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On-Line Course Registration Systems Usability

Article  in  International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change · October 2014

DOI: 10.4018/jissc.2012100103


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4 authors, including:

Louis Ngamassi Mohammad Hossein Jarrahi

Prairie View A&M University University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


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38 International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change, 3(4), 38-52, October-December 2012

On-line Course Registration

Systems Usability:
A Case Study of the e-Lion
Course Registration System at the
Pennsylvania State University
Louis-Marie Ngamassi Tchouakeu, Department of Accounting, Finance, & MIS, College of
Business, Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View, TX, USA
Michael K. Hills, Air Command and Staff College, Air University, Montgomery, AL, USA
Mohammad Hossein Jarrahi, The School of Information Studies, Syracuse University,
Syracuse, NY, USA
Honglu Du, College of Information Sciences & Technology, Penn State University, University
Park, PA, USA

Electronic course registration systems allow students to select courses and giving student to access course
offerings through these on-line systems as well as the ability to complete various administrative functions
allows for better management of curriculum decisions in the context of academic objectives. The objective of
these systems is to make this process more convenient and easier to achieve which has been met with varying
levels of success. This study looks closely at one particular system, the e-Lion system at the Pennsylvania
State University. Data was collected using semi-structured interviews and an online survey. The findings are
discussed through the lens of the Delone and McLeane (D&M) information systems success model and are of
interest to business practitioners fielding on-line systems in the areas of e-commerce and e-learning as well
as many others, providing considerable insight into the importance of system usability.

Keywords: Course Registration Systems, Delone-Mclean Model of Information System Success,

E-Learning, Online System, System Usability

INTRODUCTION challenging, often frustrating rite of passage

the student must endure every semester simply
For those who can recall the time before iPod’s to sign-up for their classes. In order to offi-
and cell phones, the course registration process cially register for classes, each student must
in most higher education institutions was a have filled a form out manually, taken it to the
Registrar’s Office; stood in a line (quite often
for long periods of time without the benefits
DOI: 10.4018/jissc.2012100103

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International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change, 3(4), 38-52, October-December 2012 39

of the aforementioned iPod or cell phone to various functions such as course registration,
help pass the time) and finally gotten the form grade reports and transcript request, to name a
officially approved and stamped. The student few, to the university community. Extension of
went through the same tedious process to ac- this model as a means of evaluating the usability
complish things like changing their current of the e-Lion registration system provided us
course schedule by dropping or adding courses with a solid theoretical framework and model
(Boroson, 2003). for further investigation of the e-Lion registra-
These challenges have prompted academic tion system’s perceived usability among users.
institutions to embark on school-wide electronic Our research questions were threefold.
curriculum support mechanisms for on-campus They were articulated as follows: (i) what are
functions such as course registration. These sys- the general perceptions of the usability of the
tems typically allow students to select courses e-Lion registration system? (ii) What is the
offered for the up-coming semester or even for relationship between training and understand-
the up-coming academic year. The student can ing of the e-Lion registration system? and (iii)
access the on-line system to add and drop courses Do graduate and undergraduate students have
as well as pay bursar fees through use of secure different perceptions of the e-Lion registration?
on-line payment systems. In addition, these We used multiple data sources including semi-
registration systems allow advisors to spend structured interviews and an online survey.
less time performing the transaction oriented The rest of the paper is structured as fol-
aspects of registration and more time helping lows: in the next section we provide background
students frame their coursework in the context and describe the context of the study. Then
of their academic objectives and understand the we present a brief literature review on online
impact of their course selections. The course registration information systems followed by
registration systems aim is to make easier, and our research epistemology and after, we discuss
more convenient, the class registration process. our analytical framework. Method and data are
The registration process is extremely piv- described following that. The data analysis and
otal for universities because they receive tuition discussion are presented next and finally the
and fee payments through this mechanism and conclusion.
students cannot receive their student aid or pay-
ment of tuition and stipends through the other
various means of reimbursement until their BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT
registration has been verified. These systems ful-
We embarked on this study of the e-Lion reg-
filling such a critical role and function make the
istration system in response to considerable
evaluation of these sorts of registration systems
anecdotal evidence observed during encounters
an important area of study. The institutions are
with students at the Pennsylvania State Uni-
required to assess how effective their registra-
versity. It seemed nearly every student had a
tion systems are and they need to understand
story to tell regarding the e-Lion system and
whether the system is performing the tasks that
a failure to meet their expectations on some
it is designed to perform and whether it meets
level; whether it was a matter of not being able
the needs of different stakeholders, particularly
to execute a given function at all or a complaint
the students.
about the way a particular function worked, the
The Delone and McLeane (D&M) informa-
common theme was that of frustration. Quotes
tion systems success model contends that user
from system users such as, “I have never had
satisfaction with usability of a system is “recip-
trouble getting into an empty class, but I have
rocally interwoven with the ways in which the
had trouble when the system has crashed before”
system is used” (Delone & Mclean, 2003). The
and “The whole user interface could definitely
Pennsylvania State University uses a course reg-
be improved…I think they made it 10 years
istration system called e-Lion which provides

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40 International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change, 3(4), 38-52, October-December 2012

ago, or 5 years ago, and they have not changed it’s necessary to understand the context within
it since” offered some evidence from system which the system is used.
users that significant perceptions of problems These two reasons including the impact on
associated with the usability of the e-Lion sys- the student population and the image of the
tem existed and presented an interesting topic. university, highlight why the research is impor-
With a rich pool of individual e-Lion system tant. While these reasons are sufficiently im-
users readily available to us, all with a vested portant to the Pennsylvania State University,
interest in seeing the system improved, the ex- in broader terms the research is likely of ben-
ploration of the system in the context of how it efit to a much wider community of information
is used and perceptions on its overall usability systems users in a variety of areas. System us-
made it an excellent research problem to be ex- ability has become more and more important
plored in greater detail. While a comprehensive as use of on-line systems becomes more ubiq-
look at the system requires examination of all uitous in everyday life, with use of everything
aspects of the e-Lion system in context of use, from Automated Teller Machines to gain access
the specific focus of our study was on the indi- to funds, to on-line reservation systems used
vidual’s interaction with the system, primarily to book airline flights, to on-line shopping for
through examination of three characteristics in nearly anything one can think of; use of such
the D&M IS model; information quality, system systems is not the exception but the norm. This
quality, and service quality. increasing use and subsequent reliance on in-
Table 1 illustrates recent enrollment statis- formation technology systems makes the un-
tics from the Penn State Fact Book, reflecting derstanding of user’s attitudes towards systems
over 85,000 students, indicating a significant usability and good and bad features an exciting
impact of the system usability in terms of sheer area of research and a fruitful one if findings
numbers of students affected. The systems us- offer a prescriptive solution to system design-
ability also impacts student’s perceptions of the ers that can provide a generalized design
quality of the university and for The Pennsyl- framework to work from when designing sys-
vania State University to maintain its standing tems in the future.
as one of the top ten public universities in the
nation, it is imperative that the university field
information technology solutions capable of LITERATURE REVIEW
providing students with a first class experience.
According to Cao and Brodnick (2002) on-line
For system designers to field such a system,
registration systems have gone through many

Table 1. Fall enrollment statistics from Penn State Fact Book,

Fall to Fall Enrollment

Year 2006 2007
University Park 43252 42914
Commonwealth Campuses 33149 31632
Great Valley 1238 1319
Dickinson School of Law - Carlisle 464 496
College of Medicine 815 791
PA College of Technology 6682 6569
Total 85600 83721

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International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change, 3(4), 38-52, October-December 2012 41

different stages of development. In the first Ahmad et al. (2001) looked at the evolution
stage, the literature was mainly concerned with of on-line registration systems with a particular
experimentation and testing of the systems. emphasis on the processes and producers. The
During the 1970s a number of higher education aim of their work was to investigate whether
institutions began to employ new technologies the new registration system has been well in-
in administration (Hengehold, 1975; Michael, tegrated with the old organizational processes.
1976; Brown, 1979). This technology use was As a result, they looked in-depth at how the
treated primarily as a means to assist university processes were being carried out before and
administration. It is worth noting that the on-line after the implementation of the computerized
registration systems of this period implemented registration system in an effort to determine if
the technologies of the time, a time when the the implementation of the system had merely
mainframe computers were king and telephone computerized a bad manual process or if it had
registration systems represented the “cutting taken advantage of the new systems capabilities
edge” of telecommunications technology. that improved upon the old system rather than
During the next phase, on-line registration merely automating it.
was employed by a growing number of univer- Little et al. (2000) assessed the imple-
sities across the United States. New features mentation of the student registration at the
were developed and added to these systems University of Newcastle. The system under
in response to a more demanding generation study was evaluated in terms of reliability and
of system users. Additionally, one could note availability, examining performance based
the growing number of experiences with these on possible failure of certain components. As
systems summarized and documented within the such, this research centered on the technical
literature (Cook & Parker, 1983; Heard, 1987). infrastructure and backbone of the system
During the 1980s, most of the research reported because the system was evaluated strictly on
largely positive experiences with these systems. the grounds of availability and fault-tolerance
Because of this largely positive experience criteria. Likewise, Galler et al. (1973) undertook
reflected in the literature, on-line registration a technical evaluation of a distributed learning
was deemed “a successful approach” to this ad- system. They underscored some difficulties in
ministrative function (Cao & Brodnick, 2002). the registration process but their consideration
The third stage, occurring in the 1990s and chiefly shed light on the technical issues that
still a work in progress, is characterized by the plagued the entire system. They concluded
emergence of new technologies like the World that suitable computer access and network
Wide Web and incorporation of the Internet reliability were key enablers which must be
into various aspects of the education process present if on-line education is to be successful.
(Thomas et al., 1998). This stage suggests that Finally, Ciebiera et al. (2004) elaborated on a
on-line registration has become pervasive and new registration module which was deployed
well established in the academic systems, and at all the facilities of Warsaw University. They
is looking for more ways to integrate differ- focused on the design and development of the
ent technologies and processes. Despite these registration software, going beyond the mere
investigations, very few attempts have been technical issues and exploring other aspects of
made to systematically evaluate the applica- the system not taken into account.
tion of these on-line registration systems and The only study that has attempted to go
their organizational consequences in higher beyond the technical or process-related issues
education institutions. The following are some is the Cao and Brodnick (2002) research. They
descriptions of research efforts which have dealt explore how social factors influence the college
with the evaluation of these systems pointing out students’ use of an on-line registration system
deficiencies and explicating their limitations. at a private university in Northern California.

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42 International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change, 3(4), 38-52, October-December 2012

Their findings indicate that academic and that was available, the individual student level
demographic factors have an important bear- stratum was chosen as the area to be investigated.
ing on the use of on-line services. What they The second question examined the way
fail to take into account however are things knowledge is represented and the means by
like the experience of the actual system us- which the social reality could be discovered. To
ers themselves in their critique. The whole obtain this information, we elicited graduate and
evaluation appears bound to understanding of undergraduate students opinions and interpreta-
the academic variables (i.e., major, class) and tions regarding the way in which they construct
demographic ones (i.e., gender, age). What we their personal perceptions of the e-Lion system
outline here demonstrates a significant gap in and their interactions with it.
the current research. Although some studies The third question dealt with the broad
have embraced on-line registration systems substantive topical area the research was con-
and conducted appraisal of them providing a cerned with which in our case was the study of
descriptive analysis, the research in this area the students experience with, and assessment
requires a more interpretivist investigation of, the usability of the e-Lion system. Further,
that examines the experiences, perceptions we wanted to pursue how the different student
and assumptions of the system users. This is stakeholders contribute to produce the positive
particularly important since in addition to a or negative perceptions of the performance of
demonstrated need for more technical robust- the e-Lion system.
ness, the on-line registration system must also The fourth question identified the intellec-
meet the needs of its intended users. In point of tual puzzle to be resolved as well as articulating
fact, the evaluation of information systems and the main research questions to be answered. We
system usability remains a difficult problem, one believe the e-Lion system constitutes a mechani-
which we wish to evaluate through examination cal puzzle in so far as it describes “how some-
of the e-Lion system. thing works or is constituted” (Mason, 1996).
As such our research questions were as
AND EPISTEMOLOGY Q1: What are the general perceptions of the
In the design of our research questions, we usability of the e-Lion registration system?
first wanted to establish a firm foundation for Q2: What is the relationship between training
our research effort based on sound principles and understanding of the e-Lion registra-
of research design. We chose as our guide the tion system?
writings of Mason (1996) in which she sug- Q3: Do graduate and undergraduate students
gested five basic questions every researcher have different perceptions of the e-Lion
should be able to answer regarding their own registration?
research project.
The first question we answered regards the The fifth question related to the overall
nature of the phenomenon and the social reality purpose of our research. The major purpose of
that we wished to investigate. We identified our research is to better comprehend why these
four strata which include technical, individual, attitudes and beliefs regarding the usability
organizational, and inter-organizational stake- of the e-Lion system exist among the student
holders which combine together to form the population using the system.
operating environment for the e-Lion system. Having answered these five key ques-
In an effort to limit the scope of the study in a tions and established a firm foundation for
manner befitting the relatively short timeline our research effort and design, we were then

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International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change, 3(4), 38-52, October-December 2012 43

able to reflect on our research paradigm or of the university community and student body,
epistemological approach to the study of the this ability to examine the e-Lion system in that
e-Lion system. According to Mason, “Para- context and explore the differing opinions of
digms constitute a way of looking at the world, the student stakeholders was a much more ef-
interpreting what is seen, and deciding which of fective approach which yielded us a far greater
the things seen by researchers is real, valid, and understanding of the system.
important” (Mason, 1996). It was thus important
to select a compatible research paradigm on
which to build our research design to provide THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK
us the best picture of the e-Lion system we
This section focuses on the theoretical founda-
could possibly achieve in our study. We felt
tion for this study. The theoretical basis for this
the best means of doing this was through an
paper is the D&M information systems success
interpretive approach, also sometimes referred
model, an outgrowth of Shannon and Weavers
to as the phenomenological or constructivist
(1949) model that focused on the technical,
approach, given its propensity for supporting
semantic, and effectiveness levels of a system.
participation and interaction which we felt to
In the D&M model, these three levels are re-
be a crucial element of gaining an appropriate
flected in information quality, system quality,
level of understanding. Unlike the positivist
and service quality as depicted in Figure 1.
approach which assumes more of a “what you
Information quality is identified as belong-
see is what you get” mentality and that the world
ing to the semantic level and is “concerned with
is what it is and merely needs to be observed,
content issues, with content needing to be
using the interpretive viewpoint we wanted to
personalized, complete, relevant, and easy to
take in the reality that is or what Mason alludes
understand” (Delone & Mclean, 2003). In the
to as “a social construction of reality” (Mason,
case of the e-Lion registration system, things
1996). The meaning of this is that reality is more
such as the users understanding of various
of a construct of what people make it out to be
functions intended purpose versus their actual
rather than a strictly observable, empirically
use in a “live” setting were our prime interest.
verifiable entity. This interpretive viewpoint
System quality falls into the technical level,
was a more effective epistemological approach
referring to “desired characteristics of a system
in that it better allowed for the examination of
like usability, availability, reliability, adopt-
the role of culture and what Mason refers to as
ability, and response time” (Delone & Mclean,
the “situated” nature of a system and the need
to examine it in the context of its environment
(Mason, 1996). Given the highly diverse nature

Figure 1. Delone and McLeane information systems success model (adapted from Cao & Brod-
nick, 2002)

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44 International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change, 3(4), 38-52, October-December 2012

In the e-Lion system, this was represented deductive one in which we moved forward with
in people’s attitudes towards the usability of an idea of the kind of data we were looking for
the system and the highlighting of positive and to answer our research questions. To investi-
negative impacts the system had on their reg- gate those research questions, we chose to use
istration experience. Service quality has more qualitative research methods to find out about
to do with the information system functions students perceptions of system usability that
and organizations than the applications and “is were likely to exist below the surface.
concerned with the overall support afforded by
the service provider, poor service translates Measures
to poor user satisfaction” (Delone & Mclean,
2003). The systems help desk support, on-line We attempted to measure the factors that influ-
help function, and other supporting entities such ence student’s intention to use the e-Lion system
as administrative support staffs in the various and the user behavior of those that use the e-
colleges are what embody this element of the Lion system. Specifically, we conducted four
model in e-Lion. User satisfaction corresponds semi-structured interviews with the students
to the effectiveness level evaluations of the e- (undergraduate and graduate; American and
Lion system and provides “an important means International students). We conducted semi-
to appraise the user’s opinion of the system” structured interviews because of the ability
(Delone & Mclean, 2003). for a semi-structured interview to “combine
Having operationalized the terms in the IS the flexibility of the unstructured, open-ended
success model, our next step in our research interview with the directionality and agenda
process was the gathering of the data to populate of the survey instrument” (DeSanctis & Poole,
the various levels of the model. The models 1994). Since our approach was deductive, we
general assumption is that user satisfaction with had in mind a general line of questioning we
a system is influenced by the system quality wished to pursue to aid in determining the accu-
and the information quality associated with the racy of anecdotal evidence regarding the e-Lion
system and that use of the system is considered systems perceived usability. In the conduct of
to be a measure of success since the use of the these semi-structured interviews, we identified
system leads to a realization of system benefits. several factors that appear to influence students’
In the case of the e-Lion registration system, intention to use the e-Lion system.
use has a slightly different connotation as the
study that D&M (Delone & Mclean, 2003)
conducted dealt with e-Commerce systems Given that most of our suppositions were based
and by and large the use of those systems was largely on anecdotal responses overheard in
completely discretionary while the use of the various venues and of a predominately opin-
e-Lion system is largely mandated due to the ionated nature, we concluded that to design
way in which it has been integrated into the good survey questions, we needed to elicit
core business processes of the university’s some candid and free form responses from a
registration procedures. small group representative of the demographic
makeup of interest to us in our study.
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The semi-structured interviews provided
us with the ability to tailor the questions to the
Our study sought to identify student perceptions areas of interest in our study, thus eliminating
of the usability of the e-Lion system. Since the wide open and somewhat unfocused results
we elected to use the D&M model (Delone & likely to come from a completely open-ended
Mclean, 2003) as our theoretical framework for interview. Specifically, we interviewed four
our research study, our approach was largely a students in the College of Information Sci-
ences and Technology. Two were undergradu-

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International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change, 3(4), 38-52, October-December 2012 45

ate students and the other two were graduate small, it is highly possible most of the partici-
students. Of the two undergraduate students, pants were IST students. While this impacted
one was an international student and the other on our sample and how representative it was
was an American citizen; this was also the case of the Penn State student body, we deemed it
with the two graduate students. We chose this to be an influential factor on the reliability of
sample because we wanted to try our best to our study but its influence on the validity of
make our sample representative of the whole our study is judged to be minimal.
student body at Penn State. At Penn State, both
undergraduate students and graduate students
use the e-Lion system but they use it in different SURVEY DESIGN
ways. Both American and international students
The final survey instrument was designed based
use the e-Lion systems, but for some reason,
on the factors of use identified from the semi-
possibly cultural differences, they appear to
structured interviews in which we identified the
hold somewhat different attitudes toward the
domains and a pilot survey administered to a
e-Lion system.
small group of respondents to elicit feedback
After interviewing these four students,
on the questions clarity, the functionality of the
we identified the domains that may influence
survey tool and to determine if the questions
students’ use of the e-Lion system and gained
posed provided data meaningful to our research
a somewhat more detailed appreciation of
the perceptions they had of the usability of
The survey was chosen as a data collection
the system, as well as differences that existed
technique due to the ability for it to provided
between the respondent groups. This led us
consistent responses from a much larger pool
to think about the design of a more detailed
of survey participants, yielding a much greater
survey instrument to follow up on points of
pool of data from which conclusions could be
interest from the interviews and the recruiting
drawn based on analysis of respondents answers
participants for our survey. Regarding the latter
to questions related to the use, understanding,
topic of the recruiting of respondents for the
and usability, and flexibility of the e-Lion system
survey, we found enough differences between
that the semi-structured interviews and pilot
the interviewees to merit the recruiting of both
surveys indicated were appropriate follow-on
undergraduate students and graduate students,
questions to pursue to answer our research ques-
both American students and international
tions. The questions posed related directly to the
students, to determine if the trend towards a
information quality and system quality and user
difference in perceptions and attitudes between
satisfaction in the D&M model and indirectly
undergraduate and graduate students does exist
to service quality and use intentions. Table 2
in a broader sample or if that was unique to our
provides descriptions of some of the e-Lion
small interview respondent pool. We recruited
functions used to generate survey questions.
these students by using the snow-ball method,
specifically we started with the students we
knew and then asked them to pass our web DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS
survey link to their friends at Penn State. We
chose this method because it is cost effective The main purpose of this study was to inves-
and we could ensure a reasonable response tigate the usability of the e-Lion registration
rate though limitations of this method existed system. The survey was delivered to 150
and were recognized. First, participants in our students comprised of both undergraduate and
survey were likely students from College of graduate students. 50 responses were registered
Information Science and Technology since (IST) yielding a response rate of 33.3%. Our survey
all of our team members are IST students and demonstrated that the overall satisfaction of
because the typical social circle is relatively the users with the system was 2.4 on a 5 point

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46 International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change, 3(4), 38-52, October-December 2012

Table 2. e-Lion function descriptions

e-Lion Function e-Lion Function Description

e-Lion Main Menu Main access point for accessing e-Lion
Kerberos User authentication system used by e-Lion
User Authentication
Bills/Tuition/Other Screen used to access university billings
Bursar Account Screen used to access bursar account
Drop/Add Provides means to add and drop courses
Grades Produces grade reports for each semester
Parent/Other Access Allows granting of e-Lion access to others
Registration Allows students to register for classes
Student Schedule Provides students a semester schedule
Transcripts Means for obtaining official transcripts

Likert scale which equates to a below average certain of the functions to a significant level of
level of satisfaction with the system. Further, we frustration with others. As such, the use of a
ran one way analysis of variance to see whether feature-centric approach in our analysis seemed
there is any difference in user perception about the logical course for purposes of analysis.
(i) effectiveness and (ii) flexibility of the e-lion According to Desanctis and Poole (1994) “A
system across undergraduate and graduate feature-centric approach seems valuable be-
students. We present (Figure 2 and Figure 3) cause they are the specific features in use that
the results of the analysis. From these results, influence the work outcome.”
we can see that the perception about both the In order to understand the factors that are
effectiveness and the flexibility of the e-lion instrumental in shaping the users perception
system do not vary across these two students of the e-Lion registration system, we draw
groups with a p-value respectively of 0.889 and on D&M information systems success model.
0.749 at alpha = 0.05. The framework explains how user satisfac-
Findings from the interviews portray a tion is influenced by the information quality,
widely divergent set of opinions from the in- system quality, service quality and the use of
terview respondents. Their individual opinions the system. Our findings suggest that the gen-
ranged from a general sense of satisfaction with eral usability of the system is above average.

Figure 2. Descriptive statistics

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International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change, 3(4), 38-52, October-December 2012 47

Figure 3. Anova

However, respondents also expressed a certain The final element of system quality con-
level of dissatisfaction with usability of some sidered in our study was effectiveness of some
specific features. For example, one interviewee specific functions. The functions of interest
complained about the need to visit a separate were course sign-up, confirmation registra-
web link to obtain course numbers required for tion, paying tuition, and the grade report. With
registration for a specific class, expressing a the exception of the grade report, all of these
desire for that information to be available via functions fell below 3.0 on the five point Likert
dropdown box on the same screen. scale which is an indicator of low effectiveness.
Another measure of system quality is From the perspective of information
system availability. Some of the respondents quality, we were interested in the examination
expressed their dissatisfaction with system of understandability. In a generalized sense,
availability, relaying stories related to system respondents considered their understanding of
downtimes during critical periods. Said one the e-Lion system to be above average, rating
respondent, “…I have had trouble when the consistently above 3.0 on the five point Likert
system has crashed before. All of the students scale across nearly all functions. However, the
in the honors college know when the time is. perceived understanding of the respondents,
So I think freshman year in the dorms there was when compared to the intended functionality
one time specifically where the time was at 12 of the system, indicates a mismatch between
am so everyone was on refreshing at 12am and the two. For instance, our data shows that re-
everybody in the hallway. A couple people got spondents characterize their understanding of
in, a couple others got in, and then it crashed the grade function to be 3.75 on the five point
for 3 hours, and then everybody in the next Likert scale, yet the use of the grade function on
day registered.” a daily basis by some respondents indicates that
Flexibility is yet another of the elements they don’t understand the grade function as well
of system quality of interest to us. Generally as their personal assessments would indicate.
speaking, the data suggests that users do not The grade function is only updated at the end
consider most of the features of e-Lion to be of the semester when final course grades post.
flexible, rating them overall below 3.0 on a Thus, the checking of grades daily by a
five point Likert scale. One good example of subset of the respondent pool indicates a lack
this lack of flexibility comes from a respondent of understanding of the intended use of this
who wished to have the ability to generate the function. Another of the problems identified by
optimal course schedule based on available some respondents regarding understandability
choices. He expressed frustration that the system of the system was the confusing terminology
didn’t provide any such mechanism for doing associated with certain of the functions. Sev-
so. Consequently, the respondent was forced to eral respondents indicated they weren’t able
use a third party website ( to understand the difference between certain
to accomplish this task. features in the e-Lion system. For example,

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48 International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change, 3(4), 38-52, October-December 2012

the “drop/add” function garnered the following the differing maturity levels of graduate versus
statement “I was a little bit confused about the undergraduate students, as well as differing
difference between adding and dropping there”. approval processes levied on the two groups.
Another respondent said “basically I think it The last element of the model used in
is very complete except that there are lots of our study was system use. We found a cor-
links which I do not really [understand] what relation between the frequency of use and the
they stand for.” understanding of system functions, this was
Another of the factors of interest related to particularly evident in the parent/other function
information quality is that of integration. Sev- of e-Lion, where use was well below average
eral respondents indicated additional features among respondents and understanding of the
they would like to see implemented in e-Lion function was rated low as well. This relation-
that are not implemented because of a lack of ship confirms what is indicated in the D&M
integration with the other systems. Respondents model in that more frequent use of the system
expressed a consistent desire to see a more inte- is likely to bring about better understanding, and
gration between the course scheduling system consequently more satisfaction, with the e-Lion
and e-Lion registration system. One respondent registration system. Regarding net benefits, as
commented “It would be really nice if the e- the D&M model states “there will be a variety
Lion system had something where you could of system net benefits measures” (Delone &
put in your course and could see your weekly Mclean, 2003). In the case of our study, the
schedule before you are actually registered.” focus is placed on user’s perceptions and their
In the area of service quality, we concentrate relationship to user satisfaction. Thus, user
on two areas. In the case of training, graduate perception is regarded as the main antecedent
respondents rated the effectiveness of formal of net benefits.
training at 4.0 on a five point Likert scale which
indicates an above average effectiveness rating.
Conversely, undergraduate students rated for- CONCLUSION
mal training at 1.43 on a five point Likert scale
Based on our study of the e-Lion registration
indicating a below average effectiveness rating.
system, several interesting findings emerged.
This represents a significant difference between
First, the anecdotal claims regarding the us-
the perceptions of graduate and undergraduate
ability of the e-Lion system in large measure
students, the only area in which substantial dif-
didn’t manifest themselves in the results of
ferences in perception exist. This difference also
the survey of e-Lion users. While pockets of
highlights a significant inconsistency in the way
dissatisfaction with selected features were
that training is delivered to different groups of
found to exist, the overall characterization of
students, in this case international and American
the usability and effectiveness of the system by
students. International students indicated they
respondents was found to reflect a general ac-
received formal training during a mandatory
ceptance of the e-Lion system as adequate. The
orientation session whereas American students
dissatisfaction with the usability of individual
received no such formal training.
functions such as course sign-up was found to be
Another factor with regard to service qual-
more of a problem with the interface and what
ity is the sources of assistance. The general
several respondents regarded as a somewhat
perception of respondents is that the support
cumbersome way in which certain features
from the university is not considered effective,
were implemented. The correspondence of the
with friends rated twice as effective as the help
effectiveness evaluations of system users to user
desk in providing assistance. Another finding
satisfaction, according to the D&M model, is
was that academic advisors are more involved
based on both positive and negative aspects of
in undergraduate assistance actions than gradu-
the system when considered as a whole which
ate students. This isn’t surprising considering

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International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change, 3(4), 38-52, October-December 2012 49

appears to explain the inconsistency between trend of behavior regarding how training was
the anecdotal claims of dissatisfaction and the administered among different groups. It was
generally good level of satisfaction exhibited only the graduate student group that received
in the findings of our study. formal training on the e-Lion system during
Another interesting finding of the study new student orientation and further, this train-
was the role of training in users perceptions ing was only conducted within the international
of the e-Lion registration systems. The D&M graduate student group. This tendency towards
model attributes training to the service quality training of groups in different ways appears
component of a system and another significant to belie a misunderstanding of the familiarity
component of the users’ perceptions of systems level of differing groups of students and raises
usability and their satisfaction with it. The poor further questions regarding why this miscon-
ratings shown by our survey overall exhibit an ception exists.
area where significant opportunity exists for Generally, the D&M model concentrates
improving system users perceptions through on the information quality, the system quality,
more effective training on the use of the e-Lion and the service quality of a system. Within this
registration. If users were better informed on framework, these components contribute to the
what the system functions were and what their overall satisfaction of users and provide a
intended use was considered to be from the mechanism for measuring and evaluating the
perspective of the system designers, the infor- opinions of the users towards the system in
mation quality component of the D&M model question. In the case of the e-Lion registration
would also be enhanced; a practical implication system, these components match the structure
of this is that a more effective training regimen of the system quite well; however, the D&M
could lead to a more usable system and would model does have some limitations regarding its
require little if any modification to the e-Lion applicability in the case of the e-Lion system.
system to implement. The most significant of these is the “intention
Finally, there was an interesting differ- to use” component of the system. We would
ence between the undergraduate and graduate have previously addressed this shortcomings
students groups regarding the perception of of the model in this area however it bears re-
training on the e-Lion registration system (Fig- peating that the model is primarily designed to
ure 4). When comparing undergraduate versus address systems whose use is of a more volun-
graduate students, we found an interesting tary and elective nature and the more or less

Figure 4. Effectiveness of training

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50 International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change, 3(4), 38-52, October-December 2012

“mandated use” nature of e-Lion raises some observations where we would have been bet-
questions, most especially in the arena of gen- ter able to evaluate what the users were doing
eralizability of the findings to other systems. and draw our own conclusions regarding their
This raises interesting questions for future re- perceived understanding of the system directly
search into these types of systems regarding from their actions. Through the data collected
how the mandated or voluntary use of a system in our study and implementation of these ad-
impacts user’s perceptions of the system. In the ditional refinements, we felt we could derive
case of our research, this remains an open ques- some valuable implications capable of better
tion as our focus was more on the usability informing the development of similar systems;
aspects and didn’t delve into issues related to the true value of the outcomes of our study of
the mandated use of the system. Another of the the e-Lion registration system.
limitations of our study was the limited time
available to conduct as thorough an investiga-
tion of the use of the system in what we referred REFERENCES
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better addressed had we conducted system user

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Louis-Marie Ngamassi Tchouakeu received his PhD in 2011 from the College of Information
Sciences and Technology at Penn State University. He is currently an Assistant Professor of
Management Information Systems at Prairie View A&M University, College of Business. His
research focuses on information and communication technology (ICT) use for inter-organizational
coordination and social networks among humanitarian organizations.

Michael K. Hills received his PhD in August 2010 from the College of Information Sciences
and Technology at Penn State University. His is a Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Air
Force presently serving as the Chair of Distance Learning Operations at the Air Command and
Staff College, delivering advanced degrees and certification programs to over 12,000 mid-level
officers and civilian equivalents in the Department of Defense. His latest research examines
the role social learning plays in developing U.S. Air Force commanders and the effectiveness
of various information communication technologies in promoting a self-sustaining virtual
mentoring program.

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52 International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change, 3(4), 38-52, October-December 2012

Mohammad Hossein Jarrahi is a PhD student at The School of Information Studies at Syracuse
University. He received a Master of Science in Information Systems from the London School of
Economics. His research interests lie in the organizational change induced by information and
communication technologies. In particular, he is currently interested in the interplay between
different social networking technologies and informal networks within and across organizations.
Supported under auspices of National Science Foundation, his previous work investigated the
social organization of technological innovation in the context of surface computing.

Honglu Du is a PhD candidate at the College of Information Sciences and Technology at Penn
State University. He is interested in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Computer-Mediated
Communication (CMC) and Social Computing. Specifically, he is interested in empirically in-
vestigating social needs that may be addressed through computing applications. After identifying
these opportunities, he designs and develops technological interventions, evaluating them using
a balance of qualitative and quantitative methods.

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