessly, doing overtime and staying in the office after hours hoping to score 7. with the boss. They return
home late at night having burnt the 8. , tired and stressed, and with little time to unwind before they are into an-
other day's 9.

Buying a House
Choose the word thot bestfits for eoch gop from the box below. Use eoch word once only.

prudence a rrea rs foreclosure repossessron negative equity

proportion bust plummet revelation deposit

There has never been worse time to be in the house-buying game. Well, never, that is, assuming you are a first-time buyer. lf
you are an investor, you will likely be rubbing your hands with glee; after all, demand for rental properties has seldom been so
when one takes into consideration the fact that parents are stumping up more and more funds towards their children's first
house purchases. The reason for this is that the 2. of the funds banks expect first-time buyers to put up by way of
a3. has increased considerably in recent years and can be 25o/o or more, depending on the individual circum-
stances of the applicant(s). But it is not that banks are being difficult or greedy per se; it is simply a matter of sensible lending. ln
time buyers are struggling in 5. , unable to meet their monthly repayments and accumulating substantial levels of
6. .Andinsuchcases,bankshavelittleoptionbuttothreaten7.-.lnthisscenario,8.
and the prospect of homelessness loom large on the horizon as the most probable outcomes. So it is hardly surprising then that
banks here in the U.K. are looking to avoid creating a similar situation. And while the U.K., and particularly the London, prop-
erty market has not seen the same level of fluctuation as those of either lreland or Spain, it would not take very much to tip the
market over the edge, and for house prices to then 9. t0. , it is clear, is the order of the day.
Three of a Kind: Find the missing word.
For each group of sentences, I - 7, there is one suitob/e word which will fill oll the gops. Find out whot it is ond write it in the spoce

(a) He was rushed to the Accident and Emprg,n.y room.

(b) There was a medical energency on my flight to Seoul - luckiV a doctor was on hand to help.

(c) I work in the ER, also known as the Energenqv Room. lt's not pleasant work, but I do save lives on a daily basis.

| . (") The doctors removed a foreign from his skull.

(b) His temperature had fallen dangerously low and he was suffering from hypothermia.
(c) His -fat content was far too high and he was put on a special diet.

2. (a) The patient had a very low threshold, so the doctor administered a strong local anaesthetic.
(b) He was complaining of a throbbing in his head, and then suddenly collapsed on the floor.
(c) She prescribed the patient some strong relief tablets.

3. (a) She was diagnosed with a very agsressive form of cancer.

(b) The burn wound required a _ graft, but seems to have healed quite well since the procedure.
(c) Her came out in an itchy red rash, which doctors blamed on an allergic reaction to the
medicine she was taking.

.1, (a) The surgeon was forced to remove the organ entirely from its socket, and replace it with a glass _ .

(b) The doctor prescribed special drops to counteract the dryness problem.
(c) His black _ was caused by none other than his six-year-old daughter, who accidentally hit her father in the face
with a toy doll she was swinging around in the air as part of some sort of game.

5. (a) The patient complained of _ spasm in the neck area. However, the symptom disappeared within a few days.
(b) The extent of the fatigue experienced by the patient was such that he struggled to perform any task requiring
even the slightest use of force.
(c) The heart is principally composed of cardiac - not the type, mind, that you can build up by going to the gym;
this is a special kind found only in the walls of the heart.

6. (a) The white blood are those which perform the immunising role and protect the body against infections and
(b) Cancerous _ were basically once normal, but have mutated and begun attacking surrounding _ and
invading the rest of the body.
(c) Examination of the under a microscope revealed that the damage was deeper than previously thought and
that the disease wa-hfthiylivasive.

7. (a)
' . He fractured the metatarsal in his big toe and was sidelined for six weeks. He only returned to training for the
first time with the rest of the-Gafion S-aturday.
(b) Multiple myeloma is a cancer of the _ marrow. This type of cancer is very serious unless caught early.
(c) The suspected break to the _ proved to only be a bad sprain on further examination.

Medical Abbreviations [Write these common abbreviotions out in full.f

1. gp EmerOency Room 4.ICU 7. ENf Surgeon (clue: ports of the body)

2.4&E 5. GP 8. rB (clue: type ofdiseose)
3. STD 6. DOA 9. PM (clue: ... Autopsy)
Medical and Health lssues
Word Association
(a) Complete the following exercise by linking eoch odjective (Column A) to the noun with which it collocates (Cotumn B).
lfin doubt, the strongest collocotion should be se/ected.

(a) allergic (i) tumour

(b) infectious (ii) trial
(c) malignant (iii) anaesthetic
(d) clinical (iv) procedure
(e) general (v) clock
(f) digestive (vi) condition
(g) cardiac (vii) disorder
(h) surgical (viii) arrest
(i) biological (ix) system
O critical (x) illness
(k) congenital (xi) consultation
(l) post-operative (xii) disease
(m) terminal (xiii) reaction

(b) Now motch the collocations with their deftnitions:

a mental condition characterised by extremes of happiness and sadness

a condition that will result in death no matter what
an extremely serious state of health that is immediately life threatening
a medical operation that involves making incisions into the body
a condition whereby the heart stops functioning
the part of the body that processes the food we eat
a drug administered to a patient which puts them to sleep
the progression of time in a woman from puberty to menopause
an illness which can be passed from one person to another
2n eggressive form of cancer that will spread around the body
when the immune system responds in a harmful way to exposure to something
a way of testing a new form of medicine or treatment on human subjects
a health problem present at and from birth
a meeting with a doctor after having undergone surgery

(c) Complete the following poragroph using sorne of the collocations obove. Use eoch collocotion once only:

Coming to Terms with Cancer

The prognosis was not good; I may not have had a(n) terminal illness , but the cancer was at an advanced
stage and had spread to the lymph nodes. All this I learned at a rather intense I had
with my doctor following the excision of the lump on my throat for biopsy. The doctor had assured me the lump
was probably benign, so, as you can probably imagine, it came as quite a shock to learn that I had a(n)
, and that the cancer had already spread. As if that wasn't traumatic enough, I then had to
prepare myself for another the doctor would perform the very next day - he said it could-
n't wait. I would be put under again and would be out for about one hour. I would feel
very groggy for a good two hours after waking up. 'Why not tn/ chemo?' I asked him. Turns out I have a history of
to this form of treatment in my family - it nearly killed my uncle. Apparently, chemo would
do more harm than good where my body is concerned.
At the moment my head is all over the place. The last few days have been a lot to take in. And the situation is com-
plicated by the fact that my paftner and I were planning to have a baby. That will have to be postponed indefinitely.
But, the thing is, I'm 33 now and my is ticking. Will I ever be able to have a child?


Word Transformation
ln the box below there ore I 5 words. You will need to use eoch word once only in completing sentences I ' 15. You will hove to chonge
the form of the correct word in order for it to fit the gap in the relevont sentence'

impair defect symptom immune hereditariness

deficient diagnose remiss prescribe spine
dependent prognose morbid therapy elect

t. The tests showed up an iron , so now I have to take supplements every morning.
2. His alcohol is becoming a real issue which could potentially ruin his life.

3. The patient's heart valve was operated on successfully this morning.

4. You have an enhanced to this strain of the flu virus - there is no chance of you falling ill.

5. injury this severe can often result in paralysis - you are a very lucky man.

6. Why is it that I can never seem to read the handwriting on the doctor's , but, when I hand it to the
pharmacist, she seems to understand perfectly.

7. The benefits of gardening are widely acknowledged.

8. Iexpect that I will get breast cancer sadly at some point in my life - it's , you see - my mother and
grandmother before me had it.
9. I'm having surgery to have the lesion removed. lt's a prudent step; in two or three years' time, what's to say
it won'th-av-e
mutated into something far more deadly?
t0. The cancer is in thank goodness - though I haven't got the all-clear iust yet...

il. The patient is obese, which is severely impacting on his quality of life'
12. The is good - as the disease was caught early I have an excellent chance of recovery
t3. The of arthritis came as a shock to me - I'm only 32 for goodness' sake.
14. A mouth ulcer that lasts more than three weeks may be of oral cancer.

t5. The accident left him with a permanent visual

Word Association 2
(a) Column A contoins verbs which collocate strongly with nouns in Column B. Decide which verb goes with which noun

(a) sedate (i) the limb

(b) administer (ii) the wound
(c) dress (iii) an improvement
(d) deliver (iv) the baby
(e) probe (v) the wound
(f) amputate (vi) the sample
(g) admit (vii) the patient to the ward
(h) detect (viii) the drug
(i) analyse (ix) the treatment
fi) burp (x) the baby
(k) discontinue (xi) the patient

(b) Use theverbsfromColumnAobovetofillin thegops intheextroctbelow.You shou/duse eochverbnomorethononce.Youwill not

need all the verbs. You may need to change the tense of the verb concerned.

He was to hospital after the car accident to have his leg

When the doctor the wound, however, he decided the leg could be saved. The
operation was a success, but the patient had an adverse reaction to the post-op medication he was being
, and his wound got infected as a result. The doctor immediately
the course of antibiotics the Patient had been on, and the wound was promptly. A routine
blood test in the lab then resulted in a very disturbing discovery - the Patient was a
carrier of the AIDS virus, unbeknownst to himself. The doctor was forced to the bad
news to the patient, who had to be on learning of the revelation, such was his state of shock.
Medical and Health lssues
Odd One Out
(a) For eoch of the following, I - 12, identify and circle the odd one out.
l. (a) aching (b) bleeding (c) throbbing (d) nagging
2. (a) scalpel (b) probe (c) forceps (d) bandage
3. (a) break (b) crack (c) fracture (d) wound
4. (a) sling (b) splint (c) syringe (d) brace
5. (a) stretcher (b) crutch (c) drip (d) wheelchair
6. (a) blister (b) fever (c) rash (d) spot
7. (a) coherent (b) responsive (c) conscious (d) comatose
8. (a) vomit (b) perspiration (c) phlegm (d) pus
9. (a) constipation (b) indigestion (c) meningitis (d) diarrhoea
10. (a) contagious (b) congenital (c) hereditarT (d) genetic
I l. (a) recuperating (b) terminal (c) lethal (d) fatal
12. (a) coroner (b) doner (c) consultant (d) physician

(b) Next, using one word from the options, o - d, for eoch question, I - 12, above, fill in the gops in I - Xll below. For Question I
below, you will find the right onswer-option by reviewing o - d in the corresponding question (Question l) obove, ond so on.
I The patient is profusely from a wound to the lower abdomen. He needs to get to hospital immediately.
ll Using his trusty , the dentist carefully extracted the tooth.
lll Although incredibly painful, it proved to be little more than a hairline , which would almost certainly have
healed up within two to three weeks by itself.
tv He needed to wear a to support his back, which had been giving him trouble for some time.
v Why they brought out the is quite simply beyond me. The striker was back up on his feet in next-to-no-
time and scored a goal barely five minutes later.
Vl Don't even think about bursting that - what a disgusting thing to do.
Vll By midnight and not having had any coffee for five hours, I was virtually but still had more work to do before
I could call it a day.

Vlll I became more alarmed when I started to cough up blood in my

lX Despite being little more than an inconvenience which requires a few impromptu toilet visits in this part
of the world, it remains a serious killer in poorer countries.
x The area was cordoned off in the interest of safety until such time as it was established that the disease was not
xt The deceased had ingested a dose of pain killers.

xil You need to register as a if you want your organs to be made available to those in need upon your death.

Fifty: Fifty
For eoch question, chose the correct word to ftll the gop from the two options given.
l. I think you are at the wrong registration desk; this is for those staying in the hospital
overnightaftersurgeryformonitoring,butyouarean-. outpatient / inpatient
2. I have suffered on-and-off with the problem very occasionally for 20 years, but it
hasn't been a(n) _ complaint until now - it used to go away in a chronic / acute
matter of days.

3. The _ is ther6 to support your arm in the horizontal position cast / sling
temporafr un?ii you get it set in piaster.-

4. The _ or 'fits' as my doctor terms them are apparently a symptom of spasms / seizures
the b-rain
tumour and will only get worse as time goes on.

5. Please tell me the is good - I'm not ready to die.

prognosis / diagnosis

Thegoodnewsisit's-;thebadnewsisitsinapartofthebody malign / benign

which is inoperable. All they can do, they said, is help me manage the side-effects

7. Mygrandmotherhassenile-,soit'snotlikeitusedtobearound dementia / amnesia

her - she barely resembles the person I remember from my childhood.
Marketing and Advertising
(a) ldentifu the verb-noun collocotions by motching the verbs in Column A to the phrase-endings in Column B.
TUEETilTEtri (i)
(a) drum a marketing campaign
(b) plug (ii) up interest
(c) launch (iii) brand awareness
(d) target (iv) a niche
(e) catch (v) a product
(Q corner (vi) the viewer's attention
(g) create (vii) a press release
(h) issue (viii) the market
(i) reinvent (ix) market research
fi) carry out (x) your brand
(k) generate (xi) goodwill

(b) Motch eoch wordlphrose in Column A to the correct definition in Column B.

(i) the point in time in the day after which adult-content

(a) cold calling
programmes can be aired
(ii) the period of the day when the most viewers/listeners are
(b) mass marketing
tuning in
(c) subliminal messages (iii) public exposure of your brand or company that is harmful
(d) negative publicity (iv) ringing someone on the telephone without invitation to
(e) generic advertising (v) targeting the whole market in your advertising campaign
(f) prime time (vi) information delivered to your subconscious
(g) brand recognition (vii) promoting not a single brand but a category or class of product
(viii) the specific pages of a newspaper or magazine arranged
(h) the classifieds
in categories that feature advertisements and jobs
(i) the watershed (ix) how well your brand is known in the target market and beyond
(j) billboard / hoarding (x) a short catchy tune or song used in a commercial
(k) jingle (xi) a well-known phrase associated with an ad / person
(xii) a selection of people brought together whose responses to
(l) logo certain things are studied in the hope that this will give an
insight into general market feeling
(m) slogan / catchphrase (xiii) a symbol or design that identifies a product
I (n) focus group (xiv) a large outdoor advertising sign I

(c) Use o se/ectionof the wordslphroses in Column A above to complete sentences I - I2 below. You will not need to use oll the
wordslphroses in Column A, and you should not use ony wordlphrose more than once.
t. I found a iob that might be of interest to you in under'Teaching Posts'.
2. They allow graphic imagery like that to be shown after
3. has become a product in its own right; so catchy is it that it has entered the Billboard Top 100.
4. MacDonald's scores very highly in the stakes; it is one of the best-known in existence.
5. advertising slots are always more expensive on account of the number of people tuning in.
6. lthinkcompaniesthatengagein-aredoingthemselvesmoreharmthangood;afterall,whowantstohaveto
answer the phone to unsolicited callers?
7. The gave us surprising feedback which may prompt us to rethink our market-entry strategy and product positioning.
8. The lrish Tourism Board has begun a €2O-million campaign on behalf of the hospitality industry.
9. The unpopular artist craved attention, but not the type of she got when it was revealed that she was a
tax dodger.
t0. Their has undergone a redesign to make it more distinctive and memorable to behold.
lt. It is claimed that the new army ad campaign is sending to young people encouraging them to ioin up.
12. The became so well-known that even now, ten years on, it is more strongly associated with the brand than
anything tEE/ve used since. As a result, they are considering using it again as the caption for some of their printed adverts.
The Cntedainment lndustrg and the Mass Media
(d) Change the form of the word in square brockets so that it correctly f;ts the gop in eoch cose.

The l. [rate] are down slightly on this time last year, but then that may be explained by a general downward trend
3. [viewer]. There has been some success in 4. [penetrate] new markets, and the show is now on
terrestrial television in over 20 different countries, as well as 5. _ [subscribe] satellite channels in another 5. As for
[place] of products in scenes in each episode of the show.

(e) Select one word from the box to fit in eoch gop in sentences l - 1 4.

cashcow target market agency buzzword press

circulation trade magazine soundbites tabloid infomercial
pitch direct mail market share spot spread

t. The latest edition of the magazine is already in

2. ThelPadhasbecomea(n)-forApple,bringinginasteadystreamofrevenue.
3. Know your - who is this product for? There is no pioint taking our planning of the campaign any further be
fore you have established at least this.
4. It's a(n) in which you'll find articles and advertisements related to civil engineering.

5. We receive so much from these ad agencies it's ridiculous. Do they really expect us to read any of this
unsolicited nonsense th-lT6ilEfihrough our letterbox?
6. Your was relatively effective; you spoke clearly and got your message across well, and, personally, I found your
argu m-EniEEEf convi nci n g.

until this election is over.
8. Your is still growing, but I think you must be realistic and expect the rate of growth to slacken some over the
next quarter.
9. I'm managed by a different than before but Knowles Vance still looks after my PR.
t0. 'Diversiry' is the new in education.
il. We'VetakenoutanadvertisementintheDailyTimes-afulltwo-page-.
t2. That's pure journalism; sensationalising a story into a problem which doesn't really exist
t3. Refer all inquiries to our office; this is now a damage-limitation exercise and we need to be careful what we say.

limit per

ln the News
(a) Motch the wordslphroses in Column Awith their collocotes in Column B.

(a) independent (i) edition

(b) investigative (ii) media
(c) in-depth (iii) journalism
(d) rolling (iv) news
(e) eyewitness (v) news
(f) headline (vi) coverage
(g) first (vii) reports
(h) broadsheet (viii) newspapers
(i) terrestrial (ix) bias
| fi) editorial (x) privilege I

| (k) iournalistic (xi) television I

(b) Which of the obove collocotions meons.'

l. to refuse to divulge his source

a reporter's right
2. constant updates on happenings in the world
3. when the opinion of the person in charge creeps into articles
4. broadcasting which does not involve satellite transmissions
(c) Se/ect o verb from the box to fill eoch gop ond chonge the tenselform of the word if necessary
i nterru pt make issue X 3 go cause stream
lead cross withdraw round spoof protect
launch chase verify anchor cutx2 break
guest; it was clear that the former was inebriated.

They were forced to the accusation and a full apology live on air.
a rebuttal of the accusation and denied any personal involvement with the mafia boss.

The press release was at approximately l2:00 p.m., about half an hour before she was taken into custody by police.

he came about the facts of the case. Meanwhile, leaders around the world are still trying to absorb this shocking news and
decide how to respond.
The story _ a sensation when it broke, but all parties implicated issued immediate denials of their involvement in the cover-up.
He the show for a record 30 years before retiring last may.
The broadcast out live to an audience of over 170 million people.
The substance of the story was carefully prior to its release.
He has been this lead for some time now, but, alas, I think it has finally come to a dead end.
The news channel was amid much fanfare in Spring.
We are going to over live now to our reporter on the ground in Zimbabwe.
The Six O'Clock News with the story about the man who had faked his own death as part of a {2OO-million
tnsurance scam.
Her engagement actually the headlines in what can only have been described as a very slow day for news.
We this broadcast to bring you some breaking news.

Hollywood and the Film lndustry

(a) Motch the words in Column A with their strongest collocotes in Column B

(b) release (ii) cut

(c) movie (iii) reception
(d) final (iv) cast
(e) general (v) release
(f) ensemble (vi) performance
(g) red (vii) lady
(h) opening (viii) night
(i) critical (ix) carpet
O tour de force (x) date
(k) leading i) film

(b) fill the gops in the poragroph below.

Use the collocotions obove to

His latest l. _ is going to have its 2. at the Cannes Festival before going on 3.
April 3 lst. The Cannes' screening is sure to be the most anticipated 4. of the year to date. But with the general
5. almost upon us, fans of the book franchise on which the movie is loosely based will soon have their patience re-
warded. The film features an 6. which includes Brad Pinter, and, of course, Tilly Scoresty as the 7.
The 8. will matter little in truth because fans will flock to the cinema in their droves, but, at any rate, nothing
less than a 9. is expected from Tilly if she is on form. Tilly will be out on the 10. with the rest of the
cast at Cannes on Thursday night - and she'll have to stick around a good while longer than normal if the rumours about the length
ofthe I l. of the movie turn out to be true.
Ttre €nteilainment lndustng and the Mass Media
(c) Use the words from the box below to complete sentences I - 20. Use eoch word once only.

screen test stock plot sequel mainstream

screenplay protagonist running time cliffianger anticlimactic
remake flop post-production tearjerker typecast
chemistry adaptation extra swashbuckler method

l. The went well in so far as she could tell, but then, for some reason, she didn't get the part; perhaps she iust
righilor the role.
2. With a of over three hours, the movie tends to drag out a bit in places.
3. The film was heavily edited in and this led to a major falling-out between Mark Summers, whose part was
practically erased, and John Eldorf, the director.

4. He began his career as a movie in the film Monk Blood, where he was spotted by a talent scout and signed up
to one of the big agencies.
5. The was not met with the universal praise which greeted the first installment in this movie franchise.
6. He is a actor, and he likes to be 'in character' throughout the entire filming process, which those around him
find infu-riating
at times.

7. Youriskbein8-ifyoucontinuetoplaytheroleofthevillaininallyourmovies.
8. The ending was rather considering the fact that the film had been so intense throughout.

9. He turned his back on the studios to set up his own small independent production company.

t0. This is a classic _ which leaves you sitting on the edge of your seat in anticipation until the big reveal at the verT
end, and lookinlErwarclto what's to come in the next installment in the series.
I l. It was a right _ ; even Mark was getting emotional.
12. I would describe it as an all-action ; it is non-stop from start to finish and the level of intensity never drops.

spend the evening.

14. The screen of the book did not live up to expectations. Fans were left very disappointed.
t5. Despite a very positive reception from the critics, the movie became a box-office
t6. The on-screen bewveen the two leading actors was maruellous to behold and made the story all the more believable.

17. The is an unlikely hero in the shape of Mark Milton, a shy, sheepish librarian.
t8. Milly Rove is basically a _character; your typical Stepford-Wife type.
t9. It's a of a l92l film noir classic.
20. The was a collaborative effort between Minty Walsh and Oxtail Montrath. lt was Montrath who had originally
approactecfstu<fio bosses with a sort of vague outline of the plot and a hastily-prepared script.

(d) Select on oppropriate verb from the box to fill eoch gop. You may need to chonge the tense.

stay inspire base pick adapt shortlist cast

I . He a relative unknown in the lead role but it proved

to be an inspired decision; reviews of the actor John
performance were unanimous in their praise.

2. The film has been for several awards but has yet to win any.
3. The movie is _ loosely on a play written by Cartright, but Cartright himself had nothing to do with the film
version Ueyona, tnat ls, Uanking i considerable sum of monef in royalties.
4. It was from the book of the same name, but the director took some liberties in his retelling of the story.
5. My friends holes in the plot, but I thought the movie was quite praiseworthy.

6. Although by true events, this is a complete work of fiction and the characters are not based on the real people
involved in the story.
7. For the most part this production _ true to the original 1970s classic, but it does not come close to matching it
for sheer impact and shock value.
The Music Industry
(a) Motch verbs I - l4 with the phrase-endings i-xiv to complete the collocotions.
l. sign i. the roof off
2. cover ii. a stadium
3. do iii. out an arena tour
4. top iv. the lyrics
5. go v. the charts
6. sell vi. a signing at a music store
7. fiil vii. a tour date
8. lifr viii. the house down
9. bring ix. a rousing rendition
10. collaborate x. with a fellow artist
I l. add xi. the American market
12. crack xii. to a record label
13. give xiii. an originalsong
44. mime xiv. solo

(b) Now use yerbs I - I4 obove to complete the sentences which follow. You moy hove to chonge the tense or form. Use eoch word
once only.
3. The audience felt short-changed when she _ her latest release; they had come to see her perform live.
5. He started out gigs in his local pub, but after being spotted by a talent scout he was approached by one of the
largest record la-bels
in the country.

6. He under the pressure of constant media attention; he just wasn't meant for life in the limelight.
7. She with several artists on her latest album, but this has failed to impress the critics who have been scathing in
their reviewr
9 , Demand for her latest album is not going to match that which there was for 'Ondine', her debut offering - at least, that's
10. He has playing the guitar to his impressive repertoire of musical talents.

I l. lt had been hoped that her debut single would reach the spot, but she should be pleased with position two in
the charts at any rate.
12. The troubled musician received a _on learning of her song's reentry into the charts.
14. He on to record a further nine albums in what can only be described as a stellar career.

(c) Select o word from the box to fill eoch gop in the extroct. Use eoch word once only. You will not hove to chonge the form of the word.

supporting demo key flat range

tune playlist ballads posthumous

l. She received a award for her contribution to music. Her son accepted it on behalf of his mother, who, though
now deceasea, witt surety tVe on in our memory for a very long time to come.
3. lf you think you have what it takes, send me in your tape and I promise I will have a listen.
4. The band became known for its trademark power
5. The D.J. invited listeners to call in with their suggestions for the
6. The iudge on the talent show accused the band of singing out of _ and murdering the lyrics of a perfectly good song.
7. He had a lovely tone in his singing voice but his _ was very limited and he simply could not reach the high notes.
through to the next round on this occasion, but thank you for auditioning.
Ttre Cntedainment lndustng and the Mass Media
(d) Motch I - 8 with the strongest collocotions from i - viii

l. house i. listening
2. indie ii. act
3. easy iii. album
4. booking iv. music
5. recording Y. manager
6. studio vi. contract
7. road vii. band
8. supporting viii. agent

(e) Now use the completed phroses from (d) to ftll in the blonks below. Use eoch phrase once only.

t. They were a top draw for this pub for many years, so it seemed a no-brainer to make them the official
2. The was, in my opinion, actually more entertaining than the headline band.
3. Theseguysare8reat;lcan'twaituntiltheirfirst-isreleasednextweekend.
4. What they play is more than mainstream pop. Even so, they've built up a large fan base.
5. He's the king of ; I can't think of any artist I'd chose over him if I iust want to put my feet up and unwind.
6. The has got us an extra gig on Sunday on account of how well the last one went down.
7. As go, she's right up there with the best of them; she makes sure everything runs smoothly but you'd
hardly even know she was there from beginning to end of tour.
8. They've somehow bagged a million-dollar with Sony, despite the fact that they have yet to even have a top-ten hit.

The Critics and Reviews
(a) Chose an oppropriote word from the box to complete eoch gap. Use eoch word once only.

lauded authentic compelling amplify frenetic groundbreaking

interwoven ensemble hype abysmal virtuoso finale
consensus incoherent acclaim unanimous unparalleled suspense

l. The film has thus far met with almost universal , with many describing it as a modern-day masterpiece and
director Cloud Bond's finest moment.
2. The that surrounded the launch of Mile Down is about the best thing this film ever had going for it - this is a
ttuly dramatization of one of the most significant moment's in our nation's history.
4. as one of the most successful remakes in cinematic history fans of the original will love this film as director
\ /il-iFeirn Nl,ording has stayed true to the story here on almost every p<issible level whilE somehow creating somethint
refreshingly original and new.
5. I would go along with the on this one; while Yardie has punched above its weight at the box office and
supplan_ted Maori Wave in the number-one position, it is at best lightweight and mediocre, ind the director has played it
very safe here.
edge-of-seat moments in the-lead
up to and during the big- .

7. Stevens is _ as an actor in his generation, and only he could have delivered the performance the role
of th s partTEf
i ii-p rotago n st d e man d s.

Both the leading actor and director have received praise for their parts in this production, praise which this
critic believes is entirely justified, for it is rare indeed for two artists at their peak to _ one another's gifts so
9. While hardly in the sense that it sticks to tried and tested special effects methods, this film is technically
brilliant and possessed of an feel of which so many of its recent cinematic counterparts have been bereft.
10. The plot is largely and there is moretalent in my rightthumbthan is possessed bythe entire, that
makes up this sorry cast.
(b) Choose a verb from the box to fill eoch blank. Use eoch verb once only. You moy need to chonge the tense or form.

come deliver convey promise tackle delve

scratch trivialise evoke miss rave

Most critics have about this movie. I must admit to having been left somewhat disappointingly under-
whelmed, however, and feeling as if this verT complex sublect has but barely had its surface in Abdominol

Poin. I mean, the issue of teen suicide is avery serious, important and current one, so it is admirable that the fllmmakers
have tried to it, but, in doing so, they have little into the underlying causes of the problem,
which is a _opportuniry I feel. Abdomicol Poin much but little, I'm afraid. The
sense of desperation teens struggling with their identity and having no one to turn to must feel is not really
here. And while the director does succeed in a certain sympathy in the audience for the lead character,
Rory Mole, a terrible depressed and lonely lS-year-old suffering from undiagnosed bi-polar disorder, his plight is
and there is an almost comedic element to his what should be tragic story. Mike Clough h"t ,p
short here in his directorial debut, and he will do well to recover from this big-screen disappointment.

(c) Use the clue- or stem-word to creote an odjective to describe o novel or ospect thereof, as in the exomple -

l. a (nail) finale
2. a (harrow) tale
3. an (enigma) character
4. an (toxic) exPenence
5. a (viscera) hatred
6. a (buoy) ending
7. an (apology) and bold critique
8. an (engage) story
9. a (pretend) and shallow effort
10. a (fresh) honesty

(d) Use the onswers from (c) obove to fttl in the gops in the sentences below. Use eoch word once only.

l. lt is to see how frank the author is in this biography, and his honesty is all the more laudable on account of it
beingl-is own rnemoirs that he is penning here.
2. Hume adopts a tried and tested formula in his new rom-com, and is about doing so.

3. The prospect of having to relive her ordeal in the courtroom does not deter our heroine.
4. One leaves the theatre feeling decidedly after this feel-good play.
5. lt is an _ combination of intensity and passion that has the viewer raPt throughout and yearning for more at the end.
last scene to surprise and even shock you.
7. He doesn't pull off sophisticated, which appears to have been the aim here, but simply comes across as
curious and oddly endearing fellow.
9. The idea of Nell Burges and Ed Reeves acting alongside one another again is an thought.
10. His approach to writing is rather than intellectual.

(e) Find the eight synonyms - ond group them below

of VERY TNTERESTTNG and the eight synonyms of BORING

dull riveting - prosaic enthralling bromidic enrapturing pedestrian captivating

vapid spellbinding wearisome insipid absorbing gripping fascinating lustreless
Ttre Cntedainment lndustng and the Mass Media
Television, Radio and the lnternet
(a) For eoch word below, find the three strongest collocations from the box. Some of the words in the box moy fit in more than one gop,
but there will only be one onswer which will enoble you to complete the exercise and fill in oll the gops correctly.

pay-per-vrew cable social upgrade wireless broadcast

broadband firewall premiere open source bluetooth reality
hopping anti-virus prime-time server search engine studio

t. channel 2. connection
channel connection
channel connection

3. internet 4. network
internet network
internet network

5. software 6. television
software television
software television

(b) Choose o word from the box to fill eoch gop. Use eoch word once only.

netizen(s) picking(s) infomercial(s) terminal(s)

stock(s) commercial(s) watershed(s) terrestrial(s)

The standard of television programming produced in this country is in decline. The has be-
come a meaningless term confined in its applicability to bygone days when adult content felt the full force of censor-
ship and was not allowed to appear on the box until after 9:00 p.m. Nowadays, however, it seems anything goes any
time. And, truth told, whatever anything is, it seldom 'goes' for much longer than a half hour or so at any rate before
it is interrupted by a break. And don't even get me started on those appalling most of the
networks run right the way through the night, one after another, for up to thirty minutes at a time. lt is truly painful.
television is now, as far as I am concerned, a laughing . All the quality has been bought up
by the satellite networks, with their big-money weight behind them, but even here is/are slim. ln
protest at the dire state ofthings, I have become a converted . I look to the web now to find good con-
tent. There, I can find iust enough re-runs of quality programmes to prevent myself from falling into utter despair and
pining for the good old days of yesteryear.

(c) Choose o suitoble verb to fill eoch gop. You ore not given ony optionslclues

While the internet l. up a whole new world of knowledge and information for this and future generations to
explore, it also 2. a number of serious concerns for parents with young, net-sawy children. For starters,
it is exceptionally difficult to 3. your children's net activity and 4. abreast of whom they are
interactingwith online. Secondly, there is little if anycensorship of the internet, so parents must be 5.
to do the censoring themselves or 6. on software products to do it for them. Even still, there are
ways around the best-intentioned of such programmes, and, besides, the alarming level of growth in cyber-bullying is in-
dicative of a trend parents should, perhaps, be far more concerned about. lt used to be that children were
from the bullies one they 8. to the safe confines of their home, having escaped their
schoolyard tormentors, but not anymore. There is nowhere to 9. thanks to social newvorks like Facebook,
which, if anything, make the 10. far and wide of malicious rumours and the like easier than ever before
given the virulent nature of the internet.
The Developing World and Global Warming
(a) First, complete the collocotions by motching up the partial phroses in Column A with their complements in Column B.
Where in doubt, select the strongest collocotion.

(a) two-tiered (i) countries

(b) resource-rich (ii) diamonds
(c) the general (iii) a blind eye
(d) injection (iv) administrations
(e) blood (v) some restraint
(f) corrupt (vi) populous
(g) turning (vii) the finger at
(h) the greater (viii) good
(i) point (ix) of funds
O show (x) the financial rewards
(k) carbon (xi) footprint
(l) reaped (xii) protection
(m) environmental (xiii) the fruits

(b) Now, use the completed collocotions to fill in gops I - 15 below. There ore l5 gops and 14 collocotions so you will need to use
one collocotion twice. You will not need to chonge the word forms.

have a situation now where, ironically, the 3. of Africa are the most impoverished. They, it seems, are the victims of
mass exploitation by the West. Only recently, some of the travesties caused by Western greed and materialism were exposed,
such as the lucrative underground trade in so-called 4. . But it doesn't end there. What we all too often see is
Western nations doing slightly shady deals with 5. in the impoverished regions of the world and simply
, knowing full well that the proceeds of such deals will be siphoned off into Swiss bank accounts while the
ordinary people on the ground continue to endure deplorable living conditions and constant suffering never to benefit from this
potentially life-saving 7. . By continuing to trade with and support corrupt governments, the West is giving its
tacit approval to what is going on. lt is, essentially, condoning the gross exploitation of 8. of Africa and parts of Latin
America by an elite few in power.

And as it contributes to their suffering, the West also has the audacity to demand these impoverished nations' complicity when it
comes to solving the Global Warming crisis; it expects them to lower their 9. and limit the extent of their
industrial progress for 10. . This is more than a little rich coming from those whose harmful activities and
recklessness was caused this environmental crisis in the first place. lt is more than a little hypocritical for the industrialised world
to ll. less-developed countries now and demand that they 12. and develop an
environmental conscience. The West has already 13. of its exploitation of Mother Earth, so what right have
we to ask others to suffer while we continue to 14. of their cheap labour and our industrial superiority?

We have no right whatsoever to ask this sacrifice of them; they are as deserving of a better future as we are, and if we genuinely
expect them to give up their push for progress on an industrial level in the name of 15. , then we must compen-
sate them fairly for their loss - and not simply by transferring money to the rich and powerful, but by ensuring that financial aid
reaches every man, woman and child who desperately needs it.

(c) ln the context of the obove text (b) , ftnd o phrose thot meons the following

l. silent and unofficial but clear endorsement of something

2. transactions that probably have a less than honest worthy/purPose

€nvinonmental lssues and the Natunal Wonld
Environmental lssues in the Developing World
(a) Use one word from the box to fill each gap, I - I 8. You should not need to chonge the form of the correct word.
Use eoch word once only.

ca pita I disregard face lucrative tusks premrum

trigger scorn ru ng ha bitats plains poaching
scream executioner trophy limbs trinkets verge

It is hardly surprising, in light of their desperation, that the peoples of the developing world who are on the very bottom
at what they perceive to be a total 3. for the environment in some parts of the "Third World". And while they - the
irrevocable, harm has been done to many precious 5. and the rare creatures that inhabit same - we must
understand that the rules of supply and demand are in play here in the developing world just as much as anywhere else. For
Patrol, ask yourself this; would they bother if there wasn't a market for their kill? Believe me, for every bull elephant slaughtered
for its ivory 8. ,thereisarich,greedy,fat-catcollectorreadytoPaya9.-toacquirethis.find'_infact,
tourist outlets as so-called 'ornaments' - ashtrays and jewellery boxes, if you don't mind
- there has to be a willing buyer; an
admirer of these grotesque I l. . And there are plenty of them it turns out. lt's the same principle with rare animal

furs and skins; who do you think buys the crocodilian handbag? I doubt the local tribespeople could afford the price tag, don't
you? lt is an absolute tragedy that endangered species of animals are being hunted to the 12. of extinction, of this
there can be no doubt. But we must try to understand the reasons why this is happening. The realiry is that poaching will
continue while it is a 13. occupation and while the prospects of finding other forms of employment are very poor.
Developing nations need our help, not our 14. . Save that for the few unscrupulous I 5. hunters still
out there; rich, spoilt, despicable Western brats who get a kick out of taking aim at some of the world's most precious and
endangered species; it is a good thing for them that we live in a civilised world where the death penalty has, by and large, been
removed from the list of possible punishments our courts can hand down. That said, since they have made themselves judge,
jury and 16. fortheinnocentcreaturestheyhaveslain,perhapsnothinglessthana.7.-sentence

(b) ln the context ofthe above text (o), find o phrose thot meons the following:

l. spend more than the market value

2. on first examination/as it first appears
3. damage/hurt from which there is no possibility of recovery
4. about to die out completely
5. a person who kills game purely for their own entertainment
6. enjoys using their weapon a lot
7. in charge of every decision made in an unfair process
8. complain bitterly and forcefully
9. at the lowest level of pay or status

(c) Use the words in the box, which are olso found in Text (o), to fill the gops in the text below. Refer to lext (o) to get o sense
of meaning in context if necessary. Use eoch word once only. Plurolise if necessary.

scorn rife delinquent slain

t. He poured on the idea that employing poachers as park wardens might actually help alleviate the problem,
and yet it seems the initiative has worked very well. Given an alternative form of employment, the poachers have excelled
in their new, legitimate work, and are now doing a lot of good.

2. Theyburiedthe-inalargepit;thestenchofrottingcorPseswasfoul.
3. Corruption.is in the current administration and young people are beginning to lose faith in their elected
repres'entativeTancl tfe political system :rs a consequence.
4. These-aregoodfornothing;theyareinandoutofiailalmostasahobby.
Environmental lssues in the Developing World 2
(a) fhe words in the box can be used to fill gops I - 15. However, in mony coses, you will either have to chonge the form or the
tense. Use each word once only.

cede expand flatten prowl

motivate compel stampede push out
catch up compromise win out encroach
contribute nullify diminish claim

While there will olways be o minority of poochers l. _ by their innote cruelty and greed, it is probobly foir to soy thot the
vost majority are 2. in this av,,ful octivity out of economic necessity. Similorly, in developing countries where overpopulation
is becoming increosingly problematic, ond os communities 3. further ond further into the wilderness to ftnd
contoct between ond conflict with naturol predotors ond wild onimols that would not otherwise be in the |ine of fire, ond this is onother
couse of their 5. numbers. When it is o straight choice between survivol ond on environmentol conscience, the former
their woy through ond 9, whole towns. Moreover, many of these communities leod on agrarion lifestyle,
ond when their livestock - ond so, by implicotion, their livelihood - is threotened by predation, this will olso inevitobly lO.
them to oct to I l. the threot. And there are other considerotions, too: after oll, livestock needs o place to groze ond lond
is olso required for the cultivotion of crops. And with an ever-exponding number of mouths to feed, the only /ogicol so/ution is to
l2.-moreofthelondforogriculturalpUrposes.rhisleodstotreesbeingcutdown,andl3. the stobility of
in-hond. Noto/one orefarmerscloimingmoreof thelondfor themselvesthen, vostswothes of hobitotorebeingl6. to the ad-
voncing desert. For mony wild onimols, their entire ecosystem is being destroyed, putting their long-term survivol in extreme doubt.

(b) Motch the words in Column A token from Text (o) obove with their definitions in Column B.

(a) innate (i) something you are born with

(b) conscience (ii) very dry and hostile to life
(c) agrarian (iii) a long strip or large area (of land)
(d) cultivation (iv) the drying out of land to the extent that it becomes very arid
(e) arid (v) the felling, burning or removal by other means of very large numbers of trees
(f) desertification (vi) all the living things in an area and how they interact
(g) deforestation (vii) the farming of land / preparing of land for crops
(h) swathe (viii) of or relating to agriculture

| 0) ecosystem (ix) the part of you that iudges whether your actions are moral or immord I

(c) Use the words from Column A obove to complete these sentences.

| . His _ sense of empathy with the natural world saw him champion the cause of the endangered grey wolf population,
despite how unpopular this made him amongst the local population, which was mainly comprised of sheep farmers.

2. His guilty prevented him from granting planning approval for the new mall. lt would not only have been an
eyesore but also the death knell of the local snail population.

3. The is very finely balanced and the invasion of this non-marsupial creature will have a devastating effect on local wildlife.

4. of the land brought them into direct conflict with the natural world. Only, in this case, the latter won out;
eventually, the abundance of predatory animals in the area became too much of a liability for the locals to put up with and
they left, surrendering their farms back to Mother Nature.
€nvironmental lssues and the Natunal Wonld
of rock the size of a small island split from the mainland and fell into the sea causing a tsunami.
is one of the most significant factors contributing to the global warming phenomenon. Trees are nature's
regulator of carbon dioxide levels. The depleting reserye of trees in the world will have far-reaching consequences.

7. The nomadic tribes of the Sahara are some of the few peoples well positioned to cope with the problems which will
invenitably arise as a result of
9. A massive land-reclamation project is underway in the southwest of Jordan, where it is hoped to stem the
progress ofthe desert and indeed put it back into retreat.

Environmental lssues in the Developing World 3

For eoch gop, choose the correct answer from options a - d.

highly-skilled workforce make these countries highly competitive and there is a flood of inward investment, particularly from
3. looking to take advantage of the low wages before the cost and standard of living begin to rise. lt is factors
such as these that are making many Asian economies extremely attractive when viewed as investment opportunities at the
moment. Similarly, in Africa, the relative 4. of precious metals and natural resources tends to attract a lot of
investment. lt is understandable that countries that are the focus of this sort of attention can lose sight of the environmental
implications of large-scale industrial development, and this can have devastating consequences for the natural world. And it is a
natural resources. For some, the environmental issues, though they can hardly be ignored, are viewed as a 7.
concern. lndeed, having an environmental conscience or taking environmental matters into consideration when it comes to
For those involved in such schemes it is a pretty black-and-white issue. And, for vast 10. of land in Latin America,
for example, it is clear that the welfare of the rainforests matters little to local government when vast sums of money can be
made from cultivating the land.

t. (a) emerging (b) emergent (c) conversent (d) resurgent

2. (a) grown (b) born (c) bred (d) arisen
3. (a) multinationals (b) migrants (.) continentals (d) intercontinentals
4. (a) premonition (b) abundance (c) amplitude (d) accumulation
5. (") exploitation (b) exploration (c) suryeyance (d) research
6. (a) vacuous (b) viscous (c) vexatious (d) vicious
7. (a) parallel (b) extrinsic (c) peripheral (d) exponential
8. (a) plantations (b) homesteads (c) ranches (d) holdings
9. (a) proscriptive (b) prohibitive (c) ProsPective (d) imperative
t0. (a) regions (b) plots (.) tracts (d) sectors

Write the following ocronyms ond moleculor formulos out in full.

I. NGO Hint: on organisotion thot is independent of the government

2. CO2 Hint: o type of gos which trees absorb
3. CH4 Hint: o type of gos cottle produce o lot of
4. WWF Hint: o leoding internotionol noture organisotion (pondo logo)
5. GM Food Hint: crops thot scientists hoye tompered with
6. CFCs Hint: produced by oerosol sproys
Observed Global Climate Change
The words in the box con be used to fill gaps I- 10. However, in mony coses, you will either have to chonge the form or the tense.
Use eoch word once only.

concu r onset register local fluctuate

occu r alarm intense observe convince

2. during the 20th century in addition to the fact that the rate of
remperature rise of approximately one degree was
global level. Further evidence in suppom of the warming hypothesis comes by way of the fact that, also during the 20th century a
considerable rise in sea levels was 7. , and, across both hemispheres, southern and northern, glaciers went into
rerreat, and remain so. Oceanic warming, albeit gradual up to now, has also been confirmed, and the 8. rate of
melting of polar ice, coupled with a general rise in humidity and the increasingly early 9. of spring each year are
factors the likelihood of the simultaneous coincidental 10. of which scientists say is virtually nil.

Causes of Climate Change

(a) The Rof e of Humanity: Chonge the form of the word in squore brockets suitobly to fit eoch gop.

radiation by gases in the atmosphere warms the planet's lower atmosphere and surface. Put simply, the so-called greenhouse
gases which cause this effect basically redirect heat that would otherwise escape back into outer space down towards the
Without the natural 4. [occur] of these gases and consequent planetary warming, Earth would actually be a very
5._ [hospitable] place. The problem, however, began in the 1800s during the industrial revolution. The increased
amount of industrial activity led to additional volumes of greenhouse gases being produced unnaturally as a result of human
activity. Obviously, as the level of industrial activity has increased dramatically over the last several centuries, so too then has the
rate of production and emission of greenhouse gases. Human activity has therefore altered the balance of things with
[concentrate] of greenhouse CO2 and methane in the atmosphere significantly higher today
gases such as
than at any other time in the past 800,000 years of Earth's history. About two-thirds of the additional CO2 released is attributed
to the burning of fossil fuels, while the rest of the increase in atmospheric greenhouse gas levels is put down to changes in
livestock than ever before being reared for 8. _ [consume], and a consequent significant increase in methane emis-
warming effect on the Earth's surface, but this is not to be confused with the greenhouse effect as the two phenomena are
of a significant reduction in carbon emission levels in the near future seems very unlikely. Therefore, the problem of global warming also
appears very unlikely to moderate. Besides, many scientists believe the damage already done may be 15. _ [reverse].

(b) Nature's Role: Use the words from the box to fill gaps I - 6. You moy have to chonge the tense or form, ond you should only use
each word once.

exacerbate emit penetrate reflect intensify reverse

lf anything, while humankind has been l. the warming situation, nature herself, by happy coincidence, has been be-
particulates and soot contributed to what is termed Global Dimming, a cooling phenomenon whereby more of the Sun's rays are
prevented from 4. the atmosphere and reaching the planet's surface, and are instead 5. _ back out into
past thirry years or so.
Cnvinonmental lssues and the Natunal Wonld

Common Collocations to do with Global Warming, the Environment and Nature

(a) Match the words in Column A to their strongest collocates in Column B.

(a) greenhouse (i) metals

(b) precious (ii) shortage
(c) renewable (iii) sprays
(d) sustainable (iv) destruction
(e) water (v) converter
(f) habitat (vi) spill
(g) aerosol (vii) rain
(h) paddy (viii) fields
(i) acid (ix) development
fi) catalytic (x) efficient
(k) dumping (xi) change
(l) energy (xii) energy
(m) climate (xiii) ground

(b) Match the words in Column A to their strongest collocates in Column B.

(a) industrial (i) wave

(b) heat (ii) farming
(c) bush (iii) waste
(d) geothermal (iv) footprint
(e) toxic (v) disposal
(f) factory (vi) power
(g) exhaust (vii) waste
(h) coastal (viii) extinction
(i) endangered (ix) fumes
f) mass (x) erosion
(k) food (xi) chain
(l) animal (xii) welfare
(m) waste (xiii) species
carbon fire

(c) Match the words in Column A to their strongest collocates in Column B.

(a) fossil (i) proxies

(b) nuclear (ii) fuels
(c) refuse (iii) fallout
(d) organic (iv) turbine
(e) landfill (v) collection
(f) compost (vi) site
(g) exhaust (vii) produce
(h) wiHlife (viii) waste
(i) septic (ix) fumes
fi) recyclable (x) campaigner
(k) oil (xi) slick
(l) climate (xii) resources
(m) non-renewable (xiii) tank
I (n) wina (xiv) rreap I
The Potential Consequences of Global Warming
-s- :.e words from the box to ftll in gops I - 8. You will not need to change the form ofthe words. Use eoch word once only.

inhospitable vulnerable refugees displacement inundated cover deglaciation

migration frequency diversity extent erosion retreat decimate

I . Already there is some evidence of the ' of certarn

ot certain rce
i in the Arctlc.
sheets rn Arctic. Scientists that this could get
)clentlsts say tn
t.rorse. The majority of mountain glacieE throughout the world in both hemispheres are also presently in
2. Snow and sea ice are also expected to decline considerably.
3. There is expected to be a higher of extreme weather such as drought, flooding and the formation of
tntense storm systems.
4. Scientists predict that the of many ecosystems will be reduced and many species will be made extinct.
Certain ecosystems such as tundra, mangroves and coral reefs are thought to be particularly- .

5. Oceanic acidification is predicted to accelerate considerably and this could entire populations of certain sea
crearures at the base ofthe food chain that rely on carbonate ions to make structures they need to survive.
There is likely to be more coastal and coastal flooding on account of rising sea levels, as well as a reduction
in rhe fresh water supply, which could cause severe water shortages.
Rising sea levels will also cause certain coastal areas to be and submerged, resulting in further localised
8. -
Crop yield in certain parts of the world which experience significant localised warming will be adversely affgcted, which could result
in mass and the creation of so-called climate . Contrariwise, countries lying in more northerly

Doing our bit for the Environment

Se/ect on oppropriote verb from the box to ftll eoch gop.

releasing upgrading enacting se pa rati ng ensunng prosecuting providing

sponsoring adhering arranging lobbying forming protecting ensuring
fitling investing su bstituting switching exploiting subsidising fitting
I. elected representatives to get them to Pursue an environment-focused agenda
2. pressure groups to campaign for the introduction of environmental protection legislation
3. our homes are properly insulated and 4. double glazing
5. waste into recyclable and non-recyclable items
6. to energy-saving light bulbs and 7. household appliances are turned off when
not in use
8. our cars for bikes or public transport where possible and practical
9. to carpool with work colleagues or friends
t0. solar panels on our roofs

I t. the public transport system
12. renewable sources of energy such as wind and solar power
t3. the renewable energy industry to make it more competitive on price
14. incentives to customers to switch to alternative energy sources
t5. areas of natural beauty and special environmental significance
t6. those involved in illegaldumping
17. laws to protect endangered species
I8. in research into alternative forms of energy
t9. to the terms of the Kyoto Agreement
20. international initiatives to protect the environment
2'|. adequate funding to enable the proper policing of environmental Protection laws
Cnvironmental lssues and the Natunal World
The Natural World
Use the words from the box below to fill in the gops in sentences I - 26. You will not need to chonge the form of the words.
Use eoch word once only.

fera I placental conservation predation identity stock

range apex stray alpha resurgent cull
sheds solitary territory breach tropics status
eradication prey insulation heat adverse
indigenous gestation nesting run ban

t. The Canadian government's authorisation of the seal-pup a._ annually is extremely controversial and brings the
wrath of conservationists down on it.
2. During the annual Alaskan salmon b._ , such is the abundance of spawning fish that the local bear population
enjoys a veritable feast. However, overfishing has depleted the c._ of wild salmon considerably.
3. The disappearance of sea ice has forced polar bears into swimming increasingly long distances in search of suitable d._ .

4. The international e._ imposed on whale hunting is not adhered to by several countries, including Norway and Japan.

5. The increasing populariry of so-called eco-tourism is having a(n) f._ effect on once isolated areas like Galapagos.
6. lf global warming continues apace, diseases now conflned to the g._ , such as malaria, will quite possibly make
their way as far north as the United Kingdom.
7. Although the population of wolves in Spain is stabilising thanks to h. efforts, there is still a long way to go
before long-term recovery is guaranteed.
8. The i._ population of red squirrels in parts of Scotland is a sign that efforts to control the population of greys
have been somewhat successful.
9. Shark attacks along the Australian coastline are usually a case of mistaken i._ .

t0. The k._ period of the red deer lasts typically 240 to 262 days.
!t. Male wildebeest are willing if necessary to fight to the death over a female in l.
t2. Unlike its cousin the lion, the leopard is a m. beast which will only seek out the company of others of its
species during the mating season.
t3. Watching a whale n. the surface is a spectacle that is hard to forget.
14. The lion is an o._ predator; the only serious threat to it comes from man.
t5. The p._ male of a band of gorillas will typically have a distinctive area of silver-coloured fur on its back.
t6. q._ mammals dominate much of the rest of the world in much the same way as marsupials are abundant in Australia.

17. Over thousands of years, much of New Zealand's r._ population of birds evolved to become flightless on
account of there being no significant threat of s._ on the ground. Unfortunately, when the possum was
introduced from Australia, such species had little or no defence and became easy prey for the foreign invader.
t8. The population of grey wolves in Yellowstone is thriving and scientists suggest the species no longer needs its protected

t9. Theu. of the Polynesian rat from the small offshore islands of New Zealand has seen the indigenous bird
stage a remarkabl6 recovery.

20. Conservation efforts are ongoing on the lonian island of Zakynthos to safeguard the future of the loggerhead sea turtle.
Volunteers patrol the beaches that act as its nesting ground throughout the v._ season.

21. The Arctic fox w. its winter coat at the onset of spring.

22. x._
Blubber is a very effective form of against the freezing cold temperatures seals often encounter in the ocean.

23. The wolves had a huge y._and travelled more than 50km per day.
24. The pride males regularly marked their z._ to warn off rivals.
25. The city has a problem with a I dogs and needs to look at neutering the male population to prevent the
problem getting worse.
26. The b I . horses that roam the Snowy Mountains of Australia are known as the Brumbies.
(A) Select the correct onswer option (d - d) for eoch question (l - 20)
l. lt was a(n) effort on our part to try to convince her not to make such a rash decision and quit her job
before she had anything lined up; she was never going to listen to us anyvvay.
2. The violent scenes in that movie were simply and added nothing to the storyline. All they served to
achieve was to force the Film Censor's hand so as to prevent under l2s from being able to view what was otherwise a
perfectly suitable film for them to watch.
street; I stand out like a sore thumb.
4. Rumours abound that the announcement of the merger of the two companies is ; apparently it is as good
as a done deal.
5. He had the build of someone half his age involved in professional athletics; it was as though he never
aged at all, andletTiEkl,cm saw him do exercise of any kind and he never went to the gym.
6. The details of the deceased's year-long affair with his secretary emerged during the trial as the
pros6Zlii6i-IFiect to build a strong case for motive to muider. This much is clear; most people in Jane Ayre's shoes probably
would have wanted their lying, cheating, money-grabbing husband dead.
7. lt is one thing to simply tell a white lie, James, but you have been downright ; I will never be able to trust
you asarn.
8. The chances of finding those trapped in the snow after the avalanche now are _ ; after all, most avalanche
survivors suffocate wi-thin I 5-30'minutes of being buried alive. lt has been nine holiiiow that the rescuers have been
9. There is a(n) of books on the subject, so you should have no trouble whatsoever researching ideas for
your project.
argues at a loss for what to say next, so taken aback are they by her succinct ripostes.
Il. He is no doubt a(n) talent, but I question whether or not he has the temperament to succeed in this sport.
12. He is a(n) goal scorer; not even the great Malcolm Mound managed to convert his chances with the
same regularity during his spell at the club.
t3. The two houses are to each other and yet they are so differently styled that you could be forgiven for
thinking they were built rn completely different eras.
14. Helefta(n)-onmyanswerphoneabouthavingto.disappear'forafewweeks,sayingthat.everything
would be all right';nd that he would sort it out. I am still strugglingto understand what this is all about, but it can't be good.
t5. The diamond is of origin; indeed, I strongly suspect that it has been smuggled into the country
from one of the AfiEl-n
conflict zones.
16. That is a(n) abuse of power; be warned, you will not win any friends behaving like this and walking all
over everyone.
company to use such cut-rate packaging.
t8. He wore a(n) expression for weeks following the news that he had not got the Promotion.
t9. He has a(n) collection of butterflies which he bought from the local Natural History museum.
20. Thereisa(n)-ofnewhomesbeingbuiltintheregionandatthemomentdemandfaroutweighssupply.
Something must be done to redress the balance.

t. a. futile b. brazen c. aqueous d. dubious

2. a. docile b. gratuitous c. dormant d. arduous
3. a. eminent b. convivial c. extraneous d. homogenous
4. a. imminent b. eminent c. frugal d. culpable
5. a. doleful b. esoteric c. lithe d. intrepid
6. a. brazen b. inherent c. ponderous d. lurid
7. a. prudent b. reclusive c. precipitous d. mendacious
8. a. oblique b. miniscule c. inherent d. prolific
9. a. prolific b. plethora c. nominal d. frugal
t0. a. laconic b. frugal c. congenial d. apprehensive
il. a. prodigious b. coherent c. eminent d. flagrant
Focus on g€neral High Lenel Vocabulang

t2. a. prolific b. brazen c. indulgent d. innate

r3. a. contiguous b. munificent c. gregarious d. noxious
,4. a. gaudy b. lustrous c. munificent d. cryptic
t5. a. latent b. dubious c. laconic d. lucrative
t6. a. latent b. lucrative c. flagrant d. miniscule
17. a. flimsy b. lustrous c. intrepid d. haughty
t8. a. prudent b. reclusive c. doleful d. officious
t9. a. reticent b. ponderous c. esoteric d. reciprocal
20. a. plethora b. miniscule c. dearth d. vestige

(B) Choose the correctverb from the box below to complete eoch sentence ond chonge the tense os required.

subjugate vindicate reverberate replenish

strive proliferate salvage reproach
prevail shun revere scatter
sq uander shatter quench quash

l. The conviction was and the judge ordered the immediate release of the prisoner:
2. The miniscule amount of.rain water I had managed to collect in the carton overnight did little to my thirst.
3. The soldiers were finally able to their supplies after eight days having been cut off from civilisation by the
huge storm and accompanying deluge.

4. His father him for not having properly prepared for his final exams.
5. The neighbourhood with the sound of gunfire as the protest march descended into violence.
6. He is _ by his countrymen as the father of the nation; it was his determination, inspiration, courage and
would be no going back to the days of empire.
7. They what they could from the wreck as quickly as possible before high tide returned to swdlow it up again.
8. Limbs and other body parts were across the scene of the wreckage; it was utter and complete devastation.

9. Hisseeminglyimpenetrableself-confidencewasfinally-whenhisarchrival,themanwhohadhadtobe
content with coming second to him for all of nearly ten years, sprinted effortlessly towards the finish line leaving him in his
wake; the champion had been dethroned at last.
t0. After the story w:$ leaked to the press, he was by his former friends and colleagues in the parryi a man who
had once been hotly tipped as a potential leader of the Conservatives was now well and truly staring into the political abyss.

il. I have no sympathy for him whatsoever; he has millions of pounds foolishly for his own indulgence; an
idiot and his money are very soon parted.
t2. After an epic three-day battle the Greeks at last and the Prussian empire was defeated.
r3. Small-to-medium-sized businesses have over the last few years, thanks, in part, to a new government
14. He felt when his much maligned theory was endorsed by the experts at Loterdale Laboratory as a result
of the cumulativeTndiigs-of fifteen years' reseJrch in what was, at the time, the most comprehensive study thad had ever
been conducted in the field.
15. We must always to seek betterment, both the mental and physical kind, for growth and the quest to
achieve saEe ciEfine rrvFat it is to be human.
16. The rebel armies vast swathes of government-controlled land and it soon became clear that the Empire
had no future.
(C) Motch the words in the left column with their deftnitions in the right column.
l. ponderous [ ] steep
2. precipitous [ ] in name or thought only, not real
3. presumptuous [ ] extremely dangerous
4. teacherous [ ] slow and awkward, boring
5. tentative [ ] dangerously unpredictable
6. volatile [ ] careful, or uncertain of being completed
7. sketchy [ ] overly proud of self or stuck up
8. sporadic [ ] resolutely fearless
9. taciturn [ ] rude in speech or behaviour
10. surreptitious [ ] careful and cautious and wise to be so
I l. tenacious [ ] making provision for the future, especially to do with money
a2. superfluous [ ] withdrawn, very anti-social
| 3. prudent [ ] determined
14. provident [ ] active at night
15. reciprocal [ ] connected in such a way that one completes the other
16. scrupulous [ ] unnecessary more than needed
17. reclusive [ ] having moral integrity
18. petulant [ ] occasional, infrequent
19. nocturnal [ ] saying little
20. ghastly [ ] awful, unpleasant and shocking
21. haughty [ ] physically harmful or destructive
22. intrepid [ ] discrete, secret
23. noxious [ ] containing few details, vague
24. nominal [ ] made up of parts or things that are very different from one another
25. heterogenous [ ] disrespectful and brazen

(D) Now use some of the words I - 25 obove to fill the gops in the sentences below. You will not need oll the words, ond you should use
eoch word once only.

l. She seemed to have a rather manner and held herself in very high regard indeed.
2. The new colour you've chosen for the walls is quite possibly the most thing I've ever seen; it is utterly tasteless.

time was running out to launch a successful rescue operation.
4. The Queen is the head of state of Great Britain.

5. Batsare creatures, it's true, but, contrary to what most people believe, while they often rely in the
main on son5r anA enmnced hearing, most species do, in fact, also have reasonably good eye-sight.
6. There was a(n) _ agreement in place between the two countries to waive the visa requirements for
short-stay holidayrnakers of either nationality travelling between the tvvo states.
7. He was as as they come, never venturing much further afield than his front gate to pick up the post; his
wife had to <ioTil his errancis for him while he virtually led the life of a hermit.
8. The adventurers successfully scouted the heretofore unexplored region of the Amazon that is home to
the Tupi tri6er
9. There were some skirmishes, but there have been no full-scale engagements thus far in what is now
being termed a phoney war.
10. Details as to exactly what happened remain , but what is now clear is that despite the large number of
injuries sustained, no one has been critically hurt.
Il. The eagle perched itself on the cliff edge, scouting the horizon for its next unlucky victim.
12. Observers in the country describe the situation as highly , and suggest that there is no telling what
could happen next.
I3. The reporter', _ style of deliverT often made for painfully slow and dull viewing. l-1" *T kept.in his iob
purely on account ofI-isability to reid the situation on the ground accurately and always be first to break the big story'
14. The celebrity's cameo was _ at best and served to distract viewers from concentrating on the actual
story which'was, after all, a verT serious and important onethat deserved to be told.
t5. Her glance now and then was enough of a cue for the man to realise that she was vetT attracted to him.

Focus on g€neral High Level Vocabulang
(E) Choose the correct verb from the box below to onswer each question. Chonge the form or tense if required.

enth ra II alleviate encha nt annex extol ingratiate

stifle elucidate revere concoct perch postulate
curtail vilify instigate malign pillage pervade
exacerbate disparage grumble chastise lament endeavour

t. This new measure will prove counterproductive and only serve to growth, ensuring that it takes us
longer than necessary to climb our way out of this recession.
2. He has been in the press and cast as some sort of devil figure. Perhaps some perspective is needed;
after all, his oniy crime was to criticise the royal family.
3. William Butler Yeats is one of lreland's most poets ofthe 20th century
4. I that the reason why e-cigarettes have been banned in some countries is down more to the strength of
thG cftSrette rnanuTacturers' lobby than'it is aiy underlying healtfr concerns. Research has shown them to be 99o/o saGr than
ordinary cigarettes after all.
5. Priceless works of art during the war are now being returned their rightful owners.
6. Thejaguarstoodmotionl"'',-highabovetheobliviousboaronarock,readytoPounceat|usttheright
moment to catch its unwitting victim completely unawares.
7. Despite efforts to clean up the streets and lock up the gang leaders, gang rule still in many parts of New
Mexico, and the ordinarT people continue to live in fear.
8. lwill now to explain my proposal to you and I truly hope you will be as enthused by it as my staff and I are.
9. You will only the situation by attempting to make contact with your brother again; he has been severely
hurt by your actions and your relationship may well be beyond repair.
t0. He the virtues of simplicity, but he failed to win very many in the audience over to his vision of life in
theZlst century. -
lt. He made several remarks about his ex-wife in public and she is now threatening to sue him for
defamation of character.
12. It is hoped that the shipment of food and supplies will the humanitarian crisis in famine- struck Uganda.
t3. He had to _ his holiday and take the next flight home from New York to rush to the bedside of his
14. I was by the pristine beaury of this magical forest from the moment I laid eyes upon it; it truly was a sight
to behd?i.--
t5. lfyouconstantly-aboutlifeandtelleveryoneyoursobstoryyouwillquicklyfindyourselfisolatedand
without friends; no one likes to be depressed and we all have our own problems to deal with. Perhaps you need an injection
of positivity in your life; it could be just the medicine you need to help you turn things around.
16. The violence was by a small hardcore element that had infiltrated the otherwise peaceful group of
17. He his decision to take the shot when he realised his teammate had been unmarked in the box, but it
t8. When Germany _ Austria before World War Two, its forces met with little resistance as they marched
towards the capital. ln fact, they were, by and large, welcomed with open arms.
t9. He an alibi so convincing that the jury found in his favour and he was released from custody a free man.
20. His political pedigree has been by members of the press, with whom he is terribly unpopular.
21. Stoptryingto-yourselfwiththebossallthetime;therestoftheteamwillturnagainstyouandwillbeleft
feeling very alone and isolated.
22. Thegovernmenthasb""n-inthepressforcuttingsocialwelfarePaymentsinthelatestbudget.Asone
commentator put it, 'Why on earth should the poorest of the poor be made to suffer even more? lsn't it about time we
targeted high-income earners for more tax.'

23. The reasons why it is necessary to change our ways to help fight global warming have been by scientists
many times, but the message still isn't getting across to Joe Bloggs on the ground.

24- lwas by the story and must admit I found it one of the most captivating films I have viewed in many ayear.
(F) Match the noun in the column on the Ieft with its definition in the column on the right
l. prodigy [ ] basic
2. proximity [ ] a barrier to progress, an obstacle
3. rudimentary [ ] abuse, lack of care, failure to carry out your responsibilities
4. ryro [ ] vague, unclear, uncertain, open to interpretation
5. uproar [ ] the act of weakening or damaging by harassment, abuse or attack
6. vehemence [ ] sickness, when you feel ill enough to vomit
7, vestige [ ] dishonest talk or behaviour, saying contradictory things to different sides
8. consensus [ ] a novice, someone new to an activity
9. attrition [ ] general agreement, majority of opinion
10. ambiguous [ ] a right you have not necessarily afforded to everyone
I l. animosity [ ] exposure to death, loss, threat etc., at risk
12. duplicity [ ] a slight difference in appearance, meaning, or sound etc.
13. impediment [ ] the expression of strong feelings
14. nuance [ ] a lot of angry complaints about something
I 5. nausea [ ] a trace, mark or sign left by something which has now disappeared
16. prerogative [ ] ill will or bad feeling
17. neglect [ ] nearness to something
18. jeopardy [ ] a person with great abiliry that shows itself early on in life

(G) Use words I - I I from the previous exercise to ftll the gops in the sentences below. You will need to use eoch word once only. You
will not hove to change the form. Plurolise if required.

l. There is a lot of between them stemming from when she left him for his younger brother. Naturally, he
found it hard to forgiGTerTor th"-t and the tension in the rotm is palpable when they are togeth6r.
2. ltis a rather role; I am not sure it is entirely clear from the job specification what will be required of me,
but all I can do is go in tFEie6give it my best shot.
3. This is quite simply a war of and the winner will be the last man standing.
some non-core members of staff who lose their jobs as a result of synergy. Will I be one of them?
5. The general is that she will stand down at the next election and allow the deputy leader to take over.
6. Whether and when I take time off is entirely up to me; that is my - one of the luxuries of actually owning
the company.
7. The most significant to change in the company is its CEO; sadly while he's at the helm our problems look
certain to continue.
8. She suffered from at the hands of her abusive, alcoholic mother.
9. lt's a fairly piece of kit - no complicated technology inside or anything - but, that said, I have yet to find a
more modern rival product to match its accuracy and portability.
| 0. One of the of my new role as Financial Officer compared to my previous job title of Accounts Manager is
that I am now offiZiaiiy responsible for allocating departmental spendin!. Other thin that, the two jobs are virtually idenlical.
il. is a common side-effect of undergoing a course of chemotherapy treatment.
don't you ask Max Minton? He's been working here for donkey's years.
13. This engine is the last of a once great car manufacturer of the early 20th century.
14. She is some sort of child ; at the age ofovelve she has already been enrolled in an undergraduate degree course.

15. Residents on the east coast of lreland are extremely hostile to the idea of further development of the Sellafield nuclear
they will be right in the line of fire of the radioactive gasses.
| 6. The announcement of a new value-based tax on houses has caused with many saying they will refuse to
pay the charge.
17. His _ really is quite remarkable; he told our firm that he wanted the merger as much as anyone and would
18. Such was the with which she spoke that it was difficult not to be convinced by her argument.
Focus on gcnenal High Level Vocabulang
(H) Chonge eoch noun or verb below into its odjectivol form

l. rigor
2. rancour
3. tremor
4. vigilance
5. vanity
6. gluttony
7. hypocrisy
8. philanthropy
9. diligence
10. aroma
I l. deference
a2. comprehension
13. meddle
14. efface (selQ
15. office
16. indulge
17. revere
18. vindicate

(l) Now, complete the sentences below using the odjectivol forms in your onswers to I- I I above. Do not use any word more thon once.

| . He is one of the most people I have ever come to know; if you cross him, he will make you live to
regret it at some poing wtetFEilIEG him a year or ten - and that's anothei thing; he has a very long memory indeed
when it comes to his grudges.
2. The opening of the new parliament is scheduled for the 30th May, just before parliament breaks up for
the summer.
He examined the delicate artefact with care. I doubt he could have been any more careful were he
holding his own child in his arms.
4. Max is _ in the extreme, and can't help but try to become involved in the affairs of those around him.
What he doesnt re'alise, however, is that he is involvement is seldom if ever helpful and usually makes things worse.
5. I like to garnish the plate with some herbs as I find it improves the mood of diners no end and adds to
the dining experience. Perhaps that is part of the secret behind the excellent reviews my humble eatery has been receiving
of late.
6. Sometimes, in her efforts to please those higher up in the company than her, I think she goes a tad too far and is much too
. I think her bosses would respect her more if she spoke up as and when she felt mistakes were being
rnaOe ratfrer than iust passively looking on out of'some sense of misguiied respect.
7- He is truly the most man I have ever had the displeasure of knowing; he pays such careful attention to
his looks that it is bordering on pathetic.
8. Ordering a second portion of that delicious chicken pie would be a tad I suppose, wouldn't it? Still,
though, I'm tempted!
9. The product has undergone testing so we are quietly confident of its durability and functionality.
t0. She is not a very charismatic manager and hardly 'inspires' her staff, but she is exceptionally and I like to
think that in having such a good work ethic she leads by example.
il. He is a very _ and humble man and always credits his team when they get a good result. Yet we all now
that much of the credit for their improved performances this year is down to his excellence as a man-manager.
12. She is too towards her grandchildren and frankly spoils them. That makes life very difficult indeed for
their parents.
t3. Their victory in the fourth round was as as it gets; 4-0 and they dominated possession from the off.
t4. He is known not iust as a fine businessman, but also for his activities; I have heard told that he gives as
much as 50o/o of his net earnings to good causes each year.
t5. You need to be extremely in a neighbourhood like this when bringing up young children; this is not a
safe place for them really.
16. So violently was it during the quake that all the plates on my kitchen shelving unit cracked.
:jiai:: ..;:!': ' ,

r'::. -,:i: -li.: :.t::4. .

t7. The nature of his feelings towards me took me by surprise; I had no ill feeling for him at all and couldn't
underst'anci-it-Ite the past and I very much hope he can move on - this hatred he has must be eating him up inside.
p'ast is

t8. Itwas _ of you to demand that I stop smoking, George. Unless you can kick the habit yourself, don't go
telling otFer people what th-ey should do.

(f) Select the correct answer option (o - d) for eoch question (l - 25)
| . He still for her to this day; it is tragic really, considering she left him all of twenty-eight years ago. He is
stuck fir-nrly
rooted in his past.
2. The government troops were able to the rebellion with little difficulty. lt's leaders were not at all
prepared for any form of lengthy engagement.
3. All he could do to sustain himself until help arrived was to in the forest for berries and just pray that
they were not of the poisonous variety. He was exceptionally fortunate to come out alive.
4. His reputation has been unfairly by the allegations of corruption, and he will forever be known as the
politician accused of paying for favours from visiting state officials with 'brown envelopes', despite the fact that he has been
completely exonerated of any wrongdoing.
5. This issue race and may well serye to unite a people that were until this moment bitterly divided and
obsessed with skin colour to an exceptionally unhealthy degree.
6- He has been in the press for his outdated views on the issue of abortion, which, until now he had never
spoken publlclyT-bour
Methink he probably wishes he had stayed stum, as it were.
7. As a politician he is highly respected for his moral integrity, but as a speaker, my oh my, he does
rather ponderously; he nearly put me to sleep.
8. The incumbent president has said that he will not on his promise to pull the troops out of lraq by the
end of the year, despite the fact that conditions on tte ttErepounE--are worsening by the day.
9. Maxine will you for all your worth in the courts if this ends acrimoniously. lt is better to cut your losses
and make an out oT-court
r0. You may yet the day that you crossed me; I will not forSet this, and will be watching you like a hawk.
il. His reputation as a'green' politician was by the news that he owns seven sports cars and a fleet of
private jets.
12. We must not ; after all, the show starts at 2 and it is already getting on for a quarter Past one.
r3. The couple tried to their romance but soon they both had to come to terms with the reality that the
spark had gone for good.
14. was
Crisis when the Chinese government backed down on its demand to have the island returned to it
of 2025.
t5. The hostile crowd in the stadium _ the footballer, chanting the name of one of the opposing players,
Milton Frack, who, it is alleged, is Eaving;n;ffiir with his wife of eight years.

t6. He for the position but was overlooked. The fact that the promotion was awarded to his good friend
andZoliEague made it a slightly easier pill to swallow.
17. He doesn't believe in his words and tends to tell it how it is no matter what the situation.That's all well
and good, but sometimes a little bit of diplomacy is called for.
r8. Unless the rebels lay down their weapons and violence once and for all, we will not engage with them at
the negotiating table.
t9. By making these libellous allegations against me, you are attempting to my moral integrity. Rest assured
that I will first see to it that this remains intact and then take you to th(
the cleaners in the courts.
20. He is with a sense of morality that is rare amongst politicians in this country. lt is little wonder that he
has becorne the so-called people's champion.
2t. He around the track effortlessly and left the other runners trailing in his wake.
22. Her close personal friends never in their belief in her, whatever was written in the press.

23. I shall this moment for as long as I live; the road has been a long and at times difficult one, but winning
24. As a celebrity he was rather unusual in that he preferred to the limelight in as much as was possible.
25. The inebriated driver drove straight into a tree, a huge hole in the front of her car.
Focus on g€nenal High Level Vocabularg
l. a. pines b. milks c. Prattles d. endows
2. a. sully b. deride c. quell d. falter
3. a. dally b. avert c. forage d. shun
4. a. sullied b. rued c. loped d. impugned
5. a. transcends b. rekindles c. endows d. taunts
6. a. gouged b. derided c. tendered d. undermined
7. a. milk b. prattle c. mince d. transcend
8. a. renege b. avert c. tender d. eschew
9. a. rue b. dally c. taunt d. milk
10. a. rue b. tender c. lope d. milk
I l. a. savoured b. shunned c. taunted d. undermined
12. a. pine b.lope c. eschew d. dally
13. a. rekindle b. endow c. tender d. mince
14. a. quelled b. averted c. savoured d. impugned
I 5. a. taunted b. shunned c. loped d. faltered
16. a. endowed b. eschewed c. tendered d. rekindled
17. a. mincing b. gouging c. loping d. eschewing
18. a. shun b. renege c. eschew d. impugn
19. a. falter b. avert c. impugn d. prattle
20. a. endowed b. quelled c. shunned d. averted
21. a. gouged b.loped c. rued d. milked
22. a. derided b. taunted c. faltered d. reneged
23. a. dally b. rekindle c. prattle d. savour
24. a. gorge b. renege c. milk d. shun
25. a. pining b. foraging c. gouging d. mincing

(K) F,/l in the gops using the words from the box below. Use eoch word once only. Do not chonge the form.

propensity predilection aberration quibble penchant gaffe throwback purssance

t. My only is that the colour isn't very nice, but otherwise I think you have chosen well.
2. He is a(n) to the days of the neanderthals, so outdated are his views on the place of women in society.
3. It was an embarrassing ; l'll grant you that, but it will soon be forgotten and your reputation should
remain relatively intact. Choose your words more carefully next time though.
4. We will put the full of the nation into this campaign and we will emerge victorious.
5. She has a(n) for men a lot younger than her.
6. He has a(n) to talk too much when he gets nervous.
7, His behaviour in this particular instance was a(n) , I assure you; he is normally a very dependable guy.
8. He has a(n) for ltalian food, I have noticed.

(L) Fill in the gops using the words from the box below. Use eoch word once only. Do not chonge the form.

pedantic feckless quintessential cumbersome indecorous fallible

t. Greek salad is the starter at a Greek restaurant.

2. The bureaucracy of our civil service is frustrating, to say the least; nothing gets done quickly.
3. He is nothing but a(n) drunk; his contribution has shrunk to such a degree as to render him virtually useless.
4. We are all to varying degrees I'm afraid; to err is simply human.
5. His behaviour did not win him many new friends at the United Nations; it is as though he was out
to inEit everyone E-poke to, embarking on some soi't of diplomatic suicide mission.
6. He is a nice fellow, but a tad too _ for my taste; he needs to unbutton the top collar on his shirt now
Vocabulary Files - Level C2 - KEY
Pg 4 (H) 1.b 2.c 3.l 4.k 5.i 6.h 7.j 8.g 9.e 10.f 11.d 12.a
(A) 1. face 2. float 3. merging 4. embark 5.facilitate
6. issued/engaged 7. wind/operate 8. run 9. formed Pg 11
10. put 11. stripped 12. audited 13. budgeted (I) a. xiii b. i c. viii d. vii e. ii f. iii g. vi h. v i. ix j. x
14.recapitalize 15. cut 16. put 17. overruning k. xii l. xi m. iv
18. written 19. breaking 20. convened/direct
(J) 1. financial ombudsman 2. public-private partnership
Pg 5 3. trade surplus 4. fiscal year 5. tertiary sector 6. national
(B) a.iii/iv b.iii/iv c.ii d.i e.vii f.viii g.ix h.vi i.v j.x k. xi debt 7. free trade 8. excise duty 9. attorney general
10. state aid 11. civil service 12. semi-state company
(C) 1. cut-throat business 2. false bottom 3. exit strategy 13. welfare state
4. junk bond 5. cash flow 6. credit check 7. factory floor
8. double-dip recession 9. corporate ladder 10. credit crunch (K) 1. extradition 2. international 3. disintegrate 4. consular
11. cottage industry 5. protective

(D) 1. conglomerate 2. consortium 3. delegation
4. ascertained 5. unsolicited
Pg 12
Pg 6 Job Matters
(E) 1. penetration 2. orientation 3. mitigating 4. predatory (a) a. xviii b. xvii c. ii d. viii e. iii f. vii g. iv h. xiv i. xv
5. meritocracy 6. protectionism/ideologically 7. punitive j. xiii k. ix l. xii m. xi n. vi o. x p. xvi q. v r. i
8. nepotist 9. precedent/capitulation 10.unilaterally
11. viability 12. insolvent 13. receivership 14. requisition (b) 1. hiring policy 2. blue-collar worker 3. benefit in kind
15. repossessed 4. unemployment benefit 5. employment tribunal 6. constructive
dismissal 7. social insurance 8. glass ceiling 9. working
(F) i. capitulation ii. viability iii. unilateral(ly) conditions 10. performance appraisal 11. shop steward
12. salary freeze 13. pay dispute 14. career prospects
(G) 1. remuneration 2. mogul 3. loophole 4. indemnify 15. Office politics 16. maternity leave 17. pay slip 18. job
5. mandate 6. margin 7. inventory 8. purveyor 9. boycott specification
10. nominal 11. mark-up 12. tranche 13. yield
Pg 13
Pg 7 Verb Collocations
(H) 1.learning 2.labour 3.hush 4.sleeping 5.pyramid 1. ply 2. air 3. handed 4. tender 5. hold 6. taking
6.passing 7.nest 8.stamp 9.insider 10.gagging 11.majority 7. terminating 8. breach/relieved 9. take 10. lay 11. made
12.golden 13.inheritance 14.hyper 15.intangible 12. went 13. given 14. claimed 15. apply 16. missed
17. drawing 18. serve 19. take 20. called 21. went
(I) a. viii b. i c. xi d. ix e. vi f. v g. x h. vii i. iii j. iv k. ii 22. enter 23. drive 24. take/cut 25. let 26. climb
27. put/rejected 28. return/reach 29. pursued 30. dismissed
1. Dole 2. magnate 3. Expenditure 4. leave of absence 31. table 32. overlooked
5. bonanza 6. insolvent
Pg 14
Making Ends Meet
UNIT 2 (A) a. internship b. permanent c. recession d. autocrat
Pg 8 e. fist f. hierarchy g. apprenticeship h. profession i. white-collar
(A) a. xi b. i c. ix d. ii e. x f. viii g. vii h. v i. iv j. iii k. vi j. remuneration k. threshold l. firm/practice m. partner
l. xvi m. xiv n. xiii o. xii p. xv n. camaraderie o. fringe p. receivership q. suit r. review
s. mobile t. wage u. poach v. satisfaction w. practice/firm
(B) 1. conceded 2. reneged 3. captures 4. heckled 5. voted x. freelance y. class z. exposure
6. convened 7. jumping 8. sent 9. represented 10. form
11. launched 12. amend 13. received 14. canvassing Pg 15
15. fixed [resign] is not used (B) 1. boycott 2. supplement(ed)

(C) 1. regained 2. lost 3. cast 4. ejected Word Association

(a) AUTHOR – journal obituary critic(al) pseudonym
Pg 9 memoir genre
(D) 1.withdrew 2.ratified 3.nominated 4.pursuing 5.run BANKER – turmoil broker dividend floatation commodities
6.held 7.suffered 8.question 9.spin 10.pledged 11.called revenue
12. held 13. turned 14. shifted 15. defeated 16. extended LAWYER – executor plaintiff technicality subpoena (ed)
17. polarised 18. veto 19. adopting 20. rejected counsel writ
SCIENTIST – specimen clinical trial autopsy breakthrough
(E) a. viii b. i c. v d. ii e. iv f. vi g. vii h. iii forensic subject(s)
POLICE – checkpoint enforcement cordon homicide
(F) 1. cabinet reshuffle 2. front runner/dark horse 3. exit squad precinct
poll/hung parliament 4. diplomatic immunity 5. landslide victory
(b) 1. i. genre ii. journal iii. critical iv. memoir v. pseudonym
Pg 10 vi. obituary 2. i. broker ii. turmoil iii. commodities
(G) 1. gambit 2. catalyst 3. whistle-stop 4. swing 5. spin iv. floatation v. dividend 3. i. writ ii. counsel iii. technicality
6. old boys’ 7. lame 8. booth 9. apathy 10. unanimous iv. plaintiff v. subpoena(ed) 4. i. forensic ii. breakthrough
11. disaffected 12. gerrymandering 13. budget 14. bureaucratic iii. subjects iv. clinical trials v. autopsy 5. i. squad
15. ovation 16. incumbent/rhetoric 17. bipartisan 18. partisan ii. precinct iii. homicide iv. enforcement v. cordon
19. Raucous 20. appetite
UNIT 4 Pg 23
(b) 1. self-righteous 2. brazeness 3. quarrelsome 4. truculence
Pg 16
Types of Crime 5. meddlesome 6. clinging 7. remorse 8. audacity
a. xxiii b. iv c. ii d. i e. xxi f. v g. vi h. xxii i. ix j. xx 9. vindictiveness
k. xxiv l. x m. xi n. xix o. xiii p. xii q. xxv r. xviii s. xvi
t. xvii u. xiv v. viii w. xv x. vii y. iii Story: The Hopeless Romantic
1. a 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. a 6. a 7. a 8. a 9. b 10. b
Perpetrators of Crime 11. c 12. c 13. c 14. d 15. a
a. abductor b. affrayer c. assaulter d. batterer e. blackmailer
f. burglar g. / h. embezzler i. extortioner/extortionist j. forger
k. fraudster/fraud l. gerrymanderer m. harasser n. hijacker
o. / p. hooligan q. / r. money launderer s. mugger
t. perjurer u. petty criminal v. racketeer w. smuggler
x. stalker y. vandal UNIT 6
Pg 24
Pg 17 Homelessness
Vocabulary in Action (A) 1. took 2. exposed 3. obligated-cast/thrust 4. turn
a. perjured b. homicidal c. embezzled d. harassment 5. ridden/exploit/lead 6. weathered 7. bottle 8. live
e. burgled f. money laundered/racketeered g. extortionate 9. struggling-thrust/cast 10. preyed 11. turn/plunge 12. carry
h. smuggler i. blackmail j. stalking k. petty criminal 13. crying 14. living 15. scrounge 16. sponging
l. manslaughter m. vandalised n. hijacking o. fraudulent 17. hit/addicted/torn 18. pilfering
p. forged q. affray r. abducted s. Domestic violence t. assault
(B) a. viii b. iii c. ii d. iv e. i
Pg 18
Verb Collocations Pg 25
a. xi b. v c. vii d. iv/vi e. viii f. ix g. iv/vi h. iii i. xvi j. ii (C) 1. on the margins (of society] 2. run amok 3. loitering with
k. xiii l. i m. xiv n. x o. xii p. xv intent 4. down-and-out 5. on the game

Verbs in Action (D) a.iii b.i c.xi d.ix e.vi f.v g.x h.vii i.viii j.iv k.ii
a. subpoenaed b. collapsed c. dismissed d. apprehended
e. incarcerated f. bailed g. interrogated h. deported i. extradited (E) 1. domestic violence/chequered history 2. emotional
j. let off k. inspecting scars/illicit drugs 3. parental guidance/sleeping rough
4. Substance abuse/soup kitchen 5. kerb crawling/people
Pg 19 trafficking/black market
Types of Punishment
a. i b. vii c. x d. iii e. ix f. iv g. ii h. v i. viii j. vi The Role of Education in the Developing World
1. illiteracy 2. innumeracy 3. initiatives 4. impoverished
Verb Collocations 5. emancipation 6. initiatives 7. privileged 8. trappings
a. granted b. reached c. claiming d. threatening e. settled 9. preoccupied 10. intolerance 11. generation 12. unscrupulous
f. handed down g. imposed h. overturned i. appealing 13. impoverished 14. extremism 15. understanding
j. dismissed 16. irrespective 17. counterparts 18. tensions 19. empower
20. aspirations

UNIT 5 Pg 26
Immigration and the Developing World
Pg 20
Good Qualities and Character Flaws (A) 1. metropolises 2. asylum 3. cosmopolitan 4. surrogate
(a) 1.l 2.b 3.d 4.c 5.k 6.f 7.h 8.g 9.j 10.i 11.e 12.a 5. asylum 6. tangible 7. asylum 8. integration/assimilation
9. integration/assimilation 10. asylum 11. oppression
(b) 1. impetuous 2. cynical 3. gregarious 4. belligerent 12. inferiority 13. obligation 14. sustenance/sanitation
5. erudite 6. indolent 7. dogmatic 8. affable 9. aloof 15. sustenance/sanitation 16. malnutrition 17. deprivation
10. benevolent 11. capricious 12. eccentric 18. asylum 19. deportation 20. repercussions 21. starvation
22. corruption 23. inequity 24. indigenous 25. destitution
Pg 21
(c) a. x/ii b. ix c. vii/iii d. xi e. vi f. viii g. iii/vii h. iv i. v (B) 1. surrogate 2. oppression 3. metropolis 4. sanitation
j. x/ii k. xii l. i 5. cosmopolitan 6. inequity 7. destitution 8. indigenous
9. sustenance 10. inferiority
Good Qualities and Character Flaws 2
(a) 1. a 2. a 3. a 4. b 5. a 6. a 7. b 8. a 9. a 10. b Poverty in the Developing World
11. b 12. a 13. b 14. a 15. b 16. b (A) 1. limbo 2. despotic 3. hesitant 4. safeguard
5. ostensibly 6. subservient 7. squalor 8. corruption
(b) 1. steadfastly 2. wilfulness 3. stoicism 4. vociferously 9. devastation 10. underlying 11. unrest 12. disheartening
5. wistfully 6. Scrupulousness 7. sanguinely 8. insolently 13. mortality 14. indigence 15. absolute
9. mendaciousness 10. mercuriality 11. irascibility
12. pensively 13. pernicketiness 14. Recalcitrance Pg 27
15. sanguinely 16. quixotically (B) 1. underlying 2. devastation 3. squalor 4. despotic
5. mortality 6. absolute 7. hesitant 8. corruption
Pg 22 9. subservient 10. safeguard 11. limbo 12. disheartening
Types of People and their Roles 13. indigence 14. ostensibly 15. unrest
(a) A.3 B.11 C.10 D.6 E.5 F.4 G.7 H.8 I.9 J.2 K.1
(C) a. ii b. xi c. i d. x e.iv f. vii g. vi h. viii i. iii j. v k. ix
(b) 1. mediator 2. mentor 3. patriach 4. partisan 5. denizen
6. mercenary 7. luminary 8. subordinate 9. villain (D) 1. financial aid 2. rebel fighters 3. witch doctor 4. religious
10. proponent 11. protagonist 12. aristocrat zealot 5. refugee camp 6. regime change 7. debt relief
8. Racial tension 9. war crime 10. physical infrastructure
Ugly characteristics 11. culture clash
(a) A. 1 B. 5 C. 9 D. 2 E. 7 F. 6 G. 3 H. 4 I. 8

UNIT 7 1. going-broke/called 2. called/broke 3. chatting/ask
4. brushed 5. went 6. did 7. stood 8. breaking/call 9. fell
Pg 28
Your Hotel 10. fell
(A) 1. a 2. c 3. c 4. a 5. a 6. d 7. b 8. c 9. a 10. b
11. d 12. a Issues affecting School- and College-leavers
(a) a. iii b. i c. v d. ii e. iv f. vii g. vi h. viii
(B) 1. quaint/picturesque 2. chic/trendy 3. subtle/inconspicuous
4. elegant/refined 5. garish/gaudy 6. remote/secluded (b) 1. spiralling out of control 2. prohibitive cost of third level
7. functional/utilitarian 8. immaculate/spotless education 3. burden of debt 4. vetting candidates
9. boisterous/rowdy 10. sombre/subdued 11. cramped/ 5. diminishing value of a college education 6. saddled with debt
cluttered 12. quirky/offbeat 7. let down by the system 8. priced out of the market

Pg 29
Food - Cooking and Eating Pg 35
(A) 1. simmer 2. Drizzle 3. Whisk 4. salivating 5. devoured Life for 20-something-year-olds
6. braised 7. Baste 8. Garnish 9. gorge 10. Marinate 1. balance 2. rat race 3. climate 4. exorbitant 5. commuter
11. Grill 12. Mincing 13. munch belt 6. suburbia 7. brownie points 8. midnight oil 9. toil

(B) 1. scrumptious/delectable 2. bountiful Buying a house

3. delectable/scrumptious 4. tangy 5. satiated 6. putrid 1. revelation 2. proportion 3. deposit 4. bust 5. negative
7. raw 8. starchy 9. soggy 10. rare 11. curdled equity 6. arrears 7. foreclosure 8. repossession 9. plummet
10. Prudence
(C) 1. h 2. a 3. b 4. d 5. g 6. e 7. c 8. f

Pg 30 UNIT 9
(D) 1. beverage 2. assortment 3. accompaniment 4. casserole
5. connoisseur 6. culinary 7. eatery 8. fare 9. fusion Pg 36
10. palate 11. gourmet 12. consistency 13. inedible Three of a Kind: Find the missing word
14. nibble 1. body 2. pain 3. skin 4. eye 5. muscle 6. cells 7. bone

Holidays Medical Abbreviations

(A) a. iii b. i c. xi d. viii e.ii f. x g. ix h. vii i. vi j. iv k. v 1. Emergency Room 2. Accident and Emergency 3. Sexual
Transmitted Disease 4. Intensive Care Unit 5. General
1. gap year 2. ski lodge 3. double occupancy 4. cab fare Practitioner 6. Dead on Arrival 7. Ear, Nose and Throat
5. carry-on luggage 6. departure gate 7. air miles 8. Tuberculosis 9. Post Mortem (autopsy)

Pg 31 Pg 37
(B) 1. fly/travel 2. put 3. disembark/exit 4. took 5. turned Word Association
6. delayed 7. tip 8. stranded/stuck - reopens/clears 9. clear (a) a. xiii b. xii c. i d. ii e. iii f. ix g. viii h. iv i. v j. vi
10. divert k. vii l. xi m. x n. xiv

(C) 1. amenities 2. capacity 3. jaunt 4. junket 5. keepsake (b) 1. Bipolar disorder 2. terminal illness 3. critical condition
6. promenade 7. sabbatical 8. hiatus 9. retreat/recuperation 4. surgical procedure 5. cardiac arrest 6. digestive system
10. itinerary/downtime/hectic 11. regatta 12. diversion 7. general anaesthetic 8. biological clock 9. infectious disease
10. malignant tumour 11. allergic reaction 12. clinical trial
(D) 1. domestic 2. board 3. cut short 4. delay 13. congenital disorder 14. post- operative consultation

(c) Post-operative consultation / malignant tumour / surgical

procedure / general anaesthetic / allergic reaction / biological
UNIT 8 clock
Pg 32
(A) 1. conspicuous 2. breakdown 3. woes 4. chasm 5. crisis Pg 38
6. amok 7. epidemic 8. inept 9. devices 10. obstinate Word Transformation
11. promiscuous 12. material 1. deficiency 2. dependency 3. defective 4. immunity
5. Spinal 6. prescription 7. therapeutic 8. hereditary
Teen issues 9. elective 10. remission 11. morbidly 12. prognosis
(a) 1. academic 2. unrealistic 3. pushy 4. self 5. suicide 13. diagnosis 14. symptomatic 15. impairment
6. virtual 7. social/friendship 8. social/friendship 9. sleep
10. antisocial 11. splendid 12. calorie 13. sedentary Word Association 2
14. morbidly (a) a. xi b. viii c. v/ii d. x/iv e. v/ii f. i g. vii h. iii i. vi
j. x/iv k. ix l. xii
Pg 33
(b) 1. refined 2. ostracised 3. excluded 4. compromising (b) admitted / amputated / probed / administered / discontinued
5. yielding 6. yearn 7. dabbling 8. involving 9. establishing / dressed / analysed / deliver / sedated
10. instilled 11. gratify 12. impart 13. foster 14. resist
15. become Pg 39
Odd One Out
Teen mischief - making (a) 1. b 2. d 3. d 4. c 5. c 6. b 7. d 8. b 9. c 10. a
a. xviii b. xvii c. ii d. iv e. iii/viii f. iii/viii g. vii h. xiv i. xv 11. a 12. b
j. xiii k. ix l. xii m. xi n. vi o. x p. xvi q. v r. i
(b) I. bleeding II. forceps III. fracture IV. brace V. stretcher
1. flunking the class 2. getting up to no good 3. flouting the VI. spot VII. comatose VIII. phlegm IX. diarrhoea
rules 4. playing truant 5. vying for attention X. infectious/contagious XI. lethal XII. doner

Pg 34 Fifty : fifty
Teen Relationships and Relationship Issues 1. outpatient 2. chronic 3. sling 4. seizures 5. prognosis
6. benign 7. dementia
UNIT 10 Pg 46
(b) raved / scratched / tackle / delved / missed / promises /
Pg 40
Marketing and Advertising delivers / conveyed / evoking / trivialised / come
(a) a. ii b. v c. i d. iv e. vi f. viii g. iii h. vii i. x j. ix k. xi
(c) 1. nailbiting 2. harrowing 3. enigmatic 4. intoxicating
(b) a. iv b. v c. vi d. iii e. vii f. ii g. ix h. viii i. i j. xiv 5. visceral 6. buoyant 7. unapologetic 8. engaging
k. x l. xiii m. xi n. xii 9. pretentious 10. refreshing

(c) 1. the classifieds 2. the watershed 3. jingle 4. brand (d) 1. refreshing 2. unapologetic 3. harrowing 4. buoyant
recognition 5. Prime time 6. cold calling 7. focus group 5. engaging 6. nailbiting 7. pretentious 8. enigmatic
8. generic advertising 9. negative publicity 10. logo 9. intoxicating 10. visceral
11. subliminal messages 12. slogan
(e) 1. riveting, spellbinding, enthralling, absorbing, enrapturing,
Pg 41 gripping, fascinating, captivating
(d) 1. ratings 2. demographics 3. viewers(hip) 4. penetrating 2. dull, vapid, prosaic, wearisome, insipid, bromidic, pedestrian,
5. subscription 6. merchandise 7. placement lustreless

(e) 1. circulation 2. cash cow 3. target market 4. trade Pg 47

magazine 5. direct mail 6. pitch 7. soundbites 8. market Television, Radio and the Internet
share 9. agency 10. buzzword 11. spread 12. tabloid (a) 1. pay-per-view - cable - hopping 2. wireless - broadband
13. press 14. infomercial/spot - bluetooth 3. server - search engine - firewall 4. social -
broadcast - premiere 5. anti-virus - open-source - upgrade
In the news 6. reality - prime-time - studio
(a) a.ii b.iii c.vi d.iv / v e.vii f.iv / v g.i h.viii i.xi j.ix k.x
(b) terminal / watershed / commercial / infomercials / Terrestrial /
(b) 1. journalistic privilege 2. rolling news 3. editorial bias stock / pickings / netizen
4. terrestrial television
(c) 1. opens 2. presents/poses 3. monitor/control
Pg 42 4. keep/stay 5. willing/prepared 6. rely/depend/count
(c) 1. cut 2. withdraw/issue 3. issued 4. issued 7. protected 8. returned 9. hide/run 10. spreading
5. broke/protecting 6. streamed 7. cut/spoofed 8. caused
9. anchored 10. round 11. went 12. verified 13. chasing
14. launched 15. cross 16. lead 17. made 18. interrupt UNIT 11
Pg 48
Hollywood and the Film Industry The Developing World and Global Warming
(a) a. xi b. x c. i d. ii e. v f. iv g. ix h. viii i. iii j. vi k. vii (a) a. xiv b. i c. vi d. ix e.ii f. iv g. iii h. viii i. vii j. v
k. xi l. x m. xii n. xiii
(b) 1. feature film 2. opening night 3. general release
4. movie premiere 5. release date 6. ensemble cast (b) 1. two-tiered society 2. two-tiered/ society 3. resource-rich
7. leading lady 8. critical reception 9. tour de force countries 4. blood diamonds 5. corrupt administrations 6.
performance 10. red carpet 11. final cut turning a blind eye 7. injection of funds 8. the general populous
9. carbon footprint 10. the greater good 11. point the finger at
Pg 43 12. show some restraint 13. reaped the rewards 14. enjoy the
(c) 1. screen test 2. running time 3. post-production 4. extra fruits 15. environmental protection
5. sequel 6. method 7. typecast 8. anticlimactic
9. mainstream 10. cliffhanger 11. tearjerker 12. swash- (c) 1. tacit approval 2. shady deals
buckler 13. plot 14. adaptation 15. flop 16. chemistry
17. protagonist 18. stock 19. remake 20. screenplay Pg 49
Environmental Issues in the Developing World
(d) 1. cast 2. shortlisted 3. based 4. adapted 5. picked (a) 1. rung 2. scream 3. disregard 4. face 5. habitats
6. inspired 7. stays 6. plains 7. poaching 8. tusks 9. premium 10. limbs
11. trinkets 12. verge 13. lucrative 14. scorn 15. trophy
Pg 44 16. executioner 17. capital 18. trigger
The music industry
(a) 1. xii 2. xiii 3. vi 4. v 5. xiv 6. iii 7. ii 8. i 9. viii (b) 1. pay a premium 2. on the face of it 3. irrevocable harm
10. x 11. vii 12. xi 13. ix 14. iv 4. to the verge of extinction 5. trophy hunter 6. trigger happy
7. judge, jury and executioner 8. scream bloody murder
(b) 1. signed 2. cover 3. mimed 4. gave 5. doing 9. on the bottom rung of the ladder
6. cracked 7. collaborated 8. bringing 9. sales 10. added
11. top 12. lift 13. fill 14. went (c) 1. scorn 2. slain 3. rife 4. delinquents
Pg 50
(c) 1. posthumous 2. supporting 3. demo 4. ballads Environmental Issues in the Developing World 2
5. playlist 6. key/tune 7. range 8. key/tune-flat (a) 1. motivated 2. caught up 3. push … out 4. encroaching
5. diminishing 6. wins out 7. prowling 8. stampeding
Pg 45 9. flattening 10. compel 11. nullify 12. claim
(d) 1. vii 2. iv 3. i 4. viii 5. vi 6. iii 7. v 8. ii 13. compromises 14. contributing 15. expansion 16. ceded

(e) 1. house band 2. supporting act 3. studio album 4. indie

music 5. easy listening 6. booking agent 7. road manager (b) a. i b. ix c. viii d. vii e. ii f. iv g. v h. iii i. vi
8. recording contract
The critics and reviews (c) 1. innate 2. conscience 3. ecosystem 4. cultivation
(a) 1. acclaim 2. hype / abysmal 3. interwoven / compelling 5. swathe 6. Deforestation 7. desertification 8. agrarian
4. Lauded 5. consensus 6. frenetic / suspense / finale 9. arid
7. unparalleled/virtuoso 8. unanimous/amplify
9. groundbreaking/authentic 10. incoherent/ensemble Pg 51
Environmental Issues in the Developing World 3
1. a 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. b 6. d 7. c 8. a 9. b 10. c
Abbreviations little 10. surreptitious – discrete, secret 11. tenacious – deter-
1. Non-governmental Organization 2. Carbon Dioxide mined 12. superfluous – unnecessary 13. prudent – careful
3. Methane Gas 4. World Wide Fund (for Nature) and cautious 14. provident – making provision for the future
5. Genetically Modified Food 6. chlorofluorocarbons 15. reciprocal – connected so that one completes the other 16.
scrupulous – having moral integrity 17. reclusive – withdrawn,
Pg 52 very anti-social
Observed Global Climate Change 18. petulant – rude in speech/disrespectful and brazen
1. concurrence 2. registered 3. intensified 4. convince 19. nocturnal – active at night 20. ghastly – awful 21. haughty
5. localised 6. fluctuation 7. observed/registered 8. alarming – overly proud of self 22. intrepid – resolutely fearless
9. onset 10. occurrence 23. noxious – physically harmful 24. nominal – in name or
thought only 25. heterogenous – made up of different parts of
Causes of Climate Change things
(a) 1. absorption 2. emission 3. conducive 4. occurrence
5. inhospitable 6. concentrations 7. deforestation (D) 1. haughty 2. ghastly 3. noxious 4. nominal 5. nocturnal
8. consumption 9. depletion 10. unrelated 11. abundance 6. reciprocal 7. reclusive 8. intrepid 9. sporadic 10. sketchy
12. dependence 13. emergence 14. extraction 15. irre- 11. precipitous 12. volatile 13. ponderous 14. superfluous
versible 15. surreptitious

(b) 1. exacerbating 2. reverse 3. intensification 4. penetrating Pg 59

5. reflected 6. emitted (E) 1. stifle 2. vilified 3. revered 4. postulate 5. pillaged
6. perched 7. pervades 8. endeavour 9. exacerbate
Pg 53 10. extolled 11. disparaging 12. alleviate 13. curtail
Common Collocations to do with Global Warming, the Environ- 14. enchanted 15. grumble 16. instigated 17. lamented
ment and Nature 18. annexed 19. concocted 20. maligned 21. ingratiate
22. chastised 23. elucidated 24. enthralled
(a) a. xiv b. i c. xii d. ix e. ii f. iv g. iii h. viii i. vii j. v
k. xiii l. x m. xi n. vi Pg 60
(F) 1. a person with great ability that shows itself early on in life
(b) a. vii b. i c. xiv d. vi e. iii f. ii g. ix h. x i. xiii j. viii 2. nearness to something 3. basic 4. a novice, someone new
k. xi l. xii m. v n. iv to an activity 5. a lot of angry complaints about something
6. the expression of strong feelings 7. a trace, mark or sign left
(c) a. ii b. iii c. v d. vii e. vi f. xiv g. ix h. x i. xiii j. viii by something which has now disappeared 8. general
k. xi l. i m. xii n. iv agreement, majority of opinion 9. the act of weakening or dam-
aging by harassment, abuse or attack 10. vague, unclear, un-
Pg 54 certain, open to interpretation 11. ill will or bad feeling
The Potential Consequences of Global Warming 12. dishonest talk or behaviour, saying contradictory things to
1. deglaciation/retreat 2. cover/extent 3. frequency different sides 13. a barrier to progress, an obstacle 14. a
4. diversity/vulnerable 5. decimate 6. erosion slight difference in appearance, meaning, or sound etc.
7. inundated/displacement 8. migration/refugees/inhospitable 15. sickness, when you feel ill enough to vomit 16. a right you
have not necessarily afforded to everyone 17. abuse, lack of
Doing our bit for the environment care, failure to carry out your responsibilities 18. exposure to
1. lobbying 2. forming 3. ensuring 4. fitting 5. separating death, loss, threat etc., at risk
6. switching 7. ensuring 8. substituting 9. arranging
10. fitting 11. upgrading 12. exploiting 13. subsidising (G) 1. animosity 2. ambiguous 3. attrition 4. jeopardy
14. providing 15. protecting 16. prosecuting 17. enacting 5. consensus 6. prerogative 7. impediment 8. neglect
18. investing 19. adhering 20. sponsoring 21. releasing 9. rudimentary 10. nuances 11. Nausea 12. tyro 13. vestige
14. prodigy 15. proximity 16. uproar 17. duplicity
18. vehemence
Pg 55
The Natural World Pg 61
a. cull b. run c. stock d. prey e. ban f. adverse g. tropics (H) 1. rigorous 2. rancorous 3. tremorous 4. vigilant 5. vain
h. conservation i. resurgent j. identity k. gestation l. heat 6. gluttonous 7. hypocritical 8. philanthropic 9. diligent
m. solitary n. breach o. apex p. alpha q. Placental 10. aromatic 11. deferential 12. comprehensive 13. meddlesome
r. indigenous s. predation t. status u. eradication v. nesting 14. self-effacing 15. officious / official 16. indulgent
w. sheds x. insulation y. range z. territory a1. stray b1. feral 17. reverential 18. vindictive

(I) 1. vindictive 2. official 3. reverential 4. meddlesome

5. aromatic 6. deferential 7. vain 8. gluttonous 9. rigorous
10. diligent 11. self-effacing 12. indulgent 13. comprehensive
Pg 56 14. philanthropic 15. vigilant 16. tremorous 17. rancorous
(A) 1.a 2.b 3.d 4.a 5.c 6.d 7.d 8.b 9.b 10.a 18. hypocritical
11.a 12.a 13.a 14.d 15.b 16.c 17.a 18.c 19.c 20.c
Pg 62
Pg 57 (J) 1. a 2. c 3. c 4. a 5. a 6. b 7. b 8. a 9. d 10. a
(B) 1. quashed 2. quench 3. replenish 4. reproached 11. d 12. d 13. a 14. b 15. a 16. c 17. a 18. c 19. c
5. reverberated 6. revered 7. salvaged 8. scattered 20. a 21. b 22. c 23. d 24. d 25. c
9. shattered 10. shunned 11. squandered 12. prevailed
13. proliferated 14. vindicated 15. strive 16. subjugated Pg 63
(K) 1. quibble 2. throwback 3. gaffe 4. puissance
5. penchant / predilection 6. propensity 7. aberration 8. pen-
Pg 58 chant / predilection
(C) 1. ponderous – slow and awkward, boring 2. precipitous –
steep 3. presumptuous – disrespectful and brazen/ rude in (L) 1. quintessential 2. cumbersome 3. feckless 4. fallible
speech or behaviour 4. treacherous – extremely dangerous 5. indecorous 6. pedantic
5. tentative – careful, uncertain of being completed 6. volatile –
dangerously unpredictable, infrequent 7. sketchy – containing
few details, vague 8. sporadic – occasional 9. taciturn – saying
Key Features
TheVocobulary Files series consists of 6 Books for CEF Levels: Al- A2 - Bl - 82 - Cl- C2

The aim of the series is to give students the chance to expand their vocabulary in different areas.
Each unit deals with a common Vocabulary topic. ln the C2 book the vocabularT is taught through
a variety of exercises.

This series can be used as Time Fillers; when teachers have some extra time and they need
something to do to help students revise what they have already been taught. Alternatively, it can
also be used to help weal< students enrich their vocabulary in various common topics.

Levels B I , 82, C I and C2 in this series have also been written for students who are planning to take
the IELTS exam. They cover some of the main vocabulary points that IELTS candidates will need for
the Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking sections of the exam. The vocabulary that students
acquire in each of these books will help them to achieve the score they want in the IELTS exam.

The l5 units in each of these books, focus on topic-specific vocabulary areas, which may be required
in the lEITS exam (for example, economy, education, health, etc). Some Exercises focus on general
vocabulary items, which can be used in all aspects of the English language. Many of these words are
relevant to specific tasks in the IELTS exam (for example, describing how something works, writing
a letter or describing a house).

The C I & C2 bool<s also focus on the Academic Word List. These are some of the most frequently
used words in academic texts. Students need to learn such words in order to get a high score at the
IELTS, the Cambridge CPE or the TOEFL exam, and study in an English speaking university.

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