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Course Title: Human Resources Management

Course Code: NURS (653)

Program: Master
Department: Public Health
College: Faculty of Nursing
Institution: King Abdul-Aziz University

Course title: Human Resource Management

NURS “653”
Master Program
Public Health Department
Semester/Years:Second semester
1441/ 1442 - 2020/2021

Welcome letter
Master students of public health in nursing department, welcome you, hoping to have fruitful
time and valuable knowledge. Our best wishes of success. In quality improvement and patient safety
in health care course, you will be given the most basic information in quality improvement and patient
safety; also you will apply the quality improvement project under our supervision. Please, don’t
hesitate to ask us about any query, suggestion, and advice that you might need to, and always
remember that, working hard is the key of success.
Best wishes
Course members

Course Description:
This course addresses human resource topics as: recruitment, retention, interviewing,
orientation, staff development and evaluation. It will enable students to understand employment
policies and regulations and its application in hospitals and health care settings.

Course Objectives:
1. Identify the goals and philosophy of staffing.
2. List the purpose of recruitment.
3. State different types of human resources training and development.
4. Describe the individual career planning.
5. Differentiate between formal and informal types of performance appraisal.
6. Recognize labor relation for the employees in the organization.
7. Plan a staff development program for nursing personnel.
8. Develop the techniques for forecasting human resources planning requirements.
9. Integrate information technology in searching for more related and relevant information

Teaching Strategies:

Main teaching methods

 Virtual classes blackboard Ultra to cover the following:
1. Interactive presentation / Discussion
2. Group discussion / case studies
3. Audio-visual material
 Internet searches.
 Library reading and Self learning

Teaching Materials:
 Virtual classes blackboard Ultra including the following:
1) Power point presentation
2) Recorded seminars
3) Videos/case scenarios/ images
4) Electronic Textbook available on Blackboard

Course Information
Course name and number: Human Resource Management NURS “653”

Course meeting and place:

Date Time
Wednesday 9 am – 11am
Room No Black Board
Teaching Staff:

Faculty Member Name Office No. Office Hours E-Mail

Phone No. .
Dr.Ghada M. Hamouda 827 Wednesday &
Associate Prof. Thursday
Course Coordinator 9 am- 11 am

Course prerequisites: -

Course requirements:
Students should be attendance of all quality improvement and patient safety schedule weekly
sessions of theory.
Course hours: 2 credit hours in 1 st semester.

Course description:
This course includes the theories, concepts, and principles of quality improvement and risk
management. Emphasis will be on the methods and strategies employed to improve efforts in
healthcare delivery while minimizing potential risk and maintaining patient safety. Students will
examine different issues in the health care settings.

Teaching and learning methods:

Presentations combined with discussion

Teaching and Learning Activities

Details of teaching plan were provided to students in their first week of attendance in this course

2-Class activities
A variety of learning and application activities were used to stimulate students’ learning
motivation and enhance their ability to apply concepts and tools covered in class. These may
include discussions, written assignment, quizzes and seminars.
Students are required to work to apply quality improvement tools for a real situations and present
them in a written form and orally in the class.

Grading & Evaluation:

The total mark (100) divided as 40 % year works and 60 % final Exam.

Midterm exam 20%

Year work
Written Assignment 10%
Presentations and discussion 10%
Final Written Exam 60%

Total 100%

The dates of written tests (midterm, final) will be stated in the teaching plan/ calendar.
The date and titles of written assignment and seminar will be specified in the teaching plan/

Expectation from students:

Students have to participate in discussion, reading and in- class activities. These are point values
assigned to such activities.

Student responsibility to the course:
Students are required to work to design Journal Presentation as follow:

Expectation for each assignment

The student has to (Journal Presentation)
Read the Journal ahead of time. Organize the important points that you will be able to use on the
presentation of research paper. Make sure that you are familiar with which topic will be presented
on the class. Review the headings and sub-headings in research paper as well as objectives in each
paper. Customize your own outline and notes for an easier reference. This helps reinforce the
structure of the text in your mind. If there is any important/specific charts, graphs, or special
sections mark them or memorize the page numbers so that you do not waste time looking for them.
Mark important terms with sticky notes and flags in your research paper. If the teacher allows it,
marking on your papers wherever you notice important concepts and terms.

Have a good luck &my best wishes to all of you

Rules and regulations:

1. Attendance:
College policy state that student may be dropped from final exam when absent 20% of the
schedule course hours. A student is given a warning letter, if he/she absent 20% of the course
2. Tardy policy:
3. A student who is late three times (enters classroom after the instructor by 10 minutes)
will be charged with one full absence unless the student can provide valid reasons for the
delay. Student is expected to be punctual at all time, and to be back from break on time.

4. Student participation:
Students are expected to participate in discussion, reading and in- class activities. These are point
values assigned to such activities.

5. Test retaking:
If the student miss a quiz written documentation of the reason for absence (e.g. sick leave, death
of family member) is required in order to retake the test (applies to quizzes).

The student's responsibly to take the missed test within seven calendar days of the scheduled test
to be arranged with the instructor, failure to take the test within this period will result in student
receiving a grad of zero for the test.

The instructor has the option of administering a test different from that missed by the student but
one that tests the same body of knowledge. The Faculty policies are to be followed in case of final

Learning Resources

Required text books and reading materials:

- Sullivan, E.J. (2017) Effective leadership and Management in Nursing. 9th ed.Prentice Hall
- Cherry B, Jacob S. Contemporary nursing: issues trends and management. 2nd ed. London: M
Mosby; 2012.
- Mondy W, Noe R. Human resource management. 9th Ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall; 2009.

1. Other Information Resources:

2. Nursing Periodicals:
1. Journal of nursing administration.
2. Journal of educational research.
3. Journal of nursing management.
3. Nursing websites:
Free Management Library

‫جامعة الملك عبد العزيز‬
King Abdul-Aziz University
‫كلية التمريض‬
Faculty of Nursing
Postgraduate Studies ‫الدراسات العليا‬

Teaching Plan
Human Resource Management (NURS 653)
Master Degree Second Semester
(1441-1442) – 2020/2021
Wednesday 9-11 am / week
Week Date Topic Student’s Teacher
1 Introduction to the course Dr.Ghada Hamouda

2 Human Resource Theories Manal Dr.Ghada Hamouda
3 Human Resource strategies and planning Maram Dr.Ghada Hamouda

4 Recruitment and selection process of an Duaa Dr.Ghada Hamouda
5 Motivation Norah Dr.Ghada Hamouda

6 Compensation and incentive system Tahani Dr.Ghada Hamouda

7 HR functions and HR model Duaa Dr.Ghada Hamouda
8 Mid term Dr.Ghada Hamouda

9 Career Development and training Maryam Dr.Ghada Hamouda
And crafting
10 Human Resource benefit, maintenance Maram Dr.Ghada Hamouda
labour relation
11 Staff development & performance Tahani Dr.Ghada Hamouda
12 Job analysis and job designs Norah Dr.Ghada Hamouda
13 Legal environments Manal Dr.Ghada Hamouda
14 Future of HR Maryam Dr.Ghada Hamouda

28-4-2021 Revision
Course Title: Human Resources Management

Course Code: NURS (653)

Program: Master
Department: Public Health
College: Faculty of Nursing
Institution: King Abdul-Aziz University
Table of Contents
A. Course Identification ............................................................................................. 3
B. Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes ............................................................. 3
1. Course Description ............................................................................................................ 3
2. Course Main Objective ....................................................................................................... 3
3. Course Learning Outcomes ................................................................................................. 3
C. Course Content .........................................................................................................4
D. Teaching and Assessment ......................................................................................... 4
1. Alignment of Course Learning Outcomes with Teaching Strategies and Assessment
Methods.................................................................................................................................. 4
2. Assessment Tasks for Students ........................................................................................... 5
E. Student Academic Counseling and Support ............................................................ 6
F. Learning Resources and Facilities ............................................................................6
1. Learning Resources............................................................................................................. 6
2. Educational and research Facilities and Equipment Required .............................................. 6
G. Course Quality Evaluation ....................................................................................... 7
H. Specification Approval Data .................................................................................... 7

A. Course Identification

1. Credit hours:
2. Course type
☒ Required ☐ Elective
3. Level/year at which this course is offered: level II / 2021
4. Pre-requisites for this course (if any): None

5. Co-requisites for this course (if any): None

6. Mode of Instruction (mark all that apply)

No Mode of Instruction Contact Hours Percentage
1 Traditional classroom
2 Blended
3 E-learning 2 hours 100%
4 Distance learning
5 Other
7. Actual Learning Hours (based on academic semester)
No Activity Learning Hours
1 Lecture
2 Laboratory/Studio
3 Seminars 2*15=30 hours
4 Others (specify)
Total 30 hours

B. Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes

1. Course Description
This course addresses human resource topics as: recruitment, retention, interviewing,
orientation, staff development and evaluation. It will enable students to understand employment
policies and regulations and its application in hospitals and health care settings.

2. Course Main Objective

Identify the major functions, processes of strategic planning and development of HRM to enable
the student to manage manpower in different health care settings.

3. Course Learning Outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1 Knowledge and Understanding
1.1 Identify the goals and philosophy of staffing. 1.1
1.2 List the purpose of recruitment. 1.1
1.3 State different types of human resources training and development. 1.1
1.4 Describe the individual career planning. 1.1
2 Skills :
2.1 Differentiate between formal and informal types of performance 2.1

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
2.2 Recognize labor relation for the employees in the organization. 2.1

2.3 Plan a staff development program for nursing 2.1

2.4 Develop the techniques for forecasting human resources planning 2.1

3 Values:
3.1 Integrate information technology in searching for more related and 3.1
relevant information
* Program Learning Outcomes

C. Course Content
No List of Topics
1 Human Resource Theories 2hrs.
2 Human Resource strategies and planning 2hrs.
3 Recruitment and selection process of an organization 2hrs.
4 Motivation 2hrs.
5 Compensation and incentive system 2hrs.
6 Human Resource Maintenance 2hrs.
7 HR functions and HR model 2hrs.
8 Career Development and training 2hrs.
9 Human Resource benefit and labour relation 2hrs.
10 Staff development & performance appraisal 2hrs.
11 Job analysis and job designs 2hrs.
12 Legal environments 2hrs.
13 Future of HR 2hrs.
14 Revision 2hrs.
15 Revision 2hrs.
Total 30hrs.

D. Teaching and Assessment

1. Alignment of Course Learning Outcomes with Teaching Strategies and Assessment
Code Course Learning Outcomes Teaching Strategies Assessment Methods
1.0 Knowledge and Understanding
Seminar & Presentation
1.1 discussions evaluation
Identify the goals and philosophy of
Evaluation of
Seminar & Presentation
1.2 discussions evaluation
List the purpose of recruitment. Discussion
Evaluation of

Code Course Learning Outcomes Teaching Strategies Assessment Methods
Seminar & Presentation
1.3 discussions evaluation
State different types of human
resources training and development.
Evaluation of
Seminar & Presentation
1.4 discussions evaluation
Describe the individual career Discussion
planning. Evaluation of
Midterm Exam
2.0 Skills
2.1 Seminar & evaluation
Differentiate between formal and discussions Discussion
informal types of performance Evaluation of
appraisal. Participation
Midterm Exam
Seminar & Presentation
2.2 Recognize labor relation for the discussions evaluation
employees in the organization. Discussion
Evaluation of
2.3 Seminar & Presentation
discussions evaluation
Plan a staff development program for
nursing personnel
Evaluation of
2.4 Seminar & Presentation
Develop the techniques for
discussions evaluation
forecasting human resources
planning requirements.
Evaluation of
3.0 Values
Integrate information technology in Seminar & Presentation
3.1 searching for more related and discussions evaluation
relevant information Discussion
Evaluation of
2. Assessment Tasks for Students
Percentage of Total
# Assessment task* Week Due Assessment Score
1 Midterm Exam 11th Week 20%
2 Topics preparation & Oral presentation All Weeks 10%
Written Assignments W 7th & 10%
4 Final Written Exam W 16th 60%

Percentage of Total
# Assessment task* Week Due Assessment Score
Total -------- 100%
*Assessment task (i.e., written test, oral test, oral presentation, group project, essay, etc.)
E. Student Academic Counseling and Support
Arrangements for availability of faculty and teaching staff for individual student
consultations and academic advice:
Arrangements for availability of faculty and teaching staff for individual student
consultations and academic advice:
The office hours for each teaching faculty will be hanged out of their office door. A time
should be booked with the faculty by emails. The teaching faculties will also be available
for communication and guidance through emails and blackboard.

F. Learning Resources and Facilities

1. Learning Resources
Sullivan, E.J. (2017) Effective leadership and Management in Nursing.
9th ed.Prentice Hall
- Cherry B, Jacob S. Contemporary nursing: issues trends and
Required Textbooks
management. 2nd ed. London: M Mosby; 2012.
- Mondy W, Noe R. Human resource management. 9th Ed. New Jersey:
Prentice Hall; 2009.
-Journal of nursing administration.
- Journal of educational research.
Essential Reference
- Journal of nursing management.
Electronic Materials performance-management
Free Management Library
Other Learning
2. Educational and research Facilities and Equipment Required
Item Resources
(Classrooms, laboratories, demonstration
rooms/labs, etc.) Virtual class room on blackboard
Technology Resources Computer, Internet Connection and Blackboard
(AV, data show, Smart Board, software, Sessions
Other Resources
(Specify, e.g. if specific laboratory
equipment is required, list requirements or
attach a list)

G. Course Quality Evaluation
Evaluators Evaluation Methods
Direct : seminars
and presentation
Effectiveness of teaching and
Faculty Students Indirect :Online
questionnaire (NCAAA
Direct: Calculation of
Extent of achievement of
Program coordinator Faculty learning outcomes Clinical
course learning outcomes
Quality of learning resources Students
(NCAAA forms)
Evaluation Areas/Issues (e.g., Effectiveness of teaching and assessment, Extent of achievement of course learning
outcomes, Quality of learning resources, etc.)
Evaluators (Students, Faculty, Program Leaders, Peer Reviewer, Others (specify)
Assessment Methods (Direct, Indirect)

H. Specification Approval Data

Council / Committee
Reference No.

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