Assignment 2 M Waleed BBFE-17-05

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Assignment # 2

Student section

First Name(s) Surname Roll No

M Waleed BBFE-17-05

Degree and name of programme

BBA (Banking & Finance)- 8th Semester
Session: Morning/Evening

Course No./Title Tutor’s name: Assignment Word Count:

Entrepreneurship Dr. Ahmad Timsal 642

Assignment Title
Case Study Solution (Balanced Snacking)

Institute of Banking & Finance

Q1. Evaluate the idea of business snacking. How did the entrepreneurs find
this idea? You should discuss how an idea is generated, opportunity is
recognized and developed.
The idea of business snacking was good because according to their secondary
research snack industry was growing 3.6% annually but from these leisurely snacking,
obesity rate in US was also growing. Also the lawsuits against the fast food industry was
much higher which means peoples were very well conscious about their diet. Therefore,
Chen and Gupta come with this idea of healthy snacking.
Chen and Gupta were both belong from the entrepreneurial families. Gupta start their
entrepreneurial activity from their childhood and Chen also run their restaurant from his
childhood. They get a market research and saw that child were snacking three times and
adults were snacking two times a day and they have a health problems like obesity with
these snacks. Because Chen had an experience in restaurant and marketing because Chen
has an advertisement channel on Facebook and Gupta has a market knowledge and
knowledge about the customer preference. Therefore, they saw an opportunity in this and
come with a healthy snack.
Q2. Do you think Gupta and Chen are well-suited to discover and use this
concept? Is it wise to start a business with a close friend?
Chen was running an advertising channel (W Media) on Facebook and he wanted to
sell this channel. While Gupta was working with the General Catalyst and because of their
embraced experience in Silicon Valley he also wanted to start their own business. They
were also interested in food industry. They saw an opportunity in snack industry and start
their own healthy snack company.
To start a business with friend in not a bad idea. Because they are college friends and both
have entrepreneurial mind therefore I think it’s not bad to work with that type of friend.
But we have clear objective about our goals and we should not compensate on these. We
shall have clear job description and everything should be in written in our partnership deed.
Q3. How did the relationship between Gupta and Chen help the business to
progress? What kind of skills did each of them bring to this venture?
As Chen was running an advertisement channel on Facebook and have good
marketing skills about the promotion of a product and also have restaurant experience
while Gupta have a knowledge about the market and they both make a lot of research on
food industry and they knew about their competitors and what kind of snack and their
packaging their competitors were providing. I think their experience help the business to
Chen have their restaurant experience about restaurant so he should give quality and taste
to their snacks. While Gupta need to interact with the customers and to the grocery stores,
and their snack should be in sight of the consumer.
Q4. What is business model innovation how is balance snacking
Business model innovation is to bring a new, creative and unique concept in the
business that is financially viable and support the business.
As the other food companies were provided that type of snack that is not good for health
and cause an obesity problems and other diseases and many lawsuits were obtaining in
courts against these. But balance snacking comes with healthy snacks that is good for the
health of the consumers.
Q5. What are some of the key aspects that can ensure long term success for
this venture (in future)?
 For the long term success of their venture they should bring changes in their
 They should focus on their packaging. Their packaging should be creative and catch
the eyes of the consumers.
 They should bring new flavors in their products and make a lot of advertisement of
their product in which they show the healthy celebrities.

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