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University of Dhaka

Faculty of Business Studies

MBA (Evening), Department of Marketing

MKT 525 – Integrated Marketing

Section: B

Term Paper
“Assessing the IMC strategies during and Pre-Covid 19:
“A study on the Hygiene industry”

Submitted By: Submitted To:

Name ID Dr. Muhammad Ismail

Farhana Faria Afroz 41941024
Manajir Islam 41941043 Department of Marketing
University of Dhaka

Date of Submission
30 May, 2021
Letter of Acknowledgement

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our honorable course instructor professor
Dr. Muhammad Ismail Hossain, Department of Marketing, University of Dhaka. For his
guidance and direction for completing our report. Last but not the least we would like to
thank our friends and classmates for their continuous support.
Table of Content
1. Executive Summary ……………………………………………. 1

2. Introduction ……………………………………. 2

3. Objectives of the study ……………………………………… 3

4. Literature Review …………………………………….. 3

5. Methodology ......................................................... 3-4

6. Lifebuoy’s Pre-Covid market scenario analysis ................................... 4-6

7. Lifebuoy’s During Covid-19 scenario analysis ……………………… 6-7

8. Savlon’s Pre-Covid market scenario analysis ………………………. 8-9

9. Savlon’s During Covid-19 scenario analysis ……………………….. 9 - 11

10. Data analysis and Findings of Lifebuoy & Savlon Hand Sanitizer ………… 11 - 17

11. Recommendations …………………………………………………………... 18

12. Conclusion.......................................................................................................... 18

13. Reference……………………………………………………………………… 19
Executive Summary

Every company follows their own strategies to sustain themselves in the competitive market.
That is why they assess many tools and techniques to reach their expected goal and fulfill
their vision. In this pandemic situation all the techniques and methods have completely
changed or moderated in a different way otherwise it will be difficult to survive in the long
run. There are many companies that could not survive in this crisis market. But some
companies take initiatives and adopt new strategies that help them to sustain. By doing
surveys of both Savlon and Lifebuoy Company it is found that the IMC strategies were
changed in the pandemic. They modified their operations, took appropriate measures to keep
customers engaged and reminded them they are here to take care of themselves when they
want. Because every sector has changed with digitization and customers' demand and
perception of the brand are now changing with the moderate IMC strategies.  By adapting
communication and marketing messages across several channels, maintain customer
engagement and also retain customers in this challenging situation. Savlon and Lifebuoy
company leveraging social media and digital tools and appropriate communicating
information through external and internal channels. They also connect with customers
effectively and actively by spreading awareness of safety issues.  To assess this type IMC
tools they can hold consumer interest and maintain a strong brand voice.

In today’s fiercely competitive world, it is no longer adequate for businesses to rely just on a
single communication platform for marketing communications. Organizations must use a
marketing communication mix to attract their target audiences in order to maintain and
expand market share. Over the last few years, an increasing number of businesses have
shifted their strategy to utilitarianism. IMC is especially regarding coordinate and integrate
all selling communication tools, and sources among an organization into a correct program so
as to maximize the impact on track audiences at a minimal value. IMC plays an important
role in increasing brand awareness and reaching to a larger customer. If marketers build
strong IMC strategy for their product or brand they don’t need to give much time on
maintaining the brand image. Implementing IMC strategy also claims cost effective. A strong
IMC approach can produce a dynamic and socially connected promoting team. a part of
making that team is guaranteeing that there's a communications line that members will use to
quickly reach any and every one departments.

The Covid-19 pandemic has drastically changed everything of human life suddenly.
Marketers and marketing programs are no longer out of its impact rather they have faced
drastic downfall due to covid. Marketers were bound to reorganize their marketing strategies
as customers purchase behavior, decision making, media seeking were changed due to the
outbreak of covid pandemic. Many businesses were shut down because of not being able to
adjust the situation. Besides the outbreak of covid required a huge demand of hygiene
products to maintain safety and cleanliness from Corona virus and this has significantly
increased the hygiene market growth. Among the segmented product type soap, sanitizer and
tissue, sanitizer segment has grown rapidly as it can be used anytime anywhere.

Year 2020 is considered the as a year when hand sanitizers and other hygiene products
became mainstream in Bangladesh. Health consultants say frequent wash of hands as well as
sanitize hands are most preventive measures to protect human from being affected by Corona
virus. The pharmaceuticals and supermarkets played important role in providing hand
sanitizers, hand washes, soaps, and cleaners in growing demand of customers. In a study, it is
noticed that lifebuoy hand sanitizer’s global production increased by 56times.

Objectives of the study:
As the pandemic have started many marketers have turned their marketing strategies in
quarantine mode and also changed their product development, budget allocation, promotional
activities, customer’s engagement programs. Their pre covid marketing strategies are no
longer effective to this new pandemic situation. The purpose of the study is to find how
marketers of Lifebuoy and Savlon hand sanitizer have affected to change their integrated
marketing communication strategies to put their product in appropriate space in market. The
reason of this study is to find how marketers of lifebuoy and Savlon hand sanitizer have
changed their integrated marketed communication strategies to put their product in market
place and how customers react to it. Our core objectives are-

 To analyze the IMC strategies of Lifebuoy and Savlon hand sanitizer in both pre-
covid and current covid scenario
 To analyze the customers’ perception about the IMC strategies Lifebuoy and Savlon
hand sanitizer used earlier in pre-covid situation
 To analyze the customers’ reactibility and acceptability towards the IMC strategies
Lifebuoy and Savlon hand sanitizer made during covid-19 situation

Literature Review:
Hand sanitizer is basically a gel or liquid based formula that provides germs, bacteria virus
free protections. There are different types of hand sanitizer in our country. Due to covid 19
pandemic the demand of sanitizer has increased most. So the marketers changed a lot in their
IMC strategy on their products to meet their competitive advantages.

Lifebuoy and Savlon both the company follows different IMC strategies in covid situation
which was completely different from pre covid situation. The understanding of the consumer
has changed to buy any hygiene products because of their trust issue. In some cases they are
totally new need to cope up with the new normal life to buy something. By assessing the
factors like doing survey and get the intention about the customer about company’s IMC
strategies it will give depth knowledge.

For primary data collection an online survey for simple random sampling of five customers is taken in
order to know customers ‘preferences regarding IMC strategy of Lifebuoy and Savlon hand sanitizer.
For secondary data collection we have searched information regarding their IMC plans through online

platform like internet. We have observed their advertising pattern in social media, newspaper and
looked for articles, books, studies for better outcome.

Lifebuoy Hand Sanitizer:

Lifebuoy is one of the leading brand of Unilever whose main purpose is to promote health
consciousness and hygiene practice by spreading knowledge, bringing up innovative germ
killing product all over the world. Their innovation varies in different ranges product from
soaps to hand sanitizer. The covid pandemic has made human life aware of being hygiene and
clean by time to time using hand sanitizer along with soap. The demand of sanitizer has risen
high as it is easy to use and carry anytime anywhere and Lifebuoy meets the requirement by
bringing up different size of sanitizer.

Pre-Covid market scenario analysis: Lifebuoy as a brand came out in the market as no one
hygienic soap but it broadened its range with liquid hand wash, sanitizer, wipe tissue with
highest quality and affordability aiming to promote only healthy habits. To establish this goal
Lifebuoy initiated the first handwashing program in 2010.

Target market: The target market of hand sanitizer is primarily individuals, families,
children, and who finds using water all the time to keep hands clean inconvenient and very
much health conscious. Lifebuoy offers them convenient, easy to carry hand sanitizers.

Segmentation: Lifebuoy has segmented its product on personal care and health hygiene sector
and it has positioned its product by ensuring affordable and accessible healthy and hygienic

Product: Marketers launched Lifebuoy ethyle-alcohol based sanitizer adding moisturizer,

Vitamin E with 99.9% germ killing capacity. It claims to protect health with effective way
from regular germs transmit hand to hand. It kills the deadly virus and bacteria and prevent
entering germs inside to our body from outside environment. It’s a convenient product to
carry specially when finding soap and water are difficult everywhere, gentle and smooth
texture, nonsticky, quikly evaporates, mild fragrance and safe to sanitize before eating.

Price: As Lifebuoy’s goal is to spread hygiene practice, it has put all its product in affordable
price. Because it’s big competitive advantage is, a brand of Unilever. It has kept price costly
than competitive brand.

Place: Lifebuoy has made sure it’s product availability in every town, city, every retail
stores, wholesale market, super shop. Lifebuoy sanitizer can be found in every
pharmaceutical shop with different sizes. Even in the e-commerce site there been a huge
quantity of product availability.

Promotion: Lifebuoy has showed up its creativity in promotional segment too. It has initiated
several campaigns. Such as Shastho chetona, global hygiene day to spread consciousness
about the importance of cleanliness and hygiene. It used social media, newspaper, billboard
to advertise its variety range of products.

Lifebuoy introduced variety of products in the purpose of maintaining hygiene and safety
with affordable price. Their main attention was to made the product with best quality of
ingredient and safer to use.

Lifebuoy hand sanitizer was first introduced in SARRS pandemic and at that time the user
rate was low. Before the pandemic situation people were not used to use hand sanitizer as
general people only used wash or sanitizer their hands after coming back home from outside.
At that time use of soap was very common habit among people. So marketers were not that
much prompt to make more effective marketing of sanitizer. Once or two commercial ads
were advertised though Lifebuoy was always engaged to CSR activities and several health
campaigns which made them as leading brand. It created a strong brand visibility and grew
strong consumer awareness by using red color as medical theme and exclusive distribution.

Even Lifebuoy’s initial campaigns were mostly regarding hand wash as to ensuring clean
hand before and after eating, after defecation, after coming from outside because at that time
most of the people and children got affected to diarrhea, decentry and other contagious
disease. They provided free hand soaps, hand washes and sanitizers to many remote areas to
protect them from various disease and warned them about the consequences of unhealthy

During Covid-19 scenario analysis: In 2020, Lifebuoy hand sanitizer’s demand grew up to
50% by the outbreak of Covid and its covid-19 focused communication. It launched its
product in 55 new market in the extreme need of affordable and accessible need of hygiene
product during the crisis. Some hand sanitizer products came out in 2in 1 sanitizer spray
which can be used in hands and surfaces. They also have put together employees, partners,
suppliers, retailers, to boost up hand sanitizer manufacturing significantly. When the
pandemic breaks out suddenly their full team of supply chain, R&D, production staffs
worked as a team to meet the sudden demand of hand sanitizer. The following strategies are
seen in Lifebuoy hand sanitizer during Covid-19 pandemic-

 Quality concern: As to meet the WHO standard was necessary they compromised
thinking about the size and shape of the bottle, 60% of ethanol content was only thing
to concern. The only priority was to meeting the pandemic demand for health safety.
They made small sized sanitizer for regular comfortable use and large sized sanitizer
is for office, hotels, restaurants etc.
 Association with sports: During this pandemic situation Lifebuoy has re-launched in
Walmart in US also it has engaged in e-commerce sector in China and found a rising
acceptance in Bangladesh. As function of integrated communication Lifebuoy has
associated with sports sector for ex: Bangladesh cricket board and Pakistan cricket to
reach the extensive amount of audience to deliver the message of maintaining hygiene
in pandemic situation.
 Awareness campaign: Lifebuoy has been doing different sort of campaigns across the
world to obtain customers, young people, families, children to make them involved
into put a stop to spreading the Corona virus in the hope of changing behavior
towards hygiene. For this they have uploaded an animated ad where they showed
different use of hand sanitizer. They also initiated Bish Bash Bosh campaign to raise
awareness in Britain. Their most attractive campaign was H for Hand-washing

which was inspired by way children learn letters A, B, C to teach these children
remain hygiene.
 Advertisements: Advertising has become a life saver component for marketers to
reach the audience. People are very much connected to social media and they prefer to
get information mostly on social media. Lifebuoy advertised its sanitizer through
TVC, released on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Radio and on newspaper’s front
page, magazines and billboards. “Kid’s best friend” titled ad is released where
lifebuoy hand sanitizer is addressed as kid’s best friend by killing 99.9% germs
without water and protecting them from virus. Another ad of Lifebuoy immunity
boosting hand sanitizer that fights with germs till ten hours.
 Public Influencers: Influencers have immense effect on social media to spread ideas,
opinions across the world to get the audience in targeted direction. They appear as
brand ambassador of brands in commercial ads, in short video clips, Facebook live
platform, Instagram stories to deliver messages. Sakib Al Hasan most popular and
demanded figure of Bangladesh appeared in Lifebuoy hand sanitizer ad to spread the
message of using hand sanitizer.
 Search Engine Optimization: As the covid pandemic has turned human’s life in a new
direction, people are using all sorts of search engines in search of hygiene related
products. Taking advantage of this opportunity Lifebuoy is using search engine
optimization tool to improve its website visibility and updating facebook posts on
different websites that are mostly visited by people.
 E-commerce sites: When government imposed lockdown due to corona pandemic it
was quite tough for people to go out or go to retail stores or supermarkets. E-
commerce has benefited us in this case a lot by allowing us to order hygiene products
online, cashless transaction and getting home delivery.,,, meena click, evaly have made easier to get this product often at
discount price, bundle offer BOGO (buy one get one free) offer. Lifebuoy has ensured
its availability on these websites so that customers can order products by maintaining
social distance

Savlon Hand Sanitizer:

Savlon is one if the prominent product of ACI Company that has been serving millions of
people in Bangladesh by providing personal hygiene. Savlon has helped people to stay
protected from illness resulting germs and viruses. The main motive of savlon is to keep the
people of Bangladesh safe from the germs. Savlon's mission is to enhance people's disease-
eliminating power, just as the vision is to be the symbol of germ-free Bangladesh. For
achieving the goal savlon has already invent different ranges in their product lines. There are
two ingredients remains in the Savlon product which helps to create more awareness of using
this product and also provides extra hygiene factors. During this covid 19 pandemic people
are using both hand sanitizers and hand wash to maintain hygiene and safety.

Pre-Covid market scenario analysis

Savlon has broadened their products in different household and medical products. Savlon has
also created a lot of interest in customers mind through the safety issues and its attractive

smell, color and usefulness. Savlon enhanced their product ranges with liquid antiseptic,
antiseptic cream, hand wash, soap, sanitizer, hand rub, disinfectant Spray, hand rub spray,
wet wipes and baby wipes.

Product: Savlon has proven the liquid germ killing category of 79% in their products. By
this issue they are the leading they are positioned in the market in both liquid germ killing
and germ killing cream. They provides different variants in their products such as Active,
Aloe Vera, Ocean Blue and Liquid antiseptic, antiseptic cream and bandage. They introduce
new herbal line hand wash such as Marigold, Irish, and Lavender hand wash.

Price: Savlon has following market penetration pricing strategy. So they try to set their price
low comparative to others competitors in the market to attract a large number of buyers and
grab the market share.

Place: Savlon has maintaining a wide distribution channel comprised of lots of distributors
and those distributors supply to retail stores, supermarkets, pharmaceutical stores. Even on
the e-commerce site there been a huge quantity of product availability such as Big-basket,
Amazon, and Savlon is also tying up to hospitals and also in the
schools and universities and offices.

Promotion: As a personal and antiseptic oriented product Savlon maintains their promotional
strategies to gain competitive advantage. Savlon has applied various promotional campaigns
on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram. They also used video commercial, plan to spread their in
communication media such as billboard, advertising, print media, program at schools, banner
advertising at super shops, government clinics and hospitals. Bangaldeshi cricket player
Mahmudullah is represent Savlon in different promotional activities as a brand ambassador.

During Covid-19 scenario analysis

Savlon brand has been working on health and hygiene issues quite a long time. Since the start
of the pandemic, savlon worked very hard to supply sanitizer all over the country. Due to
manufacturing more sanitizer according to meet crisis there was created lack of raw materials
for producing sanitizer. But Savlon has make their supply chain active and also motivate their
employees to work hard and soul to manufactured more sanitizer.

Ensure the quality: Savlon hand sanitizer claims that their product offers quick and instant
actions and helps protect against viruses at 99.9% bacteria and fungi inside 10 seconds. They
provide different sizes of sanitizer as the user friendly way. Even children can carry on their

bag and to influence them to use hand sanitizer the company make a slogan at ‘hand rub
boom’. The hand sanitizer also free from germs and gives an aromatic fragrance.

Campaign of consciousness: During the first stage of covid 19 pandemic the spread of the
corona virus increased to lack of maintaining proper hygiene issues. At that moment the
number one antiseptic brand of Bangladesh, Savlon came with their awareness campaign
named, ‘Savlon Shurokkha’. At the time of ‘Bishwa ijtema’ Savlon has also came up with
‘Health camp 2020’ campaign to ensure health and hygiene factors on this big program. Even
they also arranged ‘Savlon Clean Bangladesh’ campaign in various districts of our country to
spread their positivity of being hygiene.

Advertisements: Savlon hand sanitizer makes various steps in their promotional activities.
They made different TVC containing information about health awareness about using
sanitizer. The media like facebook, youtube and instagram, television has released those
TVC. They influenced people to use hashtag with savlon (#savlon_clean_Bangladesh) on
their profile with a picture of their hand sanitizer. This activity makes them viral in the whole
country. Nowadays different shopping mall in Bangladesh uses Savlon hand sanitizer most to
provide awareness. In the entry of most of the mall give peoples free Savlon hand sanitizer to
disinfect their hands by this they can create more awareness.

Public activities: Public influencer’s access to reach a number of people and persuade others
in their values and beliefs. Savlon’s brand ambassador is Mahmudullah,one of the cricket
player of Bangaldesh. Savlon take initiative to make awareness to the people by him. Even
there are many facebook celebrity who are very popular among the people they also spread
news about using Savlon hand sanitizer during the pandemic.

Search Engine Optimization: During the pandemic situation people are always concerned
about hygiene and search the available safety tools on their known platform. Savlon used this
strategy to make them always in front of the customer mindset. Beside of selling hand
sanitizer they introduced disinfectant spray advertisement to the people and grab attention. To
know about this new product of savlon people eager to see at their page on facebook and
wanted to buy.

E-commerce platforms: During the covid 19 pandemic people prefer more to shop online.
Savlon available their products in e-commerce sites such as, etc
where they give discount offer or buy one get one free offer to the customer. They provide

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exciting offer to the customer because of increasing awareness to the customer safety by
staying at home.

Data analysis and Findings of Lifebuoy & Savlon Hand Sanitizer:

 If we look at our survey of both Savlon and Lifebouy, it shows that before covid-19
pandemic 70% were not conscious about using hand sanitizer. That doesn’t mean they
were unhygienic or health unconscious, as washing hands by soap was common
option from the very beginning. Since the outbreak of covid -19 the demand for using
hand sanitizer increased massively. It became new normal to human kind. A study
showed the demand for hand sanitizer grew up to 1400% globally and marketers
experienced significant change in hygiene products due to this outbreak. Unilever
Bangladesh, ACI, Kohinoor chemicals and other renowned brands have begun their
production of hand sanitizers along with other disinfectants.

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 The way Covid-19 pandemic has spread panic among people, the only way to remain
safe from this virus is using hand sanitizer or washing hands. In this regard, People
mostly prioritize the capacity of killing virus rather than fragrance, price color. Some
people choose over brand because of strong faith and strong position in mind
regarding those brands. Lifebuoy, Savlon, Dettol these brands have created strong
space differently in people’s mind.

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 Most of the respondent responded in the case of both Lifebuoy and Savlon that both
the products’ IMC strategy were not sales focused rather they created positive impact
on customer’s mind. During covid-19 Lifebuoy in their public service campaign tried
much to drive people in the habit using sanitized product to remain safe, the notable
thing is that they not only encourage to use their product but highly appreciated to use
other branded product ex: Dettol, Lux, Godrej, Sepnil, just to create the habit of
remain hygiene. Whereas Savlon encouraged to use hygiene products not only to keep
own self virus free but also to protect the dear ones.

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 Most respondent expressed that both lifebuoy and Savlon have brought significant
changes in their advertising concept in comparison to pre-covid and during covid
situation. As we all know the terrible result of Corona virus is death, it requires to
maintain total hygiene of hands as the virus sticks to our hand and enters inside our
body. Though Lifebuoy and Savlon have always been working on health protection,
knowing the terrible effect of corona virus they have changed their advertising more
comprehensive by creating meaningful and practical concept.

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 The corona pandemic has been a challenging issue for marketers for the last one year
and till now. When the first coronavirus patient diagnosed there grew a growing
demand of hand sanitizer, it was very difficult to meet the growing demand. Before
Corona two or three bottles would have been sold in a day but when the pandemic
started 35 to 36 bottles have been sold in a day. Before the demand was for 10lac
people now the demand is for 17crore people. At first Incepta, ACI, Beximco, IBN
Sina, Popular pharama, Eskayf initiated producing hand sanitizers in the country then
Unilever Bangladesh, Marico Bangladesh, and other small companies started to
produce hand sanitizers.

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 In our survey most respondent agreed on the issue that due to availability of lower
quality sanitizer in purchase of qualityful hand sanitizer got affected. When the crisis
of hand sanitizer occurred and when most establish brand failed to fulfil the demand
due shortage of raw materials some fake hand sanitizers were spread out in lowest
price and in the name of established brands by some cheap company. In this case
RAB has seized a company located in old Dhaka and finned 5lac taka to the owner for
producing adulterated hand sanitizers. Recently Savlon has fall down for its fake
production in Chadpur as a result ACI faced negative response from its customers and
lost a big amount of them.

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 As corona has changed everything so suddenly marketers used different
communication measures to let customers know their existence, to make them active
with their marketing activities ensuring consciousness regarding the virus. Social
distancing and staying home were only option to observe, marketers used different
taglines, delivering message- “Stay home, stay safe and some healthy campaigns.
Lifebuoy expressed the thought “Help Fight, The Spread of Corona Virus” and
announced the public service announcement “It’s in your hands’appeal”. Savlon
introduced a new campaign in Bangladesh for the first time for a new healthy,
hygienic lifestyle “Savlon Shurokkha”. It has initiated “Savlon Clean
Bangladesh” aimed to create hygiene related awareness among people of the Dhaka
city as the city is the source of unhygienic illness.

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In order to lead in the market there is no alternative option than changing marketing strategies
over time specially when there is an outbreak outside. As much as marketers will adopt the
changes to make effective marketing strategies so much more successful they will be. Both
the brand Lifebuoy and Savlon should create and carry out appropriate strategy for effective
communication with customers and it can be done in either electrical and nonelectrical
medium or channel to transfer message which can indicate company’s goal, mission, and
objectives. They can use USP (Unique selling proposition) tool to catch a greater audience
and grab new market. Though Lifebuoy has always been very proactive about their marketing
strategies and during corona they initiated several health related campaigns to make people
concern about the deadly consequences of corona virus and how much important it is to keep
own self hygiene to get protected. Savlon’s marketing strategy need to improve accordingly.
Recently Savlon faced negative marketing due to improper use of its product by a social
influencer on social media platform. So they should be very careful about its application, side
effects in their PR campaign specially on social media and specially during the covid
situation. The choose of digital platform, messaging style and public relation are very
important factor in creating positive brand image in customer’s mind. Savlon should use
repositioning strategy to reestablish its hand sanitizer because ACI is fined because of using
harmful methanol which causes death. Precautionary statements should be attached where
precaution such as not going in front of fire using sanitizer as alcohol is flammable should be
clearly mentioned.


Alcohol based sanitizer has made a signification contribution to the hand sanitizer market.
The growing demand of hand sanitizers expected to boost up total sales and revenues. A
study recommended that the global market of hand sanitizer is expected to boost up about US
$3.6million by 2026. Awareness among people is increasing day by day by the penetration of
using internet, growth of promotional activities. Peoples’ demand for organic, eco-friendly,
sustainable is also influencing market growth as The WHO determined the maintenance of
long term hand hygiene habit. Companies should come forward and make effective strategies
for persuading people in healthy habit of hand sanitizing in order to fight against deadly
corona virus rather than competition among brands.

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1. Class Lecture from our Honorable Faculty

2. The Business Standard. 2020. Sales of Hygiene Products Skyrocket. [online] Available at:


109240> [Accessed 24 August 2020].

3. [ CITATION Wor21 \l 1033 ]

4. [ CITATION Sav20 \l 1033 ]

5. [CITATION Aar \l 1033 ]

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