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B.A. General


Indian Defence personnel enrolled for various programmes (under Distance Mode) at CDOL,
Jamia Millia Islamia are advised to read carefully and follow the instructions given below:

• Submission of one complete Assignment in each course of the programme is compulsory.

• Completed Assignments are to be submitted by hand or through post to Programme

Coordinator, CDOE, Jamia Millia Islamia.

• Ex-Students who failed to submit Assignments are required to submit Rs. 200/- per
Assignment to CDOE in the form of Demand Draft in favour of Jamia Millia Islamia, Payable at
New Delhi.

• Write your name, roll number and other details as required on the cover page of Assignment
Booklet. For those who might not have received assignment booklets they can make the
assignments on A4 sheet, bind it properly, mention your name, roll no. etc on it.
• In case of any variation in translation, English version would be the reference copy.
• Write your name and roll number on top of every page of the assignment.

• For your record you may keep a photocopy of your Assignment.

The assignments are from the papers in which you would be evaluated eventually and you are
free to take help from other books, SLM etc on the topic. Students are expected to consult
many books for writing their assignments and for preparing for their exams as directly
copying from SLM and booklets might impede their chances of scoring well in the subjects.

Note: For any queries you are requested to come directly or send somebody instead of
repeatedly calling on the personal number of your course coordinator .
Course Title – International Politics Course Code – BPS-04
Session – 2020-21 Maximum Marks – 30

NOTE: Attempt any three questions. All questions carry equal marks

1. Critically examine the realist theory of International Politics

2. What do you understand by National Interest? Explain briefly the different types of National Interests.
3. Define Foreign Policy? Explain the major determinants of Foreign Policy of a country.
4. Define Cold War. What were the causes and consequences of cold war between USA and USSR?
5. Write short notes on any two of the following:
a. NAM
b. Balance of Power
c. Disarmament

Course Title – International Politics Course Code – BPS-04

Session – 2020-21 Maximum Marks – 30

नोट: �कन्ह� तीन प्रश्न� के उ�र द�िजए। सभी प्रश्न� के अंक समान ह�।
1.अंतरार्ष्ट्र�य राजनी�त के यथाथर्वाद� �सद्धांत का आलोचनात्मक पर��ण क�िजए
2. राष्ट्र�य �हत से आप क्या समझते ह�? राष्ट्र�य �हत� के �व�भन्न प्रकार� क� सं�ेप म� व्याख्या क�िजए।
3. �वदे शनी�त को प�रभा�षत कर� ? �कसी दे श क� �वदे शनी�त के प्रमख
ु �नधार्रक� क� व्याख्या क�िजए।
4.शीतयुद्ध को प�रभा�षत क�िजए। यूएसए और यए
ू सएसआर के बीच शीतयुद्ध के कारण और प�रणाम क्या थे?
5.�नम्न�ल�खत म� से �कन्ह�ं दो पर सं��प्त �टप्पणी �ल�खए :
ख)शिक्त का संतल
ु न
Course Title – Government and Politics in India Course Code – BPS-05
Session – 2020-21 Maximum Marks – 30

NOTE: Attempt any three questions. All questions carry equal marks

1. What is Constitution? Explain the salient features of Indian Constitution.

2. What is Preamble? Is Preamble the Basic Structure of the Indian Constitution and can we amend the Basic
Structure of the Constitution?
3. Define Fundamental Rights and differentiate between Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of
State Policy,
4. Briefly explain the meaning of Coalition. What are the different forms of coalition politics?
5. Write short notes on any two of the following:
a. Federalism
b. Judicial Activism
c. Multi-party System

Course Title – भारत म� सरकार और राजनी�त Course Code – BPS-05

Session – 2020-21 Maximum Marks – 30

नोट: �कन्ह� तीन प्रश्न� के उ�र द�िजए। सभी प्रश्न� के अंक समान ह�।
1. सं�वधान क्या है ? भारतीय सं�वधान क� प्रमख
ु �वशेषताओं क� व्याख्या क�िजए।
2. प्रस्तावना क्या है ? क्या प्रस्तावना भारतीय सं�वधान क� मल
ू संरचना है और क्या हम सं�वधान के मल
ू ढांचे म�
संशोधन कर सकते ह�?
3. मौ�लक अ�धकार� को प�रभा�षत क�िजए, मौ�लक अ�धकार� और राज्य के नी�त �नदे शक �सद्धांत� के बीच अंतर
स्पष्ट क�िजए।
4. गठबंधन का अथर् सं�ेप म� समझाइए। गठबंधन राजनी�त के �व�भन्न रूप क्या ह�?
5. �नम्न�ल�खत म� से �कन्ह�ं दो पर सं��प्त �टप्पणी �ल�खए :
क) संघवाद
ख) न्या�यक स�क्रयता
ग) बहुदल�य प्रणाल�
Course Title – History of Modern India: 1707-1950 Course Code – BHIS-04
Session – 2020-21 Maximum Marks – 30

NOTE: Attempt any three questions. All questions carry equal marks

1- What factors helped in the establishment of various regional powers during early eighteenth century?
2- What were the causes of the failure of the revolt of 1857? How did it impact the British policies in later
period? Discuss.
3- Analyse the features of the Permanent settlement. What impact did it had over the peasants.
4- Explain the birth of political associations in the wake of national consciousness.
5- Write short notes on any two of the following:
a- Socio Cultural Reforms in 19th Century
b- Gandhi’s role in Indian National Movement
c- Maratha state system during 18th Century
d- Permanent Settlement

Course Title – History of Modern India: 1707-1950 Course Code – BHIS-04

Session – 2020-21 Maximum Marks – 30

नोट : �कन्ह� तीन प्रश्न� के उ�र द�िजए। सभी प्रश्न� के अंक समान ह�।
1. अठारहवीं शताब्द� क� शुरुआत म� �व�भन्न �ेत्रीय शिक्तय� क� स्थापना म� �कन कारक�
ने मदद क�?
2. 1857 के �वद्रोह क� �वफलता के क्या कारण थे? बाद म� इसने �ब्र�टश नी�तय� को कैसे
प्रभा�वत �कया? चचार् कर� ।
3. स्थायी बंदोबस्त क� �वशेषताओं का �वश्लेषण क�िजए। इसका �कसान� पर क्या प्रभाव
4. राष्ट्र�य चेतना के सन्दभर् म� राजनी�तक संगठन� के जन्म क� व्याख्या क�िजए।
5. �नम्न�ल�खत म� से �कन्ह�ं दो पर सं��प्त �टप्पणी �ल�खए :
क. 19वीं सद� म� सामािजक सांस्कृ�तक सध
ु ार
ख. भारतीय राष्ट्र�य आंदोलन म� गांधी क� भ�ू मका
ग. १८वीं शताब्द� के दौरान मराठा राज्य व्यवस्था
घ. स्थायी बंदोबस्त
Course Title – The Modern World: 17th Century to the 20th Century Course Code – BHIS-05
Session – 2020-21 Maximum Marks – 30

NOTE: Attempt any three questions. All questions carry equal marks
1- Why did England industrialise first? Analyse the impact of industrialisation on Western Europe.
2- What were the reasons responsible for the outbreak of French Revolution? Was it bourgeoisie in nature?
3- Discuss Bismarck’s contribution in the unification of Germany.
4- Discuss the causes and consequences of the Second World War.
5- Write short notes on any two of the following:
a) Russian revolution
b) Socialism
c) International rivalries during the twentieth century
d) Cavour and Garibaldi.

Course Title – The Modern World: 17th Century to the 20th Century Course Code – BHIS-05
Session – 2020-21 Maximum Marks – 30

नोट : �कन्ह� तीन प्रश्न� के उ�र द�िजए। सभी प्रश्न� के अंक समान ह�।
1. इंग्ल�ड ने सबसे पहले औद्योगीकरण क्य� �कया? पिश्चमी यरू ोप पर औद्योगीकरण के
प्रभाव का �वश्लेषण क�िजए।
2. फ्रांसीसी क्रां�त के फैलने के �लए उ�रदायी कारण क्या थे? क्या इसक� प्रकृ�त म� बुजआ
वगर् था?
3. जमर्नी के एक�करण म� �बस्माकर् के योगदान क� �ववेचना क�िजए।
4. द्�वतीय �वश्व यद्
ु ध के कारण� और प�रणाम� क� �ववेचना क�िजए।
5. �नम्न�ल�खत म� से �कन्ह�ं दो पर सं��प्त �टप्पणी �ल�खए :
क. रूसी क्रां�त
ख. समाजवाद
ग. बीसवीं सद� के दौरान अंतरार्ष्ट्र�य प्र�तद्वंद्�वता
घ. कैवोर और गैर�बाल्डी
Course Title – Social Change and Social Problems in India Course Code – BS0-04
Session – 2020-21 Maximum Marks – 30

NOTE: Attempt any three questions. All questions carry equal marks
1. Explain Social Change. Discuss the role of technology in bringing social change.
2. What do you understand by sustainable development? Discuss the ecological perspective of development
3. Secularism in India is under siege. Examine
4. What do you understand by public health? Discuss the constitutional provisions in ensuring right to health
to every citizen of county.
5. Write a short note on the major reasons of migration and its impact on socio-economic development in

Course Title – Social Change and Social Problems in India Course Code – BS0-04
Session – 2020-21 Maximum Marks – 30

नोट : �कन्ह� तीन प्रश्न� के उ�र द�िजए। सभी प्रश्न� के अंक समान ह�।

1. सामािजक प�रवतर्न क� व्याख्या क�िजए। सामािजक प�रवतर्न लाने म� प्रौद्यो�गक� क� भ�ू मका क� �ववेचना क�िजए।

2. सतत �वकास से आप क्या समझते ह�? �वकास के पा�रिस्थ�तक प�रप्रे�य क� चचार् क�िजए।

3. भारत म� धमर्�नरपे�ता पर अंकुश लगाया जाता रहा है , मल्

ू यांकन क�िजए।

4. सावर्ज�नक स्वास्थ्य से आप क्या समझते ह�? दे श के प्रत्येक नाग�रक को स्वास्थ्य का अ�धकार स�ु निश्चत करने के

संवैधा�नक प्रावधान� क� चचार् क�िजए।

5. प्रवास के प्रमख
ु कारण� पर सं��प्त �टप्पणी �ल�खए और भारत म� सामािजक-आ�थर्क �वकास पर इसके प्रभाव� क�

चचार् क�िजए।
Course Title – Media and Society Course Code – BSO-05
Session – 2020-21 Maximum Marks – 30

NOTE: Attempt any three questions. All questions carry equal marks

1. Discuss the significance as well as limitations of mass media in a present day society.
2. Write a short note on Functional Theory of Media Education and its limitations.
3. Critically analyse the impact of ‘Digital Media’ on different age group.
4. What do you understand by ‘Social Media’? Critically analyse its role in Indian democracy
5. What is ‘Virtual Community’? Virtual community has led to the emergence of new social spaces. Examine

Course Title – Media and Society Course Code – BSO- 05

Session – 2020-21 Maximum Marks – 30

नोट : �कन्ह� तीन प्रश्न� के उ�र द�िजए। सभी प्रश्न� के अंक समान ह�।
1. वतर्मान समाज म� जनसंचार माध्यम� के महत्व और सीमाओं क� �ववेचना क�िजए।
2. मी�डया �श�ा के कायार्त्मक �सद्धांत और इसक� सीमाओं पर सं��प्त �टप्पणी �ल�खए।
3. �व�भन्न आयु समह
ू � पर '�डिजटल मी�डया के प्रभाव का आलोचनात्मक �वश्लेषण क�िजए।
4. सोशल मी�डया से आप क्या समझते ह�? भारतीय लोकतंत्र म� इसक� भ�ू मका का
आलोचनात्मक �वश्लेषण क�िजए।
5. वचअ
ुर् ल कम्य�ु नट� क्या है ? वचअ
ुर् ल कम्य�ु नट� ने नए सामािजक स्थान� का उदय �कया है । मल्
ू यांकन क�िजए।

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