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Chapter 1


Background of the Study

(focus on Challenges and coping)

In the Philippines, education is believed to be an engine of social

reform, a key for the development of our economy, and country’s bid for

an industrialized economy in the twenty-first century (Valenzuela, 2015).

The Department of Education continues its goal of implementing

the RA 10533 known as the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 in

creating a functional basic system that will produce productive and

responsible citizens equipped with the essential learning and

employment (Tan, 2014).

With schools everywhere, teachers become in demand. Now that

our country adopts the K to 12 Program, many college students take up

Education courses.

In the school year 2016-2017, one in every five students in college

is taking-up teacher education (CHED, 2017). This is the second most

subscribed program in the country.

Being assigned in a far-flung school is not easy as it is. One needs

a very long and elastic patience to survive in that place. A big struggle in

the part of the newly- hired teachers is when they are assigned in that

place. Teachers must cope up those challenges by establishing

relationship an important value that teachers should consider.


In this study, the researcher will conduct to seek the challenges

and coping mechanisms of the newly-hired teachers in relation to their

performance in 10 Districts under the Schools Division of Himamaylan

City both Elementary and Secondary. The researcher foresees the

importance of the study since the reseacrher had also been served for

almost four (4) years in the far-flung school and faced series of problems

and challenges not only the distance of the school to the houses, but also

the natural calamities encountered considering that there is limited

means of transportation to be in the assigned area and this study will

help on the plans to be implemented with regards to the situation of the

teachers assigned in the far-flung schools.


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the extent of challenges encountered

and level of coping of newly-hired teachers in far-flung schools in relation

to their performance at Schools Division of Himamaylan for the School

Year 2020-2021.

Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of the following


a. Age

b. Sex

c. Civil Status

d. Length of Service

2. What is the extent of challenges encountered of the newly-hired

teachers assigned in the far-flung schools according to the

following areas?

a. Mode of Transportation

b. Physical Facilities

c. Water and Food Supplies

d. Learning Environment/Resources

3. What is the extent of challenges encountered of the newly-hired

teachers assigned in the far-flung schools when they are grouped

and compared according to the aforementioned variables?

4. What is the level of coping mechanisms of the newly hired teachers

assigned in the far-flung schools according to the aforementioned


5. What is the level of coping mechanisms of the newly hired teachers

assigned in the far-flung schools when they are grouped and

compared according to the aforementioned variables?

6. What is the level of performance of the newly-hired teachers

assigned in the far-flung schools when they are grouped according

to the aforementioned variables?

7. Is there a significant difference in the extent of challenges

encountered of the newly-hired teachers in the far-flung schools


when they are grouped and compared according to the

aforementioned variables?

8. Is there a significant difference in the level of coping mechanisms

of the newly-hired teachers in the far-flung schools when they are

grouped and compared according to the aforementioned variables?

9. Is there a significant difference in the level of performance of the

newly-hired teachers assigned in far-flung schools when they are

grouped and compared according to the aforementioned variables?

10. Is there a significant relationship between the extent of

challenges encountered of the newly-hired teachers assigned in the

far-flung schools and the level of performance?

11. Is there a significant relationship between the coping

mechanisms of the newly-hired teachers assigned in the far-flung

schools and the level of performance?

12. Significant relationship between challenges and coping….


In order to answer these specific objectives, the following

hypotheses are formulated.

1. There is no significant difference in the extent of challenges

encountered of the newly-hired teachers in the far-flung schools when

they are grouped and compared according to the aforementioned


2. There is no significant difference in the level of coping

mechanisms of the newly-hired teachers in the far-flung schools when

they are grouped and compared according to the aforementioned


3. There is no significant difference in the level of performance of

newly-hired teachers assigned in far-flung schools when they are

grouped and compared according to the aforementioned variables.

4. There is no significant relationship between the extent of

challenges encountered of the newly-hired teachers assigned in the far-

flung schools and the level of performance.

5. There is no significant relationship between the level of coping

mechanisms of the newly-hired teachers assigned in the far-flung

schools and the level of performance.

Assumptions (add 1 relationship)

The following assumptions are formulated to further give directions

to the study:

1. The challenges encountered of the newly-hired teachers in the

far-flung schools varies to a certain extent.

2. The level of coping mechanisms of the newly-hired teachers in

the far-flung schools varies to a certain level.

3. The level of performance of newly-hired teachers assigned in

far-flung schools varies to a certain level.


4. The extent of challenges encountered of the newly-hired

teachers in the far-flung may influence performance.

5. Tlevel of coping mechanisms of the newly-hired teachers in the

far-flung schools may influence performance.

Study Variables, Indicators and Categories

Variables Indicators Categories

The length of time during Younger
which a person lives.
The marital status of the Married
Civil Status
Biological characteristics of a Male
Sex Female
The number of years in Shorter
Length of Service Longer
service of the respondent.

Theoretical Framework ( find theory about coping and performance)

This study is underpinned in the theory of Herzberg’s two-factory

theory, Bandura’s Social Learning Theory and Kolb‘s Experiential

Learning Style theory.

Herzberg’s two-factor theory (Herzberg, 1959 in Vroom, 1966) and

the premise that certain challenges and factors in the workplace can

cause job satisfaction while others cause dissatisfaction. Herzberg

discussed the factors into motivating and hygiene factors. The motivating

factors are strong contributors of job satisfaction and include things like

challenging work, recognition and responsibility (Nairuba, 2011;

Bhatnagar, 2014; Atieno and Orwa (2015). However, the hygiene factors

are not strong contributors of job satisfaction but must be present to

meet employee expectations and prevent job dissatisfaction.

This study will also be anchored to Social Learning Theory which

has been developed by Albert Bandura (1997) who agrees with the

behaviorist learning theories classical conditioning and operant

conditioning. This research study gauged to this theory of learning since

teachers are social beings affected by the conditions that they are


Kolb‘s Experiential Learning Style theory (1984) states the four

stages of experience such as; concrete experience, reflective observation,

abstract conceptualization and, active experimentation. As such the

theory of experience of Kolb paved the way for the realizations of the

teachers in reflecting such remarkable experiences that lead them to

develop more ideas necessary in facing such challenges and difficulties in


Observation through living in a culture that is different from your

own can be both an exciting and a challenging process. People go

through various phases of adjustment when they move from one culture

to another. They often experience culture shock because adapting to a

new set of cultural expectations and social norms while staying true to

your own sense of self is never easy (Allyn, 2013).


These three major idea in the theoretical framework mostly

underpinned the teachers’ performance in the far-flung schools that

maybe is affected by the challenges thy encountered in their day-to -day

experiences as social beings.

Conceptual Framework

Conceptually, this study involves the profile of the teachers

assigned in the far-flung schools, the challenges they encountered, the

coping mechanisms adapted as newly hired teachers and their

performance as indicators as variables of interest.

As new teachers undergo certain challenges in their life being

assigned in the far- flung area, some of them think how unlucky they

are. But for others, certain changes is an opportunity, so they considered

theirself lucky. Our experience of life usually has more to do with what

we focus our attention on than it does with events. One bad thing might

happen, but 20 good things are all around us. If we only see the bad

thing, then life will be bad (Davenport, 2016).

Teachers must cope up those challenges by establishing

relationshipan an important value that teachers should consider. He or

she must develop connection to his or her environment, above all,

connection to his or her students. In dealing with students, “patience is a


It is the most important quality that a teacher should have

because a great teacher is very patient with their students and their

parents to deal with every situations.  Teachers never give up on their

students and would try out new ways to help their students succeed in

school (Voki Blog, 2014).

The independent variable in this study is extent of challenges

encountered and level of coping mechanisms adapted by the newly hired

teachers in the far-flung schools. The extent of challenges and level of

coping mechanisms will be measured using the 5-Likert Scale: Very

Great Extent (5), Great Extent (4), Moderate Extent (3), Low Extent (2)

and Very Low Extent. Areas for challenges encountered and coping

mechanisms are, Mode of Transportation, Physical Facilities/Water and

Food Supplies and Teaching Environment/Resources.

On the other hand, the dependent variable is the teachers’

performance based on the rating stated in the Deped Order No. 2, s.

2015 to be measured as: Oustanding- 4.500-5.000, Very Satisfactory -

3.500- 4.499, Satisfactory - 2.500-3.499, Unsatisfactory- 2.500- 1.499,

Poor- below 1.499

Significant differences in the extent of challenges and level of

coping mechanisms of newly-hired teachers assigned in far-flung schools

to the aforementioned areas will be, likewise, measured when

respondents are grouped and compared in terms of the variables age,

civil status, highest educational attainment and length of service.


Likewise, the significant relationship between extent of challenges

and level of coping mechanisms of newly-hired teachers assigned in far-

flung schools will be determined.

The findings of the study will serve as the basis in formulating an

action plan for more effective and efficient implementation of the program

under the Department of Education.


Independent Variables Dependent Variable

Extent of Challenges
Mode of Transportation
Physical Facilities/Water
and Food Supplies
Level of Teachers’
Very Great Extent
Great Extent
Moderate Extent Outstanding
Low Extent (4.50 – 5.00)
Very Low Extent
Very Satisfactory
(3.40 – 4.49)
Level of Coping
Mechanisms (2.50 – 3.49)

Mode of Transportation (1.50 – 2.49)
Physical Facilities/Water
and Food Supplies Poor
Teaching (Below 1.49)

Very High Level

High Level
Moderate Level
Low Level
Very Low Level

Figure 1
A Schematic Diagram illustrating the hypothesized relationship
between the Extent of Challenges Encountered and Level of
Coping Mechanisms in relation to the Teachers’ Performance

Scope of the Study

Descriptive design is used to determine the extent of challenges

encountered and level of coping mechanisms of Newly-hired teachers in

far-flung schools in relation to their performance at Schools Division of

Himamaylan for the School Year 2020-2021 where a total of 70 Teachers

will answer a research made survey instrument and the data gathered

will be subjected to SPSS with frequency count, percentage, mean,

Mann-Whitney U test and Spearman Rho as statistical tools and

descriptive, comparative and relational will be used as analytical


Significance of the Study

The findings of this study is appropriate and significant,

considering that this will be very beneficial to the following:

Schools Division Superintendent. This study may be of great

help for the Superintendent to address and cater the concerns of the

newly hired teachers assigned in the far-flung schools in order to develop

the performance of newly-hired teachers when they are in the field.

Chief CID. The result of the study may serve as baseline

information to the Chief of the CID on the curriculum implementation

and as to what induction programs or trainings and workshops would be

beneficial for newly-hired teachers who might be assigned to far-flung

schools to effectively perform their duties and responsibilities as they

start working in their line of work.


Chief SGOD. This study may be beneficial to the SGOD so that

they can implement programs that eventually provide workshops and

preparatory exercises to newly-hired teachers as they engage themselves

in the world of education.

School Heads. This study may be of great help for the school

administrators to initiate an orientation about the schools’ overview to

inform newly-hired teachers of the background of the school which will

eventually give them a clear picture of what to expect in the school that

they will be assigned.

Newly-Hired Teachers. This study may be beneficial to newly

hired teachers in such a way that the results will orient them with the

various meaningful experiences that a teacher might have in the far-

flung schools which will ultimately offer them the chance to prepare

themselves if they will be assigned in such related school environment.

Students. The result of this study will give realization to students

that they need to study hard since teachers are ready to teach and

willing to share their knowlegde even they encounter hardships and

challeneges in the areas or places they are assigned.

Parents. This study may help the parents to build up a good

relationship to the teachers, support the activities and programs of the

school and to maintain the security and safety of the teachers.

Stakeholders. The results of this study could give them an idea of

what the newly-hired teachers in the far-flung area experienced. Through


this, they could design programs or support system that can help

improve the situation of the teachers.

Present Researcher. This study will deepen the researcher’s

understanding and knowledge toward the various innovative program

and support based on the teachers’ challenges in the far-flung areas.

Future Researchers. This study may greatly help, first the

researcher, in all aspects of his teaching career since the experiences

gathered are all authentic and illustrate clear picture of the real situation

of teachers in the far-flung schools where he can relate himslef and

become doublyenthused in his teaching career. Secondly, future

researchers could usethe results of this study and use other variables if

they wish to pursue similar of related study.

Definition of Terms

For better understanding of the terms used in this study, the

terminologies used are conceptually and operationally defined to give

more emphasis and clarity:

Age. Conceptually, this term refers to the number of years a

person has lived (Kowalczyk, 2015).

Operationally, this term refers to the length of time that the

respondents have existed which are categorized as younger and older.

Challenges Encountered. A task or goal requiring much effort to

accomplish or achieve; to try hard to do something that you find very

difficult (, 2016).


In this study, challenges refers to the struggles experience by the

newly-hired teachers in the far-flung area.

Civil Status. Conceptually, the word refers to the person’s legal

status in the society, specifically regarding marital status whether single,

married, divorced, or widowed (Nadler, 2015).

Operationally, this refers to the marital status of the teachers as

respondents of the study classified as single or married.

Coping Mechanisms. An adaptation to environmental stress that

is based on conscious or unconscious choice and that enhances control

over behavior or gives psychological comfort (, 2016).

In this study, coping mechanisms refers to what the person does

to deal with or handle a difficult situation.

Far Flung Schools. These are the schools located in island and

mountain areas (Luistro 2014, Deped).

In this study, it refers to the schools that are located in the remote

areas in 10 Districts in the Schools Division of Himamaylan City.

In this study, it is used to describe the first-hand accounts,

challenges and impressions of living as newly hired teachers in the far

flung schools.

Length of Service. Conceptually, the term refers to the span of

employment, which is measured to determine eligibility, vesting, and

benefits levels for employee participants in tax-qualified pension plans

(Copeland, 2017).

In this study, this term is used as the respondent’s duration of

service in the government as teacher classified as shorter and longer.

Mode of Transportation. Means by which passengers and freight

achieve mobility. They are mobile transport assets and fall into three

basic types; lands (road, rail, and pipelines), water (shipping) and air

(Rodrigue, 2020).

In this study, this refer to the transportation used or utilized by

the newly hired teachers while going to the assigned school or area.

Newly Hired Teachers. A beginning teacher is any teacher who

has been teaching less than 3 complete school years (US Lgeal, 2010).

In this study, it refers to the teachers who have rendered at least 1

to 5 complete school years in the far flung schools in 10 Disctricts in the

Schools Division of Himamaylan City.

Performance. Influenced by the environment, the objectoves to be

achieved and the relevant and recognizables features. (Folan 2011).

In this study, it refers to the effeciency and effectiveness of

teachers as they are assigned in the far flung areas where they assigned.

Physical Facilities/Water and Food Supplies. Physical facilities

in any school system range from the school plant, that is the school

buildings, classroom, library, laboratories, toilet facilities, learning

materials to other infrastructures that would likely motivate students

towards learning (Akomolafe,, 2016).


Operationally, this term refers to the school facilities available in

school like water and food supplies which is used by the newly hired

teachers in their day-to-day living in the far-flung school.

Sex. Sex refers to the biological characteristics that define humans

as female or male (WHO, 2006)

Operationally, this term refers sexuality of newly hired teachers

assigned in far flung schools either males and females.

Learning Environment/Resources. Refers to the diverse physical

locations, contexts, and cultures in which students learn.(William,


Learning resources are texts, videos, software, and other materials

that teachers use to assist students to meet the expectations for learning

defined by provincial or local curricula (Smith, 2016).

  In this study, Learning Environment/ Resources refers to the

place where teaching and learning takes place and resources present in

far flung schools.

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