Unfinished Movie Script "Call of The Sea"

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i ran so far away.
The ocean is seen between the trees, by the beach.
But no matter how far i ran, i always came back to the familiar shores.
The seagull caws loudly. Water washes over rocks. a long low beach, with wooden
houses. Mika is running down the sandy beach.
Every day, for about five years i would run along the shoreline. i ran. i chased
after seagulls. i chased them until they flew off over the horizon.
Underwater shots of male and female seagulls flying over the ocean.
i'd sit down on the beach, and pick up the rocks that would wash on the shore. i
found new ones every day.
Mika kneels down and picks up rocks half-buried in the sand. Her hand brushes a
clamshell, and she stops.

One day, i found a clamshell. It was the most beautiful shell i ever found.

Mika picks up the clamshell. She looks up into the sky and sees a clear sky. a long
long look on her face. The seagulls flap in the sky. The sun sets behind them. a
beautiful sunrise shines on the sea.

Mika smiles.

i knew it was stupid to put my heart in one place, with that seashell, to carry it
with me wherever i went, but i couldn't help it. i treasured it. It was so
important that i hold onto that shell for as long as i could. i thought about all
the things i'd lost. And most of all i wanted to be with my family.

Mika passes by two people who are playing cards on the beach. a large number of
cards lie on the sand. One card is ripped. Mika looks at the seashell. She
places it inside her beach bag. She turns around and walks back to the two people
who are playing cards on the beach.

But, this was all I had right now. This seashell.

Mika pauses for a moment as she passes the two playing cards, then keeps walking.
She stops to look up at the sky. The sky was filled with stars, and the great seal
of St. Petersburg was sitting in the sky. So was St. Vladimir, the mascot for the
Red Cross.

Mika continues walking deeper into the beach. She reaches the one house on the end
of the beach. Mika taps a little piece of wood with her foot.

So i guess i can't escape it. Love, affection, attachment, grief. But there is a
sense of destiny.

Mika's eyes glisten in the light from the stars, tears welling up underneath. The
sound of the ocean rushing against the beach can be heard.

i will never forget it, and i will always be terrified of falling backwards. I can
never go home.

Camera zooms out on the beach. Mika's eyes reflect the night sky, panning over to
the moon. A calm moon. The night, and the memory, passes onward.




a deserted little town on the coastline of Scotland. a piece of the 18th-century

rise in architecture remains a wooden church. But now, instead of a structure, we
see a woman, a spanish woman (Mika). We are in a wooded area behind the church. She
keeps a small cage over her head. Noises are coming from the gates. The woman locks
them, moving to the main exit, going into the main street. We follow her into the
town. She starts walking in the streets, looking up to the highest buildings.
People see her, but don't want to help her. Mesmerized, she keeps on walking. It's
not for too long. The woman’s large silhouette goes over the buildings and keeps
moving to the next one. She finally stops in front of an enormous Victorian house,
twenty stories tall, we can barely make it out. The woman, on the other hand,
cannot be seen, because of the high fence, the wooden tower and the shroud of dust.
She makes her way up the porch, then just stands there. Completely alone. As we
watch her walking along, the camera stays on the shrouded figure, going over the
building to another part of the house, which opens onto the main street. We enter a
beautiful, old-fashioned carriage house. On a table on the left side of the door, a
satchel, like the one in the carriage outside the opening scene. a little girl
(Laura), seven or eight years old, sitting on the table, eyes looking worried,
smiles a little and waves her hand. Mesmerized, the girl just stands there with the
big shrouded figure just behind her, the child still in her fanny pack, putting the
satchel in her bag and walking off to another part of the house, with the front
door open. This girl, who has no head, is known as pilar. We follow her up the
steps, which are still partly open, to another carriage, with an old woman (Canis)
who looks like pilar, the mother of the little girl. At the moment, the old woman
is around sixty years old, and still in excellent health. Her face looks very
beautiful. The little girl waves a little.

Is it time? Is it time?

No. I just want to take a taxi. Hello, Mika.

She continues on up the stairs and disappears into the carriage house. We stay
with the old woman, who is being very careful to walk, moving away from the window.
She doesn’t want the girl to see the shadowy figure of the big woman behind the
window. Canis is surprised to see the old woman like this. He looks around for a
second, sees no car, then points to an old car parked around the side of the house.

On second thought, we might be able to afford a little gas. Let's take the car
this time, Laura.

Come on!

Canis and Laura walk to the old car. Canis gets in the car on the driver's side.
Laura goes on the passenger side door.
(starts the engine. The driver begins to warm up and drive off in a full drive)

Scene cuts to Mika.

She closes the door in the carriage house, just as she starts crying. Mika flops
down on the bed and grabs the cellphone.

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