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Chapter 5


This chapter presents the summary of the findings from the date

gathered, analyzed, interpreted and the statistical treatment, conclusions

and recommendations based on the results of the study.

Summary of Findings

The researcher has come up with the following findings based on

the gathered, presented and analyzed data.

Generally, majority of the respondents were older or 27 years old

and above, single, and longer in service or 3 years and above.

The Extent of Challenges encountered of the Newly-Hired Teachers

assigned in the Far-Flung Schools according to the areas Mode of

Transportation, Physical Facilities/Water and Food Supplies, and

Learning Environment/Resources results revealed that all of the areas

were highly extent. Mode of Transportation also challenge teachers

especially in climbing hills and carrying bags and supply of foods to

reach the schools. It also revealed on the area Learning Environment/

Resources that newly-hired teachers are having hard time in handling

multi-grade class.

The Extent of Challenges encountered of the Newly-Hired Teachers

assigned in the Far-Flung Schools according to the areas Mode of

Transportation, Physical Facilities/Water and Food Supplies, and

Learning Environment/Resources when respondents are grouped


according to age, civil status, and length of service are all at High Extent.

It also showed that teachers lack the needed resources to deliver the

kind of education prescribed in the Philippine system.

The Level of Coping of the Newly-Hired Teachers assigned in the

Far-Flung Schools according to the areas Mode of Transportation, has

interpreted as High Level and both Physical Facilities/Water and Food

Supplies, and Learning Environment/Resources were interpreted as Very

High Level. Newly-hired teachers ask assistance from the stakeholders

and parents for the provision of improvised use of facilities in school.

Newly-hired teachers can easily adopt on the environment especially in

creating a good relationship not only to the students but as well as to the

parents. They show respect and deal parents with passion and sincerity.

The Level of Coping of the Newly-Hired Teachers assigned in the

Far-Flung Schools when respondents are grouped according to age, civil

status, and length of service, results revealed that on the area of Mode of

Transportation interpreted as High Level and both ages, civil status,

Single status on Physical Facilities/Water Food Supplies was at the Very

High Level and both Single and Married status for Learning

Environment/ Resources were also at the Very High Level. Length of

service, Shorter and longer in service on Physical Facilities/Water Food

Supplies and for Learning Environment/ Resources were at the Very

High Level. It shows that the teachers cope up despite of the challenges

they encountered in terms of Learning Environment/ Resources. They

have different strategies in coping to the challenges they are facing

The Level of Performance of the Newly-Hired Teachers assigned in

the Far-Flung schools, the result of the study implied that majority of the

respondents as to the Level of Performance when grouped according to

age, civil status, and length of service were Very Satisfactory.

There is no significant difference on the Extent of Challenges

encountered of the Newly-Hired Teachers assigned in the Far-Flung

Schools according to the areas Mode of Transportation, and Learning

Environment/Resources when respondents are grouped according to

age, civil status, and length of service while the hypothesis is accepted

and cause no variations on the variables. But on the area of Physical

Facility/ Water and Food Supplies, there is a significant Difference when

compared and grouped according to civil status while the hypothesis is

rejected and cause no variations on the variables.

There is no significant difference in the Level of Coping of the

Newly-Hired Teachers in the Far-Flung Schools on the areas Mode of

Transportation, Physical Facilities/Water and Food Supplies and

Learning Resources / Environment when respondents are grouped

according to age, civil status, and length of service while the hypothesis

is accepted and cause no variations on the variables.

There is a significant difference on the Level of Performance of the

Newly-Hired Teachers in the Far-Flung schools when they are grouped


and compared according to age, while the hypothesis is rejected and

cause no variations on the variables. Regarding on Civil Status and

length of service there is significant difference while the hypothesis is

accepted and cause no variations on the variables.

There is no significant relationship between Extent of Challenges

encountered and Level of Performance while the hypothesis is accepted

and cause no variations on the variables. It further implied that the

extent of challenges has no impact on the level of teachers’ performance.

There is no significant relationship between the Level of Coping

and Level of Performance while the hypothesis is accepted and cause no

variations on the variables. It further implied that the level of coping has

no impact on the level of teachers’ performance.

There is a significant relationship between the Extent of Challenges

and Level of Coping while the hypothesis is rejected and cause no

variations on the variables.


In view of the above findings, the following conclusions were drawn

The struggles encountered by the Newly-Hired Teachers in the Far-

Flung areas perhaps are a normal scenario to experience by a teacher,

considering that they are assigned in the mountainous areas of the

Schools Division of Himamaylan City. Fundamentally, their struggles as

newly-hired teachers are already part of their profession from the time

they accepted their assigned area. Encountering a range of challenging

experienced was expected when newly-hired teachers are assigned in the

far-flung areas. Through these experiences, they came up with different

strategies that enable them to cope on their environment and their


Newly-Hired Teachers responded that the areas on Mode of

Transportation is one of the problems. Maybe additional insights can be

entertained that the professional nature of their job as a teacher quietly

related to their personal problems like the hazard in travelling to schools.

So, along with their personal struggles are the hazard and danger to

their part as a teacher in the assigned area. Probably the mountainous

setting of the school is the main factor that contributed to their struggles

and difficulties that made their life tedious every day. Furthermore, it

can be surmised that the newly-hired teachers experienced both personal

and professional problems like transportation, relationship in the

community and dealing with student’s attitude.

Newly-hired teachers assigned in the far-flung schools in the area

of Learning Environment/ Resources have cope up and established

relationship in their assigned area. Teachers develop connection to his or

her environment, above all, connection to his/ her students. In dealing

with students, “patience is a virtue”. It is the most important quality that


a teacher should have because a great teacher is very patient with their

students and parents to deal with every situation.

Learning Environment/ Resources is one of the areas that teachers

came up with different coping mechanisms that enable them to cope on

their environment and their situation. These coping strategies both

personal and professional, helped them to endure the situation they are

presently experiencing in order to survive the everyday challenges.

A bigger and wider room to have an outstanding performance

would improve by attending seminars, trainings and other preparatory

exercises that would really help them enhance and improve their


Furthermore, as they face their life’s challenges in the area they

are currently employed, they were able to develop a fighting spirit to

survive whatever challenges that may encountered along their way in

fulfilling their duty as a teacher.


In the light of the findings and conclusions derived from the study,

the following recommendations and plan of actions were formulated.

Older or 27 years old and above, single, and longer in service or 3

years and above should be motivated even challenges and difficulties


may experience in the assigned area. Therefore, newly-hired teachers

deserve opportunity to attend seminars and trainings.

On the Extent of Challenges, the newly-hired teachers should ask

assistance and support from the Local Government Unit regarding the

problem of the Mode of Transportation so that LGU’s would create better

plan to improve the services or provide vehicles that could mobilize

teachers' transportation since it is one of the areas that is Highly Extent.

It is highly recommended that newly-hired teachers should

conduct a study to trace students’ performances and in order to create

program that improve students’ progress in school. Establish activities

and strategies especially teachers handling multi-grade class in order to

cope with the challenges on the area Learning Environment/ Resources.

Local Government Unit would also give time to visit the far-flung

areas and allocate budget to help teachers in the far-flung areas on the

enhancement of the Physical facilities and providing learning resources

in order to realize the Vision and Mission of the Department of Education

Newly-Hired teachers should make a plan and address to the

school head, or even in the Division Office or even look for a partnership

that would help improve the facilities in school.

Teachers should also create a plan and organize programs just like

team building activity to continuously improve the relationship of


teachers, students, parents and stakeholders and build relationship and

continue to have a passion as a teacher.

School heads in the Far-Flung areas should continuously motivate

the teachers to have the passion to teach by giving opportunity to attend

seminars and conferences, consistently guided by the School

Improvement Plan, In-Service Training for Teachers and other

preparatory exercises to motivate newly-hired teachers in order to

improve and enhance their performance.

A holistic study of the implementation of the plan proposed by the


Another study, using a bigger sample and a more robust statistic,

is perhaps in order to test observations made in the present study.

A follow up of the current study should be conducted on the

Extent of Challenges encountered and the Level of Coping of Newly-Hired

teachers assigned in Far-Flung Schools with the use of reflection as an

effective support to the interview is highly recommended.

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