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LEGISLATIVE INQUIRIES arrangements were already made and scheduled.

GMA issued EO 464 which took effect immediately.
Sabio v. Gordon
EO 464 basically prohibited Department heads, Senior officials of
On February 20, 2006, Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago executive departments who in the judgment of the department
introduced Senate Res. No. 455 “directing an inquiry in aid of heads are covered by the executive privilege; Generals and flag
legislation on the anomalous losses incurred by the Philippines officers of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and such other
Overseas Telecommunications Corporation (POTC), Philippine officers who in the judgment of the Chief of Staff are covered by
Communications Satellite Corporation (PHILCOMSAT), and the executive privilege; Philippine National Police (PNP) officers
PHILCOMSAT Holdings Corporation (PHC) due to the alleged with rank of chief superintendent or higher and such other officers
improprieties in their operations by their respective Board of who in the judgment of the Chief of the PNP are covered by the
Directors.” Pursuant to this, on May 8, 2006, Senator Richard executive privilege; Senior national security officials who in the
Gordon, wrote Chairman Camilo Sabio of the PCGG inviting him judgment of the National Security Adviser are covered by the
to be one of the resource persons in the public meeting jointly executive privilege; and Such other officers as may be determined
conducted by the Committee on Government Corporations and by the President, from appearing in such hearings conducted by
Public Enterprises and Committee on Public Services. Chairman Congress without first securing the president’s approval.
Sabio declined the invitation because of prior commitment. At the
same time, he invoked Section 4(b) of E.O. No. 1 “No member or The department heads and the military officers who were invited
staff of the Commission shall be required to testify or produce by the Senate committee then invoked EO 464 to except
evidence in any judicial, legislative or administrative proceeding themselves. Despite EO 464, the scheduled hearing proceeded
concerning matters within its official cognizance.” Apparently, the with only 2 military personnel attending. For defying President
purpose is to ensure PCGG’s unhampered performance of its task. Arroyo’s order barring military personnel from testifying before
Gordon’s Subpoenae Ad Testificandum was repeatedly ignored by legislative inquiries without her approval, Brig. Gen. Gudani and
Sabio hence he threatened Sabio to be cited with contempt. Col. Balutan were relieved from their military posts and were
made to face court martial proceedings. EO 464’s constitutionality
ISSUE: Whether or not Section 4 of EO No. 1 is constitutional. was assailed for it is alleged that it infringes on the rights and
duties of Congress to conduct investigation in aid of legislation
HELD: No. It can be said that the Congress’ power of inquiry has and conduct oversight functions in the implementation of laws.
gained more solid existence and expansive construal. The Court’s
high regard to such power is rendered more evident in Senate v. ISSUE: Whether or not EO 464 is constitutional.
Ermita, where it categorically ruled that “the power of inquiry is
broad enough to cover officials of the executive branch.” Verily, HELD: The SC ruled that EO 464 is constitutional in part. To
the Court reinforced the doctrine in Arnault that “the operation of determine the validity of the provisions of EO 464, the SC sought
government, being a legitimate subject for legislation, is a proper to distinguish Section 21 from Section 22 of Art 6 of the 1987
subject for investigation” and that “the power of inquiry is co- Constitution. The Congress’ power of inquiry is expressly
extensive with the power to legislate”. Subject to reasonable recognized in Section 21 of Article VI of the Constitution.
conditions prescribed by law, the State adopts and implements a Although there is no provision in the Constitution expressly
policy of full public disclosure of all its transactions involving investing either House of Congress with power to make
public interest. investigations and exact testimony to the end that it may exercise
its legislative functions advisedly and effectively, such power is so
Article III, Section 7 far incidental to the legislative function as to be implied. In other
words, the power of inquiry – with process to enforce it – is an
The right of the people to information on matters of public essential and appropriate auxiliary to the legislative function. A
concern shall be recognized. Access to official records, and to legislative body cannot legislate wisely or effectively in the
documents, and papers pertaining to official acts, transactions, or absence of information respecting the conditions which the
decisions, as well as to government research data used as basis for legislation is intended to affect or change; and where the
policy development, shall be afforded the citizen, subject to such legislative body does not itself possess the requisite information –
limitations as may be provided by law. which is not infrequently true – recourse must be had to others
who do possess it.
These twin provisions of the Constitution seek to promote
transparency in policy-making and in the operations of the Section 22 on the other hand provides for the Question Hour. The
government, as well as provide the people sufficient information Question Hour is closely related with the legislative power, and it
to enable them to exercise effectively their constitutional rights. is precisely as a complement to or a supplement of the Legislative
Armed with the right information, citizens can participate in Inquiry. The appearance of the members of Cabinet would be
public discussions leading to the formulation of government very, very essential not only in the application of check and
policies and their effective implementation. balance but also, in effect, in aid of legislation. Section 22 refers
only to Question Hour, whereas, Section 21 would refer
Senate of the Philippines v. Ermita
specifically to inquiries in aid of legislation, under which anybody
In 2005, scandals involving anomalous transactions about the for that matter, may be summoned and if he refuses, he can be
North Rail Project as well as the Garci tapes surfaced. This held in contempt of the House. A distinction was thus made
prompted the Senate to conduct a public hearing to investigate the between inquiries in aid of legislation and the question hour.
said anomalies particularly the alleged overpricing in the NRP. While attendance was meant to be discretionary in the question
The investigating Senate committee issued invitations to certain hour, it was compulsory in inquiries in aid of legislation. Sections
department heads and military officials to speak before the 21 and 22, therefore, while closely related and complementary to
committee as resource persons. Ermita submitted that he and some each other, should not be considered as pertaining to the same
of the department heads cannot attend the said hearing due to power of Congress. One specifically relates to the power to
pressing matters that need immediate attention. AFP Chief of Staff conduct inquiries in aid of legislation, the aim of which is to elicit
Senga likewise sent a similar letter. Drilon, the senate president, information that may be used for legislation, while the other
excepted the said requests for they were sent belatedly and pertains to the power to conduct a question hour, the objective of
which is to obtain information in pursuit of Congress’ oversight P440,000, as well as answer other pertinent questions in
function. Ultimately, the power of Congress to compel the connection therewith.” Arnault petitioned for a writ of Habeas
appearance of executive officials under Section 21 and the lack of Corpus
it under Section 22 find their basis in the principle of separation of
powers. ISSUE: Can the senate impose penalty against those who refuse to
answer its questions in a congressional hearing in aid of
While the executive branch is a co-equal branch of the legislature, legislation.
it cannot frustrate the power of Congress to legislate by refusing
to comply with its demands for information. When Congress HELD: It is the inherent right of the Senate to impose penalty in
exercises its power of inquiry, the only way for department heads carrying out their duty to conduct inquiry in aid of legislation. But
to exempt themselves therefrom is by a valid claim of privilege. it must be herein established that a witness who refuses to answer
They are not exempt by the mere fact that they are department a query by the Committee may be detained during the term of the
heads. Only one executive official may be exempted from this members imposing said penalty but the detention should not be
power — the President on whom executive power is vested, too long as to violate the witness’ right to due process of law.
hence, beyond the reach of Congress except through the power of
impeachment. It is based on her being the highest official of the Gudani v. Senga
executive branch, and the due respect accorded to a co-equal
Facts: Senator Rodolfo Biazon invited several senior officers of
branch of government which is sanctioned by a long-standing
the AFP, including Gen. Gudani and Col. Balutan, to appear at a
custom. The requirement then to secure presidential consent
public hearing before the Senate Committee on National Defense
under Section 1, limited as it is only to appearances in the
and Security to shed light on the “Hello Garci” controversy.
question hour, is valid on its face. For under Section 22, Article
Gudani and Balutan were directed by AFP Chief of Staff Gen.
VI of the Constitution, the appearance of department heads in the
Senga, per instruction of Pres. Arroyo, not testify before said
question hour is discretionary on their part. Section 1 cannot,
Committee. On the very day of the hearing, President Gloria-
however, be applied to appearances of department heads in
Macapagal-Arroyo issued Executive Order No. 464 enjoining
inquiries in aid of legislation. Congress is not bound in such
officials of the executive department including the military
instances to respect the refusal of the department head to appear in
establishment from appearing in any legislative inquiry without
such inquiry, unless a valid claim of privilege is subsequently
her approval. However, the two testified before the Senate,
made, either by the President herself or by the Executive
prompting Gen. Senga to issue an order directing Gudani and
Balutan to appear before the Office of the Provost Marshal
When Congress merely seeks to be informed on how department General (OPMG) on 3 October 2005 for investigation. The
heads are implementing the statutes which it has issued, its right to following day, Gen. Gudani was compulsorily retired from
such information is not as imperative as that of the President to military service. After investigation, the OPMG recommended
whom, as Chief Executive, such department heads must give a that the two be charged with violation of Article of War 65, on
report of their performance as a matter of duty. In such instances, willfully disobeying a superior officer. Thus, Gudani and Balutan
Section 22, in keeping with the separation of powers, states that filed a petition for certiorari and prohibition seeking that (1) the
Congress may only request their appearance. Nonetheless, when order of President Arroyo be declared unconstitutional; (2) the
the inquiry in which Congress requires their appearance is ‘in aid charges against them be quashed; and (3) Gen. Senga and their
of legislation’ under Section 21, the appearance is mandatory for successors-in-interest or persons acting for and on their behalf or
the same reasons stated in Arnault . orders, be permanently enjoined from proceeding against them, as
a consequence of their having testified before the Senate.
NOTES: The SC ruled that Section 1 and Section 2a are valid.
The rest invalid. Issue:

On March 6, 2008, President Arroyo issued Memorandum 1. May the President prevent a member of the armed forces from
Circular No. 151, revoking Executive Order No. 464 and testifying before a legislative inquiry?
Memorandum Circular No. 108. She advised executive officials
2. How may the members of the military be compelled to attend
and employees to follow and abide by the Constitution, existing
legislative inquiries even if the President desires otherwise?
laws and jurisprudence, including, among others, the case of
Senate v. Ermita when they are invited to legislative inquiries in 3. Does the court-martial have jurisdiction over Gudani
aid of legislation. considering his retirement last 4 October 2005?
Please remember this, this is case of Arnault used in the cases. 1. Yes. The President has constitutional authority to do so, by
virtue of her power as commander-in-chief, and that as a
Jean Arnault v. Nazareno
consequence a military officer who defies such injunction is liable
This case arose from the legislative inquiry into the acquisition by under military justice. Our ruling that the President could, as a
the Philippine Government of the Buenavista and Tambobong general rule, require military officers to seek presidential approval
estates sometime in 1949. Among the witnesses called to be before appearing before Congress is based foremost on the notion
examined by the special committee created by a Senate resolution that a contrary rule unduly diminishes the prerogatives of the
was Jean L. Arnault, a lawyer who delivered a partial of the President as commander-in-chief. Congress holds significant
purchase price to a representative of the vendor. During the Senate control over the armed forces in matters such as budget
investigation, Arnault refused to reveal the identity of said appropriations and the approval of higher-rank promotions, yet it
representative, at the same time invoking his constitutional right is on the President that the Constitution vests the title as
against self-incrimination. The Senate adopted a resolution commander-in-chief and all the prerogatives and functions
committing Arnault to the custody of the Sergeant-at-Arms and appertaining to the position. Again, the exigencies of military
imprisoned “until he shall have purged the contempt by revealing discipline and the chain of command mandate that the Presidents
to the Senate . . . the name of the person to whom he gave the ability to control the individual members of the armed forces be
accorded the utmost respect. Where a military officer is torn Neri, the head of NEDA, was then invited to testify before the
between obeying the President and obeying the Senate, the Court Senate Blue Ribbon. He appeared in one hearing wherein he was
will without hesitation affirm that the officer has to choose the interrogated for 11 hrs and during which he admitted that Abalos
President. After all, the Constitution prescribes that it is the of COMELEC tried to bribe him with P200M in exchange for his
President, and not the Senate, who is the commander-in-chief of approval of the NBN project. He further narrated that he informed
the armed forces. President Arroyo about the bribery attempt and that she instructed
him not to accept the bribe. However, when probed further on
what they discussed about the NBN Project, Neri refused to
answer, invoking “executive privilege“. In particular, he refused
2. At the same time, the refusal of the President to allow members to answer the questions on (a) whether or not President Arroyo
of the military to appear before Congress is still subject to judicial followed up the NBN Project, (b) whether or not she directed him
relief. The Constitution itself recognizes as one of the legislature’s to prioritize it, and (c) whether or not she directed him to approve.
functions is the conduct of inquiries in aid of legislation. He later refused to attend the other hearings and Ermita sent a
Inasmuch as it is ill-advised for Congress to interfere with the letter to the SBRC averring that the communications between
President’s power as commander-in-chief, it is similarly GMA and Neri is privileged and that the jurisprudence laid down
detrimental for the President to unduly interfere with Congress’s in Senate vs Ermita be applied. The SBRC cited Neri for
right to conduct legislative inquiries. The impasse did not come to contempt.
pass in this petition, since petitioners testified anyway despite the
presidential prohibition. Yet the Court is aware that with its ISSUE: Whether or not the three questions sought by the SBRC to
pronouncement today that the President has the right to require be answered falls under executive privilege.
prior consent from members of the armed forces, the clash may
soon loom or actualize. HELD: The oversight function of Congress may be facilitated by
compulsory process only to the extent that it is performed in
We believe and hold that our constitutional and legal order pursuit of legislation.
sanctions a modality by which members of the military may be
compelled to attend legislative inquiries even if the President The communications elicited by the three (3) questions are
desires otherwise, a modality which does not offend the Chief covered by the presidential communications privilege.
Executive’s prerogatives as commander-in-chief. The remedy lies
with the courts. 1st, the communications relate to a “quintessential and non-
delegable power” of the President, i.e. the power to enter into an
The fact that the executive branch is an equal, coordinate branch executive agreement with other countries. This authority of the
of government to the legislative creates a wrinkle to any basic rule President to enter into executive agreements without the
that persons summoned to testify before Congress must do so. concurrence of the Legislature has traditionally been recognized in
There is considerable interplay between the legislative and Philippine jurisprudence.
executive branches, informed by due deference and respect as to
their various constitutional functions. Reciprocal courtesy 2nd, the communications are “received” by a close advisor of the
idealizes this relationship; hence, it is only as a last resort that one President. Under the “operational proximity” test, petitioner can
branch seeks to compel the other to a particular mode of behavior. be considered a close advisor, being a member of President
The judiciary, the third coordinate branch of government, does not Arroyo’s cabinet. And
enjoy a similar dynamic with either the legislative or executive
branches. Whatever weakness inheres on judicial power due to its 3rd, there is no adequate showing of a compelling need that would
inability to originate national policies and legislation, such is justify the limitation of the privilege and of the unavailability of
balanced by the fact that it is the branch empowered by the the information elsewhere by an appropriate investigating
Constitution to compel obeisance to its rulings by the other authority.
branches of government.
Alternative answer:
3. An officer whose name was dropped from the roll of officers
The communications are covered by executive privilege
cannot be considered to be outside the jurisdiction of military
authorities when military justice proceedings were initiated
against him before the termination of his service. Once
jurisdiction has been acquired over the officer, it continues until The revocation of EO 464 (advised executive officials and
his case is terminated. Military jurisdiction has fully attached to employees to follow and abide by the Constitution, existing laws
Gen. Gudani inasmuch as both the acts complained of and the and jurisprudence, including, among others, the case of Senate v.
initiation of the proceedings against him occurred before he Ermita when they are invited to legislative inquiries in aid of
compulsorily retired on 4 October 2005. (Gudani vs. Senga, GR legislation.), does not in any way diminish the concept of
No. 170165, August 15, 2006) executive privilege. This is because this concept has
Constitutional underpinnings.
Neri v. Senate Committee on Accountability
The claim of executive privilege is highly recognized in cases
In April April 2007, DOTC entered into a contract with Zhong where the subject of inquiry relates to a power textually
Xing Telecommunications Equipment (ZTE) for the supply of committed by the Constitution to the President, such as the area of
equipment and services for the National Broadband Network military and foreign relations. Under our Constitution, the
(NBN) Project in the amount of $329,481,290.00 (approximately President is the repository of the commander-in-chief, appointing,
P16 Billion Pesos). The Project was to be financed by the People’s pardoning, and diplomatic powers. Consistent with the doctrine of
Republic of China. The Senate passed various resolutions relative separation of powers, the information relating to these powers
to the NBN deal. On the other hand, Joe De Venecia issued a may enjoy greater confidentiality than others.
statement that several high executive officials and power brokers
were using their influence to push the approval of the NBN Several jurisprudence cited provide the elements of presidential
Project by the NEDA. communications privilege:
1) The protected communication must relate to a “quintessential The so-called pork barrel system has been around in the
and non-delegable presidential power.” Philippines since about 1922. Pork Barrel is commonly known as
the lump-sum, discretionary funds of the members of the
2) The communication must be authored or “solicited and Congress. It underwent several legal designations from
received” by a close advisor of the President or the President “Congressional Pork Barrel” to the latest “Priority Development
himself. The judicial test is that an advisor must be in “operational Assistance Fund” or PDAF. The allocation for the pork barrel is
proximity” with the President. integrated in the annual General Appropriations Act (GAA).

3) The presidential communications privilege remains a qualified Since 2011, the allocation of the PDAF has been done in the
privilege that may be overcome by a showing of adequate need, following manner:
such that the information sought “likely contains important
evidence” and by the unavailability of the information elsewhere a. P70 million: for each member of the lower house; broken down
by an appropriate investigating authority. to – P40 million for “hard projects” (infrastructure projects like
roads, buildings, schools, etc.), and P30 million for “soft projects”
(scholarship grants, medical assistance, livelihood programs, IT
development, etc.);
In the case at bar, Executive Secretary Ermita premised his claim
of executive privilege on the ground that the communications b. P200 million: for each senator; broken down to – P100 million
elicited by the three (3) questions “fall under conversation and for hard projects, P100 million for soft projects;
correspondence between the President and public officials”
necessary in “her executive and policy decision-making process” c. P200 million: for the Vice-President; broken down to – P100
and, that “the information sought to be disclosed might impair our million for hard projects, P100 million for soft projects.
diplomatic as well as economic relations with the People’s
Republic of China.” Simply put, the bases are presidential The PDAF articles in the GAA do provide for realignment of
communications privilege and executive privilege on matters funds whereby certain cabinet members may request for the
relating to diplomacy or foreign relations. realignment of funds into their department provided that the
request for realignment is approved or concurred by the legislator
Using the above elements, we are convinced that, indeed, the concerned.
communications elicited by the three (3) questions are covered by Presidential Pork Barrel
the presidential communications privilege. First, the
communications relate to a “quintessential and non-delegable The president does have his own source of fund albeit not
power” of the President, i.e. the power to enter into an executive included in the GAA. The so-called presidential pork barrel comes
agreement with other countries. This authority of the President to from two sources: (a) the Malampaya Funds, from the
enter into executive agreements without the concurrence of the Malampaya Gas Project – this has been around since 1976, and (b)
Legislature has traditionally been recognized in Philippine the Presidential Social Fund which is derived from the earnings of
jurisprudence. Second, the communications are “received” by a PAGCOR – this has been around since about 1983.
close advisor of the President. Under the “operational proximity”
test, petitioner can be considered a close advisor, being a member Pork Barrel Scam Controversy
of President Arroyo’s cabinet. And third, there is no adequate
Ever since, the pork barrel system has been besieged by
showing of a compelling need that would justify the limitation of
allegations of corruption. In July 2013, six whistle blowers,
the privilege and of the unavailability of the information
headed by Benhur Luy, exposed that for the last decade, the
elsewhere by an appropriate investigating authority.
corruption in the pork barrel system had been facilitated by Janet
Respondent Committees further contend that the grant of Lim Napoles. Napoles had been helping lawmakers in funneling
petitioner’s claim of executive privilege violates the constitutional their pork barrel funds into about 20 bogus NGO’s (non-
provisions on the right of the people to information on matters of government organizations) which would make it appear that
public concern.50 We might have agreed with such contention if government funds are being used in legit existing projects but are
petitioner did not appear before them at all. But petitioner made in fact going to “ghost” projects. An audit was then conducted by
himself available to them during the September 26 hearing, where the Commission on Audit and the results thereof concurred with
he was questioned for eleven (11) hours. Not only that, he the exposes of Luy et al.
expressly manifested his willingness to answer more questions
Motivated by the foregoing, Greco Belgica and several others,
from the Senators, with the exception only of those covered by his
filed various petitions before the Supreme Court questioning the
claim of executive privilege.
constitutionality of the pork barrel system.
The right to public information, like any other right, is subject to
limitation. Section 7 of Article III provides:
I. Whether or not the congressional pork barrel system is
The right of the people to information on matters of public
concern shall be recognized. Access to official records, and to
documents, and papers pertaining to official acts, transactions, or II. Whether or not presidential pork barrel system is constitutional.
decisions, as well as to government research data used as basis for
policy development, shall be afforded the citizen, subject to such HELD:
limitations as may be provided by law.
I. No, the congressional pork barrel system is unconstitutional. It
THE POWER OF APPROPRIATION is unconstitutional because it violates the following principles:

Belgica v. Executive Secretary a. Separation of Powers

This case is consolidated with G.R. No. 208493 and G.R. No. As a rule, the budgeting power lies in Congress. It regulates the
209251. release of funds (power of the purse). The executive, on the other
hand, implements the laws – this includes the GAA to which the national officer) meddles with the affairs of the local government
PDAF is a part of. Only the executive may implement the law but – and this is contrary to the State policy embodied in the
under the pork barrel system, what’s happening was that, after the Constitution on local autonomy. It’s good if that’s all that is
GAA, itself a law, was enacted, the legislators themselves dictate happening under the pork barrel system but worse, the PDAF
as to which projects their PDAF funds should be allocated to – a becomes more of a personal fund on the part of legislators.
clear act of implementing the law they enacted – a violation of the
principle of separation of powers. (Note in the older case of II. Yes, the presidential pork barrel is valid.
PHILCONSA vs Enriquez, it was ruled that pork barrel, then
called as CDF or the Countrywide Development Fund, was The main issue raised by Belgica et al against the presidential
constitutional insofar as the legislators only recommend where pork barrel is that it is unconstitutional because it violates Section
their pork barrel funds go). 29 (1), Article VI of the Constitution which provides:

This is also highlighted by the fact that in realigning the PDAF, No money shall be paid out of the Treasury except in pursuance of
the executive will still have to get the concurrence of the legislator an appropriation made by law.
Belgica et al emphasized that the presidential pork comes from the
b. Non-delegability of Legislative Power earnings of the Malampaya and PAGCOR and not from any
appropriation from a particular legislation.
As a rule, the Constitution vests legislative power in Congress
alone. (The Constitution does grant the people legislative power The Supreme Court disagrees as it ruled that PD 910, which
but only insofar as the processes of referendum and initiative are created the Malampaya Fund, as well as PD 1869 (as amended by
concerned). That being, legislative power cannot be delegated by PD 1993), which amended PAGCOR’s charter, provided for the
Congress for it cannot delegate further that which was delegated appropriation, to wit:
to it by the Constitution.
(i) PD 910: Section 8 thereof provides that all fees, among others,
Exceptions to the rule are: collected from certain energy-related ventures shall form part of a
special fund (the Malampaya Fund) which shall be used to further
(i) delegated legislative power to local government units but this finance energy resource development and for other purposes
shall involve purely local matters; which the President may direct;

(ii) authority of the President to, by law, exercise powers (ii) PD 1869, as amended: Section 12 thereof provides that a part
necessary and proper to carry out a declared national policy in of PAGCOR’s earnings shall be allocated to a General Fund (the
times of war or other national emergency, or fix within specified Presidential Social Fund) which shall be used in government
limits, and subject to such limitations and restrictions as Congress infrastructure projects.
may impose, tariff rates, import and export quotas, tonnage and
wharfage dues, and other duties or imposts within the framework These are sufficient laws which met the requirement of Section
of the national development program of the Government. 29, Article VI of the Constitution. The appropriation contemplated
therein does not have to be a particular appropriation as it can be a
In this case, the PDAF articles which allow the individual general appropriation as in the case of PD 910 and PD 1869.
legislator to identify the projects to which his PDAF money
should go to is a violation of the rule on non-delegability of Araullo v. Aquino III
legislative power. The power to appropriate funds is solely lodged
When President Benigno Aquino III took office, his
in Congress (in the two houses comprising it) collectively and not
administration noticed the sluggish growth of the economy. The
lodged in the individual members. Further, nowhere in the
World Bank advised that the economy needed a stimulus plan.
exceptions does it state that the Congress can delegate the power
Budget Secretary Florencio “Butch” Abad then came up with a
to the individual member of Congress.
program called the Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP).
c. Principle of Checks and Balances
The DAP was seen as a remedy to speed up the funding of
One feature in the principle of checks and balances is the power of government projects. DAP enables the Executive to realign funds
the president to veto items in the GAA which he may deem to be from slow moving projects to priority projects instead of waiting
inappropriate. But this power is already being undermined for next year’s appropriation. So what happens under the DAP
because of the fact that once the GAA is approved, the legislator was that if a certain government project is being undertaken
can now identify the project to which he will appropriate his slowly by a certain executive agency, the funds allotted therefor
PDAF. Under such system, how can the president veto the will be withdrawn by the Executive. Once withdrawn, these funds
appropriation made by the legislator if the appropriation is made are declared as “savings” by the Executive and said funds will
after the approval of the GAA – again, “Congress cannot choose a then be reallotted to other priority projects. The DAP program did
mode of budgeting which effectively renders the constitutionally- work to stimulate the economy as economic growth was in fact
given power of the President useless.” reported and portion of such growth was attributed to the DAP (as
noted by the Supreme Court).
d. Local Autonomy
Other sources of the DAP include the unprogrammed funds from
As a rule, the local governments have the power to manage their the General Appropriations Act (GAA). Unprogrammed funds are
local affairs. Through their Local Development Councils (LDCs), standby appropriations made by Congress in the GAA.
the LGUs can develop their own programs and policies
concerning their localities. But with the PDAF, particularly on the Meanwhile, in September 2013, Senator Jinggoy Estrada made an
part of the members of the house of representatives, what’s exposé claiming that he, and other Senators, received Php50M
happening is that a congressman can either bypass or duplicate a from the President as an incentive for voting in favor of the
project by the LDC and later on claim it as his own. This is an impeachment of then Chief Justice Renato Corona. Secretary
instance where the national government (note, a congressman is a Abad claimed that the money was taken from the DAP but was
disbursed upon the request of the Senators.
This apparently opened a can of worms as it turns out that the appropriated by the GAA for the Executive were being transferred
DAP does not only realign funds within the Executive. It turns out to the Legislative and other non-Executive agencies.
that some non-Executive projects were also funded; to name a
few: Php1.5B for the CPLA (Cordillera People’s Liberation Further, transfers “within their respective offices” also
Army), Php1.8B for the MNLF (Moro National Liberation Front), contemplate realignment of funds to an existing project in the
P700M for the Quezon Province, P50-P100M for certain Senators GAA. Under the DAP, even though some projects were within the
each, P10B for Relocation Projects, etc. Executive, these projects are non-existent insofar as the GAA is
concerned because no funds were appropriated to them in the
This prompted Maria Carolina Araullo, Chairperson of the GAA. Although some of these projects may be legitimate, they are
Bagong Alyansang Makabayan, and several other concerned still non-existent under the GAA because they were not provided
citizens to file various petitions with the Supreme Court for by the GAA. As such, transfer to such projects is
questioning the validity of the DAP. Among their contentions unconstitutional and is without legal basis.
On the issue of what are “savings”
DAP is unconstitutional because it violates the constitutional rule
which provides that “no money shall be paid out of the Treasury These DAP transfers are not “savings” contrary to what was being
except in pursuance of an appropriation made by law.” declared by the Executive. Under the definition of “savings” in the
GAA, savings only occur, among other instances, when there is an
Secretary Abad argued that the DAP is based on certain laws excess in the funding of a certain project once it is completed,
particularly the GAA (savings and augmentation provisions finally discontinued, or finally abandoned. The GAA does not
thereof), Sec. 25(5), Art. VI of the Constitution (power of the refer to “savings” as funds withdrawn from a slow moving
President to augment), Secs. 38 and 49 of Executive Order 292 project. Thus, since the statutory definition of savings was not
(power of the President to suspend expenditures and authority to complied with under the DAP, there is no basis at all for the
use savings, respectively). transfers. Further, savings should only be declared at the end of
the fiscal year. But under the DAP, funds are already being
Issues: withdrawn from certain projects in the middle of the year and then
being declared as “savings” by the Executive particularly by the
I. Whether or not the DAP violates the principle “no money shall DBM.
be paid out of the Treasury except in pursuance of an
appropriation made by law” (Sec. 29(1), Art. VI, Constitution). IV. No. Unprogrammed funds from the GAA cannot be used as
money source for the DAP because under the law, such funds may
II. Whether or not the DAP realignments can be considered as only be used if there is a certification from the National Treasurer
impoundments by the executive. to the effect that the revenue collections have exceeded the
revenue targets. In this case, no such certification was secured
III. Whether or not the DAP realignments/transfers are
before unprogrammed funds were used.
V. Yes. The Doctrine of Operative Fact, which recognizes the
IV. Whether or not the sourcing of unprogrammed funds to the
legal effects of an act prior to it being declared as unconstitutional
DAP is constitutional.
by the Supreme Court, is applicable. The DAP has definitely
V. Whether or not the Doctrine of Operative Fact is applicable. helped stimulate the economy. It has funded numerous projects. If
the Executive is ordered to reverse all actions under the DAP, then
HELD: it may cause more harm than good. The DAP effects can no
longer be undone. The beneficiaries of the DAP cannot be asked
I. No, the DAP did not violate Section 29(1), Art. VI of the to return what they received especially so that they relied on the
Constitution. DAP was merely a program by the Executive and is validity of the DAP. However, the Doctrine of Operative Fact may
not a fund nor is it an appropriation. It is a program for prioritizing not be applicable to the authors, implementers, and proponents of
government spending. As such, it did not violate the the DAP if it is so found in the appropriate tribunals (civil,
Constitutional provision cited in Section 29(1), Art. VI of the criminal, or administrative) that they have not acted in good faith.
Constitution. In DAP no additional funds were withdrawn from
the Treasury otherwise, an appropriation made by law would have THE POWER OF TAXATION
been required. Funds, which were already appropriated for by the
GAA, were merely being realigned via the DAP. Tan v. Del Rosario

II. No, there is no executive impoundment in the DAP. Facts:

Impoundment of funds refers to the President’s power to refuse to
1. Two consolidated cases assail the validity of RA 7496 or the
spend appropriations or to retain or deduct appropriations for
Simplified Net Income Taxation Scheme ("SNIT"), which
whatever reason. Impoundment is actually prohibited by the GAA
amended certain provisions of the NIRC, as well as the Rules and
unless there will be an unmanageable national government budget
Regulations promulgated by public respondents pursuant to said
deficit (which did not happen). Nevertheless, there’s no
impoundment in the case at bar because what’s involved in the
DAP was the transfer of funds. 2. Petitioners posit that RA 7496 is unconstitutional as it
allegedly violates the following provisions of the Constitution:
III. No, the transfers made through the DAP were
unconstitutional. It is true that the President (and even the heads of
the other branches of the government) are allowed by the
Constitution to make realignment of funds, however, such transfer -Article VI, Section 26(1) — Every bill passed by the Congress
or realignment should only be made “within their respective shall embrace only one subject which shall be expressed in the
offices”. Thus, no cross-border transfers/augmentations may be title thereof.
allowed. But under the DAP, this was violated because funds
- Article VI, Section 28(1) — The rule of taxation shall be Laws Applicable:
uniform and equitable. The Congress shall evolve a progressive
system of taxation. FACTS:

- Article III, Section 1 — No person shall be deprived of . . . President Ferdinand Marcos, exercising his legislative powers,
property without due process of law, nor shall any person be issued LOI No. 1465 which provided, among others, for the
denied the equal protection of the laws. imposition of a capital recovery component (CRC) on the
domestic sale of all grades of fertilizers which resulted in having
3. Petitioners contended that public respondents exceeded their Fertiphil paying P 10/bag sold to the Fertilizer and Perticide
rule-making authority in applying SNIT to general professional Authority (FPA).
partnerships. Petitioner contends that the title of HB 34314,
progenitor of RA 7496, is deficient for being merely entitled, FPA remits its collection to Far East Bank and Trust Company
"Simplified Net Income Taxation Scheme for the Self-Employed who applies to the payment of corporate debts of Planters
and Professionals Engaged in the Practice of their Profession" Products Inc. (PPI)
(Petition in G.R. No. 109289) when the full text of the title
actually reads, After the Edsa Revolution, FPA voluntarily stopped the
imposition of the P10 levy. Upon return of democracy, Fertiphil
'An Act Adopting the Simplified Net Income Taxation Scheme demanded a refund but PPI refused. Fertiphil filed a complaint for
For The Self-Employed and Professionals Engaged In The collection and damages against FPA and PPI with the RTC on the
Practice of Their Profession, Amending Sections 21 and 29 of the ground that LOI No. 1465 is unjust, unreaonable oppressive,
National Internal Revenue Code,' as amended. Petitioners also invalid and unlawful resulting to denial of due process of law.
contend it violated due process.
FPA answered that it is a valid exercise of the police power of the
5. The Solicitor General espouses the position taken by public state in ensuring the stability of the fertilizing industry in the
respondents. country and that Fertiphil did NOT sustain damages since the
burden imposed fell on the ultimate consumers.
6. The Court has given due course to both petitions.
RTC and CA favored Fertiphil holding that it is an exercise of the
ISSUE: Whether or not the tax law is unconstitutional for power of taxation ad is as such because it is NOT for public
violating due process purpose as PPI is a private corporation.


NO. The due process clause may correctly be invoked only when 1. W/N Fertiphil has locus standi
there is a clear contravention of inherent or constitutional
limitations in the exercise of the tax power. No such transgression 2. W/N LOI No. 1465 is an invalid exercise of the power of
is so evident in herein case. taxation rather the police power

1. Uniformity of taxation, like the concept of equal protection, Held:

merely requires that all subjects or objects of taxation, similarly
situated, are to be treated alike both in privileges and liabilities. 1. Yes. In private suits, locus standi requires a litigant to be a
Uniformity does not violate classification as long as: (1) the "real party in interest" or party who stands to be benefited or
standards that are used therefor are substantial and not arbitrary, injured by the judgment in the suit. In public suits, there is the
(2) the categorization is germane to achieve the legislative right of the ordinary citizen to petition the courts to be freed from
purpose, (3) the law applies, all things being equal, to both present unlawful government intrusion and illegal official action subject
and future conditions, and (4) the classification applies equally to the direct injury test or where there must be personal and
well to all those belonging to the same class. substantial interest in the case such that he has sustained or will
sustain direct injury as a result. Being a mere procedural
2. What is apparent from the amendatory law is the legislative technicality, it has also been held that locus standi may be waived
intent to increasingly shift the income tax system towards the in the public interest such as cases of transcendental importance or
schedular approach in the income taxation of individual taxpayers with far-reaching implications whether private or public suit,
and to maintain, by and large, the present global treatment on Fertiphil has locus standi.
taxable corporations. The Court does not view this classification
to be arbitrary and inappropriate.

ISSUE 2: Whether or not public respondents exceeded their 2. As a seller, it bore the ultimate burden of paying the levy which
authority in promulgating the RR made its products more expensive and harm its business. It is also
of paramount public importance since it involves the
No. There is no evident intention of the law, either before or after constitutionality of a tax law and use of taxes for public purpose.
the amendatory legislation, to place in an unequal footing or in
significant variance the income tax treatment of professionals who
practice their respective professions individually and of those who
3. Yes. Police power and the power of taxation are inherent
do it through a general professional partnership.
powers of the state but distinct and have different tests for
Planters Products v. Fertiphil validity. Police power is the power of the state to enact the
legislation that may interfere with personal liberty on property in
Lessons Applicable: Bet. private and public suit, easier to file order to promote general welfare. While, the power of taxation is
public suit, Apply real party in interest test for private suit and the power to levy taxes as to be used for public purpose. The
direct injury test for public suit, Validity test varies depending on main purpose of police power is the regulation of a behavior or
which inherent power conduct, while taxation is revenue generation. The lawful subjects
and lawful means tests are used to determine the validity of a law
enacted under the police power. The power of taxation, on the
other hand, is circumscribed by inherent and constitutional

In this case, it is for purpose of revenue. But it is a robbery for the

State to tax the citizen and use the funds generation for a private
purpose. Public purpose does NOT only pertain to those purpose
which are traditionally viewed as essentially governmental
function such as building roads and delivery of basic services, but
also includes those purposes designed to promote social justice.
Thus, public money may now be used for the relocation of illegal
settlers, low-cost housing and urban or agrarian reform.

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