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A Semi Detailed Lesson Plan

Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction

I. Objective:

At the end of the lesson, all grade 11 studenst should be able to:

- Identify the different types of hazard (Code: DRR11/12-Ia-b-1)

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Introduction to different types of hazards

Lesson Material: laptop, projector, video clips

References: DRRRM Chapter 1 pp 11-32

III. Procedure

- Good nmorning class. How are you today? Good hear hear that you fine. And to make our day
more beautiful, let’s start first with a prayer. Can someone lead the prayer?

- Alright Thank you.

- I will not be checking the attendance because we will have quiz later. So if you don’t have a
quiz that means that you are absent.

A. Motivation

- Show a video about the different disaster in the Philippines

- Before we start our discussion, I want to show you a video and try to observe and let me know
what can you say about the videe or whats the video all about.

1. Earthquake

2. Atomic Bomb

3. Tsunami

4. Industrial Pollution

- Aside from the different kinds of disaster, what are the other things that you have observed?
- Yes that is correct. Earthquake and Tsunami are Natural Hazards. What about the other two?

- Right. Atomic bomb and Industrial pollution is classified as man-made hazards.

B. Lesson Proper

1. Activity

- Divide the class in to two. Let them share their experience about the different disaster they

- Let us divide the class into two. Group 1 will be seated at the right side and group 2 will be
seated at the left side. What you will do is to list down different hazards that you know. For
group 1 you list examples of natural hazard. Group 2 will be Man-made hazard. I will just give
you 5 minutes and after 5 minutes you will present your outcome.

2. Analysis

- What are the different type of hazards?

- Student will list different hazards

Natural Man-made

Earthquake Pollution

Tsunami Atomic bomb

Storm surge Oil spill

Typhoon Forest fire

Landslide Nuclear

3. Abstraction
- What are the causes of the different hazards

Earthquake - shaking of the ground

Tsunami - caused by large earthquake on the sea floor.

Storm surge - the rising of the sea level caused by hurricane or typhoon

Landslide - Softening of the soil or eathquake.

Pollution - Excessive burning of fuel

Atomic bomb - compose of isotope (uranium)

Oil spill - accidents involving tankers

Forest fire - Natural (drought) Human cause (many reasons)

Nuclear (

4. Application

- Let the class create a poster about the different disaster

- Let’s have another activity. Go back to your group. Each group will create a poster about the
different disaster. Group 1 will do a role play be assigned to natural disaster and group 2 will be
Man-made disaster.


Criteria Percentage
Understanding 25%
Accuracy and Believability 25%
Cooperation 25%
Presentation 25%
Total 100%

IV. Assessment/Evaluation
- Make a comparison between Natural hazard and Man-made and give examples.

V. Assignment/Agreement

- Read introduction to Disaster Concept.

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