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Cancer is one of the leading cause of death globally, and about one in six deaths is due to cancer.
Cancer arises when the normal cells undergo abnormal and uncontrolled growth, leading to changes
in the normal structure and function of involved tissue or organ. Inspite of the fact that cancer is a
leading cause of death, many cancers have a high chance of cure if diagnosed early and treated

Breast cancer is one of the cancers which has high chance of recovery if detected and treated
early. It can be detected early by implementing practice of Breast Self Examination, which is a
simple examination which can be done by women on her own at home.


Breast self examination is a screening method which is used in an attempt to identify unusual signs
in the breast that may be early signs of breast cancer. The method involves the women herself
looking at and feeling both breast for possible lumps, distortion or swelling. This is a free of cost and
easy way to facilitate early diagnosis of breast cancer to gain recovery even if breast cancer occurs.


The main purpose of breast self examination is to identify and assess the early signs of breast
cancer . The following changes should be observed in the breast while performing:-

 An unusual increase in the size of one breast.

 Changes in the shape and texture of the nipple or breast.
 Development of a large lump or thickening of breast.
 Sticky or bloody discharge from the nipples.
 Redness and swelling of the breast.
 Skin irritation or dimpling.
 Nipple abnormalities ( such as pain, redness, scaliness, nipple inversion)


 For premenopausal women: Perform breast self examination about a week after period
ends because at this time the hormonal effect is low and therefore the breast are not tender
and swollen.
 For postmenopausal women: Fix up a day for breast self examination. It should be
performed on the same day each month (e.g. 1 st of every month or first sunday of every
month )
 For pregnant women: Fix up a day each month as per convenience.
 For breast feeding women: The breast can be examined after feeding the baby so that there
is little milk as possible. This technique will make the examination much easier and more

Step – 1

 Stand in front of the mirror.

 Keep the shoulders straight.
 Place hands on the waist.
 Look at the breast in the mirror for the following changes:
o Changes in the normal size and shape of the breast
o Dimpling, puckering or bulging of the skin
o Redness, soreness, rash or swelling

Step – 2

 Raise arms.
 Clasp both the hands above head.
 Look for the above said changes again.

Step – 3

 While standing in front of the mirror gently squeeze each nipples between the index finger
and thumb and to check for any discharge. ( This could be watery, sticky, yellow fluid or
Step – 4

 Lie down because in lying down position the breast tissue spreads evenly over the chest wall
and is as thin as possible.
 Place a small pillow under the left shoulder.
 Keep the left arm behind the head.
 Use the fingerpads of the three middle fingers of the right hand to feel for lumps in the
breast tissue.
 Use three different levels of pressure to feel all the breast tissue:-
o Light pressure is needed to feel the tissue close to the skin.
o Medium pressure to feel a little deeper.
o Firm pressure to feel the tissue close to the chest and ribs.

 Follow a pattern to be sure that whole of the breast is covered.

 Cover the entire breast from top to bottom, that is , from collar bone to the top of the
abdomen and side to side. i.e. from armpit to cleavage.
 For the circular movements (spiral pattern) begin at the nipple, moving in larger circles until
reaches at the outer edge of the breast.
 For the vertical movements (top to bottom and vice versa). Start at the armpit and work
down to the bottom of the bra line. Move one finger width toward the middle and work up
to the collar bone. Repeat until entire breast is covered.
Step -5

 Many women find that the easiest way to feel their breast is when their skin is wet and
slippery, so that they like to do this in a shower. Actually soapy fingers slide easily across the
breast and there by increases chances of detecting a change.
 Place one arm over her head and lightly soap the breast on that side.
 Using the flat surface of the fingers, cover the entire breast, using the same hand
movements as described in step 4.


We should remember that vast majority of breast abnormalities turn out to be benign, or non
cancerous. Besides cancer, breast lumps can be caused by adenofibroma, a benign tumour of the
breast tissue, fibrocystic breast disease, painful, lumpy breast caused by hormone changes.


Today we have discussed about the following points:-

 Introduction
 Meaning of Breast Self Examination (BSE)
 Purposes of Breast Self Examination
 Recommendation for BSE
 Early signs of Breast Cancer
 Steps for BSE


Breast Self Examination is an evidenced based strategy to detect breast cancer at early stage. It can
be practiced by every women free of cost, by herself and without the need of going to health facility.
There is no harm in doing Breast Self Examination. If any query arises after BSE the women should
take the opinion of the physician. Any abnormal finding must be reassessed by the doctor through
clinical breast examination. Lastly, BSE is an acceptable, affordable and convenient way to detect
breast cancer at early stage that facilitates early treatment and cure.

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