Gujarati Cuisine: A Presentation by Dharmik Chauhan (SY A Batch)

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A Presentation by
Dharmik Chauhan (SY A Batch)
About gujarati cuisine
Gujarati cuisine is in many ways unique compared to other culinary traditions in india. It is one of
the few cultures where majority of the people are vegetarian. This vegetarianism may have
originally sprung form religions, ideologi, and beliefs of the region. gujarat is land of religion like
jainisum, buddnisum, islam, zoroastrianion (parsees).brcause of that the populacation of gujarat
mainly vegetarians due to thr influence of jaines, buddision but except the parsse abd boras (muslim
community). Gujarati is a land in gujarat the staple food in millet. The food consists of bajra or
jowar rotlo or bhakri eaten with locally grown vegetables such as brinjal, varictics of beans, guards,
fenugreek leaves, lentils and milk. Gujaratcuisine has the unique balance between sweet and sour.
geographically gujarat is divided into three main regions as kutch, Saurashtra or Kathiawar
Souteastion gujarat (North Gujarat, Central Gujarat, South Gujarat). Each one of has his own
Kutch Souteastion Gujarat
(North Gujarat, Central
The largest district in the Gujarat, South Gujarat)
state and the largest district
of the country. The main city It contains the three
is Bhuj. biggest cities of Gujarat
state - Ahmedabad, Surat
and Vadodara.

Saurashtra / Kathiawar
It was never incorporated into British India. Instead it survived as
more than 200 princely states until Independence. It consists of the
districts of Surendranagar, Bhavnagar, Amreli, Rajkot, Junagadh,
Jamnagar and Porbandar
Gujarati regional cuisine

For a taste of traditional and regional gujarati cuisine one ha to try the typical gujarati
thali that consists of variety of dal, kadhi, two or three kind of vegetables,pulses, puri,
roti, rice or the khichdi, pickles, papad and last but not the list chasa. That thail differ
for the place to place, So now we look the regional cuisine of gujarat as flooring. As
we seen above slide Gujarat is divided in 3 main region as Kutch, saurashtra or the
Kathiawar, and Souteastion Gujarat (north Gujarat, central Gujarat, south Gujarat).
The specialty of every region’s cuisine depends on the climate and on the availability
of the items in that region.
kutchi food
Kutchi are many are jains or the vaisona. They have different tastes and choice in food depending not only
on the climate they live in bust also their religions believes. The jain retain from eating anr root vegetable. So
it’s no potato, sweet potato, garlic, and onion for them.On the other hand , the vaishnavas and kutch’s follow
no such belief undhiyu is a vegetables medler with fenugreek leaf dempling karela, bhinda nu shaak is a
delicious snack of various stuffed vegetables.Kutch cuisine is relatively simple, khichdi is the main dish
which are eaten with kadhi. Even today people who live in the interiors of the kutch survive on vegetables
dishes made with potatoes & onions and millet flatbread(rotal). Kutch's food also have adish of ‘sav’ cooked
in tomato gravy (sav tameta nu sak). If we talk about kutch's food it will be wrong to say that it’s insipid and
plain. Khichdi which is also called as ‘lazeeza’ has always been popular for its taste. Kutch’s food comprises
of of sav tameta nu sak, a vegetables dish made with potato, khichdi, milletrotal, seasonal vegetables and last
but not the list chas. The people of kutch who are lovers of colour and art give another gift to indian food and
today, from goa to gujarat it’s becomes a favorite snack food of billions of people is known as dabeli. In
gujarati dabeli mines the pressed. This burger dish is made by stuffing a mixture of tomato, potatoes,
pomegranate and peanuts in a bun.
Saurashtra / Kathiawar cuisine

Saurashtra is that part of gujarat whose food has its own identity the unique identity is the over there yo
get to see the importance of millet. The food is pungent. it’s spicy. the Chilies are used generously. And
sev is added to make it more palatable. For a sample sev tameta nu sake. You can have also stuffed chili
fritters. In all its food, you will find the chilies and spices are one grade higher than other places in gujarat.
Because of that wherever there is more emphasis on millet, spices and chilies have to be added to make
balance. If you are using less of seasonal vegetables which are naturally tasty and more of grams and
lentils, you will have to add spices to change the taste. In the vadhar you add asafoetida seeds or black
pepper or sum time they add cumin seed or sources for the make it more tasty. The savoury, spicy, sour and
sweet you get a combination of all these flavors in a tradition gujarati thali. This thali become a
representing the gujarati cuisine. Thali is meeting of all those cultures of the regions where a person can
experience the taste of westen region of indian. The normal gujarati thali consist of 18 to 22 items. all the
items are so balanced that why they complement each other not shipment. Gujarati thali assures you that
there will be less of onion and garlic , there is no non - vegetarian items, the dal or the sum vegetable are
sweet in taste and it will remind you the taste of homemade food. And thali is always value of money.
Famous dish in gujarati
Undhiyu This Gujarati vegetable curry is wholesome and very healthy. Made with
a mélange of winter veggies like brinjals, surti papdi, potatoes, coconut,
bananas and methi, this dish is traditionally served in earthen pots.

Sev Tamatar Sev Tamatar Nu Shaak is the Gujrati sabzi served in the main course
especially in Lunch. The dish is made up of the puree if tomato and onion,
Nu Shaak it is stir for long time so that the flavour of Indian spices should get mixed
properly. When the puree gets ready the sev which is available in the
market easily, is dipped into it. And served with the Bajra Rotla

Thepla Thepla the perfect combination of taste and health. The Thepla is a kind
of Gujarati Indian bread which is made up of wheat flour and seasonal
vegetables like onion, tomato, spinach, methi, green chillies, capsicum
etc. The batter is ready with the water and yoghurt.

Gujarati Every State in India make its special type of kadi. The Gujarati kadhi is
also famous all over in the world it is made up of dahi and spices. And the
Kadhi different thing about this is that it contains small pakora of besan. It also
includes the ingredients like hari mirchi, kadi patta, laal mirchi etc.
Khichdi It is a plane and simple dish which is made by the gujarati spicy
for the dinner along with the Kadhi. It made by rice and green

Dal Dhokli Dal Dhokli is the traditional dish of Gujarat. It is made up of dal
and the batter of besan. The dal of this dish is thick-textured and
also contain a large amount of minerals and proteins in it. The
dish also contains the slices of the besan batter which is cooked
with the dal.

Batata Nu There are quite a number of ways this dry curry is made. A gravy
version is also made, called as rasawala batata nu shaak. I make
this dry batata nu shaak, as a side accompanying dish with

Valor Papdi Valor papdi is also known as field beans, broad beans in english
and val papdi, valor, sem ki phalli in other Indian languages. In
Nu Shaak maharashtra, Gujarat and south India there are many recipes that
are made with valor papdi.
Gujarati snack
Gujarati snack mostly come from Souteastion of gujarat. Gujaratis are quite fond of one particular
lentill, Split bengal gram (chana dal). it‘s the main ingredient of gujarati snacks. It’s can be called one
of the most ancient indian food. Gujarati ground bengal gram and started using it as besan. And thus
many popular snack dishes were invented. Gram flour is used in all gujarat snack. The variety of
gram flour items is baffing. Gram flour is use to make kadhi, gram flour is used to fry fritters, you
have fafda, khakhra, gathiya, or you have different type of particular snack dish form gujarat ,
the ‘dhokla’ is world famous today. This savory, sponge cake dish is prepared in different ways and
different colours in each city across gujarat,. As such , you have a variety of dhoklas. Live white
dhokla, yellow dhokal, katiya dhokal, vatki dhokal, vaghare dhokal etc. but the most popular one is
khaman gujarat, the items prepared with gram flour keep changing in different places. The
dhokla you get in ahmedabad are totally different then the baroda as khaman dhokla and rasawala
dhokla and will be why to different then surit’s locha. In surat a common man love ‘locha’ as much
they love there dhokla. And the taste will also vary. After the samosa the most popular snack in india
is dhokla. This dhokla made with gram flour, curd, yeast and mustard seeds, is delicious and it is also
believed to be quite healthy. Because it is not fried but steamed.
In surat a common man love ‘locha’ as much they love there dhokla. And the taste will also
vary. After the samosa the most popular snack in india is dhokla. This dhokla made with gram
flour, curd, yeast and mustard seeds, is delicious and it is also believed to be quite healthy.
Because it is not fried but steamed. Along with dhokla, there is a variety of gujarati snacks.
Which fall in the category of ‘farsan’ and snacks. ‘Farsan’ are snacks that have a short shelf
life it’s consumed as snacks or with the meals.
Gujarati snack
Gathiya it is commonly served with tea. Unlike most other Indian snacks,
gathiya is not crunchy, but soft and puffy. It can be found throughout
Gujarat at numerous street stalls, but the snack is especially popular
during Diwali.

Shankarpali Shankarpali is a snack that is especially popular in the Indian states of

Gujarat and Maharashtra. Traditionally, it is prepared and consumed during
the Diwali festival. The snack is characterized by its diamond shape. It
consists of sugar, ghee butter, milk, maida flour, salt, and semolina.

Khaman This Gujarat specialty is made from ground chana dal (split chickpeas) or
chana dal flour (besan). The powder is soaked in water, and it is then
combined with additional ingredients such as yogurt, spices, and
leavening agents. The mixture is then steamed or baked until set.

Khandvi Khandvi is a popular Gujarati snack made from a batter consisting of gram
flour, yogurt, turmeric, and ginger paste. The batter is cooked and rolled in
small, bite-sized pieces. It is usually consumed as a snack or an appetizer,
served either hot or cold.
Dabeli it originates from Kutch in Indian Gujarat, this filling snack is also
enjoyed in other parts of the country. Dabeli combines toasted ladi pav
buns and a filling that is made with mashed potatoes and a spice mix
usually consisting of coriander, turmeric, cardamom, fennel seeds,
coriander, chili peppers, and other spices.

Khakhra Khakhra is a popular, crispy flatbread originating from the Indian state of
Gujarat. Made with wheat flour, mat bean, and oil, the crackers are
typically consumed for breakfast, providing a healthy snack that is best
enjoyed when accompanied by chutneys or curries.

Patra Patra is a traditional Gujarati vegetarian dish prepared with nutritious

colocasia leaves which are stuffed with a mix of ingredients such as
garam masala, gram flour, mustard seeds, sesame seeds, turmeric, chili
paste, and asafetida. The leaves are then rolled, steamed, and fried or
deep-fried until crispy.

Muthia Muthia is an Indian dumpling or a fritter consisting of chickpea flour,

turmeric, chili powder, fenugreek, and salt. Sometimes, the combination
is additionally bonded together with oil, or sweetened with sugar. Once
shaped, muthia can be either fried or steamed, depending on personal
Most famous sweet in gujarat
It is a sweet dessert made by the people of Gujarat. The main ingredients of this
dessert are wheat and jaggery. It is a dish made during the wedding
kansar ceremonies. It is a healthy dessert as the top layer consists of ghee and sugar.

It is a traditional sweet made in Gujarat and Maharashtra. It is made with hung

Shrikhand curd. Cardamom, pistachios, almonds, saffron, and nutmegs are used to give the
flavor. People enjoy this sweet dish during the festivals with hot puris.

Kaju Katli Kaju Katli also known as kaju barfi is a sweet dessert. Milk and sugar are used
for making it. Some people use saffron to give it a different taste. The real taste
of cashew nuts makes it a delicious sweet. It is specially made during wedding

Gol Papdi It is a very famous Gujarati dessert, and is made in every home. People make it
at any time of the year. Any special occasion is not required to make this sweet.
The main ingredients used for making this sweet dish include wheat flour, ghee,
and jaggery.
Ghari is a Gujarati sweet dish. It is round in shape with sweet filling inside. It is
Ghari made during the Chandni Padwa festival. It is available in different flavors such
as pistachio, almond, elachi, kesar, etc.

It is another Gujarati dessert. It is a type of rice pudding. Rice, Milk, Saffron,

and Nuts are the main ingredients. It is garnished with almonds. It is nutritious
Doodhpaak as it is made of milk and rice. The cardamom and saffron give a real taste and
flavor to the dish.

It is a traditional sweet dish of Gujarat. It has a rich flavor and melts in the
mouth easily. Spice like cardamom gives a rich flavor and taste to the dish. It is
Mohanthal healthy as nuts are added to it. People make it during the festive season. The
main ingredients of this dish are gram flour (Besan), milk, ghee, sugar,
rosewater, cardamom, pistachio, and almonds.

Ice gola is a summer special delicacy. The joy of slurping on an ice gola in
Gola sweltering heat is above all. Making an ice gola, or chuski, at home won't
take much of your time.

Sutarfeni is a traditional sweet dish. It includes shredded flaky rice flour that is
roasted in ghee. Sugar is added to it to form a sweet cotton candy. Finally,
Sutarfeni chopped pistachio and almonds are used to garnish it. Cardamom gives a rich
flavor and taste to the dish. It is a famous sweet dish in Gujarat.
In last chapter of gujarat’s food program which in the production of milk, clarified butter, and buttermilk into the
country, during the british rule there was a snortas of milk in mumbai, the british gave monopoly to a private dairy
entrepreneur , polson in anand which was called kera at the that time. They had the monopoly that only they could
by milk form the farmers polson collected milk form the farmers the collard it and supplied in to mumbai. The
problem started from there, because they wouldn’t give a fair price to the farmers, the farmers were full exploited all
of them went sardar vallabhai patel who was a freedom fighter at that time and who way from karamsad, anand they
told him about their condition, under the leadership of tribhuvandas patel. The was the founder chairman of amul.
Sardar vallabhai patel said if the formers wont affair price, for their milk these will have to not only produce it but
also process and market it. For that they will have to form their own cooperative society. All the farmers went on a
marike at that time they refused to sell their milk to polson and they dumpedall their milk in they dumped all their
milk in the field. Thus amul was established in 1946 three year after this incident dr. verghese kurien come to anand.
And through amul there was soun a whine revoluten in the country. That milk become abundant in even street an
district in 1994, india become the world’s biggest milk producer even today, the villas of anand is the cowsled of the
entire country.
Gujarat, the land of lord krishna and mahavir incorporate the message of non- violence.
And respect for all living creatures in its food and gave birth to vegetarian lifestyle. Like
krishna is different harvest, you get to see gram flour single colour in different form here.
Farming might be impossible in kutch but bliss thrites in the food and in the heart of the
people, parsis who come from iran, merged with gujarat, heritage the why sugar dissolve
in milk. And like and old photograph its royal family remind you of past tense. This wos
story of gujarati cuisine…..

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