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800th Combat Uniform

This document is an instruction regarding the

combat uniforms for the 800th airmen of the air
force. The uniform is unisex for all ranks from E-1 -
O-10 to use. In order to be verified as a member you
must complete and post results under uniform check.

*The combat uniform is never to be worn without

an NCO or CO around. It is meant for patrols and the
use of events when instructed only.*

You are REQUIRED to create a helmentless as well

as a helmeted.
The instructions below will guide you to create a

As you rank up, minor changes will be added to your uniform.

Instructions are as followed:

You MUST select

-allow custom outlines

-don't darken outlines
*If you don't, chances are your whole uniform will be wrong.*

Base Color

Color 1: 011425 LOCKED

-continue down in BODY-

-UNselect the “for front and back legs” button
-UNselect the “for both front legs” button

Front Leg (LEFT)

Color 1: 368165 LOCKED

Color 3: 3c9775 022569
Color 4: 157461 70c19c
Color 5: 5ba985 LOCKED
Color 6: 255049 086254
Color 7: 143f44 061e46

Front Leg (RIGHT)

Color 1: b2211e ec842c

Color 2: 094a81 116066
Color 3: 3c9775 003a5f
Color 4: 1e705f 70c19c
Color 5: 5ba985 LOCKED
Color 6: 255049 086254
Color 7: 193c36 061e46

Back Legs

Color 1: 011a32 LOCKED

Choose horn #2
Color 1: b6c9cf 0c446c
Color 2: b6c9cf b6c9cf
Magic Color

Color 1: b6c9cf


Color 1: 368165 004c52

Color 2: 011a32 LOCKED
Color 3: 011a32 a9c1c7
Color 4: 011a32 LOCKED

Choose ear #3
Color 1: a7b9bf 0064cd

-skip over to MANE-

Front mane
Choose mane #14

Color 1: a7b9bf 0b6ea1

Color 2: 79919d 4a8cae
Color 3: b6c9cf 436886
Color 4: 8c9da3 4c6477
Color 5: 79919d LOCKED

Back mane
Choose back mane #37
Color 1: a7b9bf LOCKED

-skip over to TAIL-

Choose Tail #34

Color 1: a7b9bf 0b6ea1

Color 2: 79919d 0b6ea1
Color 3: LOCKED 003963

-skip over to FACE-

***Nose and Face pattern is customizable***

Color 1: 0c1927 LOCKED

Facial hair

Color 1: 011425 a7b9bf

Color 2: 1e3d58 b6c9cf
Color 3: a7b9bf a7b9bf

-skip over to ITEMS-

Ear accessory
Color 1: 0157a5 031a4b
Color 2: ced1d3 LOCKED
Color 3: 063866 0c7faa
Color 4: 061730 LOCKED
Color 5: 061730 LOCKED
Face accessories
Choose face accessory #14

Color 1: COLOR 043167

Mouth accessories
Choose mask accessory #1
Color 1: a7b9bf 12526b

Neck accessories
Choose accessory #14

Color 1: 16704f 002849

Choose chest pattern #5
Color 1: 368165 053b5b
Color 2: 011a32 LOCKED
Color 3: 004a70 LOCKED

-UNselect “Match sleeves”

Sleeves (LEFT)

Color 1: 21706b 022953

Color 2: b83635 054f84

Sleeves (RIGHT)
Color 1: 1f7b59 bbc2c5

Back accessories

Color 1: 21705d 023c58

Color 2: 368165 064b79
Color 3: 1e705f 092b57
Color 4: 5ba985 00717e
Color 5: 1d7a67 5abc98
Color 6: 033448 05455e


Color 1: 00756e 004357

Color 2: b77b00 LOCKED
Color 3: 0a3345 031838
Color 4: 011a32 LOCKED
Back Leg Accessory
Color 1: 011a32 042749

What you should result with:

We thank you for your cooperation and patience here

at the 800th Aerobar Fighter Wing!

Freedom is in the Wings and in the Fire


Having trouble deciding on a design for helmetless?

Here’s a few examples of what you could end up with!

Keeping the headphones is optional, although it’s

recommended to keep them on!
Body color + Tail are both optional to edit on

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