Chapter 3-Suggestions

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Chapter 3


This chapter presents the research design, locale of the study,

respondents of the study, data gathering instrument, validity and

reliability of the research instrument, data gathering procedure,

analytical schemes, and statistical tools.

Research Design

The design that will be used in this study is descriptive-

correlational which is appropriate in determining the teachers’

performance as influenced by the challenges encountered and the coping

mechanisms they were adapting. Descriptive correlational design aims to

describe the relationship between the selected demographic profile of the

respondents and the extent of challenges and level of coping mechanisms

of newly hired teachers assigned in far-flung schools.

Descriptive research (Creswell, 2017) is fact-finding with adequate

interpretation. Beyond simply data gathering, it involves analyzing,

classifying and tabulating data about prevailing conditions, practices,

beliefs, cause and effect relationships and then making appropriate

interpretation about such data.

It is the nature of this study to assess the condition of things in

their current state. In the same way, it delves into the relationship

among variables that are considered in the study as well as the influence

of one variable to another. It is within this context that the researcher

considered it most suitable to use the descriptive research design.

Locale of the Study

This study will be conducted far-flung schools in 10 Districts in

the Schools Division of Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental.

It is comprised of 38 elementary schools, 11 Secondary High

Schools and 6 Integrated Schools. The schools are situated in the

mountanious areas of the said City and Division where transportation,

teaching environement and physical facilities are the major problems

encountered by the newly-hired teachers.

The Schools Division of Himamaylan City was signed last June

2018 through the effort of the Local Government Unit and Deped

personnel in order to be seperated under the Division of Negros

Occidental. At present it was located at the Old City hall of The

Himamaylan City in front of the Himamaylan Public Plaza. There were

about 1, 200 Teachers both elementary and secondary schools in the

Division. One of the recent achievements of the Division last school year

2019-2020 when 4 elementary schools converted in to integrated shools

to cater learners specially those living in far-flung areas.

Although it was a newly built Division, it was awarded as Best in

Water Innovation in the year 2019 and Regional SBM Wins top 5.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study will be the 70 newly-hired teachers

assigned in far-flung areas in 10 Disctrict in the Schools Division of

Himamaylan City.

Total enumeration of the newly-hired teachers as described in the

definition of terms are those teaching 3 years and below with permanent

plantilla and appointment. No sampling technique will be utilized.

Table 1

Distribution of Respondents

Population Percentage
(N) (%)
A 4 5.71
B 4 5.71
C 5 7.14
D 6 8.57
E 5 7.14
F 7 10.00
G 5 7.14
H 6 8.57
I 3 4.30
J 7 10.00
K 6 8.57
L 3 4.30
M 4 5.71
N 5 7.14
Total 70 100.00

Data Gathering Instrument

A self-made questionnaire will be instituted to gather the data

needed in this undertaking. This instrument will be subjected to the jury


for validation. A standardized instrument on teachers’ performance will

be used to gather the data needed. Likert Scale of 1-5 will be used to

determine the extent of challenges and the level of coping mechanisms.

The instrument is divided into two (2) parts:

Part I is the profile of the respondents which will elicit data on the

respondents’ age, civil status, highest educational attainment, and length

of service.

Part II which will elicit the data on the challenges they encountered

and coping mechsnisms. There will be 3 (three) areas that contains (10)

items each or a total of thirty (30) items for the challenges encountered

and thirty (30) items for coping mechanisms. Each Item is rated on the

scale of 1-5, with 5 interpreted as Always, 4 as Often, 3 Sometimes, 2 as

Rarely, and 1 as Almost Never.

Part III is the survey on the teachers’ performance based on the

rating stated in the Deped Order No. 2, s. 2015 to be measured as:

Oustanding- 4.500-5.000, Very Satisfactory - 3.500- 4.499, Satisfactory

- 2.500-3.499, Unsatisfactory- 2.500- 1.499, Poor- below 1.499.


The research instrument for challenges and coping mechanims

adapted with demographic profile will be subjected to validity by three

experts using the criteria of Good and Scates (1954). Cristobal (2015)

defines validity as the ability of an instrument to measure what it

purports to measure.

These jurors will be chosen based on their educational

qualifications, position in their organizations, and their expertise or

specialization in the field related to the research problem at hand.

The first validator is a Principal I of in the District of Cauayan II of

the Division of Negros Occidental. He graduated his Doctor of Philosophy

major in Educational Management at University of St. La Salle, Bacolod

City. A part time instructor of the project free in the said university,

panel of a defense and an ethusiast of research. Second validator is a Ph

D major in Educational Managament at University of St. La Salle,

Bacolod City. Awarded as Best Thesis in his Master’s Degree at the same

university. An expert of research and participants of BERF in the

Division of Himamaylan City. Third validator is a Ph D in Educational

Management, presently a Faculty in the College of Education, Arts and

Sciences, and an expert in Guidance and Psychology. Fourth validator is

Ph D in Educational Management, a District Supervisor in the Division of

Bacolod City and an expert in Research. The 5th validator is a Ph D in

Educational Management, a faculty member of the College of Education,

Arts and Sciences, and an expert in Research.

Likewise, suggestions from the thesis adviser and the panel

members will also be considered for the modification of the test


To determine the validity of the research instrument, the

researcher adapted the criteria developed for the evaluation of survey


questionnaires set forth by Carter V. Good and Douglas E. Scates. The

interpretations were as follows: Excellent (4.04 – 5.00); Very Good (3.28 -

4.03); Good (2.52 – 3.27); Poor (2.51 – 1.76); Very Poor (1.00 – 1.75).


Reliability refers to the consistency, accuracy, stability,

dependency, and predictability of the research instrument. A reliable

measuring devices is one which, if used for the second time, will yield the

same result as it did for the first time (Creswell, 2017).

Since the research instrument is a self-made, the reliability will be

established. To establish the reliability of the research instrument, the

Cronbach Alpha will be used. The Cronbach Alpha is used whenever the

researcher has items that are not scored simply as right or wrong

(Santos, 2016). Cronbach Alpha is a measure of internal consistency,

that is, how closely related a set of items are as a group.  It is considered

to be a measure of scale reliability. A "high" value for alpha does not

imply that the measure is unidimensional. Reliability coefficient of 0.70

to 1 is considered “acceptable” in most research situations. (

Data Gathering Procedure

Before conducting the study, the researcher will make sure that all

the suggestions and recommendations of the panel members during the

pre-oral will be complied. The researcher will be conducted the validation

and reliability testing of the test questions.


The researcher will seek permission from the School

Heads/Principals of the public elementary and secondary schools in the

10 District in the schools Division of Himamaylan City, as well as the

Schools Division Superintendent (SDS) through the Public Schools

District Supervisor (PSDS) to undertake the study.

Upon approval, the researcher will schedule the administration of

the questionnaire in order to avoid inconvenience and unpreparedness

on the part of the respondents. Since pandemic is still existing, the

researcher will create a link so that participants will automatically send

their answer via google sheet. The test scores and other data will then be

retrieved, tallied, tabulated and interpreted.

Analytical Schemes

This study will employ three analytical schemes based on the

research objectives which are descriptive, comparative and relational.

For Objective No. 1, the descriptive analytical scheme will be

used to determine the profile of the Newly-Hired Teachers assigned in

the far-flung schools in terms of the following variables: Age, Sex, Civil

Status, and Length of Service.

For Objective No. 2, the descriptive analytical scheme will also

be used to determine the extent of challenges encountered of the

newly-hired teachers assigned in the far-flung schools according to

the areas: Mode of Transportation, Physical Facilities/Water and Food

Supplies and Teaching Environment/Resources


For Objective No. 3, the descriptive analytical scheme will

likewise be used to determine the extent of challenges encountered of

the newly-hired teachers assigned in the far-flung schools when they

are grouped and compared according to the aforementioned variables.

For Objective 4, the descriptive analytical scheme will be utilized to

determine the level of coping mechanisms of the newly hired teachers

assigned in the far-flung schools according to the aforementioned areas?

For Objective 5, descriptive analytical scheme will be utilized to

determine the level of coping mechanisms of the newly hired teachers

assigned in the far-flung schools when they are grouped and compared

according to the aforementioned variables.

For Objective 6, descriptive analytical scheme will be utilized to

determine the level of performance of the newly-hired teachers assigned

in the far-flung schools when they are grouped according to the

aforementioned variables.

For Objective 7, the comparative analytical scheme will be utilized

to determine on whether or not significant differences in the extent of

challenges encountered of the newly-hired teachers in the far-flung

schools when they are grouped and compared according to the

aforementioned variables.

For Objective 8, the comparative analytical scheme will also be

used to determine level of coping mechanisms of the newly-hired


teachers in the far-flung schools when they are grouped and compared

according to the aforementioned variables.

For Objective 9, the comparative analytical scheme will also be

used to determine level of performance of the newly-hired teachers

assigned in far-flung schools when they are grouped and compared

according to the aforementioned variables.

For Objective 10, the relational analytical scheme will be used to

determine on whether or not significant relationship exists between the

extent of challenges encountered of the newly-hired teachers assigned in

the far-flung schools and the level of performance.

For Objective 11, the relational analytical scheme will be used to

determine on whether or not significant relationship exists between the

coping mechanisms of the newly-hired teachers assigned in the far-flung

schools and the level of performance.

Statistical Tools

The data are to be analyzed in relation to the research objectives

presented in Chapter 1.

For Objective No. 1 will use the frequency and percentage

distribution to determine the profile of the Newly-Hired Teachers

assigned in the far-flung schools in terms of the following variables: Age,

Sex, Civil Status, and Length of Service.

The frequency of a particular observation is the number of times

the observation occurs in the data. The distribution of a variable is the


pattern of frequencies of the observation. Frequency distributions are

portrayed as frequency tables, histograms, or polygons. Frequency

distributions can show either the actual number of observations falling

in each range or the percentage of observations. Percent distribution is a

measure of how a metric (such as total revenue) is distributed among the

component parts that make up the total (Manikandan, 2014).

For Objective No. 2 will use the mean to determine the extent of

challenges encountered of the newly-hired teachers assigned in the

far-flung schools according to the areas: Mode of Transportation.

Physical Facilities/Water and Food Supplies and Teaching


According to Bruce & Bruce (2017), the most basic estimate of

location is mean, or average value. The mean is the sum of all the values

divided by a number of values. Mean, also known as arithmetic average,

is defined as the value of which we get by dividing the total of the values

of various given items in a series by the total number of items.

The following were the description of the results:

Mean Score Range Verbal Interpretations

4.50 – 5.00 Very Great Extent

3.50 – 4.49 Great Extent

2.50 – 3.49 Moderate Extent

1.50 – 2.49 Low Extent

1.00 – 1.49 Very Low Extent


For Objective No. 3 will also use the mean to determine the extent

of challenges encountered of the newly-hired teachers assigned in the

far-flung schools when they are grouped and compared according to the

aforementioned variables.

For Objective No. 4 will utilize the mean to determine the level of

coping mechanisms of the newly-hired teachers assigned in the far-flung

schools according to the aforementioned areas.

The following were the description of the results:

Mean Score Range Verbal Interpretations

4.50 – 5.00 Very High Level

3.50 – 4.49 High Level

2.50 – 3.49 Moderate Level

1.50 – 2.49 Low Level

1.00 – 1.49 Very Low Level

For Objective No. 5 will also utilize the mean to determine the level

of coping mechanisms of the newly-hired teachers assigned in the far-

flung schools when they are grouped and compared according to the

aforementioned variables.

For Objective No. 6 will also utilize the mean to determine the level

of performance of the newly-hired teachers assigned in the far-flung

schools when they are grouped according to the aforementioned


Mean Score Range Verbal Interpretations


Outstanding 4.50 – 5.00

Very Satisfactory 3.40 – 4.49

Satisfactory 2.50 – 3.49

Unsatisfactory 1.50 – 2.49

Poor Below 1.49

For Objective No. 7 will employ the Mann-Whitney U test to

determine on whether or not significant differences in the extent of

challenges encountered of the newly-hired teachers in the far-flung

schools when they are grouped and compared according to the

aforementioned variables.

Mann-Whitney U test is used to determine whether two

independent samples have been drawn from the same population

(Panneerselvam, 2015). Mann-Whitney U test is a non-parametric

alternative to the t-test for the difference between the two independent

means (Johnson and Cubby, 2014). It is the test that is use to compare

two population means that are not equal or equal. It is also used for

equal sample size, and to test the median of two population. If the p-

value is less than or equal to 0.05 level of significance, then reject the

null hypothesis. Accept the null hypothesis, if the p-value is greater than

0.05 level of significance.


For Objective No. 8 will employ the Mann-Whitney U test to

determine on whether or not significant differences in the level of coping

mechanisms of the newly-hired teachers in the far-flung schools when

they are grouped and compared according to the aforementioned


For Objective No. 9 will employ the Mann-Whitney U test to

determine on whether or not significant differences in the level of

performance of the newly-hired teachers assigned in far-flung schools

when they are grouped and compared according to the aforementioned


For Objective No. 10 will use the Spearman Rho to determine on

whether or not significant relationship exists between the extent of

challenges encountered of the newly-hired teachers assigned in the far-

flung schools and the level of performance.

Spearman Rho (r) is also called Spearman Rank Order Correlation

coefficient, is a non-parametric measure of strength of association that

exists between two variables measured on an ordinal scale.

The computed p-values will be interpreted using the following


a. Significant if p-value is less than or equal to 0.05 level of


b. Not significant if p-value is more than 0.05 level of significance.


For Objective No. 11 will use the Spearman Rho to determine on

whether or not significant relationship exists between the coping

mechanisms of the newly-hired teachers assigned in the far-flung

schools and the level of performance.

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