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Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System

Exclusive Service Manual

Revision 4.0
US English
© 2020 General Electric Company
All rights reserved.
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Restricted To General Electric Healthcare (GEHC) This Material is the property of GEHC and contains
information that is restricted to use by GEHC Manufacturing, Engineering and Service personnel. Any
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5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System i

Language Policy
Direction 2128126 - Language Policy For Service Documentation

ПРЕДУПРЕЖД Това упътване за работа е налично само на английски език.

ЕНИЕ • Ако доставчикът на услугата на клиента изиска друг език, задължение на клиента е да
(BG) осигури превод.
• Не използвайте оборудването, преди да сте се консултирали и разбрали упътването за
• Неспазването на това предупреждение може да доведе до нараняване на доставчика на
услугата, оператора или пациентa в резултат на токов удар, механична или друга опасност.
警告 本维修手册仅提供英文版本。
(ZH-CN) • 如果客户的维修服务人员需要非英文版本,则客户需自行提供翻译服务。
• 未详细阅读和完全理解本维修手册之前,不得进行维修。
• 忽略本警告可能对维修服务人员、操作人员或患者造成电击、机械伤害或其他形式的伤 害。
警告 本服務手冊僅提供英文版本。
(ZH-HK) • 倘若客戶的服務供應商需要英文以外之服務手冊,客戶有責任提供翻譯服務。
• 除非已參閱本服務手冊及明白其內容,否則切勿嘗試維修設備。
• 不遵從本警告或會令服務供應商、網絡供應商或病人受到觸電、機械性或其他的危險。
警告 本維修手冊僅有英文版。
(ZH-TW) • 若客戶的維修廠商需要英文版以外的語言,應由客戶自行提供翻譯服務。
• 請勿試圖維修本設備,除非 您已查閱並瞭解本維修手冊。
• 若未留意本警告,可能導致維修廠商、操作員或病患因觸電、機械或其他危險而受傷。
UPOZORENJE Ovaj servisni priručnik dostupan je na engleskom jeziku.
(HR) • Ako davatelj usluge klijenta treba neki drugi jezik, klijent je dužan osigurati prijevod.
• Ne pokušavajte servisirati opremu ako niste u potpunosti pročitali i razumjeli ovaj servisni priruč-
• Zanemarite li ovo upozorenje, može doći do ozljede davatelja usluge, operatera ili pacijenta uslijed
strujnog udara, mehaničkih ili drugih rizika.
VÝSTRAHA Tento provozní návod existuje pouze v anglickém jazyce.
(CS) • V případě, že externí služba zákazníkům potřebuje návod v jiném jazyce, je zajištění překladu do
odpovídajícího jazyka úkolem zákazníka.
• Nesnažte se o údržbu tohoto zařízení, aniž byste si přečetli tento provozní návod a pochopili jeho
• V případě nedodržování této výstrahy může dojít k poranění pracovníka prodejního servisu, obsluž-
ného personálu nebo pacientů vlivem elektrického proudu, respektive vlivem mechanických či ji-
ných rizik.
ADVARSEL Denne servicemanual findes kun på engelsk.
(DA) • Hvis en kundes tekniker har brug for et andet sprog end engelsk, er det kundens ansvar at sørge for
• Forsøg ikke at servicere udstyret uden at læse og forstå denne servicemanual.
• Manglende overholdelse af denne advarsel kan medføre skade på grund af elektrisk stød, mekanisk
eller anden fare for teknikeren, operatøren eller patienten.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System ii

WAAR- Deze onderhoudshandleiding is enkel in het Engels verkrijgbaar.
SCHUWING • Als het onderhoudspersoneel een andere taal vereist, dan is de klant verantwoordelijk voor de
(NL) vertaling ervan.
• Probeer de apparatuur niet te onderhouden alvorens deze onderhoudshandleiding werd geraad-
pleegd en begrepen is.
• Indien deze waarschuwing niet wordt opgevolgd, zou het onderhoudspersoneel, de operator of een
patiënt gewond kunnen raken als gevolg van een elektrische schok, mechanische of andere geva-
WARNING This service manual is available in English only.
(EN) • If a customer's service provider requires a language other than English, it is the customer's respon-
sibility to provide translation services.
• Do not attempt to service the equipment unless this service manual has been consulted and is un-
• Failure to heed this warning may result in injury to the service provider, operator or patient from
electric shock, mechanical or other hazards.
HOIATUS See teenindusjuhend on saadaval ainult inglise keeles.
(ET) • Kui klienditeeninduse osutaja nõuab juhendit inglise keelest erinevas keeles, vastutab klient tõlke-
teenuse osutamise eest.
• Ärge üritage seadmeid teenindada enne eelnevalt käesoleva teenindusjuhendiga tutvumist ja sell-
est aru saamist.
• Käesoleva hoiatuse eiramine võib põhjustada teenuseosutaja, operaatori või patsiendi vigastamist
elektrilöögi, mehaanilise või muu ohu tagajärjel.
VAROITUS Tämä huolto-ohje on saatavilla vain englanniksi.
(FI) • Jos asiakkaan huoltohenkilöstö vaatii muuta kuin englanninkielistä materiaalia, tarvittavan kään-
nöksen hankkiminen on asiakkaan vastuulla.
• Älä yritä korjata laitteistoa ennen kuin olet varmasti lukenut ja ymmärtänyt tämän huolto-ohjeen.
• Mikäli tätä varoitusta ei noudateta, seurauksena voi olla huoltohenkilöstön, laitteiston käyttäjän tai
potilaan vahingoittuminen sähköiskun, mekaanisen vian tai muun vaaratilanteen vuoksi.
ATTENTION Ce manuel d'installation et de maintenance est disponible uniquement en anglais.
(FR) • Si le technicien d'un client a besoin de ce manuel dans une langue autre que l'anglais, il incombe au
client de le faire traduire.
• Ne pas tenter d'intervenir sur les équipements tant que ce manuel d'installation et de maintenance
n'a pas été consulté et compris.
• Le non-respect de cet avertissement peut entraîner chez le technicien, l'opérateur ou le patient des
blessures dues à des dangers électriques, mécaniques ou autres.
WARNUNG Diese Serviceanleitung existiert nur in englischer Sprache.
(DE) • Falls ein fremder Kundendienst eine andere Sprache benötigt, ist es Aufgabe des Kunden für eine
entsprechende Übersetzung zu sorgen.
• Versuchen Sie nicht diese Anlage zu warten, ohne diese Serviceanleitung gelesen und verstanden
zu haben.
• Wird diese Warnung nicht beachtet, so kann es zu Verletzungen des Kundendiensttechnikers, des
Bedieners oder des Patienten durch Stromschläge, mechanische oder sonstige Gefahren kommen.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System iii

ΠΡΟΕΙΔΟΠΟΙ Τοπαρόν εγχειρίδιο σέρβις διατίθεται στα αγγλικά μόνο.
ΗΣΗ • Εάν το άτομο παροχής σέρβις ενός πελάτη απαιτεί το παρόν εγχειρίδιο σε γλώσσα εκτός των
(EL) αγγλικών, αποτελεί ευθύνη του πελάτη να παρέχει υπηρεσίες μετάφρασης.
• Μηνεπιχειρήσετε την εκτέλεση εργασιών σέρβις στον εξοπλισμό εκτός εάν έχετε συμβουλευτεί
και έχετε κατανοήσει το παρόν εγχειρίδιο σέρβις.
• Εάν δεν λάβετε υπόψη την προειδοποίηση αυτή, ενδέχεται να προκληθεί τραυματισμός στο
άτομο παροχής σέρβις, στο χειριστή ή στον ασθενή από ηλεκτροπληξία, μηχανικούς ή άλλους
FIGYELMEZ- Ezen karbantartási kézikönyv kizárólag angol nyelven érhető el.
TETÉS • Ha a vevő szolgáltatója angoltól eltérő nyelvre tart igényt, akkor a vevő felelőssége a fordítás elkés-
(HU) zíttetése.
• Ne próbálja elkezdeni használni a berendezést, amíg a karbantartási kézikönyvben leírtakat nem
• Ezen figyelmeztetés figyelmen kívül hagyása a szolgáltató, működtető vagy a beteg áramütés,
mechanikai vagy egyéb veszélyhelyzet miatti sérülését eredményezheti.
AÐVÖRUN Þessi þjónustuhandbók er aðeins fáanleg á ensku.
(IS) • Ef að þjónustuveitandi viðskiptamanns þarfnast annas tungumáls en ensku, er það skylda viðskip-
tamanns að skaffa tungumálaþjónustu.
• Reynið ekki að afgreiða tækið nema að þessi þjónustuhandbók hefur verið skoðuð og skilin.
• Brot á sinna þessari aðvörun getur leitt til meiðsla á þjónustuveitanda, stjórnanda eða sjúklings frá
raflosti, vélrænu eða öðrum áhættum.
AVVERTENZA Il presente manuale di manutenzione è disponibile soltanto in lingua inglese.
(IT) • Se un addetto alla manutenzione richiede il manuale in una lingua diversa, il cliente è tenuto a
provvedere direttamente alla traduzione.
• Procedere alla manutenzione dell'apparecchiatura solo dopo aver consultato il presente manuale
ed averne compreso il contenuto.
• Il mancato rispetto della presente avvertenza potrebbe causare lesioni all'addetto alla manuten-
zione, all'operatore o ai pazienti provocate da scosse elettriche, urti meccanici o altri rischi.
警告 このサービスマニュアルには英語版しかありません。
(JA) • サービスを担当される業者が英語以外の言語を要求される場合、翻訳作業はその業者の責
• このサービスマニュアルを熟読し理解せずに、装置のサービスを行わないでください。
• この警告に従わない場合、サービスを担当される方、操作員あるいは患者 さんが、感電や
경고 본 서비스 매뉴얼은 영어로만 이용하실 수 있습니다.
(KO) • 고객의 서비스 제공자가 영어 이외의 언어를 요구할 경우, 번역 서비스를 제공하는 것은 고객
의 책임입니다.
• 본 서비스 매뉴얼을 참조하여 숙지하지 않은 이상 해당 장비를 수리하려고 시도하지 마십시
• 본 경고 사항에 유의하지 않으면 전기 쇼크, 기계적 위험, 또는 기타 위험으로 인해 서비스 제공
자, 사용자 또는 환자에게 부상을 입힐 수 있습니다.
BRĪDINĀJUMS Šī apkopes rokasgrāmata ir pieejama tikai angļu valodā.
(LV) • Ja klienta apkopes sniedzējam nepieciešama informācija citā valodā, klienta pienākums ir nodroši-
nāt tulkojumu.
• Neveiciet aprīkojuma apkopi bez apkopes rokasgrāmatas izlasīšanas un saprašanas.
• Šī brīdinājuma neievērošanas rezultātā var rasties elektriskās strāvas trieciena, mehānisku vai citu
faktoru izraisītu traumu risks apkopes sniedzējam, operatoram vai pacientam.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System iv

ĮSPĖJIMAS Šis eksploatavimo vadovas yra tik anglų kalba.
(LT) • Jei kliento paslaugų tiekėjas reikalauja vadovo kita kalba – ne anglų, suteikti vertimo paslaugas pri-
valo klientas.
• Nemėginkite atlikti įrangos techninės priežiūros, jei neperskaitėte ar nesupratote šio eksploatavi-
mo vadovo.
• Jei nepaisysite šio įspėjimo, galimi paslaugų tiekėjo, operatoriaus ar paciento sužalojimai dėl elek-
tros šoko, mechaninių ar kitų pavojų.
ADVARSEL Denne servicehåndboken finnes bare på engelsk.
(NO) • Hvis kundens serviceleverandør har bruk for et annet språk, er det kundens ansvar å sørge for over-
• Ikke forsøk å reparere utstyret uten at denne servicehåndboken er lest og forstått.
• Manglende hensyn til denne advarselen kan føre til at serviceleverandøren, operatøren eller pa-
sienten skades på grunn av elektrisk støt, mekaniske eller andre farer.
OSTRZEŻENIE Niniejszy podręcznik serwisowy dostępny jest jedynie w języku angielskim.
(PL) • Jeśli serwisant klienta wymaga języka innego niż angielski, zapewnienie usługi tłumaczenia jest
obowiązkiem klienta.
• Nie próbować serwisować urządzenia bez zapoznania się z niniejszym podręcznikiem serwisowym
i zrozumienia go.
• Niezastosowanie się do tego ostrzeżenia może doprowadzić do obrażeń serwisanta, operatora lub
pacjenta w wyniku porażenia prądem elektrycznym, zagrożenia mechanicznego bądź innego.
ATENÇÃO Este manual de assistência técnica encontra-se disponível unicamente em inglês.
(PT-BR) • Se outro serviço de assistência técnica solicitar a tradução deste manual, caberá ao cliente fornec-
er os serviços de tradução.
• Não tente reparar o equipamento sem ter consultado e compreendido este manual de assistência
• A não observância deste aviso pode ocasionar ferimentos no técnico, operador ou paciente decor-
rentes de choques elétricos, mecânicos ou outros.
ATENÇÃO Este manual de assistência técnica só se encontra disponível em inglês.
(PT-PT) • Se qualquer outro serviço de assistência técnica solicitar este manual noutro idioma, é da respon-
sabilidade do cliente fornecer os serviços de tradução.
• Não tente reparar o equipamento sem ter consultado e compreendido este manual de assistência
• O não cumprimento deste aviso pode colocar em perigo a segurança do técnico, do operador ou do
paciente devido a choques eléctricos, mecânicos ou outros.
ATENŢIE Acest manual de service este disponibil doar în limba engleză.
(RO) • Dacă un furnizor de servicii pentru clienţi necesită o altă limbă decât cea engleză, este de datoria
clientului să furnizeze o traducere.
• Nu încercaţi să reparaţi echipamentul decât ulterior consultării şi înţelegerii acestui manual de
• Ignorarea acestui avertisment ar putea duce la rănirea depanatorului, operatorului sau pacientului
în urma pericolelor de electrocutare, mecanice sau de altă natură.
ОСТОРОЖНО! Данное руководство по техническому обслуживанию представлено только на английском языке.
(RU) • Если сервисному персоналу клиента необходимо руководство не на английском, а на каком-
то другом языке, клиенту следует самостоятельно обеспечить перевод.
• Перед техническим обслуживанием оборудования обязательно обратитесь к данному
руководству и поймите изложенные в нем сведения.
• Несоблюдение требований данного предупреждения может привести к тому, что специалист
по техобслуживанию, оператор или пациент получит удар электрическим током,
механическую травму или другое повреждение.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System v

UPOZORENJE Ovo servisno uputstvo je dostupno samo na engleskom jeziku.
(SR) • Ako klijentov serviser zahteva neki drugi jezik, klijent je dužan da obezbedi prevodilačke usluge.
• Ne pokušavajte da opravite uređaj ako niste pročitali i razumeli ovo servisno uputstvo.
• Zanemarivanje ovog upozorenja može dovesti do povređivanja servisera, rukovaoca ili pacijenta
usled strujnog udara ili mehaničkih i drugih opasnosti.
UPOZORNE- Tento návod na obsluhu je k dispozícii len v angličtine.
NIE • Ak zákazníkov poskytovateľ služieb vyžaduje iný jazyk ako angličtinu, poskytnutie prekladateľských
(SK) služieb je zodpovednosťou zákazníka.
• Nepokúšajte sa o obsluhu zariadenia, kým si neprečítate návod na obluhu a neporozumiete mu.
• Zanedbanie tohto upozornenia môže spôsobiť zranenie poskytovateľa služieb, obsluhujúcej osoby
alebo pacienta elektrickým prúdom, mechanické alebo iné ohrozenie.
ATENCION Este manual de servicio sólo existe en inglés.
(ES) • Si el encargado de mantenimiento de un cliente necesita un idioma que no sea el inglés, el cliente
deberá encargarse de la traducción del manual.
• No se deberá dar servicio técnico al equipo, sin haber consultado y comprendido este manual de
• La no observancia del presente aviso puede dar lugar a que el proveedor de servicios, el operador o
el paciente sufran lesiones provocadas por causas eléctricas, mecánicas o de otra naturaleza.
VARNING Den här servicehandboken finns bara tillgänglig på engelska.
(SV) • Om en kunds servicetekniker har behov av ett annat språk än engelska, ansvarar kunden för att
tillhandahålla översättningstjänster.
• Försök inte utföra service på utrustningen om du inte har läst och förstår den här servicehandbo-
• Om du inte tar hänsyn till den här varningen kan det resultera i skador på serviceteknikern, opera-
tören eller patienten till följd av elektriska stötar, mekaniska faror eller andra faror.
OPOZORILO Ta servisni priročnik je na voljo samo v angleškem jeziku.
(SL) • Če ponudnik storitve stranke potrebuje priročnik v drugem jeziku, mora stranka zagotoviti prevod.
• Ne poskušajte servisirati opreme, če tega priročnika niste v celoti prebrali in razumeli.
• Če tega opozorila ne upoštevate, se lahko zaradi električnega udara, mehanskih ali drugih nevar-
nosti poškoduje ponudnik storitev, operater ali bolnik.
DİKKAT Bu servis kılavuzunun sadece ingilizcesi mevcuttur.
(TR) • Eğer müşteri teknisyeni bu kılavuzu ingilizce dışında bir başka lisandan talep ederse, bunu tercüme
ettirmek müşteriye düşer.
• Servis kılavuzunu okuyup anlamadan ekipmanlara müdahale etmeyiniz.
• Bu uyarıya uyulmaması, elektrik, mekanik veya diğer tehlikelerden dolayı teknisyen, operatör veya
hastanın yaralanmasına yol açabilir.
ЗАСТЕРЕЖЕН Даний посібник з експлуатації доступний тільки англійською мовою.
НЯ • Якщо постачальник послуг клієнта спілкується іноземною мовою, тоді клієнт зобов'язаний
(UK) забезпечити переклад.
• Заборонено проводити огляд обладнання без попереднього звертання до даного посібника
з експлуатації і розуміння інформації, поданої у ньому.
• Недотримання цього застереження може завдати шкоди здоров’ю постачальника послуг,
оператора або пацієнта через ураження електричним струмом, механічну травму або інше

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System vi

Important Information
Safety Conventions used in the Manual
Specific symbols and conventions are used in the manual to emphasize the importance of safety.
Universal symbols are used to highlight warning, danger or caution notices. This section also describes
the purpose of a NOTE.

Danger is used to identify conditions or actions for which a specific hazard is known to
exist which will cause severe personal injury, death, or substantial property damage if the
instructions are ignored.

Warning is used to identify conditions or actions for which a specific hazard is known to
exist which may cause severe personal injury, death, or substantial property damage if the
instructions are ignored.

Caution is used to identify conditions or actions for which a potential hazard may exist
which will or can cause minor personal injury or property damage if the instructions are
A Note provides additional information that may emphasize certain information regarding
special tools or techniques, items to check before proceeding or factors to consider about a
concept or task.

Safe equipment performance and operation requires that personnel servicing the
equipment be fully trained on servicing medical X-ray apparatus. General Electric
Company, GE Healthcare, and its associates, maintain a world-wide organization that
provides skilled X-ray service.

Though this equipment is built to the highest standards of electrical and mechanical
safety, the useful x-ray beam becomes a source of danger in the hands of the
unauthorized or unqualified operator. Excessive exposure to x-radiation causes damage to
human tissue.
Therefore, adequate precautions must be taken to prevent unauthorized or unqualified
persons from operating this equipment or exposing themselves or others to its radiation.
It is important that everyone having anything to do with x-radiation be fully acquainted
with the local regulation recommendations. For India refer to Atomic Energy Regulatory
Board (AERB), India regulations and take adequate steps to insure protection against

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System vii

It is assumed that all persons authorized to use the equipment are cognizant of the
danger of excessive exposure to x-radiation and the equipment is sold with the
understanding that the General Electric Company, Healthcare Division, its agents, and
representatives have no responsibility for injury or damage which may result from
exposure to x-radiation.

All packages should be closely examined at time of delivery. If damage is apparent, have notation
“damage in shipment” written on all copies of the freight or express bill before delivery is accepted or
“signed for” by a General Electric representative or a hospital receiving agent. Whether noted or
concealed, damage MUST be reported to the carrier immediately and local GE Healthcare.
All electrical installations that are preliminary to positioning of the equipment at the site prepared for
the equipment should be performed by licensed electrical contractors. In addition, electrical feeds into
the Power Distribution Unit should be performed by licensed electrical contractors. Other connections
between pieces of electrical equipment, calibrations and testing should be performed by qualified GE
Healthcare personnel. The products involved (and the accompanying electrical installations) are highly
sophisticated, and special engineering competence is required. In performing all electrical work on these
products, GE will use its own specially trained field engineers. All of GE’s electrical work on these
products will comply with the requirements of the applicable electrical codes. The purchaser of GE
equipment should only utilize qualified personnel (i.e., GE’s field engineers, personnel of third-party
service companies with equivalent training, or licensed electricians) to perform electrical servicing on
the equipment.
Various protective materials and devices are available. It is urged that such materials or devices be used.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System viii

Important...X-Ray Protection
X-ray equipment if not properly used may cause injury. Accordingly, the instructions herein contained
should be thoroughly read and understood by everyone who will use the equipment before you attempt
to place this equipment in operation. The General Electric Company, Healthcare Technologies, will be
glad to assist and cooperate in placing this equipment in use.
Although this apparatus incorporates a high degree of protection against x-radiation other than the
useful beam, no practical design of equipment can provide complete protection. Nor can any practical
design compel the operator to take adequate precautions to prevent the possibility of any persons
carelessly exposing themselves or others to radiation.
It is important that anyone having anything to do with x-radiation be properly trained and fully
acquainted with the recommendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection and
Measurements as published in NCRP Reports available from NCRP Publications, 7910 Woodmont
Avenue, Room 1016, Bethesda, Maryland 20814, and of the International Commission on Radiation
Protection, and take adequate steps to protect against injury.
The equipment is sold with the understanding that the General Electric Company, Healthcare
Technologies, its agents, and representatives have no responsibility for injury or damage which may
result from improper use of the equipment.
Various protective materials and devices are available. It is urged that such materials or devices be used.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System ix

Contact Information
Manufactured by:

Wipro GE Healthcare Private Ltd.,

122 Part 1, EPIP, Whitefield,
Bangalore - 560066, India.

Revision History
Revision Date Reason for change
1.0 24-Jul-2020 Initial draft
2.0 10-Sep-2020 Chapter 4, added Section 4.7 Electrical
Safety Tests Using FLUKE
ESA612 on page 40
3.0 17-Dec-2019 Chapter 3, Section 3.1, removed Shock
Watch term and images.
4.0 25-Sep-2020 Chapter 4, modified the Maximum Val-
ue from ≤ 500 to ≤ 2000 for leakage
current test in Section 4.7.2 Equip-
ment Leakage Current
Test on page 44

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System x

Chapter 1 Safety/Before You Begin ................................................................................................1
1.1 Safety/Before You Begin.................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Lock Out/Tag Out (LOTO) Procedure for Electrical Power ................................................................................ 1
1.3 Electrostatic discharge (ESD) ....................................................................................................................................... 2

Chapter 2 System Overview............................................................................................................4

2.1 System Overview ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Theory of Operation .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.3 System Architecture ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.4 System Technical Specifications.................................................................................................................................. 7
2.5 Markings and symbols...................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.6 Identification and Rating plates................................................................................................................................... 9
2.7 Packing Symbol ................................................................................................................................................................. 15

Chapter 3 Installation ................................................................................................................... 16

3.1 Damage in Transportation ...........................................................................................................................................16
3.2 Safety..................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
3.3 Installation Process ......................................................................................................................................................... 17
3.4 Installation Procedure....................................................................................................................................................19
3.4.1 Unpack the system .............................................................................................................................................19
3.5 Turning on the system....................................................................................................................................................24
3.6 Initial testing....................................................................................................................................................................... 25
3.7 Installation Checklist ...................................................................................................................................................... 26

Chapter 4 Maintenance................................................................................................................. 27
4.1 Before You Begin............................................................................................................................................................... 27
4.2 Planned Maintenance Schedule ................................................................................................................................27
4.3 Service Tools....................................................................................................................................................................... 27
4.4 System Performance ......................................................................................................................................................28
4.5 Planned Maintenance Procedures............................................................................................................................28
4.5.1 Before You Begin - Safety Precautions ......................................................................................................28
4.5.2 PM Procedures...................................................................................................................................................... 28
4.6 Calibration........................................................................................................................................................................... 30
4.6.1 For Control Board Firmware Version 1.10................................................................................................31
4.6.2 For Control Board Firmware Version 1.20................................................................................................36
4.7 Electrical Safety Tests Using FLUKE ESA612........................................................................................................40
4.7.1 Protective Earth Resistance Test .................................................................................................................42
4.7.2 Equipment Leakage Current Test.................................................................................................................44

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System xi

4.7.3 Appendix 1.............................................................................................................................................................. 50

Chapter 5 Adjustment Procedures.............................................................................................. 52

5.1 Positioner Assembly - Arm Balancing Adjustment Procedure.....................................................................52
5.2 Positioner Assembly - Brake pad Adjustment procedure ..............................................................................54
5.3 Collimator Light Alignment Procedure ...................................................................................................................56

Chapter 6 Regulatory Tests.......................................................................................................... 58

6.1 Regulatory Tests ............................................................................................................................................................... 58

Chapter 7 Functional Test ............................................................................................................ 59

7.1 Parking Lock Test.............................................................................................................................................................. 59
7.2 Tube Position Checks......................................................................................................................................................59
7.3 Swivel Arm Position Checks ........................................................................................................................................59
7.4 Movement and Brake Test............................................................................................................................................60
7.5 Ground Impedance Test ................................................................................................................................................60
7.6 Earth Leakage Test .......................................................................................................................................................... 60
7.7 KV/mAs Increment/ Decrement.................................................................................................................................61
7.8 Exposure Test..................................................................................................................................................................... 61
7.9 Congruency of Radiation and Optical Field Test.................................................................................................62

Chapter 8 Diagnostics and Troubleshooting.............................................................................. 63

8.1 Mechanical Issues ............................................................................................................................................................ 63
8.2 Errors and Warnings .......................................................................................................................................................63

Chapter 9 Spare Parts................................................................................................................... 65

9.1 List of Spare Parts ............................................................................................................................................................ 65
9.2 Parts Identification ..........................................................................................................................................................66

Chapter 10 Replacement Procedure ........................................................................................... 69

10.1 Input Panel Cup .............................................................................................................................................................. 69
10.2 Monoblock Skin Guard.................................................................................................................................................69
10.3 The Tube Head Covers.................................................................................................................................................71
10.4 Monoblock Assembly...................................................................................................................................................78
10.5 Collimator Assembly....................................................................................................................................................82
10.6 Electrolytic Capacitor ..................................................................................................................................................86
10.7 Collimator Bulb............................................................................................................................................................... 87
10.8 Cassette Tray and PVC Sheets.................................................................................................................................89
10.9 Filter Unit Assembly .....................................................................................................................................................90
10.10 Power Distribution Unit ...........................................................................................................................................93
10.11 Console Unit.................................................................................................................................................................. 94

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System xii

10.12 Hand Switch Assembly.............................................................................................................................................98
10.13 Input Power Cable Assembly.................................................................................................................................99
10.14 Monoblock to Console and PDU Cable..............................................................................................................99
10.15 Console PDU Filter Unit Interconnecting Cables ....................................................................................... 100
10.16 Power Board Internal Console Sealing Board Cables .............................................................................. 101
10.17 Indexing Plunger....................................................................................................................................................... 102
10.18 Friction Lock Assembly.......................................................................................................................................... 103
10.19 Conduit ......................................................................................................................................................................... 104
10.20 Rear Wheel ................................................................................................................................................................. 104
10.21 Front Castors ............................................................................................................................................................. 106
10.22 Magnetic Catches .................................................................................................................................................... 107
10.23 Brake Shaft Assembly ............................................................................................................................................ 107
10.24 Replacing of Input Fuses....................................................................................................................................... 109
10.25 Replacing of Goniometer...................................................................................................................................... 109
10.26 Replacing Board Set................................................................................................................................................ 113
10.27 Replacing of Tank Assembly................................................................................................................................ 125
10.28 Replacing Monoblock Bracket ............................................................................................................................ 130
10.29 Replacing Filter Box Plate..................................................................................................................................... 131
10.30 Replacing of Mechanical Wedge........................................................................................................................ 133
A.1 Appendix A....................................................................................................................................................................... 136
B.1 Appendix B ....................................................................................................................................................................... 142

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System xiii

Chapter 1 Safety/Before You Begin
1.1 Safety/Before You Begin
Energy Sources
Table 1-1

Energy Source Yes/No Location of energy isolat- Magnitude of energy

ing means
Electrical Yes AC power plug 220 V, 50/60Hz
Pneumatic No N/A N/A
Hydraulic No N/A N/A
Gas/Water/Steam No N/A N/A
Chemical No N/A N/A
Mechincal Motion No N/A N/A
Gravity No N/A N/A
Column Spring Yes Load balancing spring in- Parking position: 455kgf/
side the vertical column 176N-m
Arm extended position:
Thermal No N/A N/A
Stored energy (Monoblock Yes Time discharge and DVM 415J
capacitors) verification
Air under pressure No N/A N/A
Oil under pressure No N/A N/A
Water under pressure No N/A N/A
Gas under pressure No N/A N/A
Steam No N/A N/A
Other No N/A N/A

Type of equipment and/or method selected to dissipate or isolate stored energy:

• Allow five minutes for the stored energy to dissipate. After waiting period, verify dissipation with
volt meter.
Type of equipment and/or method used to ensure disconnections:
• One lock and tag for each electrical power source.

1.2 Lock Out/Tag Out (LOTO) Procedure for Electrical Power

Performing LOTO
1. Notify all affected personnel working in the area that LOTO is being performed.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 1

Exclusive Service Manual 1.3 Electrostatic discharge (ESD)

2. Turn OFF the system by pressing the Power OFF button in console.
3. Turn OFF the Rocker switch on the bottom of the system and remove the Power Cable from the
4. Remove the mains cable connected to the system and Remove the Mains Fuses ( on page 2). 1
5. Place the mains Cable and fuses in a LOTO container and apply your personal lock and tag.

Safety/Before You Begin

6. Press the Power button and verify that the system does not Turn ON.
7. Wait for five minutes for discharge of stored energy in the capacitor in case of any Monoblock
covers need to be opened.
Figure 1-1

Returning the System to Service

1. Notify affected personnel that LOTO devices are being removed and equipment is being re-
2. Verify that the area is safe to re-energize the equipment.
3. Replace all guards and covers as necessary.
4. Remove tools and all non-essential equipment.
5. Verify that all personnel are clear and in a safe position.
6. Remove locks and tags as appropriate.
7. Ensure the rocker switch is in OFF position and Connect the mains fuses followed by mains Cable.
8. Re-energize equipment.
9. Notify affected persons that energy has been restored.

1.3 Electrostatic discharge (ESD)

A sudden discharge of static electricity from your finger or other conductor can destroy static sensitive
devices or micro circuitry. Often the spark is neither felt nor heard, but damage occurs. An electronic
device exposed to electrostatic discharge (ESD) might not appear to be affected at all and can work
perfectly throughout a normal cycle. The device can function normally for a while, but it has been
degraded in the internal layers, reducing its life expectancy.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 2

Exclusive Service Manual 1.3 Electrostatic discharge (ESD)

Networks built into many integrated circuits provide some protection, but in many cases, the discharge
contains enough power to alter device parameters or melt silicon junctions.
Important ESD considerations when working on a mobile system
Static Discharge Risk to Components

Safety/Before You Begin

If you are using a static mat or wrist strap, be sure to connect the mat and strap to machine
ground, not earth ground. This is necessary to isolate yourself from earth ground and equalize
your potential with the machine.
Many electronic components are sensitive to ESD. Circuitry design and structure determine the degree
of sensitivity. The following packaging and grounding precautions are necessary to prevent damage to
electric components and accessories:
• Transport products in static-safe containers to avoid hand contact.
• Protect all electrostatic parts and assemblies with conductive or approved containers or packaging.
• Keep electrostatic sensitive parts in their containers until they arrive at static-free stations.
• Place items on a grounded surface before removing them from their container.
• When handling or touching a sensitive component or assembly, ground yourself by touching the
• Avoid contact with pins, leads, or circuitry.
• Place reusable electrostatic-sensitive parts from assemblies in protective packaging or conductive
Personal grounding methods and equipment
Use the following equipment to prevent static electricity damage to equipment:
• Wrist straps are flexible straps with a maximum of one-mega ohm +/- 10% resistance in the ground
cords. To provide a proper ground, wear the strap against bare skin. The ground cord must connect
snugly into the banana plug connector on the grounding mat or workstation.
• Heel, toe, and bootstraps can be used at standing workstations and are compatible with most types
of shoes or boots. On conductive floors or dissipative floor mats, use them on both feet with a
maximum of one-mega ohm +/-10% resistance between the operator and ground.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 3

Chapter 2 System Overview
2.1 System Overview
System Components
Available components of the Brivo XR115 system are listed below (shipped with the Brivo XR115
• Brivo XR115
• Operator Manual (Installation instruction is embedded into OM)
• Packing list

2.2 Theory of Operation

• EMI/EMC Filter
The function of Electromagnetic interference (EMI) and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) filter is
to remove high frequency harmonics. This allows equipment to operate without emitting
electromagnetic noise to surrounding equipment and blocks EMI interference from surrounding
Power Distribution Unit (PDU) supplies 5 VDC to the console and 230 VAC to the contactor.
• Contactor
When the power ON signal on the console is pressed, relay in the PDU closes and this triggers the
contactor. Once triggered the contactor supplies 230 VAC to the power board in the monoblock.
• Power Supply Section
The power supply section of the power board is a switched mode power supply that provides 12
VDC for the low voltage power supply (LVPS) and 24 VDC for the for the collimator lamp.
The low voltage power supply is a DC to DC converter that takes an input of 12 VDC and provides a
regulated 5 VDC supply for the control board.
• PFC Board with Buck Boost Converter
The power factor correction (PFC) board is used to increase efficiency of the inverter. The Buck
Boost converter is used to maintain constant DC bus voltage irrespective of input voltage
• Inverter
The inverter is Full Bridge resonant converter using MOSFETs as switching devices. The resonant
frequency of the inverter is 200 KHz.
• Capacitor
The capacitor will charge to 220 VDC during standby and during prep will charge up to 425 VDC.
• HV Transformer

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 4

Exclusive Service Manual 2.2 Theory of Operation

The output of the inverter is sent to the primary of the HV transformer. The High frequency AC is
then sent to a voltage rectifier and voltage doubler circuit.
• HV Rectifier and Voltage Doubler
The High frequency AC signal is rectified and kVp is applied across the X-ray tube.
• Control board
The control board establishes CAN (Controller Area Network) communication with the console. It
sends PWM (Pulse Width Modulated) signals to drive the inverter and filament drive circuit. These

System Overview
drive signals are adjusted according to the kVp and mAs selection made on the console. The kVp
and mAs feedback signals are received by the control board, based on this feedback the drive
signals can be adjusted by the control board, if needed. The calibration database resides in the
control board.
• Collimator
The collimator receives 24 VDC from the Power board to energize the 100 Watt collimator lamp.
• Console
The console receives 5 VDC from the PDU. When the console ON button is pressed a trigger is sent
to a relay in the PDU which in turn triggers the Contactor and provides 230 AC power to the
monoblock. Additionally, the console establishes CAN communication with the control board in the

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 5

Exclusive Service Manual 2.3 System Architecture

2.3 System Architecture

System Overview

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 6

Exclusive Service Manual 2.4 System Technical Specifications

2.4 System Technical Specifications

Table 2-1 System Specifications

Equipment Classification Class I

X-Ray Application Radiography 2
Input voltage range 230 VAC ±10%

System Overview
Max current 16 Amps
Output Power 4 kW
System frequency 200 kHz
Boot time <10 secs
Reset time <5 secs
Duty cycle time 1:30
Technique selection 2-point technique (kV, mAs)
kV range 40 to 100 kV
mA range 10 to 100 mA
mAs range 0.1 to 250 mAs
Exposure time range 10 ms to 5 sec@230 VAC
kV step Jump step of 2 kV for 40-70 kV, then step of 5 till 100
mAs step Renard scale
Tube type Split Architecture, Stationary anode
Tube focal spot 1.8 mm
Collimator roatation +90 to -90 degrees
Collimator lamp lux 160 lux @ 1m SID
Cassette holder Up to 6 cassettes

Physical Specifications
Table 2-2 Physical Specifications

Dimensions (LxWxH) 1280 x 600 x 1500 mm

Weight 120 Kgs
Turning radius 1.04 meter
Weight of Monoblock 25 Kgs
Ground clearance 100 mm
Positioner type Swivel arm mechanism
Brake Type Synchronized, Foot-operated parking brake
Tube arm bracket rotation +/- 180 degrees
Tube rotation about its pivot point -45 to +180 degrees
Focus to Floor distance 400 mm to 2000 mm

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 7

Exclusive Service Manual 2.5 Markings and symbols

2.5 Markings and symbols

Markings and symbols on the system and in its accompanying documents are listed below:
Table 2-3 Special Notices

Symbol Description 2
This symbol on the equipment indicates General Warning Sign.

System Overview
Hand crushing hazard. This symbol indicates that serious injury to the hand may occur.

Table 2-4 System Power ON/OFF and reset

Symbol Description
The Mains ON LED glows green when the Mains wall socket and system rocker switch is switched ON.
The POWER ON button is used to turn ON the system.

Power OFF button.

To disconnect power to the tube head and console, press the OFF button on the Console.

The fault LED glows RED when there is an error in the system.
Pressing the Reset button will bring back the technique parameters to its previously set values.

Table 2-5 Electrical current

Symbol Description
This symbol indicates the equipment is suitable for alternating current only.

Warning: Dangerous voltage

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 8

Exclusive Service Manual 2.6 Identification and Rating plates

Table 2-6 Ground

Symbol Description
Protective earth (ground) identifies any terminal which is intended for connection of an external pro-
tective conductor to protect against electrical shock in case of a fault.

Table 2-7 Collimator

System Overview
Symbol Description
Collimator lamp button for indicating radiation field by using light.

Table 2-8 X-radiation

Symbol Description
Used to indicate that the X-ray tube head is emitting X-rays.
Take adequate precautions to prevent the possibility of any persons carelessly, unwisely, or un-
knowingly exposing themselves or others to radiation.

2.6 Identification and Rating plates

Product identification and rating labels can be found on the system.
Table 2-9 System Rating Label

Label Contents Location

N/A Column

Apparent Impedance Apparent Impedance of Column

Supply mains in <0.6 Ω

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 9

Exclusive Service Manual 2.6 Identification and Rating plates

Table 2-9 System Rating Label (Table continued)

Label Contents Location

Bureau of Indian Stand- Column
ards (BIS) ISI Mark

System Overview
Manufacturer Column

Total unit weight Column

Equipment classification Column

Manufactured Date Column

Model no. Column

Serial No. of system Column

Table 2-10 Incline Limit Label

Label Contents Location

N/A Column

Refer to instructions Column

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 10

Exclusive Service Manual 2.6 Identification and Rating plates

Table 2-10 Incline Limit Label (Table continued)

Label Contents Location

The operating instructions should be Column
consulted to ensure safe operation

System Overview
When not in the transport position, do Column
not drive the mobile system up on an
incline greater than 5 degrees

In the transport (parked) position the Column

mobile system can be driven up to a
10-degree incline.

Table 2-11 X-Ray Console Radiation Warning Label

Label Contents Location


Warning: This X-ray Unit may be

dangerous to patient and operator unless
safe exposure factors, operating instruc-
tions and maintenance schedules are ob-
served. To be used by authorized person-
nel only.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 11

Exclusive Service Manual 2.6 Identification and Rating plates

Table 2-12 X-Ray Tube Head Rating Label

Label Contents Location

N/A Tube Head As-

System Overview
Caution: X-rays Tube Head As-

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 12

Exclusive Service Manual 2.6 Identification and Rating plates

Table 2-13 Tube Identification Label

Label Location
X-Ray Tube

System Overview
Table 2-14 Collimator Knob Control Label (x2)

Label Contents Location

Used for indicating lateral and Collimator Unit
longitudinal shutter positioning.
Each position of the collimator
knob control corresponds to its
Light field/X-ray field size indicat-
ed for 40-inch (100cm) and 72
inch (180cm) SID.
The Field size in the collimator la-
bel corresponds to the Field Of
View (FOV) in inches and cm, for
a specified Source to Image Dis-
tance (SID).

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 13

Exclusive Service Manual 2.6 Identification and Rating plates

Table 2-15 Focal Spot Label

Label Contents Location

Represents the position of the fo- Tube Head
cal spot inside the Tube head. This
is for information purpose only.

System Overview
Table 2-16 Caution-Hot Surface Label (x2)

Label Contents Location

The collimator enclosure may get hot Collimator Unit
during extended use. To avoid burn
injuries, exercise caution.


To avoid possible skin burns, discon-
nect the power cord from the Input
supply and allow surface to cool be-
fore servicing.

Table 2-17 Tube Angulation Reference

Label Contents Location

A tape is wound around Both sides of the
each end of the bracket Tube Bracket
that holds the tube head.
The tape markings pro-
vide an indication of the
degree to which the tube
assembly has been
moved in the backward
and forward direction as
shown in Figure 2.

LH Bracket RH Bracket

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 14

Exclusive Service Manual 2.7 Packing Symbol

Table 2-18 GE Logo

Label Location
One logo on the Tube Head and two logos on either side of the Cabinet.

System Overview
2.7 Packing Symbol
Table 2-19 Packaging Labels

Symbol Description for Storage and Shipping conditions

Keep Dry Label
This label on the packaging box of the system indicates proper handling instructions to
make sure packages are always protected against moisture and stored in dry conditions.

Fragile, Handle with care Label

This label on the packaging box of the system Indicates that the equipment in packing is
delicate and needs to be handled with care.

Temperature Limitation Label

This label on the packaging box instructs handlers on safe temperatures (both low and
high) to prevent damage or deterioration of the equipment.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 15

Chapter 3 Installation
3.1 Damage in Transportation
Instruction for Damage Inspection
• Inspect the Packaging for any visual Damage as showin in Figure 3-1 on page 16.
• Observe Tilt watch and Indicator.
• The Tilt watch are stuck on the package to indicate any mishandling of the package on 2 sides of
• If the Package is mishandled during transit, the Tilt watch shall change the color to RED.
Figure 3-1

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 16

Exclusive Service Manual 3.2 Safety

Figure 3-2 Figure 3-3

All packages should be closely examined at time of delivery. If damage is apparent write
“Damage In Shipment” on ALL copies of the freight or express bill BEFORE delivery is
accepted or “signed for” by a GE representative or Hospital receiving agent. Whether
noted or concealed, damage MUST be reported to the carrier immediately and local GE
Healthcare office.

3.2 Safety
Refer the safety instruction provided in the section Safety of this Manual.


Take necessary safety precautions while lifting or moving heavy objects during

3.3 Installation Process

Shipped with the Brivo XR115 system are listed below:
• Brivo XR115
• Operator Manual (Installation instruction is embedded into OM)
• Packing list

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 17

Exclusive Service Manual 3.3 Installation Process

Site Preparation
Installing Environment The unit is designed for indoor usage only.
• It should not be subject to direct sunlight for expanded duration.
• Place it away from sources of liquid ingress.
• If the X-Ray unit is stored below 10°C, time must be allowed for X-Ray unit to reach room
temperature (keeping in room temperature) before connecting it to the mains voltage.
Operating conditions:
Temperature: +10 °C to +40 °C
Max temp gradient of +10°C /hour (Operating)

Humudity: 20% to 80% (RH) non-condensing, 30%
Gradient/Hour (Operating)
Pressure: Operating : 700 to 1060 Hpa.
Non-operating: 500 to 1060 Hpa.
Electrical Outlets & Ensure that there is wall socket available near the installation location. The power
Requirements requirements are as mentioned in the User manual.
• The mains outlet should have a good Earth connection. Grounding of the system must be
checked before connecting the System.
• The mains cord shipped with the unit should not be extended further using extension
boxes or wires. In case extra wiring is required, ensure that this is done by a qualified
• The mains outlet should be capable of supplying 230V ac and 16A of current. It should
have Fuse protection or provided with a circuit breaker of 16A (230V) or more.
• It is recommended to have an ELCB (Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker) or RCCB (Residual
Current Circuit Breaker) for protection against earth leakage.

Dimentional Drawing

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 18

Exclusive Service Manual 3.4 Installation Procedure

3.4 Installation Procedure
Follow these steps for Installation:
1. Unpack the system, see Unpack system.
2. Power On the system
3. Perform Initial testing
4. Fill the Installation Checklist

3.4.1 Unpack the system

The Brivo XR115 unit will arrive at the site in package as shown in Figure 3-4 Unpack
system on page 20.
1. Remove the shrink wrap and cut the straps.
2. Remove the top cover of the package.
3. Remove the plastic routers from the sides of the package.
4. Remove the cover of the package.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 19

Exclusive Service Manual 3.4 Installation Procedure

Figure 3-4 Unpack system

5. Remove 4 screws on the ramp as shown in Figure 3-5 Shrink wrap on page 20 and position it on
the floor as shown in Figure 3-6 Aluminium foil on page 21.
Figure 3-5 Shrink wrap

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 20

Exclusive Service Manual 3.4 Installation Procedure

Figure 3-6 Aluminium foil

6. Remove the shrink wrap inside the packing materials from the system and cut the aluminum foil as
shown in Figure 3-7 Cut foil on page 21.
Figure 3-7 Cut foil

7. Unscrew the fasteners and take out the metal clamp on the front side of the system and remove 12
screws on L –clamp as shown in Figure 3-8 Unscrew fasteners on page 22.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 21

Exclusive Service Manual 3.4 Installation Procedure

Figure 3-8 Unscrew fasteners

8. Release the plunger and raise the swivel arm to access the front metal brackets.
9. Remove the 4 M10x25mm bolts and take out the metal clamp in the front of the positioner as
shown in Figure 3-9 Remove bolts on page 22 and Figure 3-10 Remove clamp on page 23.
Figure 3-9 Remove bolts

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 22

Exclusive Service Manual 3.4 Installation Procedure

Figure 3-10 Remove clamp


Ensure without raising the swivel arm upwards, should not access the front metal
brackets. This may cause damage to the plunger in the parking slot.

10. Remove the 2 rear blocks by tilting the system on either sides as shown in Figure 3-11 Remove
blocks on page 23.
Figure 3-11 Remove blocks

11. Tilt the system slightly up towards the front and take out blocks below the base of the positioner as
shown in on page 24.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 23

Exclusive Service Manual 3.5 Turning on the system

12. Release the brake and unload the system from the pallet by pulling it through the ramp as shown in
on page 24.

13. Visually inspect the system and components for any damage that might have occurred during
• If no damage is observed, continue with the installation.
• If damage is found, contact GE Service or the installation specialist.

3.5 Turning on the system

1. Check and ensure that the power supply at the Wall Outlet is as per recommendation in the
Operator Manual.
2. Ensure that the Neutral to Earth (Ground) voltage is less than 3 Volts. Connect the Power Cord to
the Wall supply.
3. Switch on the mains power and the Rocker switch located at the bottom of the equipment. The
rocker switch will glow green.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 24

Exclusive Service Manual 3.6 Initial testing

4. Turn the system ON by pressing the power ON button, on the console. The unit performs a few
diagnostic self-tests to ensure that the system is functioning correctly. (This process takes a few
5. When the console display lights up with default technique values (KV and mAs) the unit is ready for

3.6 Initial testing

Movements and Positioning 3
1. Check for the free movement of the system by manually moving the system for some distance.

2. Check for the functioning of the parking brake by engaging the brake and checking for non-
movement of the system.
3. Check the Arm balancing in all positions i.e arm in horizontal position and in maximum extended
4. Check for the functioning of the parking lock by moving the arm to parked position.
5. Check for free movement of the cassette holder assembly and its locking with magnetic catch.
1. Open collimator shutters using the two knobs provided in collimator.
2. Press LAMP KEY to turn on the light field.
3. Adjust the light field on the area to be irradiated, using the 2 knobs provided in collimator.
4. The light field adjusted will be the X-ray field while taking X-ray. There is an automatic timer of 30
seconds for collimator light. This will switch off the light after 30 seconds.
5. If the light field adjustment is still required, press the LAMP KEY again. Press LAMP KEY to switch
off the collimator lamp, if it is on.
1. When re-starting after long (more than 3 months) storage, take the unit through a Tube seasoning
procedure to ensure the tube head operates at its optimum. Following procedure explains the
seasoning process. Check the date on test report along with the system to confirm this. If the date
of installation is less than 3 months from date of testing, skip this step.
a. Set the kV and mAs to the minimum value (40 kV, 0.1 mAS).
b. Close the Collimator shutters.
c. Give 5 exposures.
d. Increase kV in steps of 10 kV and give 5 exposures.
2. Set the kV and mAs parameters to required values (Refer User Manual for Usage details).
3. Press and hold Exposure Handswitch to level I as shown in Figure 3-12 Exposure Hand
Switch on page 26 (second image).

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 25

Exclusive Service Manual 3.7 Installation Checklist

Figure 3-12 Exposure Hand Switch

4. This indicates system is getting prepared to take X-ray by preheating filament.
5. When the generator is ready to take X-ray, PREP/READY LED will turn to Green and buzzer will give
an audible single beep sound.
6. Press the Exposure Handswitch to level II as shown in Figure 3-12 Exposure Hand
Switch on page 26 (third image) to take X-Ray and hold it pressed till the buzzer stops. Buzzer and X-
RAY ON LED Green turns to Yellow and will be continuously ON throughout X-ray on time.
7. Feedback kV and mAs values will be displayed on the console display after exposures for few

3.7 Installation Checklist

Table 3-1 Checklist

Item# Item Sign Off

1 Power cables connected?
2 Product locator cards collected?
3 Missing components and/or options:
4 List of any installation deviations (all deviations should be signed by cus-
tomer and reviewed by the installation specialist).
5 Packing materials disposed of?
6 Have functional checks been completed?
7 Have all protective tape/coverings been removed?
8 Are there any cosmetic issues?
9 Are there any system issues?
10 Are there any functional limitations?
11 Has system documentation been given to the customer?

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 26

Chapter 4 Maintenance
4.1 Before You Begin
Safe equipment performance and operation requires that personnel servicing the equipment be fully
trained on servicing medical X-ray apparatus. General Electric Company, GE Healthcare, and its
associates, maintain a world-wide organization that provides skilled X-ray service. If desired,
arrangements can usually be made to furnish periodic and/or emergency service on a contract basis. A
General Electric representative will be glad to discuss this plan.

4.2 Planned Maintenance Schedule

Brivo XR115 system requires a planned maintenance to be performed on every 12-month interval after

4.3 Service Tools

Given below is the consolidated list of the Service Tools & Consumables which are required for executing
the procedure in this manual.
1 Box Spanner 30 mm
2 Open end Spanner 6 mm, 7 mm, 19 mm
3 T type Allen Key set (1.5 mm, 2 mm, 2.5 mm, 3 mm, 4 mm, & 6 mm)
4 L type Allen Key (1.5 mm, 2 mm, 2.5 mm & 3 mm, 4 mm & 6 mm)
5 Screw Driver set Star & Flat
6 Jewel Screw Driver set
7 Nose Pliers & Cutter
8 Tweezers
9 Nut Driver 5 mm, 5.5 mm & 7 mm
10 13 mm Socket
11 Digital Multimeter
12 Spirit Level (with 3 indications)
13 ESD Wrist wrap
14 Ratchet
15 Calibration Jig

1 Insulation Tape (if required for Trouble shooting)
2 Cable tie 4-inch, 5.9 inch & 11 inch & Cable tie mount 0.75-inch x 0.75 inch (if required)

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 27

Exclusive Service Manual 4.4 System Performance

4.4 System Performance

Customer discussion
Discuss the system performance with the customer to determine if there are any existing issues all.

4.5 Planned Maintenance Procedures

4.5.1 Before You Begin - Safety Precautions 4


Never use cleaners or solvents of any kind if you are uncertain of the nature of the
cleaning agent.
Ensure that no liquid seeps into the unit, so as to avoid short-circuiting or corroding the
electrical and electromechanical parts.
Personal caution should be used when removing any accumulating foreign Material/debris
with live system components.

4.5.2 PM Procedures
PM procedures are divided into the following groups:
1. Visual Inspection on page 28
2. Functional Checks on page 29
3. Cleaning on page 29
4. Calibration on page 30
Table 4-1 Visual Inspection

Component Procedure Time Est.

Monoblock Assembly Tube focal spot label is present. 5 minutes
Inspect the monoblock bracket mounting fasteners and tighten
any loose fasteners.
Inspect the monoblock mounting fasteners to the bracket i.e. hex-
agonal nuts and tighten any loose fasteners. Tighten the hexago-
nal nut equally on both sides of the bracket.
Inspect for any damage on the cables.
Inspect any damage to the monoblock assembly.
Swivel Arm Inspect for any damage on the conduit 1 minute
Castors & wheels Inspect for any damage on the wheels and castors. 2 minutes
Inspect the castor and wheel mounting fasteners and tighten any
loose fasteners.
Cassette Holder assembly Inspect for any damage to the cassette holder assembly, stoppers 2 minutes
and foams placed inside.
Inspect the fasteners in the hinge plate & the stoppers and tight-
en the loose fasteners.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 28

Exclusive Service Manual 4.5 Planned Maintenance Procedures

Table 4-1 Visual Inspection (Table continued)

Component Procedure Time Est.

Brake Assembly Inspect for damage to the brake pedal and brake cover. 5 minutes
Inspect for the loose hexagonal nut inside the brake assembly
and tighten if found loose.
Inspect for the loose fasteners in the brake pedal. cam assembly
on both ends & tighten the loose fasteners.
Storage Tray Inspect for any damage of the storage tray. 2 minutes
Inspect for mounting fasteners and tighten the loose fasteners.
Column Assembly Inspect for the cover and hand switch mounting fasteners and 2 minutes
tighten the loose fasteners.

Inspect any damage to the column assembly, column cover, park-
ing lock & friction lock assembly.
Cables and Connection Inspect system cable for damage and connections for tightness. 5 minutes
Inspect all Monoblock cables connected inside the power board
for tightness.
Inspect EMI filter box and PDU connection cables are properly
Inspect PDU to Monoblock power cables for damage and connec-
tion for tightness.

Table 4-2 Functional Checks

Component Procedure Time Est.

Parking Lock Test Follow Procedure as in CROSS-REFER- 2 minutes
ENCE to Section 7.1
Tube Positioning Test Follow Procedure as in CROSS-REFER- 3 minutes
ENCE to Section 7.2
Swivel Arm Positioning Follow Procedure as in CROSS-REFER- 6 minutes
ENCE to Section 7.3
Movement and Brake Follow Procedure as in CROSS-REFER- 2 minutes
ENCE to Section 7.4
Cassette Holder Assembly 1. Open the cassette holder assem- 2 minutes
bly and check for free movement.
2. Open and close the cassette hold-
er assembly and check magnetic
catch locking
Friction lock assembly Move the swivel arm from floor to SID 2 minutes
less than 400mm and tighten the fric-
tion lock and check if the arm does not

Table 4-3 Cleaning

Component Procedure Time Est.

Cassette holder assembly Remove the debris inside the cassette 5 minutes
holder assembly.
Brake assembly Remove any debris inside the brake 10 minutes

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 29

Exclusive Service Manual 4.6 Calibration

Table 4-3 Cleaning (Table continued)

Component Procedure Time Est.

Storage tray Remove any debris inside the storage 5 minutes
tray assembly.
Collimator and image chain Remove any debris present in the im- 15 minutes
age chain oath and clean the collima-
tor acrylic sheet with solution.

Table 4-4 Calibration

Perform the KVp and mAs accuracy test by using standard measurement tool. The accuracy parameters are mentioned 4
below, if any drift observed during the measurement then perform full system calibration.

KVp - 40 to 100 +/- 10% of selected value
mAs - +/-10% +0.2mAs of selected value

4.6 Calibration
Calibration Procedure
To check the Control board version:
1. Turn on the system.
2. Press and hold the Reset button for 1 second and then release it to view the diagnostic
3. Press the KVp increase button till the KVp display shows the letter CoN in the KVp.
4. Note the version of the control board.
5. Press the Reset button again to return to application mode.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 30

Exclusive Service Manual 4.6 Calibration

Figure 4-2 Calibration Flow chart

4.6.1 For Control Board Firmware Version 1.10 on page 31
4.6.2 For Control Board Firmware Version 1.20 on page 36

4.6.1 For Control Board Firmware Version 1.10

Tools Required:
• Console Test Jig for Calibration
• Standard tool kit


Make sure both the shutters are closed before starting the calibration.

Setting up the system for Calibration

Follow the below procedure before Calibration:
1. Turn off the system.
2. Close collimator shutter using both the knobs.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 31

Exclusive Service Manual 4.6 Calibration

3. Execute the steps given in Removal of Monoblock Skin Guard on page 69.
4. Execute the steps given in Removal of Input Panel Cup on page 69.
5. Execute the steps given in Removal of Tube Head Cover on page 71.
6. Execute the steps given in Removal of Console Unit.
7. Remove the console from the cabinet.
8. Remove the exposure handswitch J4 from the console.
9. Connect the handswitch and 'console to exposure handswitch cable' as shown in Figure
4-2 on page 32.
Figure 4-2

10. Connect the 'console to exposure handswitch cable' (4pin) connector of control board as shown in
Figure 4-3 on page 33.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 32

Exclusive Service Manual 4.6 Calibration

Figure 4-3

11. Remove the tubehead to console communication cable J5 from control board as shown in Figure
4-4 on page 33.
Figure 4-4

12. Remove the FRC cable from the control board as shown in Figure 4-5 on page 34.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 33

Exclusive Service Manual 4.6 Calibration

Figure 4-5

13. Connect the FRC cable from Calibration test jig shown in Figure 4-6 on page 34 to control board as
shown in Figure 4-7 on page 34.
Figure 4-6

Figure 4-7

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 34

Exclusive Service Manual 4.6 Calibration

14. Switch ON the mains power (Rocker switch).

15. Press the Power ON switch on the console.
16. E34 CAN error is displayed on console with continuous beep.
Calibration jig
Perform the following series of steps:
Figure 4-8

1. Check if calibration jig is in standby mode (Default kV and mAs values as 40 kV, 0.1 mAs will be
displayed after boot).
2. Press the RESET key of calibration jig. The kV display will show as as "Uin" and the mAs display will
show the input AC voltage value.
3. Press the RESET key again after 2 seconds. The calibration jig shows 40 kV and 0.1 mAs. After 1
second press mAs up key followed by lamp key in quick succession within a time frame of 6
seconds. Immediately after this step, display shows "40" in kV and "10.0" in mAs.
4. Press the Exposure Handswitch to complete PREP and observe whether PREP/READY LED
(indication) glows Green. This will ensure that the system is now in calibration mode.
5. Press Exposure Handswitch to complete X-ray ON indicated by Yellow with beep.
6. Wait for 20 seconds.
7. Press the Exposure Handswitch half-way down (PREP command) and observe whether PREP/
READY LED (indication) glows Green. Then press the Exposure Handswitch full way down (X Ray
ON command) indicated by yellow and beep.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 35

Exclusive Service Manual 4.6 Calibration

8. Repeat Step 6 and Step 7 above till display shows 40 kV, 0.1 mAs. When 40 kV and 0.1 mAs is seen
then calibration is complete. In case If there is any fault during calibration, turn off the unit and
repeat the above steps again.
Setting up the system after Calibration
Follow the below procedure after Calibration:
1. Switch OFF the unit.
2. Connect the tubehead to console communication cable from control board as shown in Figure
4-2 on page 32.
3. Connect the FRC cable available in the unit to the control board as shown in Figure 4-3 on page 33. 4
4. Remove the 4-way connector from control board as shown in Figure 4-4 on page 33.

5. Assemble the 'console to exposure handswitch cable' to the J2 connector of the console.
6. Assemble exposure handswitch to trolley.
7. Reassemble the console.

4.6.2 For Control Board Firmware Version 1.20

Tools Required:
• Console Test Jig for Calibration
• Standard tool kit
Setting up the system for Calibration
Follow the below procedure before Calibration:
1. Turn off the system.
2. Close collimator shutter using both the knobs.
3. Execute the steps given in Removal of monoblock Skin Guard.
4. Execute the steps given in Removal of Tube Head Cover.
5. Remove the console from the cabinet.
6. Remove the FRC cable from the control board as shown in Figure 4-9 on page 37.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 36

Exclusive Service Manual 4.6 Calibration

Figure 4-9

7. Connect the FRC cable from Calibration test jig as shown in Figure 4-10 on page 37 to control
board as shown in Figure 4-11 on page 37.
Figure 4-10

Figure 4-11

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 37

Exclusive Service Manual 4.6 Calibration

8. Remove the tubehead to console communication cable (6 pin) J5 and cable from exposure hand
switch to console (4 pin) J4 from console as showin in Figure 4-12 on page 38.
Figure 4-12

9. Switch ON the mains power.
10. Press the Power ON switch on the console.
11. E34 CAN error is displayed on console with continuous beep.
Calibration jig
Perform the following serirs of steps:
Figure 4-13

1. Make sure that the jig is in standby mode (Default kV and mAs values as 40 kV, 0.1 mAs will be
displayed after boot).
2. Press RESET key. The kV display will show as as "Uin" and the mAs display will show the input AC
Voltage value.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 38

Exclusive Service Manual 4.6 Calibration

3. Press the RESET key again after 2 seconds. The calibration jig shall show 40 kV and 0.1 mAs. After 1
second Press mAs up key followed by LAMP key in quick succession within a time frame of 6
seconds. Immediately after this step, display should show "40" in kV and "10.0" in mAs.
4. Within a span of 10 seconds, put back the tubehead to console communication cable (6 way) to the
J5 connector of the console and short all 4 pins of the connector J4 of console board using the
shorting link (Refer Figure 4-14 on page 39 and Figure 4-15 on page 39) provided with the
calibration jig. The calibration starts.
Figure 4-14

Figure 4-15

• After completion of calibration, E25 ON error shall be displayed on console.

• Switch OFF the unit.
To check if the control board is calibrated completely, remove the shorting link J4
and communication cable from the console and follow the steps 1 to 3. If the control
board is calibrated.
Completely, display will show "40" in kV and "10.0" in mAs. If the calibration is
incomplete, the jig shall show the kV and mAs at which it had stopped calibration.
Repeat the Step 4 to ensure the completion of the calibration.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 39

Exclusive Service Manual 4.7 Electrical Safety Tests Using FLUKE ESA612

• Remove the shorting link shown in Figure 4-9 on page 36 and put back the cable from exposure
hand switch to console (4 way) to the J4 of console as shown inFigure 4-10 on page 36.
• Reassemble the console back to the cabinet.
• Remove the FRC cable of the calibration jig from control board as shown in Figure 4-6.
• Connect the FRC cable available in the unit to the control board as shown in Figure 4-4.
• Execute the steps in Fixing tube head covers.
• Execute the steps in Fixing Input panel Cup.
• Execute the steps in Fixing of monoblock Skin Guard.
• Execute the steps in Initial Checks and Power ON.

• Execute the steps in Giving Exposure.

4.7 Electrical Safety Tests Using FLUKE ESA612

The IEC 62353: 'Medical Electrical Equipment - Planned Maintenance and power plug replacement of
medical Electrical Equipment' standards ensures the electrical safety of medical electrical equipment.
Perform Ground Resistance Testing
Site Location Installation PM Repair

Perform Leakage Current Testing

Site Location Installation PM Repair

Table 4-5 Personnel requirements

Required persons Preliminary requirements Procedure Finalization

01 12 months 30 mins -

Table 4-6 Tools and test equipment

Item Quantity Effectivity Part number Manufacturer

Standard Tool Kit 1 - - -
FLUKE ESA612 or below equivalent specification 1 - - -

Table 4-7 Specification

Test Standard Selections ANSI/AAMI ES-1, IEC62353, IEC60601-1, and AN/NZS 3551

Table 4-8 Voltage

Ranges (Main voltage) 90.0 V to 132.0 V ac rms 180.0 V to 264.0 V ac rms

Range (Point-to-point voltage)
5000m 0.0V to ≤150 V ac rms
2000m 0.0 V to ≤300.0 V ac rms
Accuracy (2 % of reading + 0.2 V

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 40

Exclusive Service Manual 4.7 Electrical Safety Tests Using FLUKE ESA612

Table 4-9 Earth Resistance

Modes 2-Wire
Test Current >200mA ac
Range 0.000 Ω to 2.000 Ω
Accuracy (2% of reading + 0.015 Ω)

Table 4-10 Equipment Current

Range 0.0 A to 20.0 A ac rms

Accuracy (5 % of reading + (2 counts or 0.2 A, whichever is greater)) 4
Table 4-11 Leakage Current

Modes* AC+DC (True-rms)
AC Only
DC Only
* For tests that do not use MAP voltage, AC+DC, AC ONLY, and DC ONLY modes are available for all leakages. MAP
voltages are available only in True-rms (shown as AC+DC)
Patient Load Selection AAMI ES1-1993, IEC 60601
Crest factor ≤3
Ranges 0.0 µA to 199.9 µA
200 µA to 1999 µA
2.00 mA to 10.00 mA

Table 4-12 Frequency response/Accuracy

DC to 1kHz (±1 % of reading + (1 μA or 1 LSD, whichever is greater))

1 kHz to 100 kHz (±2 % of reading + (1 μA or 1 LSD, whichever is greater))
1 kHz to 5 kHz (current > 1.6 mA) (±4 % of reading + (1 μA or 1 LSD, whichever is greater))
100 kHz to 1 MHz (±5 % of reading + (1 μA or 1 LSD, whichever is greater))

Table 4-13 Consumables

Item Quantity Effectivity Part number Manufacturer

None - - - -

Table 4-14 Replacement parts

Item Quantity Effectivity Part number Manufacturer

None - - - -

Table 4-15 Required conditions


5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 41

Exclusive Service Manual 4.7 Electrical Safety Tests Using FLUKE ESA612

Table 4-16 Safety

Follow the LOTO procedure as per the procedure written in corresponding product document.

Service Procedure
Under the system periodic maintenances (PM) requirements, the FE must perform the Protective Earth
Resistance Test and Equipment Leakage Current Test, to ensure the electrical safety of the system. The
test procedures are described in this section.
The test procedure below contains the specifics tool setup / to use with the Fluke ESA612. Refer to
device’s user manual for setup details if instead using an equivalent testing device. 4
• 4.7.1 Protective Earth Resistance Test on page 42

• 4.7.2 Equipment Leakage Current Test on page 44
Protective Earth Resistance Test
Before you start the test, ensure the system is in OFF position and the system input power
plug is connected to test socket on the side of Fluke ESA612 meter.
It is recommended to use Fluke ESA612 to set up the test conditions. The nominal AC Mains should be
220VAC to match the standard system plug. Refer to Table 1 for earth resistance test points of Brivo
XR115 systems 220VAC AC Mains (site-specific input source).

4.7.1 Protective Earth Resistance Test

Before you start the test, ensure the system is in OFF position and the system input power
plug is connected to test socket on the side of Fluke ESA612 meter.
It is recommended to use Fluke ESA612 to set up the test conditions. The nominal AC Mains should be
220VAC to match the standard system plug. Refer to Table 4-17 Conductive surface test points for
BRIVO XR115 on page 44 for earth resistance test points of Brivo XR115 systems 220VAC AC Mains
(site-specific input source).
It is important to Zero/Null leads to eliminate resistance in test leads.
1. Make sure the power cord from the DUT is connected into outlet of the Fluke ESA612.

2. Push to reveal the resisitance function menu.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 42

Exclusive Service Manual 4.7 Electrical Safety Tests Using FLUKE ESA612

3. Connect one end of a test lead to the V/ Ω /A jack.
4. If you use an accessories probe, connect it to the other end of the test lead and put the probe tip
into the ∅/Null jack. If you use an alligator clip accessory, connect it to the other end of the test
lead, put the null post adapter in the ∅/Null jack, and clamp the alligator clip to the null post
The ∅/Null jack does not accept the test leads supplied with the Product.

To avoid electric shock, remove the null post adapter from the Null jack after a test
lead zero is performed. The Null jack becomes potentially hazardous during some of
the other test conditions.
5. Push ZERO LEADS button until the display shows 0.000 Ω.
6. Now connect one end of the test lead between the V/Ω/A jack of the test meter and other end to an
exposed conductive surface of the DUT ensuring that the input power plug of the DUT remains in
the test socket on the side on the Fluke ESA612. Refer to Table 4-17 Conductive surface test points
for BRIVO XR115 on page 44 for the list of conductive surfaces (accessible dead metal parts) of the
BRIVO XR115 system.
When a current of 200mA from the current source with a no-load voltage not exceeding
24V at a frequency of 50/60Hz is applied between conductor terminals for 5 to 10

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 43

Exclusive Service Manual 4.7 Electrical Safety Tests Using FLUKE ESA612

seconds, the voltage drops between the terminals. The resistance determined using the
current and voltage drop should not be greater than 0.3 Ohm (300 mΩ).
The resistance value will be displayed on the Fluke. Record the test results in Table 4-18 Results of
the Protective Earth Resistance Test for BRIVO XR115 on page 44.
7. Repeat table above steps 4-7 for each test point (conductive) mentioned in Table 4-17 Conductive
surface test points for BRIVO XR115 on page 44/ and record the test results for each test point in
Table 4-17 Conductive surface test points for BRIVO XR115 on page 44.
Manufacturer recommendation is to perform Null test before testing each test point.
Table 4-17 Conductive surface test points for BRIVO XR115 4

Test Point Test Point Description
1 Input Panel Cup screws
2 Collimator handle
3 Monoblock cover screws
4 Swivel Arm screws
5 Foot Pedal screws

Expected Test Results

The resistance, when measured, should NOT be greater than 0.3 Ohm (300mOhm).
Test Results
Table 4-18 Results of the Protective Earth Resistance Test for BRIVO XR115

Test Point Units Expected Value Measured Value Result (Pass/

Input Panel Cup screws Ω ≤ 0.3
Collimator handle Ω ≤ 0.3
Monoblock cover screws Ω ≤ 0.3
Swivel Arm screws Ω ≤ 0.3
Foot Pedal screws Ω ≤ 0.3

4.7.2 Equipment Leakage Current Test

It is recommended to use Fluke ESA612 or equivalent meter to establish the test conditions. The
nominal AC Mains should be 220VAC, to match the standard system plug.
Before you start the test, ensure the Equipment input power plug is connected to test socket
on the side of Fluke ESA612 meter and the system is in ON condition.
If ground testing is required for this system, verify that all ground testing results passed (see
Table 4-19 Test Conditions for 220VAC AC on page 48 or Table 4-20 Test Points for BRIVO
XR115 on page 48) are ≤ 0.3 Ohms before conducting leakage testing.
The Equipment Leakage Current test must be conducted under both normal condition and Single Fault
Condition. The test procedures for both the conditions are described below.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 44

Exclusive Service Manual 4.7 Electrical Safety Tests Using FLUKE ESA612

Test Under Normal Conditions

To perform the Equipment Leakage Current Test under normal conditions, follow the steps listed below:
Refer to Table 4-19 Test Conditions for 220VAC AC on page 48 for normal test conditions
and 4.7.3 Appendix 1 on page 50 for the test equipment used.
1. From the setup menu, press F4 button to select More to reveal additional menu selections.
Figure 4-16 F4 button

2. Press F2 button to select Instrument to select the instrument setup.
Figure 4-17 F2 button

3. Press F1 button to select Standard to open the scroll box.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 45

Exclusive Service Manual 4.7 Electrical Safety Tests Using FLUKE ESA612

Figure 4-18 F1 button

4. Press up or down to scroll through the standard selections.
Figure 4-19 Up and Down buttons

5. When the desired standard is displayed, press F1 button Standard to confirm the standard.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 46

Exclusive Service Manual 4.7 Electrical Safety Tests Using FLUKE ESA612

Figure 4-20 F1 button

6. Press F4 button to select Done to complete the standard setup.
7. Push µA to access the leakage current main menu.
8. Push the Enclosure/chassis/Direct Equipment button as per the regulatory requirement on the
Figure 4-21 Equipment selections

9. Push the Polarity button to select NORMAL.

10. Now connect one end of the test lead between the V/ Ω /A jack of the test meter and other end to
an exposed conductive surface of the DUT (Refer Table 4-20 Test Points for BRIVO
XR115 on page 48 for test points) ensuring that the input power plug of the DUT remains in the
test socket on the side on the Fluke ESA612.
11. The leakage current value will be displayed. Record the test results in Table 4-21 Results of the
leakage current test under normal conditions for BRIVO XR115 on page 48.
12. Repeat the above steps for each test point in Table 4-20 Test Points for BRIVO XR115 on page 48
and record the test results in Table 4-21 Results of the leakage current test under normal conditions
for BRIVO XR115 on page 48.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 47

Exclusive Service Manual 4.7 Electrical Safety Tests Using FLUKE ESA612

13. Repeat above steps with test conditions 2 and 3 as per Table 4-19 Test Conditions for 220VAC
AC on page 48.
Table 4-19 Test Conditions for 220VAC AC

Condition Power Test Meter Polarity X-Ray

1 OFF Normal No
2 ON Normal No
3 ON Normal Yes

Table 4-20 Test Points for BRIVO XR115 4

Test Point Test Point Description

1 Input Panel Cup screws
2 Collimator handle
3 Monoblock cover screws
4 Swivel Arm screws
5 Foot Pedal screws

Refer to 4.7.3 Appendix 1 on page 50 for the locations of the test points in the system.
Test Results
Table 4-21 Results of the leakage current test under normal conditions for BRIVO XR115

Test Point (SEE APPENDIX Units Maximum Value Test Condition Measured Result
Input Panel Cup Screws µA ≤ 2000 Condition 1
Condition 2
Condition 3
Collimator Handle µA ≤ 2000 Condition 1
Condition 2
Condition 3
Monoblock cover Screws µA ≤ 2000 Condition 1
Condition 2
Condition 3
Swivel Arm Screws µA ≤ 2000 Condition 1
Condition 2
Condition 3
Foot Pedal Screws µA ≤ 2000 Condition 1
Condition 2
Condition 3

Test Under Single Fault Condition (SFC)

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 48

Exclusive Service Manual 4.7 Electrical Safety Tests Using FLUKE ESA612

In SFC, a single fault means of protection against electrical hazard is defective or faulty. To create Single
Fault Condition, refer to Table 4-22 SFC Test conditions for 220VAC AC Mains on page 49:
Table 4-22 SFC Test conditions for 220VAC AC Mains

Condition Power Test Meter Polatiry X-Ray

1 ON Reversed No
2 ON Earth Open No

To perform the Equipment Leakage Current Test under SFC, follow the steps listed below:
1. Set up test condition 1 listed in Table 4-22 SFC Test conditions for 220VAC AC Mains on page 49,
follow step 2 below.

2. Press the Polarity button to select Reversed on the Fluke ESA612. Refer to the user manual if
using an equivalent testing device.
3. Now connect one end of the test lead between the V/ Ω /A jack of the test meter and another end
to exposed conductive surface of the DUT ensuring that the input power plug of the DUT remains in
the test socket on the side on the Fluke ESA612.
4. The leakage value will be displayed. Record the test results in Table 4-23 Results of the leakage
current test under SFC conditions for BRIVO XR115 on page 49.
5. Set up test condition 2 listed in Table 4-22 SFC Test conditions for 220VAC AC Mains on page 49,
Press the Earth button to select Open on the Fluke ESA612. Refer to the user manual if using an
equivalent testing device.
6. Connect the test lead between the V/ Ω /A jack of the test meter and an exposed conductive
surface of the DUT ensuring that the input power plug of the DUT remains in the test socket on the
side on the Fluke ESA612. Record the test results in Table 4-23 Results of the leakage current test
under SFC conditions for BRIVO XR115 on page 49.
7. Repeat the above steps for each leakage current test point mentioned in Table 4-20 Test Points for
BRIVO XR115 on page 48.
Expected Test Results
Table 4-23 Results of the leakage current test under SFC conditions for BRIVO XR115

Test Point (SEE APPENDIX FOR Units Maximum Test Condition Measured Result
TEST POINT LOCATIONS) Value Value (Pass/Fail)
Input Panel Cup Screws µA ≤ 2000 Condition 1
Condition 2
Collimator Handle µA ≤ 2000 Condition 1
Condition 2
Monoblock Cover Screws µA ≤ 2000 Condition 1
Condition 2
Swivel Arm Screws µA ≤ 2000 Condition 1
Condition 2
Foot Pedal Screws µA ≤ 2000 Condition 1
Condition 2

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 49

Exclusive Service Manual 4.7 Electrical Safety Tests Using FLUKE ESA612

4.7.3 Appendix 1
Test Point Location for Brivo XR115
This section contains the illustrations of the test points listed in Table 4-18 Results of the Protective
Earth Resistance Test for BRIVO XR115 on page 44.
Figure 4-22 Input Panel Cup Screws

Figure 4-23 Collimator Handle

Figure 4-24 Monoblock Cover Screws

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 50

Exclusive Service Manual 4.7 Electrical Safety Tests Using FLUKE ESA612

Figure 4-25 Swivel Arm Screws

Figure 4-26 Foot Pedal Screws

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 51

Chapter 5 Adjustment Procedures
5.1 Positioner Assembly - Arm Balancing Adjustment
Table 5-1 Personnel requirements

Required persons Preliminary requirements Procedure Finalization

1 Standard Tool Kit 20 minutes -

Table 5-2 Tools and test equipment

Item Quantity Effectivity Part number Manufacturer

Standard Tool Kit 1 - - -

Table 5-3 Consumables

Item Quantity Effectivity Part number Manufacturer

None - - - -

Table 5-4 Replacement parts

Item Quantity Effectivity Part number Manufacturer

None - - - -

Table 5-5 Required conditions


1. Move the swivel arm assembly to the top most or maximum position, this reduces the spring
tension for easier adjustment and provides access to the tie-rod nut.
2. Once the swivel arm assembly is moved to the top position, you can get access to the tie-rod nut at
the bottom of the base assembly rear end.
3. Use an open-end spanner of size 19 mm to tighten the tie-rod nut. Tighten the tie-rod nut with 2 or
3 rotations and then check for arm balancing as shown in Figure 5-1 on page 53.
4. Position the arm as shown in Figure 5-2 on page 53 and check if it balances.
5. Repeat the step of tightening the tie-rod nut until the arm get balanced.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 52

Exclusive Service Manual 5.1 Positioner Assembly - Arm Balancing Adjustment Procedure

Figure 5-1

Adjustment Procedures
Figure 5-2

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 53

Exclusive Service Manual 5.2 Positioner Assembly - Brake pad Adjustment procedure

Figure 5-3

Adjustment Procedures
Access to the Tie-rod nut is possible only when the Swivel arm is in its top most position.

5.2 Positioner Assembly - Brake pad Adjustment procedure

Table 5-6 Personnel requirements

Required persons Preliminary requirements Procedure Finalization

1 Standard Tool Kit 15 minutes -

Table 5-7 Tools and test equipment

Item Quantity Effectivity Part number Manufacturer

Standard Tool Kit 1 - - -

Table 5-8 Consumables

Item Quantity Effectivity Part number Manufacturer

Loctite 243 or equiva- 1 - - -

Table 5-9 Replacement parts

Item Quantity Effectivity Part number Manufacturer

None - - - -

Table 5-10 Required conditions


1. Remove the brake cover by loosening the fasteners using 2 mm Allen key.
2. Using a 14 mm open end spanner loosen the hexagonal nut as shown in Figure 5-4 on page 55.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 54

Exclusive Service Manual 5.2 Positioner Assembly - Brake pad Adjustment procedure

Figure 5-4

Adjustment Procedures
3. Set the gap between the brake pad surface and the wheel surface to 2 mm.
4. To adjust the gap loosen or tighten the brake pad, once the hexagonal nut is loosened.
5. Once the gaps of 2 mm set, hold the brake pad with hand or position a 2 mm spacer between the
wheel surface and brake pad and tighten the hexagonal nut as shown in Figure 5-5 on page 55.
Figure 5-5

6. Apply Loctite 243 to the brake pad threading and tighten the hexagonal nut.
Ensure that the gap of 2 mm is set in the brake pedal/cam assembly in disengaged
position and the bearing of the brake follower assembly is mating with the cam home

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 55

Exclusive Service Manual 5.3 Collimator Light Alignment Procedure

Ensure that the gap of 2 mm is set on both sides of the brake, as this is a synchronized
braking system.

5.3 Collimator Light Alignment Procedure

Table 5-11 Personnel requirements

Required persons Preliminary requirements Procedure Finalization

1 Standard Tool Kit 15 mins -

Table 5-12 Tools and test equipment

Item Quantity Effectivity Part number Manufacturer


Adjustment Procedures
Standard Tool Kit 1 - - -

Table 5-13 Consumables

Item Quantity Effectivity Part number Manufacturer

None - - - -

Table 5-14 Replacement parts

Item Quantity Effectivity Part number Manufacturer

None - - - -

Table 5-15 Required conditions


1. Place a cassette on the object plane/table top and set the SID to 40"/ (1000mm).
2. Center the collimator tool on the cassette.
3. Collimate the beam such that it aligns with the outline of the collimator tool.
4. Set the parameters to 40kV/ 5mAs and make an exposure.
5. Develop the film and, measure the shift of collimator test tool edge and the darker x-ray edge.
6. If there is a shift in alignment, adjust the screw provided in the collimator Figure 5-6 on page 57
and repeat the above steps.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 56

Exclusive Service Manual 5.3 Collimator Light Alignment Procedure

Figure 5-6

Adjustment Procedures

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 57

Chapter 6 Regulatory Tests
6.1 Regulatory Tests
Complete the Regulatory Test as recommended by local regulatory Agency.
Follow AERB Guidelines for the system installed in India.
In case of replacement of the Monoblock Assembly/Tube head assembly, follow the AERB QA Test for
India installations.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 58

Chapter 7 Functional Test
7.1 Parking Lock Test
Test Setup
Engage the System parking brake to prevent unintended movement.
Test Procedure
1. Move the swivel arm manually to the parking position.
2. Check whether the parking lock latches and secures the Monoblock and Arm assembly.
3. Pull the parking lock manually and release the arm. Check whether the parking lock de-latches
The swivel arm must be pressed down with one hand before de-latching.

7.2 Tube Position Checks

Test Setup
Engage the System parking brake to prevent unintended movement.
Test Procedure
1. Manually rotate the monoblock to different orientations between -180° to +180°.
2. For each orientation angle, ensure the Monoblock has no unintended movement. Tolerance on
unintended movement shall be ±2°. i.e., after positioning Monoblock at a desired orientation, the
Monoblock can move by ±2° Check for smooth movements.
3. Adjust the tightness of the monoblock mounting bolts, if required.
Clockwise and Counter-Clockwise rotation [by pulling one handle] force should be ≤70N.

7.3 Swivel Arm Position Checks

Test Setup
Engage the System parking brake to prevent unintended movement.
Test Procedure
1. Position the X-ray tube facing the floor and Position the swivel arm at 100 cm from the floor
(Measure using the tape provided in collimator).
2. Check for any Arm sagging. The arm sag should be less than ±5 mm.
3. Repeat this procedure by keeping the tube positions at 125 cm and 200 cm from floor.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 59

Exclusive Service Manual 7.4 Movement and Brake Test

7.4 Movement and Brake Test

Test Setup
1. Bring the swivel arm to the parking position.
2. Bring the equipment to the smooth granite floor.
Test Procedure
1. Disengage the brake.
2. Move the system front, back, left and right and check for free rotation of the castors and wheels.
3. Engage and disengage the brake and check for synchronized movement.
4. Engage the brake and move the system. Check that there is no system movement once the brakes
are applied.
5. Check if the gap between the wheel and the brake pad is 2 mm.
7.5 Ground Impedance Test

Functional Test
Test Setup
Connect the Ground Impedance test meter (Hioki/Equivalent) between any accessible dead metal parts
of the system as mentioned below, which is protectively earthed to PE terminal of the system. When a
current of 25A from the current source with a no-load voltage of 6v is passed between the conductor
terminals. The voltage drops between the terminal and the resistance determined from the current and
voltage drop should not be greater than 0.1 Ohm.
Test Procedure
1. Turn off the system and Remove the Mains Cable from the power outlet.
2. Connect the Ground Impedance test meter between Accessible dead metal parts of the system to
P.E (Protective Earth).
3. PE terminal to Monoblock head cover.
4. PE terminal to collimator knob/handle.
5. PE terminal to System metal storage box bolt.
6. PE terminal to Metal part of Front castor wheel.

7.6 Earth Leakage Test

Test Procedure
1. Engage the parking brake.
2. Bring the swivel arm to the horizontal position.
3. Connect the mains Cable to Earth Leakage Tester (Instek GLC-9000/ Equivalent).
4. Make sure that Mains power "ON" Rocker switch in "ON" condition.
5. Press power ON button in the console.
6. Measure the leakage current.
7. Earth leakage current < 2.5mA.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 60

Exclusive Service Manual 7.7 KV/mAs Increment/ Decrement

7.7 KV/mAs Increment/ Decrement

Test Procedure
1. Use kV decrement key and reduce kV display to 40kV. Press kV increment switch on the console and
check for each press from 40 to 100 kV. The kV values increase.
2. After reaching 100 kVp, press the kV increment again and check if further increment happens.
3. Press kV decrement switch on the console and check for each press from 100 kV to 40 kV, the kV
values decrease.
4. After reaching 40 kVp, press the decrement key again and check if further decrement happens.
5. Press the mAs increment key on the console and check that for each press, the mAs values change
as per the Renard scale.
6. After reaching 250 mAs, press the increment key and check if further mAs increment happens.
7. Press the mAs decrement key on the console and check that for each press, the mAs values
decrement as per Renard scale. 7
8. After reaching 0.1 mAs, press the decrement key and check if further mAs decrement happens.

Functional Test
Acceptance Creiteria
1. Increment of kV should be displayed on the console.
2. No increment should happen beyond 100 kV.
3. Decrement of kV should be displayed on the console.
4. No decrement should happen beyond 40 kV.
5. Increment of mAs should be in steps as per Renard scale. Each step should be displayed on the
6. No increment should happen beyond 250 mAs.
7. Decrement of mAs should be in steps as per Renard scale. Each step should be displayed on the
8. No decrement should happen beyond 0.1 mAs.

7.8 Exposure Test

Test Procedure
1. Set the kV and mAs to the minimum value (40 kV, 0.1 mAs).
2. Press the hand switch to complete the prep and wait till 'Exposure Ready' indicator glows and
audible beep is Heard.
3. Continue pressing the hand switch further to the second level to enable exposure.
4. Repeat the procedure by selecting 60 kV and 10 mAs.
Acceptance Criteria
1. The system should indicate the completion of prep by an audible beep and the 'Exposure Ready'
indicator on the console should glow green.
2. During exposure, an audible beep should be heard and the 'X-ray ON' indicator should glow yellow.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 61

Exclusive Service Manual 7.9 Congruency of Radiation and Optical Field Test

3. After exposure, the system should go to standby mode indicated by 'X-ray On' indicator going OFF.

7.9 Congruency of Radiation and Optical Field Test

Test Procedure
1. Place a cassette on the object plane/table top and set the SID to 40"/(1000mm).
2. Center the collimator tool on the cassette.
3. Collimate the beam such that it aligns with the outline of the collimator tool.
4. Set the parameters to 40kV/ 5mAs and make an exposure.
5. Develop the film.
6. Measure the shift of collimator test tool edge and the darker x-ray edge.
7. Calculate the misalignment between light field and X-ray field.
8. Record the value of X, X', Y, Y' as in Figure 7.1
Figure 7-1 Light field and X-ray field misalignment 7

Functional Test
Acceptance Criteria
1. Shift in radiation field ((X, X', Y & Y') Tolerance should be 2% of SID.
2. Difference in radiation and optical field (X+X' & Y+Y') -Tolerance should be 3% of SID.
3. Difference between sums of lengths and widths of optical and radiation fields ( X+X'+Y+Y') Tolerance
should be 4% of SID.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 62

Chapter 8 Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
8.1 Mechanical Issues
Problem Possible Cause Recommended Action
Arm Not Balancing Arm Not Balancing Tie-rod Nut at the Tie-rod nut at the bottom to be tight-
bottom is loose ened- Follow procedure in Adjustment

Arm movement found tight/hard Frictional lock is engaged Disengage the fricitional locak
Castors not moving properly Castor fasteners are loose. Tighten the castor fasteners.
Swivel arm parking lock not function- Wedge inside the column cover as- Remove the column cover and check
ing sembly is loose the parking pin actions.
Replace the parking pin if defective.

8.2 Errors and Warnings

During Fault condition, the fault code and fault description will be displayed on the Console as ''E''
followed by 2-digit fault code in kV DISPLAY and 3-digit fault description in mAs DISPLAY. Refer table
below for complete list.
Sl No. Error code Error Description Display Error Description
1 E03 bAL KV Unbalance
2 E22 FIL Filament Open
3 E24 PrP Prep Switch is ON for more than 1 minute
4 E25 On X-RAY ON switch ON
5 E26 CAL No calibration
6 E27 Abt Exposure abort
7 E29 noP PFC not ON by Prep
8 E30 nod PFC not reveived Power
9 E33,E35 noC No PFC Communication
10 E42 CAP Calibration Problem (wong data)
11 E16,E43 oCC Over Current Cathode
12 E17,E44 oCA Over Current Anode
13 E18,E45 FoC Filament Over Current
14 E14,E46 AoU Anode Over Voltage
15 E13,E47 CoU Cathode Over Voltage
16 E10,E48,E52 ASP Anode Spit
17 E12,E51 IoC Inverter Over Current

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 63

Exclusive Service Manual 8.2 Errors and Warnings

Sl No. Error code Error Description Display Error Description

18 E11,E49,E53 CSP Cathode Spit
19 E50,E54 ArC Tube ARC
20 E15,E57 bSC DC Bus Short Circuit
21 E01 oPn Cable Open
22 E04 oUU Output under Voltage (KV)
23 E05 OOU Output Over Voltage (KV)
24 E36 PoC PFC Over Current
25 E37 PoU PFC Over Voltage (DC Bus)
26 E38 bUL DC Bus OFF
27 E40 IUU Input Under Voltage
28 E41 IoU Input Over Voltage
29 E02 OLt OIL Hot
30 E06 HSt Heat Sink Hot
31 E34 CAN Communication Error 8
32 E58 Err Key Jam Error

Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

33 The unit does not power on when mains is Check if Power ON switch back light illuminates
switched ON If not, there may be a loose contact at the wall socket
end, or the wall outlet is not receiving power.
Check local electrical circuit for trips.
If Power ON switch is illuminating:
1. check that the Mains Cable is properly connected
to the power socket on the system.
2. Switch off mains power. Wait for 2 minutes. Switch
ON mains power.
If the problem persists, call service.
34 No X-ray image even though the unit indicates In case of manual processing, verify film development
normal exposure. and storage method. The films could be damaged, or
the chemicals could be contaminated. If these factors
are satisfactory, call for service.
In case of CR cassettes, read the exposed cassette on
the CR reader, if no image appears, log a service call to
validate exposure quality.
35 Tube head assembly drifts with respect to swivel This can be due to normal wear and tear or using ex-
arm axis. cess force on the tube head generator during its rota-
Tighten the Nylock nut or call service.
36 Collimator light not working Request a service call.

Whenever during troubleshooting if PCB or HV tank is replaced then calibration to be done
Calibration will ensure no drift to accuracy values mentioned.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 64

Chapter 9 Spare Parts
9.1 List of Spare Parts
The details of the available spare parts are listed in the blow table.
While ordering the Ojas 100 Tube head Cover assembly FRU (535391) providing system ID
is mandatory.
SI No. FRU Part Description FRU Part No.
1 EMI-EMC Filter Unit FRU kit 5484948
2 Power distribution Unit FRU kit 5484989
3 Hand switch FRU Kit 5484990
4 Console Assembly FRU Kit 5484993
5 System Interconnecting Cables FRU kit. 5484995
7 Ojas-100 Indexing Plunger FRU Kit 5480645
8 Ojas-100 Friction Lock FRU Kit 5480646
9 Ojas-100 Monoblock Mounting Fasteners FRU Kit 5480648
10 Ojas-100 Conduit FRU Kit 5480649
11 Ojas-100 Magnetic Catch FRU Kit 5480650
12 Ojas-100 Brake Shaft Assembly FRU kit 5480651
13 Ojas-100 Rear Wheel FRU kit 5480652
14 Ojas-100 Front Caster FRU kit 5480653
15 Input Fuses - Ojas 100 5535388
27 Power Inlet I model Cable - Ojas 100 5653616
28 Power Inlet G model Cable - Ojas 100 5653624
29 Power Inlet B model Cable - Ojas 100 5653625
30 Power Inlet L model cable - Ojas 100 5653626
31 Power Inlet F model Cable - Ojas 100 5653627
32 Power Inlet Thai model cable - Ojas 100 5653628
33 Power Inlet N model cable - Ojas 100 5653629
34 Power Inlet M model cable - Ojas 100 5653630
35 Power Inlet M India model cable - Ojas 100 5653631

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 65

Exclusive Service Manual 9.2 Parts Identification

9.2 Parts Identification

Figure 9-1

Spare Parts
Sl No. Item
1 Monoblock assembly
2 Collimator
3 Conduit
4 Mains Input Cable
5 Rocker Switch
6 Front Castor
7 Inderxing Plunger (parking pin)
8 Hand Switch
9 Brake Shaft Assembly (inside the cover)
10 Rear Wheel

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 66

Exclusive Service Manual 9.2 Parts Identification

Filter and PDU Unit

Figure 9-2

Console Unit
Figure 9-3 9

Spare Parts

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 67

Exclusive Service Manual 9.2 Parts Identification

HV Tank and PCB boards

Figure 9-4


Spare Parts
Figure 9-5

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 68

Chapter 10 Replacement Procedure
10.1 Input Panel Cup
Removal Procedure
Remove the Input Panel Cup by removing 4 nos of M4x10 CSK screws using Star Screwdriver as showin
in Figure 10-1 on page 69.
Figure 10-1

Fixing Procedure
Fix the Input Panel 4 nos of M4x10 CSK screws using Star Screwdriver as shown in Figure
10-1 on page 69. Ensure the cut out is positioned to accommodate the cable routing.

10.2 Monoblock Skin Guard

Removal of Monoblock Skin Guard
1. Remove Skin Guards Rubber Cap 4 nos from the front as showin in Figure 10-2 on page 70.
2. Remove Skin Guards M5x12 Socket Head CSK 4no's using 3mm bit / allen key as shown in Figure
10-3 on page 70.
3. Remove the FSD Guard as shown in Figure 10-4 on page 71.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 69

Exclusive Service Manual 10.2 Monoblock Skin Guard

Figure 10-2


Replacement Procedure
Figure 10-3

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 70

Exclusive Service Manual 10.3 The Tube Head Covers

Figure 10-4


Replacement Procedure
Fixing of Monoblock Skin Guard
1. Fix the Skin Guards as shown in Figure 10-4 on page 71.
2. Fix the Skin Guard's M5x12 Socket Head CSK 4no's using 3mm bit / allen key as shown in Figure
10-3 on page 70.
3. Fix the Skin Guard's Rubber Cap 4 nos from the front as shown in Figure 10-2 on page 70.

10.3 The Tube Head Covers

Do not open the cover until 5 minutes elapsed for discharge of capacitor.
Inside the Tube Head Covers, there is High Voltage present in the Electrolytic Capacitor
fixed to the Tank. Do not touch the Capacitor terminals till it is fully discharged.
If the tube serial number available on the new covers doesn’t match with old covers then
do not replace the covers, send back the shipment to warehouse.

Removal Procedure
1. Position the Swivel Arm such that the Tube Head is at a height suitable for easy cover removal.
2. Cut the Cable Ties on the top of Tube head covers as shown in Figure 10-5 on page 72.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 71

Exclusive Service Manual 10.3 The Tube Head Covers

Figure 10-5


Replacement Procedure
3. Remove the Monoblock skin Guards (See 10.2 Monoblock Skin Guard on page 69).
4. Remove the Input Panel Cup (See 10.1 Input Panel Cup on page 69).
5. Remove 2 No’s of M3x6 socket head screws from the strain relief using 2.5mm allen key as shown in
Figure 10-6 on page 72) Remove three screws and Disconnect the Power Cable as shown in Figure
10-7 on page 73).
Figure 10-6

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 72

Exclusive Service Manual 10.3 The Tube Head Covers

Figure 10-7


Replacement Procedure
6. Remove 4 No's M3X10 button head using 2mm allen key from terminal block as shown in Figure
10-8 on page 73.
Figure 10-8

7. Remove the M4x10 Standoff's (4 nos) using 7mm nut driver as shown in Figure 10-9 on page 74.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 73

Exclusive Service Manual 10.3 The Tube Head Covers

Figure 10-9


Replacement Procedure
8. Remove wire to wire connector 4 No's M3X10 button head using 2mm allen key and disconnect the
8-way connector as in Figure 10-10 on page 74 and Figure 10-11 on page 75.
Figure 10-10

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 74

Exclusive Service Manual 10.3 The Tube Head Covers

Figure 10-11


Replacement Procedure
9. Remove 4 nos M4x20 socket head screw from bottom Tube Head cover using 3 mm allen key as
shown in Figure 10-12 on page 75 and remove the bottom Cover.
Figure 10-12

10. Turn over the Tube head and remove 4 No’s of M4x10 CSK screws from the top cover using star
screw driver as shown in Figure 10-13 on page 76.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 75

Exclusive Service Manual 10.3 The Tube Head Covers

Figure 10-13


Replacement Procedure
11. After removing the screws lift the upper cover just enough to remove the Flat cable connection to
the Console.
12. Remove the Console board connector by pressing the locking tab and pull the cable connector (10-
way FRC cable) connected to J9 connector of console board as shown in Figure 10-14 on page 77
and take out the cover.
13. Remove the 4nos of M4x10 screws of remote console board inside the Tubehead cover as shown in
Figure 10-14 on page 77.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 76

Exclusive Service Manual 10.3 The Tube Head Covers

Figure 10-14


Replacement Procedure
Fixing Procedure
1. Before fixing top cover connect the console board using M4x10 screws and cable connector (10way
FRC cable) by pressing the connector in to the J9 connector as shown in Figure 10-14 on page 77.
2. Fix the top cover to the tube head assembly using 4 nos of M4x10 CSK screws using star screw
driver as shown in .
3. Take the bottom cover and fix in to the tube head assembly using 4 No’s of M4x20 socket head
screws as shown in Figure 10-13 on page 76 using 3 mm Allen key.
4. Fix the M4x10 Standoff's (4 nos) using 7 mm nut driver as shown in Figure 10-9 on page 74.
5. Place the PP with Indications (L N E) on it and fix the barrier strip with 4 No's M3X10 button head
2mm allen key from as shown in Figure 10-8 on page 73.
6. Fix the power cable on the barrier strip using star screw driver as shown in Figure 10-7 on page 73.
7. Fix the clamp 2 No’s of M3x6 socket head screws using 2.5mm allen key as shown in Figure
10-6 on page 72.
8. Execute the steps as mentioned in Fixing Input panel on page 69.
9. Connect the 8-way connector and fix the wire to wire connector 4 No's M3X10 button head using
2mm allen key as shown in Figure 10-10 on page 74, Figure 10-11 on page 75.

After mounted the Tubehead cover in monoblock, paste the identification label and Rating
label on parallel to english label pasted depends on the country specific language. This
label is available as part of FRU box. Refer Appendix B on page 142 for language vs
applicable language.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 77

Exclusive Service Manual 10.4 Monoblock Assembly

1. Perform the following Functional Tests 10
• Exposure Test on page 61

Replacement Procedure
10.4 Monoblock Assembly
Monoblock Assembly Replacement Procedure
1. Power Off the system and remove the Power cable from socket.
2. Raise the Arm and position the tube head facing ground and keep the arm parallel to ground.
3. Tie the horizontal arm to base assembly with a Plastic Belt as shown in Figure 10-15 on page 78.
4. Place a dead weight (10 to 20 Kg) on the edge of the Base assembly to balance the counterweight.
Figure 10-15

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 78

Exclusive Service Manual 10.4 Monoblock Assembly

DROP HAZARD: The weight of the tube head assembly is about 25Kg. Take necessary 10
precaution to handle weight of the assembly. Make sure the Base assembly is
adequately compensated with dead weight to avoid toppling of the positioner

Replacement Procedure
assembly. It is recommended to lift the monoblock by two people for the safety
5. Cut the Cable Ties on the top of ID covers as shown in Figure 10-16 on page 79.
Figure 10-16

6. Remove the Input Panel Cup by removing 4 nos of M4x10 CSK screws using Star Screwdriver as in
Figure 10-17 on page 79.
Figure 10-17

7. Disconnect power cable from the Tube Head as shown in Figure 10-18 on page 80.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 79

Exclusive Service Manual 10.4 Monoblock Assembly

Figure 10-18


Replacement Procedure
8. Remove wire to wire connector 4 No's M3X10 button head using 2 mm allen key and disconnect the
8-way connector as in Figure 10-19 on page 80.
Figure 10-19

9. Remove the Nut cap, hexagonal Nut and Friction washer connected to the tube head bracket as
shown in Figure 10-20 on page 80.
Figure 10-20

10. Remove the Tube head assembly by sliding it out from the arm by holding the bracket as shown in
Figure 10-21 on page 81.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 80

Exclusive Service Manual 10.4 Monoblock Assembly

Figure 10-21


Replacement Procedure
Fixing the Monoblock Assembly
1. Position the New Tube head to the horizontal arm and position the whole in the arm to the bolt
projecting on the end. See Figure 10-21 on page 81.
2. Place the friction washer and tighten the hexagon nut to the bolt followed by the nut cap. See
Figure 10-20 on page 80.
3. Connect the 8-way connector and its cap. See Figure 10-19 on page 80.
4. Connect the Power Cable and clamp. Check for the L, N, E marking on the Cable and the connecting
point and match the connection. See Figure 10-18 on page 80.
5. Fix the input Panel Cup with 4 screws. Ensure the cut out is positioned to accommodate the cable
6. Install the cable ties to replace those removed in step 2. See Figure 10-16 on page 79.
7. Remove the dead weights from the base assembly and remove the belt tied to arrest the base and

After mounted monoblock in Arm, paste the identification label and Rating label on
parallel to English label pasted depends on the country specific language. This label is
available as part of FRU box. Refer Appendix B on page 142 for language vs applicable

Perform the following Functional Tests:

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 81

Exclusive Service Manual 10.5 Collimator Assembly

• Tube Position Check, see 7.2 Tube Position Checks on page 59

• Swivel Arm Position Check, see 7.3 Swivel Arm Position Checks on page 59
• Ground Impedance Test, see 7.5 Ground Impedance Test on page 60

Replacement Procedure
• Exposure Test, see 7.8 Exposure Test on page 61
• Congruency of Radiation and Optical Filed Test, see 7.9 Congruency of Radiation and Optical Field
Test on page 62
• Complete the Regulatory test as recommended by local agency.

10.5 Collimator Assembly

Removing the collimator
1. Perform LOTO.
2. Excutethe steps in Removal of Monoblock Skin Guard on page 69.
3. Execute the steps in Removal Procedure Remove the Input Panel Cup by removing 4 nos of M4x10
CSK screws using Star Screwdriver as showin in Figure 1. Fixing Procedure Fix the Input Panel 4 nos
of M4x10 CSK screws using Star Screwdriver as shown in Figure 1. Ensure the cut out is positioned
to accommodate the cable routing. on page 69.
4. Execute the steps in Removal Procedure on page 71.
5. Position the Tube head assembly with the collimator front facing upwards.
6. Remove the collimator bulb connector as shown in Figure 10-22 on page 82.
Figure 10-22

7. Remove the ground cable by using 3 mm Allen key.

8. Remove the collimator assy by removing the screws shown in Figure 10-23 on page 83 and Figure
10-24 on page 83.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 82

Exclusive Service Manual 10.5 Collimator Assembly

Figure 10-23


Replacement Procedure
Figure 10-24

9. Remove the lead cup as shown in Figure 10-25 on page 84.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 83

Exclusive Service Manual 10.5 Collimator Assembly

Figure 10-25


Replacement Procedure
Fixing of Collimator
1. Assemble the lead cup as shwon in Figure 10-25 on page 84.
Figure 10-26

2. Take the collimator assembly shown in Figure 10-23 on page 83 and connect the bulb connector to
the power board as shown in Figure 10-22 on page 82.
3. Place the collimator assembly on the tank assembly and assemble the screws as shown in Figure
10-27 on page 85 and Figure 10-28 on page 85 and connect the ground cable.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 84

Exclusive Service Manual 10.5 Collimator Assembly

Figure 10-27


Replacement Procedure
Figure 10-28

4. Fix the hot surface label on the side of collimator bulb box and label is available in FRU box.

After mounted the collimator in monoblock, paste the hot surface label on the collimator
depends on the country specific language. This caution label is available as part of FRU
box. Refer Appendix B on page 142 for language vs applicable language.

Perform the following Functional tests:
• 7.5 Ground Impedance Test on page 60
• 7.8 Exposure Test on page 61

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 85

Exclusive Service Manual 10.6 Electrolytic Capacitor

• 7.9 Congruency of Radiation and Optical Field Test on page 62

10.6 Electrolytic Capacitor

Replacement Procedure
Removal Procedure
1. Execute the procedure in Monoblock Cover removal.
2. Measure the voltage across the capacitor with a DMM and ensure that the electrolytic capacitor is
fully discharged beofre removing it.
3. Disconnet the two DC Bus cables from the capacitor terminals (Blue='+'&Black='-') as showin in
Figure 10-29 on page 86 using flat screw driver.
Figure 10-29

4. Remove 2 clamp of the bracket arm using 3 mm allen key as shwon in Figure 10-30 on page 87.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 86

Exclusive Service Manual 10.7 Collimator Bulb

Figure 10-30


Replacement Procedure
Fixing the Capacitor
1. Connect the DC Bus cables (Blue='+'&Black='-') from power board using flat screw driver as shwon
in Figure 10-29 on page 86.
2. Fix the capacitor in capacitor clamp using 3 mm allen key as shown in Figure 10-30 on page 87.
3. Execute the steps Fixing Procedure on page 77.
4. Execute the steps in Fixing Procedure on page 69.
5. Execute the steps in Fixing of Monoblock Skin Guard on page 71.
Peform the following Functional tests:
• 7.8 Exposure Test on page 61

10.7 Collimator Bulb

LEAD HAZARD: Do not touch lead cone or filter by hand without gloves.
HOT SURFACE: The collimator enclosure may get hot during extended use. To avoid burn
injuries, exercise caution. Allow the collimator surface to cool before starting the work on

Removal Procedure
1. Perform LOTO.
2. Remove 2 no's of M4*10 button head screws from the outer venilation cover using 2.5 Allen key as
shown in Figure 10-31 on page 88 and remove the outer ventilation cover.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 87

Exclusive Service Manual 10.7 Collimator Bulb

Figure 10-31


Replacement Procedure
3. Next remove 2 no's of M4*10 button head screws using 2.5 Allen key as shown in Figure
10-32 on page 88 and remove the inner ventilation cover.
Figure 10-32

4. Now remove the bulb carefully from connector as shown in Figure 10-33 on page 89.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 88

Exclusive Service Manual 10.8 Cassette Tray and PVC Sheets

Figure 10-33


Replacement Procedure
Fixing the Bulb
1. Fix the collimator bulb carefully to the connector as shown in Figure 10-33 on page 89.
2. Fix the inner ventilation cover with 2 nos of M4*10 button head screws as shown in Figure
10-32 on page 88 using 2.5 Allen key.
3. Fix the outer ventilation cover with 2 nos of M4*10 button head screws as shown in Figure
10-31 on page 88 using 2.5 Allen key.
Perform the following Functional tests:
• 7.9 Congruency of Radiation and Optical Field Test on page 62

10.8 Cassette Tray and PVC Sheets

Removal Procedure
1. Open the Cassette Tray and Remove the Stoppers from both sides as shown in Figure
10-34 on page 89.
Figure 10-34

2. Remove the hex screw with a 4 mm Allen key and remove the dowel pins on the bottom of the
cassette holder by pushing it inside the cassette holder on both sides, see Figure
10-35 on page 90.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 89

Exclusive Service Manual 10.9 Filter Unit Assembly

Figure 10-35


Replacement Procedure
3. Remove the cassette holder from the system.
4. Remove 4 nos of 4 mm hex screws with an Allen Key and Remove the black PVC sheets as in Figure
10-36 on page 90.
Figure 10-36

Fixing Procedure
1. Fix the Black PVC Sheets on the system with 4 mm hex screws (2 each) as in Figure
10-36 on page 90.
2. Insert the cassette holder into the system and secure the dowel pins into the bottom of the
cassette holder and fix it with 4mm hex screw on both sides as shown in Figure 10-35 on page 90.
3. Fix the stoppers on both sides of the cassette holder as shown in Figure 10-34 on page 89.

10.9 Filter Unit Assembly

Removal Procedure
1. Execute procedure in Removal of Cassette Holder and PVC Covers.
2. Remove 3 nos screws fixed on the filter unit as shown in Figure 10-37 on page 91.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 90

Exclusive Service Manual 10.9 Filter Unit Assembly

Figure 10-37


Replacement Procedure
3. Remove the Filter Unit output cable and ground Cables connected to the filter unit box as shown in
Figure 10-38 on page 91 and Figure 10-39 on page 92.
Figure 10-38

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 91

Exclusive Service Manual 10.9 Filter Unit Assembly

Figure 10-39


Replacement Procedure
4. Remove the black metal part of the filter unit and take out the whole filter unit assembly as shown
in Figure 10-40 on page 92.
Figure 10-40

Fixing a new Filter Unit Assembly

1. Remove the black metal part of the filter. Integrate this with the positioner by fastening the 4
corners as shown in Figure 10-40 on page 92.
2. Connect the Power Cable line (L=brown) and Neutral(N=blue) to the EMI/EMC Filter as shown in
Figure 10-38 on page 91. Fasten the cables using a screw driver.
3. Connect the Earth cable from PDU to the PE (Protective Earth) of the system as shown in Figure
10-39 on page 92.
4. Secure the filter unit to the positioner assembly in the 3 points shown in Figure 10-37 on page 91.
5. Execute the steps in Fixing the Cassette Holder and PVC sheets.
Perform the following Functional Tests:

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 92

Exclusive Service Manual 10.10 Power Distribution Unit

• 7.6 Earth Leakage Test on page 60

• 7.8 Exposure Test on page 61
10.10 Power Distribution Unit

Replacement Procedure
Removal Procedure
1. Execute procedure in Removal Procedure on page 89.
2. Remove 3 Heaxagon Nut with Integral Locak Washer as shown in Figure 10-41 on page 93.
Figure 10-41

3. Remove power cable and cable connected to console from PDU and ground wire to remove the PDU.
Fixing the PDU
1. Connect the Monoblock Power Cable line (L=brown) and Neutral (N=blue) to the PDB as shown in
Figure 10-42 on page 93. Connect the cable between PDU to Monoblock Assembly.
Figure 10-42

2. Mount the PDU to the positioner Assembly base using 3 Hexagon screws with Intergral Lock
Washer at the given locations as shown in Figure 10-41 on page 93.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 93

Exclusive Service Manual 10.11 Console Unit

3. Connect the Cable to console unit.

4. Execute the steps in Fixing Procedure on page 90.

Replacement Procedure
Perform the following Functional Tests:
• 7.5 Ground Impedance Test on page 60
• 7.8 Exposure Test on page 61

10.11 Console Unit

Console Unit Removal Procedure
1. Execute procedure in Removal Procedure on page 89.
2. Remove 4 screws and take out the metal storage box as shown in Figure 10-43 on page 94.
Figure 10-43

3. Remove the Supply Cable, communication Cable and Hand switch Cable connected to the Console
4. Remove 4 nuts from the corners of the console to Remove the console assembly as shown in Figure
10-44 on page 95.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 94

Exclusive Service Manual 10.11 Console Unit

Figure 10-44


Replacement Procedure
Console Unit Assembly Procedure
1. Place the Console board assembly and secure it with 4 nuts on the corners as shown in Figure
10-44 on page 95.
2. Connect the Communication Cable, supply cable and Hand switch Cables to the console board.
3. Fix the Metal storage box with 4 screws as shown in Figure 10-43 on page 94.


For other than English language follow the step 4 to 8, refer Appendix B on page 142
for language applicable countries.

4. Clean the console panel with dry cloth or cotton material to remove dust particle as shown in Figure
10-45 on page 95.
Figure 10-45

5. Remove applicable language label as mentioned in B.1 Appendix B on page 142 from the sheet
provided in FRU box as shown in Figure 10-46 on page 96

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 95

Exclusive Service Manual 10.11 Console Unit

Figure 10-46


Replacement Procedure
6. Ensure the full label stick on top of the panel above the white line shown in Figure
10-47 on page 96 and should align the words on top the buttons as shown in Figure
10-48 on page 97.
Figure 10-47

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 96

Exclusive Service Manual 10.11 Console Unit

Figure 10-48


Replacement Procedure
7. Press hard and rub on top of the label for 5 times with equal pressure to ensure the label properly
stick on the console as shown in Figure 10-49 on page 97.
Figure 10-49

8. Remove the white label support strip as shown in Figure 10-50 on page 98 and final view as
shown in Figure 10-51 on page 98.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 97

Exclusive Service Manual 10.12 Hand Switch Assembly

Figure 10-50


Replacement Procedure
Figure 10-51

Perform the following Functional Tests:
• 7.7 KV/mAs Increment/ Decrement on page 61
• 7.8 Exposure Test on page 61

10.12 Hand Switch Assembly

Removal Procedure
1. Unscrew the Hand switch Cable connector and Remove the Hand switch as in Figure
10-52 on page 99.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 98

Exclusive Service Manual 10.13 Input Power Cable Assembly

Figure 10-52


Replacement Procedure
Fixing Procedure
Connect the Hand switch to the rear side of the system and tighten the screws of the connectors.
Perform the following Functionla Tests:
• Exposure Tests (7.8 Exposure Test on page 61)

10.13 Input Power Cable Assembly

Removal Procedure
Remove the Power Cable from mains and pull out of the cable.
Fixing Procedure
Connect the New Power Cable to the base of the system.
Perform the following Functional Tests:
• Earth Leakage Test (7.6 Earth Leakage Test on page 60)
• Exposure Test (7.8 Exposure Test on page 61)

10.14 Monoblock to Console and PDU Cable

Monoblock to Console and PDU Cable Removal Procedure
1. Execute the procedure in Removal Procedure on page 69.
2. Execute the procedure in removing the cassette holder and PVC sheets.
3. Disconnect the Power cable and CAN Cable form Monoblock – Follow procedures in Section cover
4. Remove the Power Cable from PDU and remove the Communication Cable from PDU.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 99

Exclusive Service Manual 10.15 Console PDU Filter Unit Interconnecting Cables

5. Remove all cable ties and remove the Cables together with the conduit.
Monoblock to Console and PDU Cable Assembly Procedure 10
1. Route the cables through the conduit.

Replacement Procedure
2. Insert the conduit into the positioner arm from the monoblock side and remove it out through the
opening at the positioner end.
3. Remove the Column cover by unscrewing 4 screws and keep the screws and cover in the kit trolley
as shown in Figure 10-53 on page 100.
Figure 10-53

4. Insert the conduit into the positioner column and remove it from the cabinet end.
5. Connect The Monoblock Power Cable and Communication Cables- refer procedures in Monoblock
cover replacement fixing and PDU fixing for cable terminations.
6. Secure the Cables with Cable ties.
7. Assemble the Cassette Holder, Column Cover and Input panel cup.
Perform the following Functional Tests:
• 7.2 Tube Position Checks on page 59
• 7.5 Ground Impedance Test on page 60
• 7.8 Exposure Test on page 61

10.15 Console PDU Filter Unit Interconnecting Cables

Removal Procedure
1. Execute the procedure in Removing the Cassette holder and PVC sheets.
2. Remove the Metal storage box - refer Console Replacement.
3. Disconnect the Cables - Console to PDU, Filter unit to PDU and Console to Hand switch Cables.
Assembly Procedure
1. Connect the Cables from PDU to Filter unit, Filter Unit to Console power Cable and Console to Hand
switch Cables.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 100

Exclusive Service Manual 10.16 Power Board Internal Console Sealing Board Cables

2. Install the metal storage box and cassette holder.

Finalization 10
Perform the following Functional Tests:

Replacement Procedure
• 7.8 Exposure Test on page 61

10.16 Power Board Internal Console Sealing Board Cables

Removal Procedure
1. Perform LOTO.
2. Execute the steps in Removal of Monoblock Skin Guard on page 69.
3. Execute the steps in Removal Procedure Remove the Input Panel Cup by removing 4 nos of M4x10
CSK screws using Star Screwdriver as showin in Figure 1. Fixing Procedure Fix the Input Panel 4 nos
of M4x10 CSK screws using Star Screwdriver as shown in Figure 1. Ensure the cut out is positioned
to accommodate the cable routing. on page 69.
4. Execute the steps in Removal Procedure on page 71.
5. Remove the 10-way cable from the control board Figure 10-54 on page 101.
Figure 10-54

6. Remove the 10-way cable from the console board Figure 10-55 on page 102.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 101

Exclusive Service Manual 10.17 Indexing Plunger

Figure 10-55


Replacement Procedure
Assembly Procedure
1. Connect the 10-way cable from the control board Figure 10-55 on page 102.
2. Connect the 10-way cable from the control board Figure 10-54 on page 101.
3. Install the tube head covers.
4. Install the input panel cup.
5. Install the monoblock skin guard.

10.17 Indexing Plunger

Removal Procedure
1. Perform LOTO.
2. Engage the Brake and Unlock the arm and Position the Tube head arm in maximum Up position.
3. 3. Remove the plunger with a 19 mm spanner as shown in Figure 10-56 on page 103.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 102

Exclusive Service Manual 10.18 Friction Lock Assembly

Figure 10-56


Replacement Procedure
Fixing Procedure
1. Install the new plunger and tight it with 19 mm spanner by turning clockwise.
2. Park the monoblock and Check whether the parking lock latches and de-latches properly. If not
loosen the plunger slightly and recheck the function.
3. Remove the Plunger and apply lock-tight in the plunger threads and re fix the plunger in the proper
Perform the following Functional Tests:
• Parking Lock Test (7.1 Parking Lock Test on page 59)

10.18 Friction Lock Assembly

Required Conditions
1. Keep the Tube head in parking position.
2. Engage the brake.
Removal Procedure
1. Remove the handle by turning it anticloclwise and take ut the handle and lock piece.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 103

Exclusive Service Manual 10.19 Conduit

Figure 10-57


Replacement Procedure
2. Remove the Handle, Metal Cover, and Friction Washer.
Fixing Procedure
1. Place the Friction Washer and Metal cover to the friction plate.
2. Fix the handle and tighten it by turning clockwise.
3. Adjust the tightness to enable required Friction to support the arm balance.
Perform the following Functional Test:
• Swivel Arm Position Check (7.3 Swivel Arm Position Checks on page 59)

10.19 Conduit
Removal Procedure
See Removal of Monoblock Bracket on page 130.
Fixing Procedure
See Replacing Monoblock Bracket on page 130.
Perform the following Functional Tests:
• Tube Position Check (7.2 Tube Position Checks on page 59)
• Exposure Test (7.8 Exposure Test on page 61)

10.20 Rear Wheel

Required Conditions
1. Keep the system in flat surface.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 104

Exclusive Service Manual 10.20 Rear Wheel

2. Lock the arm in parking position and engage the brake.

Removal Procedure 10
1. Lift the rear side of the system and position a wooden block to keep the wheel slightly up from the

Replacement Procedure
floor as shown in Figure 10-58 on page 105.
Figure 10-58

2. Disengage the brake.

3. Remove the fastener in with a 6 mm Allen key as showin in below Figure 10-59 on page 105.
Figure 10-59

4. Remove the Screw, Washer, Covering Plate, Wheel, and Inner Covering Plate.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 105

Exclusive Service Manual 10.21 Front Castors

Fixing Procedure
1. Assemble the wheel with wheel covers on both sides and fix it with 6 mm Allen screw as shown in 10
Figure 10-59 on page 105.

Replacement Procedure
2. Engage the brake and remove the packing.
Perform the following Functional Tests:
• Movement and Brake Tests (7.4 Movement and Brake Test on page 60)

10.21 Front Castors

Required Conditions
1. Keep the system in flat surface.
2. Lock the arm in parking position and engage the brake.
Removal Procedure
1. Lift the base of the system and position a wooden block to keep the castors slightly up from the
2. Remove 4nos 6M hex screws with a ratchet on the corners of the casters and remove the wheel
(Figure 10-60 on page 106).
Figure 10-60

Fixing the Casters

Position the caster to the base assembly and fix it with the 6M Hex Screw and a spring washer on four
corners with a ratchet.
Perform the following Functional Tests:
• Movements and Brake Test (7.4 Movement and Brake Test on page 60)

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 106

Exclusive Service Manual 10.22 Magnetic Catches

10.22 Magnetic Catches 10

Removal Procedure

Replacement Procedure
1. Open the cassette tray.
2. Remove the hex screws with 2 nos of 2.5 mm Allen keys on both sides as shown in Figure
10-61 on page 107.
Figure 10-61

Fixing Procedure
1. Place the magnetic catches and secure it with 2 nos of 2.5 mm hex screws as shown in Figure
10-61 on page 107.
2. Check for the proper closing of cassette holder Assembly.

10.23 Brake Shaft Assembly

Required Conditions
1. Perform LOTO.
2. Make sure the machine is immobile and at plane surface then diengage the brake.
Removal Procedure
1. Remove the brake cover assembly by removing the 2 hex screws marked in Figure
10-62 on page 108 with a 2 mm Allenkey.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 107

Exclusive Service Manual 10.23 Brake Shaft Assembly

Figure 10-62


Replacement Procedure
2. Remove 4 hex screws connected to the brake shaft assembly from inside (marked in Figure
10-63 on page 108) and takeout the brake shat assembly.
Figure 10-63

Fixing Procedure
1. Position the brake shaft assembly and Secure it with 4 hex screws from inside as marked in the
Figure 10-63 on page 108.
2. For brake alignment and checking follow procedure in Section 5.1.2 on page 54 in Chapter 5
Adjustment procedures.
3. Fix the brake Cover with 2 hex screws with a 2 mm Allen key as shown in Figure 10-62 on page 108.
Perform the following Functional Test:
• Movement and Brake Test (7.4 Movement and Brake Test on page 60)

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 108

Exclusive Service Manual 10.24 Replacing of Input Fuses

10.24 Replacing of Input Fuses 10

Removal of Input Fuses

Replacement Procedure
1. Perform LOTO.
2. Remove the fuse holder shown in Figure 10-64 on page 109 and Figure 10-65 on page 109.
Figure 10-64

Figure 10-65

Fixing of Input Fuses

1. Replace the fuses as shown in Figure 10-65 on page 109.
2. Put back the fuse holder to the Input panel as shown in Figure 10-64 on page 109.
3. Execute the steps in Inotial Check and Power On.
4. Execute the steps in Giving Exposure.

10.25 Replacing of Goniometer

Removing of Goniometer
1. Execute the LOTO.
2. Execute the Steps in Removal of Monoblock Skin Guard on page 69.
3. Execute the Steps in Removal Procedure on page 69.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 109

Exclusive Service Manual 10.25 Replacing of Goniometer

4. Execute the Steps in Removal Procedure on page 71.

5. Keep the top ID cover face down on foam.
6. Remove 2 nos M4x8 socket head screw and M4 washers - 2 plain 1 spring washer each using 3mm

Replacement Procedure
Allen key as shown in Figure 10-66 on page 110.
Figure 10-66

7. Remove 2 nos M4x6 socket head screw shown in Figure 10-67 on page 110 using 3mm Allen key.
Figure 10-67

8. Remove clamp of the bracket arm using 3 mm Allen key as shown in Figure 10-68 on page 111.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 110

Exclusive Service Manual 10.25 Replacing of Goniometer

Figure 10-68


Replacement Procedure
9. Take off the top ID cover as shown in Figure 10-69 on page 111 and Figure 10-70 on page 112.
Figure 10-69

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 111

Exclusive Service Manual 10.25 Replacing of Goniometer

Figure 10-70


Replacement Procedure
Figure 10-71

Fixing of Goniometer
1. Keep the goniometer shown in Figure 10-71 on page 112 face down as shown in Figure
10-70 on page 112.
2. Place the top ID cover as shown in Figure 10-69 on page 111.
3. Fix the clamp shown in Figure 10-67 on page 110 with 2 nos of M4x6 socket cap head screw and
tighten it by applying 2.5Nm torque using 3mm torque bit.
4. Fix 2 nos M4x8 socket head screw and M4 washers- 2 plain 1 spring washer each using 3mm allen
key as shown in Figure 10-66 on page 110.
5. Execute the steps in Fixing Procedure on page 77.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 112

Exclusive Service Manual 10.26 Replacing Board Set

6. Execute the steps in Fixing Procedure on page 69.

7. Execute the steps in Fixing of Monoblock Skin Guard on page 71.
8. Execute the steps in Initial Checks & Power ON.

Replacement Procedure
9. Execute the steps in Giving Exposure.

10.26 Replacing Board Set

Removal of Board Set
1. Execute the LOTO.
2. Execute the Steps in Removal of Monoblock Skin Guard on page 69.
3. Execute the Steps in Removal Procedure on page 69.
4. Execute the Steps in Removal Procedure on page 71.
5. Ensure the Capacitor is fully discharged using DMM as shown in on page 113.
6. Disconnect the cable from the capacitor using flat screw driver as shown in on page 113.

7. Cut the cable tie 2 nos from cover mounting strips as shown in on page 113 and on page 113.

8. Cut the cable tie 2 nos from input panel as shown in on page 114 & on page 114.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 113

Exclusive Service Manual 10.26 Replacing Board Set


Replacement Procedure
9. Disconnect the communication cable from control board as shown in on page 114.

To understand high level replacement assembly procedure:

a. Remove 4 L-camp as showin in on page 114.
b. Remove control board heat sink cover.
c. Remove the LVPS PCB assembly.
d. Remove PFC inductor as shown in on page 114.
10. Cut the cable tie from ground cable of collimator as shown in on page 115.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 114

Exclusive Service Manual 10.26 Replacing Board Set


Replacement Procedure
11. Disconnect the console cable from the control board as shown in on page 115.

12. Disconnect the receptacle from the collimator to the power board as shown in on page 116.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 115

Exclusive Service Manual 10.26 Replacing Board Set


Replacement Procedure
13. Remove 6 nos M4*8 button head screws using 2.5 Allen key as shown in on page 116.

14. Remove 2 nos of M4x6 socket head screws mounted on tank using 3mm allen key as shown
on page 117.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 116

Exclusive Service Manual 10.26 Replacing Board Set


Replacement Procedure
15. Remove the Input cable from J3 connector of Power board using flat screw driver as shown in
on page 117 and also remove ground cable (M4x6 socket head) using 3 mm allen key as shown in
on page 117.

16. Now pull out the input panel.

17. Remove 6 nos M4x8 socket head screws from the Bottom ID mounting strips 4 nos using 3 mm
allen key as shown in on page 118, on page 118, and on page 119.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 117

Exclusive Service Manual 10.26 Replacing Board Set


Replacement Procedure

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 118

Exclusive Service Manual 10.26 Replacing Board Set


Replacement Procedure
18. Remove 1 no of M4x30 socket head screw from PFC inductor using 3 mm allen key as shown in
on page 119.

19. Remove 2 nos M3x25 button head screws from the fan fixed to the clamp using 2 mm allen key as
shown in on page 120.

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Exclusive Service Manual 10.26 Replacing Board Set


Replacement Procedure
20. Remove the heat sink cover M3x6 button head screw using 2 mm allen key as shown in
on page 120.

21. Remove 8 nos of M4x6 socket head screws from power board using 3mm allen key shown in
on page 121

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Exclusive Service Manual 10.26 Replacing Board Set


Replacement Procedure
22. Remove 4 nos M4x8 socket head screws from heat sink using 3 mm allen key shown in
on page 121.
23. Remove the Inverter cables (Blue&black) from J5 connector on the sealing board using star screw
driver as shown in on page 122.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 121

Exclusive Service Manual 10.26 Replacing Board Set


Replacement Procedure
24. Remove the filament cable connector from the J6 of the power board which is connected to the J3
connector of sealing board as shown in on page 122.

25. If the board contains FRC cable, remove the cable from the J5 connector of the power board which
is connected to the J2 connector of the sealing board as shown in on page 123.

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Exclusive Service Manual 10.26 Replacing Board Set


Replacement Procedure
26. If the board contains microfit cable, remove the cable from the J5 connector of the power board
which is connected to the J2 connector of the sealing board as shown in on page 123

27. Remove the collimator bulb power cable connector (2 way connector) by pressing the locking tab of
the J4 connector in the power board as shown in on page 124.

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Exclusive Service Manual 10.26 Replacing Board Set


Replacement Procedure
Fixing the Board Set
1. Ensure that PP sheet is in original position.
2. Place the Power board on the tank assembly. Connect the collimator lamp connector to the J4
connector of the power board as shown in on page 116.
3. Fix the Inverter cables (Blue&black) to J5 connector on the sealing board using star screw driver as
shown in on page 122.
4. Fix the filament cable connector from the J6 of the power board to the J3 connector of sealing
board as shown in on page 122.
5. If the board contains FRC cable, fix the feedback cable from the J5 connector of the power board to
the J2 connector of the sealing board as shown in on page 123.
6. If the board contains microfit cable, fix the feedback cable from the J5 connector of the power board
to the J2 connector of the sealing board as shown in on page 123.
7. Fix all 8 Nos of M4*6 socket head screws of the power board to the tank assembly as shown in
on page 121 using 3 mm Allen key.
8. Fix the resonant inductor PP (plastic) sheet cover by fixing M4*30 socket head screw driver as
shown in on page 119.
9. Fix the 4 NOS M4*10 hex-head heat sink fixing screws to the tank assembly using 3 mm allen key as
shown in on page 121.
10. Fix the fan by fixing 2nos of M3*25 button head screws as shown in on page 120.
11. Fix one no M3*6 button head screws using 2 mm Allen key as shown in on page 120.
12. Fix 6 nos M4x8 socket head screws from the Bottom ID mounting strips 4 nos using 3mm allen key
as shown in on page 118, on page 118 and on page 119.
13. Fix the 4 Cover-mounting strips to the tank by fixing M4*8 button head screws using 2.5 Allen key as
shown in on page 116.
14. Connect the cable to the capacitor using flat screw driver as shown in on page 113.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 124

Exclusive Service Manual 10.27 Replacing of Tank Assembly

15. Execute the steps in Execute the steps in ''Fixing of tube head to Remote console Communication
16. Execute the steps in Fixing Procedure on page 77.

Replacement Procedure
17. Execute the steps in Fixing Procedure on page 69.
18. Execute the steps in Fixing of Monoblock Skin Guard on page 71.
19. Execute the steps in Initial Checks & Power ON.
20. Execute the steps in Giving Exposure.

10.27 Replacing of Tank Assembly

Removing of Tank Assembly
While replacing the HV tank dismount full monoblock along with bracket and follow the step by step
method of below removal instruction.


DROP HAZARD: Make sure the Base assembly is adequately compensated with dead
weight to avoid toppling of the positioner assembly before dismounting HV tank.

1. Execute the Steps in "Power off".

2. Execute the steps Removal Procedure on page 71.
3. Execute the steps Removal Procedure on page 69.
4. Execute the steps "Removing of New Design Collimator".
5. Execute the steps Removal of Board Set on page 113.
6. Execute the steps 10.28 Replacing Monoblock Bracket on page 130.
7. Remove M8 nyloc nut using 13mm socket as shown in Figure 10-72 on page 125.
Table 10-1

Figure 10-72 Figure 10-73

8. Remove M8 plain washer, M8 delrin washer, Arm bush, Compression spring, Washer, Delrin washer
as shown in Figure 10-73 on page 125, Figure 10-74 on page 126, Figure 10-75 on page 126, Figure

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 125

Exclusive Service Manual 10.27 Replacing of Tank Assembly

10-76 on page 126, Figure 10-77 on page 126, Figure 10-78 on page 126 and Figure
10-79 on page 126.
Table 10-2

Replacement Procedure
Figure 10-74 Figure 10-75

Figure 10-76 Figure 10-77

Figure 10-78 Figure 10-79

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 126

Exclusive Service Manual 10.27 Replacing of Tank Assembly

9. Remove 2 nos M4 nuts and M4 washers of tank mounting bracket-RH using as shown in Figure
10-80 on page 127, Figure 10-81 on page 127, Figure 10-82 on page 127, and Figure
10-83 on page 127. 10
Table 10-3

Replacement Procedure
Figure 10-80 Figure 10-81

Figure 10-82 Figure 10-83

10. Remove 2 No's of M4×10 HSHC, 2 No's of M4 washers using 3mm allen bit as shown in Figure
10-84 on page 128 and Figure 10-85 on page 128.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 127

Exclusive Service Manual 10.27 Replacing of Tank Assembly

Table 10-4

Figure 10-84 Figure 10-85 10

Replacement Procedure
11. Repeat the same for tank mounting bracket-LH as shown in Figure 10-86 on page 128 and Figure
10-87 on page 128.
Table 10-5

Figure 10-86 Figure 10-87

Fixing of Tank Assembly

During HV tank replacement does not use old Tube head covers instead use new covers shipped
along with HV tank FRU.
1. Fix one side of Tank mounting bracket-1/Tank mounting bracket LH to the Tank assembly with 2
No's of M4×10 HSHC, 2 No's of M4 washers using 3mm torque bit and with a torque of 4.5 Nm. Once
torque is applied, draw a torque mark from screw head to screw fixing surface using marker pen.
2. Fix other side of Tank mounting bracket-1/Tank mounting bracket LH to the Tank assembly with 2
No's of M4 washers & 2 No's of M4 Nuts as shown in Figure 10-86 on page 128 and Figure
10-87 on page 128 using 7 mm socket by applying a torque of 2.5 Nm. Once torque is applied, draw
a torque mark from nut to nut fixing surface using marker pen.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 128

Exclusive Service Manual 10.27 Replacing of Tank Assembly

3. Repeat the above steps to fix Tank mounting bracket-2/Tank mounting bracket RH OEM1 to Tank
assembly as shown in Figure 10-80 on page 127, Figure 10-81 on page 127, Figure
10-82 on page 127, and Figure 10-83 on page 127. 10
4. Take 1 no each of Delrin washer, compression spring, tank bracket arm bush, washer, M8 nyloc nut,

Replacement Procedure
Friction pad, M8 plain washer as shown in Figure 10-88 on page 129.
Figure 10-88

5. Replace the PP sheets as shown in Figure 10-89 on page 129.

Figure 10-89

6. Execute the steps in Fixing the Board Set on page 124.

7. Execute the steps in Fixing of New Design Collimator.
8. Execute the steps in Fixing of Monoblock Bracket on page 130.
9. Execute the steps in Fixing Procedure on page 77.
10. Execute the steps in Fixing Procedure on page 69.
11. Execute the steps in Fixing of Monoblock Skin Guard on page 71.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 129

Exclusive Service Manual 10.28 Replacing Monoblock Bracket

12. Execute the steps in Initial Checks & Power ON.

13. Execute the steps in Giving Exposure.

Replacement Procedure
Perform the following Functional Tests:
• 7.5 Ground Impedance Test on page 60
• 7.8 Exposure Test on page 61
• 7.9 Congruency of Radiation and Optical Field Test on page 62
Complete the regulatory test as recommended by local agency.

10.28 Replacing Monoblock Bracket

Removal of Monoblock Bracket
1. Execute the steps in "Power OFF".
2. Remove two nos tank bracket cover from the monoblock bracket as shown in Figure
10-90 on page 130.
Figure 10-90

3. Remove two nos of M5x20 socket button head screw using 3 mm bit as shown in Figure
10-91 on page 130.
Figure 10-91

Fixing of Monoblock Bracket

1. Fix two nos of M5x20 socket button head screw using 3 mm torque bit by applying 3 Nm torque as
shown in Figure 10-90 on page 130.
2. Fix two nos tank bracket cover to the monoblock bracket as shown in Figure 10-91 on page 130.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 130

Exclusive Service Manual 10.29 Replacing Filter Box Plate

Perform the follwing Functional Test: 10
• Swivel Arm Position Check (7.3 Swivel Arm Position Checks on page 59)

Replacement Procedure
10.29 Replacing Filter Box Plate
Removal of Filter box plate
1. Execute the steps in "Power off".
2. Remove the top cover of Filter unit by removing 3 No's of M3×6 HSHC screw along with M3 plain
washer as shown in Figure 10-92 on page 131.
Figure 10-92

3. Remove the input panel from the filter unit by removing 2 nos of M4x8 socket button cap head
screw fully threaded as shown in Figure 10-93 on page 132.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 131

Exclusive Service Manual 10.29 Replacing Filter Box Plate

Figure 10-93


Replacement Procedure
4. Remove the receptacle from J1 connector as shown in Figure 10-94 on page 132.
Figure 10-94

5. Remove the filter box plate assembly from EMI filter box.
6. Remove the yellow / green wire from the center hole by removing M4x6 HSHC screw using 3 mm
allen key as shown in Figure 10-95 on page 133.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 132

Exclusive Service Manual 10.30 Replacing of Mechanical Wedge

Figure 10-95


Replacement Procedure
Fixing of Filter Plate Box
1. Fix the 2 way receptacle to J1 connector as shown in Figure 10-94 on page 132.
2. Fix the lug of yellow/green wire to the center hole which is along the side of the Filter box with M4×6
HSHC using 3mm Allen key as shown in Figure 10-95 on page 133.
3. Insert the input panel to the filter box and fix it with 2 No's of M4×8 Socket Button Cap head Screw.
4. Fully threaded using 2.5 mm torque bit by applying 1.5 Nm torque.
5. Fix the Top cover to Filter unit using 3 No's of M3×8 HSHC screw along with M3 plain washer using
2.5 mm torque bit by applying 1 Nm torque as shown in Figure 10-93 on page 132.
6. Execute the steps in Initial Checks & Power ON.
7. Execute the steps in Giving Exposure.

10.30 Replacing of Mechanical Wedge

Removal Procedure for Wedge
1. Engage the brake by pressing the brake pedal.
2. Move the swivel arm down and put it on the lock as shown in Figure 10-96 on page 134.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 133

Exclusive Service Manual 10.30 Replacing of Mechanical Wedge

Figure 10-96


Replacement Procedure
3. Remove the fastener in top cover with a 3mm Allen key as shown in Figure 10-97 on page 134.
Figure 10-97

4. Dismount the top cover separately as shown Figure 10-98 on page 135.

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 134

Exclusive Service Manual 10.30 Replacing of Mechanical Wedge

Figure 10-98


Replacement Procedure
5. Remove the wedge with 21mm spanner by rotating anticlockwise as shown in Figure
10-99 on page 135.
Figure 10-99

Fixing of Wedge Lock

1. Install the new wedge and tighten it with 20 mm spanner by turning clockwise.
2. Put back the top cover and tighten the screws with 3 mm Allen key as shown in Figure
10-97 on page 134.
3. Move the swivel arm up and down 10 times to check the functionality of the wedge lock.
Perform the following Functional Test:
• Swivel Arm Position Check (7.3 Swivel Arm Position Checks on page 59)

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 135

Appendix A
A.1 Appendix A
kV, mA and exposure time chart
Table A-1

SL No kV mAs Exp-Time(mSec) mA
1 40 0.1 10 10
2 40 0.5 10 50
3 40 1 10 100
4 40 1.5 15 100
5 40 2 20 100
6 40 2.5 25 100
7 40 3 30 100
8 40 3.5 35 100
9 40 4 40 100
10 40 5 50 100
11 40 6.5 65 100
12 40 8 80 100
13 40 10 100 100
14 40 12.5 156.25 80
15 40 16 228.5 70
16 40 20 320 62.5
17 40 25 435 57.5
18 40 32 581.8 55
19 40 40 800 50
20 40 50 1000 50
21 40 63 1260 50
22 40 80 1600 50
23 40 100 2000 50
24 40 125 2631 47.5
25 40 160 3368 47.5
26 40 200 4210 47.5
27 40 250 5263 47.5
28 50 0.1 10 10
29 50 0.5 10 50

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 136

Exclusive Service Manual A.1 Appendix A

Table A-1 (Table continued)

SL No kV mAs Exp-Time(mSec) mA
30 50 1 12.5 80
31 50 1.5 19.23 80
32 50 2 25 80
33 50 2.5 32 80
34 50 3 37.5 80
35 50 3.5 44.8 80
36 50 4 50 80
37 50 5 62.5 80
38 50 6.5 83.33 80
39 50 8 100 80
40 50 10 142.86 70
41 50 12.5 223.2 56
42 50 16 320 50
43 50 20 400 50
44 50 25 568.2 44
45 50 32 761.9 42
46 50 40 1000 40
47 50 50 1250 40
48 50 63 1575 40
49 50 80 2000 40
50 50 100 2500 40
51 50 125 3289.5 38
52 50 160 4210 38
53 50 200 5263 38
54 60 0.1 10 10
55 60 0.5 10 50
56 60 1 15 66.7
57 60 1.5 22.5 66.7
58 60 2 30 66.7
59 60 2.5 38.46 66.7
60 60 3 45 66.7
61 60 3.5 53.84 66.7
62 60 4 60.01 66.7
63 60 5 75.01 66.7
64 60 6.5 100 65
65 60 8 137.15 58.3

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 137

Exclusive Service Manual A.1 Appendix A

Table A-1 (Table continued)

SL No kV mAs Exp-Time(mSec) mA
66 60 10 200 50
67 60 12.5 288.5 43.3
68 60 16 400 40
69 60 20 545.5 36.7
70 60 25 681.8 36.7
71 60 32 914.3 35
72 60 40 1201.2 33.3
73 60 50 1501.5 33.3
74 60 63 1890 33.3
75 60 80 2526 31.7
76 60 100 3003 31.7
77 60 125 3157.9 31.7
78 60 160 5052 31.7
79 70 0.1 10 10
80 70 0.5 10 50
81 70 1 17.5 57.1
82 70 1.5 26.2 57.1
83 70 2 35 57.1
84 70 2.5 43.75 57.1
85 70 3 52.5 57.1
86 70 3.5 61.25 57.1
87 70 4 70 57.1
88 70 6.5 133.82 48.6
89 70 8 186.7 42.9
90 70 10 269.23 37.1
91 70 12.5 364.58 34.3
92 70 16 486.95 32.9
93 70 20 636.36 31.4
94 70 25 833.33 30
95 70 32 1120 28.8
96 70 40 1400 28.6
97 70 50 1750 28.6
98 70 63 2321 27.1
99 70 80 2947.4 27.1
100 70 100 3684.2 27.1
101 70 125 4605 27.1

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 138

Exclusive Service Manual A.1 Appendix A

Table A-1 (Table continued)

SL No kV mAs Exp-Time(mSec) mA
102 80 0.1 10 10
103 80 0.5 10 50
104 80 1 20 50
105 80 1.5 30 50
106 80 2 40 50
107 80 2.5 50 50
108 80 3 60 50
109 80 3.5 70 50
110 80 4 80 50
111 80 4.5 90 50
112 80 5 100 50
113 80 6.5 167.74 38.8
114 80 8 228.57 35
115 80 10 320 31.3
116 80 12.5 434.8 28.8
117 80 16 581.8 27.5
118 80 20 762 26.3
119 80 25 952.4 26.3
120 80 32 1280 25
121 80 40 1600 25
122 80 50 2000 25
123 80 63 2652.6 23.8
124 80 80 3368.4 23.8
125 80 100 4210.5 23.8
126 80 125 5263.2 23.8
127 90 0.1 10 10
128 90 0.5 11.25 44.4
129 90 1 22.5 44.4
130 90 1.5 34.61 44.4
131 90 2 45 44.4
132 90 2.5 57.69 44.4
133 90 3 69.23 44.4
134 90 3.5 80.76 44.4
135 90 4 92.3 44.4
136 90 5 132.35 37.8
137 90 6.5 201.72 32.2

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 139

Exclusive Service Manual A.1 Appendix A

Table A-1 (Table continued)

SL No kV mAs Exp-Time(mSec) mA
138 90 8 276.92 28.9
139 90 10 375 26.7
140 90 12.5 489.13 25.6
141 90 16 654.54 24.4
142 90 20 857.14 23.3
143 90 25 1125 22.2
144 90 32 1440 22.2
145 90 40 1800 22.2
146 90 50 2368.4 21.1
147 90 63 2984.2 21.1
148 90 80 3789.5 21.1
149 90 100 4736.8 21.1
150 100 0.1 10 10
151 100 0.5 12.5 40
152 100 1 25 40
153 100 1.5 37.5 40
154 100 2 50 40
155 100 2.5 62.5 40
156 100 3 75 40
157 100 3.5 87.5 40
158 100 4 100 40
159 100 5 156.25 32
160 100 6.5 240.74 27
161 100 8 320 25
162 100 10 434.8 23
163 100 12.5 568.2 22
164 100 16 761.9 21
165 100 20 952.38 21
166 100 25 1250 20
167 100 32 1600 20
168 100 40 2000 20
169 100 50 2631.6 19
170 100 63 3315.8 19
171 100 80 4210.5 19
172 100 100 5263.2 19

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 140

Exclusive Service Manual A.1 Appendix A

Above details are at input voltage 230V AC.
Max exposure time changes based on the input voltage
Exposure Timing is per IEC60601_2_54 cl203. Accuracy of LOADING TIME A
Exposure Current is per IEC60601_2_54 cl203. Accuracy of X-RAY TUBE CURRENT

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 141

Appendix B
B.1 Appendix B
Below table explains the language applicable countries.
Language Applicable Country
English Thailand, Republic of South Africa (CE), Malaysia, Nigeria,
Cambodia, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, India, Sri Lanka,
Philippines, Brunei, Laos, Vietnam, Kuwait, Qatar, Pakistan,
Sudan, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Nigeria, Ghana, Egypt,
Libya, and Ethopia
Spanish-Latin (ES-LA) Chile, Peru, Bolivia, and Argentina
French-France (FR) Morocco, Algeria, Ivory Coast, and Tunisia
Turkish (TR) Turkey
Indonesia Indonesia
Brazilian-Portuguese (PT-BR) Brazil and Angola
Vietnamese Vietnam

5694013-1EN Revision 4.0 Brivo XR115 Mobile X-Ray System 142


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