Lawless Lawyers: A G Noorani

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civil liberties

Lawless Lawyers 56-year-old Mohammed Shoaib, who

“faced a mob of lawyers at a Faizabad
Court” because he was defending persons
suspected of involvement in terrorist at-
A G Noorani tacks. “His popularity among the terror
accused increased after he demolished the
A new kind of justice has crept civil liberties police theory that Kolkata-based Aftab
into the Bar in India. It is a form Alam Ansari was a Harkat-ul-Jehad-al- Is-

his silence is deafening. That of the lami terrorist”. He was released after
of mob justice in which those who
judges of the Supreme Court as spending 22 days in jail; a case of mistak-
earn their living by law and are well as of the leaders of the Bar; en identity the police cheerfully said.
pledged to uphold it have been both, otherwise very quick to volunteer Bar associations pass resolutions forbid-
pressurising their colleagues opinion. The Supreme Court has, in recent ding their members from appearing for
years, been unduly touchy about public the defence. Their faith – and that of our
not to appear in cases where
criticism of the court and has stretched the TV channels who retail police versions – in
the assailants judge the accused law of contempt of court to limits accepted the efficiency and integrity of the police
guilty before trial and demand nowhere else. But a gross contempt is is touching.
instant punishment by the court b­eing committed under its very nose and it The Milli Gazette, a Delhi fortnightly
refuses to take any notice of it. The offence r­eported (September 1, 2008) how these
without allowing the accused
need not reach its portals in the form of a moves created a communal divide.
their right to a fair trial. petition. Its prevalence itself s­uffices for M­ohammed Shoaib has been expelled
censure and admonition from the bench. from the Lucknow Bar Association:
The same applies to the leaders of the First, Hindu lawyers of Lucknow beat up and
Bar, never TV camera shy or reluctant to misbehaved with Muslim lawyers, advocates
pen articles providing instant comment Mohammed Shoaib and M A Faridi who were
pleading the cases of Muslim youths arrested
based on slender research. That contempt
on allegations of terrorism, and then the de-
threatens the very raison d’etre of the le- cision was taken to cancel the Lucknow Bar
gal profession. It consists in pressurising Association membership of the two plead-
lawyers not to appear in cases in which the ers. As a result, when the court opened on
assailants, moral or physical, pronounce August 20, after three days’ leave, much ten-
sion prevailed as Hindu and Muslim plead-
the accused to be guilty – before trial – and
ers appeared divided, while everyone was
demand instant punishment by   the court discussing the thrashing of Muslim plead-
without allowing the accused his right to a ers. When the police staff came to advocates
fair trial. In short, mob j­ustice replaces jus- Mohammed Shoaib and M A Faridi to enquire
tice according to the law. The mob consists about their well-being, Hindu lawyers mis-
behaved with them too. Not only this, when
of men who earn their bread    by the law
the incident was reported to senior police
and are pledged to u­phold it; lawyers. officers, they only rebuked the policemen,
The disease has been spreading in the saying what was the need to enquire about
last few years. Specific instances are cited these lawyers.
in an editorial in this journal on April 26, The rules entitled “Standards of Profes-
2008 entitled ‘Accused, Presumed Guilty’. sional Conduct and Etiquettee” framed
It noted that under the Advocates Act are explicit on
Lawyers who take up the cases of the ac-
this point. Section I covers “Duty to the
cused are seen as ‘anti- nationalists’ and Client”. Its very first rule (Rule 11) reads:
Maharashtra Navnirman Sena chief Raj “An advocate is bound to accept any brief
Thackeray had even ‘warned’ legal counsel in the Courts or Tribunals or before any
not to take the briefs of the accused. Some of
other authorities in or before which he
the well known criminal lawyers in Mumbai
even announced that they would take up the
proposes to practise at a fee consistent
cases only if they were satisfied of their inno- with his standing at the Bar and the n­ature
cence. This ‘accused, presumed to be guilty’ of the case: Special circumstances may
attitude of the security and police agencies justify his refusal to accept a particular
towards the Muslims has spread to a larger
brief”. Rule 12 adds “An advocate shall not
section of Society.
ordinarily withdraw from engagements,
The Indian Express of May 3, 2008 once accepted, without sufficient cause
A G Noorani is a well-known lawyer, scholar c­arried a revealing report by Manish Sahu and unless reasonable and sufficient
and political commentator.
about a respected Lucknow lawyer, n­otice is given to the client”.
Economic & Political Weekly  EPW   october 4, 2008 13
civil liberties

Rule 11 is based on what is known in O J Simpson case. They must not comment anticipated or current proceedings or
England as the “cab-rank” principle. The on the cases in which they appear. m­ediation in which they are or expect
exceptions it mentions have been defined Rule 11 consciously adopts the English to   be briefed”. They can express their
in standard books. No finer guide is avail- “cab-rank” rule and not the American c­lient’s opinion or offer an explanation
able than the much acclaimed work by practice. The authors’ statement of the of   the legal or factual issues involved
A­ndrew Boon and Jennifer Levin (The rules governing comment to the media is in    the case which does not include a
E­thics and Conduct of Lawyers in England noteworthy: p­ersonal opinion.
and Wales, Hart Publishing, Oxford). It The dealings which a lawyer is entitled to
c­overs a vast array of topics. They hold that have with the press is a reflection of their Relaxation of Principle
wider role. If it was seen as acceptable for
Barristers, as advocates, must accept a case This represents a relaxation of the old
lawyers to be aggressively partisan, law-
unless they have a reason, which the Bar’s p­osition, which prohibited any comment
yers could be forgiven for using the media to
Code of Conduct recognises as valid, for not
pursue their clients’ ends and, incidentally, at all on current cases on which barristers
doing so. A separate rule obliges them to
comply with the ‘cab-rank rule’, requiring
to promote their own services. However, if had been briefed. In England solicitors
lawyers are expected to retain their neutral- sometimes issue factual clarificatory state­
that they accept any brief to appear before
ity, or professional detachment, then being
a court in which they profess to practise. ments; never barristers.
involved with the press in kind of public
The rule is so-called because they must also The distinguished Q C David Pannick’s
relations capacity would damage that role.
a­ccept briefs in the order they arrive and,
The existence of some constraints on the erudite work Advocates points out that
having accepted a brief, cannot withdraw
way lawyers are expected to deal with the
from a case because a preferred case comes The House of Lords recognised in 1969
press suggest that detachment from clients
along except in specific circumstances and that a central principle of advocacy is that
is required. These may be seen as a remnant
subject to specific requirements for return of ‘no counsel is entitled to refuse to act in
of the conservatism reflected in rules against
the brief. a sphere in which he practises and on be-
advertising, or as a sensible attempt to pre-
ing tendered a proper fee, for any person,
Solicitors are not subject to a similar vent indiscreet or publicity seeking lawyers
however un­popular or even offiensive he or
rule: from bringing the profession and legal sys-
his opinions may be’. This ‘cab-rank rule’
tem into disrepute. Restraints might also be
The rational basis of the cab-rank rule is r­equires a   b­arrister to accept any brief to
imposed in recognition of the substantial
that it ensures that any solicitors’ firm can difference between what must be done for appear b­efore a court in which he professes
instruct any private practice barrister on be- clients under the cloak of professionalism to p­ractise, to accept any instructions and
half of any client, maximising equal access and the image of professionalism that should to act for any person on whose behalf he is
to justice. be presented to the public. briefed or instructed ‘irrespective of (i)   t he
party on whose behalf he is briefed or in-
The Bar’s code says Woolf said in Hedgson vs Imperial structed, (ii) the nature of the case, and
A barrister who supplies advocacy services T­obacco Ltd: (iii) any belief or opinion which he may
must not withhold those services (a) on The professionalism and the sense of duty have formed as to the character, reputation,
the ground that the case is objectionable to of lawyers who conduct litigation of this na- cause, conduct, guilt or innocence of that
him or any section of the public, (b) on the ture should mean that the courts are able to person’. It is the advocate’s duty, as Lord
ground that the conduct opinions or beliefs relay on the legal advisers to exercise great Irvince Q C has explained, ‘to appear for
of the prospective client are unacceptable to self- restraint when making comments to the the Yorkshire Ripper or any other defend-
him or to any section of the public or on any press, while at the same time recognising the ant against whom there may be a hostile
ground relating to the source of financial need for the media to be properly informed climate of public opinion. In civil cases, it
support. …(Bar Code, para 601). Reasons for of what is happening in the proceedings. is also his duty to appear not only for a par-
refusal would include being professionally ticular interest group with which he might
Barristers are advised that they “must
embarrassed within the meaning of para prefer to identify but for every interest
603 (including lack of experience, profes- not express a personal opinion to the group, for plaintiffs or insurers in personal
sional commitments, conflict of interest), press   or in any public statement on any injury cases, for employers of trade unions
and are also provided for specific groups,
like employed lawyers, in paras 604-606.

The authors note that EPW on JSTOR

The cab-rank rule also provides formal pro- The Economic and Political Weekly is now on JSTOR.
tection for advocates from identification
with their clients in the minds of members of Past issues of EPW from 1966 to 2002 are currently loaded on JSTOR archives. Institutions
the public. Rather than offering convoluted with access to JSTOR can read and download all EPW articles from 1966 onwards at these
justifications of how they can represent mur- archives. EPW issues will be available on JSTOR with a moving wall of five years.
derers and rapists, barristers can say that the
professional rules require them to do so. This Readers can visit for
is perfectly consistent with the principle of more information.
presumed innocence before conviction. Please note: While access to EPW on JSTOR archives are available only to participating
But the rule has a corollary which institutions, EPW has been working to digitise its issues going back first to 1966 and
ultimately to 1949 (Economic Weekly).
a­pplies to lawyers holding forth before TV
The first batch of an expanded archives will be available on the EPW site from January
cameras on the lawns of the Supreme 2009. These will cover 1989 to the latest issue, and by April 2009 they should extend up to
Court immediately after emerging from January 1949. These archives will be available to all subscribers of EPW.
its portals, rather like the lawyers in the
14 october 4, 2008  EPW   Economic & Political Weekly
in labour law cases, for the citizen or the Tom   Paine when he was tried in 1792 all presumptions, and which commands the
state in judicial review cases’. for   a    seditious libel: very judge to be his counsel (Howell’s State
Trials, 1816, Vol XII, p 411).
Incidentally Pannick deprecates the
I will forever, at all hazards, assert the dignity,
practice of counsel giving “a radio inter- independence, and integrity of the English Mushirul Hasan, vice chancellor of
view to explain and justify the submis- Bar, without which impartial justice, the most J­amia Millia University, has, by deciding
sions he has been making in Court”. valuable part of the English Constitution, can to provide legal aid to two students of the
The “cab-rank” rule was written into have no existence. From the moment that any university who have been arrested for al-
the Courts and Legal Services Act, 1990. advocate can be permitted to say that he will leged acts of terrorism, acted in this fine
or will not stand between the Crown and the
Our Rule 11 also has statutory force. Lord tradition. He has additionally discharged
subject arraigned in the court where he daily
Ackner calls it “a point of constitutional sits to practise, from that moment the liber- his duty as paterfamilias towards his stu-
importance” for good reason. Civil liber- ties of England are at an end. If the advocate dents. It does not lie in the mouth of the
ties are tested in unpopular causes. Law- refuses to defend, from what he may think of Bharatiya Janata Party to criticise his de-
yers who defend the unpopular ones in the charge or of the defence, he assumes the cision, considering that L K Advani and
court perform a vital role in the admini­ character of the judge, nay, he assumes it be- other leaders of the BJP were found prima
fore the hour of judgment; and in proportion
stration of justice. facie guilty of the destruction of the Babri
to his rank and reputation, puts the heavy
Easily the finest statement of the influence of perhaps a mistaken opinion into masjid in 1992 by a magristrate and a
d­uties    of counsel was made by Thomas the scale against the accused, in whose favour s­essions judge. Mushirul Hasan deserves
Erskine in his celebrated defence of the benevolent principle of English law makes our support for his decision.

Right to Recall Legislators: In India, provision for recall of legisla-

tors does not exist anywhere other than in
The Chhattisgarh Experiment Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh.
S­ection 47 (recall of president) of the
Chhattisgarh Nagar Palika Act, 1961, pro-
vides for the holding of elections to recall
Vinod Bhanu elected presidents for non-performance.
The process of recall starts when three-

The recall election in June he electorate’s right to recall legis- quarters of the total number of elected
in three municipal bodies in lators is one means of ensuring the representatives within the urban bodies
latter’s accountability towards the (corporators/councillors) write to the dis-
Chhattisgarh marked a national
people. It is the citizens’ prerogative to trict collector and demand recall. After
first in the call to accountability of d­etermine whether an errant or non-­ verifying the circumstances, the district
non-performing representatives performing representative should continue collector can report to the state govern-
of the people. However, it is in office for a full term or not, since their ment. Once the report has been considered,
poor performance is at the cost of the the state government can recommend that
possible to use this provision to
p­ublic exchequer. the state election commission conduct an
settle political scores as has been The damage to democratic institutions election to recall the p­residents.
alleged in the Chhattisgarh case. by elected representatives should be The right to recall legislators is a direct
Loopholes for such abuse need to checked through democratic means. democratic method for removing an elected
I­ndeed, the right to recall legislators can representative from office for his/her
be removed to make the right to
be  a wake-up call to our representatives in non-performance or misuse of the posi-
recall a democratic tool that will the legislative bodies. Though there were tion. It must be noted that the panchayat
ensure accountability. some earlier attempts at recall in l­ocal raj acts aimed to establish a system of
u­rban bodies in Madhya Pradesh and d­irect democracy by increasing decentra­
M­aha­rashtra, the recall election held lisation and empowering village legisla­
on   June 15 in Chhattisgarh marked a tive   bodies for development of villages.
n­ational first with the successful recall, Initiative, referendum, and recall are
of   three presidents of local urban the   most common tools of direct demo­
b­odies.   The posts of these three presidents cracy; h­owever, these instruments are
t­herefore fell v­acant,   and fresh polls   are to n­oticeable by their absence in the
be held w­ithin six months. The verdicts of p­anchayat raj s­ystems. It is only when
this election should r­edeem the trust of   the we   start putting into practice these
Vinod Bhanu ( is electorate, and restore faith in a legislative m­echanisms, as d­emonstrated by the
with the Centre for Legislative Research and system which is con­tinually perceived to r­ecall polls in C­hhattisgarh, that we can
A­dvocacy, New Delhi.
be d­eclining in status and e­fficiency. institutionalise direct demo­cracy and
Economic & Political Weekly  EPW   october 4, 2008 15

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