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Bài 1: Từ vựng chủ đề thất nghiệp.

1. A job opening: vị trí đang tuyển dụng.

Q: What information does the speaker say can be found on a Web site?
A: Information about job openings

Q: What event is being discussed?

A: A branch opening

2. Applicant (n): người ứng viên

Q: What does the man ask the women about?
A: The backgrounds of the applicants

3. Application form: đơn ứng tuyển.

Q: Why is the man at Manzi Technology?
A: To pick up an application form

4. Apply for: ứng tuyển vào một vị trí, công việc.
Q: Why is the man calling?
A: To apply for a job

5. Kitchen appliance: thiết bị nhà bếp. (nồi chiên không dầu, lò vi sóng, bếp từ)
Q: Where does the man most likely work?
A: At a kitchen appliance store

6. Requirement (n): yêu cầu.

Q: What does the speaker say she is concerned about?
A: An application requirement

7. Require (v): yêu cầu.

Q: What does the speaker mean when she says, "Who wants to do that"?
A: A project requires more volunteers

8. Meet: đáp ứng, gặp.

Meet customer demand/needs/requirements/expectation.

Q: What can listeners do in the afternoon?

A: Meet city officials

9. Meeting: Cuộc họp, cuộc gặp gỡ.

Q: What will the woman do next?
A: Schedule a meeting
10. Qualified: đủ khả năng, trình độ, điều kiện.
Q: What priority does the woman mention?
A: Finding qualified employees

11. Qualification: phẩm chất, trình độ chuyên môn.

Q: What is the woman concerned about?
A: Her qualifications for a position

12. Candidate (n): ứng viên.

Q: What is the woman planning to do this weekend?
A: Interview a job candidate.

13. Highly (adv): rất, hết sức.

Q: What does the woman imply when she says,"You can't miss it"?
A: The tour is highly rated.

14. Professional (adj): tính chuyên nghiệp, thuộc về chuyên môn.

Q: What event is being discussed?
A: A professional conference

15. Profession (n) nghề nghiệp, công việc.

Q: What is Soonja Lee's profession?
A: Chef

16. Interview (n,v): cuộc phỏng vấn.

Q: What did the woman do last week?
A: She conducted job interviews

17. Hire (n, v): thuê hay người được thuê.

Q: According to the woman, what recently happened in her department?
A: New employees were hired.

Q: Why is a change being made?

A: To prepare for new hires

18. Training (n) :đào tạo

Q: What are the listeners asked to do by the end of the day?
A: Sign up for a training session

19. Reference: tiến cử, sự tham khảo.

Q: What does the woman ask about?
A: Whether references are necessary
20. Position: Vị trí, chức vụ.
Q: Why does the speaker say, "we'll be hiring a new programmer to provide support"?
A: To encourage the listeners to apply for a position
21. Achievement: thành tích, thành tựu.
Among her many remarkable achievements, Dr. Ahn wrote sixteen books and served as editor for
three major journals.

22. Impressed: bị ấn tượng.
Impressive: ấn tượng, gây ấn tượng.
Milton Flooring boasts an impressive selection of carpets and rugs, in almost every color and type
of material.

23. Be eligible: đủ tư cách, đủ điều kiện.
Purchases will be eligible for a free gift.

24. Condition: điều kiện.

Q: What does the man say he is worried about?
A: The condition of an electrical system

25. Be familiar with: gần gũi, thân thuộc với cái gì đó.
Q: What is Mario's most important qualification?
A: He is familiar with two computer programs.

26. Prospective = potential: tiềm năng, có triển vọng.
A display of photos is not enough to attract prospective visitors

27. Specialize in: chuyên sâu về cái gì đó.
Q: What does Advanced Ideas Incorporatedspecialize in?
A: Investing in real estate
28. Consultant: người tư vấn, cố vấn.
Q: What will the woman do next?
A: Hire a consultant

29. Recruit: tuyển dụng. (~ hire)
Q: What did the man's team do to stay competitive?
A: They recruited top candidates

30. Occupation: nghề nghiệp
Please state your name, address and occupation.

31. Salary (~ wage ~ pay): tiền lương.
Q: According to the speaker, what will the business do in September?
A: Raise the salary of its employees
Bài 2: Từ vựng chủ đề Quy định trang phục

1. Attire: quần áo, cách ăn mặc. (~ Outfit ~ garment)

Q: What does the speaker warn listeners about?
A: Wearing proper attire.
2. Code: quy tắc, điều lệ. (Dress code: quy tắc ăn mặc)
Employees are expected to comply with the dress code.

3. Concern (n) mối quan ngại, mối lưu tâm.
Q: What does the woman mean when she says, “yes, I know that’s not enough”?
A: She recognizes the listeners’ concerns
4. Concerning (prep) liên quan, về vấn đề gì (~about ~regarding ~pertaining to)
If you have any information concerning the incident, please contact the police.

5. Policy (n) chính sách, quy chế.
Q: What change does the woman recommend?
A: Revising a company policy
6. Comply with: Tuân thủ, tuân theo.
Q: According to the speaker, why is the change being made?.
A: To comply with guidelines
7. Permission: sự cho phép.
Q: What does the woman mean when she says, “excuse me, do you work here”?
A: She is requesting permission to leave early
8. Access: truy cập, lui tới, đi tới.
Q: what does the woman say about a form?
A: She would prefer to access it online
9. Thoroughly: một cách kĩ lưỡng, tỉ mỉ.
The drug was thoroughly tested before being put on the market.

10. Revise: chỉnh sửa (văn bản, giấy tờ)
Q: what does the woman say she will do?
A: Revise a production schedule
11. Revision to the plan: bản chỉnh sửa một kế hoạch.
Q: According to the speaker, which step was recently added?
A: Make design revisions
12. Approval: sự phê duyệt, sự chấp thuận.
Q: why are the listeners told to contact Vadim?
A: To receive approval for a purchase
13. Form: mẫu, đơn. ( application form, registration form)
Q: why has the woman delayed a task?
A: A registration form was missing
14. Immediately: ngay lập tức.
Q: what does the man imply when he says,“I’m supposed to start my shift at noon”?
A: He needs some supplies immediately
15. Inspection: sự thanh tra, cuộc kiểm tra.
Q: what does the man say he recently did?
A: Conducted an inspection
16. Arrangement: sự sắp xếp, sắp đặt.
Q: what problem do the speakers have?
A: Their transportation arrangements are not completed.
17. Procedure: thủ tục, quy trình.
Q: what is the purpose of the talk?
A: To remind staff of a sales procedure
18. Effect: hiệu quả, hiệu lực.
Q: what will happen next month?
A: Salary increases will take effect
19. Effective (adj) có hiệu quả.
Q: what does the woman say should be emphasized?
A: Building an effective team
20. According to: theo cái gì đó.
Q: According to the speaker, what decision was recently made?
A: To hire more staff
21. Enable (v) làm cho có thể, cho phép.
I'm looking for a job which will enable me to develop my skills.

22. Standard: tiêu chuẩn.
We are required to comply with very high safety standards in this laboratory.

23. Compensation: sự bồi thường, đền bù, bù đắp.
She received £40,000 in compensation for her injuries.

24. Obligation: nghĩa vụ, trách nhiệm.
Employers have an obligation to treat all employees equally.

25. Authorized (adj) được ủy quyền.
Their products are sold through a network of authorized retailers.

26. Prohibit sb from doing something (v) cấm, ngăn cấm. (~forbid~prevent)
They are prohibited from revealing details about the candidates.
Q: According to the woman, what is the benefit of changing a process?
A: It will help prevent mistakes
Bài 3: Công việc văn phòng

1. Be accustomed to something/Ving something: quen với việc làm gì đó.

All our employees are accustomed to using the new design software.

2. Demand for something (n): nhu cầu cho cái gì đó.
There was little demand for tickets.

● Demanding (adj) đòi hỏi khắt khe.
Teaching English is a mentally demanding job.

3. Colleague: đồng nghiệp (~coworker)
Q: what does the woman suggest?
A: Contacting a colleague.

Q: why does the man postpone the project?

A: A coworker is unavailable.

4. Division :bộ phận, phòng ban (~department)

Q: what does the man say has recently happened at the company?
A: The departments have been restructured.

5. Request (n) lời yêu cầu, thỉnh cầu.

Q: how can employees sign up for extra work?
A: By submitting a written request.

6. Request (v) yêu cầu.

Q: what will the woman do next?
A: Request contact information

7. Efficiently (adv) một cách hiệu quả.

Q: what did the man’s team do to stay competitive?
A: They worked more efficiently

8. Manage: quản lí, xoay xở, cố làm gì đó bằng được.

Q: why is the listener going overseas?
A: To manage an office

9. Submit (v) nộp, đệ trình.

Q: what is the listener asked to do if she finds an error?
A: Submit a form

10. Directly (adv) một cách trực tiếp, thẳng

Q: what does the man offer to do?
A: Forward directly the contract to his boss
11. Remind (v) nhắc nhở ai đó,
Q: what does the woman suggest doing?
A: Reminding people about a company policy

12. Reminder: sự nhắc nhở.

Q: what does the man offer to do?
A: Send an e-mail reminder

13. Instruct (v) hướng dẫn, chỉ đạo.

His secretary was instructed to cancel all his appointments.

14. Deadline (n) hạn chót, thời hạn.
Q: what does the man say he will do?
A: Notify a group of a new deadline

Q: what does the man asking about?

A: The deadline for a project

15. Sample (n) mẫu, vật mẫu.

Q: what are the women waiting for?
A: Some sample products

16. Notify (v) thông báo. (~inform)

Q: what did the woman forget to do?
A: Notify some colleagues

Q: why has the meeting been called?

A: To inform employees of an error

17. Perform (v) thi hành, thực hiện, biểu diễn.

Q: why will a group from Korea visit the hotel next week?
A: To perform a safety inspection

18. Monitor (v) giám sát, theo dõi.

Q: what are listeners encouraged to do?
A: Monitor household expenses

19. Deserve (v) xứng đáng.

Q: What does the man imply when he says, “I finished my project early”?
A: He thinks he deserves a promotion

20. Assignment (n) công việc, nhiệm vụ, bài tập.

Q: why does the woman talk to the man?
A: To discuss a work assignment
21. Entire (adj) toàn bộ.
Only one goal was scored in the entire match.

22. Release (v) phát hành, phóng thích, ra măt.
Q: according to the man, what will happen next year?
A: A product will be released

23. Extension (n) sự mở rộng, sự gia hạn, kéo dài.

Q: what does the man say he is pleased about?
A: The deadline extension

24. Attendance (n) sự tham dự, số lượng người tham dự.

Q: what does the speaker request that the listeners do?
A: Sign an attendance sheet

● Attend (v) tham dự.

Q: why is the listener going overseas?
A: To attend a sales conference

● Attendant (n) người tham gia (với tư cách tổ chức), người phục vụ
Q: who most likely is the man?
A: A flight attendant

● Attendee (n) người tham dự (với tư cách khách mời),

Q: what does the speaker say will happen immediately after today’s event?
A: Attendees will fill out a survey

25. Absolutely (adv) hoàn toàn, một cách tuyệt đối (~fully~completely)
Q: according to the speaker, what is impressive about the zoo?
A: It is fully funded by the government.

26. Delegate (v) ủy thác, giao phó

Q: what is the purpose of the meeting?
A: To delegate projects

27. Delegate (n): người đại diện, đại biểu.

Each union elects several delegates to the annual conference.

28. Supervisor (n) người giám sát.
Q: what does the speaker ask the listener to do?
A: Notify a supervisor

29. Workshop (n) hội thảo, buổi đào tạo.

Q: According to the speaker, what will happen this morning?
A: Some workshops will be held
30. Draw (v) thu hút. (~attract)
Q: what does the man say is important to him?
A: Attracting new investors

31. Revision (n) bản chỉnh sửa, chỉnh sửa.

Q: look at the graphic. According to the speaker, which step was recently added?
A: Make design revisions

32. Convey (v) truyền đat, vận chuyển.

Conveyor: thiết bị chuyên chở
Q: what is the speaker mainly discussing?
A: A conveyor belt

The film conveys your positive messages of love to the audiences.

33. Check (v) kiểm tra.
Q: what does the man suggest the woman do?
A: Check an agenda

34. Headquarters (n) trụ sở chính.

Q: what does the man say has recently happened at the company?
A: The regional headquarters has moved.

35. File (v) sắp xếp, trình lên, đưa ra (văn kiện)
Q: what does the woman ask the man to do?
A: File a complaint

36. Oversee (v) giám sát cái gì đó.

She will be responsible for overseeing strategic and operational plans.

37. Concentrate on (v) : tập trung vào cái gì đó ( ~focus on)
I’m trying to concentrate on my work.

Bài 4: Công việc văn phòng 2

1. Combine (v) : kết hợp

As a writer, he combined wit and/with passion.

2. Accomplish (v) hoàn thành, làm xong, đạt được.
Q: What has the woman recently accomplished?
A: She secured a large order from a client

3. Assume (v) cho rằng, giả sử (là đúng)

I assumed (that) you knew each other because you went to the same school.

4. Occasionally (adv) thi thoảng.
He still occasionally goes out to bars.

5. Employee (n) nhân viên.
Q: What would the speakers like employees to do?
A: Work a weekend shift.

6. Assist (v) hỗ trợ, trợ giúp.

Q: What is the woman doing
A: Assisting a customer.

7. Satisfied (adj) hài lòng, thỏa mãn.

The teacher is satisfied with his progress.

8. Manner (n) cách, lối, cử chỉ, thái độ.
Please report your work to the management in a timely manner.

9. Responsible (adj) có trách nhiệm, chịu trách nhiệm.
He is responsible for recruiting and training new staff.

10. Conduct (v) tiến hành, chỉ đạo.
Conduct a survey:
Conduct an inspection:
Conduct a study:

Q: What were the men doing last weekend?

A: Conducting a tour
11. Adjust (v) điều chỉnh.
Q: What does the man offer to do?
A: Adjust a budget
12. Personnel (n) nhân sự.
Q: What will the woman make a list of?
A: Security personnel

13. Agree (v) đồng ý.

Q: What do the women agree to do in the morning?
A: Complete some paperwork.

14. Supervise (v) giám sát.

I supervise a team of ten customer relations staff.

15. Coworker (n) đồng nghiệp.
Q: Why does the man say, "Marius Cosmetics was my first account here"?
A: To complain about a coworker's mistake.

16. Direction (n) sự chỉ đường.

Q: According to the speaker, what can the listeners do online?
A: Get directions to a location

17. Confidential (adj) bảo mật.

Someone has leaked confidential government information to the press.

18. Assignment (n) công việc được phân công.
Q: Why does the woman say, "We have enough people to cover your shifts"?
A: To emphasize the importance of an assignment.

19. Lead (v) dẫn dắt.

Leading (adj) hàng đầu, dẫn đầu.

Q: What is Nell McCarthy known for?

A: Leading trips around the world.

20. Formal (adj) trang trọng, chính thức.

Please note that formal dress is not required at the dinner.

21. Remove (v) xóa, dẹp, tháo dỡ.
Q: What does the man ask the woman to do?
A: Remove some boxes.

22. Collect (v) thu thập, tập hợp.

Q: What does the speaker request help with?
A: Collecting payments.
23. Coordinate (v) điều phối, kết hợp.
Who will be responsible for coordinating the project?

24. Hardly (adv) hiếm khi, hầu như không.
She lives in Spain, so we hardly ever see her.

25. Directory (n) danh bạ, sách hướng dẫn, sơ đồ hướng dẫn.
Q: What does the man want to review with Dorota?
A: A building directory.

26. Skillful (adj) thành thạo, khéo léo.

Some very skillful negotiators will be needed to settle this dispute.

27. Exclusive (adj) riêng biệt, độc quyền.
I conducted an exclusive interview with Johnny Depp

28. Intention (n) ý định, mục đích.
I've no intention of changing my plans just to fit in with his.

Intend to V: chủ định làm gì đó.
I intend to spend the night there.

29. Transform (v) biến đổi, thay đổi.
Computers have transformed the way work is done.

30. Disturb (v) làm phiền.
Please don't disturb your sister - she's trying to do her homework.

31. Widely (adv) rộng, nhiều, xa.
This theory is no longer widely accepted.

Bài 5: Công việc văn phòng 3.

1. Complicated (adj) phức tạp.

A complicated system of sewers runs under the city.

2. Timely (adj) kịp thời.
The report was completed in a timely manner.

3. Promptly (adv) một cách nhanh chóng, mau lẹ, đúng giờ.
Q: What does the speaker imply when she says, "I placed some surveys by the door"?
A: Participants should depart promptly

The meeting will start promptly (=exactly) at 9 am

4. Accessible (adj) có thể truy cập được/ tiếp cận được
Q: What is the speaker calling about?
A: An inaccessible parking space

5. Implement (v) thi hành, tiến hành.

Q: What does the woman imply when she says, "That would require significant revisions to our
scheduling process"?
A: She doubts a change will be implemented.

6. Feedback (n) phản hồi.

Q: What does the man imply when he says, "I finished my project early"?
A: He wants feedback on a task.

7. Outstanding (adj) nổi trội, đáng chú ý, xuất sắc.

Ms.Songwas extremely happy to receive the award for outstanding sales performance.

8. Inform (v) thông báo, báo tin.
Q: How does the speaker say she stays informed about current trends?
A: She follows social networking sites.

9. Replacement (n) sự thay thế, vật/người thay thế.

Q: What will the man most likely do next?
A: Look for some replacement parts

10. Announcement (n) thông báo.

Q: What does Steve ask for permission to do?
A: Make some announcements

11. Department (n) phòng ban.

Q: What does the woman say she will do soon?
A: Transfer to another department.

12. Permanently (adv) lâu dài, vĩnh viễn.

The computer files have been permanently deleted and cannot be retrieved.

13. Fulfill (v) hoàn thành, đáp ứng.
Q: Why does the woman say, "I'm attending the all-day software training on Monday"?
A: She is unable to fulfill a request

14. Outline (v, n) phác thảo, vạch ra, chỉ ra những điểm chính, bản phác thảo.
The salesman outlined the features of the vacuum cleaner.

15. Explain (v) giải thích.
Q: Why does the woman say, "there was a heavy snowstorm last week"?
A: To explain why a delivery was delayed

16. Contain (v) bao gồm, chứa.

Q: What problem does the man mention?
A: A brochure contains an error.

17. Compile (v) biên soạn, tổng hợp.

The book took 10 years to compile.

18. Subsequent (adj) đến sau, xảy ra sau.
These skills were passed on to subsequent generations.

19. Overview (n) cái nhìn tổng quan, khái quát.
The document provides a general overview of the bank’s policies.

20. Provider (n) nhà cung cấp.
Q: What does the man say he will do soon?
A: Choose a mobile phone provider.

21. Matter (n) vấn đề, công việc.

Please deal with personal matters outside the office.

22. Expertise (n) chuyên môn, sự tinh thông.
Each scientist had expertise in either mammals, insects, birds, or plants.

23. Demonstrate (v) chứng minh, minh họa, cho thấy.
Q: What will the man probably do next?
A: Demonstrate a mobile application
24. Essential (adj) cần thiết, thiết yếu.
Fresh fruit and vegetables form an essential part of a healthy diet.

25. Divide (v) phân chia, chia ra.
At the end of the lecture, I'd like all the students to divide into small discussion groups.

26. Major (adj) chính, chủ yếu, quan trọng, to lớn.
Q: Why does the man congratulate the woman?
A: She acquired a major account.

27. Comply with (v) tuân theo, làm theo.

Q: According to the speaker, why is the change being made?
A: To comply with guidelines

28. Compliance (n) sự tuân theo.

The company said that it had always acted in compliance with environmental laws.

29. Clarify (v) làm rõ.
Q: What is the purpose of the talk?
A: To clarify changes to a vacation policy

30. Face (v) đối mặt, đương đầu với cái gì đó.
I think Phil has to face the fact that she no longer loves him.

31. Follow (v) làm theo, theo dõi.
Q: What does the speaker imply when she says,"I look at least twice a shift"?
A: Listeners should follow her recommendation.

32. Aware of (adj) nhận thức được, nhận thấy được.

Workers should be aware of safety procedures.

33. Extended (adj) kéo dài, mở rông.
Q: What does the business have planned for the weekend?
A: Extended operating hours

34. Accidentally (adj) tình cờ.

Michelle must have accidentally picked up my keys.

35. Advisable (adj) nên làm, khuyên nên làm.
It is advisable to write a career objective at the start of your resume.

36. Be concerned about (adj) lo lắng về cái gì đó.
Q: What is the speaker concerned about?
A: Breaking a contract
Bài 6: Thời gian rảnh rỗi- Cộng đồng

1. Collection (n) bộ sưu tập.

Rosie has a massive collection of furry toys.

2. Exhibit (n) cuộc triển lãm, trưng bày.
The museum’s exhibits range from Iron Age pottery to Eskimo clothing.

3. Celebrity (n) người nổi tiếng.
Hollywood celebrities turned up at Laguna Beach.

4. Popular (adj) phổ biến.
We hope our work will help to change popular misconceptions about disabled people.

5. Popularity (n) sự phổ biến, tính phổ biến.
Country music is growing in popularity.

6. Donation (n) sự ủng hộ, quyên góp.
He made a large donation to Cancer Research.

7. Present (v) trình bày, xuất trình.
Please present valid tickets at the door.

8. Admission (n) sự nhận vào, thu nạp, cho đi vào.
Women gained admission to the club only recently.

Those applying for admission to university

9. Banquet (n) bữa tiệc.
Ed Carey will receive the award at the organization’s annual banquet.

10. Anniversary (n) lễ kỉ niệm.
We always celebrate our wedding anniversary with dinner in an expensive restaurant.

11. Required (adj) phải có, được yêu cầu.
We hope to be able to raise the required sum of money.

12. Succeed (v) kế tiếp, kế nghiệp, thành công.
She's been trying to pass her driving test for six years and she's finally succeeded.

He succeeded his father as editor of the paper.
13. Fund-raising (n) cuộc gây quỹ.
The festival will be financed by local fund-raising.

14. Resume (v) bắt đầu lại, tiếp tục lại.
She hopes to resume work after the baby is born.

15. Issue (n) vấn đề, số báo.
Abortion is a highly controversial issue.

The article appeared in the January issue of ‘Nature’.

16. Subscription (n) sự đăng kí, mua định kì.
I’ve decided not to renew my subscription.

17. Appear (v) có vẻ như, xuất hiện.
During the interview she appeared calm and relaxed.

She has already appeared in a number of films.

18. Accompany (v) đi cùng ai đó, đi kèm.
Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult.

19. Edition (n) sự xuất bản, sự phát hành.
A limited edition of 2,000 copies has been published.

20. Specifically (adv) cụ thể, rõ ràng.
These jeans are designed specifically for women.

21. Anonymous (adj) nặc danh, giấu tên.
He received an anonymous letter threatening to disclose details of his affair if he didn't pay the

22. Commit (v) giao phó, ủy thác, cam kết.
The store is committed to providing exellent customer service.

23. Informative (adj) nhiều thông tin, bổ ích (về mặt kiến thức)
The lecture was very informative and helpful.

24. Audience (n) khán thính giả.
The audience began clapping and cheering.

25. Author (n) tác giả
He was the author of two books on China.

26. Note (n) ghi chú, chú thích.
Keep a careful note of any problems you have with the software.

27. Manuscript (n) bản thảo.
Unfortunately, parts of the original manuscript have been lost.

28. Beneficial (adj) có lợi, có ích.
Cycling is highly beneficial to health and the environment.

29. Upcoming (adj) sắp tới.
Party officials met to nominate candidates for the upcoming election.

30. Lend (v) cho vay, cho mượn.
She doesn't like lending her books.

31. Currently (adv) hiện tại, đang
The manufacturers are currently testing the new engine.

32. Local (adj) địa phương, cục bộ.
He's well-known in the local community.

33. Variety (n) sự đa dạng.
She does a variety of fitness activities.

34. Contributor (n) người đóng góp, người cống hiến, nhân tố đóng góp.
Dr Win was a major contributor to the research.

Bài 7: Chiến lược Marketing

1. Survey (n) cuộc khảo sát.

We conducted a survey of parents in the village.

2. Analysis (n) sự phân tích.
Let’s start with a brief analysis of the situation.

3. Competition (n) cuộc thi, sự cạnh tranh.
Competition for the job was intense.

4. Consistently (adv) kiên định, nhất quán, luôn luôn.
The president has consistently denied the rumours.

5. Demand (n) nhu cầu.
There was little demand for tickets.

6. Expand (v) mở rộng.
They expanded their retail operations during the 1980s.

7. Advanced (adj) tiên tiến, tiến bộ.
In addition to nuclear power, we are committed to developing advanced technologies for wind and
solar energy.

8. Postpone (v) trì hoãn, hoãn lại.
They decided to postpone their holiday until next year.

9. Additional (adj) thêm vào, bổ sung.
There’s no additional charge for children under twelve.

10. Appreciate (v) đánh giá cao, cảm kích.
Thanks ever so much for your help, I really appreciate it.

11. Demonstration (n) sự chứng minh, chỉ cho ai đó thấy, thể hiện.
Let me give you a demonstration of how the camera works.

12. Examnine (v) kiểm tra, xem xét gì đó
The research examined the effects of alcohol on long-term memory.

13. Effective (adj) hiệu quả, có tác động.
Training is often much less effective than expected.
14. Especially (adv) đặc biệt.
Paris is always full of tourists, especially in the summer.

15. Closely (adv) chặt chẽ, kĩ lưỡng.
The successful applicant will be working closely with our international staff.

16. Reserve (v) đặt chỗ, đặt trước

Do you have to reserve tickets in advance?

17. Cooperate (v) hợp tác.
The church seeks to cooperate closely with local schools.

18. Consecutive (adj) liên tiếp, liền kề.
Can they win the title for the third consecutive season?

19. Expectation (n) sự kì vọng, mong muốn.
We did so well - beyond all our expectations.

20. Publicize (v) quảng bá, làm cho nhiều người biết đến.
The event was well publicized all over town.

21. Raise (v) tăng lên, nâng lên.
The government plan to raise taxes.

22. Extremely (adv) cực kì.
Looking after the kids is extremely tiring.

23. Affect (v) tác động, ảnh hưởng.
It's a disease that affects mainly older people.

24. Target (n) mục tiêu.
We met our sales target for the year.

25. Campaign (n) chiến dịch.
The Opposition leader launched his election campaign.

26. Probable (adj) có thể, có khả năng xảy ra.
The probable cause of death was heart failure.

27. Focus on (v) tập trung vào cái gì đó.
He needs to focus more on his career.

28. Seasonal (adj) theo mùa, thời vụ.
There are many seasonal jobs in the tourist industry.

29. Impact (n) sự tác động, ảnh hưởng.
Industry has a huge impact on the environment we live in.

30. Reflect (v) phản ánh, phản chiếu.
He saw himself reflected in the mirror.

Bài 8 : Chiến lược marketing 2

1. Advertisement (n) quảng cáo.

She saw an advertisement for a ski vacation in Vermont.

2. Marginal (adj) ngoài rìa, không đáng kể.
a marginal increase in the unemployment figures.

3. Customer (n) khách hàng.
We aim to offer good value and service to all our customers.

4. Influence (v) ảnh hưởng, tác động.
Several factors are likely to influence this decision.

5. Instantly (adv) ngay lập tức, ngay khi.
The band logo should be instantly recognizable.

6. Creative (adj) sáng tạo.
We are seeking a creative solution to the problem.

7. Aggressively (adv) xông xáo, tích cực, quyết liệt.
The music festival is now marketed aggressively around the country.

8. Aim (v) nhắm tới, hướng đến.
A spokesman for the company says they are aiming to increase sales by 25% next year.

9. Strategy (n) chiến lược.
We're working on new strategies to improve our share of the market.

10. Indicate (v) biểu thị, chỉ ra.
Research indicates that over 81% of teachers are dissatisfied with their salary.

11. Attract (v) thu hút.
The circus is attracting huge crowds/audiences.

12. Experience (n) kinh nghiệm.
Do you have any experience of working with kids?

13. Analyze (n) phân tích.
We need to look at what went wrong, analyze the problem, and come up with a solution.

14. Introduce (v) giới thiệu, đưa ra.
The company plans to introduce 45 new models over the next five years.

15. Subscribe (v) đăng kí, mua dài hạn.
2.3 million people subscribe to this online music service.

16. Absence (n) sự vắng mặt, sự thiếu.
In the absence of (= because there were not) more suitable candidates, we decided to offer the job
to Mr Conway.

17. Prefer (v) yêu thích hơn.
Some people prefer a vegetarian diet, while others prefer a meat-based diet.

18. Advantage (n) lợi ích, lợi thế.
The advantage of booking tickets in advance is that you get better seats.

19. Forward (v) chuyển tiếp.
I'll forward his email to you if you're interested.

20. Contemporary (adj) đương thời, hiện đại.
Contemporary literature/music

21. Discussion (n)
We will hold/have discussions with employee representatives about possible redundancies.

22. Initial (adj) ban đầu, lúc đầu.
Initial findings show that customers are sistisfied with the service.

23. Steadily (adv) đều đều, ổn định.
Prices have been rising steadily during the summer.

24. Necessarily (adv) nhất thiết, tất yếu.
Increased production does not necessarily lead to greater revenues.

25. Resolve (v) giải quyết, kiên quyết.
Attempts are being made to resolve the problem of security in schools.

26. Detect (v) phát hiện ra.
The alarm should go off automatically as soon as smoke is detected.

27. Favorable (adj) thuận lợi.
Favourable market conditions helped him to make a big profit.

28. Cover (v) che phủ, chi trả, thanh toán, đưa tin.
She covered him (up) with a blanket.

She's covering the American election for BBC television.

Will $150 cover your expenses?

29. Majority (n) đa phần, số đông.
The majority of the employees have university degrees.

30. Adopt (v) làm theo.
I adopted a new method of teaching

31. Effort (n) nỗ lực, cố gắng.
If we could all make an effort to keep this office tidier it would help.

32. Incentive (n) sự khuyến khích, khích lệ.
Awards provide an incentive for young people to improve their skills.

33. Need (n) nhu cầu, sự cần thiết.
They don't have enough food to meet their needs.

Bài 9: Kinh tế

1. Dramatically (adv) đáng kể, đột ngột.

Output has increased dramatically.

2. Rapidly (adv) một cách nhanh chóng.
The technology is rapidly changing.

3. Boost (v) nâng lên, thúc đẩy.
The new resort area has boosted tourism.

4. Analyst (n) nhà phân tích.
Many analysts failed to predict the sudden drop in house prices.

5. Potential (adj) tiềm năng, có khả năng.
Many potential customers are waiting for a fall in prices before buying.

6. Pleased (adj) hài lòng, vui lòng.
The personnel manager will be pleased to advise you.

7. Remain (v) duy trì, vẫn còn nguyên, vẫn.
Many scientists remain unconvinced by the current evidence.

8. Limited (adj) hạn chế, giới hạn.
There are only a limited number of tickets available.

9. Costly (adj) đắt đỏ, tốn kém.
This procedure can be very costly.

10. Particular (adj) cụ thể, chi tiết.
Most students choose one particular area for research.

11. Drastic (adj) mạnh mẽ, quyết liệt.
Drastic changes are needed if environmental catastrophe is to be avoided.

12. Evenly (adv) đều, công bằng.
Make sure the weight is evenly distributed.

13. Evidence (n) bằng chứng, dấu hiệu.
Having considered all the evidence, the court found him not guilty.

14. Lead (v) chỉ huy, dẫn dắt.
Inspector Sam Roland is leading the investigation.

15. Fall (v) giảm xuống.
Demand for new cars has fallen due to the recession.

16. Period (n) thời kì, giai đoạn.
The study will be carried out over a six-month period.

17. Indicator (n) chỉ số.
All the main economic indicators suggest that trade is improving.

18. Industry (n) công nghiệp, ngành nghề.
In the construction industry, as in other industries, mechanization has had a major impact.

19. Likely to V (adj) có khả năng, có thể xảy ra.
Do remind me because I'm likely to forget.

20. Boom (n) sự bùng nổ.
The insurance business suffered from a vicious cycle of boom and bust.

21. Director (n) giám đốc, người chỉ đạo.
She is retiring after serving as a director for two three-year terms.

22. Substitute (n) người thay thế, sự thay thế.
You can always substitute tofu for meat, if you like.

23. Consequence (n) hệ quả, hậu quả.
He always makes snap decisions and never thinks about their consequences.

24. Fairly (adv) công bằng, ngay thẳng, kha khá.
It’s the responsibility of a judge to treat both sides fairly.

25. Economical (adj) tiết kiệm.
What's the most economical way of heating this building?

26. Thrive (v) sinh sôi nảy nở, phát triển mạnh.
His business thrived in the years before the war.

27. Promising (adj) đầy hứa hẹn, nhiều triển vọng.
They won the award for the most promising new band of the year.

28. Adverse (adj) có hại, xấu.
The match has been cancelled because of adverse weather conditions.

29. Impede (v) ngăn cản, cản trở.
Shortages of medicine were impeding the effort to control diseases.
Day 10 : Shopping

1. Purchase (v) mua.

Tickets may be purchased in advance from the box office.

2. Installment (n) sự trả góp.
We agreed to pay for the car by/in installments.

3. Affordable (adj) phải chăng, có thể chi trả được.
They are meeting consumer demand for fashionable products at affordable prices.

4. Exactly (adv) chính xác.
The journey took exactly three hours.

5. Auction (n) cuộc đấu giá, sự bán đấu giá.
The painting will be sold at auction next week.

6. Authentic (adj) đích thực, đáng tin.
The restaurant serves authentic Italian cuisine.

7. Charge (n) phí, tiền phải trả.
The local museum doesn't charge for admission.

8. Notice (n) thông báo.
The building is closed until further notice

9. Experienced (adj) có kinh nghiệm.
She is very experienced in marketing.

10. Instruction (n) lời chỉ dẫn, sự hướng dẫn.
The video provides instruction on how to operate the computer.

11. Expert (n) chuyên gia.
We need to bring in an expert to deal with this problem.

12. Warranty (n) giấy bảo hành, sự bảo hành.
The laptop can be repaired for free if it's still under warranty.

13. Refund (n) sự hoàn tiền.
I took the radio back to the shop and asked for a refund.

14. Subscriber (n) người đăng kí, người theo dõi.
They have 27,950 subscribers to their daily email newsletter.

15. Delivery (n) sự giao hàng, phân tán.
Delivery is free on orders over £30.

16. Price (n) giá cả, giá.
House prices have been falling.

17. Receipt (n) hóa đơn, biên lai.
Make sure you are given a receipt for everything you buy.

18. Offer (v) cung cấp, đề nghị.
She was offered a job in Paris.

19. Carefully (adv) một cách cẩn thận, thận trọng.
Drive carefully on those icy roads.

20. Benefit (n) lợi ích, tác dụng.
Management is trying to cut employee pay and benefits.

21. Exclusively (adv) dành riêng cho.
This offer is available exclusively to our established customers.

22. Description (n) sự miêu tả, sự mô tả.
A witness gave a detailed description of the man.

23. Relatively (adv) tương đối.
These people are living on relatively low incomes.

24. Preparation (n) sự chuẩn bị.
They're making the most elaborate preparations for the wedding.

25. Area (n) khu vực, vùng.
Crime rates are much higher in urban areas.

26. Clearance sales (n) bán thanh lí (xả hàng)
We bought our new carpet at a clearance sale.

27. Apply (v) nộp đơn, ứng tuyển, áp dụng.
I've applied for a new job with the local newspaper.

28. Mutually (adv) tương tác qua lại, lẫn nhau.
It will be a mutually beneficial project.

29. Method (n) phương pháp, cách thức.
The new teaching methods encourage children to think for themselves.

30. Acceptable (adj) có thể chấp nhận, tạm ổn, được.
Students who achieve an acceptable standard will progress to degree studies.

31. Desire (n) niềm mong muốn, khát khao.
Many political leaders have expressed their desire for peace.

32. Official (adj) chính thức, trang trọng.
The Queen will attend the official opening of the theatre in June.

33. Consumption (n) sự tiêu dùng, tiêu thụ.
We need to cut down on our fuel consumption by having fewer cars on the road.

34. Qualify (v) đủ điều kiện, đủ khả năng.
She doesn't qualify for maternity leave because she hasn't been in her job long enough.

35. Valid (adj) có hiệu lực.
Your return ticket is valid for three months.

36. Vendor (n) người bán.
For the past few months she's been working as a street vendor, selling fruit and vegetables.

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