Ltde 5319 - Course Outcomes and Topical Outline - Streamlined Testing

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Course Outcomes and Topical Outline Planning Template


Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
1. Apply appropriate and timely test administration procedures for teachers, staff, and
ultimately students to begin to streamline assessment administration.
2. Analyze necessary techniques to appropriately use the test administration procedures to
begin to streamline assessment administration.
3. Establish guidelines and expectations for all participants in administering assessment
pieces from the procedures and techniques developed from Outcomes #1 and 2.
4. Determine applicable ways to utilize critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and
creativity (the 4 C’s) to establish norms in testing and assessment.
5. Evalute data from assessments/testing results to determine course of action to increase
student learning and understanding of content.
6. Utilize student assessment results to provide teachers with an understanding of student
content knowledge to assist them in developing their curriculum.
7. Explore possible alternatives to test administration procedures based on the results from
previous tests and feedback from teachers, staff, and students.
8. Develop an Assessment Tasks Procedures Handbook that will be distributed to all
teachers at Enid High School and will be altered for the 3 middle schools, as necessary.


All teachers and staff at Enid High School will follow the following stated
assessment objectives to help us begin to develop a plan of action to provide our
students with the most streamlined and appropriate testing environment.

Applying Appropriate Testing Procedures to Streamline Student Assessment
This module will provide school staff with detailed, streamlined student assessment
procedures to provide our students with timely and appropriate assessment pieces.
High school students are faced with hours upon hours of testing and assessment
practices every day with increasing frequency as they proceed through each grade
level. Providing our students with testing procedures that will enable ease of

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administration and appropriate use of these assessments/tests will allow for
students to understand the “WHY?” of testing and assist teachers/staff with
implementation and data retrieval.

Analyzing the Necessary Techniques and Processes to Appropriately Use
Streamlined Assessment Procedures.
This module will allow the testing coordinator, individual teachers, and school staff
to work together to more determine the necessary and appropriate techniques and
procedures to be utilized to effectively provide our students with assessments more
effectively. All members will begin to work “smarter” not “harder” to find tools,
assessment pieces, and resources that will benefit the students testing as well as the
staff members who are following the testing procdures.

Establishing Guidleines and Procedures that have been Re-evaluated from
Feedback of Participants in Administering Assessments.
This module will allow the testing coordinator to utilize the feedback from previous
testing procedures and the knowledge base of all educators in the assessment
process to establish more appropriate guidelines and procedures. The testing
coordinator will work closely with the instructional coach to develop these
guidelines after receiving feedback through a Google Form sent out through school

Determining Ways to Utilize the 4 C’s (Critical Thinking, Communication,
Collaboration, and Creativity) to Establish Testing Norms
This module will allow the testing coordinator to appropriately and respectfully
utilize the 4 C’s to develop an “Enid High School Testing Procedures Handbook”
that will allow all participants in testing (students, staff, administration, custodial
staff, lunchroom staff, and secretaries) to understand their role(s) in the
testing/assessment process. Guidelines will be developed with feedback from a
Google Form sent to ALL staff from the testing coordinator to determine what each
component of the testing process needs to be successful. Again, anyone with a
vested interest in the development of the rules/guidelines for a process have

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historically been found to want to acutally follow the rules because of their
involvement in their development.

Evalutaing Data Results from Testing/Assessment to Enhance Student
Instruction for Better Understanding of Content
This module will be allow the testing coordinator and individual as well as PLC
groups of teachers/staff to work to together to evaluate the results of
testing/assessments to determine the best course of action to take to provide
students with appropriate resouces to increase their understanding an allow for an
increase in student content knowledge and understanding.

Utilizing Student Assessment Results to Assist Teachers in Curriculum and
Instruction Development
This module will allow the testing coordinator and the individual teacher and/or
subject area Professional Learning Communities (PLC) to evaluate results of
exams/assessments to determine the appropriate course of action for building their
curriculum/instruction that help find possible holes in instruction and develop a
plan for re-evaluating their curriculum design.

Exploring Possible Alternatives to Testing Procedures Based on Testing Results
and Teacher/Student Feedback
This module will allow the testing coordinator and the individual teacher and/or
subject area Professional Learning Communities (PLC) to evaluate the
testing/assessment procedures to determine which procedures students and staff
liked and which procedures were not effective. Allowing all participants to have a
vested interest in developing the guidelines and procedures will enable everyone
involved in the testing process to feel as though their opinion matters.


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Developing an Assessement Handbook for All Assessment Proctors and
This module will be used to combine all feedback, test data, and proven effective
procedures to develop a school-wide Assessment Handbook that can be used to
properly administer any and all assessment or test at Enid High School (EHS).
These handbooks will be available on the Enid High School website, the EHS
Facebook page, and the EHS Assessment Google Classroom along a hard copy
provided for anyone who needs it. The handbook will answer questions that may
arise in the development of assessments or the assessment administration process.

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