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HJBS Volume 3 No 1 February 2021


Analysis of Perceived Usefulness and Ease of Use to the Actual System

Usage through Attitude Using Online Guidance Application
(A Study on the Online Tutoring Application Ruangguru in Makassar)

ammad Mitsal Islami1*, Muhammad Asdar2, Andi Nur Baumassepe33,


Master Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Hasanuddin University
Faculty of Economics and Business, Hasanuddin University;
Faculty of Economics and Business, Hasanuddin University

* Correspondence author:

This study aims to analyze the effect of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use on actual system usag
through attitude toward using the Ruangguru online learning guidance application in Makassar City. This
study took data directly from students who subscribed to the Ruangguru application by taking 247 high school
students and their equivalent as samples in this study. To implement the objectives of this study used analysis
techniques using path analysis. The results of the analysis prove that perceived usefulness and perceived ease
of use have a positive and significant effect on attitude toward using the Ruangguru online tutoring
application. Meanwhile, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and attitude toward using have a
positive and significant effect on actual system usage in the Ruangguru online tutoring application. Based on
the results of thee single test, attitude toward using is able to mediate the effect of perceived usefulness and
perceived ease of use on actual usage in the Ruangguru online tutoring application.
use; attitude toward using; actual usage
Keywords : perceived usefulness; perceived ease of use

The development of technology in the field of communication and information is growing
rapidly. The availability of information technology has become a necessity in all lines of life. In an
era known as the millennial era, humans cannot be separated from technology, this life is known as
life (electronic life), meaning that the various activities carried out are mostly influenced by
technology. With the availability of technology, it can help reduce the waste of resources so that
every activity can be completed
mpleted effectively and efficiently. Internet facilities currently in use provide
many conveniences and various types of information, including in the field of education. This can
help increase students' knowledge for success in learning.
Indonesia is a country
untry that has 307,655 schools, 2,755,020 teachers and 45,357,157 students.
However, Indonesia is one of the countries with very low educational performance. According to the
Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), Indonesia ranks 72 out of 77 countries in
education. Recent research conducted by Professor Lant Pricthett (Harvard University) states that in
the field of education, Indonesia is around 128 years behind other countries. This is one of the factors
that makes the quality of education in Indonesia still questionable.
The teaching and learning process in Indonesia still uses the conventional model (teacher
centered learning) which is considered boring also affects students' learning motivation. As a result,
many students find it difficultt to understand the subject matter given at school. Therefore, parents
took the initiative to provide additional lessons for their children.

HJBS Volume 3 No 1 February 2021


Currently tutoring is mandatory for every student to understand lessons that are not easy in
school. Lack of teacherr creativity in explaining subjects as well as difficulties faced by students in
understanding the many subjects are reasons for seeking tutoring outside of school. However,
tutoring in general is not the best solution for student learning needs, because not n all regions in
Indonesia have tutoring services. In addition, time and money are the main obstacles faced by
students and parents alike. School learning hours are getting denser, making the lack of rest time for
students coupled with unpredictable conge
stion. Moreover, in general, the price for tutoring in
Indonesia is quite expensive. The Ruangguru application is an alternative that provides convenience
in learning.
Ruangguru is an application developed to support learning for students so that they can
understand every material that has been taught in school. Ruangguru is known as an online tutoring
application that makes it easy for students to study anywhere and anytime. Ruangguru provides a
learning system that students and teachers can use in managing
managing teaching and learning activities
virtually. Some of Ruangguru's features allow students to upgrade their learning abilities. Ruangguru
as a support for the learning process as well as a learning resource will change learning methods and
techniques to become
ome more varied. The learning management system in the Ruangguru application is
packaged in an attractive and easy to understand manner so that students find it easier to understand
and understand the material being taught. This can increase student motiva
Table 1. Statistical Data of Ruangguru Application Users for the Period 2019/2020
Region Users
Sumatera 51.108
Jawa 97.824
Kalimantan 10.806
Sulawesi 16.050
Papua 1.686
Total 177.474
Source: Ruangguru data, 2020
Ruangguru application users in the 2019/2020 school year reached 177,474 students at the
elementary (SD), junior high school (SMP),
( and senior high school (SMA) levels. The highest users
are in the Java region with 97,824 students. This proves that the lea learning
rning interest of elementary,
junior high and high school students in Java is higher than other regions, especially in Makassar City
with only 1,290 users of the Ruangguru application. Ruangguru application user data above was
obtained from the Ruangguru education
ducation consultant. This data shows that there is still less interest in
learning in Makassar City compared to other areas. This is directly felt by the education consultants,
teachers and parents of students.
The Ruangguru application has met the requirements
requirements for a technology that can be adopted,
namely the services offered by the Ruangguru application have supported and the Ruangguru
application service can be accessed and has supporting benefits. The desire to use and accept
technology has a direct effect
ct on the development of the Ruangguru application. User reactions and
perceptions will influence acceptance of the application. The influencing factors are user perceptions,
the benefits of using technology and the ease of using technology (Dewi and I Wayan anSantika, 2018).
The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is adopted from the Theory of Reasoned Action
(TRA) model. This theory states that the reactions and perceptions of information technology users
will affect their attitudes in acceptance of the techno
logy. The Technology Acceptance Model
(TAM) is a model for analyzing and understanding the factors that influence the acceptance of
technology use (Marjan,
Marjan, LukLu’ul., Kusumantara & Siti Mukaromah, 2018). The aim of the TAM
model is to explain the main factorsors of user behaviour towards technology user acceptance. The
factors that can influence a person are the user's perception of the usefulness and ease of using
information technology so that it makes the person's actions / behaviour a benchmark in acceptance
of a technology. Perceived usefulness is the extent to which a person believes that using the system
will improve their performance. Meanwhile, perceived easy to use is the extent to which someone
HJBS Volume 3 No 1 February 2021


believes that the use of information systems is easy and does not require hard effort.
Applying the concept of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use in the Ruangguru
application, namely, usefulness is how the effectiveness of the Ruangguru application in helping
students understand each subject matter and ease of use is the ease that students feel in using the
application. The use of technology will determine the attitude in using technology if users feel that
the system is useful and easy to use and use it sustainably.
The Technology Acceptance Model ((TAM) TAM) has five main perceptions, namely perceived
usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude toward using, behavioral intention to use, and actual
system use. Modifications made by the researcher were developing the TAM model by adding
several independent variables in the form of perceived preferences, job relevance, and results
visibility. This study uses 4 (four) constructs from the Technology Acceptance Model research,
namely: Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Attitude Toward Using, and Actual Usage.
Attitudes towards use in the Technology Acceptance model (TAM) are conceptualized as
attitudes towards the use of systems in the form of acceptance or rejection as an impact when
someone uses a technology in work Tubalawony (2017). A person's attitude ude towards a technology
can be used as a measure of acceptance of this technology because this attitude will show positive or
negative feelings towards acceptance. The attitude of the user in accepting an information technology
has a big impact on the success
cess of the technology. With the ease of use or perceived ease of use and
perceived usefulness, it will further increase the desire or behaviour to use attitude toward using,
which has an impact on increasing the intention to use information technology its itself.
Actual usage is a real behaviour in adopting a system. The purpose of Actual Usage is to
explain and predict how users accept a new information technology in order to evaluate the
application of that technology. Actual system usage is as a form of external
ernal psychomotoric response
which was measured by a person through real usage (Davis,Bagozzi & Warshow,, 1989).
Several studies using the concept of the TAM model have been conducted, including Taufik,
Nursyuhada & Mohd Hafiz Hanafiah (2019) showing that perceived usefulness and perceived ease
of use have a positive effect on attitude toward use. In addition, this study proves that the perceived
usefulness has a dominant influence compared to the perceived ease. The results of Yadnya, I Putu &
I WayanSantika (2017) research show that the variable perceived ease of use of ee-commerce has a
positive and significant effect on the attitude toward using of ee-commerce,
commerce, the variable perceived
ease of use of e-commerce
commerce has a positive and signific
ant effect on the actual usage variable. of e-
commerce, the variable perceived of usefulness of ee-commerce
commerce has a positive and significant effect
on the attitude toward using of e-commerce,
commerce, the variable perceived of usefulness of ee-commerce has
a positive andnd significant effect on the actual usage of ee-commerce
commerce variable, the attitude variable
toward using of e-commerce
commerce has a positive and significant effect on actual usage of e-commerce.

Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
The theory for analyzing the factors that can influence acceptance of the use of information
technology systems is the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The Technology Acceptance
Model (TAM) is a theory about the use of information technology systems which is considered very
influential and is generally used to explain individual acceptance of the use of information
technology systems (Jogiyanto, 200 2007).
). The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) was first
introduced by Davis (1989) and has been rere-developed by many researcherss to date.
The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is a model that is built to analyze and understand
the factors that influence the acceptance of technology use. The Technology Acceptance Model
(TAM) is the result of the adoption of the Theory of Reasoned A Action
ction (TRA) model proposed by
Ajzen and Fisbein (as in Patiro and Hety Budiyanti, 2016).. The TRA model is a theory of action that
argues with the premise that a person's reactions and perceptions will influence his attitude and

HJBS Volume 3 No 1 February 2021


judgment on the acceptance of a new technology. One thing that can influence is the user's
perception of the usefulness and ease of use of information technology.
The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) underlies external factors, such as trust,
perceived enjoyment, attitudes, and the purpose of use. TAM has 5 main constructs, namely: (1)
Perceived usefulness, (2) Perceived ease of use, (3) Attitude toward using technology (attitude), (4)
Behavioral intention to use (Interests), and (5) Actual technology use (actual use of technology).

External s Attitude Behavioural Actual
Variables Toward Intention system
Use usage
Ease of

Figure 1. Model Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

Perceived Usefulness
When information can resolve the need, it is useful. According to Jogiyanto (2007), perceived
usefulness is a belief that using technology will improve individual performance so that it affects the
making process for using the technology. If someo
someone ne believes that information systems are
useful then he will use them. Conversely, if someone believes that information systems are less
useful then he will not use them. Davis, Bagozzi & Warshow (1989) define perceived usefulness as
the belief in benefits, namely the degree to which users believe that the use of technology/systems
will improve their performance at work.
Perceived Ease of Use
Perceived ease of use is a situation where a person or individual uses an information
technology system that will not require a large amount of effort and also not be a bother at the time
of use. According to Jogiyanto (2007) ease is defined as the extent to which a person believes that
using a technology will be free from effort. Ease of use is easy to lear learn,
n, easy to understand, simple
and easy to operate (Jogiyanto, 2007).
Actual System Usage
Actual system usage is real behaviour in adopting a technology system. According to Davis
(1989), actual system usage is defined as a form of external psychomotor re response
sponse measured by a
person with real use. According to Rigopoulos and Askounis (2007), actual usage is measured based
on repeated use and more frequent use, in this case the use of e-commerce.
Technology system users will feel satisfied in using a technol
ogy system if the system is easy
to use, makes work easier and increases user productivity, which can be seen from the real conditions
of use. Actual usage is used to predict and explain user acceptance in evaluating the advancement of
information technology gy systems. An information technology system can be said to be successful if
the user (user) is increasing in number and continuously used. Someone will feel satisfied using the
service if they believe that the service is easy to use and can increase produ
ctivity, which is reflected
in the real conditions of use (Adhiputra, 2015). Actual system usage can be measured by indicators
of frequency and long-term
term use of technology ((Yasa, Ratnaningrum, & Sukaatmaja,, 2014).
Attitude towards Using Online Application
Attitude Toward Using or attitudes towards the use of information systems is the attitude of
users towards the use of technology systems in the form of acceptance or rejection. It depends on the
level of trust the user has. If the user has a high level ooff trust in an information technology, the user
will show a positive attitude in accepting the system. Attitude toward using in TAM is
HJBS Volume 3 No 1 February 2021


conceptualized as an attitude toward the use of a system in the form of acceptance or rejection as an
impact when someone uses technology in their work (Davis, 1993). A person's attitude consists of
elements of cognitive / perspective (cognitive), affective (affective), and components related to
behaviour (behavioural components).
Perceived Usefulness and Attitude towards Online Application
Perceived usefulness is defined as a condition in which an individual believes that using a
technology system can help improve the individual's performance and work performance. In terms of
improving student learning, the Ruangguru application
application makes it easy to understand each subject
matter with various features. In addition, students who previously had to go to a tutoring place, the
Ruangguru application made it easier for students to study anywhere.
The basis for measuring the perceive
perceivedd usefulness is the frequency of use and the diversity of
applications being run. The positive attitude of users of an information system will encourage these
users to optimize the utility or utilization of the system. The better the user's perception of tthe
benefits of a technology system, the greater the positive attitude the user gives to the use of the
Several studies have been conducted regarding the perceived usefulness of attitude toward
using. The research results of Yuliyani and Dewi (2016) stated that there is a positive influence
between perceived usefulness on attitude toward using in internet banking applications. Research by
Wida, Ni Nyoman Kerti Yasaand and Sukaatmadja (2016) also states that perceived usefulness has a
significant effect onn attitude toward using.
H1: Perceived usefulness affects attitude toward using in the Ruangguru application.
Perceived Ease of Use and attitude toward Online Application
Perceived ease of use is a situation where someone in using a technology can easily be used
and understood. Ease of using information technology has a positive impact on user attitudes in using
information technology which continues to increase. Thus, the better the perception of users of
information technology systems regarding the ease of use that is formed, the more positive the
attitudes of users who will use the system.
Several studies have been conducted regarding perceived ease of use towards attitude toward
using. In research conducted by Widianto, Haryadi and Devani (2020) there is a positive influence
between perceived ease of use on attitude toward using. using.Similar
Similar results were obtained by Nugraha
and Laksito (2014), Wida, Ni Nyoman Kerti Yasaand Sukaatmadja (2016) prove that perceived ease
of use has a positive and significant eff
effect on attitude toward using.
H2: Perceived ease of use affects attitude toward using in the Ruangguru application.
Perceived Usefulness and Actual Usage
The use of technology systems can provide benefits to users, in obtaining information that is
relevant, accurate, timely and complete, so that this can increase the productivity and performance of
the users of the system. Actual usage of a technology system is defined as a reaction to the overall
feeling of an individual to use a system (Jogiyanto, 2007). The better the level of user perception of
the benefits obtained, the higher the level of use of the system.
Based on previous research conducted by Yuliyani and Dewi(2016), (2016), it was found that there
was a positive influence between perceived usefulness
usefulness on actual internet banking usage. The results
of the same study were also proven by Nugraha and Laksito (2014) who stated that perceived
usefulness had a positive effect on Actual System Usage.
H3: Perceived usefulness affects Actual Usage in the Ruang
Ruangguru application.
Perceived Ease of Use and Actual Usage
Perceived ease of use is the level of user confidence that the use of information systems is
easy and does not require hard effort from the wearer. The higher the ease felt by users in using an

HJBS Volume 3 No 1 February 2021


ormation technology system, the higher the real use of the technology system.
Based on previous research conducted by Yasa, Ratnaningrum and Sukaatmaja (2014). it is
stated that perceived ease of use has a positive and significant effect on Actual System Usage.
Adhiputra (2015) also suggests that there is a positive influence between perceived ease of use on
actual internet banking usage.
H4: Perceived ease of use affects actual usage on the Ruangguru application.
Attitude toward Using and Actual Usage
In the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) concept, attitude toward using is an attitude
toward the use of information technology which is the benchmark for acceptance or rejection of the
technology. Actual Usage is the actual use of an information technolog
technologyy as measured by the
frequency and duration of technology usage. The higher the user's attitude towards information
technology systems will encourage the repeated use of the technology.
Previous research conducted by Tira, Wardana and Setiawan (2016) stated state that attitude
toward using has a positive and significant effect on actual usage in ee-newspapers.
newspapers. The same
research results were also shown by Adhiputra (2015) which showed that there was a positive
influence between attitude toward using and actual usag
usagee among internet banking users. Thus, the
higher the positive attitude towards the use of information technology, the higher the actual use of
the technology.
H5: Attitude Toward Using affects actual usage of the Ruangguru application

Thiss research uses quantitative research methods. The data to be studied are in the form of
definite numbers, so that the data can be analyzed using a statistical approach. The research carried
out is field research, because data collection is carried out dir directly
ectly from users of the Ruangguru
application by distributing questionnaires which will then be processed and presented in the form of
research. The research was conducted in schools at the high school level and the equivalent in
Makassar City. As objects in the study are high school students and the equivalent in Makassar City
who have subscribed to the Ruangguru application. The dependent variable in this study is Actual
System Usage, the independent variable uses perceived usefulness and perceived ease oof use. And
for the intervening variable is Attitude Toward Using.
The type of data used in this research is quantitative data. Where quantitative data is in the
form of reports in the form of numbers such as respondent data in the form of gender, age, education
level and others. Sources of data used in this study are primary and secondary data. Primary data is
data obtained from direct observation from companies such as questionnaires and interviews.
Secondary data is data obtained indirectly, such as infor information
mation obtained through the internet and
books related to this research.
In this study, using a questionnaire as a research instrument in which there are questions or
statements that will be answered by the respondent. This study uses a Likert scale as a m measurement
scale. With a Likert scale, the variables to be measured are translated into variable indicators. Then,
these indicators are used as a starting point for arranging instrument items which can be in the form
of statements or questions (Sugiyono, 2016).
2016). A questionnaire is said to be valid if the questions on
the questionnaire are able to reveal something that will be measured by the questionnaire (Ghozali,
2016).). A questionnaire is declared valid if the corrected item correlation value is> 0.3. An instrument
that measures data or the resulting data can be called reliable or reliable if the instrument consistently
produces the same results (Ferdinand, 2014). To measure the reliability level of an instrument using
Cronbach's Alpha value. A variable is said to be reliable if it provides α> 0.60 (Ghozali, 2016).
The data were tested using path analysis techniques. Path analysis is used to test or analyze
the relationship between variables. Path analysis will determine the relationship pattern between
three or more variables and cannot be used to confirm or reject the imaginary causality hypothesis.
HJBS Volume 3 No 1 February 2021


Perceived Usefulness
(X1) P y2x1

P y1x1
Attitude Using Online Actual Usage
Learning Application
P y2y1
(Y )
P y1x2
P y2x2
Perceived Ease of Use

Figure 2. Path Analysis Models

According to the path diagram above, a structural equation can be determined as follows:
𝑍 =𝜌 𝑋1 + 𝜌 𝑋2 + 𝜀 ………………………………….. (1)
𝑌=𝜌 𝑋1 + 𝜌 𝑋2 + 𝜌 𝑌 + 𝜀 ……………………….. (2)

The results of the validity test of each variable indicator have a corrected item-total
correlation value> 0.3, so the item is said to be valid. Thus, indicators or statements can be used as a
measuring tool and can reveal data on research variables. The following are the results of the
validation test.
Table 2. Validation Test Results
Variable Indicator/Item Corrected Item-Total Correlation Information
Perceived Usefulness (X1) X1.1 0,789 Valid
X1.2 0,766 Valid
X1.3 0,753 Valid
X1.4 0,793 Valid
X1.5 0,467 Valid
Perceived Ease of Use (X2) X2.1 0,811 Valid
X2.2 0,803 Valid
X2.3 0,765 Valid
X2.4 0,764 Valid
X2.5 0,760 Valid
Attitude Toward Using (Z) Z.1 0,811 Valid
Z.2 0,746 Valid
Z.3 0,837 Valid
Z.4 0,776 Valid
Z.5 0,857 Valid
Actual Usage (Y) Y.1 0,754 Valid
Y.2 0,819 Valid
Y.3 0,729 Valid
Source: Output SPSS 25, 2020.
The reliability test results have a Cronbach's Alpha value> off 0.60, shown in the following
Table 3. Reliability Test Results
Variables Cronbach’s Alpha N of Items Information
Perceived Usefulness (X1) 0,879 5 Reliable
Perceived Ease of Use (X2) 0,914 5 Reliable
Attitude Toward Using (Z) 0,925 5 Reliable
Actual Usage (Y) 0,878 3 Reliable
Source: output SPSS 25, 2020
Based on the table above, it shows that the indicators in this study are declared reliable. Thus,

HJBS Volume 3 No 1 February 2021


the variable perceived usefulness, perceived ease of actual usage that was mediated by the attitude
toward using variable were declared reliable or could be trusted as measurement tools.
Path Analysis
Path analysis is defined as a technique used to test or analyze causal relationships in multiple
regression when the independent variable affects the dependent variable not only directly, but also
indirectly. The tool used for statistical calculation of path analysis is regression analysis and using
the SPSS 25 program.
The first equation in this study
study is to examine the relationship between perceived usefulness
(X1) and perceived ease of use (X2) on attitude toward using (Z) which will be explained in the
following table:
Table 4. Path Analysis (Z Equation)
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) -.719 .882 -.814 .416
Perceived Usefulness (X1) .588 .066 .493 8.975 .000
Perceived Ease of Use (X2) .439 .059 .411 7.476 .000
Source: Output SPSS 25, 2020
Based on the table above, it can be seen that the value of Standardized Coefficients beta
shows the contribution of the perceived usefulness variable to attitude toward using by 0.493 and is
stated to have a significant effect with a value of 0.000 smaller than the standard value of 0.05.
anwhile, for the perceived convenience variable, the value of Standardized Coefficients beta was
0.411 and a significant value of 0.000 <from 0.05, which means that it has a significant effect.
The magnitude of the influence of the perceived usefulness var
iable (X1) and perceived ease
(X2) on the attitude toward using (Z) variable can be seen by the coefficient of determination which
can be seen in the Model Summary table as follows:
Table 44. Model Summary (Z Equation)
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 .858 .737 .735 1.68056
Source: Output SPSS 25, 2020
According to the table, shows that the value of R Square for the perceived usefulness and
perceived ease of attitude toward using variables is 0.737 with a percentage of 73.3%. This means
that perceived usefulness and perceived convenience contributed 73.3% 73.3% in influencing attitude
toward using, while the remaining 26.7% was influenced by other factors not explained in this study.
In addition, the magnitude of the path coefficient for other variables outside this study is 𝜀 =
(1 − 𝑅 ) = (1 − 0,737) = 0,513 513.
The path
ath analysis equation for the attitude toward using (Z) variable is as follows:
𝑍= 𝜌 𝑋1 + 𝜌 𝑋2 + 𝜀
𝑍 = 0,493 + 0,411 + 0,513
The second equation in this study is to test and analyze the relationship between perceived
usefulness (X1), perceivedd ease (X2) and attitude toward using (Z) variables towards Actual Usage
(Y). The following is a table of the Y equation:
Table 5. Path Analysis II (Y Equation)
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 1.331 .640 2.080 .039
Perceived Usefulness (X1) .110 .055 .155 2.016 .045
Perceived Ease of Use (X2) .233 .047 .365 4.940 .000
Attitude Toward Using (Z) .190 .046 .318 4.095 .000
Source: Output SPSS 25, 2020

HJBS Volume 3 No 1 February 2021


Based on table, it can be seen that the value of Standardized Coefficients beta shows the
contribution of the perceived usefulness variable (X1) to actual usage (Y) of 0.155 and is stated to
have a significant effect with a value of 0.045 which is smaller than the standard value of 0.05.
Perceived ease variable, Standardized Coefficients beta value is 0.365 and a significant value is
0.000 <from 0.05, which means that perceived ease (X2) has a significant effect on actual usage (Y).
The attitude toward using (Z) variable has a Standardized
Standardized Coefficients beta value of 0.318 with a
significant value of 0.000 <0.05, which means a significant effect on actual usage (Y).
The magnitude of the influence of the perceived usefulness variable (X1) and perceived ease
(X2) and attitude toward using (Z) on actual usage (Y) can be seen by the coefficient of
determination which can be seen in the Model Summary table as follows
Table 66. Model Summary (Y Equation)
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate Durbin-Watson
1 .785a .616 .611 1.21702 1.708

Source: Output SPSS 25, 2020.

Based on table 6 of the Model Summary, it can be seen that the R Square value for the
perceived usefulness, perceived ease and attitude toward using variables for actual usage is 0.616
with a percentage of 61.6%. Thus, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and attitude toward
using contributed 61.6% in influencing actual usage and the rest was influenced by other factors
amounting to 38.4%. For the magnitude of the path coefficient for other variables outside of this
study are 𝜀 = (1 − 𝑅 ) = (1 − 0,616) = 0,619.
The path analysis equation of actual usage (Y) variables is as follows:
𝑌 =𝜌 𝑋1 + 𝜌 𝑋2 + 𝜌 𝑌 + 𝜀
𝑌 = 0,155 + 0,365365 + 0,318 + 0,619
From the information, it can be concluded that the coefficient value of each variable used in
this study
udy is depicted in the path diagram and equation below.
Perceived Usefulness ε2 = 0.493 ε2 = 0.619
(X1)) 0.155

Attitude Using Online Actual Usage
Learning Application 0.318


Perceived Ease of Use 0.365


Figure 3. Path Analysis Diagram

𝑍 = 0,493 + 0,411 + 0,513s
𝑌 = 0,155 + 0,365365 + 0,318 + 0,619
In addition to the direct influence between perceived usefulness (X1) and perceived ease (X2)
on actual usage (Y) through attitude toward using (Z) as an intervening variable that mediates the
relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable, there is also an indirect
effect (Indirect effect) and total effect
fect (Total Effect).

HJBS Volume 3 No 1 February 2021


Table 7. Direct Effect, Indirect Effect and Total Effect

Variables Direct Effect Indirect Effect Total Effect
𝑋 → 𝑍 0,493 - 0,493
𝑋 → 𝑍 0,411 - 0,411
𝑋 → 𝑌 0,155 - 0,155
𝑋 → 𝑌 0,365 - 0,365
𝑌 → 𝑌 0,318 - 0,318
𝑋 → 𝑍 →𝑌 0,155 0,157 0,312
𝑋 → 𝑍 →𝑌 0,365 0,131 0,496
Source: Output SPSS 25, 2020.
The results of the t test or partial test of the path I coefficient, it can be seen that the
perceived usefulness has a significant value of 0.000 <0.05. Thus, perceived usefulness (X1) has a
partially significant effect on attitude toward using (Z) in the Ruangguru online learning guidance
application. Meanwhile, the perceived convenience variable also obtained a significant value of
0.000 <0.05. This means that perceived ease (X2) has a partially significant effect on attitude toward
using (Z) in the Ruangguru online tutoring application.
The partial test results of the path II model equation show that the perceived usefulness has a
significant value of 0.045 <0.000..000. This means that perceived usefulness (X1) has a partially
significant effect on actual usage (Y). The perceived convenience variable has a significant value of
0.000 <0.05. This means that the perceived ease of use partially has a significant effect on actual
usage (Y). and the attitude toward using variable has a significant value of 0.000 <0.05. Thus,
attitude toward using (Z) also has a partially significant effect on actual usage (Y) on the Ruangguru
online tutoring application.
The requirement is that it can be said that there is a mediating effect or an indirect effect if the
calculated t value is greater than the t table value (Sobel, 1982). Based on the results of o the above
calculations, the t-value
value for the first equation is 3,749> 1.65 and for the second equation the t_count
value is 3.702 <1.65. Thus, the sobel test results show that attitude toward using as a mediator
variable is able to mediate the relationship between perceived usefulness and perceived ease of actual
usage in the Ruangguru online tutoring application.

Influence of Perceived Usefulness to Attitude Toward Using Online Learning Application
On the basis of findings given above, it tell us that perceived usefulness has a positive effect
on attitude toward using in the Ruangguru online tutoring application. Thus, it can be said that
students who have subscribed on the application provide a positive appreciation. It is the fact that the
Ruangguru application provides benefits in helping their learning, especially in understanding
learning material, increasing enthusiasm for learning, providing effectiveness in learning and up to
date learning materials. This findings support the respondent's attitude
de towards using the Ruangguru
learning application.
This research is also supported by several studies, such as research conducted by Taufik and
Hanafiah (2019) which states that perceived usefulness has a positive and significant effect on
attitude towardd using. The same research results were also stated by Tira, Wardana and Setiawan
(2016), Jannah, Kartika and Arif(2015
(2015)) who stated that perceived usefulness had a positive and
significant effect on attitude toward using.
Influence of Perceived Ease of Use to Attitude Toward Using Online Learning Application
Itt shows that the perception of convenience has a positive and significant effect on the
Ruangguru application. This shows that respondents will pay attention to the ease of using the
Ruangguru application.
ion. Such as, interesting and easy to access learning features, as well as the
Ruangguru application itself that is easy to understand in use. Thus, respondents show a positive
attitude in accepting and using the application. The ease of using the Ruanggur
Ruangguru u application makes

HJBS Volume 3 No 1 February 2021


respondents not have to think hard about using it, so that respondents feel happy when accessing it.
The results of this study are in line with research conducted by I Putu Yadnya & I Wayan
(2017) which states that perceived ease of use has a positive and significant effect on attitude
toward using. Research by Nugraha and Laksito (2014) also shows that perceived ease of use has a
positive and significant effect on attitude toward using.
Influence of Perceived Usefulness to Actual Usage
erceived usefulness has a positive and significant effect on actual usage of the Ruangguru
application. This means, users of the Ruangguru application make a useful aspect for a tendency to
use the application. Students feel the advantages of using the Ruangguru application so that they
make a real form of adoption of this application by continuing to use it consistently and regularly to
help students learn.
The results of this study are in line with the research of Wida, Ni Nyoman Kerti Yasa and
Sukaatmadja (2016), Yuliana and Budiman (2016) which state stated that perceived usefulness has a
positive and significant effect on actual usage. In Research by Adhiputra (2015) also stated state that
perceived usefulness has a positive and significant effect on actual usage.
Influence of Perceived Ease of Use to Actual Usage
This study indicates that perceived ease of use has a positive effect on actual
ctual usage. This can
be said that the greater the ease with which students feel in using the Ruangguru application, the
eater the intensity of the actual use of the application. Thus, the ease of using the Ruangguru
application is able to make students have confidence in the convenience obtained when using the
Ruangguru application, especially in operating the application. Thus, encouraging students to use the
Ruangguru application in a sustainable manner.
The same research results were also stated by Nugraha and Laksito (2014) which stated that
perceived ease of use had a positive and significant effect on actual usage. ResearchRes from Yasa,
Ratnaningrum, & Sukaatmaja (2014) also suggests that perceived ease of use has a positive and
significant effect on actual usage.
Influence of Attitude Toward Using to Actual Usage
This study suggest that attitude toward using has a positive impact on actual usage of the
Ruangguru application. Thus, an attitude of using the Ruangguru application which is influenced by
the ease and benefits of this technology will bring a positive attitude to the adoption adopt of the
application service, where service adoption is a real use of how someone believes and uses the
Ruangguru application as a necessity in helping the student learning process. There is a positive
attitude from students who believe that the Ruanggur
Ruangguru u application is a facility that needs to be
adopted by all students. So, it can help them increase their motivation to learn, and make it easier for
them to learn.
This study is in line with the results of research by Tira, Wardana and Setiawan
Setiawa (2016) which
states that attitude toward using has a positive and significant effect on actual usage. The same result
was also stated by Yuliana & Budiman (2016), Yasa, Ratnaningrum, & Sukaatmaja (2014) which
proved that attitude toward using had a positive and sign
ificant effect on actual usage.

Based on the research results that have been discussed previously regarding the effect of perceived
usefulness, perceived ease of actual usage with attitude toward using as an intervening variable in the
Ruangguru online tutoring application, it can be con
cluded that perceived usefulness has a positive
and significant effect on attitude toward using in Ruangguru online tutoring application. This shows
that the more users believe that the Ruangguru application provides benefits, the better a positive
attitudee towards acceptance of the application. Perceived ease of use has a positive and significant
effect on attitude toward using in the Ruangguru online tutoring application. This means, the better
the user's perception of the ease of using the Ruangguru appl
ication, the better the attitude towards

HJBS Volume 3 No 1 February 2021


acceptance of the application. Perceived usefulness has a positive and significant effect on actual
usage of the Ruangguru online tutoring application. Thus, the higher the level of user confidence in
the benefits provided
rovided by the Ruangguru application, the higher the adoption rate or the actual usage
level of the Ruangguru application. Perceived ease of use has a positive and significant effect on
actual usage of the Ruangguru online tutoring application. This means, the higher the ease with
which users of the Ruangguru application feel, it will increase the adoption rate or actual usage of the
Ruangguru application. Attitude toward using has a positive and significant effect on actual usage of
the Ruangguru online tutoring
toring application. This shows that the better the user acceptance attitude of
the Ruangguru application, the better the adoption rate or actual usage of the Ruangguru application.
The suggestions that can be given by researchers based on the results of thethe research that have been
done are firstly for companies, it is expected that research on perceived usefulness, perceived ease of
use, attitude toward using, and actual usage can provide an overview and additional information in
evaluating and maintaining the quality of the Ruangguru application. Second, it is hoped that future
researchers can add more variables that are not included in this study. And it is also hoped that this
research can become a foundation for further researchers.

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