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Expt.No.03 Diffraction Grating Date: - 28/06/2021

Aim: To determine the wavelength of light using diffraction grating

Apparatus: Spectrometer, source of light (mercury lamp), diffraction grating,
magnifying glass,lamp for reading.

Prior concepts: Diffraction, maxima & minima of intensity

A grating is an arrangement of a large number of parallel slits of the
same width, separated by equal opaque spaces. It is made by ruling a large
number of equidistant parallel straight lines on glass, so that there are
alternate transparent & opaque spaces on it. A diamond pointer is used to
rule the lines. A photographic replica of a plate, made by this method, is
also used as a grating.
When a plane wave front of monochromatic light is incident normally on a
grating every point in each slit acts as a source of secondary wavelets
spreading in all directions. The central maximum is formed, where the
secondary wavelets traveling in the same direction as that of the incident
light are brought to focus. At any other point, where the rays travel with an
inclination with respect to the incident light, the waves reach it in different
phases. As a result, dark & bright bands are formed on either side of the
central maximum.
Condition for the formation of maxima at a point is that, the path
difference between the waves reaching at a point must be an integral
multiple of the wavelength.

(a + b) sinθn = nλ
(a  b)  grating element
a  Slit width
b  opaque space
n  order of the spectrum

Spectrometer: It consists of a telescope & collimator, both being mounted

on a rigid stand. The collimator is fixed & the telescope is rigidly attached to
an arm which rotates about the center of the stand .At the center of the
instrument, is a prism table provided with screws for leveling. Underneath the
prism table is a metal scale graduated in degrees, on which the positions of
the telescope can be read.
Page 7 : Journal of Engineering Physics,2020-21 Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering,Nigdi,Pune-44.
Learning Objectives:
A. Intellectual Skills:
1. To understand the phenomenon of diffraction at N slit.
2. To identify maxima its order in diffraction pattern.
B. Motor Skills:
1. To develop ability to align optical instruments to obtain desired pattern.
2. To develop ability to determine least count of measuring instrument.
3. To develop ability to observe diffraction pattern & record readings.

Ray Diagram:-
S – Source of light.

(Mercury Vapor Lamp)


T – Telescope.

DG 00 & 3600

Main Scale
2θ θ2
Vernier Scale

V = Violet

Value of smallest division on M .S

Least Count 
Total number of divisions on V .S.

Total Re ading  M .S.R.  (V .S.D. L.C.)

Page 8 : Journal of Engineering Physics,2020-21 Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering,Nigdi,Pune-44.

(1) Adjust the telescope & collimator for parallel rays by Schuster’s method
(2) Mount the diffraction grating on the prism table such that its plane is
perpendicular to the prism table
(3) Arrange the face of the grating so that it lies normal to the collimator and
check the diffraction pattern obtained on both sides of the direct slit
(4) Focus the vertical cross wire of the eyepiece perfectly on violet line of the
first order spectrum of left side. This focusing must be perfect for accurate
(5) Clamp the telescope & observe the angular scale through window by
using reading lamp & magnifying glass
(6) Similarly, take the readings for other three colors green, yellow & red.
These readings are 1
(7) Turn the telescope on other side & take the readings for same four colors.
These readings are 2
(8) Calculate wavelength for each color by using given formula
(9) Compare your results with standard values & calculate how much the
results deviated from standard ones by using formula,
exp  std
% deviation  100 %
1. Prism table should be properly leveled.
2. Grating should be mounted with its lines parallel to the slit
3. Grating surface is never touched while handling it
4. Prism table should not be disturbed while rotating telescope to
receive image of different colours

Observations: 

1. Grating element = (a  b)  N= Number of Slits/inch= 15000

2.54 = 1.69×10 cm.

(a  b) 
2. Least count of spectrometer = 1 minute

Formula:  (a + b) sin0.5577×10 m 5577

Page 9 : Journal of Engineering Physics,2020-21 Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering,Nigdi,Pune-44.

Observation Table:

Angular positions 2 exp 

Spectral 2 =
 sin λ std error =
line │1-2│ (a  b)sin A0 (λe-λs)/λs
Left 1 Right 2 × 100
(deg) A0
(deg) (deg)

Violet 15.77 15.03 30.8 15.4 0.26 4394 4387 0.16

Green 19.98 19.03 39.01 19.50 0.33 5577 5460 2.14

Yellow 20.57 20.27 40.84 20.42 0.35 5915 5790 2.16

Calculations:   (a + b) sin  ×10 m 


1. Wavelength of violet color =4394A0

2. Wavelength of green color =5577A0

3. Wavelength of yellow color =5915A0

Questions for confirmation of learning

1. What is diffraction grating?
2. Which one will give more intense spectrum-grating or prism why?
3. What are the advantages of a grating over a prism?
4. What are the essential parts of a spectrometer?
5. How will you adjust the collimator?
6. What is spectrum? How many types of spectrum are there?
7. Why is the red colour diffracted most in case of grating?


Date & Signature:

Page 10:Journal of Engineering Physics Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering,Nigdi,Pune-44.

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