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————————— = BNE _chramatograbhye sorption omol partition. based, - Tue - Paper - Column - The tem chromato gray was Sty a toch nfguo used Sn which Individual chto. matography first qren. by Leweth (11006) . JM sefaratten of- mixtuse of couponant components aro bisttbuted. blur station ous 4 mobile bhase- Slasionaty phase |_ re Sold ‘ b lid, 7 3 Sole Leguil heeresdeg.othy 7 “ots emchange ceo Solid mab) eet | tut [ge l cbutomadlogtaphy (gel ferment _ Thin. hayes Cuonatog) Ay to - ee Separation 0} comp. by TLe £1 basecton tho. prinet om as wellas partition: - ee on _brinefple » Endividual comp: are. sepa rateo! on Heb of diff abilitj-te gel absorbed on te surface of station ary ph fn the. partition prinethle.. tndividual comp - are soparaied of to thelr cliff. ability to partition b/w mosite and siatonary a iin Yoa0 1800 paase- Nainl adlor pen prinetple is utilised. the stationary phase consist of thPn uniform I ent applied on fnert support i ayant adore * Mobile phase fs the solvent thad runs aerass the 4 Adsorbants . used are — ° ae = silleol gel G9. Alumina » Kieshelghur +) Magnesia calcium silicate +) calefum carbonode yy cellulose +) dextron 13 players +» activated charcoal: _ s - ad 7 General Prods — en — Selection of Plate - Plates can be glass plate , Al feil or - polynaeric _fpofls. the sfre is usually 20%S , 20%10 , 20200 —> Coating »} plate. volth atlsorbank ery. o}adsorbant_fs_prepareal and_applied « plode by .ustng cliff methoals Lee x t- ot fnvelves_pourtng.f- slury_on. plate whichis + allewedl. to} levo_over. the thot entire plate gels « uniform [ou er.of adsorbant - ee ! hla 1 boek Lo. baek are olippeol Cathe sl adsorbant ¢ thon ete vee stu a cltluted and filed ta spaf ] po fren jade using this sprowgee sary sate f &pr 1 fn om the ples -— ae a ss 3 ET Bare BT @ ee a ao Sproacling :- stuny ts diluted , pled Gua - _ + Sppreacler applies a than Untform layer Preceated plates can be used. Jhicknos of adsobort Laye 4 J} Ol-0-2mm. : othe ss i _ : = feet ¥.. al ee 5 - ~ a ojsdvent- systens Bie 19 Jan dle. Solvent used fn ree effect the estimation oo it shouted be taken ace: to the nafur o sample: Selection of solvent Cs based on Elutrople serves +- x W> cyclohexane: glvBenzene ctl clohex ane or ctylactd ty) beaxene + ethylacetote (9515) W chloro} orm ty hUs + acetone Cas) why benzene + methanol (1515 Joiiyeylohexane lacttate (4:1) Ux chtla + acetone (85715) (w bennett ethylacetate CL:LD EY olfethy/ ether gi) ethylantate xii ? ettylacetate + naethanol (9111) (ay acetensiey ethanolin _methansl(m dimethyl form - uh olimothy| sulpracnicle Ihe sample ct dLisolved Mn suftabla non-polar sobertare os posstble. Shin aol” Ls applied Ln form ef spol.on Tie plate using 2 mbronyiinge or by fused. sapbints— re spot should be applted 2em ahove jrom the bottemt. ex plate 2 = —> Derwlobment © Haase be eae Tle ual after eng gpod an a = shansbor. cts prosadurated wotth. ssn chant af ; her are two. techniques jor. ole velopment: of pe iv Ascencltng . Ve 5 he tei ss wy a . 7 Ascencling :- Tic plate Visual betection :- 94 sample spols be visualised andl _oli located: ww detection :- Tie plate & places Shows flucrescence under vv — ss Ui) Pluorscence quen = the fluorescent Euclicator Like the sited are.added to the aolsorbent before pripartng Ue. thts adhotbent 4 applied on the plates + Jhen sample spots cee afftion 2 cheonmatoyam és developed : ais plate 4 placacl undey v-v Lilet as areal Prkste baukgsund of Tee ole voll ftuoresced ad kif under Lov Light. Pw) spat spot ean be detected as dork spot Wtodine Vapour s- Tie plate 1% placed Ln the Lodtne chamber. has tendeney to forma complex ~ drematic comp so sample spots delecteal as clark brum Spot - W) charring of plates -JIn this method re plate 4 sprayed 507. Yp Hat0¢ sol” fr methanol , plade fs then heated af Not for 1s-2om as a result org. comp: get alestee yoo L dork dopesit of carbon remains at the shots can be visualised « wip z- on this method Ho Te plate is aprouged z suifable ragerls ta prnduce yisi ble derivatives « Aldehyde 2 | Mattophenyl. rain Ketones | 7 Alkalotol |! Se dae Anal iporformedl by cetenwining Af Ap = bist: travelled! _ ee Diss et SON ie = * Spot Area Management :- Inthis measured area ¢ : ose ; "tated ‘ie Conc: of sample - z 4 a : 2 Densitom eby +- In His method the mdoully of catia sande 1 spot is measureol € U relates! to the amt «of comp | Ji sample mixtuve 28h —engihaes oto D+ speetreserpy or Buution Tesh: £- $n this methool the sample sfols ar arial sap out from the plate £ agitatedza 1 suitable sofvert » otis than cenbifuses to remove tha adsorbent . ~_ jae resultant elute js analysed by coleriin ety or U-V Sheotro eae feat: eal uncles lend x 9) To. cheek purity of samples t Detettion of nr: completion rr f xf. ol_p Leama. sete using sant 2c “ef ars: comb Jtke aleohel, avtels amines, athalies ,a-T -Protelns, peptides , vitamin tics, carbohydlrates Seprot mors. lons_ forom mix Lke Atlyer, oo, Po, BE, Zn, od. Kya Mi ete - mae thy tee 25/11- In this separ"is casried out by. the flew of solvent one Specioully dlesigned chromato J at — & Synge (1941) Prephic papers Dexopved bay Mex _ Prinetble:-Based on pavtiten principle - comp: 6} Sample are separateol alue te_thelx: oli}. obj Lities to get olishib uteal bur _ Stationary. m0 bi18~pkowe—Stestion ary phase is liquel hela in fibros.of e-paper _£ mobile phase. iz Re aaIVERHTe, ollau ls meve.on tha paper: > Praceoluce tm Selection af paper , whatmann chromatepraph poper_is utilised ts available in vorous qrodes Uke ~ bs uf v2 faster), itis used foe tep" of com —hovin “willy separate. Rt volues Twokatmann 20 Scheile’ _ Sch 2045a._,.th ————, _used 4 used. eanly_- _veuclosedl Rf values. These popers have 97/ <-collules vntent oma l/c} the mirral contend, waderis held He cellulose. mueities catkas.a stationary phose +JA thromatographie. paper. can be Linaprepnad.ed 2. spetial hemi: 24 = ca rboxy! paper are. useol_fer seprof as} acctelat papers - used _foreshm”of steroids, alumina tsi lien po estinn’ of folly acerol , vitannins » omminess Or cui ge auae solectecl shoutal be hist wre _j n-hexane » cyclorexort —+ 0014. benxenth..toudene (other, chicky vebhyl acckecLe,m- butanol. .Aepspan “puokne .etkomel, methansl .wooctery® — _ 4 of single solvent ts met voorking enix ef sofvent ina. partied © esl tom be evsest- apers very rar ble ras, in ¢ comp hau ng of Pe Jhe chromatogra fl fe paper Sie 2oxX20em_, 2 xKlOUT » 2SXTeM except for raolie} cre © tm © efretfar strtps are. used.” +On the botfom 2om margin is loft anel spots are placed dem afort uslng méuosyringe or Haber qa Devtlata at of amanda te teckniques rosie jor i g.clevelo peng the. chromatogram auehy. ascending. ud dleseenaling AUtip ascending = elescenolin Civ) raclial tech. _2-D - Tockasjust, _19n all the feck. clevlopm ent chamtber_maocle.on glass, plastice -olue te_ineu nature _ ~ stuinless. steef. eae Chamber should be presatu ae solvent vapour before the _ olevelepmento f- chromactog ram - Saino daie ua dtnaceal to mun uptoLs of the foetal height of paper. Afier clovelopment the paper shoulol be elena heated -for drying of spots: @MAscarding Tesh: :- solvent goes frm bottorn te theta} of paper. She paper is cep tn_the_ solvent carp means of hook - ack Solvent case atthe top. The (gy l= = Pepsi is inserted frm the Usp ome sotvert fam. top to bottom. _ ©)» Ascancling. deseonding ook :+ - _ 91. uted when the paper strfp of short sie _ the came paper Ls foldecl over 2 glass redo. cne-sfde the paper uses the A-T and after. i cnsing the plese mod aa Raclial Technique t- a Bro 25-1 BO Went runs by d-T. anol After drying Re Spel paper fs placeol ty a etyeutay cise chomber Ymeans of a poper wick solvent ; paper. When. 90] vent moves on the Peper sitp, tnrolividual COMp Ore sebOreted in the form of Concentyic oreular Rones- A squate athip of chromategrapie paper is take L applied. atone of The corner. 24 allewesl to sting the first clewelo pment sol U taken out & nthe second ehromotlogram 1s.cleveloped at rt-ang to the _olirre f first. chronsatogrom olevelobment- Asa result a Complete resolut hot fnolivielual ean: is obtained : ge ny DAHON GP 7 wo. reations + -th Separation ofa-d like glycine, vanes a i tein ; Jup deter” of he 2 uly quantitative t threonfne + ymones + antibiotics: estim” of mix: of sugars flat tatlusteas yp separ” of sterotas specially extradliol, csbeiome , estestoL E pg? sop" of mix: of glycosides I gitexin , oligitextn, purpurea luca re A AB Aawe been separated ustng pe: es | jlo estime paciels like oxalic s quateade , succhnic has bee peefornead by wl Dare mx confaintng_ methotrexate pphenforaain., aaphiomyern f vancomyclr and exgomebine Aas been separated! _ 4 ~ iy. Bstim” of biolog: samples += plead! £.unine_samples- Uy Radioactive. matenal can. be_ quantifedivey estimated. specially jocli “prop” Cine 2104s was-2 pertechnotte, Irate. ———— 2 feb} Colao son abegepes i ho _ aseol on adsorp! eM ia oe : Developecl by Tsweti 4 boy: En 1940: (initially) Adsorp” Lncluoles.attractive. force Uke clipolt: pole frets. _Vandervoaal's force, stactionouy. phose. const of auclscrbent. mot ! a | packest th glass columns, mobily phase ts the. solvent whith 4 alowed. “oo aglsndont. (yp 8 4+ Seprof comp ocurs luc to idf clemer of offindly 4 tnd - cash owateld tht aclsor bor a + Conlg. having strong adsorp “for cotunn maderiad 36 held otrh hile Comp: 2 least affintly paoves dour the column fist: SRTAMOL Ltt oto Lreb ge _| oor, | £52 Loors, rb : - ents ca gel, QWUMINA , acti voted Charenas , t ee 1™MA9 “Silecdt @ 3. luna SPlteate can be used as an “Same as. pie. F oF} columns tw Oo packing a oloy. pacletn Song. 2 = Slersy of adlsor bent u& re pared ip, Suitable solvent _ Surry is poured! frte 9 tas column Lavin Sintered a tase lise atthe vO: / alton ple +The fiUing of Slurry. bs herformeel Upto 27 ardor Column hetont Ushen adsorbent settle, Lous over itas mn. Hiter pafes a place er Enner danseter of column. Abeve CPther wash eof Sand. om-Cotten pusg ls pace ol. Ht Adsorbent ts filled fr the glass Calumn tn forna. of oluy Poweler: column th. oe tabb eof regards. after each Filing _ W. Apblication Of Samples-Saniple & Pnserted inthe. | are uskng M£oroptpette. over the waskecl 5 Seemol - wb Ontrosluction eg mobile plode + the selvent ct Sera Golan by MLONS of 40 UeHL "heer. Aaallig a: ‘J hee i Vi) Slustiom Technigus :. dat. aa ee 0) “Esta, . i i i) Graolie - rae : mere chia mato se sutiable ers us Fractional 1 :-9u case, Ya atugle Aolwent dossn-t ceca mikod aij]. solvente Of gradually T polarity rs ae _ ein Mut": - conctinuos Ly changing rate of sever, A CAE HOLE, SULA SOLE, So% Ae 227.8, TOYA ESOLE, COLdt LA, SOLALIPLBs fn 3 @3: ATE; 127A, vouled | Sip Setertion of Clute vanteus elutes az detected by photometry + flame photometry sconductomety. I 3 Ub Seprof sterofds speckatly cholesterol-ub sepref @-F cystetee, * ethionine ; alanine wip seprof carotenoids (iv) Sepro} racemic mix (Y) Sepre} mM 3 + Keto- eno! tautomer Wi alkaloid: sep®:- morphine, cadfetne (vi) sape/ es “trans isomers - Jt 3Fob am. 5” Gle oo tM" 4k enyolues the gas as a mobllephase.and Uiq- bound to a - — solfd Support as Atetionarsy~ phase * Sep? of conn based on diy. - “abilities qf mix comp, part” bl mobil 2. stabenary phase. the-portry _ cone: ds governed. by Henry's Law 2 SRO; Whe X= omt-of sonitle voppour absorbed tr mars ‘M? of adsorbed 3 ¢ > .cont.ef sample vabor fn gos phase ; k= postition coffictent - gy ©) when sample Ls introduced tn GLC column , End -conep + shows tec Lyf - ili lig. phase lie te thes the tad. ay solubility tn the stationary “4: b Mis ct t gets separated - san. Timi | Dngtrament "s- la F BAX ao “ (9) Mobile phase Gas : == = aS — xX > PHOS JP es a is useolas a mobile phase ————_—S + Gamier gas filled in m ted ey Lensle r & astedated = prow: req. 4 gas valve. _ sampling as © preheated uypte va 1 co hal Naenpia ge valent = » Lig stationary phase 2- Liq. phase selected should have low volatility. .g thervead stability s chem-ineriness, 103s Viscous , able ty parlil"ine. comp: oval a Mahtly selective. eg glycols ylycecel, nurel. silteon oll, pheanel, Utd «i> chlermetkanc £ ol/chier efhoume,. {0 Anodyfieal Lowman 1- Column used fs 2} quaas stodnlecs steed: tu, M9 nt-die approx -4¢-Sim oma Lens th vosaging frm Romo several metres: anal depemcling upon sine of apparedus: Calunn owe? shaped U-shadetel and > nels ager Then on the baat of pacleines Here ote Ooty pes of ertununs s Potdsesl Columns :-In tits coum a sultablesnect support c filed wniferuly coated € .l2q- phase, (Keishelguhy /Fireback) . Waltve coated open tubular columns ¢— Stationary Liq prose coatesl Ln form oj ver tein film (Lau) ov tue fnner suyactof column well. Support coated oben tubular column vey thin film of inert supp. ami acecus catth used asa support)» cootesl over it (Linton Column 44. placed Lnsicle the theimesiat for rans regula 5). Detectors: - Matn detector used ove :-Jhemal conductivity dleterders a called. Kathoronitor. Shese oleterter baseclon=lht prtrceple Uet denep Tesladence ef a. vstre though wihlek coment Le pombed alepensts on tnt thermo condussivity ef tne gad Ln £ it 1s placed: Thenet conoluctivity of (Gris reloaded Lo TAs compel gos Steonsists ofa. meted block howling 2 charwbe Of reference £ senstag chamber. whan 2s column offlienl ts combiy, fen De sensing Aanber uibniteuce of wire attarhed tous sentry chamber cliff. thas the reslatourceef votre mhin mnbtlt plase & parsed ce wolve Lh cone tecl toa wheel stone satel g LAMBS Ln delaaey sing chevuser are receiving FUL MObILE base Le phase, Gu 7 age vesistou Jost hen both refe! * fut wher the sensing renck & sen: channb er receLves columnar efflusent Cre. wire conn. 9 ig tt ahnvoe lyf »concluchiity > 05 a resus whesct Alone bridge. beeme, | pnubataned 1 the galwanometer connected “te it arows The reabiny : yi tot is Junto} sample cont: in the effluent amas a ane sceming (2) Plante Leniscion deterters. 94 consists.of a apitlasy jer - Jf dl made of quacde or platinunrin vertu. Soexhanst & floime 1 _predueed ualng ty : 2 2QS. the: jh enysen ad Une Sees exleland « Coenan’ efficent passed incle the-cupillany set v =; si a yest one r Res)st-nwire Whesd stone brides — -solver CY Blectrn a platinum or idem fothon — which a A- esters dike nickle 4 7 =a oy the steady. current Athen Column epfuLendt pes date 10/2) @- & high doniz” ocuur which couses a SITONG lonie” aurrerd these conup one withdraum by s fs Le. contp: over old vin originer| Curent is & to the cone of Sonafple comp: ‘yi? 7 order pot CAshiteg 17 Qiestrds Application 3}. GLC +-()) Quantitocti ve Analys ists Asscuy 0} raed: agua Ab ke wb spedally rentomuycin ,neoruyln- Andtiiuberuater. taps”? tonlartd » avviral oluys t- onsautoncltine + ontineoplastic loxoraubieln , 5+ jussroua ale gem onaeliietic ddoro form , ethanol ‘ . Secl~huyphoties i pheno bartitene, CNS shim” :- theophyttine, cayfetne: cussay e}-nat- conf :- estim™ of odkalids , stercicls - estim*ef blood 2 _ e- samples, sepr2 wdenti{"e} ehornated pestis &. sulbhur organs ereune: comp; petyeyelie aronan hydrecsbons. ; analysts ef cliany prool forchecking the rancidity » estinrad"af jot content tn fatd 4 © =k _ . ergane phosbhe “HPLC ; 9 , rt high, a LA 1 afiied Ao force the nani asia the. tolumn-9t is based..on sep”ef comp oleal & thir cliff abil - te poud” bl a dig’ mobile. phowe 2 solve. atssowty plu be high pros - igh. quality. tnd" 6 achs'ervesl + The Sop e} torif vs based on 2 wey ib Kae Tham Me he (A a ha oe —_ Pade Theory: hes theo lees that chronamtic. column ciscrste ~ payerof Pheoritcal plates +/ each of these plates equelibrenion A of solase oaut blr Stationary £ mobile phase Hence racvencant - of solute cs conardered 24 a Gerits of Stopusse transfer from plotety _| plate: _ Rade Theory Sher taeory eonsdered phat particle of solute pou n. the void Spaces b/w the porticle of stationary phase, mobile phase 1 to allow at Algh prow” ducto ¢ lhe contp gat distributed b/r mehi » phase L s-phase The dlichib”is affected by shape» sie. 1 polarity or . affinity ef solute particles + jhe efficiency 2} column in Hie ts : given by von ofeentel No : ; 28 HETP = Ath +0 | HOPD= high epuivelent te, i MO | teamibead pr yrs iff ene] ficien = diff? cooff t-(A) 2- Skis concesnz Oe. diff -palt bevel me rojeule of a pabtiulas soltle olusing it porsed Hah? in onl fd be. past As a Ye padiont exit Ln the colurin £ cares bard - brecdnley » Sloan be produced by exulting the How Lat of nu yy th te — 3: Coeff 0} mast transfer (¢) BF concern z Hae Lranafer 0] solut® blur mA BS phase + 9} woces usin the flow sole ef ma: pis ved high dur to which the conse. soltrtle Aoleres nerve. fosty é the MWh Some molercand move af the fast rate i Lemes le baad breading com be reduced sy reducing the flows rata of m:/> Inbhuventation: + — J) tk | frm mae Oia eee Meunectitnr — Canali hial etsy Mebile Phouse Resewetys — HPLC reservons are made ef thick walled slaster Stainless steel of usually Scomt eapaci contotis the, degadtesd to remove the Lissolved gases D tn _niobjle: plas clovice for beating stiriug We Lip: 9teau also bara sherpion clevice, for sweeping cut the Get bubbles. by. futre | fine bubbiers.ef Cnectgas Mobile plase used com be nix-of org solvents . Ag org acix ora man of b * * ms Apes Purpr— are used 20 pass we Mobile phase Hough te columnar ti hig b _ prem +Askoutel be able to geneeale pres. upto socofsi é f low ratebha eeprocatiny or _pneuntoctic. purp coe be Uden de toml/ mtn. The re. OOK OF COSMETICS sum ———————— = Lrecolumn., in) Ecashis Maknlp us ono 1) matter by adsoabing these « ghoas ib, prevents tht paodn LoluUnW frm 4 no substances © Une maobile prase- Sts design L pasklugis tou t Identical to main columns | oled 1 Sample ongetos ¢ = Sanaple injected. by syringe tryectors , nuicrovolune Paty i sampling valyes syringe Injertor used for bnjecting suall velume — ¢ ¢ ‘of sample» nucle vol: s- “useol for trp oti Leulte ml sanplek mo "_reproducctility & eties in ve(gasege) vadV@ col Woluntn. 2 — Cobunan.. is_neade from Amo tube: Alam (guard ectun steel tube or_heaw walled glass | H-6 column L length is 20-Goom: Fae ape upto 2 types :- Foldteutar € Porous. pollioular © 1 Tan pars. spherical glass ov pouymes beads of 82-Houna dianile _ coottedl tee. = siltem or dlunstra. bess retention veluncets major denett- Porous Packing Involves.tae- tuse.ef porous spherical! Ne __rnicsoparticles of silica or alumina haytng cliarceter of 3 _ For ‘losge volume souple-spoctally designect perma _posking Ths | ho utilized for estimation of special chand._garsics boundtate 1h ules -(Si=0H) siiene grp-on siden a1t conyuted d fer deterhon'g pole conf: J 1 cereses lewelopuss ——< : onary phase: For the d election of non= pela comp: 9 t St(CH2)ncHs- UL Usecl a4 We aolsorbant materfal oe “Deteters ; eet F Jotun. Vo Aetethirs + =1) Bush property. Aetertors 1 / 21 Solute Property Setertorn. _LBPD t~ ta Refractive Inolex doteclors t= [hey ott He i unbvecod oletertns whitch respone te a letg & ES no:0f organic. as well. fa inorq. contp. Dekertor — ee ean let. Reference coh sepors | by ec elteegemal glass auihet » There L1 a Ugntsasre by whch vv vistble Aays ate patsed=le both Ws ____| cetta. A jter passing Easoug le. the cells ton Light. = fiat late inane sina ena sc 2 photreclls p, PP TRE Colunin effluent fs allawed sAremodic. Conf » unsaturede cl eontps or 22! oe iple bene! b/w C-0-N-s . 9+ consists ef a. UV-visible Spectropheto ede fitted =e Sample - | flew cel of B ule. copacity . Mercury Vapeud Larip) iS Used as a raclietion sour. Pars na toned aa ‘fs used» Pho as uscd Jor defeat, — the santple contponents.. The emitting source ' _most commonly usecl has Lhe range blw 250-266 _ | — bing __ Column eff Lend £4 allowed Lo enter Cute the dletedtoyr __ifrom_the top Uv s ore allowed to poll - 1 the Aight source - The amount of Light. absorbed As_oleterted by 4 means.of phofomalaplicr tube. oo igs _ ——i Bo 1D Estinodion of natural pard: Like Ligusn — digitalis + ot extratt. - peer oN ta ciaeee casa Like asparctic avid , glue —— i gp a coma - lites 2 [Sete Pi om a blood plasnsa SAUMA: — a — speccally for otropine - brody \ - pine, oprarolanr 1» adenrlol, Ceuptopeid B-metiasone , Insulln_, vinblostin Avtopestdat eee ee ae ee Fount pA wtt-# V Shectros copy +- :: spectroscopy « rad"eare 2 the range 200-400 Ay The vv spectra. artses dueto absorp” of vv radtettory, by the atoms. Asa result the otetnrost e wide a. traus to higher en levels: the on + bfvo there tue levels n quency gad | €=hyv . €:-Bo= Av = Se energy of exclled s1ote- €o ae 4 ground seHlarton. oe = LK Es diff in energy bro es 6 a$+ Jhree Aypes of dtransition.trem eave. tuvelved UA wv Spectres eo electroms. Involved fn. we saturated bouds- Tlbevd on th UMsaturation_beuds. ~ Aven ont vou-bouding ef _Tramattion.. ef folewtug dybes se = bowen rf ° __Bnergy ludl ader_requtreuent 4 = ate — mu 2 Tt 2 It 2 It* 2. No 3 Ss 2 o- ao * ; an The absorbing 9rp reas trvolve un tromsit" nae of 2 pel y 9 ee oe wD chrontophenes ts Sleetromh 9 Ly oxochrn ngs wee a 6 oe herons AwaAx 26snn_1 Emax pen eng _ Aniline & Ahove “uae abse das. keetemgs Aks mg ia Jiaxes pe 2Goum . » IY30er4 + s + phew. are four Ay pes 4 shifts Snvowedl yin UVS:- it (Real shyt): Ot tnvolves shyt af abs tg hak voanrelany tt. AA oer lug to ). of y 4 rl _> Bathochromle 4 | maxtraa towatds | oxochto nts: - 7 | gp can also ocer dus to T fa polartty of solvents { ho ig psocnrons shift (blue shift) ¢- f 54 Envolves shif 4. o} Amax-towasda Aboates rue i f th ocures duemlo removal of. oxothromea. v Ln the poland + solvent 2 rensoval « = ovr i [3 Hypo Sah J > iyeeinont hi it > Tt vufes “to din the alorpten over _ THis coud ren sumed. "OL J Nstrome NTA TION Se L Sig \e Beam Sd scopy >y| rari LU: CA. Racket Frurane Source [Te Ben 8 Seay = SS Radiation Qovrte 5 Pydregen Lamp 7 > Dakin amp 4.2 © kenon Disehonge Lamb eee, Lem | Hycreden, g& Ig. StOseal O Dion Peg | WH chow Mo Se q | >On" re Ar Chretien crrserg | _ fomp det rettscd OVO 90 chemetia— exert) | cit i r >On Veelusue Back to, We Qs tho eri. soouction) peo ahae, | [= Dettiriom damp a : > Durtenity ny 1S filteot tn By Bop ; > BtoS come ~ mox Tobey +han Hyd op ¢ Aenon ouachor e Loon . = von Weal Unde" bron eUYO% rrytlomnp, Pp uae +Wo * een rd rdely whe Cistany o end we m9 the Mebsie curxudto. eLretroas," von Gaekadl§ adi ereLo Ono Buku a Pound Stay woo ol emmety UV zcdlate. m inna bee, - Date r —Meo hochrome tors > ~ i th er Yamoving tly veaducben O}-Undeine Wwavelngln So to obt' peadest »monockhomatic: LA a ; "d a ) Priam Cu Ut Wie Con bed] {tess OF Dart Gubvoree slit is blocs! bela ox “He Prism And esc seit is Plocsol Ofte prisn, Covette [Sample oS Sampu to Ge ted js plecsol in Sevnphy cole Cuvett. macau “t Quist, Or Bile. The S$ etoert Y una Jor Olusien 0] Supls Shsutah Such hot UN Shouts be so vor voce " ‘phic »_OV a . shou have good) _ ‘use Power. 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