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Implementation Of Cyclic Steam Stimulation to Enhanced Oil Recovery for a

Sudanese Oil Field: Case Fula North East Field.

Article · March 2019


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2 authors:

Husham Elbaloula Tagwa Musa

University of Campinas Sudan University of Science and Technology


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SUST Journal of Engineering and Computer Sciences (JECS), Vol. 91, No.2, 8192


Husham A. Ali Elbaloula1, 2, Tagwa A. Musa1
Petroleum Engineering Department - College of Petroleum Engineering and Technology, Sudan University
of Science and Technology 1
Petro Energy E&P Co. Ltd., D&P Department, PDOC & PE Tower, Khartoum, Sudan 2

Received: 03/11/2018
Accepted: 27/01/2019

ABSTRACT- Tertiary oil recovery or Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) is the injection of fluids or energy
to the reservoir to improve oil recovery and it can be applied at any phase of oil recovery including
primary, secondary, and tertiary recovery and its objective is to increase oil recovery from reservoir
depleted by secondary recovery such as water flooding. Steam Injection is to inject steam to heat the oil to
higher temperatures and to decrease its viscosity so that it will be more easily to flow; cyclic steam
stimulation (CSS) consists of three stages and happened in single well, CSS is particularly attractive
because it has quick payout, however, recovery factors are low (10-40%) from Original Oil in Place
(OOIP). In a variation, CSS is applied under fracture pressure.
Fula North Field (FNE) reservoirs are highly porous (~30%), permeable (1-2) Darcy and unconsolidated
in nature. the fluid properties include viscous crude with 15 to 17.7 API. Corresponding viscosity are in
the range of (727 and 3800) cp at reservoir conditions and the current recovery factor is 3.6 %.
The objective of this paper is to illustrate and analyze the performance of CSS phase’s implementation
starting from the first pilot up to full field scale through different stages.
In this paper overall analysis for the CSS performance implementation including the injection parameters
in FNE field will be presented furthermore detail comparison between CSS cycles and cold production
discussed. Finally the challenge for this project has been listed; Advanced Thermal EOR Simulator from
Computer Modeling Group (CMG) software has been used to propose the location of the new wells and
to compare between CSS and Cold case for FNE Field.
The result showed that the CSS is very successful and the average oil rate is almost 1.6 times compared to
cold production, the CSS only can increase the recovery percent from 32.5 to 34.2% which makes it more
attractive method as development scenario for FNE oil field, and the new wells drilled with 100 %
success ration.

Keywords: EOR, CSS, Full Field Implementation, Sudanese Oil Field

‫( ىه حقن الدهائل أو الطاقة في السكسن لتحدين استخالص الشفط ويسكن تطبيقو في أي مخحمة‬EOR) ‫ االستخالص الثانهى السعدز‬-‫السدتخمص‬
‫من مخاحل انتاج الشفط بسا في ذلك االسخحمو األولية والثانهية و االستخالص الثانهى السعدز وىجفو زيادة استخالص الشفط من الخدان السدتشفج‬
‫ حقن البخار ىه حقن البخار لتدخين الديت إلى درجات حخارة أعمى ولتقميل المدوجة بحيث يكهن‬,‫بهاسطة االستخالص الثانهي مثل حقن السياه‬
‫فعال ججا بذكل خاص ألنو يحتهي عمى‬CSS ‫ ال‬، ‫( من ثالث مخاحل ويتم فيشفذ البئخ‬CSS) ‫ يتكهن التحفيد البخاري الجوري‬.‫التجفق أكثخ سيهلة‬
، ‫( في صيغة مختمفة‬OOIP). ‫) من احتياطى الشفط في السكسن‬٪ 01-01( ‫ فإن عهامل االستخالص مشخفزة حهالى‬، ‫ ومع ذلك‬، ‫دفعات سخيعة‬
.‫ تحت ضغط االنكدار‬CSS ‫يتم تطبيق‬
.‫) دارسي وغيخ متساسكو في الطبيعة‬2-0( ‫ ومداميو عاليو‬، )٪01 ~( ‫(( تعتبخ ذات مدامية بجرجة كبيخة حهالى‬FNE ‫حقهل الفهلو شسال‬
‫ )في ظخوف السكسن وعامل االستخالص الحالي ىه‬cp 0411 ‫ و‬323( ‫ المدوجة‬API. 03.3 ‫ إلى‬01 ‫وتذسل خرائص الدهائل الخام المدج من‬

SUST Journal of Engineering and Computer Sciences (JECS), Vol. 91, No.2, 8192

‫ بجءًا من السخحمة التجخيبية األولى حتى التطبيق الحقمى الكامل ليحه‬CSS ‫يتسثل اليجف من ىحه الهرقة في تهضيح وتحميل أداء مخحمة ترسيم‬
.‫التجخبو خالل السخاحل السختمفة‬
‫ باإلضافة إلى السقارنة التفريمية بين دورات‬FNE ‫ بسا في ذلك معامالت الحقن في الحقل‬CSS ‫في ىحا البحث سيتم عخض تحميل شامل لتشفيح أداء‬
‫ وأخيخا سيتم سخد التحجيات ليحا السذخوع ؛ تم استخجام بخنامج كسبيهتخىستطهر ومتخرص فى‬.‫وإنتاج االبار البارده التي تست مشاقذتيا‬CSS
.‫االستخالص الثانهى لمشفط من بخنامج القتخاح مهقع اآلبار الججيجة والسقارنة بين بين ابار البخار وابار البارده فى ىحا الحقل‬
‫ فقط زيادة معجل‬CSS ‫ ويسكن لـ‬، ‫ مخة تقخيباً مقارنة باإلنتاج البارد‬0.2 ‫ كانت ناجحة ججاً ومعجل انتاج الشفط يعادل‬CSS ‫أظيخت الشتائج أن‬
‫ وتم حفخ اآلبار الججيجة‬، ‫ عمى السجى البعيج مسا يجعمو أكثخ جاذبية كسقتخح تطهيخ حقل الفهلو شسال الشفطي‬٪ 00.2 ‫ إلى‬02.1 ‫االستخداد من‬
.٪011 ‫بشدبة نجاح‬

Introduction major mechanisms include a large reduction in

viscosity, and hence mobility ratio. Other
Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) is a broader idea
mechanisms, such as rock and fluid expansion,
that refers to the injection of fluids or energy not
compaction, steam distillation and visbreaking
normally present in an oil reservoir to improve
may also be present. Thermal methods have
oil recovery that can be applied at any phase of
been highly successful in Canada, USA,
oil recovery including primary, secondary, and
Venezuela, Indonesia and other countries [8].
tertiary recovery. Thus EOR can be
implemented as a tertiary process if it follows a Cyclic steam stimulation is a “single well”
water flooding or an immiscible gas injection, or process, and consists of three stages. In the
it may be a secondary process if it follows initial stage, steam injection is continued for
primary recovery directly. about a month. The well is then shut in for a few
days for heat distribution, denoted by soak.
Various methods of enhanced oil recovery
Following that, the well is put on production. Oil
(EOR) are essentially designed to recover oil,
rate increases quickly to a high rate, and stays at
commonly described as residual oil, left in the
that level for a short time, and declines over
reservoir after both primary and secondary
several months.
recovery methods have been exploited to their
respective economic limits [2]. Cycles are repeated when the oil rate becomes
uneconomic. Steam-oil ratio is initially 1-2 or
Increasing of the knowledge and improving the
lower, and it increases as the number of cycles
technology is one of the main reasons to attract
increase. Near-wellbore geology is important in
and encourage the clients and investors to
CSS for heat distribution as well as capture of
implement the EOR. In addition to most of the
the mobilized oil. CSS is particularly attractive
easy oil (green fields) is already produced as
because it has quick payout, however, recovery
well as the production reached the peak already
factors are low (10-40% OIP). In a variation,
more than 10 years ago. As known; Enhanced
CSS is applied under fracture pressure.
oil recovery divided into four groups: Chemical,
Thermal, Miscible, and Microbial. Thermal methods are the most commonly used
Enhanced Oil Recovery methods around the
Thermal methods have been tested since 1950’s,
world; one of them is the cyclic steam
and they are the most advanced among EOR
stimulation process had been implemented in
methods, as far as field experience and
many Sudanese fields such as, Bamboo Main oil
technology are concerned. They are best suited
field, Bamboo Main oil field, Hila, Fula Central
for heavy oils (10-20° API) and tar sands (≤10°
and FNE oil field and has been consider as the
API). Thermal methods supply heat to the
most successful EOR Projects in Sudan.
reservoir, and vaporize some of the oil. The

SUST Journal of Engineering and Computer Sciences (JECS), Vol. 91, No.2, 8192

The objective of this paper is to discuss the this operation gives an effect to offset well with
result of pilot and CSS phases and stage, full the incremental of production rate reach 100% in
field implementation and comparison between nearest well. Based on characteristic of
CSS and Cold production will be done, formation and oil, Melibur field it is suitable
evaluation, challenge and way forward for this with steam flood method to enhance the oil
field will be presented. recovery. Therefore, CSS pilot project is
performed to study the impact of steam injection
Raj Deo et.all 2011: illustrates the successful
for incremental oil recovery. [4].
design, implementation and evaluation of cyclic
steam stimulation pilot in heavy oil field of Husham and ELamin 2016 provide a feasibility
Sudan. CSS has been implemented in eight study from screening , design optimization as
selected wells , Actual results are better than well as implementation of cyclic steam
predicted in simulation studies Also they stimulation (CSS) in BBW 42 as first well in
discussed improvement in oil production and its GNPOC in addition to various challenges and
variation with formation and fluid characteristics recommendations and the result show that the
, formation thickness , depth of formations , CSS can almost double the production from
duration of injection and soaking periods along- 280BOPD up to 471 BOPD [5].
with response variables like oil-steam ratio and
All previous papers and studies for FNE Oil
steam/water production . Operational challenges
Field discussed the pilot designing and
in preventing the heat losses in annulus, lifting
implementation while this paper will be the first
challenges and sand production are also
to illustrate the full field implementation of CSS
discussed [6].
in FNE Oil Field.
Wang, Ruifeng et.all 2011: discussed a paper
FNE reservoirs are highly porous (~30%),
demonstrates the first cyclic steam stimulation
permeable (1000-2000 mD) and unconsolidated
(CSS) pilot test in Sudan, which was applied in
in nature. The fluid properties include viscous
FNE shallow heavy oil reservoir, CSS Pilot tests
crude with 15 to 17.7 API. Corresponding
on two wells began in 2009. Convincible results
viscosities are in the range of 250 cp and 500 cp
have been monitored with well daily rates 3-4
at reservoir conditions.
times of cold production wells with low water
cut. Another six CSS wells further came on Fula North East FNE oil field is located in the
stream from July. 2010, achieving similar Northeast of Fula sub basin, 9 Km from Fula
positive results, conclusions drawn from pilot CPF 3 D Area: 72 km2.3 structure units in oil-
test were as follows: 1) Optimized perforation bearing area: (FNE-1, FNE-3 & FNE-N), Fig. 1
contributed to low water cut; 2) steam injection shows the FNE field location. It has two main
density was optimized around 120 t/m; 3) Pay Zones are: Aradeiba (d) which has OIIP
Natural gas as heating source greatly reduce 33.23 MMSTB and Weak edge water and Bentiu
operating cost [9]. (a, b & c) which has OIIP: 265.5 MMSTB,
Massive sand, Burial Depth (460~580 m), and
Eldias Anjar Perdana et.all 2011 provided a case
Bottom water support
study about CSS in two wells of Melibur field,
many experiences were conducted; one of them FNE oil field is consider as heavy oil field and it
is the effect to offset well that indicates there is a has shallow reservoir the reservoir properties are
connection and high heat conductivity between in tables (2 &3), at 529 m depth the average
wells. Incremental of initial production rate pressure is 576 psi and the average temperature
about 40% occurred in first well. In second well, is 43.90c, FNE has Conventional heavy oil in

SUST Journal of Engineering and Computer Sciences (JECS), Vol. 91, No.2, 8192

both Aradaiba & Bentiu and the Reservoir Fluid Reservoir Characterization
Properties in table (1). Table (1): Crude Oil Properties and Water
Properties of FNE Oil Field [1].

Crude properties
API 17.7
TAN(mgKOH/l) 5.4
Pour point(0c) 4
Viscosity @290c(cp) 3800
Viscosity @500c(cp) 727.33
Figure (1): Fula North East FNE Location [1].
Water properties
Water type NaHCO3
PH value 7.64
Salinity (mg/L) 1067.82
Chloride content (mg/L) 524.66

Table (2): Reservoir Characterization of FNE oil

field [1].
Formation Aradaiba Bentiu
Figure (3): Illustrate the well locations in Bentiu
Formation [1]. Φ(%) 25 to 30 29 to 34
K(md) 100 to 5000 1000 to 10000

Materials and Methodology Net pay 3.3 31.5

Steam Injection Parameters
The Geological data, reservoir data and
1. Injection rate: 8 -10 t/h
production data for FNE oil field has been
2. Injection Intensity:132 t/m.
collected and used for analysis to identify the
3. Total amount: ton. 1518 ton
situation of the field and it is suitability for
4. Steam quality at wellhead: >75%.
conducting steam injection and full field
5. Steam quality at well bore : >55%.
6. Steam Injection Pressure of wellhead : <1378Psi.
7. Fracture Pressure gradient: 285.56 Psi/100m.
8. Formation Fracturing Pressure: 1453.0 -1504 Psi.

SUST Journal of Engineering and Computer Sciences (JECS), Vol. 91, No.2, 8192

Advanced Thermal EOR Simulator from

Computer Modeling Group (CMG) software has
been used to propose the location of the new
wells and to compare between CSS and Cold
case for FNE Oil Field.
 Date Collection

 Review data
 Build simulation Model
 Compare between CSS and Cold wells
Figure (3):- OOIP, Reserve and Cum. Production for
 Propose new wells
FNE (Elbaloula, H. 2015)
 Analysis the performance for FNE wells
Steam injection temperature of 270 ºC, with 5~7
 List the CSS challenges in FNE fields.
MPa injection pressure, steam injection quality
Results and Discussion of more than 0.6, and steam injection rate of
192t/h ; were used as steam injection parameters
FNE oil field is heavy oil field and has very
large Original Oil in Place about 298 MM STB for all cycles while additional 10% of steam
and up 2016 only 10 MM STB has been volume is added when changing from cycle to
produced Fig. (3) and the recovery factor in only another.
3.6 %, that why the thermal recovery is essential The Advanced Thermal EOR Simulator from
for this field and the first pilot has been Computer Modeling Group (CMG) software
conducted in FNE-16 well and the results shown called STARS has been used to propose 49 well
that the CSS can produce double the production for the duration between 2014 up 2016 and all
and then additional wells have been added at the wells drilled with 100 % successful ratio Fig.
each phase, Up to 2016 the total CSS wells (4 & 5) shows the porosity and permeability
reach to 67 wells including 37 wells under the distribution in 3D view and the location of the
first and second cycle, 24 wells under the third new drilled wells in FNE oil field from
and fourth cycle, 6 wells under the fifth cycle. simulation model and in the structure map can
Table (3):-OOIP & Reserve Status (Elbaloula, H.
be shown in Fig.
2015) (3).

Item CHOPS Thermal Total

OOIP (MMSTB) 298.73 298.7 298.7
EUR (MMSTB) 56 137 137
NP (MMSTB) 3.21 7.54 10.75
Remaining EUR 52.41 131.9 126.3
Up to Date EUR 6.41 3.74 6.36
Expected RF % 18.9 45.96 45.96
Up to Date RF % 1.07 2.52 3.60

SUST Journal of Engineering and Computer Sciences (JECS), Vol. 91, No.2, 8192

Figure (4): 3D view of Porosity distribution and First Pilot in FNE Oil
wells location as of 2013 in FNE Oil field Field
Well Name: FNE-16
Strat Production: -99999.000

Ql: 190.645 bbl/day W.C: 12.000 %

Qo: 167.767 bbl/day Cum.Oil: 0.434 MMSTB

Daily_Production_Fluid ( bbl/d ) OIL ( bbl/d ) WC (%) ProdDays ( days )

600 100
300 50
0 0
2010 11 12 13 14 15 16
0 375

200 300

Figure (6): FNE-16 Production Performance225[1].


600 150

The pilot has been started by phase #1 which

800 75
1000 0
four well; 2010 the11 first12 well13 is FNE 14 -16
15 in16 Fig. (6)
Pump_Freq (Hrz)
And 37.5after CSS evaluation the result shown FL_TEMP (C)
125 that
30.0 100
the production has been increased from 100 to

22.5 75

Figure (5): 3D view of Permeability distribution almost15.0 average 300 bbl/d and the peak reached 50
7.5 25
and wells location as of 2016 in FNE Oil field up to0.0 600 bbl./d and the CSS extend to another 0
2010 11 12 13 14 15 16
pilot area.
Comparison between CSS and Cold
FNE Production Summery
As of Dec. 2015 Total number of wells are 79
including 58 wells are CSS and the CHOPS
wells are 21, the Daily average Oil Rate is 5,938
STB/D for CSS and 1,070 STB/D for CHOPS
wells, and the average Total Oil Rate is 7008
STB/D, the average Oil Rate for Single CSS
well is 126 STB/D and 65 STB/D for CHOPS
well, for the water Cut the Total is 43%, 46% for
CSS wells and CHOPS is 29%.
The CSS Well Status in FNE oil field currently
Figure (7): CSS & CHOPS Production in FNE
there are 58 CSS well in this fields including 6
well s Under 5th Cycle, 14 Under 4th Cycle, 10
wells Under 3th Cycle, 2 wells Under 2nd Cycle
and 26 wells Under 1st Cycle.

SUST Journal of Engineering and Computer Sciences (JECS), Vol. 91, No.2, 8192

Duration Uptime Peak Oil Avg. Oil Cum. Oil

Cycle # Startup Date End Date Uptime (%)
(Days) (Days) Rate (BOPD) Rate (BOPD) (STB)
CHOPS 25-Jun-2010 9-Apr-2011 289 279 96% 181 98 27,199
1 1-Jun-2011 8-Apr-2012 313 186 59% 400 235 43,754
2 10-Sep-2012 25-Jun-2013 289 286 99% 361 169 48,411
3 30-Jul-2013 31-Aug-2013 33 33 100% 265 128 4,225

CSS Performance Summary

When we compare the performance of the Cold
Figure (8): Comparison between CSS and Cold [1]. wells and the CSS in the same well it has been
found that the production increased to almost
The actual production of CHOPS and CSS wells
double for the first cycle and 70% for second
can be found in Fig. (7) and it’s clear that the
and 50 % in the third cycle and the production
CSS wells produce more than CHOPS wells ,
returned to be same as cold after the fourth cycle
When it been compared between CSS and Cold
for most wells (Fig. 10&11 and table 5).
in Fig. (8) which shows a comparison between
CSS and Cold case using the advanced thermal Table (5): Comparison between CHOPS and
simulation it has been found that the difference different Cycles
between CSS and Cold Heavy Oil Production
with Sand (CHOPS) is 2.55 MMBBL which is
almost 1.6 times if the field continue to produce
by cold only 24 % can be produced but the CSS
can increase the recovery factor up to 34%, Fig.
(9) And table (4) shows the analysis for FNE-25
as example to compare between CSS and Cold

Production Performance & Pump Monitoring

Well Name: FNE-25 The average oil daily production is 319 bbl. /d
Ql: 246.500 bbl/day W.C: 40.000 % for the first cycle and decreased to 256, 249 and
Qo: 147.900 bbl/day Cum.Oil: 0.210 MMSTB
151 for the second, third and fourth cycles
Daily_Production_Fluid ( bbl/d ) OIL ( bbl/d ) WC (%) ProdDays ( days ) respectively Fig (10) and this consider as normal
600 100
reduction for CSS well performance.
300 50
0 0
2010 11 12 13 14 15
160 (9): FNE-25 Production Performance [1].

Table (4): FNE-25 Production Performance and
Summery for each Cycle

2010 11 12 13 14 15
CHOKE_SIZE Pump_Freq Figure (10): The average oil daily production for each
30.0 Cycle
2010 11 12 13 14 15
SUST Journal of Engineering and Computer Sciences (JECS), Vol. 91, No.2, 8192

as of Dec. 2014 to 8,300 bbl/d as of Sep., 2016

the peak production has recorded on 2016 as
9000 bbl/d.
Fig. (12) Shows the CSS Phases and Stages for
FNE Field starting from 2010 and describing the
change from pilot to full field and from CSS to
Steam flooding at this field.
Way Forward for FNE Oil Field
After the successful implementation of CSS as
full field in FNE Oil Field the plan is to go
steam flooding and a pilot has been started since
Figure (11): Comparison between CHOPS and CSS
September, 2015 and still under evaluation, the
Cycles for all wells
Fig (13) shows the suggested way forward for
Summery for the CSS Phases and stages this field considering the CSS and SF scenarios.

Figure (12): FNE Total Production Profile [1].

Figure (14): The Suggested Way Forward for FNE

Oil field

Implementation of Cyclic Steam Stimulation to
Enhanced Oil Recovery for Fula North East
Figure (13): CSS Phases and Stages Field has been reviewed and discussed.
The first pilot phase 31 wells by 2010 to 2012 FNE Oil field has big OOIP of s 298.73
from 2012 to 2013 11 wells has been added and MMSTB and up to date the recovery factor is
then 49 wells has drilled as CSS wells from only 3.6%, accordingly more thermal activity
2014 to 2016. The average oil daily production and wells is required to improve the recovery
for this field has been increase from 5,300 bbl/d factor.

SUST Journal of Engineering and Computer Sciences (JECS), Vol. 91, No.2, 8192

FNE Production Summery has been analyzed CSS Cyclic Steam Stimulation
and the current daily average oil production rate
EOR Enhanced Oil Recovery
is 8,000 STBPD (CSS: 130 STBPD/Well,
CHOPS: 65 STBPD/well). EUR Estimated Ultimate Recovery

Current available wells: 79 (58CSS + 21 FNE Fula North East

CHOPS), always there are 5~6 wells shut-in for
IOR Improved Oil Recovery
CSS operations Most of the current CSS wells
are undergoing 3rd & 4th cycles. M Meters
Comparison between CSS and CHOPS has been MMSTB Million Stock Tank Barrel
done and form simulation study the difference
NP Cumulative Production
between CSS and CHOPS is 2.55 MMBBL
which is almost 1.6 times. Oil Exploration and Production
The result showed that the CSS is very
successful and the average oil rate is almost 1.6 OOIP Original Oil in Place
times compared to cold production, the CSS RF Recovery Factor
only can increase the recovery percent from 32.5
- 34.2% which makes it more attractive method SF Steam Flooding
as development scenario for FNE oil field. STB/D Stock Tank barrel per day
Recommendation STOIIP Stock Tank Oil Initial In Place
To optimize the CSS parameters and timing for % Percent
next cycle should be done to get high recovery
OC Degree Celsius
It highly recommended Convert the CHOPS
Wells to CSS by (using of N2 assisted with CSS, The authors would like to thank Oil Exploration
Convert to producer in SF Stage). and Production Authority (OEPA), Ministry of
Petroleum and Sudan University of Science and
After the successful implementation of CSS as
Technology for the permission to publish this
full field in FNE Oil Field its highly
recommended to go for steam flooding stage.
[1] 13th Development Technical Review (DTR),
Nomenclature 2016 Petroenergy, Khartoum Sudan.
API American Petroleum Institute [2] Don. W. Green and G. Paul Willhite, (1998)
Bbl. /d Barrel per Day “Enhanced Oil Recovery”., SPE Textbook
series vol. 6, Texas USA
BOBP Barrel Oil per Day
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Cold Heavy Oil Production with Fahmi Alwad, Petro-Energy E&P Co.Ltd | |
Sand Mustafa A. Abdelmutalib, Mosab
Fathelrahman,Sudanese Petroleum Corporation
CP Centipoise , Tagwa Ahmed Musa (Sudan University of
CMG Computer Modeling Group Science and Technology) SPE Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposiun and

SUST Journal of Engineering and Computer Sciences (JECS), Vol. 91, No.2, 8192

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[5] Husham and ELamin ( 2016 ) Design and
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