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Client: ATCO/Kansai

Nido Pumped Storage Project; Prefeasibility Study – Geological

Interpretative Report
Project number: 152000179
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Author Date
Patrick Furrer 17-06-2021
Phone Project ID
+56 2 2938 0188 152000179
+56 9 5366 3894


Geological Interpretative Report

AFRY Phone +56 2 2951 5016

Pöyry (Chile) Limitada Registered office in Santiago
Los Militares 5001, of. 903 VAT: 76.389.454-1
Las Condes, Santiago
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1 Introduction..............................................................................................7
1.1 General ...........................................................................................7
1.1.1 Geology of the project area....................................................8
1.2 Project location ................................................................................8
1.3 Geological and geotechnical Investigations ............................................9
1.4 Project area Geology .........................................................................9
1.4.1 Lithologies ........................................................................ 10
1.4.2 Faults............................................................................... 12
1.4.3 Discontinuities – fractures (Grietas) ...................................... 13
1.4.4 Rock and soil Properties ...................................................... 13

2 Powerhouse & Lower reservoir ................................................................... 14

2.1 Site Geological Conditions ................................................................ 14
2.1.1 Geomorphology ................................................................. 14
2.1.2 Lithologies ........................................................................ 14
2.1.3 Mititus linemanent.............................................................. 19
2.2 Soil Properties................................................................................ 21
2.3 Excavation and Foundation Conditions ................................................ 23
2.3.1 Stability of the Excavation - Powerhouse ................................ 24
2.3.2 Stability of the Excavation – Lower Reservoir .......................... 24
2.3.3 Foundation Excavation Criteria – Powerhouse.......................... 24
2.3.4 Foundation Excavation Criteria – Lower Reservoir. ................... 24
2.3.5 Foundation Treatment - Powerhouse ..................................... 24
2.3.6 Foundation Treatment – Lower Reservoir ............................... 25
2.3.7 Water Inflows - Care of Water - Powerhouse ........................... 25
2.3.8 Water Inflows - Care of Water – Lower Reservoir ..................... 25
2.4 Geological Hazards.......................................................................... 25
2.5 Dam materials ............................................................................... 25
2.6 Geological documentation ................................................................ 26

3 Upper Reservoir ...................................................................................... 27

3.1 Site Geological Conditions ................................................................ 27
3.1.1 Geomorphology ................................................................. 27
3.1.2 Lithologies ........................................................................ 28
3.1.3 Faults............................................................................... 32
3.1.4 Joints and fractures ............................................................ 32
3.1.5 Weathering of the bedrock ................................................... 34
3.2 Rock and Rock mass Properties ......................................................... 35
3.2.1 Intact rock ........................................................................ 35

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Date 17-06-2021, Rev. Version number 0
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3.2.2 Rock mass ........................................................................ 36

3.2.3 Overburden and completely weathered rocks .......................... 37
3.3 Reservoir Excavation ....................................................................... 37
3.3.1 Excavation Criteria ............................................................. 37
3.3.2 Input data ........................................................................ 38
3.3.3 Data analysis and construction of the 3D geological model: ....... 38
3.3.4 Results of the excavation methods study ................................ 45
3.3.5 Stability of the Excavation – Upper Reservoir .......................... 46
3.3.6 Water Inflows - Care of Water .............................................. 46
3.3.7 Special Treatment of the Foundation ..................................... 47
3.3.8 Geological documentation .................................................... 47
3.4 Dam materials ............................................................................... 47

4 Penstock ................................................................................................ 49
4.1 Site Geological Conditions ................................................................ 49
4.1.1 Faults............................................................................... 51
4.1.2 Joints and fractures ............................................................ 52
4.2 Foundation Conditions ..................................................................... 52
4.2.1 Geological Hazards ............................................................. 52
4.2.2 Rock Mass and soil Properties............................................... 53
4.2.3 Excavation and Stability of the Open Cuts .............................. 53
4.2.4 Water Inflows - Care of Water .............................................. 55
4.2.5 Stability of the Excavation ................................................... 55
4.2.6 Geological documentation .................................................... 55

5 Conclusions ............................................................................................ 56
5.1 Summary ...................................................................................... 56
5.2 Further Investigations ..................................................................... 56

List of Figures

Figure 1-1: Location map for the PSP Nido project......................................................... 8

Figure 1-2: Geological map showing the location of the PSP Nido Project area. (Black box). 10
Figure 2-1: View from the Upper reservoir area of the Powerhouse and Lower reservoir area
(Red circle). Arrow: Trace of the Mititus ravine and fault. ............................................. 14
Figure 2-2: Aeolian deposits as found in the Powerhouse and Lower reservoir area. .......... 15
Figure 2-3: View of the Test pits excavated in the Powerhouse area; Left: CP1 [2]; Right:
TPPH-1 [5]. .......................................................................................................... 16
Figure 2-4: View of the Test pit TPLR-1 excavated in the Lower Reservoir area. ............... 16
Figure 2-5: Cores photographs from boreholes BPH-1 (El. 793 mas.; Depth 105.2 m) drilled at
the Powerhouse location; Top: 25.10 to 28.9 m, Bottom: 98.4 to 102.10 m .................... 17

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Figure 2-6: Seismic line MASW GSLI02 along the Lower Reservoir and Powerhouse alignment.
.......................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 2-7: Detail of Seismic line MASW GSLI01 along the Penstock and the Powerhouse
alignment showing the Powerhouse excavation (white line) .......................................... 18
Figure 2-8: Surface map of the piedmont area of the lower reservoir showing the trace of the
Mititus Lineament. Pink colour represents Surface S1; Light blue colour is the Surface S2 and
Yellow Colour Surface S1; From.* Lower Reservoir Layout not updated........................... 20
Figure 2-9: Section of the trench TLI-3. Location is given in Figure 2-8 (Red circle) .......... 20
Figure 2-10: Grain size distribution of natural soil in the lower reservoir area; TPPH-1:
powerhouse area, TPLR-1: lower reservoir area .......................................................... 22
Figure 3-1: Location of the in-situ investigations at the Upper Reservoir (Black line: Upper
reservoir dam axis; Red Line: Seismic lines; Green points: boreholes; Blue squares: test pits.
.......................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 3-2: Left: General view toward the E of the Upper Reservoir area (GPS 21S*); Right:
Creek (Quebrada) in the Upper Reservoir Zone (GPS 86S), view toward the NW. * GPS points
location is found in the annexes from [1] and [2]........................................................ 28
Figure 3-3: Gullies in the Upper Reservoir aera; Left: Colluvial deposits (GPS 062N). Right:
Alluvial deposits (GPS 026N). * GPS points location is found in the annexes from [1] and [2]
.......................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 3-4: Left: Alluvial deposits (GPS 008S). Right: Colluvial deposits (GPS 031N)......... 29
Figure 3-5: Panoramic view of andesitic dikes found in the Upper reservoir area (GPS 08S). *
GPS points location is found in the annexes from [1] and [2] ........................................ 30
Figure 3-6: Close view of the contact zones between dikes and the bedrock. ................... 30
Figure 3-7: Dioritoides Cerro Fortuna; left: Amphibole syenite; Right: Amphibole monzonite.
.......................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 3-8: left: Panoramic view of the hydrothermal alteration zone found in the Upper
reservoir (GPS 083S); Right B: Close view of silicified rock (GPS 030N). * GPS points location
is found in the annexes from [1] and [2] ................................................................... 31
Figure 3-9: Left: Recrystallized rock of the La Negra Formation (GPS 039S) . Right: Outcrop
of andesitic lavas of the La Negra Formation, almost completely covered by colluvial sediments
(GPS 028S). * GPS points location is found in the annexes from [1] and [2] .................... 32
Figure 3-10: Examples of secondary faults observed in the Upper Reservoir area. ............ 32
Figure 3-11: Great circles and poles and Rose diagrams of joints observed in the Upper
Reservoir area. ..................................................................................................... 33
Figure 3-12: Orientation of dykes and related discontinuities from [1]. ........................... 34
Figure 3-13: Examples of physical weathering in the Upper Reservoir area.(GPS 051N and
082N; See [1] and [2] for location). ......................................................................... 34
Figure 3-14: Grain size distribution of test pits from the Upper Reservoir area ................. 37
Figure 3-15: View of the 3D model showing GSUR-1 seismic line and data from the boreholes
used to define the excavation classes. ...................................................................... 38
Figure 3-16: Example of comparison of Borehole data (weathering, RQD, core recovery) with
Vp seismic velocities (BUR-3). ................................................................................. 39
Figure 3-17: Example of highly fractured rocks (BUR-1; 8 to 16 m depth) found in an area with
low seismic velocities ( 1400 m/s). ......................................................................... 40
Figure 3-18: Example of relatively intact rocks (BUR-4; 7 to 14.30 m depth) found in an area
with low seismic velocities ( 1300 m/s). ................................................................... 40
Figure 3-19: 3D geological model of the Upper Reservoir area....................................... 42

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Figure 3-20: D8R Ripper performance chart based on Seismic velocities (Source: Caterpillar);
Red circle: Rocks types found in the Upper Reservoir area. ........................................... 43
Figure 3-21: Weaver`s rip ability chart main results for the rocks found in the Upper Reservoir
area. ................................................................................................................... 43
Figure 3-22: Pettifer & Fookes`chart showing results from the boreholes drilled at the Upper
Reservoir ............................................................................................................. 44
Figure 3-23: Upper Left: Interpretative sections showing the different excavation layers;
Yellow Removable by excavator; Green: rippable: Red: blasting. Upper Right: Upper surface
rock to be blasted; Left Down: Upper surface rippable rock: Right down: Upper surface rock /
soil to be removed by excavator............................................................................... 46
Figure 4-1: Geological section along the Penstock Drawing: 4606-0000-GO-PLA-006-A from
[2]. ..................................................................................................................... 50
Figure 4-2: View of the Old/Ancient Alluvial deposits NE of the Lower Reservoir (MPla; GPS68)
.......................................................................................................................... 50
Figure 4-3: Interpretative cross sections showing Vp velocity inferred along the initial part of
the Penstock alignment .......................................................................................... 54
Figure 4-4: Shape of the open cut to be excavated for placing the initial part of the Penstock
.......................................................................................................................... 54

List of Tables

Table 2-1: Laboratory tests results from samples collected in TPPH-1 and TPLR-1............. 22
Table 2-2: Total Soluble Salts at TPPH-1 and at TPLR-1; M -1: Sample upper layer; M – 2
Sample lower layer. ............................................................................................... 23
Table 2-3: Parameters for the Alluvial material found at the Powerhouse and Lower Reservoir
.......................................................................................................................... 23
Table 3-1: Weathering profiles of the bedrock found in the boreholes drilled at the Upper
Reservoir area. B: Fresh; CH: Slightly weathered; CM: Moderately weathered; CL: Highly
weathered D: Completely weathered ........................................................................ 35
Table 3-2: Classification of bedrock using the GSI system. ........................................... 35
Table 3-3: Parameters for the intact rock found in the Upper Reservoir area. ................... 35
Table 3-4: Fracturing degree of the bedrock found in the boreholes drilled at the Upper
Reservoir area. FD0: Intact; FD1: Rarely defected; FD2: Some; FD3: Moderately defected;
FD4: Densely defected; FD5:Very densely defected ..................................................... 36
Table 4-1: Parameters for the intact rock found in the Upper Reservoir area. ................... 52
Table 4-2: Parameters for the Penstock foundation ..................................................... 53
Table 4-3: Estimated rock mass parameters for the Penstock excavation Derived from Hoek and
Brown ................................................................................................................... 53


Annex 1. Geological Map. 3D Model Sections

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Date 17-06-2021, Rev. Version number 0
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Report history

Ver. Comments Checked status Sign Approval Sign

A Draft Report 03/05/2021 CEST 04/05/2021 FUP

B Report 27/05/2021 CEST 28/05/2021 FUP
0 Report 17/06/2021 CEST 17/06/2021 FUP

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Date 17-06-2021, Rev. Version number 0
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1 Introduction
The PSP Nido is a proposed large-scale greenfield pumped hydroelectric development located
near Antofagasta in northern Chile with an initially planned 720 MW installed capacity. ATCO
acquired this project and all associated development work from a previous developer in 2017.

Project Nido consists of a closed cycle reversible pump-turbine desalinated water storage
system. The hydropower plant will take advantage of natural geographic features and existing
infrastructure near the town of Mejillones, approximately 100 km north of Antofagasta. The
preferred 350 MW, 10 hr concept uses 500 m of head, two reversible Francis pump turbines
and 3 Mm3 of lined reservoir storage capacity to provide 10 hours of energy storage and an
annual energy generation of 1,131GWh. The primary project infrastructure includes an Upper
Reservoir, Penstock, Powerhouse, Electro-Mechanical Generating Equipment, Lower Reservoir
and 220 kV transmission line connecting at the Los Changos Substation.

This report summarizes the finding of the geological investigations and provide the geological
and geotechnical baseline for the project. The finding of the analysis and interpretation of the
collected data are here presented for each project structure.

To carry out this task a 3D model was developed with the cope of better define the excavation
methods and volumes for the Upper Reservoir area.

1.1 General
The results of the geological investigations carried out in 2016 and in 2021 have been analysed
to prepare this report. In particular the following documents have been analysed for the

Reference list

[1] 4606-0000-GO-INF-003 Zona Alta Estudio Geológico Geotécnico and annexes –

[2] 4606-0000-GO-INF-002 Zona Baja Estudio geológico geotécnico preliminar_B and
annexes - ORIGIN -GPI -ARCDIS - 2016
[4] Exploración Geofísica INFORME FINAL-V1.1 – ORIGIN -GPI -ARCDIS – 2016
[5] Nido PSP; Pre-feasibility Study – Geotechnical Investigation Campaign – Factual Report
and annexes - AFRY - 2021
[6] Geophysical Study Using the Methods Seismic Refraction, MASW Y Seismic Reflection
Geodatos – 2021
[7] Geological characterization and paleoseismological evaluation of Mititus Lineament for
the Nido Pumped Storage Hydroproject Integrated Report - 2021
[8] Summary Report on Geological and Seismological Evaluations of Mititus Fault – Newjec
- 2021

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1.1.1 Geology of the project area

This chapter provides a general description of the geological conditions found in the PSP Nido
Project area. All details about the investigations carried out for the Nido PSP Project, and used
to prepare this report can be found in [1],[2],[3] and [5] and related annexes.

1.2 Project location

The PSP Nido Project is located approximately 30 km in a straight-line northeast of the city of
Mejillones, Municipality of Mejillones, province of Antofagasta, Antofagasta Region (Figure 3-
1). The project area is accessed by Route 1 to the North, entering in front of the city of
Mejillones to the Coastal Mountain Range by route B-242, to access after 8 km into the route
B-240 that runs from north to south along the Mititus ravine.

The project area is located in the western sector of the Cordillera de la Costa. The Upper
Reservoir in the "Upper Area" are located in the Sierra Chacaya, at an altitude of approximately
1300 masl, while the Lower reservoir and the Powerhouse are located in the “Lower Area” at
an elevation of approximately 800 masl.

Figure 1-1: Location map for the PSP Nido project

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Date 17-06-2021, Rev. Version number 0
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1.3 Geological and geotechnical Investigations

A first geological campaign has been carried out in 2016 to characterize the PSP Nido Project

The site investigation included the following items:

 Surface mapping of the whole project area.

 10 Geotechnical Boreholes, 6 in the Upper project area, 4 in the Lower project area.
1 Trench to explore the Mititus Fault system.
 23 Test-pits, 13 in the lower project area including the penstock and 11 in the upper area.
 In-situ and laboratory testing, both in test pits and boreholes.
 Seismic geophysical profiles, refraction and electrical resistivity profiles in the lower and
upper areas.

The location of all investigations carried out in 2016 as well as all results are presented in [1], [2],
[3] and [4].

New geological investigations have been carried out in 2021 with the purpose to better
comprehend the geological and geotechnical conditions of the PSP Nido Project area to reach
an engineering level according to the current stage of the project. The investigations included
the lower and upper reservoir, the powerhouse and quarry and the characterization of the
Mititus fault system to better understand its possible influence in the project.

The site investigation included the following items:

 Surface detailed mapping of the upper reservoir and quarry areas.

 Geotechnical Boreholes, 4 in the upper reservoir, 1 in the quarry area, 1 in the powerhouse,
1 in the lower reservoir and 1 for the investigation of Mititus Fault system.
 1 Trench to explore the Mititus Fault system.
 2 Test-pits in the lower project area and 8 in the upper area.
 In-situ and laboratory testing, both in test pits and boreholes.
 Seismic geophysical profiles, refraction and MASW, in the lower and upper areas.

The location of all investigations carried out in 2021 as well as all results are presented in [5],
[6], [7] and [8].

1.4 Project area Geology

This chapter provides a general description of the geological conditions found in the PSP Nido
Project area. More detailed information about this are found in [1],[2],[3] and [5] and related

The study area is located in the geomorphological unit of the Cordillera de la Costa, a mountain
range that in the region reaches heights of up to 2000 masl and an average width of 30 km
(Mortimer, 1980).

For the purposes of this study, the geomorphological unit of the Coastal Range can be
subdivided into three subunits formed by reliefs and called "Sierra Chacaya", "Sierra
Naguayán" and "Sierra Ordoñez", separated from each other by the intramountain plains

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subunits constituted by deposits of the Mititus, Ordoñez and Naguayán streams (Arcadis Chile,

1.4.1 Lithologies
The geological setting of the study area consists of intrusive rocks mainly of acidic composition
and andesitic volcanic rocks attributed to the Upper Triassic-Lower Cretaceous, as well as
Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous dykes. Cenozoic deposits are also found in the area, which
cover a large part of the highlands and plains (Figure 1-2).

Figure 1-2: Geological map showing the location of the PSP Nido Project area. (Black box).

In particular, the following Geological formations are found in the PSP Nido project area

Cenozoic deposits

 Alluvial Deposits (Qa) - Pleistocene to Holocene

 Aeolian Deposits Qe - Pleistocene to Holocene
 Marine Deposits Qm - Pleistocene to Holocene
 MPla Ancient Alluvial Deposits - Upper Miocene-Pliocene
 Ancient Gravels Mg - Lower Miocene-Middle Miocene

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Intrusive rocks

 Andesitic Dykes Js-K - Post-Kimmeridgian

 Granodiorites and Green Diorites Kg - Barremian - Post-Kimmeridgian
 Dioritoides Cerro Fortuna Jdf b1 – Kimmeridgian

Stratified Rocks

 La Negra Formation Jln (a) - Sinemurian-Titonian Brief description of the quaternary deposits and of the rock formations

 Cenozoic deposits
o Alluvial Deposits Qa (Pleistocene to Holocene)

These sediments are composed of blocks, gravels, sands and fines. They have a
wide distribution in the study area, which fill channels and flanks of active streams,
also forming alluvial cones.

o Aeolian Deposits Qe (Pleistocene to Holocene)

The aeolian deposits are mainly composed of quartz-feldspathic sands, partly

bioclastic, superficially covering the bottom of rills and ravines, with a wide
distribution in the pampas, locally forming dunes up to 5m high with a
predominantly N-S direction (Cortés et al, 2007).

o Marine Deposits Qm (Pleistocene to Holocene)

They consist of a clastic sedimentary sequence, coastal to sublittoral in nature,

morphologically expressed as a succession of marine abrasion terraces and a series
of coastal ridges (Cortés et al, 2007), which is located in the so-called coastal strip.

o MPla Ancient Alluvial Deposits (Upper Miocene-Pliocene)

They are located along the main ravines of the studied area, mainly on the eastern
flank of the sierras. They correspond to alluvial deposits and, to a lesser extent, to
colluvial sediments that overlie the ancient gravels, forming extensive plains in the
intramountain basins of the Coastal Cordillera. They are made up of blocks,
boulders, gravels, sands and fines.

o Ancient Gravels Mg (Lower Miocene-Middle Miocene)

These deposits of sedimentary breccia or conglomerates, made up of gravels, sands

and silts, with ash intercalations, have a large areal development in the central
sector and especially to the east of the study area. They are arranged over the lavas
and intrusive rocks and are partly covered by more modern alluvial deposits. They
are assigned a Lower Miocene to Middle Miocene age (Cortés et al, 2007).

 Intrusive rocks
o Andesitic Dykes

They outcrop in a large part of the project area, mainly in the central and western
region; they are assigned an age between Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous

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(Cortés et al, 2007). These dikes, mostly andesitic to dioritic, have orientations that
vary from N-S to E-W, with thicknesses of up to 5m in the Sierra Naguayán sector.

o Granodiorites and Green Diorites Kg (Barremian - Post-Kimmeridgian)

This unit outcrops in the N sector of the study area, with outcrops of reduced
dimensions in the western flank of the Sierra Chacayes. They correspond to
granodiorites and diorites with equigranular texture of medium to coarse grain,
which are distributed in continuous strips of N-S direction intruding the lavas of the
La Negra Formation.

o Dioritoides Cerro Fortuna Jdf (Kimmeridgian) (

This unit consists of a group of dioritic plutons that outcrop mainly in the south-
central part of the project area, west of the Mititus Fault. It was defined by Cortés
et al (2007). These dioritoids intrude the volcanic rocks of the La Negra Formation
(Jln), being intruded in turn by numerous dikes of andesitic composition, with
preferential NE to NW directions.

Two lithological types belonging to this unit have been recognized in the study area,
Diorites (Jdf a) and Monzonites (Jdf b). The former outcrops to the south of the
study area, while the latter are located in the western part of the project, where
the Zona Alta is located.

 Stratified Rocks
o La Negra Formation Jln (Sinemurian-Titonian)

The La Negra Formation was defined by García (1967) in the area of the city of
Antofagasta. It outcrops to the south and west of the High Zone with continuous
outcrops of N-S orientation; to the east of the High Zone there are discrete outcrops
in ravines. It is composed of a continuous and homogeneous succession of mantles
of porphyritic andesitic lavas, partially amygdaloidal, with subordinate
intercalations of volcanic tuff and breccia banks, coarse sandstones and clayey
conglomerates. It overlies sequences of stratified sedimentary rocks of Triassic age
and underlies in the Mejillones Peninsula area, in erosional unconformity,
continental red conglomerates and sandstones. In the study area it is intruded by
a series of plutonic bodies, which have generated zones with strong hydrothermal

A detailed description of the different formations as observed in the project area is given in
the following chapters of this report.

1.4.2 Faults
The study area is structurally included within the Atacama Fault System (AFS), in which the
Mititus Fault has been recognised with similar characteristics to other structures of the AFS.
Its approximate orientation in the study area is N-S to NNE. It is a strike-slip fault with a

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vertical normal component and a group of structures associated with it, which is called the
Mititus Fault System (MFS).

The Mititus Lineament an active fault which strikes N-S in the southern part of the project area
and NE-SW in the norther part where it crosses the penstock alignment.

The Mititus lineament is expressed by a structural depression, flanked by two scarps. More
details about this fault are provided in the Penstock and lower reservoir chapters. The Vinchuca
Fault, of similar characteristics to the Mititus Fault, has been also identified west of the study

Further lineaments which orientations varying from N-S to E-W have been identified from aerial
photographs. No kinematic or ground motion indicators could be found along these lineaments
during field work [1]and [2].

1.4.3 Discontinuities – fractures (Grietas)

In the eastern and northern part of the study area, fractures with variable orientations were
identified, in two different areas, where they predominantly strike N-S and to a lesser extent

According to [1] these fractures could correspond to surface expressions of extensional

deformation associated with subduction seismic faults or of elastic rebound of the crust during
a subduction earthquake, which would lead to the development of fractures perpendicular or
almost perpendicular to the direction of convergence between the plates (Cortés, 2012).

1.4.4 Rock and soil Properties

The rock and soil properties were investigated as described in [5]

All test results are presented in the [5], while a summary of the test results is presented in
the following chapters describing the various project structures.

For the upper reservoir the main focus of the investigations was to define the rippability of the
rocks in the reservoir area and in the possibility to use the excavated material for as source
for the dam material. A quarry area was investigated close to the Upper Reservoir with the
same scope.

At the Powerhouse and Lower Reservoir area the investigation was focused on the type and
properties of the Cenozoic deposits found at the shaft location (Shaft excavation) and at the
Lower Reservoir (Excavation and dam construction).

The defined rock mass properties were also used to define the open excavation slopes and the
rock support in the upper part of the Penstock alignment, the quality of the foundation for the
Penstock blocks.

The baseline rock mass characteristic parameters defined for each project structures are
presented in the following tables.

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2 Powerhouse & Lower reservoir

The investigations carried out at this site are listed in Chapter 1.3 and related results provided
in [5].

2.1 Site Geological Conditions

2.1.1 Geomorphology
The Powerhouse and Lower Reservoir area is part of the intra-montane plain formed by the
Mititus ravine which has an approximate N-S general orientation. This plain is limited to the
west by the Sierra Chacaya and to the east by the Sierra Naguayán. The intramountain plain
is filled by Pleistocene-Holocene deposits, with gentle slopes in the western (3° to 10°) and
eastern part (1° to 2°) of the plain Figure 2-1 and of the Mititus ravine.

Along the eastern flank of the Mititus ravine debris cones and old eroded debris flows.

The project area is here dissected by numerous minor channels, sometimes anastomosed,
most of which are currently inactive, with palaeo-runoff from N to S and secondarily from NE
to SW. These channels, have variable widths of 0.5 to 3 m, depths generally less than 0.5 m.

Figure 2-1: View from the Upper reservoir area of the Powerhouse and Lower reservoir area (Red circle).
Arrow: Trace of the Mititus ravine and fault.

2.1.2 Lithologies
Powerhouse and the Lower Reservoir are located in a area where mainly alluvial deposits are
found (Qa deposits) Quaternary in age. These sediments are characteristic of an arid-climate
alluvial environment, which are partially covered by thin largely active aeolian Qe deposits.
The distribution and extent of these deposits is presented on the geological map found in [2].

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Wind Deposits (Qe)

The alluvial deposits are locally covered by thin layers of aeolian sands. The Qe Aeolian
Deposits consist of low to no compactness, well-sorted sands, fine gravels and silts. They are
occasionally cemented by carbonates. In the project area they tend to fill small channels with
thicknesses generally less than 0.5m.

Figure 2-2: Aeolian deposits as found in the Powerhouse and Lower reservoir area.

Alluvial Deposits Qa(a)

It consists of polymict deposits of mainly fine to coarse gravels (30% to 50%), fine to coarse
sands (20% to 40%), silts (20% to 30%), and isolated boulders (< 5%) where occasionally
gypsum concretions are observed. The gravels and boulders have angular to subangular
cobbles with maximum sizes of 3" and 6" respectively. These deposits have a brownish-grey
colour, (Figure 2-3). Locally lenses of very fine silt are observed, as well as scattered
incrustations of white salts. Stratified structures. The compactness of these deposits is
heterogenous and has been described as low, medium to high dependiong from location in
general has been obsrved that towards the bottom of the calicatas the compactness increases
and cementation of the sediments by salts is observed. Plasticity is generally nil and humidity
is generally low or absent.

In test pit TPPH-1, 4.7 m deep, the sediments are mainly described, as an alluvial gravels and
sands mix light greyish-brown in colour with generally very low plasticity, sub-angular shaped
grains, compacted and cemented by salts, with zero moisture and organic material content

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Figure 2-3: View of the Test pits excavated in the Powerhouse area; Left: CP1 [2]; Right: TPPH-1 [5].

Figure 2-4: View of the Test pit TPLR-1 excavated in the Lower Reservoir area.

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In test pit TPLR-1, 4.70 m deep, the sediments are described as alluvial gravel and sand mix,
light greyish-brown coloured, very low plasticity, sub-angular shaped grains, compacted and
cemented by salts, with zero moisture and organic material content. For further details, see
Appendix 5.

The photos of the test pits and of the trenches excavated in the area indicate that these
sediments, at least in the upper part of the sequence are characterized by a centimetric/
decametric well-developed stratification and by presence of angular components. The larger
angular components are generally centimetric in size (5-10 cm max).

The boreholes BPH-1 and BLR-1 drilled in the area indicate that the minimum thickness of
these sediments is 150 m (BLR-1). The cores show that these sediments are quite
homogeneous and present at depth (Figure 2-5) characteristic very similar to the one observed
in the test pits. Cementation by salt is diffuse also at depths as evidences in both boreholes
(Figure 2-5) by the exceptional core recovery and the numerous intact cores. This allows also
a good characterization of the sediments with respect of the grain size distribution and nature
of the components as the salt prevents core losses or washing out of the fine components
during the drilling works. Locally poor core recovery is observed in coarse grained layers or in
salt-poor layers.

Figure 2-5: Cores photographs from boreholes BPH-1 (El. 793 mas.; Depth 105.2 m) drilled at the
Powerhouse location; Top: 25.10 to 28.9 m, Bottom: 98.4 to 102.10 m

Seismic lines carried out in the area (See [5] for further information) indicate that these
sediments further extend below the Powerhouse foundation as shown in Figure 2-6 and Figure
2-7 where the MASW lines are compared with the BPH-1 borehole results.

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The Vs velocity measured along these lines increasing from about 600-900 m/s close to the
surface to 1400m toward the bottom of BPH-1 indicate an increase of the compaction degree
of the alluvial sediments with depth.

Figure 2-6: Seismic line MASW GSLI02 along the Lower Reservoir and Powerhouse alignment.

Figure 2-7: Detail of Seismic line MASW GSLI01 along the Penstock and the Powerhouse alignment showing
the Powerhouse excavation (white line)

The three boreholes drilled in the lower project area (BPH-1, BLR-1 and BL1-3) reached a
maximum depth of 150 m and were entirely drilled into alluvial deposits partly cemented by
salt described above. As visible in the seismic lines MASW GSLI01 to MASW GSLI03 these
alluvial deposits are characterized by seismic waves velocities that increase with depth from

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about 044 m/s to 1600 m/s, due to increasing consolidation degree of the sediments itself.
The bottom of this layer is located in the Powerhouse and lower reservoir area at a depth of
about 150 to 200 m below the ground, showing some abrupt change in depth probably related
to recent faulting activity (Figure 2-7). The bottom of this layer is marked by a sharp transition
to a second layer (yellow in the profile) where the waves velocity increase rapidly (within 20-
30m) from about 1400-1600 up to about 2500-2600 m/s.

This second layer have also a thickness of about 200 m and shows at its base a very sharp
transition to the next layer (red) characterised by seismic wave velocities well in excess of
4000 m/s.

The red layer is interpreted, given its waves velocities to be made of bedrock probably
belonging to the same formations outcropping in the Upper reservoir area.

The nature of the yellow middle layer it is of more difficult to interpret because of the
intermediate waves speeds shown, which lend themselves to different interpretations, and the
lack of direct data (boreholes) going through it.

Given the rapid and clear transition to both the overlying and underlying levels, it is believed
that this level represents a sextant unit and not a zone of alteration of the underlying rocks.

Regarding its nature, two other hypotheses can be advanced based on the data collected in
situ and the geology of the region:

1) this layer represents a second Quaternary formation composed of over-consolidated

sands and gravels
2) this layer represents recent (Tertiary) weak sediments deposited on the magmatic
and volcanic rocks observed in the upper basin area.

Similar sediments deposited on the 'La Negra' formation are reported in the vicinity of the
project area (Geological map of the Miocene-Pleistocene successions of the Mejillones
Peninsula, NorthernChile; C. Di Celma et al. 2014)1.

At present a clear answer is not possible and both hypotheses are considered to be valid even
if the second one is considered more probable given the clear jump in wave velocities compared
to the upper alluvial sediments.

AFRY will try to collect further data from the project area (geological maps and publications)
to try to find additional information about the type of sediments present in the project area
and, if possible, to better define the nature of this layer.

2.1.3 Mititus linemanent

In the PSP Nido Project area, close to the area of the Powerhouse and Lower Reservoir a NS
to NNE oriented lineament is observed at its northern end intersecting the alluvial deposits Qa
and MPla, characterised by a 10 to 20 m wide, partly sinuous depression.

A large trench has been excavated to study this lineament, whose detailed description can be
found in [7] and [8]. Furhter details about this structure are given in Chapter 2.1.3.

Claudio Di Celma, Pietro Paolo Pierantoni & Gino Cantalamessa (2014) Geological map of the Miocene-Pleistocene
successions of the Mejillones Peninsula, Northern Chile, Journal of Maps, 10:2, 350-363, DOI:
10.1080/17445647.2013.867419. To link to this article:

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Figure 2-8: Surface map of the piedmont area of the lower reservoir showing the trace of the Mititus
Lineament. Pink colour represents Surface S1; Light blue colour is the Surface S2 and Yellow Colour
Surface S1; From.* Lower Reservoir Layout not updated.

Figure 2-9: Section of the trench TLI-3. Location is given in Figure 2-8 (Red circle)

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2.2 Soil Properties

The quaternary deposits found in the lower project area have been investigated by boreholes,
in situ tests (SPT) and laboratory tests.

The following results are available from the geological and geotechnical site investigations and
laboratory tests in the lower reservoir and powerhouse area.

 Grain size distribution

 Natural Moisture content
 Natural density
 Atterberg limits
 Compaction tests (Proctor)
 Triaxial tests
 Permeability tests
 In situ density (Sand cone)
 Chemical analysis (Salt)
 Los Angeles abrasion resistance (LA)

The grain size distributions of soil samples taken in the test pits is shown in Figure 2-10. The
material can in general be classified according to USCS as poorly graded sand with silt/clay
and gravel (SP-SM or SP-SC), with one sample classified as poorly graded gravel with silt/clay
and sand (GP-GM or GP-GC; Light blue line in Figure 2-10). The material tested so far does
not show any plastic behaviour.

Granulometric Distribution Curve - TPPH-1

at 2m
80 at 4.8m




0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Diameter [mm]

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Granulometric Distribution Curve - TPLR-1

90 at 2.05m
80 at 4.9m
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Diameter [mm]

Figure 2-10: Grain size distribution of natural soil in the lower reservoir area; TPPH-1: powerhouse area,
TPLR-1: lower reservoir area

The triaxial test results indicate a friction angle of about 38°-39° and a cohesion of 45-50 kPa
for the excavated material.

Table 2-1: Laboratory tests results from samples collected in TPPH-1 and TPLR-1

Min / Max. Density

TEST PIT Depth (m) Location Friction Angle (°) cohesión (kPa)

TPLR-1. 2.05 – 4.9 38.41 43.64 1.65 / 2.15
TPPH-1 2 – 4.8 Powerhouse 39.29 59.84 1.62 / 2.12

The cohesion and friction angle values given by the two triaxial tests are considered to be on
the high side for the kind of tested material especially with regard to cohesion. Based on own
experience and on cohesion and friction angle values provided as guideline by the Swiss norms
(SN 607 010b) friction angles ranging between 35° and 38° and cohesion ranging between 0
to 20kPa should be expected for the tested sediments.

Values within these ranges are suggested to be used for calculation. The angular shape of the
clasts should guarantee are high friction angle within this range, while low to zero cohesion is
common for such sediments. The reason especially for the high cohesion values recorded b
the triaxial tests can not be yet explained and should be proofed in the next project phases.

The compaction degree of these sediments is considered to be good as indicated by the in situ
tests, carried out in the previous project stages [2], that indicate an average in situ wet density
of about 1.9 g/cm3, with values ranging between 1.7 and 2.1 g/cm3.

The SPT test conducted every 5-10 m of depth in borehole BPH-1, which all end with a refusal
[5], indicate the presence of a very dense (relative density) soil in the Powerhouse and Lower
reservoir area. These SPT tests results, although probably partly related to the presence of

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cobles or boulders, are consistent with the in-situ test results mentioned of 1.9 g/cm3
mentioned above.

As mentioned above most of the encountered layers are partially cemented by soluble salts
and are generally dense with a good degree of compaction. The measured salt contents are
reported in Table 2-2.

Table 2-2: Total Soluble Salts at TPPH-1 and at TPLR-1; M -1: Sample upper layer; M – 2 Sample lower

Location UNIT M–1 M–2

TPPH-1 % 1.38 2.59
TPLR-1 % 1.14 9.68

These results are in accordance with values measured during previous studies [2] that indicate
similar salt content that tend to increase with depth.

2.3 Excavation and Foundation Conditions

The excavation works for the Powerhouse shaft and buildings and for the Lower Reservoir will
be located entirely in the Qa(a) Alluvial Deposits described in the previous chapter.

The estimated parameters for this material are shown Table 2-3. As mentioned in the previous
chapter friction angles ranging between 35° and 38° and cohesion ranging between 0 to 20kPa
should be expected for the tested sediments.

For the shallow depth excavation, a friction angle close to the lower boundary has been
estimated at this stage considering at this stage the possible presence of sandy soils in the
excavation instead of gravels.

For the Powerhouse foundation higher values have been considered at this stage given the
depth of the foundation area and the probably higher compaction degree of the sediments at

For the dams a friction angle on the higher side of the selected range has been considered at
this stage together with 0 cohesion because for the dam construction is expected that coarse
grained fraction of the escavated material vill be used and fine grained material avoided.

Table 2-3: Parameters for the Alluvial material found at the Powerhouse and Lower Reservoir

In Situ Density Bearing capacity

Strcture Friction Angle (°) cohesión (kPa)
(g/cm3) (kPa, estimated)

35 20 17-18 -
37 20 19 400-500
Lower Reservoir
35 20 17- -
Lower Reservoir
37 0 - -

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The selected friction angles and cohesion values (Table 2-3) are lower than what shown by the
triaxial tests and on the lower side of what is typical for sediments with similar granulometry.
The parameters have been selected conservatively given the limited amount of investigation
available and the possible heterogeneity of the Qa(a) Alluvial Deposits.

Additional tests shall be carried out during the next project phase to proof these assumptions.

2.3.1 Stability of the Excavation - Powerhouse

The upper 25m of the Powerhouse will be excavated as an open pit that will be backfilled once
the construction works will be completed. The slopes shall not exceed 8−10 m in height with
an inclination of 1.5:1(V:H) to 2:1 (V:H), and at least 3.0 m wide sub-horizontal berms.
Temporary slope support with the following characteristics is required:

 Soil nails: 3x3 grid, 8 m long

 wiremesh
 5 cm shotcrete

From 25 m below the ground a shaft will be excavated in the Alluvial material. Details about
the methodology and support of this excavation are not part of the present study.

2.3.2 Stability of the Excavation – Lower Reservoir

Part of the Lower Reservoir will be excavated with slopes 1V:2H. Permanent rock support has
been foreseen for the part of the slopes above the water level as follow:

 Soil nails: 3x3 grid, 6 m long

 wiremesh
 10 cm shotcrete

2.3.3 Foundation Excavation Criteria – Powerhouse.

Natural alluvial deposits shall be removed down to the foundation line. No deepening of the
foundation or material replacement to improve foundation is foreseen.

2.3.4 Foundation Excavation Criteria – Lower Reservoir.

Natural alluvial deposits shall be removed down to the foundation line. No deepening of the
foundation or material replacement to improve foundation is foreseen at present stage

2.3.5 Foundation Treatment - Powerhouse

No special foundation treatment has been foreseen. Foundation properties shall be proofed
after the excavation will be completed.

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2.3.6 Foundation Treatment – Lower Reservoir

No special foundation treatment are foreseen. The final foundation shall be smooth and follow
given design line.

2.3.7 Water Inflows - Care of Water - Powerhouse

No water inflows are expected in the Powerhouse shaft.

The permeability of the alluvial sediments has not been tested during the investigation
campaign. Based on the characteristic of the alluvial sediments permeability ranging between
1X10-4 to 1*10-6 m/s the alluvial sediments found in the Lower Project Area.

2.3.8 Water Inflows - Care of Water – Lower Reservoir

In general, no water inflows are expected along the excavation during construction and
operation time.

The permeability of the alluvial sediments has not been tested during the investigation
campaign. Based on the characteristic of the alluvial sediments permeability ranging between
1X10-4 to 1*10-6 m/s the alluvial sediments found in the Lower Project Area.

2.4 Geological Hazards

The geological hazards associated with the Lower Zone works (Lower Reservoir, Powerhouse
and Lower Tunnel), were analysed in document No. 4606-0000-GO-INF-001 (Arcadis Chile,
2015) and in [8]. The location and layout of both Powerhouse and Lower Reservoir have been
optimized to minimize the risk of interferenced with the Mititus lineament.

The salt content observed in all the tested sample could represent a potential risk that the salt
gets solved during the operation phase of the plant, due to leakage of the reservoir and rainfall
on and seeping through the dam. Although not much water in the dam is expected, long lasting
solution processes could lead to settlement of the dams. The dam design shall be indeed
optimized to prevent water inflow into the dams.

The project area is also affected by an elevated seismic risk related to the Mititus fault. The
seismic hazard has been evaluated in detail in the Seismic Hazard report (SHA) a separate
report to be annexed to this report.

2.5 Dam materials

The baseline foresees the use of the excavated Alluvial deposits for dam construction.

Currently it is assumed that sufficient material with a relatively small content of soluble salt
can be selected from the large volumes of excavated soil at the lower reservoir area. Thus, it
is assumed that the content of soluble salt should in general not jeopardize the use of the
material as dam construction material.

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As rocks or large boulders that could be used as rip-rap material are not available in the vicinity
of the lower reservoir blocks shall be eventually be transported from the upper reservoir area.

The Chilean Standard “NCh 3394:2016 Saline soil – Geotechnical and sanitary facilities
requirements for design and execution of works” defines a criterion, based on the practice of
engineering and construction on saline soils, to establish when measures should be taken to
avoid the generation of settlements due to salt dissolution. This criterion of empirical origin
establishes a critical value of 3% of soluble salt content. Above this value, it is considered to
be a saline soil, which can potentially develop settlements due to the eventual incorporation
of water that dissolves these salts. Consequently, it can be concluded that a material with a
salt content lower than 3% can be used for the construction of embankment dams.

The standard focus on the necessity to avoid increase the water content of the salt-reach soils
anyhow to protect foundation of structures or embankments. In the case of the Nido project
special care shall be taken to protect the integrity of dams (in case of use this materials) and
their foundations by considering any possible source leading to an increase of the water

2.6 Geological documentation

A geological documentation shall be produced to control the construction process and the
acquisition and use of geological and geotechnical information. During the excavation the
produced documentation shall include systematic acquisition and reporting of data based on:

 Mapping of the excavation and foundation surfaces

 Photograph of the excavation and foundation surfaces

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3 Upper Reservoir
The Upper Reservoir area has been investigated by mean of geological mapping, seismic lines,
boreholes and test pits. Figure 3-1 shows the locations of the more relevant investigations
carried out in this area. A complete view of the investigations carried out in this area is
presented in the Factual report and its annexes [5].

Figure 3-1: Location of the in-situ investigations at the Upper Reservoir (Black line: Upper reservoir dam
axis; Red Line: Seismic lines; Green points: boreholes; Blue squares: test pits.

3.1 Site Geological Conditions

The Upper Reservoir zone is located in the eastern sector of the Sierra Chacaya, which has an
approximate N-S orientation and is part of the Coastal Mountain Range. It is bounded to the
west by an intramountain plain and to the east by gentle slopes that connect it with the Mititus
creek and the Lower Reservoir area (Figure 2-1).

3.1.1 Geomorphology
The altitudes here ranges between 1200 – 1350 masl, with hills and ridges whose slopes
generally vary between 3°-10° and are cut by numerous ravines (Figure 3-2).

Steeper slopes, up to 30º, can found mainly in the southern and eastern edges of the Upper
Reservoir area, as well along gullies (Figure 3-3).

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Figure 3-2: Left: General view toward the E of the Upper Reservoir area (GPS 21S*); Right: Creek
(Quebrada) in the Upper Reservoir Zone (GPS 86S), view toward the NW. * GPS points location is found
in the annexes from [1] and [2]

Figure 3-3: Gullies in the Upper Reservoir aera; Left: Colluvial deposits (GPS 062N). Right: Alluvial deposits
(GPS 026N). * GPS points location is found in the annexes from [1] and [2]

3.1.2 Lithologies
In the Upper Reservoir area volcanic rocks belonging to the La Negra Formation (Jln) and
intrusive rocks belonging to the Cerro Fortuna Dioritoids (Jdf b) outcrops. Both units are
intruded by numerous dikes of andesitic to dioritic composition (Js-K). The outcropping rocks
are often highly weathered and processes as Haloclastism, Thermoclastism and wind-erosion
can be observe resulting in the formation of diffuse residual soil or Regolith.

The bedrock is locally covered by Quaternary alluvial (Qa) and/or colluvial (Qc) deposits. The
distribution on the surface of these units is shown in the geologic map of the Upper Reservoir
area [5] and Drawing: NIDO-100-GO-0001-T15 (Figure 3-1).

Cenozoic Deposits

The Cenozoic sediments found in the Upper Reservoir area are constituted by thin layers of
Alluvial (Qa or Hal) and Colluvial (Qc or He/Heh) Deposits. These deposits partially cover rock
outcrops, fill active creek beds, form small alluvial cones and are located on creek flanks, with
observed thicknesses generally of less than 1.5 - 2 m and a maximum thickness oof about 7.5
m as observed in borehole BUR-1.

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Alluvial Deposits (Qa or Hal)

These deposits are found only in small creek alluvial beds or forming dejection cones. They
are made up of polymictic deposits of boulders, gravels, sands, silts and clays, light brown,
yellow, orange and reddish in colour. These sediments are characterized by a low to medium
compactness, low plasticity and no humidity.

Gravels predominate in the Upper Reservoir area, with clasts that are often elongated, angular
to subangular and poorly to moderately sorted. The matrix is composed of sands and silts and
occasionally clays.

Figure 3-4: Left: Alluvial deposits (GPS 008S). Right: Colluvial deposits (GPS 031N).

Colluvial Deposits (He and Heh)

Colluvial deposits predominate at the foot of hillsides and along the flanks of the streams.
These sediments are made of boulders and gravels embedded in a sandy-silty matrix with,
occasionally, some clays. The clasts are angular, of low sphericity, poorly selected and
composition varies from monomictic to polymictic. The deposits on the flanks of ravines and
gullies have a coarser grain size and no stratification compared to the one found on the slopes
of the hills have a finer grain size, with few boulders are stratified Figure 3-4 and locally
cemented by salt.


Andesitic Dykes (Js-K)

Subvertical dykes, striking generally E-W and locally to NE or WNW, are found in a large part
of the Upper reservoir area (Figure 3-5). They are made of dark grey to greenish-grey andesite
or diorite with an observed thickness ranging between 0.3 and 5 m. The groundmass has a
microcrystalline to microporphyritic texture and is often weathered into chlorite, sericite and

In general, the dykes are strongly fractured, more than the surrounding bedrock which
contacts with the dikes are commonly sharp and sometimes associated with faults, calcite
veins or salt (Figure 3-6).

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Figure 3-5: Panoramic view of andesitic dikes found in the Upper reservoir area (GPS 08S). * GPS points
location is found in the annexes from [1] and [2]

Figure 3-6: Close view of the contact zones between dikes and the bedrock.

Dioritoides Cerro Fortuna (Jdf – b)

Syenite, monzonite, quartzomonzonite and monzodiorite (Figure 3-7) from the Cerro Fortuna
unit outcrops in most of the Upper Reservoir area. These rocks intrude the older andesitic lavas
of the La Negra Formation and are intruded by the younger andesitic dikes.

Their colour varies from an intense orange for the syenites to a pinkish grey for the monzo-
diorites. The mineralogical compositions consist feldspars (30% to 70%), plagioclase (30% to
70%), quartz (20% to no presence) and minor amphibole. The texture is generally phaneritic,
medium-grained rocks with light to moderate chloritic alteration of the amphibole and
sericitization and argillitization of the Plagioclase.

Siliceous hydrothermal alteration was identified in the western part of the Upper Reservoir
area affecting the quartz-monzonitic rocks outcropping in this area (Figure 3-8).

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Figure 3-7: Dioritoides Cerro Fortuna; left: Amphibole syenite; Right: Amphibole monzonite.

Figure 3-8: left: Panoramic view of the hydrothermal alteration zone found in the Upper reservoir (GPS
083S); Right B: Close view of silicified rock (GPS 030N). * GPS points location is found in the annexes
from [1] and [2]

La Negra Formation (Jln (a))

In the Upper reservoir area, the “La Negra Formation” occurs in discontinuous and limited
outcrops found also in the southern part of the Upper Reservoir in the Intake area. Close to
the surface these rocks can be intensely weathered and often covered by colluvial deposits
(Figure 3-9).

This formation it is composed by a continuous and homogeneous succession of porphyritic

andesitic lava flows, greenish to grey in colour and with a porphyritic texture in which
plagioclase phenocrysts up to 5 mm ins size are found (20% approx.). These rocks are
generally medium grained with an aphanitic and slightly chloritized and argillitized
groundmass. At the contact with the intrusive rocks, the andesitic lavas show recrystallization
textures, associated with a greater hardness of the rock (Figure 3-9).

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Figure 3-9: Left: Recrystallized rock of the La Negra Formation (GPS 039S) . Right: Outcrop of andesitic
lavas of the La Negra Formation, almost completely covered by colluvial sediments (GPS 028S). * GPS
points location is found in the annexes from [1] and [2]

3.1.3 Faults
A Few minor faults were identified in the Upper reservoir area one of which intersects the
Upper Reservoir area (see geological map of the area for location: Drawing NIDO-100-GO-
0001-T15 and [1])

In general inferred and observed faults strikes NNW-SSE or WNW-ESE are subvertical and
about 0.5 - 1 m wide and characterized by strong fracturing and a silty-clayey gauge (Figure

Figure 3-10: Examples of secondary faults observed in the Upper Reservoir area.

3.1.4 Joints and fractures

The rocks outcropping in the Upper reservoir area are intensively fractured. Different joints set
striking nearly N-S and E_W and mainly subvertical are found in the area (Figure 3-11). On
most of the outcrops the Joints sets number varies between 3 and 4 resulting in a highly
fractured rock mass.

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Figure 3-11: Great circles and poles and Rose diagrams of joints observed in the Upper Reservoir area.

In the eastern part of the area, cracks/fractures with orientations similar to the joint’s sets
were identified. These cracks present lengths that can reach up to 50m and a vertical
displacement of about 5 to 8 cm.

According to previous information [1], the cracks observed in the study area could correspond
to surface expressions of extensional deformation associated with subduction seismic
movements or to the elastic rebound of the crust during a subduction earthquake (Cortés,

Intensely fractured zone is found in the Upper Reservoir area also along the andesitic dykes.

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Figure 3-12: Orientation of dykes and related discontinuities from [1].

3.1.5 Weathering of the bedrock

The outcrops in the area are, in general, of limited extension, with abundant regolith due to
processes of haloclastism, thermoclastism and deflation. These processes cause moderate to
strong fracturing of those rocks exposed at the surface. Given the extension of the outcrops,
it is impossible to evaluate, a priori, the influence and penetration depth of these processes
(Photograph 9-1A and B); however, the test pits provide a first approximation of the influence
of these processes, which reach up to 5 m depth.

Figure 3-13: Examples of physical weathering in the Upper Reservoir area.(GPS 051N and 082N; See [1]
and [2] for location).

The boreholes cores clearly indicate that weathering process are developed also at larger depth
Table 3-1 with highly weathered rocks found down to a depth of 25 m (BUR-3).

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Table 3-1: Weathering profiles of the bedrock found in the boreholes drilled at the Upper Reservoir area.
B: Fresh; CH: Slightly weathered; CM: Moderately weathered; CL: Highly weathered D: Completely

Borehole Structure Depth (m) Lithology Weathering degree

BUR-1 7.5 to 25 Jdf b1 CM to D

BUR-2 1 to 5 Jdf b2 CL to D
BUR-2 5 to 18 Jdf b2 CH
BUR-2 18 to 25 Jdf b2 B
BUR-3 0 to 25 Jdf b1 CM to CL-
BUR-4 0-12 Jdf b1/Jdf b2 CH and locally D
BUR-4 12-25 Jdf b1/Jdf b2 B

Based on the available information the different rock layers have been classified as follow using
the GSI system.

Table 3-2: Classification of bedrock using the GSI system.

GSI Completely Highly weathered Moderately Slightly

weathered weathered weathered /
Value Not applicable 10 to 25 30 to 40 40 to 50
to 10
Structure Disintegrated Disintegrated Seamy Very blocky
Weathering Completely Highly weathered Moderately Moderately
weathered weathered weathered

3.2 Rock and Rock mass Properties

3.2.1 Intact rock

The tested rocks have a density that range between 2.44 and 2.61 g/cm3 and a porosity that
range between 1.29% and 5.04% [5].

The strength of the intact rocks found in the Upper Reservoir area has been defined by mean
of Unconfined Compressive Strength tests (UCS) and Point Load tests. Table 3-3 summarize
the test results.

Table 3-3: Parameters for the intact rock found in the Upper Reservoir area.

Borehole Lithology UCS (MPA) UCS from Point Load (MPa)

BUR-2 Jdf b2 48,5 -

BUR-2 Jdf b2 - 55.32
BUR-2 Jdf b2 - 78.19
BUR-3 Jdf b1 90,4 -
BUR-3 Jdf b1 107,9 -
BUR-3 Jdf b1 149.49

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BUR-4 Jdf b2 98,41 -

BUR-4 Jdf b2 98,41 -
BUR-4 Jdf b2 185.96
BQU-1 Jdf b1 332,7 -
BQU-1 Jdf b1 287,5 -

Using these results, which are in line with older results from previous investigations, these
rocks can be classified according to ISRM (1978) as grade R3- (25−50 MPa; BUR – 2.1), grade
R4 (50-100 MPa); BUR – 2.3), and grade R5 (100-250 MPa; BUR – 3.2 and BUR – 4.1).

3.2.2 Rock mass

The defect frequency (fracturation degree) of the rock mass observed in the boreholes is
summarized in Table 3-4, while all details are provided in [5].

Table 3-4: Fracturing degree of the bedrock found in the boreholes drilled at the Upper Reservoir area.
FD0: Intact; FD1: Rarely defected; FD2: Some; FD3: Moderately defected; FD4: Densely defected;
FD5:Very densely defected

Borehole Structure Depth (m) Lithology Fracturing degree

BUR-1 7.5 to 19 Jdf b1 FD4 to FD5

BUR-1 19 to 25 Jdf b1 Mainly FD3 to FD5
BUR-2 1 to 3 Jdf b2 FD4 to FD5
BUR-2 3 to 25 Jdf b2 Mainly FD3 to FD5
BUR-3 0 to 25 Jdf b1 FD3 to FD5-
BUR-4 0-4 Jdf b1/Jdf b2 FD2 to FD4
BUR-4 4-15 Jdf b1/Jdf b2 FD0 to FD3
BUR-4 4-15 Jdf b1/Jdf b2 FD0 to FD3
BUR-4 15-25 Jdf b1/Jdf b2 FD2 to FD5

The fracturation degree of the rocks has been investigated also by mean of two seismic
refraction lines (GSUR-1 and GSUR-2) in the Upper Reservoir area and two in the Quarry area
(GSQU-1 and GSQU-2). Three different units were defined with the help of the refraction
technique, which are described as follows:

(A) Low Velocity Unit: With velocities Vp ranging from 550 m/s to 800 m/s, with variable
thickness from 5 m to 30 m, being interpreted as unconsolidated surface sediments.

(B) Middle Velocity Unit: With velocities Vp ranging from 1300 m/s to 1700 m/s, interpreted
as Very Altered/Fractured Volcanic Rock.

(C) Middle-High Velocity Unit: With velocities Vp ranging from 2500 m/s to 2700 m/s,
interpreted as Altered/Fractured Volcanic Rock.

The transition between these three units vary from place to place being in some area limited
to few meters while in other are large transition zones with a thickness of several meters or
tents of meters are observed [6].

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The three categories are defined on the base of the Vp velocities. Given the relative
homogeneity of the lithology in the study area (Sienite, Monzonite, Diorite and locally Andesite)
the changes in velocity of seismic waves are interpreted to be mainly related to weathering
and fracturing degree of the rocks.

3.2.3 Overburden and completely weathered rocks

Test pits have been excavated in the quaternary deposits and in the completely weathered
rock layers within the upper reservoir area. Details about the exact position of the tests pits
and a complete description of the material is given in [5].

The grain size distributions of soil samples taken from the test pits in this upper layer is shown
in Figure 3-14. These materials can be classified according to USCS as poorly graded gravel
with silt/clay and sand (GP-GM or GP-GC) with a predominant sand fraction in some of the
samples or as silty, clayey sand with gravel (SM, SC and SC-SM; upper grey and yellow grain
sizes in Figure 3-14). The material tested does not show any plastic behaviour.

Figure 3-14: Grain size distribution of test pits from the Upper Reservoir area

3.3 Reservoir Excavation

3.3.1 Excavation Criteria

The following excavation methods have been defined for the Upper Reservoir area:

 By excavator
 By Dozer (Rippable)
 By blasting

A 3D model has been built to better analyse the data and define the volume of material that
can be removed using one of the methods mentioned above.

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3.3.2 Input data

All collected data have been used to define the excavation methodology for the Upper
Reservoir, the main inputs data being the refraction seismic lines (Vp velocity) and the
boreholes (lithology, weathering and RQD). Geological map, test pits and data from the
previous investigation have been taken into account when defining the excavation classes.

Figure 3-15: View of the 3D model showing GSUR-1 seismic line and data from the boreholes used to
define the excavation classes.

In order to prepare the 3D model, the seismic lines have been interpreted and three layers
have been defined. A top layer for the material that is expected to be removed by excavator,
an intermediate layer of rippable material, and a lower laver layer of material that require
blasting to be excavated. Following this first step additional sections parallel to the seismic
lines GSUR-1 and GSUR-2 have been prepared to cover the whole Upper Reservoir area. For
the interpretation of the seismic data and their projection through the hole excavation area
boreholes data, older seismic sections and geological mapping data have been also used. The
3D model has been then built on the base of these 2D sections.

3.3.3 Data analysis and construction of the 3D geological model:

The input data have been analysed to construct two sets of parallel sections that cover the
whole Upper Reservoir area.

The sections have been built parallel to geophysical survey lines GSUR-1 and GSUR-2.

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It is important to note that the 3D model has been built in parallel with the execution of the
investigations. The main input data used for the model area:

 Geological map, (Doc. NIDO-100-GO-0001-T15)

 Boreholes locations provided by the site team in March 2021
 Test pit locations provided from Doc. NIDO-100-GO-0001-T15.

Some adjustment to the location of the test pits has been done after that the model has been
prepared, while the location of the boreholes and of the seismic line has not been changed.
These differences do not affect the validity of the model that is intended to provide an
estimation of the excavation volumes based on the analysis of different data and not and exact
excavation line that can be followed through the whole reservoir area. This especially because
the relatively limited amount of data, with respect to the extension of the area, would not allow
to build excavation surfaces with these accuracies.

Figure 3-16: Example of comparison of Borehole data (weathering, RQD, core recovery) with Vp seismic
velocities (BUR-3).

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Figure 3-17: Example of highly fractured rocks (BUR-1; 8 to 16 m depth) found in an area with low seismic
velocities ( 1400 m/s).

Figure 3-18: Example of relatively intact rocks (BUR-4; 7 to 14.30 m depth) found in an area with low
seismic velocities ( 1300 m/s).

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The apparent contradiction shown by comparison of boreholes BUR-1 that shows very low RQD
values in an area with seismic velocities of about 1400 m/s and the good cores with high RQD
values from borehole BUR-4 drilled in an area with Vp velocity of about 1300 m/s and good
rock is interpreted by the fact that probably BUR-4 cores underestimates the fracturing degree
of the rock mass. This because mainly sub-vertical/steep discontinuities are observed in the
Upper Reservoir area not always intersected by vertical boreholes. In the Upper Reservoir area
the bedrock is made of plutonic rocks (Mainly sienite, monzonite and diorite) and locally by
volcanic andesitic flow. All these lithologies are, when fresh, very strong and do not have
bedding or foliation planes. Discontinuities found in the area are instead represented by joints
sets (see Figure 3-11) and locally by small faults (see Figure 3-12). As all these discontinuities
are generally subvertical or steeply inclined, vertical boreholes can lead to the underestimation
of the spacing/frequency of these discontinuities. With the exception of BUR-4, all recent and
older boreholes drilled in the upper reservoir area show very low RQD values in the upper 15
-20 m layers and often also at greater depth. Most of these RQD data are coherent with the
low seismic Vp Velocities (< 2000 m/s) recorded by the seismic profiles at similar depths.
These kinds of contradictions are indeed interpreted as a function of the different way ground
information are collected by the different investigation methods. As seismic refraction profile
can better detect the fracturation degree of the rocks mass affected by multiples steep joints,
in the case of borehole BUR-4 more weight has been given to the Vp velocity in the
interpretation and in the preparation of the model.

This work allowed to interpret at depth the geological boundaries (Figure 3-19) and the
weathering and fracturing degree (Table 3-4) away from the available seismic lines and

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Figure 3-19: 3D geological model of the Upper Reservoir area.

As an output results the sediments and rocks found in the reservoir has been divided in three
categories that can be excavated:

 By excavator
 By Dozer (Rippable)
 By blasting

As reference for this analysis Rippability by Dozer for a CAT D8 dozer or equivalent has been

The Seismic velocity of the ground material has been set as main criteria and its reliability
proofed by mean of all other available parameters.

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Figure 3-20: D8R Ripper performance chart based on Seismic velocities (Source: Caterpillar); Red circle:
Rocks types found in the Upper Reservoir area.

Furthermore, to proof the results the data have been analysed by different methods, namely:

 Weaver`s rippability chart (1975) based on Bieniawski adding Vp Velocity to the RMR
 Pettifer & Fookes`chart

Figure 3-21: Weaver`s rip ability chart main results for the rocks found in the Upper Reservoir area.

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Figure 3-22: Pettifer & Fookes`chart showing results from the boreholes drilled at the Upper Reservoir

Note: Given the rocks strength massive or blocky rock mass levels, locally observed in the
boreholes (Figure 3-18) could be found within the rippable layers and will results in not-
rippable material that will need to be blasted.

To take into account the information from the tests pits the thickness of the layer that can be
removed by excavator has been considered to be about 2-3 m thick over large portions of the
Upper reservoir area (See Sections E-01 to E-05 and N-01 to N-09) and locally to 0 m (Sections
E-01, E-02 and E-05). Thicker layer of material that can be removed by excavator have been
estimated in area (e.g.: close to BUR1) where the map and the boreholes evidence the
presence of thick overburden (7.8 m in BUR-1) along some small valley (Section E-03). Locally
as at the location of BUR-1 (Section N-01 to N-02 a thicker layer of material removable by
excavator has been estimated considering the thickness of the alluvium (7-8 m) and of the
rocks with RQD=0 (about 8 m) found below it.

A thickness of about 5 m of material that can be removed by excavator has been estimated in
areas where colluvial and alluvial deposits are widespread over large area or along small valley
characterized by the presence of alluvial deposits.

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Only exception to these criteria is the south-easter termination of the reservoir close to the
Intake area. Here seismic velocities lower than 600 m/s has been recorded (GSUR-2) down to
a depth of 15 to 20 m, and boreholes BUR-3 and SZA-2 show very low RQD values (mainly 0
to 0-20) down to a depth of about 15 m. Based on these information in this area the thickness
of the layer that can be removed by excavator has been estimated to range between 10 and
15 m (see sections E-05, N-03, N-04 and partly N-05.

It is important to note that the 3D model and the sections extracted from it shall not to be
considered as an exact indication of the thickness of the three different layers at each exact
location. This because data have been extrapolated, starting from the seismic lines, based on
the criteria’s described above to cover the whole reservoir area/volume but actual data are
limited to the seismic section and by the boreholes.

More seismic sections, systematic tests pits and eventually boreholes will be necessary to
further refine the model and the excavation volumes. A different approach that would consider
only a thin layer of material that can be removed by removed by excavator also in the south-
eastern part of the Upper reservoir, despite the lower seismic velocities and RQD here
observed, would reduce the volume of the upper layer to be removed by excavator.

Furthermore, for the excavation of the upper layer the use of large excavator is suggested to
optimize the work. The sporadic use of hydraulic could also improve the excavability of the
upper layer.

Given the uncertainties related to the excavability of the rocks a 15% of material that need to
be ripped in the upper layer and a 10% of material that need to be blated in the second
“rippable” layer have been considered in the contingency of the project.

3.3.4 Results of the excavation methods study

Figure 3-23 shows the extension of the three different excavation type layers along the
sections that have been built parallel to geophysical survey lines GSUR-1 and GSUR-2.

The estimated excavation volumes are:

 Volumes of rock to be blasted (254,480 m3)

 Volume of rippable rock (1,493,600 m3)
 Volume of soil / rock removable by excavator (496,910 m3)
 Volume of dams (259,230 m3)

As mentioned above the presence of layers that need to be blasted within the rippable layer
or the need to use a ripper in part of the upper layer has been considered. In particular in the
assumptions made for cost estimations it has been considered that 15% of the upper layer can
request ripping and 10% of the rippable second layer can request blasting. This especially
because given the strength of the rocks found on site layers or zones characterized by low
fracturation degree can result difficult or impossible to rip.

The use of D8 dozer is mentioned in this report as most of the classifications available for this
kind of studies refer to the use of a D8 dozer as most of chart or classifications systems present
in literature refer to this bulldozer size. The use of larger dozers (D9 or heavier) is indeed
recommended as it will increase the efficiency and production rates and reduce the risk of
blasting within the rippable layer.

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Figure 3-23: Upper Left: Interpretative sections showing the different excavation layers; Yellow Removable
by excavator; Green: rippable: Red: blasting. Upper Right: Upper surface rock to be blasted; Left Down:
Upper surface rippable rock: Right down: Upper surface rock / soil to be removed by excavator

3.3.5 Stability of the Excavation – Upper Reservoir

Part of the Lower Reservoir will be excavated with slopes 1V:1.6H. Permanent rock support
has been foreseen for the part of the slopes above the water level as follow:

 Soil nails: 4x4 grid, 3 m long

 Wire-mesh
 5 cm shotcrete

Given the nature of the material to be excavated these, the temporary slopes (1V:1.6H) are
considered stable without the application of systematic rock support. Spot application of
shotcrete, rock bolts or soil nail could be locally necessary.

3.3.6 Water Inflows - Care of Water

No water in-flow is expected in the upper Reservoir area.

The permeability of the weathered magmatic and volcanic rocks that are expected in the dam
and reservoir foundation has not been tested during the investigation campaign. Based on the

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characteristic of the alluvial sediments permeability ranging between 1X10-4 to 1*10-4 m/s in
fractured area and 1X10-6 to 1*10-7 m/s in less fractured area

3.3.7 Special Treatment of the Foundation

No special treatment of the foundation has been foreseen at present.

3.3.8 Geological documentation

A geological documentation shall be produced to control the construction process and the
acquisition and use of geological and geotechnical information. During the foundation
excavation the produced documentation shall include systematic acquisition and reporting of
data based on:

 Mapping of the foundation surface

 Photograph of the foundation surface

3.4 Dam materials

The bedrock is made of monzonitic and sienitic intrusion crosscut by andesitic dykes and lava
flow. The intact rocks can be classified based on UCS and point load tests results from the rock
cores as strong to very strong

These rocks are based on the boreholes results and on the seismic lines results generally highly
fractured and moderately to highly weathered (Vp waves velocity < 2000 m/s). The lower part
of the Upper Reservoir excavation is expected to be made instead of moderately to slightly
weather rocks and locally of fresh rock (Vp waves velocity < 2000 m/s).

The excavation area has been divided, based on the seismic and boreholes results, in three
different excavation classes:

1. Rock-layer 1 - Removable by excavator (estimated volume: 496,910 m3)

2. Rock layer 2 - Rippable rock (estimated volume: 1,493,600 m3)
3. Rock layer 3 - Rock to be blasted (estimated volume: 254,480 m3)

Based on the analysis of the rock cores the first categories is made of material with similar
grain size distribution as the one obtained from the tests pits (See figure below).

The Rippable rock layer contains larger block size. Weathering conditions within this zone is
expected to be heterogeneous. The less weathered portions of this layer present block sized
up to 400-500mm but locally larger blocks are expected.

The third rock-layer is mainly made of slightly weathered fractured rock, which maximal block
size is estimated to be about 1000mm.

For the dam construction the use of rock from the third rock-layer and from part of the second
rock-layer is considered.

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The estimated volume dam is 259,230 m3 that correspond approximatively to the volume of
rock-layer 3.

With regard of using the excavation material as dam construction material for the upper dam,
the following statements are currently provided:

 The rock is sound and has relative high strength.

 Most of the excavated material will be of gravel size with a diameter of up to around
60 mm.
 Boulders of larger size of up to 400 mm or 800 mm might be available of limited
volume only from rock-layers 2 and 3, but sufficient for the relatively small volume
of dam zones and rip-rap cover of the downstream slope required.
 Larger boulders with size of 1000 mm or more might hardly be available.

The material from rock-layer 3 and part of the material from rock-layer 2 is expected to fulfil
these criteria and to be indeed suitable to be used as dam construction material.

No representative test results are available so far, that provide information about the content
of soluble salt. However currently it can be assumed that in the upper reservoir area the
content of soluble salt should not jeopardize the use of this material for dam construction.
Further investigations are required on this matter.

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4 Penstock
4.1 Site Geological Conditions
The Penstock is located along the gentle slope connecting the Sierra Chacaya (Upper Reservoir
area) and the intramountain plain formed by the Mititus creek where the Lower Reservoir area
is located (Figure 2-1).

In its upper section the Penstock will found at the bottom of an open cut excavated in the
rocks belonging to “La Negra Formation (Jln) and intrusive rocks belonging to the Cerro Fortuna
Dioritoids (Jdf b) outcrops.

Further down the Penstock will be found on the surface mainly on Cenozoic deposits belonging
to different formation

Cenozoic Deposits

The Cenozoic sediments found along the Penstock trace belongs to the following formations:

thin layers of Alluvial (Qa or Hal) and Colluvial (Qc or He/Heh) Deposits. These deposits
partially cover rock outcrops, fill active creek beds, form small alluvial cones and are located
on creek flanks, with observed thicknesses generally of less than 1.5 - 2 m and a maximum
thickness oof about 7.5 m as observed in borehole BUR-1.

Alluvial Deposits (Qa or Hal)

They consists of fine to coarse gravels, fine to coarse sands, silts and isolated boulders. The
gravels and boulders have angular to subangular cobbles with maximum sizes of 5 to 10 cm
max (Figure 2-3). Locally lenses of very fine silt are observed, as well as scattered incrustations
of white salts. The compactness of these deposits is heterogenous and has been described as
low, medium to high dependiong from location. in general has been obsrved that towards the
bottom of the test pits the compactness increases and cementation of the sediments by salts
is observed. Plasticity is generally nil and humidity is generally low or absent.

The test pits and of the trenches excavated in the area indicate that these sediments, at least
in the upper part of the sequence are characterized by a centimetric /decametric well
developed stratification. More information about this Formation are provided in Chapter 2.1.2.

Colluvial Deposits (Qc or He and Heh)

Colluvial deposits predominate at the foot of hillsides and along the flanks of the streams.
These sediments are made of boulders and gravels embedded in a sandy-silty matrix with,
occasionally, some clays. The clasts are angular, of low sphericity, poorly selected and
composition varies from monomictic to polymictic. The deposits on the flanks of ravines and
gullies have a coarser grain size and no stratification compared to the one found on the slopes
of the hills have a finer grain size, with few boulders are stratified and locally cemented by

Ancient Alluvial Deposits (MPLA)

This unit is assigned to the Upper Miocene - Pliocene age [2]. They are very common NE of
the Lower Reservoir but are also locally found along the Penstock alignment. They represent
former low gradient alluvial fans, which are intersected by present-day stream channels or
covered by Quaternary Alluvial Deposits Qa(a). The gravels and boulders forming these

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sediments have angular and subangular pebbles and can present concretions of gypsum,
nitrates and probably borates. Compactness, plasticity and humidity are generally low.

Figure 4-1: Geological section along the Penstock Drawing: 4606-0000-GO-PLA-006-A from [2].

Figure 4-2: View of the Old/Ancient Alluvial deposits NE of the Lower Reservoir (MPla; GPS68)

Slope Debris (Qrm)

Gravitative deposits mainly made of boulders and gravels in a matrix of sand, silt and clays
with saline concretions. Low compactness.


Dioritoides Cerro Fortuna (Jdf – b)

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Syenite, monzonite, quartzomonzonite and monzodiorite (Figure 3-7) from the Cerro Fortuna
unit outcrops in most of the Upper Reservoir area. These rocks intrude the older andesitic lavas
of the La Negra Formation and are intruded by the younger andesitic dikes.

More information about this Formation are provided in Chapter 1.4.1.

La Negra Formation (Jln (a))

In the initial part of the Penstock the “La Negra Formation” occurs in discontinuous and limited
outcrops found also in the southern part of the Upper Reservoir in the Intake area. Close to
the surface these rocks can be intensely weathered and often covered by colluvial deposits
(Figure 3-9).

This formation it is composed by a continuous and homogeneous succession of porphyritic

andesitic lava flows, greenish to grey in colour. More information about this Formation are
provided in Chapter 1.4.1.

4.1.1 Faults
The Mititus Fault System (MFS) cross cut the Penstock alignment (Figure 2-8). The MSF is
considered to be active and possible movements associated with this lineament cannot be
ruled out.

The surface mapping of the fault area evidences the presence of three surfaces in the alluvial
deposits (Figure 2-8). The older surface (Surface S1) is located at the western border of the
slope and consists in an erosional surface formed in old alluvial deposits, which are strongly
cemented by salt (mainly gypsum). An intermediate surface (Surface S2) is found in these
sediments covering partially the Surface S1. This surface is inactive and contains a red varnish
film formed by clast oxidation [7] and [7]. Beneath this surface, alluvial deposits contain sandy
gravels partially cemented by salts and locally these gravels contain an interbedded volcanic
ash bed. Abandoned clasts on this surface have been dated by using 10Be, 26Al, and 21Ne [7]
and [7] obtaining exposure ages of 360 + 180 ka and 86 + 36 ka. These ages represent the
inactivation of the alluvial deposition on this surface.

A trench (TLI-3) excavated perpendicular to the Fault trace (Figure 2-9) allowed to identify
faults and fractures striking NE/SW and dip sub-vertically affecting the Alluvial deposits.
Normal and reverse displacement are observed along subparallel faults indicating probably
that fault kinematics is dominated by strike-slip displacement [7] and [7]. The displacement
observed in the trench along the different fault planes is generally east-side down for a
cumulative displacement of the contact between different alluvial layers of about 2.0 m. This
vertical displacement is in agreement with the average surface offset 2.3 m observed in the

The measurement of the lateral cumulative lateral displacement (strike-slip component)

indicate a value of 20.4 m [7] and [7].

The Mititus Lineament is interpreted based on these evidences [7] and [7] as a near-surface
fault rupture, which is inactive since the deposition of the sediments forming the Surface 3.
This structure is segmented in a northern zone dominated by strike-slip displacement and in a
southern zone dominated by extension.

The results of the studies carried out on this fault indicate that the minimum slip rate is inferred
to be 0.07±0.03 mm/yr and 0.4±0.2 mm/yr, vertical and horizontal components, respectively.

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4.1.2 Joints and fractures

In the initial part of the Penstock excavation and foundation area the same joint as described
in Chapter 3.1.4 are expected.

4.2 Foundation Conditions

The Penstock foundation blocks will be placed on different material. In the initial part of the
Penstock the blocks will be found on weathered rocks belonging to the Dioritoides of the Cerro
Fortuna (Jdf – b) and to the andesitic lavas of the La Negra Formation (Jln (a)) as summarized
in Table 4-1.

The central part and the final part of the Penstock will be found on different Cenozoic deposits
made of Colluvial and Alluvial formations (Table 4-1).

Table 4-1: Parameters for the intact rock found in the Upper Reservoir area.

From (m) To (m) Lithology Foundation Depth (m)

0 60 Jdf-b 20 to 50
60 150 Jln (a) 40 to 50
150 250 Jdf-b 20 to 50
250 380 Qrm 10 to 20
380 520 Qc 2 to 5
520 625 Mpla 2 to 5
625 1730 Qa (a) 2 to 5

Given the lack of information at the exact location of the foundation blocks and the
heterogeneity of the sediments and rock found along the Penstock the baseline assumes the
following parameters for the foundation blocks (Table 4-2).

4.2.1 Geological Hazards

The geological hazards associated with the Penstock have been analysed in documents [7]
and [7] Based on these documents the Mititus Lineament is indeed considered a potentially
active structure, which can be reactivated co-seismically and post-seismically by stress
relaxation during and right after great subduction earthquakes so that it should be considered
in the infrastructure design of this Project.

The minimum slip rate is inferred to be 0.07±0.03 mm/yr and 0.4±0.2 mm/yr, vertical and
horizontal components, respectively.

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4.2.2 Rock Mass and soil Properties

A description of the rock and soil properties expected along the Penstock is given in Chapter
2.2 and Chapter 3.2.

Given the lack of information at the exact location of the foundation blocks and the
heterogeneity of the sediments and rock found along the Penstock the baseline assumes the
following parameters for the foundation blocks (Table 4-2).

Table 4-2: Parameters for the Penstock foundation

Bearing capacity
Structure Friction Angle (°) cohesión (kPa) Density (g/cm3)

Penstock Foundation 35 20 17 --

The parameters have been selected conservatively and are referred to the parameters in the
Qa(a) Alluvial Deposits found along the lower part of the Penstock alignment that are expected
to be characterized by smaller grain-sized that the sediments found at higher elevation.

For the open excavation to be excavated in weathered rocks the following parameters have
been estimated.

As input data UCS values available from laboratory tests have been used. These values range
between 50 and about 100MPa. A conservative value of 50 Mpa has been used as input. As E-
Modulus data are not available a value of 20000MPa has been selected, value considered
realistic for the observed lithologies. GSI values have been estimated from the photos,
boreholes core. GSI values ranging between 20 and 30 have been used for highly weathered
weathered layer. GSI values ranging between 35-45 has been estimated for the slightly
weathered / moderately weathered rocks layers.

Table 4-3: Estimated rock mass parameters for the Penstock excavation Derived from Hoek and Brown

Derived from Hoek and Brown criterion

Weathering Uniaxial
Rock Mass Rock Mass Tensile Global Deformation
degree Compressive
Lithology Phy* C* strength strength scm modulus
strength rock
(°) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
mass (MPa)
Jdf b1 SW/MW 52-54 0.5-0.7.4 (0.02) 1.6 – 18 8 - 10 1500-1700
Jdf b1 HW/CW 48-52 0.4-0.5.4 (0.01) 0.6 -0.8 9 - 11 3000-3200
Jln a SW/MW 52-54 0.5-0.7.4 (0.02) 1.6 – 18 8 - 10 1500-1700
Jln a SW/MW 52-54 0.5-0.7.4 (0.02) 1.6 – 18 8 - 10 1500-1700

4.2.3 Excavation and Stability of the Open Cuts

The upper part of the Penstock will be placed inside an open cut which shape is shown in Figure
4-3 and Figure 4-4.

The interpretation of this area (Figure 4-3) is based on the investigations (boreholes and
seismic lines) carried out in its vicinities. No direct investigations are available exactly along
the Penstock trace.

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At this location the rock is expected to be highly to completely weathered down to a depth of
about 25 m below the ground. Rock blocks in boreholes drilled in the vicinity are very small
(RQD mainly 0) and Vp velocities < 1000 m/s.

Below this depth rock is expected to be weathered and highly fractured and RQD values in
boreholes drilled nearby rarely exceed the value of 40. Seismic lines carried out also in the
vicinity of this area indicate at this depth Vp velocities > 1000 m/s.

Figure 4-3: Interpretative cross sections showing Vp velocity inferred along the initial part of the Penstock

Figure 4-4: Shape of the open cut to be excavated for placing the initial part of the Penstock

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The green layer in Figure 4-4 represents material characterized by very low Vp waves velocities
(500-1000 m/s). This material made of Cenozoic sediments and weathered rocks can in part
be removed by excavator. The baseline assumes that about 50% of this material (601770 m3)
need to be ripped before to be removed by excavator. To avoid damages of the final slopes
ripping shall be done only up to about 3 m from the final slope.

Pre-splitting could be locally necessary to preserve the shape of the slope in case large blocks
or continuous rock layers are found that cannot be removed by excavator.

In the lower blue layer (Vp velocity > 1000 m/s) pre-splitting and blasting of the material is
foreseen for the excavation to avoid damages of the slopes. Here the ground is expected to be
made mainly of moderately or slightly weathered rocks.

4.2.4 Water Inflows - Care of Water

Possible small (< 1 l/s/ 10 m of slope) or temporary water inflow are expected at the base of
the slope.

4.2.5 Stability of the Excavation

The Excavation slopes along the initial part of the Penstock will be cut 2V:1H. Permanent rock
support has been foreseen as follow; For the highly weathered rocks (Vp < 1000 m):

 Rock-bolts: 1.5x1.5 grid, 9 m long

 wiremesh
 10 cm shotcrete

For the moderately to slightly weathered rocks (Vp > 1000 m):

 Rock-bolts: 2x2 grid, 6 m long

 wiremesh
 10 cm shotcrete

4.2.6 Geological documentation

A geological documentation shall be produced to control the construction process and the
acquisition and use of geological and geotechnical information. During the foundation
excavation the produced documentation shall include systematic acquisition and reporting of
data based on:

 Mapping of the foundation surface

 Photograph of the foundation surface

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5 Conclusions
5.1 Summary
The investigations carried out to prepare the PSP Nido pre-Feasibility study allow defining the
geological condition of the project area. In particular the distribution through the project area
of the different lithologies could be defined and the most relevant rock-mass and soil properties
defined or estimated.

The investigation program was focused on the following points:

 Powerhouse and Lower Reservoir:

o Location of main Fault zone (Mititus fault branches) to refine Reservoir layout
and avoid interferences with the fault zone
o Properties of the ground to define excavation methodology and rock support
o Properties of the ground in the Foundation area
o Availability of the material for construction of the dams
 Upper Reservoir:
o Geological characterization of the material to be excavated to define the more
suitable excavation methods
o Availability and quality of material for rock-fill dam construction
 Penstock:
o Properties of the ground to define excavation methodology and rock support
o Properties of the ground in the Foundation area

5.2 Further Investigations

The investigation carried out to prepare the Nido PSP Pre-Feasibility study allow to a very good
level of detail for a pre-feasibility study but due to the extension of the Project area and the
numerous lithologies found some open questions still remain to be answer to minimise risks
related to the site geological conditions.

In particular, the following investigations shall be carried out during the next project phase or
at the latest at the beginning of the construction:

At the Upper reservoir:

 Additional boreholes and seismic lines to better define the volumes of the different
excavation classes and the availability of rock-fill material.
 Boreholes and seismic lines to define foundation properties along the dams including
permeability tests
 In-situ trial embankment

Powerhouse and Lower Reservoir:

 Additional test pits and laboratory tests to better characterize the lower reservoir
excavation area and the soil properties
 Test pits and laboratory tests to define suitability of material for dam construction
(Granulometric curves, salt content and triaxial or direct shear tests)
 Plate bearing tests to define the strength of soil in the Reservoir and Powerhouse area.
 Boreholes and in situ test (Menard dilatometer or similar, permeability test) to define
the soil properties along the shaft and in the foundation area

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 Test pits and laboratory tests to define the

 In-situ trial embankment


• One or two boreholes to proof the rock weathering degree along the initial part of
the Penstock alignment and laboratory tests to define the rock properties
• Tests pits and laboratory tests to define the nature and properties of the soils
where the foundation blocks are foreseen.
• Drilling of test anchor blocks

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Nido Pumped Storage Project; Prefeasibility Study – Geological Interpretative Report, 152000179
Date 17-06-2021, Rev. Version number 0

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