Green Revolution and Land Reforms Ayub Khan S Era

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AYUB ERA 1958-1969.
Ayyub khan era generally known as decay of development.
Appointed commander in chief in 1951. The govt of Iskandar mirza become unpopular and
situation become bad. 7 oct 1958 martial law was declared by Iskandar mirza, Ayyub khan
remove Iskandar mirza and took office of president. This event was known as GLORIOUS
 Legal reforms
 Foreign policy-relation with countries

Cultivation of china angered US, SOCIO ECONOMIC problem increased.

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1950’s period of stagnation and economic problems between 1958-1962 ayyub khan did so many

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reforms for development of economic condition of Pakistan.

 Initial reforms
 Price control list rs e
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 Improve law and order
 Made new capital of Pakistan
 Took steps to stop the smuggling.

 Industrial reforms
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 In February 1959 the govt announces new industrial policy “gradual liberalization of
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economy” to pay way for smooth industrial growth. focus is on the utilization of raw
material in the country.
 Establishment Pakistan industrial development corporation (PIDC)
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 Were made to promote several industries like

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Jute, Engineering, fertilizer, sugar, cement, textile etc

Four new states for small industries were established Bahawalpur, Larkana, Gujrat,

 Price control
 Investment promotion bureau

April 1959, to attract foreign investment and attract new industries and to solve problems of
foreign investors (finding land, water, power etc)
 Indus water treaty

 Space program.
Established Pakistan national space agency, space and upper atmosphere research
commission (SUPARCO) on September 16, 1961. Ayub appointed dr abul salam as head of
this department. Ayyub khan wanted Pakistan as the space power in the world so they
appointed air mar. gen W.J.M turowics as Pakistan rocket program head and he made missile
for Pakistan.

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 Constitution of 1962.
 250 articles divided into twelve parts and three schedules
 Election of 1965
2 January 1965, 80000 democrats part of urban and regional council. (Ayyub khan the
convention Muslim league). Fatima Jinnah won because other 6 parties supported them.
 Indo pak war 1965.
 Tashkent agreement.


First five year plan (1955-1960) in practices this plan was not implemented however mainly
because political instability lead to a neglect of economic policy but in 1958 the govt renewed its
commitment to planning by establishing the planning commission she second five year plan

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1960-1965 supposed its major goals when all sector showed substantial growth the plan
encouraged private entrepreneurs to participate in those activities in which a deal of profit could

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be made while the govt act in those sectors of the economy where private business was reluctant
to operate this mix of private enterprise and social responsibility was hailed as a model that other

developing countries could follow Pakistan success however partially depended on generous
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infusions of foreign aid particularly from the united states after the 1965 indo Pakistan war over
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Kashmir the level of foreign assistance declined more resources than had been intended also
where diverted to defense. As a result, the third five-year plan 1965-1970, designed along the

lines of its immediate predecessor, produced only modest growth.

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After the report on the commission on NATIONAL EDUCATION which identified the
importance of education as an investment in national report.
 Primary education
 Secondary education
 New curriculums
 Building new institute
 Technical education
 University degree courses
 Improve scientific education
 Civil defense training.


The Land Reform Commission was set up in 1958, and in 1959 the

g o v e r n m e n t i m p o s e d a ceiling of 200 hectares of irrigated land and 400 hectares

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of unirrigated land in the West Wing f o r a s i n g l e h o l d i n g . I n t h e E a s t Wi n g ,

t h e l a n d h o l d i n g c e i l i n g w a s r a i s e d f r o m t h i r t y - t h r e e hectares to forty-eight

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hectares Landholders retained their dominant positions in the social h i e r a r c h y

a n d t h e i r p o l i t i c a l i n f l u e n c e b u t h e e d e d Ay u b K h a n ' s w a r n i n g s a g a i n s t p o l i
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t i c a l assertiveness. Moreover, some 4 million hectares of land in West Pakistan, much of it in
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Sindh, was released for public acquisition between 1959 and 1969 and sold mainly to civil and
military o ff i c e r s , t h u s c r e a t i n g a n e w c l a s s o f f a r m e r s h a v i n g m e d i u m - s i z e d
h o l d i n g s . T h e s e f a r m s became immensely important for future agricultural

development, but the peasants benefited scarcely at all.

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He subsidized fertilizers and modernized agriculture through irrigation development, spurred

industrial growth with liberal tax benefits. In the decade of his rule, gross national product rose
by 45% and manufactured goods began to overtake such traditional exports as jute and cotton. It
is alleged that his policies were tailored to reward the elite families and the feudal lords. During
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the fall of his dictatorship, just when the government was celebrating the so-called "Decade of
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Development", mass protests erupted due an increasingly greater divide between the rich and the

He shunned prestige projects and stressed birth control in a country that has the seventh
largest population in the world: 115 million. He dismissed criticism with the comment that if

there was no family planning, the time would surely come when "Pakistanis eat
Pakistanis." In foreign affairs, he retained his ties to the West and to the United States in
particular, allowing the United States to use the Badaber and Peshawar airbase for U-2 flights
over the then Soviet Union.

Important mechanism for changing ownership and wealth patterns.

Implies a redistribution of land away from large landholders to those who are often landless. Two
sets of land reforms have occurred in Pakistan

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Put ceilings on landholdings. Small amount of land handed over; Moreover, most was
uncultivated land. Important feature: resumed land to be sold to landless tenants. Loopholes
intra-family and intra-household’s transfers allowed.
Ceilings further lowered. Small amount of land handed over; moreover, most was uncultivated
land. Important feature: land resumed would not receive any compensation and lad to be given
free to landless tenants. Only 1% landless benefited from the reforms.

This green revolution was responsible for very high growth rates of the late
1960s. The term "Green Revolution" is used for big increases in wheat and rice
yields in developing countries f r o m t h e 1 9 6 0 s b r o u g h t a b o u t b y n e w h i g h -

y i e l d i n g c r o p s t r a i n s c o m b i n e d w i t h t h e u s e o f fertilizers and agricultural

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chemicals. It was launched in Asia in 1960 at the International Rice Research Institute

in the Philippines; rice is the staple food for people living in Southeast Asia. Southeast Asia as

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discussed herein consists of Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar (Burma), the

Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam but excludes Brunei and Singapore. The Green Revolution
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in Southeast Asia as was a technology package comprising improved high-yield in
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varieties of rice, irrigation or controlled water supply, improved moisture utilization, fertilizers
and pesticides, and associated management skills. Some two decades later, several
South east Asian countries adopted more of a market approach to rural finance. At

the same time, local governments improved rural infrastructures such as

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transportation, telecommunication, postal, irrigation, and electrical systems to assist large

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and small farmers previously beyond the reach of technological innovations. The utilization of
this technology package in suitable socio-economic environments has resulted in greatly
increased yields and incomes for many farmers in Southeast Asia. The Green Revolution, a
transformation in the organization of South Asian agriculture that took place mainly between
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1964 and 1978, was attendant upon the adoption of high-yielding

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varieties(HYV) of major crops, including rice, wheat, maize, and some millets. While farmers
traditionally planted seeds selected each year from their own crops, seeds for the high-yielding
varieties were created in central facilities by systematic selection, hybridization,
and genetic transfer. These HYV cultigens do not breed true to type, and pests and diseases

constantly evolve

a d a p t a t i o n s t o t h e n e w v a r i e t i e s . C o n s e q u e n t l y, o n c e f a r m e r s a d o p t e d t h e m
, t h e y b e c a m e dependent on this large and advanced technological infrastructure.
The result is a system of peasant agriculture that combines traditional farm
management with some of the world's most advanced agricultural science. A l t h o u g h

the new cultigens are often described as "miracle" varieties, they do not
p r o d u c e increased yields under all conditions. They give increased yields primarily in response
to heavier and more regular water, fertilizer, and pest control. Without such inputs,
the yields of the new varieties are not consistently better than the yields
of the traditional varieties, and they may be worse. Accordingly, even though adoption of
the HYV crops has been widespread in South Asia, the benefits have depended largely on

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the quality of the agricultural-support structure in the several countries. Where
yields of HYV cultigens have increased, as a rule the yields of many traditional
varieties have increased also (Leaf 1998: 109–112). The transformation has been most
widespread and most successful in India, followed by Sri Lanka and Pakistan. The
effect has been marginal in Bangladesh and Nepal. T h e c o r e m e t h o d s f o r t r a n s f e r r i n g
d e s i r e d c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s f r o m o n e s p e c i e s t o a n o t h e r w e r e initially developed in
two major international laboratories. Beginning in 1942, wheat and maize were developed at the
International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center in Mexico under the combined
sponsorship of the Mexican government and the Rockefeller Foundation, headed
by Norman Borlaug (b. 1914). Beginning in 1960, rice varieties were developed at the
International Rice Research Institute (IRRA) in the Philippines, sponsored by the Rockefeller
Foundation and the Philippine government and based on the Mexican model. Later,
millets were developed in India by the Indian Council for Agricultural Research
(ICAR), again in collaboration with the Rockefeller Foundation, with a view toward replicating
what had been done to improve t h e yields of commercial millets in the United States

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Prime vehicles of change,
 The massive switch over to HYV’s

 Consumption of fertilizers three folds increase from 111.8 thousand to 381.9 thousand
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tones (1967-72)
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 Area covered by plant protection 1.7 million spray acres to 4.14 million (1967-72)
 Tube wells 58% increase in the area irrigated over the same time span.
 Tractors 13,764 in 1968 to 27,239 in 1975,
 Agricultural price policy,
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o Heavy subsidies given on tractors, tube wells, pesticides and fertilizer: low input
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o High output price policy for food and cash crops to correct the balance in favor of
the agriculture sector: support price raised substantially.

 Increased credit availability,

o Five folds increase on credit disbursement by ADBP.

o Commercial bank also starts lending more.



 Increase in productivity and avoidance of economic stagnation.
 An alternative to land reforms.

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 Direct and indirect employment benefits.
 Impact on income distribution.
 Impact on regional disparities.
 Employment displacing impact.
 Effect on people diet and nutrition.
 Effect on nature.

Introduced in 1959
Focus on indirect controls of imports and on domestic prices of other goods. A number of
measures were takes on imports licensing that make market forces more important in
determining the ownerships of imports licenses.

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A flexible and fascinating device which was used both the subsidized exports and to allow a

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safety value on imports while maintaining the basic structure of import controls and the official

exchange is at its existing level.
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Permitted the imports of certain goods without any license. The free list was extended over time
for four items to fifty in 1964. Open general licensing scheme were also introduced
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