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upward pressure on prices

mutual fund
pit sth against sth 与…较量
firm-foundation theory
castle-in-the-air theory
investment instrument
intrinsic value 内在价值
dividend income
furnish 提供
worth one's salt 称职
prospective yield
will-o'-the-wisp. an elusive goal镜花水月
blue-chip stocks 蓝筹股
the call option 认购期权
the option premium
the option holder
leveraging 举债经营
peak price 最高价
fat saving
thin investment outlet
investment vehicle
IOU 欠条
par 面值
assume 继承债务
take on a government IOU 承担政府债务
prospectus 广告宣传材料
bonus stock dividends
liquidity 资产流动性
concern 企业;商行
jingoism 极端爱国主义
an issue of stock 一次发行股票
buy on the installment plan 分期购买
premium 股票货币等贴息溢价
aftermarket 二级市场
prick/puncture the bubble
the public credit 公信
margin 差额、利润
investment pools (用来操纵证券市场的)集合基金
in the swim 了解当前局势
wash sale 冲销性交易,洗售
in the offing 即将发生的
free-for-all 混战
sale short 空头交易the sale of securities or commodities that the seller does not possess or
short-swing 六个月以内成交的
goatee 山羊胡
call 要求还清;收兑
collateral 担保的
indomitable 不屈不挠的
closed-end investment company
clinching evidence
closed-end funds 封闭式基金
net asset value 每股净资产值(反映了每股股票代表的公司净资产价值,是支撑股票市场
portfolio of stocks
long-run returns
bears sb/sth out 为某人作证
trading volume 交易额
New York Stock Exchange 纽约证交所
market capitalization 市值
outstanding (股票)已发行的
beat the gun 抢占先机
cross-selling when one company helps to sell another company's products by, for example, ad
hold sway 有支配力量
offering 股票
underwriter 证券包销者
fork over/out 交出/付出
peculation 盗用/侵吞
tailspin 失控状态
rollback 下降,削减
earnings per share
surefire 一定能成功的
monkey business/monkeyshine 胡闹,把戏
price-earnings ratio 市盈率(股价除以每股收益)
convertible bonds 可兑换为普通股票的债券
prefered stock/common stock 优先股/普通股
subsidiary 附属公司
shinanigans 诡计,诈骗
Leveraged Buy-out,LBO 杠杆收购是指公司或个体利用自己的资产作为债务抵押,收购另一家公司
make a killing 赢取暴利、突然获得的大成功
up to one's eyeballs in debt 债台高筑
concept stocks 概念股
newfangled 最新奇的(贬)
Standard & Poor's 500-Stock Index 标准普尔指数
near-term short-term
metier 职业
imprimatur 认可
ller does not possess or has not contracted for at the time of the sale

ucts by, for example, advertising the second company's products at the same time as its own

抵押,收购另一家公司的策略。 交易过程中,收购方的现金开支降低到最小程度。

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