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Lake Sebu East District

CY 2021

OKD PROGRAM KRAs Objectives/ Targets Planned Activities Timeline Resource Reqmts Success Indicators
Prepare Agenda,Minutes, Feb. 8, 2021 School Princpal, None
Attendance Sheet Assistant
To confer with School Principal Principal,Nurse Conferred with School Principal the
PLANNING the plans of Nursing Services the Nursing services plans and projects
programs and projects. conducted during School visit.
To prepare IPCRF and Action Plan Present the prepared IPCRF School Head, Nurse None Prepared and presented the
for CY 2021 and action plan to School IPCRF and action plan 2021
Principal and Clinic In-charge

To attend
DEVELOPMENT seminars/trainings/webinars on Reactivate Healthy Lifestyle
Program to School TP/ NTP Feb. 15, 2021 Nurse, Clinic In-
charge, P.E teachers Video/Music Healthy Lifestyle Activities for
TP/NTP will be reactivated.
Health related topics.

Conduct Re Orientation of OK sa SHS personnel or Re Orientation of OK sa DepEd 6

DepEd the 6 impact programs Year Round Distict Nurse Monitoring Tool, impact programs conducted during
during School Monitoring to Soft & Hard Copy School Monitoring to teaching and
Teaching & NTP. assigned NTP.

Facilitate the Attenance of

identified Hypertensive teachers Webinar on Hypertension and
on webinar on Hypertension Month of Nurse, TP and NTP other CVDs attended in celebration
and other related Cardio February
Vascular Diseases in celebration of "Heart Month" .
of "Heart Month".

Facilitate the attendance of Webinar attended on Diabetes

identified TP/NTP with DM on Month of June Nurse, TP and NTP Mellitus and Its' Complications to
webinar on Diabetes Mellitus
teaching and NTP.
and Its' Complications .
To attend training on Basic Life
Support ( BLS ) Jul-21 Nurse Attended training on BLS

To attend Monthly Staff Monthly/Year SHS Division attended Monthly Staff

Conference Round Personnel Conference.
To attend Attendance to As scheduled SHS Division Registration Fee if Attended seminars/ webinars/
seminars/webinars/trainings seminars/webinars/trainings Personnel with Registration trainings conducted by other
conducted by other sponsoring conducted by other sponsoring Required None if sponsoring agencies
agencies. agencies. for Free, Memo,
Authority to Travel

Itinerary of Travel,
To conduct Health Assessment Conduct Health Assessment Certificate of Conducted Health Assessment
Survey during Pandemic/ Survey during Pandemic/ Appearance, DTR Survey during Pandemic/ Physically
Monthly as ,Survey
SERVICE DELIVERY Physical Examination if with Face Physical Examination if with
Examined if with Face to Face to
to Face to 5,000 learners Face to Face to 5,000 learners 5,000 learners annually or 1,200
annually or 1,200 monthly. Cards, Monthly monthly.
annually or 1,200 monthly. Accomplishment

Referral of unusual cases to MO As the need Referred unusual cases to MO or

To refer unusual cases. III or other related agencies. arises
Nurse/ MO III Referral Form
other related agencies.

As the need Treatment Record ,

To treat minor injuries found Treatment of minor injuries arises Nurse/ MO III Medicines, Health Treated Minor injuries found

Medical Forms,
To facilitate the annual Medical Facilitate the annual Medical Nurses/ MO III , UE,CXR, Sputum for Facilitated the annual Medical
pregnant Check up of teaching /NTP to at
Check up of teaching /NTP to at Check up of teaching /NTP to at Feb. - May 2021 Private /Gov't. taeching /NTP at least 85% in area of coverage and
least 85% in area of coverage. least 85% in area of coverage. Physicians
Personal Expense, followed up cases with findings.
Consolidated Form

To organize Medical/Dental Clinic Organize School Clinic in

coordination with Clinic
Nurses, Clinic
January-March Teachers,
Furnitures, tables
Central School Clinic organizes and
of identified Schools made functional.
Teachers. Dentist,School Head. Supplies, Files

Nurses/ Clinic BP Apparatus, BP taking conducted to personnel

To take BP of personnel BP taking of personnel Year Round Teachers Consultation Record and data recorded .
To conduct advocacy campaign Prepare IEC materials to be used As scheduled Nurses, Clinic IEC metrial, Conducted advocacy campaign of 6
of the 6 flagship program of OK during the advocacy activity Teachers, attendance sheet flagship program of ok sa DepED
sa DepEd in school assignments Dentist,School Head. ,program report

To utilize approved Activity Utilizaton of budget for Activity Year Round Nurse/ Clinic Supplies, materials Budget utilized to approved Activity
FINANCIAL MNGT Design . Designs. Teachers Designs.

To conduct lecture during Prepare signed itinerary of As scheduled Nurse, Clinic CA, Advocacy Advocacies conducted during
ADVOCACY & teachers meeting travel, soft and hard copy of or Year Round Teacher, School materials. teachers meeting.
RESOURCE advocacy materials , Head, DS.
MOBILIZATION/LI attensance sheet and CA

Link with other related agencies Letter, project proposal, As scheduled Clinic Teacher, communication , Linked with other related
on various programs and Program Matrix or Year Round Nurse, School supplies, File copy agencies for various programs
projects. Head, DS and projects.

Functionality of School Clinic Schedule of duty, Daily /Year Nurse, Clinic Personnel, School Clinics made functional.
Consultation Log book, Round Teachers, School medical/dental
SUSTAINABILITY Treatment Record Head supplies,
MECHANISM records/files

To conduct inventory of Record Book, stickers, Tag As scheduled Nurse, Clinic In- Nurse, Utility, Inventory of Supplies ,
MONITORING/CO Supplies , Equipment and Note pad charge Supply personnel, Equipment and facilities
ORDINATION & facilities School Head monitore by respective Teams.

To monitor the 5% Canteen School Canteen Operation As scheduled Nurse, Clinic Monitoring Tool, Monitored the 5% Canteen
share to School Clinic Guidelines, School Canteen Teacher, Canteen TA Form, share to School Clinic with Tas
Monitoring Tool, School Manager, School CA,MOVs, given and signed by the School
Canteen Reports, Clinic Head Head.
Inventory Record

Prepared by: Noted:

Lake Sebu East District
CY 2021

OKD PROGRAM KRAs Objectives/ Targets Planned Activities Timeline Office/Persons Resource Reqmts Success Indicators

WINS To submit the School Generate/Print the result of January Nurse School Office Supplies 100% masterlist of
WINS monitoring and WINS monitoring and 2021 WINS schools assignment
evaluation on line 2020 to evaluation 2020 indicating coordinator, with ratings
Health Section Personnel the number of stars acquired School Heads,
PLANNING by the schools LGU, PTA

To prioritize the provision To conduct consultative January Division Dentists, Communication and 3 or more partnership
of technical assistance to conference to identified -June District Nurse Office Supplies established
schools with 0-2 stars schools for identification of 2021
based on the WINS needs based on the issues
monitoring and evaluation and concerned presented

To update the WINS Require submission of school January School WINS Communication Receive reports from
cordinator/TWG in the WINS Coordinators/school to coordinators, school
School Level TWG February District Nurse

Re-echo on WinS Program Conduct re-echo and Year Nurse, School Communication 100% of Re-echo to
implementation of the Round heads, WINS school coverage
STAFF DEVELOPMENT program in schools coordinators

To provide technical To conduct school visitation January- Division Dentists, Communication and 100% of Re-echo to
assistance to schools with and monitoring of WINS June 2021 District Nurse Office Supplies school coverage
0-2 stars based on WINS program
SERVICE DELIVERY monitoring system 2020
MOA with LGU and other Source Out funds with Year Nurse, School 3 or more donations
sectors Nurses/school from Partners Round Head and from partners
Communication and
Office Supplies
MOA with LGU and other Collaboration with LGU and Year Nurse, School 3 or more partners
ADVOCACY & RESOURCE sectors other private sectors on the Round Head and established
MOBILIZATION/LINKAGI advocacy on WinS Policy Partners
NG Communication and
Office Supplies
Records of WINS Status of Analysis and interpret WINS Year Nurse, School Communication 100% of OMS encoding
the school per year for Data submitted per year. 2. round Head Allowance/ Office
comparison and identification of needs and Supplies
monitoring technical assistance needed
SUSTAINABILITY for the succeeding year of
MECHANISM implementation

To conduct monitoring to Submit annual monitoring Year Nurse Communication and 100% of monitoring
identified schools with plan for 2021 Round Office Supplies plan implemented
MONITORING/COORDIN WINS monitoring result of

Prepared by: Noted:

Lake Sebu East District
CY 2021

OKD Office/Persons
KRAs Objectives/ Targets Planned Activities Timeline Resource Reqmts Success Indicators
PROGRAM Responsible

Prepare Agenda,Minutes, Feb. 8, School Principal, None

Attendance Sheet 2021 Assistant Principal,
To confer with the School ARH coordinator
Principal the plans of Adult Conferred with School Principalthe ARH
ARH PLANNING plans and projects conducted during
Reproductive Health the Meeting.
programs and projects.

To formulate action plan for To conduct consultative Feb. 22, 2021 School ARH Conference log Formulated 2021 ARH action plan,
CY 2021 conference with the ARH Coordinators, nurse book signed and submitted
coordinators and present
action plan

To conduct information Attendance to school ARH Feb. 22, ARH Coordinators, none Information dessiminated
dessimination campaign on coordinators meeting, 2021 nurses
ARH to come up with a data Provision of monitoring tool
based ARH information , Monthly ARH report
format, masterlist of
Trained and untrained ARH

To prepare a monitoring Present the prepared IPCRF School heads, None Prepared and presented the
plan and schedule of and action plan to schools nurse, ARH monitoring plan and provision of
provision of technical coordinator technical assistance 2021
assistance on ARH per
March 8,
To facilitate the distribution Prepare master list of Distribution list of Prepared, submitted ,distributed
of Iron supplement Female students possible Iron supplementation to target
School ARH
Coordinators, beneficiaries, population.
secondary nurse name of iron
Upon .school heads supplements
of Vitamins

Submit Project Design for Propose project design for March 9, School ARH supplies & Proposed seminar
STAFF DEVELOPMENT budgetting. 2021 coordinators, nurse materials submitted.Conducted on the planned
ARH seminar date.

To attend ARH seminar/ Attendance to ARH Nurse/ARH Attended seminars/ training/webinars

Training conducted by seminar/training conducted Year Round coordinator None conducted by partner agencies.
partner agencies by partners agencies.

Advocacies through
To conduct advocacies Powerpoint presentation of Advocacies conducted during
Year Round ARH coordinators and usb soft /hard copy monitoring through powerpoint
during school monitoring. Adolescent Reproductive Nurse files presentation/ hard copies given.
Health Program

To faciitate the re echo of Soft copy of

webinars/trainings attended Re echo on ARH and feminine year round ARH coordinators/ training materials, Trainings, webinars conducted at the
and conducted to the hiygiene. Nurse modules, foods and school level. Recorded
districts/schools supplies

To facilitate management
and Referral of As the need Nurse, Guidance
SERVICE DELIVERY of cases with ARH issues and management
cases arises/ year Coordinators
medicines ARH cases referred to related agencies.
concerns round

T o render technical Schedule of provision of

As the need Nurse/ Guidance
Technical assistance Technical assistance /Counselling
assistance/ counselling to /counselling in coordination arises/ year Coordinators/ School None rendered to identified client.
identified client. with Guidance /School Head. round Head
To conduct advocacy Prepare IEC materials to be Nurse, Clinic IEC metrial, Conducted advocacy campaign on
campaign of the on used during the advocacy Teachers, School attendance Feminine hygiene for the Elementary
Feminine hygiene for the activity Head. sheet ,program and REproductive health among
Elementary and report forms secondary in school assignments
REproductive health among
secondary in school

To provide Iron July to ARH coordinator,

Prepare distribution list of
supplementation (Weekly December nurse, school Monitoring tool Consolidated
the target beneficiaries
iron Folic Acid or WIFA) 2021 head/principal

Establish Referral
To strengthen referral Councelors ,ARH
system/protocol from Monitoring
system of ARH cases to Year round coordinator, nurse, Referred and managed
schools to the concern tool/Referral slip
partner agencies school

To propose ARH Budget in Present Annual ARH ARH coordinator,

Budget proposal presented and included
FINANCIAL MNGT School Principal, None
in the 2021 SIP/AIP
the 2021 SIP/AIP Activity for Budgetting. Nurse

RESOURCE To facilitate the organization Organize ARH for Eem./
February to Nurse/ Guidance Letter , Organized Division ARH Club for
MOBILIZATION/LINKA of ARH in schools ,creation Sec. March 2021 Coordinators communication Elem./Sec. MH Coordinators.
of TWG, Officers

Link with DOH, RHU and To coordinate with DOH and Nurse/ Guidance
other related agncies for Year Round Coordinators/ School Letter ,
other related agencies for partnership in the communication
Coordinated with partner agencies.
partnership. imlementation of the program Head

To initiate Activities related Encourage activities related to

Month of ARH coordinator/ Supplies and ARH initiatives conducted in celebration
to World AIDS Day ARH promotion. ( School December principal/Nurse materials of World AIDS Day .
Celebration. Initiative )
To communicate with the
Principals/ school
To facilitate the integration Principal/Acaemic chairman
heads, Nurse/ IEC materials,
of ARH in their curriculum on how this ARH will be Year round Curriculum integrated.
thru the Academic Chairman integrated to their Academic References

SUSTAINABILITY Include ARH Plan in the To integrate ARH activities in Year Round Nurse/ School Head/ None ARH activities included in the monthly
MECHANISM Monthly Itinerary of Travel. the monthly School Visit. ARH coordinator Itinerary of Travel.

Teacher, Guidance,
To integrate ARH topic in diff . Nurses,Master ARH topics will be integrated in the
Lesson Log Integration Subject. Year Round Teachers, School Learning Materials Lesson Log and checked by MT/DS.
Head , DS

Encourage the ARH focal person, Facilities,

Teen centers/ Hub facilities / Established Teen Corners of at least
establishment of Teen Year round nurse, school equipements,
Teen corners 5 Schools.
corners heads/ principals Reading materials

To monitor and record cases

of rape, early pregnancy,
MONITORING/COORDI teen age pregnancy and Cases will be recorded based on case
NATION & Masterlist of cases Year Round Nurses, ARH Focal Case Report fron reports from the School Head with Data
other ARH issues and person the School Head
EVALUATION Privacy observed.
concernsfor learners and
personnel only.

Prepared by: Noted:

Lake Sebu East District
CY 2021

OKD PROGRAM KRAs Objectives/ Targets Planned Activities Timeline Office/Persons Resource Reqmts Success Indicators

School COVID
To conduct conference on
Update COVID Task Force on February Coordinator, Updated COVID-19 Task
COVID-19 PLANNING COVID-19 Task Force on Training Design/Letter
Pandemic 2021 Nurse, School Force

Strategic planning on COVID- nurse, *School TWG,*Regular

Consolidated monitoring
19 prepardeness in measures Year round Coordinator, visitation
in schools. school Head *Monitoring tool

Update data base mechanism

School COVID
of monitoring of possible cases
Coordinator, Consolidated monitoring
should it affect the offices or Year round Monitoring tool
Nurse, School tool
schools learners and

STAFF Capacitation of Covid Conduct re-echo on COVID-19 February 100% COVID coordinators
DEVELOPMENT Coordinators Training Webinar 2021 coordinator, Letter or training design attendance

Ensuring the health & Distribution of health survey nurse, clinic Distributed health survey
Year round Survey form
wellness of learners. forms to all learners. teacher forms to all learners.

Conduct online schedule of

nursing intervention and refer Referred to higher facilities
for further management &
Referral system cases needs futher Year round MO, Nurse,RHU Referral forms
evaluation. Return
examination, management
referal slip
and evaluation.
Daily updating/reporting of
Daily update /reporting of COVID Updated daily /reported
DepEd COVID-19 summary on Year round Online form, internet load
DepEd COVID-19 summary. line. coordinator, nurse DepEd COVID-19 summary.

Provided necessary
To provide of necessary
assistance, such as but not Financial assistance , food, assistance, such as but not
Facilitation or assisstance to Coordinator,MO, limited to funds and
limited to funds and hygiene Year round Health kits, medicines,
schools and confirmed case. kits, vitamins and medicines to nurse, DRRM, RHU PPE's hygiene kits, vitamins and
medicines to schools and
schools and confirmed cases.
confirmed cases.

FINANCIAL Availability of Emergency Sourcing out of funds from Health kits, medicines,
Year round Coordinator, Funds available.
MANAGEMENT Health Kits and PPE's MOOE school head PPE's

ADVOCACY & Linkages & partners of health

RESOURCE personnel to municipal health Nurse, Interne load , Hotline
Linkages & Partners Year round MOU, MOA
MOBILIZATION / office, providing HOTLINE Coordinator Numbers

Linkages to PDRRMO for the Coordinated with PDRRMO

Coordinator, Disinfection materials,
Identification of partners disinfection and sanitation of Year round for regular disinfection of
DRRM letter request
offices offices.

Conducted regular
To conduct regular
communication lines /
communication lines / flatform
flatform to update the
to update the offices /
SUSTAINABILITY offices / personnel / task
personnel / task force Year round Nurse, coordinator Memos, Division Order
MECHANISM force members on the
members on the ongoing cases ongoing cases of
of contracted persons or
contracted persons or

MONITORING / Conduct technical assistance in

COORDINATION & Monitoring the conduct of COVID Year round Monitoring tool Forms consolidated
EVALUATION advocacy at school level
To conduct monitoring of TP,
Internet load, health
NTP and Learners identified
certificate from LGU
person confirmed case, close
nurse, complying 14 days Consolidated of monitoring
contacts and other PUM Year round
Coordinator isolation/ home tool.
a. Health Status B. Medical or
Health certificate C.14 Days quarantine, monitoring
isolation / home quarantine

Prepared by: Noted:

Lake Sebu East District
CY 2021

OKD Office/Persons
KRAs Objectives/ Targets Planned Activities Timeline Resource Reqmts Success Indicators
PROGRAM Responsible
NDEP Integration of NDEP Year Round School Daily Lesson Plan Integrated NDEP program in
concept to classroom Administrator classroom instruction
To intensifying integration of NDEP Daily Lesson Plan Teachers Intensified NDEP information
concept to classroom To intensify dissemination through audio
drug information dissemination materials
through audio visual materials

To formulate action plan for CY 2021 To conduct Feb. 8, 2021 School NDEP Conference log book Formulated 2021 NDEP
consultative Coordinators, action plan, signed and
conference with the District/secondar submitted
NDEP coordinator by y nurses .school
the district nurse and heads
prepare action plan

Conduct orientation as scheduled School heads, IEC materials, Conducted orientation

Conduct orientation meeting as on NDEP as one of the NDEP meeting on NDEP program to
scheduled and give updates on 6 flagship program of coordinators, coordinators
NDEP programs to Coordinators on OKD nurse
NDEP implementation

To establish NDEP Corner in every  Conduct monitoring Year Round School NDEP MOOE/Partnerships Conducted Monitoring,
classroom on NDEP program Coordinators, schools have established
SERVICE DELIVERY including nurse ,school NDEP corner.Drop In Center
establishment of heads
NDEP corner in every
To establish NDEP Drop - classroom and NDEP School NDEP MOOE/Partnerships
Drop In- Center Coordinators,
In Center in the school Attendance to BKD nurse, school Conducted Monitoring,
and STEP training heads schools have established
2.2 STEP NDEP corner.Drop In Center
Drop In- Center
Attendance to BKD
and STEP training

To attend and facilitate BKD and ST School NDEP MOOE/Partnerships BKD/Lifeskils and STEP

EP trainings/ seminars,Antismokin Coordinators, Trainings were conducted to
g Laws nurse,school all schools and Anti smoking
2.3 Tobacco heads campaign
To monitor the functionality ofthe year round School NDEP MOOE/Partnerships The five components were
school NDEP Coordinators, implemented as evidenced
nurse,school by the MOV presented

To facilitate the utilization of Funds To submit proposal to Year Round School NDEP PADAC/MADAC/BAD Funds utilized
receive from PADAC/MADAC/BADAC partner agencies for Coordinators, AC/School heads
FINANCIAL MNGT funds nurse, school

Coordination with perspective To facilitate in the January to School NDEP PADAC/MADAC/BAD Conducted advocacy
ADVOCACY & RESOURCE stakeholders in the conduct of BKD conduct Training of July 2021 Coordinators, AC/School heads/ campaign as evidenced by
MOBILIZATION/LINKAGI and STEP training BKD and STEP Training nurse .school Nurse MOVS
NG heads

Creation of NDEP TWG in school Schedule of creation January to School NDEP School List of school NDEP TWG
of school NDEP TWG February Coordinators, heads/District Nurse
SUSTAINABILITY District/secondar
MECHANISM y nurses .school

Creation of alternative activities to Provide technical Year round School NDEP School List of alternative programs
divert the attention of learners into a assistance in the Coordinators, heads/District Nurse with officers and members
productive activities establishment nurse, school
/organization of the heads
alternative groups
such as "drama
Kontra Droga, Sayaw
Kontra Droga",etc
Submission of reports Year round School NDEP School List of learners who are
Establish data bank as to the on the prevalence of Coordinators, heads/District Nurse smoking, drinking alcohol,
MONITORING/COORDIN prevalence of learner indulge to cases among learners nurse ,school and prihibited drugs
alcohol, smoking, and illegal drugs

Monitoring of NDEP Year round School NDEP School Memo issued and receive by
activities Coordinators, heads/District Nurse the school
Dissemination of Deped Memos/ nurse ,school

Prepared by: Noted:


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