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Counselor Training Proposal

Prepared for: David Sarpal, Director of Auxiliary Programs

Prepared by: KJ Hodge, Social Media Manager & Anthony Snead, EDC Manager
July 14, 2017
Proposal number: 001


The following proposal is to create a more effective team of after school and summer staff.

The goals are as follows:
• To properly inform staff of our expectations of them, their job descriptions, how their roles are essential to
the program, and what they can expect from us
• To develop staff’s classroom management skills via lesson planning workshops, community contract
creation, and behavior management
• To reinforce staff’s childcare safety and healthcare commitment via Pediatric and Adult CPR/AED/First Aid
Certifications, Mandated Reporter Training, and Sexual Harassment Training
• To ensure that staff are able to incorporate Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Gardner’s Theory of Multiple
Intelligences, and the 5 Areas of Youth Development into their daily engagement with youth
• To encourage staff to be more hands-on, and more creative, with the variety of activities based on the
dynamics of each individual group they work with
• To train staff to be more competent, competitive employees and effective leaders

Our solution is extremely simple: create a more hands-on, low-cost training for current and incoming staff
members. Each training should incorporate team building or ice breaker activities to set an example of how staff
can easily transition in and out of activities with their students, as well as encourage audience engagement to cater
to multimodal learning styles. Training should be conducted by a reasonable mix of inside and outside resources to
encourage familiarity with our colleagues, as well as to establish a sense of trust between the staff, managers, and
senior level leadership. More specifically, staff members who have exhibited continued success in the after school
and summer programs should be the most targeted leaders for the trainings. If the following proposal outline
sounds reasonable to you, we will promptly prepare a detailed training schedule for August 2018 and have it to
you by the close of business on Friday, July 28th.

Project Outline
Below, you can see a brief outline of what we have in mind for the after school (EDC) staff training.

Day One (8am-12pm)

• Welcome (5 minutes)
• Introduction of Staff (10 minutes)
• Icebreaker Activity #1: Who Am I? + feedback (20 minutes)
• Beginning with the End in Mind: WIS’ Mission, the Auxiliary Program’s Mission, and EDC’s
Mission, and How they Intertwine (20 minutes)
• Break Staff into Groups Based on Titles (5 minutes)
• Team Building Activity #1: Community Contract (in large group) + feedback (10 minutes)
• Icebreaker Activity #2: Two Truths and a Lie (10 minutes)
• Job Description Explanation (20 minutes)
• Peaceful Meditation (5 minutes)
• Icebreakers, Team Building, and Projects: What They Are, What They’re For (15 minutes)
• Team Building Activity #2: Write down a list of as many icebreakers, team building activities, and
projects as you can + feedback (10 minutes)
• Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences (30 minutes)
• Individual Activity #1: Learning Style Quiz + feedback (5 minutes)
• Team Building Activity #3: Rap Session (10)
• Closing (5 minutes)

Day Two (8am-12pm)

• Welcome (5 minutes)
• Icebreaker Activity #3: The Great Wind Blows + feedback (10 minutes)
• Team Building Activity #4: The Great Debate [Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences is Useless] +
feedback (15 minutes)
• Review of Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences (10 minutes)
• Five Areas of Youth Development and Leadership (30 minutes)
• Team Building Activity #5: Role Playing [Identifying Youth Development and Leadership and Using
Strength Based Approach] + feedback (10 minutes)
• Stages of Adolescent Development and Behavior Management (10 minutes)
• Team Building Activity #6: Human Barometer + feedback (10 minutes)
• Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (30 minutes)
• Team Building Activity #7: Triads [How does Auxiliary Programs and EDC aspire to fulfill MHN; How
does your position help fulfill MHN] + feedback (10 minutes)
• Community Walk: A Day in the Life of Aftercare (30 minutes)
• How and Why Sight and Sound is Important (10 minutes)
• Conflict Resolution and Behavior Management (20)
• Icebreaker #4: Who Dunnit? (10 minutes)
• Peaceful Meditation (5 minutes)
• Closing (5 minutes)

Day Three (8am-1pm)

• CPR/First Aid/AED Training and Certification (3 hours)
• Mandated Reporter Training, Online (1 hour)
• Sexual Misconduct: Staff to Student Training, Online (30 minutes)

Day Four (8am-12pm)

• Welcome (5 minutes)
• Icebreaker #5: Trust Walk + feedback (10 minutes)
• Lesson Plans 101 (15 minutes)
• Team Building Activity #8: Word Definition Match [Dissecting a Lesson Plan] + feedback (5 minutes)
• How to Correctly Build a Lesson Plan (30 minutes)
• Team Building Activity #9: Group Project [Create A 30-Minute Lesson Plan] + feedback (45 minutes)
• Independent Activity #2: Create a 50-Minute Lesson Plan + feedback (30 minutes)
• Peaceful Meditation (5 minutes)
• Team Building Activity #9: Mafia + feedback (15 minutes)
• Team Building Activity #10: Jeopardy + feedback (45 minutes)
• Closing (5 minutes)

Day Five (8am-12pm)

• Welcome (5 minutes)
• Icebreaker Activity #6: Butt Shuffle + feedback (10 minutes)
• Lesson plan prep (1 hour)
• Classroom prep (2 hours)
• Peaceful Mediation (5 minutes)
• Final arrangements (40 minutes)

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