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An employee motivation system consists of organizations integrated policies, processes and
practices for rewarding its employees in accordance with their contribution, skill and competence
and their market worth. It is developed within the framework of an organization’s reward
philosophy, strategies and policies, and contains arrangements in the form of processes,
practices, structures and procedures which will provide and maintain appropriate types and
levels of pay, benefits and other forms of reward.

Any motivation system consists of financial rewards (fixed and variable pay) and employee
benefits, which together comprise total remuneration. The motivation system also incorporates
nonfinancial rewards (recognition, praise, achievement responsibility and personal growth).

From the organization’s point of view, the aim of employee reward are to communicate
organization’s values, performance, standards and expectations and encourage behavior that will
contribute to the achievement of the organization’s objective.

The basic questions to be answered when developing reward systems are What kind of rewards
do employees actually get motivated to work better?” and ‘What sort of behavior do we want?’
and ‘How can reward processes promote that behavior?’ and ‘No reward initiative should be
undertaken unless it has been established that it will add value, and no reward practice should be
retained if it does not result in added value. From the employees’ point of view the motivation
system should treat them as stakeholders who have the right to be involved in the development
of the reward policies that affect them, meet their expectations that they will be treated
equitably, fairly, and consistently more over they have to be transparent. They should know what
the reward policies of the organization are and how they are affected by them.

The efficiency of a person depends on two factors, firstly, the level of ability to do a certain
work, secondly, the willingness to do the work. So for as the first factor is concerned it can be
acquired by education and training, but the second factor can be created by motivation. A person
may have several needs and desires. It is only strongly felt needs which motives become. Thus
motives are a product of needs and desires motives are many and keep on changing with time
motives are invisible and directed towards certain goals.

Motivation means that process which creates on inspiration in a person to motivation is derived
from the word ‘motive’ which means the latest power in a person which impels him to do a

Motivation is the process of steering a person’s inner drives and actions towards certain goals
and committing his energies to achieve these goals. It involve a chain reaction starting with felt
needs, resulting in motives which give rise to tension which census action towards goals. It is the
process of stimulating people to strive willingly towards the achievement of organizational goals
motivation may be defined as the work manager performs an order to Induce Subordinates to act
on the desired manner by satisfying their needs and desires. Thus motivations is concerned with
how behavior gets started, is energized, sustained and directed.


The word motivation has been derived from motive which means any idea, need or emotion that
prompts a man in to action. Whatever may be the behavior of man, there is some stimulus behind
it .Stimulus is dependent upon the motive of the person concerned. Motive can be known by
studying his needs and desires.

There is no universal theory that can explain the factors influencing motives which control mans
behavior at any particular point of time. In general, the different motives operate at different
times among different people and influence their behaviors. The process of motivation studies
the motives of individuals which cause different type of behavior.

Motivation is the core of management. Motivation is an effective instrument in the hands of the
management in inspiring the workforce .It is the major task of every manager to motivate his
subordinate or to create the will to work among the subordinates .It should also be remembered
that the worker maybe immensely capable of doing some work, nothing can be achieved if he is
not willing to work .creation of a will to work is motivation in simple but true sense of term.

Motivation is an important function which very manager performs for actuating the people to
work for accomplishment of objectives of the organization .Issuance of well conceived
instructions and orders does not mean that they will be followed .A manager has to make
appropriate use of motivation to enthuse the employees to follow them. Effective motivation
succeeds not only in having an order accepted but also in gaining a determination to see that it is
executed efficiently and effectively.

In order to motivate workers to work for the organizational goals, the managers must determine
the motives or needs of the workers and provide an environment in which appropriate incentives
are available for their satisfaction .If the managements successful in doing so; it will also be
successful in increasing the willingness of the workers to work. This will increase efficiency and
effectiveness of the organization .There will be better utilization of resources and workers
abilities and capacities.

This research deals with the study of ‘AllTechZ Solutions’ and the primary data has been
collected from employees working in the AllTechZ Solutions having zero to four years of
professional experience through survey method.

The objective is to find the relative strength of the monetary and non monetary rewards being
offered with respect to motivation of the employees in the company and to understand the
employee perspective about rewards. And after analyzing the data collected from
the respondents appropriate recommendations have been made to determine a
package of monetary and nonmonetary rewards to help in increasing employee motivation.


According to Edwin B Flippo, “Motivation is the process of attempting to influence others to do

their work through the possibility of gain or reward. According to Michael J. Jacius ; Motivation
is the act of stimulating someone or oneself to get a desired course of action or to push the right
button to get a desired reaction. According to Dalton E. Mcfarland, "The concept of motivation
is mainly psychological. It related to those forces are many and keep on changing with time
motives are invisible and directed towards certain goals


Motivation is one of the most important factors determining organizational efficiency. All
organizational facilities will go to waste in absence of motivated people to utilize these facilities
effectively. Every superior in the organization must motivate its subordinates for the right types
of behavior. The performance of human beings in the organization is dependent on the ability in
the motivation. Rensis Likert called motivation as" the cost of the management". Motivation is
an effective instrument in the hands of management in inspiring the workforce. Motivation
increases the willingness of the workers to work, thus increasing efficiency and effectiveness of
the organization.

Best utilization of resources:

Motivation ensures best and efficient utilization of all types of resources. Utilization of resources
is possible to their fullest extent if the man is in duecento contribute their efforts towards
attaining organizational goals. Thus, people should be motivated to carry out the plans, policies
and programmers laid down by the organization

Will to Contribute:

There is a difference between "Capacity to work" and "willingness to work". One can be
physically and mentally fit to work but he may not be willing to work. Motivation results in
feeling of involvement to present his better performance. Thus, motivation bridges the gap
between capacity to work and willingness to work.

Reduction in Labor Problems:

all the members try to concentrate their efforts to achieve the objectives of the organization and
carry out plans in accordance with the policies and programmers laid down by the organization if
the management introduced motivational plans. It reduces labor problems like labor turnover,
absenteeism, indiscipline, grievances, etc. because their real wages increase by the motivational

Sizeable increase in production and productivity:

When motivated properly, people try to put efforts produce more, thus increasing their efficiency
and as a result of this general production and productivity of the organization increases. They
(motivated employees) use the methods, system and technology effectively in the best interest of
the organization.
Basis of Cooperation:

In a zeal to produce more the member’s work 'an s a team to pull the weight effectively, to get
their loyalty to the group and the organization, to carry out properly the activities allocated and
generally to play an efficient part in achieving the purpose which the organization has

Employees are the most important assets of an organization. Moreover in today’s highly
competitive world employees are the factors which determine success or failure of an
organization. They are the ones who interact with the customer on a day to day basis and carry
out the whole operations. As such the organizations need to give more attention to the
contentment of the employees. In addition, as quality human resource gets more and more
sparse, the companies need to pay more heed to the satisfaction of employees. Also in addition to
the satisfaction of the employee, employer has a role to play in the motivation of the employee.
If the employee is motivated towards the work then it is likely to yield more results. All the
organization’s need to focus on employee satisfaction and keep the worker motivated. In case of
project based organizations, the subject acquires greater significance as the projects have various
constraints and require quality manpower and effort on the part of employees. As such the study
is quite relevant to the project organizations. The current study is directed towards understanding
the importance of job satisfaction and the role it has on employee motivation in case of project
based organizations

Motivation is one of the most important factors affecting human behaviour and performance.
This is the one of the reason why managers attach great importance to motivation in
organizational setting. Lipper has called motivation has the core of management. Effective
directing leads to effectiveness, both at organizational and individuals levels. This requires the
understanding of what individuals want from the organization. However, what individuals want
from the organization has not been fully identified.

Definition: “motivation is the complex forces starting and keeping a person at work in an
organization . Motivation is something that moves the person to action, and continues him in
course of action already initiated”.
“ motivation refers to the way in which urges, drives, desires, aspirations, strives, or needs
direct, control or explain the behaviour of human beings”. Motivation can be defined in a variety
of ways, depending on whom you ask. If you ask someone on the street, you may get a response
like, ‘’it’s what drives us’’ or ‘’motivation is what makes us to do the things we do .’’ as far as a
formal definition, motivation can be defined as ‘’forces within in an individual that account for
the level, direction, and persistence of effort expended at work,’’ according to schemer horn, et
al . This is an excellent working definition for use in business.

In order to understand the concept of motivation, we have to examine three terms : motive,
motivating and motivation and their relationship


Motivation is the term which implies that one person in the organization context, a manager,
induces anther, say employee to engage in action (work behaviour) by ensuring that a channel to
satisfy the motive become available and accessible to the individual in addition

To channel zing the strong motive in a direction that is satisfying t both the organization and the
employers the manger can also active the latest motivation in individuals and harness them in a
manner that would be function for the organization.


While a motive is engineer of action motivation is the canalization and activation of Motives
motivation is the work behaviour itself. Motivation depends on motives and motivating
therefore, it becomes a complex process. Motivation has been extensively researched. In the mid
twentieth century the foremost significant motivational theories came up, namely
Maslow’shierarchy of needs (1943), Herzberg’s twofactor theory (1959) and Vroom’s
expectancy theory (1964). Those researches centered on motivation in general and employee
motivation more particularly. In the preceding years different definitions of motivation were
defined, eg. Herzberg (1959) defined employee motivation as performing a work related action
because you want to.

Normally it is agreed that employee motivation can be distinguished in intrinsic and extrinsic
motivation (Staw 1976, 4952). Staw indicates that one of the first efforts to make that distinction
was in Herzberg’s TwoFactor Theory. Nevertheless, the discourse on intrinsic and extrinsic
motivation is more from latter years (e.g. Amabile, 1993 and Deci & Ryan 2000). The discourse
on how intrinsic and extrinsic motivation can enhance employee performance (Ramlall 2008,

The relationship among employee motivation and job performance has been studied in the past
(Vroom, 1964). But high statistical relationship between the two were not instituted.
Notwithstanding, later on research resolved that employee motivation and job performance are
indeed mutually related. This correlation is studied in this thesis and the objective is to render
useful information to managers on how employees’ performance can be increased by
intrinsically or extrinsically motivating them. Diversity at workplace has provided managers with
substantial magnitude of problems, the big difference between employees in every organization
means that there is no best way to deal with such problem. What motivates some employee to
perform very well may be discouraging to other employee, therefore it poses a big challenge to
present day managers. In this thesis, culture in human resource management is discussed as well
as performance management and different type of reward system. Many factors like
environment, capital and human resources influences how organization performs. Though human
resources is seen as having the most influence on the performance of organization. It is
legitimate thus to debate that an organization needs to motivate its employees in order to
accomplish its stated goals and objectives. In this chapter motivation is well explained. It is
obvious that motivation has been perceived in numerous ways. Many researchers have tried to
come up with a concise theory to formulate motivation but all bring in different ideas. Research
has been conducted about this subject and many theories were designed which greatly influence
organizational behavior. For example Herzberg’s theory of motivation (1959) is still used
nowadays. According to Staw (1976) Herzberg was one of the first persons who distinguished
between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. That distinction has clarified and also helped in
motivating employees at workplace

The concept of motivation

Motivation can be specified as a management process, which encourage people to work better
for the overall benefit of the organization, by providing them motives, which are based on their
unfulfilled needs. The matters arising is: “why managers need to motivate employees?”
(Herzberg, 1959). According to Smith (1994) it is because of the survival of the company.
Amabile (1993) contributed to this statement by arguing that it is necessary for managers and
leaders of organization to learn to understand and effectively deal with their employee’s
motivation; since motivated employees’ are the pillars of successful organization in present and
future century. She also indicates that unmotivated employees may probably contribute little
effort in their jobs, stay away from workplace as much as possible, go out of the organization
and make low quality of work. When employees are well motivated, they help the organization
to grow and survive in a fast changing workplaces (Lindner 1998, 36). Lindner also indicates
that the most difficult role of managers is to motivate employee, because what motivates
employees changes always (Bowen and Radhakrishna 1991, 1622).

The term motivation was developed in the early 1880’s, prior to that time, the term “will” was
used by wellknown philosophers as well as notable social theorists when talking motivated
human behaviours (Forgas, Williams and Laham 2005, 86). According to them motivation is
believed to be; an entity that compelled one to action. Recently, many researchers has offered
unique definitions of motivation Physiological needs:

1. These needs are directly related to survival of individual or species. These are typically
concrete needs such as eating, dressing and sleeping. The lack of these needs can cause bodily or
make the human not to function up to capacity, physiological needs are thought to be the most
important and must be met first.

2. Security needs: This type of need is to protect against various threats, if a person’s security
needs are relatively satisfied, their safety needs take precedence and dominate behavior. In the
absence of physical safety due to war, natural disaster, family violence, childhood abuse, people
may experience post traumatic stress disorder. The absence of economic safety due to safety due
to economic crises and lack of work opportunities, these safety needs will manifest itself in ways
such as preference for job security.

3. Social need of belonging to group: It disclose the need of social dimension of the individual
who needs to feel accepted by groups in his family, work, intimacy, friendship and associates.
According to Maslow, human needs to feel and have the sense of belonging and been accepted
among social groups in life they choose to belong or finds themselves in. these group maybe
large or small, some large groups may include, religion group, coworkers, professional
organisations, sports team or gangs, while small groups may include love relationship, members
of the family, mentor, colleagues and confidants.

4. The esteem needs, respect and trust: Human have a need to feel respected, this includes the
need to have selfesteem and selfrespect. Esteem presents the typical human desire to be accepted
and valued by others. People usually involves themselves in a profession or hobby to gain
recognition. These activities give the person a sense of recognition or value.

5. Personal development: According to Maslow, this need aims to get out of condition purely
material to reach fulfillment. This level of needs is the desire to accomplish everything that one
can and to become the most that one can be (Srivastava 2005, 69.) Motivation is a significant
factor that urges people to give their best execution and help in arriving at big business
objectives. Solid positive inspiration will empower the expanded yield of workers yet a negative
inspiration will decrease their exhibition. A key component in work force the executives is

Types of Motivation1. Intrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic motivation is a type of motivation in which an individual is being motivated by internal

desires. For example, let’s say an individual named Bob has define himself an objective to start
shedding pounds and getting more beneficial. How about we likewise envision that Bob's
motivation to seek after this way of wellness and wellbeing is to improve his wellbeing in
general and feel more joyful with his appearance. Since Bob's craving to change originates from
inside, his inspiration is intrinsic.

2. Extrinsic Motivation

Extrinsic motivation, on the other hand, is a type of motivation in which an individual is being
motivated by external desires. Instead of being inspired by the need to look better and feel more
beneficial, suppose that Bob was feeling pressure from his significant other to thin down and
improve his physical makeup with the goal that she would be more pulled in to him. Since this
weight originates all things considered this is an example of extrinsic motivation.

3. Positive Motivation
In real sense, motivation means positive motivation. Positive motivation initiates individuals to
do work in the most ideal way and to improve their presentation. Under this better offices and
prizes are accommodated their better execution. Such rewards and offices might be money
related and nonmonetary.

4. Negative Motivation

Negative motivation aims at controlling the negative endeavors of the work and tries to make a
feeling of dread for the laborer, which he needs to languish over absence of good execution. It
depends on the idea that if a laborer flops in accomplishing the ideal outcomes, he ought to be

Minor Forms of Motivation

All types of motivation are going to fall into one of the two categories above. Now that we’ve
covered these motivational types and provided you with some examples, here are minor forms of
motivation that are capable of making a big impact in your life!

5. RewardBased Motivation or Incentive Motivation Incentive motivation or rewardbased

motivation is a type of motivation that is utilized when you or others know that they will be a
reward once a certain goal is achieved. Since there will be something to anticipate toward the
finish of an errand, individuals will regularly turn out to be increasingly resolved to oversee the
undertaking with the goal that they can get whatever it is that has been guaranteed. The better the
prize, the more grounded the inspiration will be !

6. FearBased Motivation

The word “fear” carries a heavy negative meaning but when it comes to motivation, this is not
necessarily the case. Anyone who is big on goalsetting and achievement knows that
accountability plays a huge role in following through on goals.

At the point when you become responsible either to somebody you care about or to the overall
population, you make an inspiration for yourself that is established in the dread of
disappointment. This dread encourages you to do your vision with the goal that you don't bomb
before the individuals who know about your objective. Dread based inspiration is incredibly
groundbreaking as long as the feelings of dread is sufficiently able to keep you from stopping

7. AchievementBased Motivation

Titles, positions, and roles throughout jobs and other areas of our lives are very important to us.
Those who are constantly driven to acquire these positions and earn titles for themselves are
typically dealing with achievementbased motivation

Employee Motivation is the key factor to help up the capacity of an association. In the
globalization stage, each organization needs to continue itself in a furiously focused market.
Representatives are the fundamental elements to show the business objectives into the real world.
Subsequently, in the present world each association attempts to deal with its human asset office
to keep its representatives inspired. In that specific circumstance, some of the administration
speculations have been rehearsing by them. Business work or their presentation in the market can
be assessed by surveying the degree of inspiration of representatives. Inspiration can assume a
lead job to get the expert achievement in each budgetary year in a less exertion way.

While trying to find what inspires representatives, representative inspiration inquire about papers
report that what spurs laborers today is fundamentally connected to the qualities and objectives
of the person. Starting in the 1970's, it appears that there was a sensational move in the qualities
and needs of the ordinary laborer. As individuals turned out to be progressively taught and the
economy saw a sharp decay of the Protestant hard working attitudes, what representatives needed
from their managers changed also.


The researcher in this project at the outset gives the clear idea of the entire department existing
in the company. From the study, the researcher was able to find some of the important factors

which motivate the employees. Factors like financial incentives and non financial inventive,

performance appraisal system, good relationship with coworkers, promotional opportunities in

the present job, employee participation in decision making are very much effect the level

employee motivation. It is also clear from the study that the company is so eager in motivating

their employees and their present effort for it so far effective.

If the human resources are not properly motivated, the management will not be able to

accomplish the desired results. Therefore, human resources should be managed with utmost care

to inspire, encourage and impel them to contribute their maximum for the achievement of the

business objectives.



The present study on employee motivation helps to get clear picture about the factors which

motivates the employees. This in turn helps the management to formulate suitable policy to

motivate the employees. Hence, the motivational level of the employees may also change.

The factors that motivate the employees may change with change in time because the needs of

employees too change with change in time. So continuous monitoring and close observation of

factors that motivate the employees is necessary to maintain a competent work force. Only with a

competent work force an organization can achieve its objective. Moreover, human resource is the
most valuable asset to any organization. A further study with in dept analysis to know to what

extent these factors motivate the employees is required.


The study is intended to evaluate motivation of employees in the organization. A good

motivational program procedure is essential to achieve goal of the organization. If efficient
motivational programmes of employees are made not only in this particular organization but also
any other organization; the organizations can achieve the efficiency also to develop a good
organizational culture.

Motivation has variety of effects. These effects may be seen in the context of an individual’s
physical and mental health, productivity, absenteeism and turnover. Employee delight has to be
managed in more than one way. This helps in retaining and nurturing the true believers “who can
deliver value to the organization. Proliferating and nurturing the number of “true believers” 1 is
the challenge for future and present HR managers.

This means innovation and creativity. It also means a change in the gear for HR polices and
practices. The faster the organizations nurture their employees, the more successful they will be.
The challenge before HR managers today is to delight their employees and nurture their
creativity to keep them a bloom.

This study helps the researcher to realize the importance of effective employee motivation. This
research study examines types and levels of employee motivational programmes and also
discusses management ideas that can be utilized to innovate employee motivation. It helps to
provide insights to support future research regarding strategic guidance for organizations that are
both providing and using reward/recognition programs.


Smith and Rupp (2003) stated that performance is a role of individual motivation; organizational
strategy, and structure and resistance to change, is an empirical role relating motivation in the
organization. Likewise, Luthans and Stajkovic (1999) concluded that of human resources
through rewards, monetary incentives, and organizational behavior medication has generated a
large volume of debate in the human resource and sales performance field.

According to Orpen (1997) better the relationship between mentors and mentees in the formal
mentoring program, the more mentees are motivated to work hard and committed to their
organization. Likewise, Mainland Selto (2001) conducted a case study in one corporate setting
by using balance score card (BSC) method and found out that organizational outcomes would be
greater if employees are provided with positive motivation. The establishment of
operationsbased targets will help the provision of strategic feedback by allowing the evaluation
of actual performance against the operationsbased targets. Goaldirected behavior and strategic
feedback are expected to enhance organizational performance (Chenhall 2005).

Kunz and Pfaff (2002) stated no substantive reason to fear an undermining effect of extrinsic
rewards on intrinsic motivation. Decoeneand Bruggeman (2006) in their study developed and
illustrated a model of the relationship between strategic alignment, motivation and organizational
performance in a BSC context and that effective strategic alignment empowers and motivates
working executives. Leaders motivate people to follow a participative design of work in which
they are responsible and get it together, which make them responsible for their performance.

Aguinis et al. (2013) stated that monetary rewards can be a very powerful determinant of
employee motivation and achievement which, in turn, can advance to important returns in terms
of firmlevel performance. Garg and Rastogi (2006) identified the key issues of job
designresearch and practice to motivate employees’ performance and concluded that dynamic
managerial learning framework is required to enhance employees 'performance to meet global

Vuori and Okkonen (2012) stated that motivation helps to share knowledge through an
intraorganizational social media platform which can help the organization to reach its goals and
objectives. Den andVerburg (2004) found the impact of high performing work systems, also
called human resource practices, on perceptual measures of firm performance.
Ashmos andDuchon (2000) recognizes that employees have both a mind and a spirit and seek to
find meaning and purpose in their work, and an aspiration to be part of community, hence
making their jobs worthwhile and motivating them to do at ahigh level with a view to personal
and social development

Bruce and Pepitone (1999) propose an interesting viewpoint according to which managers cannot
motivate employees; managers can only influence what employees are motivated to do.

The role of facilitating quality subordinatesuperior communication at various levels effectively

employing a wide range of communication channels has been praised by Shields (2007) in terms
of its positive contribution in boosting employee morale. Shields (2007) stresses two specific
advantages of such a practice that relate to offering employees a chance to raise their concerns
and put across their points regarding various aspects of their jobs, as well as, supplying them
with the feeling of engagement and appreciation.

According to Lockley (2012) offering training and development programs that effectively
contributes to personal and professional growth of individuals is another effective employee
motivation strategy. At the same time, Lockley (2012) warns that in order for motivational
aspects of training and development initiatives to be increased, ideally they need to be devised
and implemented by a third party with relevant competency and experience.

Alternative working patterns such as jobrotating, jobsharing, and flexible working have been
branded as effective motivational tools by Llopis (2012). Moreover, Llopis (2012) argues that
motivational aspects of alternative working patterns along with its other benefits are being
appreciated by increasing numbers of organisations, however, at the same time; many
organisations are left behind from benefiting from such opportunities.

An interesting viewpoint regarding the issue has been proposed by Wylie (2004), according to
which members of management primarily should be able to maintain the level of their own
motivation at high levels in order to engage in effective motivation of their subordinates.
Accordingly, Wylie (2004) recommends managers to adopt a proactive approach in terms of
engaging in selfmotivation practices.
Furthermore, Wylie (2004) recommends concentrating on specific variations of intangible
motivational tools such as celebrations of birthdays and other important dates with the
participation of whole team

According to Thomas (2009) the main challenge of motivation in workplaces is identifying what
motivates each individual employee taking into account his or her individual differences. In other
words, individual differences have been specified by Thomas (2009) as the major obstruction for
management in engaging in employee motivation in an effective manner.

Lockley (2012), on the other hand, addresses the same issue focusing on crosscultural
differences between employees in particular. Namely, culture can be explained as knowledge,
pattern of behaviour, values, norms and traditions shared by members of a specific group
(Kreitner and Cassidy, 2012), and accordingly, crosscultural differences is perceived to be a
major obstruction in the way of successful employee motivation.

This point has been explained by Lockley (2012) by insisting that certain practices such as
engaging in constructive arguments and dialogues in workplace can prove to be highly
motivational for the representatives of Western culture, whereas the same set of practices can
prove to be counterproductive for employees from Asian countries due to vast crosscultural

Llopis (2012) draws attention to the increasing relevance of the worklife balance problem for
modern employees and stresses its negative impact on the level of employee motivation.
Specifically, Llopis (2012) reasons that unless employees achieve an adequate level of worklife
balance in personal level, management investment on the level of employee motivation can be

This viewpoint is based on Hierarchy of Needs theoretical framework proposed by Abraham

Maslow (1943), according to which there is a certain hierarchy for individual needs, and more
basic human needs need to be satisfied in order for the next level needs to serve as motivators.

Elizabeth Boye et al (2016) focussed on the risk factors associated with the mining industry,
management has to ensure that employees are well motivated to curb the rate at which
employees embark on industrial unrest which affect performance, and employees are to comply
with health and safety rules because the industry contribute hugely to the Gross Domestic
Product (GDP) of the country.

Hackman and Oldham (1980) urged that organizations have to restructure work to induce
intrinsic motivation. Greater skill variety, task identity, and task significance increases the
experienced meaningfulness of work, autonomy raises experienced responsibility, and feedback
provides knowledge of results.

Hafiza et al. (2011) found that there are several factors that can affect employee performance like
training and development opportunities, working conditions, workeremployer relationship, job
security and company over all policies and procedures for rewarding employees. Among the
factors that affect employee performance, motivation that comes with rewards is of utmost

Ioan Moise Achim, Larisa Dragolea, George Balan (2013) said that the financial side of
motivation is widely preferred and known by the both parts –employer and employee.In the
present study we shall insist and plead for the possibilities of application and the results of the
efficient non financial motivation plan to the internal climate and the lasting performance of the

Ismajli et al.(2015) identified that the factors that motivate employees as human resources in
local government serve as a basis for increasing the service quality. He found that salary of
workers, professional advancement and opportunity for promotion appear to be among the most
important factors of motivation. The other important factors that the study revealed are work
conditions, as well as the evaluation and the objective assessment of performance measurement.

Muogbo U.S (2013) found that there existed relationship between employee motivation and the
organizational performance. The study reveals that extrinsic motivation given to workers in an
organization has a significant influence on the workers performance.

Rajeswari Devadass (2011) worked on employee motivational practices & found that how job
characteristics, employee characteristic, management practices and broader environmental
factors influence employees’ motivation. She confirms motivation concepts are central to
employees. Job characteristics, management practices, employee characteristics and broader
environmental factors are the key variables influence employees’ motivation in organization.

Stephen A. Furlich (2016) addresses employees’ expectations of performance rewards and their
motivation by understanding communication with their managers through the use of Expectancy
Valence Theory. He focused on specific aspects of communication such as communication
behaviors, expectations, communication interactions, and outcomes from the communication
interactions. These areas of communication are also applied to general areas within the social

Vinay Chaitanya Ganta (2014) studied on Motivation levels within the workplace and found that
it shows direct impact on employee productivity. Workers who are motivated and excited about
their jobs carry out their responsibilities to the best of their ability and production numbers
increases as a result. Employee motivation has always been a central problem for leaders and
managers. Employers need to get to know their employees very well and use different tactics to
motivate each of them based on their personal wants and needs.


 To identify the factors that motivates employees.

 To identify the factors that motivates employees.

 To study employee’s opinion regarding job motivation factors.

 To suggest measures for improvement of motivational aspects in organization



Research also starts with question or problem .its purpose is to find answer to question
through the applicants of scientific method it pursuit of the track with the help of the study and

A frame work or blueprint for conducing for the marketing research project it details

Of the procedures necessary for attaining the information needed to structure ad or solving
Marketing research problem


Descriptive research a type of conclusive research that has as its major objective the description
of something usually mart characteristics or function



Primary data is newly collecting the data for our purpose.


Secondary data is already exits but make some interpretation of the exit data for our purpose


Since the degree of accuracy is directly proportional to the sample size, so I had taken a sample
of 100 customers. And with a population of 500 customers. Since there are different categories
of customers and these are less homogenous so I had taken a large sample

Sampling technique:

The researcher had used convenient sampling method for this research which comes under
Probability sampling technique. In all forms of research, it would be ideal to test the entire
population, but in most cases, the population is just too large that it is impossible to include
every individual. Many researchers prefer this sampling technique because it is fast, easy and the
subjects are readily available since it is based on the convenience of the respondents.

Sampling method
The used the Questionnaire method as a tool of collecting the required data from the samples. “A
Questionnaire is a list of questions sent to a number of persons for them to answer.

The researcher adopted the Questionnaire method for data collection as and all the respondents
are educated and it helps the respondents to give well thought out answers. In this method the

identity of the respondents are kept anonymous and so the respondents will answer truly.


The data collected will be analyzed by descriptive analysis. The data will then be presented in a
tabular format to be generated by use of SPSS (statistical package for social sciences) computer
program. There will be the use of mean, percentage and frequency. The mean will give the
average of respondents who agree or disagree. The frequency will show how many times a
certain factor appears and the parentage that agreed or disagrees on various issues. Other forms
of data presentation will be the use of graphs, charts.


Percentage analysis

 Time constraints: Due to shortage or less availability of time it may be possible that all
the related & concerned aspects may not be covered in the project.

 Analysis done is limited to the availability of data.

 It is very difficult to evaluate the accuracy of secondary data. Before using secondary

 The quality of internal secondary data may be exaggerated or biased

 Mismatch between purpose collected and purpose used.

 Desired information may be unavailable or outofdate.

 The conclusions derived from the report cannot be generalized.


States the nature, importance and its objectives, scope and limitation of the study and also the

Performance of the problem, methodology used.


This chapter deals with concepts of the study Company profile and product profile

CHAPTER 3 – DATA ANALYSIS & Interpretation

It reveals the relationship between classroom learning and learning at work place. It also depicts

the extend of selfdevelopment after training.


It gives an insight of the conceptualization of the subject matter related for the study. It drives

conclusion of the previous studies.



Grace Soft Solutions is an ISO 9001: 2008 Certified; fast growing Chennai based Software

consulting company providing the IT Services to all the major clients on all competitive

technologies with well defined Quality Management System to ensure the quality services. The
company is started by a team of young professionals having vast experience in different

technologies and business domains. Company offers a wide range of services such as

Consultation, Solutions, Development, Training, Research, and Support to match any business

requirements. Grace Soft Solutions works with its clients to understand their business and IT

strategies and then define the requirements, design, install and support the solutions. At present

for any organization private or public, small or big looks out for secured, low cost, high value

solutions that can enhance their productivity, reduce their IT expenditure and increase the ROI.

We are focusing to deliver the skilled consultants to our clients for their measurable, quick and

secured outputs of the Business.

Grace Soft Solutions aims to achieve this exact meaning of ‘All Technologies Solutions’ by

empowering students with innovative ideas and Job & Practical oriented training programs in

various platforms into software development and Remote infrastructure domains such as C & C+

+, MS Office, Advanced Excel Macro, JAVA / J2EE / J2ME, .NET / Advanced .Net, Mobile

applications (Google Android / IOS), Web application development, PHP & MySQL, RIA,

Software Testing, Automation testing tools, HP QTP, Quality Center / Application Life Cycle

Management, Load Runner, Selenium, Test Complete, L2 / L3 Protocol Testing, Telecom

Testing, Python, Perl, Shell Scripting, Oracle, MS SQL, Microsoft Server Administrations

(MCITP / MCSE / MCSA / Exchange Server), Linux (RHCSA / RHCE) and Unix

Administration, Networking, Cisco certifications (CCNA / CCNP Routing and Switching, Voice,

Security, Wireless), SAP, Cloud Computing, ITIL, Dataware housing, Embedded C &

Embedded Systems Training, Certified Ethical Hacking, etc., When you get the trainings from

us, you can be assured that this is stepping stone to the global IT Industry. Our Practical Oriented
Training programs are designed to help you to develop the practical and technical skills that will

make you a fullfledged IT professional.

About Us

Grace Soft Solutions is a fast growing Chennai based Software consulting company providing

the IT Services to all the major clients on all competitive technologies. The company is started

by a team of young professionals having vast experience in different technologies and business

domains. Company offers a wide range of services such as Consultation, Solutions,

Development, Training, Research, and Support to match any business requirements.


Grace Soft Solutions founded by 2007 and had been formally incorporated as Private Limited

Company, in 2012. However the leadership backbone of Grace Soft Solutions carries more than

12+ years of experience. The company is started by a team of young professionals having vast

experience in different technologies and business domains.

Our Mission:

Our Mission is "To provide quality customized IT solutions” and to deliver quality knowledge

transfer through innovative delivery mechanism and technologies. We believe in customer

satisfaction and focuses on tailoring solutions to customer's needs.

Our Vission :
Our vision is enable a gateway that will facilitate education system, corporate world and

professionals to communicate, share knowledge and the resource globally that will benefit the

future work force of the global IT industry.

Our Speciality :

Completely a Job Oriented Practical Training, which covers the respective technology starting

from the Very Basic and Walk to the advanced level and, therefore, it gives deep level of

knowledge in the respective technology. Real Time scenarios that will make you confident while

you start working on particular technology. Excellent Guidance & support even after training


Grace Soft Solutions is a onestop IT solutions providing company provides the service right from

conceptualizations to maintenances. We have a vibrant team of technology professionals driven

by par excellence to deliver the best possible solutions by utilizing state of art technologies. Our

development teams have the ability to understand the client’s complex business processes and

break them into simpler sets for defining a possible solution by documenting them using our

System Requirement Specification template. Our team ensures they follow industry standard

software development practices at each stage right from requirement gathering, preparing

architecture, build, tests, implementation and maintenance. At each stage of a custom software

development we employ checks and reviews thereby ensuring that the business objectives are not

compromised in the final solution. With a customer centric focus we ensure our clients are

satisfied every time and therefore we provide full support to our clients even beyond project

Grace Soft Solutions is providing custom application development and maintenance services to

our clients in various industries, with the ability to handle small to large application in the best

possible time, cost and quality advantage.


Best place to get 100% job oriented training with Placement support and well defined quality

management system in Chennai, India

If you are unemployed, underemployed, or planning for a career change, finding a job that’s right

for you can take some time and effort. Grace Soft100% Job oriented and Practical Training

programs can help you examine your goals and skills and prepare for productive and successful

job grabbing or career updation. Grace Soft Training programs are really to help decrease the

rate of joblessness to the people who are just entering the job market, are unemployed and need

to get back to work, or are seeking to boost their careers and need help with enhancing their soft

skills, preparing a resume, practicing interviews, and learning new job skillsetc.,


Grace Soft Solutions Training programs can help build your confidence as a job seeker and

verify that your skills match an employer’s needs. Completion of these courses can actually

become your ticket to landing the job you really want.

 You will learn or enhance skills that are of primary importance to the majority of


 The Certificate of Completion verifies your employability skill level to potential

employers and your commitment to progress and growth on the job.

 You will possess the required skills for competitive interviewing.

 You will be better prepared for improved job opportunities and an optimistic career


 You will gain a competitive advantage over other job seekers.

 You can stand as a master in a specific domain amongst job seekers

Timing Schedules:

Our operation will be started by Morning 7AM and would be extended upto Evening 9.30PM in

Week days and for Weekends 9.30AM to 8.30PM. We are working for all the days in a week. It

helps to the students and working professionals to choose their convenient time to get the

training from us. It can be custoized according to the individual needs.

Normal Track:

Traditional classroom based training where instructor leads the training through presentations &

explanation. Normal track training involves typically 1.5 to 2hrs per day, 5 days a week, for a

specified length of duration in days designed by the company.

Fast Track:

Fast track training would involve 4 hours of training per day for duration approximately half of

normal track batches.

Weekend Training:
Training programs on weekends for longer hours on latest technological advances / practices /

approaches. Most suitable for working professionals, College students and the people who are

coming by long distance.


Best place to get 100% job oriented training in Chennai, India

Grace Soft Solutions aims to achieve this exact meaning of ‘All Technologies Solutions’ by

empowering students with innovative ideas and practical oriented training programs. There is

ample shortage for qualified professionals at various levels and domains in the IT industry.

Grace Soft Solutions addresses this gap by developing innovative training programs in various

technologies and business domains targeting different levels of aspirants and working

professionals. These include programs for fresh graduates, junior/middle/senior level of

professionals, corporate and system integrators.

Grace Soft Solutions’ training programs help resources gain considerable domain and technical

knowledge in addition to the ‘Quicker’ experience they gain through continuous mentoring

throughout the training program.

We are located in heart of the IT Zone, Velachery in Chennai. It will be more helpful to students

to reach us in spending short span of time. Learning a technology with the realtime instructors

cum employees is the dream to all.

Grace Soft Solutions offers many training programs as listed below for college Students,

Fresher’s, Working Professional and Corporate.

 Class Room Training

 InPlant Training

 Workshop Training

 Internship Training

 Online Training, Corporate Training


Grace Soft Solutions has tremendous growth and economic policy has a substantial revision in

20th century. The IT industry offer opportunities for foreign direct investment. Due to

liberalization, industries were grown by which foreign reserves as well as employment

opportunities have increased. In the initial days, IT firms export software to other countries

because here man power is widely available with low cost. As the potential of the software

industry was identified government of India developed high speed infrastructure to meet the

demands of foreign clients. Indian software companies developed high quality as well as unique

software to meet the needs of multinational companies as a result they obtain a wider range of

software development tasks. IT/ITES sector has listed incredible growth over the decade,

achieving iconic position all over the world and a reputation for costeffective delivery of


IT companies in India have set up over 600 delivery centres all over the world. The revenues

have grown from 1.2 percent (199798) to 8.1 percent (201314). India maintains top position in

the global sourcing arena, for about 55 percent in the year 2013 (of the global sourcing market

size) compared to 52 percent in 2012. Today the world‟s largest outsourcing destination for IT

industry is India, which is around 52 percent of the US dollar 124130 billion market. The IT
industry employs roughly 10 million Indians which ultimately contribute to the economic growth

of the country. The Unique Selling Proposition (USP) of Indian IT services is its cost

competitiveness which is 34 times cheaper than the USA. Many firms like TCS, Infosys, and

Wipro have met top certification for the quality standards. According to the report of National

Association of Software and Service Companies, GDP share has grown widely when compared

to other industries [142]. India exports

information and software services rather than products to 95 countries all over the world. The top

firms in terms of revenue are TCS, Wipro, Infosys, HP India, and IBM [143]. Top companies

contribute 80% of revenues from Indian Software industry.

After a careful analysis of the project requirement the phase of the product has to be planned .

The abstract idea of customers has to carefully studied to convert the requirements into a

software. Skilled and experienced software engineers recognize incomplete, ambiguous, or even

contradictory requirements at this point. Frequently demonstrating live code may help reduce the

risk that the requirements are incorrect.

Once the general requirements are gathered from the client, an analysis of the scope of the

development should be determined and clearly stated. This is often called a scope document.

Certain functionality may be out of scope of the project as a function of cost or as a result of

unclear requirements at the start of development. If the development is done externally, this

document can be considered a legal document so that if there are ever disputes, any ambiguity of

what was promised to the client can be clarified.

The planning strategy that we use had been deployed in all our IEEE projects developed with

Grace Software solutions which ensures that you have a trouble free application development
experience after having the user acceptance of the new system developed, the implementation

phase begins. Implementation is the stage of a project during which theory is turned into

practice. The major steps involved in this phase are:

 Acquisition and Installation of Hardware and Software

 Conversion

 User Training

 Documentation

The hardware and the relevant software required for running the system must be made fully

operational before implementation. The conversion is also one of the most critical and expensive

activities in the system development life cycle. The data from the old system needs to be

converted to operate in the new format of the new system. The database needs to be setup with

security and recovery procedures fully defined.

After the users are trained about the computerized system, working has to shift from manual to

computerized working. The process is called Changeover. The following strategies are followed

for changeover of the system.

Direct Changeover: This is the complete replacement of the old system by the new system. It is a

risky approach and requires comprehensive system testing and training.

Parallel run : In parallel run both the systems, i.e., computerized and manual, are executed

simultaneously for certain defined period. The same data is processed by both the systems. This

strategy is less risky but more expensive because of the following facts:
Manual results can be compared with the results of the computerized system. The operational

work is doubled. Failure of the computerized system at the early stage does not affect the

working of the organization, because the manual system continues to work, as it used to do.

The implementation strategy that we use had been deployed in all our IEEE projects developed

with Grace software solutions which ensures that you have a trouble free application

development experience.

Before actually implementing the new system into operations, a test run of the system is done

removing all the bugs, if any. It is an important phase of a successful system. After codifying the

whole programs of the system, a test plan should be developed and run on a given set of test

data. The output of the test run should match the expected results. Sometimes, system testing is

considered as a part of implementation process.

Using the test data following test run are carried out:

 Program test

 System test

Program test :

When the programs have been coded and compiled and brought to working conditions, they must

be individually tested with the prepared test data. All verification and validation be checked and

any undesirable happening must be noted and debugged (error corrected).

System Test :

After carrying out the program test for each of the programs of the system and errors removed,

then system test is done. At this stage the test is done on actual data. The complete system is
executed on the actual data. At each stage of the execution, the results or output of the system is

analyzed. During the result analysis, it may be found that the outputs are not matching the

expected output of the system. In such case, the errors in the particular programs are identified

and are fixed and further tested for the expected output. All independent modules be brought

together and all the interfaces to be tested between multiple modules, the whole set of software is

tested to establish that all modules work together correctly as an application or system or


When it is ensured that the system is running errorfree, the users are called with their own actual

data so that the system could be shown running as per their requirements.

The deployment strategy that we use had been deployed in all our IEEE projects developed with

Grace software solutions which ensures that you have a trouble free application development




Table 1: Age of the response

Particular No. of Respondent Percentage of Respondent

2030 years 35 35

3140 years 25 25

4150 years 15.5 15.5

5155 years 10.5 10.5

Above 60 years 14 14

Total 100 100%

Chart 1: Age of the response

INTERPRETATION From the above table shows that the age of the response

have, 35% of 2030 years,25% of 3140 years, 15.5% of 4150 years, 10.5% of 5155 years and

14% of Above 60 years

Table 2: Gender

Particular No. of Respondent Percentage of Respondent

Male 44.8 44.8

Female 35.2 35.2

Transgender 20 20

Total 100 100%

Chart 2: Gender


From the above table shows that the gender of the response have 44.8% of Male,

35.2% of Female and 20% of Transgender

Table 3: Marital Status

Particular No. of Respondent Percentage of Respondent

Married 32.2 32.2

Unmarried 52.5 52.5

Widow 05 05

Divorce 10.3 10.3

Total 100 100%

Chart 3: Marital Status


From the above table shows that the martal status of the response have 33.2% of

Married, 52.5% of Unmarried, 5% of Widow and 10.3% of Divorce

Table 4: Qualification

Particular No. of Respondent Percentage of Respondent

Post Graduate 25.5 25.5

Graduate 40.5 40.5

Diploma 34 34

Plus Two 0 0

Below 10th 0 0

Total 100 100%

Chart 4: Qualification


From the above table shows that the qualification of the response have 25.5% of

Post Graduate, 40.5% of Graduate, 34% of Diploma, 0% of Plus Two and 0% of below 10th

Table 5: Monthly Income

Particular No. of Respondent Percentage of Respondent

Below 500010000 20 20

1000015000 30 30

1500020000 20 20

200002500 10 10

Above 30000 20 20

Total 100 100%

Chart 5: Monthly Income


From the above table shows that the monthly income of the response have 30% of

Below 500010000, 20% of 1500020000, 10% of 200002500 and 20% of Above 30000

Table 6: In which department do you work

Particular No. of Respondent Percentage of Respondent

Administration 15 15

Accounts 10 10

Manufacturing 25 25

Design 15 15

Quality 20 20

Marketing 5 5

HR 10 10

System 0 0
Others Specify 0 0

Total 100 100%

Chart 6: In which department do you work

From the above table shows that the department do you work of the response have

15% of Administration, 10% of Accounts, 25% of Manufacturing, 15% of Design, 20% of

Quality,5% of Marketing, 10% of HR and 0% of system

Table 7: How long you are working in this organization

Particular No. of Respondent Percentage of Respondent

Below 5 years 45 45

610 years 35 35

1115 years 20 20

Above 16 years 0 0

Total 100 100%

Chart 7: How long you are working in this organization


From the above table shows that the working in this organization of the response

have 45% of Below 5 years, 35% of 610 years, 20% of 1115 years and 0% of Above 16 years

Table 8: The Promotion Policy followed in your organization satisfactory

Particular No. of Respondent Percentage of Respondent

Strongly agree 55 55

Agree 10 10

Moderately agree 35 35

Disagree 0 0

Strongly disagree 0 0

Total 100 100%

Chart 8: The Promotion Policy followed in your organization satisfactory


From the above table shows that the Promotion Policy followed in your

organization satisfactory of the response have 55% of Strongly agree, 10% of Agree, 35%

of Moderately agree, 0% of Disagree and 0% Strongly disagree

Table 9: Can you improve the carrier in the organization

Particular No. of Respondent Percentage of Respondent

Very good 32 32

Good 48 48

Fair 20 20

Average 0 0

Total 100 100%

Chart 9: Can you improve the carrier in the organization


From the above table shows that the improve the carrier in the organization of the

response have 32% of Very good, 48% of Good, 20% if fair , 0% of average

Table 10:Does the given incremental annually motivate the employee for the better performance

Particular No. of Respondent Percentage of Respondent

Strongly agree 55 55

Agree 33 33

Moderately agree 12 12

Disagree 0 0

Strongly disagree 0 0

Total 100 100%

Chart 10:Does the given incremental annually motivate the employee for the

better performance

From the above table shows that the incremental annually motivate the employee
for the better performance of the response have 55% of Strongly agree, 33% of Agree,
12% of Moderately agree, 0% of Disagree and 0% Strongly disagree

Table 11: Is the facilities provided in the factory to the employee are proper

Particular No. of Respondent Percentage of Respondent

Strongly agree 33 33

Agree 37 37

Moderately agree 12 12

Disagree 10 10

Strongly disagree 8 8

Total 100 100%

Chart 11: Is the facilities provided in the factory to the employee are proper

From the above table shows that the facilities provided in the factory to the

employee are proper of the response have 33% of Strongly agree, 37% of Agree, 12% of

Moderately agree, 10% of Disagree and 8% Strongly disagree

Table 12: Which type of incentives motivates you are?

Particular No. of Respondent Percentage of Respondent

Incentive award 35 35

Promotion 55 55

Appreciation Letter 10 10

Total 100 100%

Chart 12: Which type of incentives motivates you are?


From the above table shows that the type of incentives motivates you are of the
response have, 35% of Incentive award, 55% of Promotion and 10% of Appreciation Letter

Table 13: What about your relationship with other employee and coworkers

Particular No. of Respondent Percentage of Respondent

High 45 45

Very High 25 25

Medium 15 15

Low 05 05

Very Low 10 10

Total 100 100%

Chart 13: What about your relationship with other employee and coworkers

From the above table shows that the relationship with other employee and

coworkers have 45% of High, 25% of Very High, 15% of Medium, 5% of Low and 10% of

very low

Table 14: Whether the rewards system to the employee are agreeable

Particular No. of Respondent Percentage of Respondent

Strongly agree 30 30

Agree 35 35

Moderately agree 15 15

Disagree 10 10

Strongly disagree 10 10

Total 100 100%

Chart 14: Whether the rewards system to the employee are agreeable

From the above table shows that the rewards system to the employee are agreeable

of the response have 30% of Strongly agree, 35% of Agree, 15% of Moderately agree, 10% of

Disagree and 10% Strongly disagree

Table 15: Which of the following factors motivates you most?

Particular No. of Respondent Percentage of Respondent

Salary increase 40 40

Promotion 20 20

Leave 10 10

Motivational talk 20 20

Recognition 10 10

Total 100 100%

Chart 15: Which of the following factors motivates you most?


From the above table shows that the factors you motivates most have 40% of Salary
increase, 20% of Promotion, 10% of Leave, 20% of Motivational talk and 10% of Recognition

Table 16: Whether the employee are happy with the hospital facilities

provided by the company

Particular No. of Respondent Percentage of Respondent

Strongly agree 20 20

Agree 30 30

Moderately agree 20 20

Disagree 10 10

Strongly disagree 20 20

Total 100 100%

Chart 16: Whether the employee are happy with the hospital facilities

provided by the company


From the above table shows that the employee are happy with the hospital facilities

provided by the company of the response have 20% of Strongly agree, 30% of Agree,

20% of Moderately agree, 10% of Disagree and 20% Strongly disagree

Table 17 : Whether the canteen facilities provided to the employee are up the mark

Particular No. of Respondent Percentage of Respondent

Strongly agree 50 50

Agree 20 20

Moderately agree 20 20

Disagree 05 05

Strongly disagree 05 05

Total 100 100%

Chart 17 : Whether the canteen facilities provided to the employee are up the



From the above table shows that the canteen facilities provided to the employee are
up the mark of the response have 50% of Strongly agree, 20% of Agree, 20% of Moderately
agree, 05% of Disagree and 05% Strongly disagree

Table 18: Do you think training opportunities are provided to use and develop

creativity and other skills

Particular No. of Respondent Percentage of Respondent

Strongly agree 60 60

Agree 20 20

Moderately agree 20 20

Disagree 0 0

Strongly disagree 0 0

Total 100 100%

Chart 18: Do you think training opportunities are provided to use and

develop creativity and other skills


From the above table shows that the training opportunities are provided to use and

develop creativity and other skills of the response have 60% of Strongly agree, 20% of

Agree, 20% of Moderately agree, 0% of Disagree and 0% Strongly disagree

Table 19: On what basis the company gives promotion to his employees

Particular No. of Respondent Percentage of Respondent

Experience 35 35

Qualification 25 25

HR recommendation 20 20

Performance appraisal system 10 10

No comments 10 10

Total 100 100%

Chart 19: On what basis the company gives promotion to his employees

From the above table shows that the basis the company gives promotion to his
employees of the response have 35% of Experience, 25% of Qualification, 20% of HR
recommendation, 10% of Performance appraisal system and 10% of No comments

Table 20: Are you satisfied with the salary in this organization

Particular No. of Respondent Percentage of Respondent

Strongly agree 50 50

Agree 30 30

Moderately agree 15 15

Disagree 05 05

Strongly disagree 0 0

Total 100 100%

Table 20: Are you satisfied with the salary in this organization

From the above table shows that the satisfied with the salary in this organization of
the response have 50% of Strongly agree, 30% of Agree, 15% of Moderately agree, 5% of
Disagree and 0% Strongly disagree

Table 21: Are the self development programs conducted to the employees by

training center are fruitful

Particular No. of Respondent Percentage of Respondent

Strongly agree 40 40

Agree 20 20

Moderately agree 25 25

Disagree 10 10

Strongly disagree 05 05

Total 100 100%

Chart 21: Are the self development programs conducted to the employees by

training center are fruitful


From the above table shows that the self development programs conducted to the
employees by training center are fruitful of the response have 40% of Strongly agree,
20% of Agree, 25% of Moderately agree, 10% of Disagree and 0% Strongly disagree

Table 22: Are the present motivation provided by the company is satisfactory

Particular No. of Respondent Percentage of Respondent

Strongly agree 10 10

Agree 35 35

Moderately agree 05 05

Disagree 25 25

Strongly disagree 25 25

Total 100 100%

Chart 22: Are the present motivation provided by the company is satisfactory

From the above table shows that the present motivation provided by the company

is satisfactory of the response have 10% of Strongly agree, 35% of Agree, 5% of

Moderately agree, 25% of Disagree and 25% Strongly disagree

Table 23: Are you satisfied with the support from HR department

Particular No. of Respondent Percentage of Respondent

Highly satisfied 30 30

Satisfied 25 25

Neutral 15 15

Dissatisfied 20 20

Highly dissatisfied 10 10

Total 100 100%

Chart 23: Are you satisfied with the support from HR department

From the above table shows that the satisfied with the support from HR department

of the response have 30% of Highly satisfied, 25% of Satisfied, 15% of Neutral, 20% of

Dissatisfied and 10% of Highly dissatisfied

Table 24: Is the management is really interested in motivating the employee

Particular No. of Respondent Percentage of Respondent

Strongly agree 25 25

Agree 35 35

Moderately agree 20 20

Disagree 10 10

Strongly disagree 10 10

Total 100 100%

Chart 24: Is the management is really interested in motivating the employee


From the above table shows that the management is really interested in motivating

the employee of the response have 25% of Strongly agree, 35% of Agree, 20% of

Moderately agree, 10% of Disagree and 10% Strongly disagree

Table 25:Is the goal set by the organization Motivates you to work

Particular No. of Respondent Percentage of Respondent

Strongly agree 30 30

Agree 30 30

Moderately agree 20 20

Disagree 10 10

Strongly disagree 10 10

Total 100 100%

Chart 25:Is the goal set by the organization Motivates you to work

From the above table shows that the goal set by the organization Motivates you to

work of the response have 30% of Strongly agree, 30% of Agree, 20% of Moderately agree,

10% of Disagree and 10% Strongly disagree


The chisquare test is a use the measure of comparing experimentally obtained result with
those expect. The oriented and based on the Hypothesis. It is as test static provides a set of
theoretical frequencies are compared.

ChiSquare test is a nonparametric test used most frequently by marketing researcher to

test the hypothesis. A hypothesis is a statement about the population parameter. It is a conclusion
tentatively drawn on logical basis. Testing a hypothesis a procedure that helps us to ascertain the
likely of hypothesized population parameter being correct by making use of sample statistic.

The chisquare is computer on the basis of frequented in a sample and thus the value of
chisquare so obtained is a statistic.
The objective of chisquare test is to determine if real or signification difference exist
among various groups it is applied to test the models between the attributed when the sample
data is presented in the from of a contingency table with any number of rows and columns.

Chisquare can be defined by a formula as

X2 = Σ (Oi – Ei)2/Ei


Oi = Observed frequency of the event

Ei = Expected frequency of the event

Set up the null hypothesis models between the attributed alternate hypothesis.

Calculate all expected frequencies i.e. for all values of I = 1,2,3,… n.

Take the difference between each observed frequency Oi and the corresponding expected
frequencies Ei for each value.

Square each difference for each value of I, i.e. calculate (OiEi) for all values of I = 1,2,3,
Divide each square difference by the corresponding expected frequency i.e. calculate X2
= Σ (Oi – Ei)2/Ei

Concluding the hypothesis this accepted or rejecting Ho.

It is calculated value of X2 < tabulated value X2 then accept null hypothesis.

It is calculated value of X2 > tabulated value X2 then reject null hypothesis.


1. Test showing that the Experience employees achieve their target well in time than men

Agree Disagree Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Total

1015 1 1 0 0 1 3

510 2 1 0 2 1 6

Less than 5 12 1 13 8 5 39

More than 15 1 0 0 2 0 3

Total 16 3 13 12 7 51

H0: There is no sig associan between experience and employees motivation achieve their target
well in time than men

H1: There is a sign associan between experience and employees motivation achieve their target
well in time than men

Chi Square Table

O E OE (OE)2 (OE)2/E
1 0.94 0.06 0.0036 0.003

1 1.8 0.8 0.164 0.091

0 12.23 12.23 149.57 12.229

0 0.94 0.94 0.88 0.93

1 0.17 0.83 0.68 4

2 0.35 1.65 2.72 7.771

1 2.29 1.29 1.66 0.724

0 0.17 0.17 0.02 0.117

2 0.76 1.24 1.53 0.869

1 1.52 0.52 0.27 0.177

12 9.94 2.06 4.24 0.426

1 0.76 0.24 0.05 0.065

13 1.70 12.3 151.29 216.128

8 1.52 6.48 41.99 27.625

5 9.17 4.17 17.38 1.895

1 0.70 0.3 0.09 0.128

0 0.41 0.41 0.16 0.39

0 0.82 0.82 0.67 0.817

2 5.35 3.35 11.22 2.097

0 0.41 0.41 0.16 0.390


E=A*B / N A=Total in Column, B=Total in Row ,N=Grand Total

Level of Significance =5%

Degree of Significance = (r1)(c1)

= (41)(51)

= (3)(4)


X2 883.04 (From table Degree of Significance = 12 & of Significance 5% =0.05)

IF z 2 o 2 critical

Hypothesis is Rejected

2. Test showing that the Experience and employees are not willing to take up promotion

Agree Disagree Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Total

1015 1 0 1 0 1 3

510 0 4 1 0 1 6

Less than 5 5 11 8 1 14 39

More than 15 0 2 0 1 0 3

Total 6 17 10 2 16 51

H0: There is no sig associan between Experience and employees are not willing to take up
promotion opportunity

H1: There is a sign associan between Experience and employees are not willing to take up
promotion opportunity

Chi Square Table

O E OE (OE)2 (OE)2/E

1 0.352 0.648 0.419 1.19

0 0.705 0.705 0.497 0.704

1 4.58 3.58 12.81 2.79

0 0.352 0.352 0.123 0.349

1 1 0 0 0

0 2 2 4 2

4 13 9 81 6.23

1 1 0 0 0

0 0.588 0.588 0.345 0.586

1 1.17 0.17 0.0289 0.023

5 7.64 2.64 6.9696 0.912

11 0.588 10.412 108.16 18.6

8 0.11 7.89 62.25 565.45

1 0.235 0.765 0.585 2.52

14 1.52 12.48 155.75 102.4

0 0.11 0.11 0.0121 0.11

2 0.941 1.06 1.123 1.19

0 1.88 1.88 3.53 1.8

1 12.23 11.23 126.1129 10.31

0 0.941 0.94 0.883 0.88


E=A*B / N A=Total in Column, B=Total in Row ,N=Grand Total

Level of Significance =5%

Degree of Significance = (r1)(c1)

= (41)(51)

= (3)(4)

X2 883.04 (From table Degree of Significance = 12 & of Significance 5% =0.05)

IF z 2 o 2 critical

Hypothesis is Rejected

3. Test showing that the Experience and agree with the employee motivation are able to balance
both domestic and professional life

Agree Disagree Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Total

1015 2 0 0 0 1 3

510 2 1 0 3 0 6

Less than 5 12 2 9 16 0 39

More than 15 2 0 1 0 0 3

Total 18 3 10 19 16 51

H0: There is no sig associan between the Experience and agree with the employee motivation are
able to balance both domestic and professional life

H1: There is a sign associan between the Experience and agree with the employee motivation are
able to balance both domestic and professional life

O E OE (OE)2 (OE)2/E

2 1.05 0.95 0.9025 0.8595

0 2.11 2.11 4.45 2.109

0 13.76 13.76 189.33 13.75

0 1.05 1.05 1.102 1.049

1 0.17 0.83 0.6889 4.05

2 0.35 1.65 2.72 7.77

1 2.29 1.29 1.66 0.72

0 0.17 0.17 0.028 0.164

3 0.58 2.42 5.85 10.08

0 1.17 1.17 1.36 1.16

12 7.64 4.36 19.00 2.48

2 0.58 1.42 2.016 3.47

9 1.11 7.89 62.25 56.081

16 2.23 13.77 19.61 85.02

0 14.52 14.52 210.83 14.51

2 1.11 0.89 0.792 0.713

0 0.05 0.05 0.025 5

1 0.11 0.89 0.792 7.2

0 0.76 0.76 0.577 0.759

0 0.05 0.05 0.025 0.5


E=A*B / N A=Total in Column, B=Total in Row ,N=Grand Total

Level of Significance =5%

Degree of Significance = (r1)(c1)

= (41)(51)

= (3)(4)


X2 883.04 (From table Degree of Significance = 12 & of Significance 5% =0.05)

IF z 2 o 2 critical

Hypothesis is Rejected



 35% of the respondent have experience basis the company gives promotion to his

 50% of the respondent have strongly agree satisfied with the salary in this organization

 40% of the respondent have strongly agree self development programs conducted to the
employees by training center are fruitful

 35% of the respondent have agree the present motivation provided by the company is

 30% of the respondent have highly satisfied with the support from HR department

 35% of the respondent have agree management is really interested in motivating the

 30% of the respondent have strongly agree goal set by the organization Motivates you to


 Employee empowerment may be provided to employees in achieving high employee

satisfaction and motivation.
 Effective promotional activities may be provided to improve employee morale, achieving
the desired unity and concern for employee well being with reduction in HR cost.

 Acknowledgement may be provided to employees that refer to the process of identifying

and accomplishing the employee’s career objective through systematic way of skill
identification assessment and development.

 Company need to concentrate on providing motivational things to the employees

irrespective of their age, gender, designation, employment status, marital status and work
experience as it creates more dedication and support from the employees to the


The organizations need to develop a reward strategy that is how its reward policies and processes

should be developed so that it is mutually beneficial to the employees and the organization. And

the rewards should succeed in motivating the employees according to their needs and the reward

policy is driven by the business needs.

From this research we can infer that the employees in any organization need to be constantly

provided opportunities for learning new skills so that they do not feel monotonous and

they are motivated to use the acquired skills on their job. We can also infer that it is not just one

factor for example it is not just monetary rewards which motivate an employees, though

monetary compensation is important the job that they are doing also motivates them. This

essentially says that the employees need to be motivated with the content of their job. The

organizations need to provide challenging opportunities to the employee’s.

The organizations also should emphasize on work life balance, and should provide options to

employees like flexi time, work from home access. The employees would appreciate these


We can also say that linking pay to performance is an effective motivator when people know

what they are going to get in return for certain efforts or achievements, and when they feel that

what they may get is worth having. This is possible only if it is completely transparent. It can

drive performance through increased motivation and if there is a direct linkage between

employee performance and rewards. It can also be used to attract, retain, recognize and reward

high performing employees.

Recognition is one of the most powerful motivators. People need to know not only how well

they have achieved their objectives or performed their task but also that their achievements are

appreciated. Non monetary rewards can motivate employees better if it is integrated with

financial rewards, in the total reward system.

However, it is important to note that needs of the individuals varies from individual to individual

and depends on his or her psychological makeup. So it cannot be generalized but what the

organizations can do is increase the employee participation in deciding their over all


The organizations should treat the employees as stakeholders who should be involved in the

development of the reward policies that affect them. More over meet their expectations

that they will be treated equitably, fairly, and consistently and are transparent. They

should know what the reward policies of the organization are and how they are affected by them.
Some of the rewards apart from money which are considered important by the employees to

enhance their motivation to work are recognition, promoting to the next level enhanced

responsibilities, stock options and bonuses, free vacation with family and choice in the type of

projects they would want to work on. We can also infer that the employees prefer increased

involvement in policies and systems in the organizations that affect them.



 " 1001 Ways to Reward Employees" By Bob Nelson, Workman Publishing, NewYork, 2004.
 “Employee Reward” By Michael Armstrong ,University Press,Hyderabad, 2000
 “Rethinking incentives and reward management “ by G K Suri,C S Venkata
Ratnam, N K Gupta, Excel books, New Delhi, 2003.

 "Human Resource Management" By GaryDessler, Pearson Education

publications,Indian Edition, 2006
 "Human Resource Management" By Cynthia D Fisher, Lvle F Schoen Feldt and
James B Shaw, Wiley Dream Tec Publications 2005

 “Recognizing and rewarding employees” By R.Brayton Bowen, Tata McGraw Hill publications,

 management

2. Age

a. 2030 years
b. 3140 years
c. 4150 years
d. 5055 years
e. Above 60 years

3. Gender

a. Male
b. Female
c. Transgender

4. Marital Status

a. Married
b. Unmarried
c. Widow
d. Divorce


a. Post Graduate
b. Graduate
c. Diploma
d. Plus Two
e. Below 10th
6. Monthly Income

a. Below 500010000
b. 1000015000
c. 1500020000
d. 200002500
e. Above 30000

7. In which department do you work

a. Administation
b. Accounts
c. Manufacturing
d. Design
e. Quality
f. Marketing
g. HR
h. System
i. Others Specify

8. How long you are working in this organization

a. Below 5 years
b. 610 years
c. 1115 years
d. Above 16 years

9.The Promotion Policy followed in your organization satisfactory

a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Moderately agree
d. Disagree
e. Strongly disagree

10. Can you improve the carrier in the organization?

a. Very good
b. Good
c. Fair
d. Average

11.Does the given incremental annually motivate the employee for the better performance
a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Moderately agree
d. Disagree
e. Strongly disagree

12. Is the facilities provided in the factory to the employee are proper

a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Moderately agree
d. Disagree

Strongly disagree

13. Which type of incentives motivates you are?

a. Incentive award
b. Promotion
c. Appreciation Letter

14 What about your relationship with other employee and coworkers

a. High
b. Very High
c. Medium
d. Low
e. Very low

15. Whether the rewards system to the employee are agreeable

a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Moderately agree
d. Disagree
e. Strongly disagree

16.Which of the following factors motivates you most

a. Salary increase
b. Promotion
c. Leave
d. Motivational talk
e. Recognition

17. Whether the employee are happy with the hospital facilities provided by the company

a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Moderately agree
d. Disagree
e. Strongly disagree

18.Whether the canteen facilities provided to the employee are up the mark

a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Moderately agree
d. Disagree
e. Strongly disagree

19. Do you think training opportunities are provided to use and develop creativity and other

a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Moderately agree
d. Disagree
e. Strongly disagree

20.On what basis the company gives promotion to his employees

a. Experience
b. Qualification
c. HR recommendation
d. Performance appraisal system
e. No comments

21.Are you satisfied with the salary in this organization

a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Moderately agree
d. Disagree
e. Strongly disagree
22.Are the self development programs conducted to the employees by training center are fruitful

a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Moderately agree
d. Disagree
e. Strongly disagree

23. Are the present motivation provided by the company is satisfactory

a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Moderately agree
d. Disagree
e. Strongly disagree

24. Are you satisfied with the support from HR department

a. Highly satisfied
b. Satisfied
c. Neutral
d. Dissatisfied
e. Highly dissatisfied

25. Is the management is really interested in motivating the employee

a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Moderately agree
d. Disagree
e. Strongly disagree

26. Is the goal set by the organization Motivates you to work

a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Moderately agree
d. Disagree
e. Strongly disagree

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