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Muhammadiyah International Journal of ISSN: 2685-7405

Economics and Business

Volume 1, Number 2, December 2018


Alfia Nuriska, Salamatun Asakdiyah, Rai Rake Setyawan
Management Master Program, FaizalPostAmirGraduate Program,
and Idah Zuhroh Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Corresponding Author:
Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Jl. Raya Tlogomas 246 Malang, Abstract
The development of payment systems in Indonesia is in line with the global technological
advancements and followed by new innovations, including the presence of e-money. As a subsidiary
of PT Aplikasi Karya Anak Bangsa (Go-Jek),
Rubber and its products are one of the exported commodities PT Dompet Anaklisted Bangsa is the holderten
in Indonesia’s of primary
the Go-
Pay e-money
exported license and
commodities included
(Ministry ofas one of
Trade 32 companies
2015). that have
Different from otherobtained license asthe
rubber products, e-money
of synthetic rubber and factice from oil have increased significantly since the establishmentnot
from Bank Indonesia. Despite the current high transaction growth of Go-Pay, it may of
survive without any
the AFTA-CEPT withefforts to improve 7itsthousand
approximately service quality and expand
registered products theinconsumer
the Inclusionpreferences
List (IL) in
in 2002.Go-Pay. Therefore,
This study aimedit to is necessary
analyze the to competitiveness
identify the factors of that influence
synthetic rubberbehavioral
and factice intention
in using Go-Pay. This study aims to examine and determine the factors
oil among the members of AFTA countries and analyze the impacts of trade creation and trade that influence behavioral
diversioninonusing Go-Pay with the modified
the implementation Unified Theory
of the CEPT-AFTA of Acceptance
on synthetic rubberand Use
and of Technology
factice oil from
Model (UTAUT 2). This
particularly study
in the 11 uses a quantitative
countries of origin method
of imports withduring
a questionnaire
the periodasfrom the research
2001 to
instrument. The population of this study is Go-Pay users in the Special
2013 by using a gravity model, which was analyzed using static data panel. Based on the resultsRegion of Yogyakarta. The
method of data analysis is SEM-PLS. The results showed that there
of RCA (Revealed Comparative Advantage), the competitiveness of synthetic rubber and factice were three factors that were
significant in influencing
oil from Indonesia is verypeople’s
low among interest
using Go-Pay,
Thailand Facilitating
is the topCondition,
and Price in
countries Value.
ASEAN region. The results of the panel data analysis showing variables which have
positive influence are Indonesia’s real GDP and real GDP of the country of origin of imports, while
variables with financial
negative technology, e-money, distance
effect are economic Go-Pay, and
Indonesia’s real exchange rate compared
to the country of origin of imports. The implementation of AFTA-CEPT brought against trade
diversion and creation of synthetic rubber and factice estimated that Indonesia
oil from the volume reached
will 1.2 billion
have impacts on in
theThe information
existence of tradetechnology in the financial
creation because January to June 2018.
part of the domestic production of synthetic rubber and
facticenowadays better known under
oil from Indonesia will be replaced with the imports PTfrom Dompet
member Anak Bangsa,and
countries a there
is no of
term ‹FinTech’,
trade diversion. has been initially applied in PT Aplikasi Karya Anak Bangsa (Go-Jek) as the
Indonesia. According to Bank Indonesia, there holder of the Go-Pay e-money license, is one of
4 (four) classifications
AFTA, gravity of model,
FinTech, namely:
synthetic 32 companies
rubber and facticethat fromhaveoil,obtained official license
trade creation, trade as
diversion and Peer to Peer (P2P) Lending, electronic money operators from Bank Indonesia.
Market Aggregator, Risk and Investment Currently, in addition to the cash transaction, Go-
Introduction and Payment, Settlement and Jek
Management, has1, added
Figure even thoughGo-Pay there aswasa digital
a slight transaction
decrease in
Clearing. In the last few years,
The flow of goods and services between the payment service
2008 due as toits
the feature.
global It was
economy launched
crisis. Thein world
systems in Indonesia have undergone massive 2016 amidst
countries in the last decade had increased import value index tends to be higher than the an intense business competition.
significantly. This and wasnew proven
innovations, increase The
by theincluding exporthigh
because import growthvalue withhas Go-Pay has
of thetrend of electronic
export and import money
around the been
Based achieved
component in thebycost
of tradeyet transportation.
it may not survive
on the Payment System Statistics
world between 2001 and 2013, which is shown in issued by without any efforts to improve its service quality
Bank Indonesia, in 2017, the electronic money and expand the consumer preferences in using
transaction volume reached 943 million. This Go-Pay. Therefore, it is necessary to identify
amount increased from 2016 with transaction the factors that influence behavioral intention in
volume of 683 million. Furthermore, it is using Go-Pay on a continuous basis.

107 1
Muhammadiyah International Journal of Economics and Business, Volume 1, Number 2, December 2018

One of the methods to carry out an analysis solutions (Arner, Barberis & Buckley, 2015).
is by examining the factors of price value, habit, Meanwhile, according to Bank Indonesia, financial
motivation, service performance, ease of use, technology is the combination of financial services
and social influence. The appropriate method and technology that changes the conventional
to analyze consumer behavior in adopting new business model to moderate model, which initially
services or technologies is the Unified Theory of requires face-to-face transaction and a certain
Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) amount of cash to long-distance transaction with
Model. Based on the literature review, previous payment method that can be done in just seconds.
studies using UTAUT2 model have demonstrated
accurate and comprehensive results in representing Financial System
consumer adoption of technology. It is stipulated in Law Number 23 of 1999 on
In fact, several studies both local and Bank Indonesia Article 1 paragraph (6), Payment
international have implemented the UTAUT2 System is a system which includes regulations,
model. This model was introduced by Venkatesh, institutions, and mechanisms, used in conducting
Thong, and Xu (2012) who made the modification a transfer of funds in order to fulfill an obligation
of the initial UTAUT model by adding several arising out of an economic activity. According to
factors to examine consumer acceptance in the use Mishkin (2001), payment system can be expressed
of mobile internet technology. Similarly, Kuan, simply as a method of conducting transactions in
Ann, Badri, Freida, and Tang (2014) examined the economy.
the factors in the UTAUT2 model in relation
with the adoption of mobile apps in Malaysia. In Electronic Money/e-money
Indonesia, several studies were done in which they Based on Bank Indonesia Regulation
discussed the factors that influence the adoption of number: 11/12/PBI/2009, Electronic Money refers
instant messenger applications (Marhaeni, 2014), to a means of payment in compliance with the
consumer behavior in adopting Wi-fi services following elements:
(Putranto & Pramudiana, 2015), the factors a. issued based on value of money deposited
affecting  prospective behavioral  intention  to first by a holder to an issuer;
adopt home digital service (Putra & Ariyanti, b. money value is stored electronically in a
2013). Furthermore, some studies dissected the media such as a server or a chip;
factors that influence the adoption of e-payment, c. used as means of payment to a Merchant
especially Go-Pay, by using the UTAUT2 model, who is not an Issuer of electronic money;
as carried out by Deningtyas dan Ariyanti (2017), and
and Putri, Indrawati, and Harsono (2017). d. value of electronic money deposited by a
Previous studies have revealed that the Holder and managed by an Issuer is not
magnitude of the factors that influence the savings as referred to in the law concerning
adoption of technology vary greatly, while there banking.
are also factors that are found to be insignificant.
Therefore, this study aims to provide solution Go-Pay
for the problem concerning with the consumer Go-Pay is an electronic money platform as
behavior on using Go-Pay, particularly in the a subsidiary of Go-Jek company that is used as a
Special Region of Yogyakarta. Specifically, this payment option while using the Go-Jek application.
study aims to examine and figure out the factors Currently, the Go-Pay transaction is expanded not
in the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of only in the Go-Jek application, but also accepted
Technology 2 (UTAUT 2) model that influence by other offline and online merchants (https://
behavioral intention in using Go-Pay, and to, 2018).
examine the moderating effect of age, gender, and
income on the factors in the UTAUT 2 model on Model Unified Theory Acceptance and Use of
the use of Go-Pay electronic money. Technology 2 (UTAUT2)
The UTAUT 2 model is modified from the
Financial Technology/FinTech UTAUT model developed by Venkatesh, Morris,
In general and in a broad sense, FinTech and Davis (2003) by reviewing and identifying
refers to the use of technology to deliver financial several theoretical models that primarily employed

Yanti Budiasih - Factor Affecting Behavioral...

to explain technology acceptance and use (Schaik, H3a : Social Influence (SI) affects behavioral
2009). This model exposes the direct effect of intention moderated by Age
performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and H3b : Social Influence (SI) affects behavioral
social influence on behavioral intention, as well intention moderated by Gender
as the influence of facilitating conditions and H4 : Facilitating Condition (FC) affects
behavioral intention on use behavior. It entails behavioral intention
four moderators, namely gender, age, experience, H4a : Facilitating Condition (FC) affects
and voluntariness (Venkatesh et al., 2003). behavioral intention moderated by Age
Furthermore, Venkatesh et al., (2012) clarify that H4b : Facilitating Condition (FC) affects
the basic modification of UTAUT to formulate behavioral intention moderated by Gender
UTAUT2 model is to study the technology H5 : Hedonic Motivation (HM) affects
acceptance and use then tailoring it into a behavioral intention
consumer use context. Venkatesh et al., (2012) H5a : Hedonic Motivation (HM) affects
added three additional constructs to the UTAUT2 behavioral intention moderated by Age
model, namely Hedonic Motivation, Price Value, H5b : Hedonic Motivation (HM) affects
and Habit, as well as three moderator variables, behavioral intention moderated by Gender
namely Age, Gender, and Experience. H5c : Hedonic Motivation (HM) affects
In the present study, the basic UTAUT2 behavioral intention moderated by Income
model was used to identify the effect of each H6 : Price Value (PV) affects behavioral
variable on behavioral intention in using Go-Pay intention
e-money. It was modified by not examining the H6a : Price Value (PV) affects behavioral
effect of behavioral intention on use behavior, intention moderated by Age
and by eliminating the moderator of “experience” H6b : Price Value (PV) affects behavioral
and replacing it with “income” as carried out by intention moderated by Gender
Indrawati and Haryoto (2015) and Putranto and H6c : Price Value (PV) affects behavioral
Pramudiana (2015) in order to identify the effect intention moderated by Income
of the socio-economic background of users on H7 : Habit (HT) affects behavioral intention
the intention and behavior of accepting Go-Pay H7a : Habit (HT) affects behavioral intention
as a payment system. The research framework is moderated by Age
illustrated as follows: H7b : Habit (HT) affects behavioral intention
moderated by Gender
Figure 1. Research Framework H7c : Habit (HT) affects behavioral intention
moderated by Income.
Research Hypothesis
Based on the research framework, the Research Method
hypotheses that will be tested and examined are The present study is a causal research. It
as follows: uses a quantitative research approach, in which it
H1 : Performance Expectancy (PE) affects helps in generalizing the results of research based
behavioral intention on statistical analysis. The population of this
H1a : Performance Expectancy (PE) affects study was the inhabitants of the Special Region
behavioral intention moderated by Age of Yogyakarta (DIY) who had used Go-Pay as the
H1b : Performance Expectancy (PE) affects payment method. As a general rule, the minimum
behavioral intention moderated by Gender number of samples is at least five times more than
H2 : Effort Expectancy (EE) affects behavioral the number of question items (indicators) that will
intention be analyzed. In this study, there are 28 items of
H2a : Effort Expectancy (EE) affects behavioral questions (indicators), so referring to the rule,
intention moderated by Age the minimum sample size is 5x28 or equal to 140
H2b : Effort Expectancy (EE) affects behavioral respondents.
intention moderated by Gender The sampling technique in this study is
H3 : Social Influence (SI) affects behavioral non-probability sampling. The respondents
intention were selected through accidental sampling, in

Muhammadiyah International Journal of Economics and Business, Volume 1, Number 2, December 2018

which based on Sugiyono (2018) it involved study (Sugiyono, 2018). Based on the result of the
the sample being drawn from that part of the preliminary data, validity testing was done using
population that is close to hand with a requirement the product-moment correlation while reliability
the sample is perceived suitable as a source of testing was done using the Cronbach’s alpha, with
data. Therefore, the respondents of this study were the assistance of IBM SPSS version 21. The results
people who used Go-Pay a payment method and of validity and reliability testing verified that the
lived in the Special Region of Yogyakarta who instrument was valid and reliable.
were willing to fill out questionnaires. In this study, there are 7 (seven) independent
The primary data was collected by using variables, 1 (one) dependent variable, and 3
a questionnaire with a 5 point Likert scale as (three) moderators. Independent variables include
the instrument. Prior the implementation of this Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy,
instrument, it was necessary to test the instrument. Social Influence, Facilitating Condition, Hedonic
Hence a trial was carried out on the sample of Motivation, Price Value and Habit. The dependent
where the population was obtained. As many as variable is Behavioral Intention, while the
30 respondents were involved in the preliminary moderators are age, gender, and income.

Table 1. Operational Definition of Variables

Variable Definition Indicator
Performance the degree to which using Go-Pay 1. I find Go-Pay useful in my daily life.
Expectancy for transaction will provide benefits 2. Using Go-Pay increases my chances of making
(PE) to consumers in continuously using payment.
it. 3. Using Go-Pay helps me accomplish things more
4. Using Go-Pay increases my productivity.

Effort the degree of ease associated with 1. Learning how to use Go-Pay is easy for me.
Expectancy consumers’ willingness to use 2. My interaction with Go-Pay is clear and
(EE) particular technology. understandable.
3. I find Go-Pay easy to use.
4. It is easy for me to become skillful at using Go-Pay.

Social the extent to which consumers 1. People who are important to me think that I should
Influence perceive that people close and use Go-Pay.
(SI) important to them believe they 2. People who influence my behavior think that I should
should use a particular technology use Go-Pay.
3. Many people around me use Go-Pay.

Facilitating The availability of resources 1. I have the resources/facility necessary to use Go-Pay.
Condition (facility and access) to use Go-Pay 2. I have the knowledge necessary to use Go-Pay.
(FC) for transaction will affect consumer 3. Go-Pay is compatible with other technologies I use.
intention 4. I can get help from others when I have difficulties
using Go-Pay.
Hedonic the perceived fun or pleasure 1. Using Go-Pay is fun.
Motivation derived from using Go-Pay will 2. Using Go-Pay is very entertaining
(HM) affect technology acceptance and 3. I prefer Go-Pay rather than cash for transaction.
Price Value consumers’ tradeoff between the 1. Go-Pay is reasonably priced.
(PV) perceived benefits of Go-Pay 2. The benefit of Go-Pay is a good value for the money.
and the monetary cost for using 3. Transaction with Go-Pay provides promotion with
them will affect the technology good value.
acceptance and use
Habit the extent to which consumer tend 1. The use of Go-Pay has become a habit for me.
(HT) to perform 2. Using Go-Pay becomes a requirement for me.
behaviors automatically because of 3. I must use Go-Pay.
learning 4. Using Go-Pay has a part of my daily life.

Yanti Budiasih - Factor Affecting Behavioral...

Variable Definition Indicator

Behavioral the extent to which consumer will 1. I intend to continue using Go-Pay in the future.
Intention use Go-Pay in the future 2. I will always try to Go-Pay in my daily life.
(BI) 3. I plan to continue to use Go-Pay frequently.

The Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) 1. Outer Model (Measurement Model)

using Partial Least Square (PLS) technique To evaluate the outer model with reflective
was used as the data analysis technique. It was indicators, three criteria were determined, i.e.,
processed using SmartPLS 2.0 M3. According to convergent validity, discriminant validity, and
Wiyono (2011), PLS is a SEM technique which composite reliability. Convergent validity of the
able to analyze latent variables, indicator variables, measurement model with reflective indicators is
and direct measurement errors. It is a powerful identified from the correlation between the score of
analytical method because it can be applied to all item/indicator and the score of construct (loading
data scales, it needs fewer assumptions, and its factor) as seen from the output of outer loading.
sample size must not be large. Even though PLS Furthermore, the individual indicators are stated
is widely used to confirm a theory, it is also used reliable if they have a correlation value above 0.70
to explain whether there is a relationship between (Ghozali, 2014).
latent variables. Essentially, it is more focused
on data and with a limited estimation procedure Table 3. Convergent Validity based on Outer Loading
thus the model specification insignificantly affects Outer Outer
Indicator Indicator
parameter estimates (Ghozali, 2014). Loading Loading
BI1 0.916 HT1 0.924
Results and Discussion BI2 0.950 HT2 0.929
There were 202 valid respondents whose BI3 0.951 HT3 0.927
results of questionnaire fulfilled the requirement EE1 0.803 HT4 0.914
and could be processed into further stage. The EE2 0.919 PE1 0.892
characteristics of respondents are detailed below. EE3 0.908 PE2 0.892
EE4 0.821 PE3 0.817
Table 2. Characteristics of Respondents
FC1 0.866 PE4 0.795
Characteristics N Percentage
FC2 0.877 PV1 0.802
FC3 0.788 PV2 0.864
Male 67 33,2%
FC4 0.525 PV3 0.880
Female 135 66,8%
HM1 0.893 SI1 0.926
HM2 0.869 SI2 0.932
16 – 25 76 37,62%
HM3 0.802 SI3 0.649
26 – 35 57 28,22%
Source: Output of SmartPLS 2.0 M3
36 – 45 52 25,74%
45 – 60 13 6,44% Table 3 shows that there are two indicators
> 60 4 1,98% with the score of outer loading less than 0.70, i.e.,
Income SI3 and FC4, thus these indicators are invalid.
< Rp 2,500,000 82 40,59% Therefore, they are omitted from the model for
Rp 2,500,000 - Rp 5,000,000 67 33,17% further measurement. Discriminant validity of
Rp 5,000,000 - Rp 7,500,000 24 11,88% reflective indicator is identified from the cross-
Rp 7,500,000 - Rp 10,000,000 10 4,95% loading between indicators and their constructs.
> Rp 10,000,000 19 9,41% The output of the SmartPLS 2.0 M3 shows that the
Source: Data, processed (2018)
latent construct correlation predicts the indicators
on their block better than those of another block.
Analysis using PLS was done through two Another test is done to assess the validity of
stages, namely the measurement model (outer model) the construct by examining the average variance
test and the structural model (inner model) test. extracted (AVE), in which the AVE of each construct
in an eligible model should be greater than 0.50. In

Muhammadiyah International Journal of Economics and Business, Volume 1, Number 2, December 2018

addition to the validity test, the reliability test for and Cronbach’s alpha of each construct are greater
the construct is necessary. It is measured by two than 0.70. So, it can be proven that the constructs
criteria, i.e., composite reliability and Cronbach’s are valid and reliable.
alpha of a block of indicators that measures the
construct. A construct is declared reliable if the 2. Inner Model (Structural Model)
composite reliability value and Cronbach’s alpha The structural model is tested by examining
are above 0.70 (Ghozali, 2014). the R-square or a goodness-fit test. The R-square
is 0.736 thus it can be interpreted that 73.6%
Table 4. The Value of AVE, Composite Reliability and of the variability of Behavioral Intention (BI)
Cronbach’s Alpha can be explained by Performance Expectancy,
Composite Cronbach’s Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, Facilitating
AVE R Square
Reliability Alpha Condition, Hedonic Motivation, Price Value
BI 0.882 0.957 0.736 0.933 and Habit. Meanwhile, the remaining 26.4% is
EE 0.746 0.921   0.887 explained by other variables excluded from this
FC 0.746 0.898   0.829 study.
HM 0.732 0.891   0.817 The second test is done to identify the
HT 0.853 0.959   0.943 significance of the influence of performance
PE 0.723 0.913   0.872
expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence,
facilitating condition, hedonic motivation, price
PV 0.722 0.886   0.808
value and habit on behavioral intention. It is
SI 0.933 0.965   0.928
indicated by the parameter coefficient and the
Source: Output of SmartPLS 2.0 M3
significance value of t-statistics. Subsequently, the
bootstrapping procedure is carried out to determine
Table 4 shows that the AVE of each construct the significance of path coefficients.
is greater than 0.50, while the composite reliability

Table 5. Path Coefficient and T-Statistics

Path coeffi- T-Statistics (|O/
cient STERR|)
PE -> BI -0.017 0.281 Rejected
EE -> BI -0.011 0.201 Rejected
SI -> BI 0.052 0.726 Rejected
FC -> BI 0.159 2.535 Accepted
HM -> BI 0.087 1.075 Rejected
PV -> BI 0.122 2.113 Accepted
HT -> BI 0.596 7.433 Accepted
Source: Output of SmartPLS 2.0 M3

The results of inner model testing show that factor that affects behavioral intention in using Go-
there are three accepted hypotheses with t-value Pay. It implies that consumers who have applied
greater than 1.960, i.e., the variable of Habit with the Go-Pay making this payment method as a habit.
highest value of 7.433, Facilitating Condition with Subsequently, this habit makes them addicted in
a value of 2.535, and Price Value with a value of using Go-Pay. It becomes a necessity for the option
2.113. These values indicate that Habit, Facilitating of having non-cash payment transactions. Since
Condition, and Price Value have a positive effect using Go-Pay becomes a routine, consumers will
on behavioral intention in using Go-Pay. On the adopt it as a habit thus increasing the behavioral
contrary, four hypotheses are rejected because the intention to continually using Go-Pay, even a
t-value of each hypothesis is less than 1.96. The necessity.
rejected variables are Performance Expectancy, In this study, the effect of moderators of age,
Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, and Hedonic gender, and income toward the relationship between
Motivation. variables is also investigated. The values of the
The variable of habit is the most significant moderators are demonstrated in Table 6 below.

Yanti Budiasih - Factor Affecting Behavioral...

Table 6. The Moderators

T-statistic value of moderator
Relationship of variables
Gender Age Income
PE  BI 0.143 0.134 -
EE  BI 1.123 3.043 -
SI  BI 1.293 0.233 -
FC  BI 0.663 3.359 1.539
HM  BI 0.526 0.253 0.473
PV  BI 0.206 0.999 0.285
HT  BI 1.227 0.628 0.673
Source: Data, processed (2018)

From Table 6, age becomes the only moderator 4. The test with goodness-fit model obtains
which t-statistic value greater than 1.96, so it can a value of R-square of 0.736, so it can be
be interpreted that relationship between Facilitating interpreted that the variables of Performance
Condition and Effort Expectancy with behavioral Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social
intention in using Go-Pay is moderated by age. Influence, Facilitating Condition, Hedonic
Meanwhile, gender and income do not moderate Motivation, Price Value and Habit explain
that relationship. 73.6% of the variability of Behavioral
Intention. Meanwhile, the remaining 26.4% is
Conclusion explained by other variables outside this study.
An analysis on the research data of the factors
that affect behavioral intention in using Go-Pay As a follow-up to the conclusions drawn from
e-money using a modified model of the Unified the findings of this study, it is recommended for
Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 further researchers to add other variables that are
(UTAUT2) has been carried out. The following considered feasible in the technology acceptance
conclusions can be drawn: model in order to develop and divulge the factors
1. Habit, Facilitating Condition, and Price Value that affect behavioral intention in using e-money
have a significant effect on the behavioral products, i.e., security, trust, and risk. In addition,
intention of consumers in the Special Region further study can examine the use of e-money in
of Yogyakarta in using Go-Pay as the payment general since there are several e-money operators
method. with license from Bank Indonesia as the object of
2. Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, the research, and take larger samples instead of only
Social Influence, and Hedonic Motivation Go-Pay users in the Special Region of Yogyakarta.
have an insignificant effect on the behavioral Therefore, the findings will be more comprehensive.
intention of consumers in the Special Region Furthermore, the Go-Jek company as the operator
of Yogyakarta in using Go-Pay as the payment of Go-Pay should be able to improve services and
method. innovations such as by adding benefits and facilities
3. The relationship between Facilitating for consumers hence they can enjoy using Go-
Condition and Effort Expectancy with the Pay and make it as a habit. Based on the finding
behavioral intention in using Go-Pay is of this study, habit is the most significant factor
moderated by age, but not by gender and that determines behavioral intention in continually
income. using Go-Pay.


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2013 by using a gravity model, which was analyzed using static data panel. Based on the results
technology: toward a unified view. MIS Quarterly, 27(3).
of RCA (Revealed Comparative Advantage), the competitiveness of synthetic rubber and factice
oil fromV., Thong, J.
Indonesia isY. L., low
very & Xu, X. (2012).
among Consumer
four ASEAN acceptance
countries, andThailand
while use of information technology:
is the top exporting
countries the unified
in ASEAN theory
region. Theofresults
of the and
paneluse of technology.
data MIS Quarterly,
analysis showing 36(1). have
variables which
Wiyono, G.influence
(2011). are Indonesia’s
Merancang real GDPbisnis
penelitian and real GDP alat
dengan of theanalisis
of origin
17.0of&imports, while2.0.
variables with negative effect
Yogyakarta: UPP STIM YKPN. are economic distance and Indonesia’s real exchange rate compared
to the country of origin of imports. The implementation of AFTA-CEPT brought against trade
diversion and creation of synthetic rubber and factice oil from Indonesia will have impacts on
the existence of trade creation because part of the domestic production of synthetic rubber and
factice oil from Indonesia will be replaced with imports from member countries and there is no
trade diversion.

Keywords: AFTA, gravity model, synthetic rubber and factice from oil, trade creation, trade

Introduction Figure 1, even though there was a slight decrease in

The flow of goods and services between 2008 due to the global economy crisis. The world
countries in the last decade had increased import value index tends to be higher than the
significantly. This was proven by the increase export value because import value has additional
of the export and import value index around the component in the cost of trade transportation.
world between 2001 and 2013, which is shown in


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