2nd Yearchapt 9 + 11

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Chem. F.Sc Part -2 chap# 9+ 11 Total marks: 50 time: 1.30 hour DATE: 22-4-21
Q.1 tick the correct answer. 1x10=10
The ortho, para derivatives
(i) are obtained by halogenation Benzene Nitrobenzene Benzaldehyde Toluene
Aromatic hydrocarbons are Normal series
(ii) Alkenes Benzene Cyclohexane
derivatives of of paraffins
Benzene cannot undergo
(iii) Substitution Additions Oxidations elimination
Which of the following can
(iv) Toluene Benzene Nitrobenzene Chlorobenzene
be sulphonatedeasily ?
m-chloronitrobenzen is m-
(v) Toluene Benzene Nitrobenzene
prepared by nitration of chlorobenzene
(vi) Alcohol obtained by 20% 12% 10% 95%
fermentation is pure upto?
(vii) Which of the following CH3OH C2H5OH CH3-O-CH3 C6H5OH
will show maximum
hydrogen bonding with
(viii)Ethanol can be converted oxidations fermentation hydrogenation hydration
into ethanoic acid by?
(ix) Phenol is also called as ? Carbolic acid Carbonic acid Benzoic acid Acetic acid

Q.2 Answer any 10 of the following short questions. 10x2=20
1. Convert benzene into maleic acid ?
2. Give mechanism of sulphonation of benzene?
3. How toluene can be converted to the benzoic acid?
4. Why benzene is less reactive then alkenes although it has three pi bonds?
5. Why hydroxyle (OH-) group is ortho and Para directing?
6. Give any four uses of methyle alcohol?
7. How methylated spirit is prepared?
8. Why ethyle alcohol is liquid while ethyle chloride is gas at room temperature?

Q.3 Attempt the following LONG questions. 5x2=10

A) Atomic orbital treatment of benzene
b) Give reactions of phenol with
(i)HNO3 (ii) Formaldehyde iii) Acetyl chloride (iv) Br2

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