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Section 1

1.1 Purpose:

This project is based on computerized sale and purchase of books .the project is
developed to support our business because before this we were using manual system..Manual
system was time consuming and there was lack of efficiency. So to get rid of, these
difficulties, we develop our project. And we want to keep secure our business records.

1.2 Business Context:

This project will automate our business .according to business context, project
minimizes the business activity time, it will fulfil all requirements of our business activities
so accuracy and efficiency will be acquired.

1.3 Scope:

Scope defines the boundaries and the area in which one is doing the scope also
defines what is inside the project and what s outside the project. There will be one user who
will use and maintain the system. The customer may also become the part or our system.

1.4 User Characteristics:

o Users should be able to use the computer and should have basic knowledge about
computer technology.
o The information that the user provides should be accurate.
o Users should be able to perform other functions with the system.

Section 2

2.1 System Context:

User will enter in the system by giving user name and password. user name should be
in English alphabets and password must contain some numeric digits or alphabets. User name
must hove minimum 8 and maximum 16 characters.

2.2 System capabilities:

o it will be use in linx and windows.

o System must support at least Pentium 3.

2.3 System condition:

First there will be a welcome screen than a form will appear which will contain all
links of remaining forms .and the next form will contain the link of all the forms.
2.4 System constraints:

Hardware limitations (timing requirements, memory requirements); interfaces to other

applications; specific technologies, tools, and databases to be used; parallel operations.

2.5 Assumptions:

There will be only ten thousand records which are maintained by our system easily

2.6 Dependencies:

This system depends on a n environment in which a Computer and a user must

exist. Software will be installed in the system and will be operated by a user.

2.7 Operational Scenario:

There was Friday opened the shop at 9 O’clock. After some time a customer enter in
the shop.ALI was operating the computer. Customer software engineered book written by
Dr.Amjad. Ali searches the book in the record by putting the query in the system a message
appears that book is available in our store. Ali called zubair to give him the required the
book. Ali print the slip and hand over it to customer. Customer paid the bill and went away.
Ali updates the book record.

Section 3

3.1 Business Requirements:

It should fulfil all needs of business and will increase the business activities. So,
the profit can be increased. It changes our Manual system to computerized system.
3.2 Functional Requirement:

o User can search for any product quantity according to its purchase date
o User can update its stock after purchase and sale.
o User can easily review all the previous purchase and sale invoices.
o User can easily preview the entire stock list available in database
o User can easily add remove books in data base
Use Case Diagram

Log In








Text Description of Use Case Diagram.

Name User
Description User has a right to add, view, Update, Print, report
and delete.
Preconditions User should be authority to log in.
Normal Flow of Events 1. User will log in.
2. User can add , view the record.
3. Have a detail view of record.
4. User can print the Receipt for Customer.
Alternate flow of events Message will appear for unauthorized user.

New B.Z.U Book Corner,

Item Invoice

New Item New Invoice

Show Stock Show Today

Search Show All

New Stock Entry of Books
Book ID Book Name
Author Name ISBN
Published Place Publisher
Published Date Edition
Price No. Of Copies
Update Cancel

Stock of Books
Book ID Book Name
Author Name ISBN
No. Of Copies

O.K. Home

Search a Book
Book ID Book Name
Author Name ISBN

O.K. Home
Invoice for Customer
Book Name No. Of Books
Total Price

Print Cancel

Today Total Invoice for User

Date No. Of Books
Total Amount Remaining

Previous Update Report Next

Section 5
5.1 Traceability

System ensures that user needs and concepts are addressed by a set of requirements and that
the requirements are fulfilled by the high level and detailed design. It also ensures that system
and sub-system requirements are fully verified. System supports impact analysis and
configuration management for long term maintenance, changes & upgrades, and replacement
to the system.

Section 6
6.1 Performance

Performance of our system is better because ir id a user friendly. Our system has full
documented to understand for a new user. It gives all the features for a Book Store System
and change the manual system in to Computerized system.

Section 7
7.1 Glossary

o Invoice
A print out of the entry for a customer.
o Item

It shows the books in our system.

Show the International Book Serial Number.
o Stock
It shows the book record in our system.
o Use case
It is a diagram which shows the functions of user.
o Report
A print out which shows the total Entry in records.

Glossary in Software.
Integer Whole number
Float Decimal Number
Primary Key Uniquely identify the Item
Foreign Key Primary key in other relation of DB
Database Record f Books and Business activity

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