Class 12 Org Che CHAPTER 14

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1. What happens when D-glucose is treated with (i) conc.HNO3. (ii) bromine water (iii) HI

2. Write the product obtained when D-glucose is treated with H2N-OH (hydroxylamine).
Give a chemical reaction to show that a molecule of glucose contain a carbonyl group.

3. Write a reaction which shows that all the carbon atoms in glucose are linked in a
straight chain.

4. What is meant by reducing sugars and nonreducing sugars?

5. Name the monosaccharides obtained on hydrolysis of (i) lactose (ii) sucrose and (iii)

6. Write the structural difference between starch and cellulose.

7. Which one of the following is a disaccharide? Starch, Maltose, Fructose, Glucose.

8. Which of the two components of starch is water soluble?

9. Defne : Anomers

10.What is invert sugar? How is it formed?

11.What is a glycosidic linkage?

12.How is glycogen different from starch?

13.Write any two reactions of glucose which cannot be explained by its open chain

14.Write the product obtained when D-glucose is treated with acetic anhydride.

15.Explain mutarotation

16.Name the polysaccharide which is stored in the liver of animals.

17.What is the difference between fibrous protein and globular protein. Explain with

18.Aminoacids show amphoteric behaviour. Why?

19.What type of linkage is responsible for the formation of proteins?

20.What is meant by primary structure and secondary structure f protein?

21.Define: Denaturation of proteins. What is the effect of denaturation on the structure of


22.Define peptide linkage.

23.Where does the water present in the egg go after boiling the egg?

24.Write one difference between α- helix and β -pleated structures of proteins.

25.What are essential and non-essential aminoacids? Give two examples of each.

26.What is zwitter ion? Write the zwitter ion structure of glycine.

27.What is isoelectric point?

28.How do you explain the amphoteric behaviour of aminoacids?

29.What are vitamins? How are they classified?

30.Why vitamin C and B cannot be stored in our body?

31.Write the name of vitamin whose deficiency causes

(i) bone deformities in children (rickets)
(ii) bleeding of gums (scurvy)
(iii) night blindness (xerophthalma)

32.Write the name of vitamin whose deficiency causes

(i) pernicious anaemia.
(ii) convulsions

33.Name the vitamin responsible for the coagulation of blood.

34.Name the only vitamin which can be synthesised in our body. Name the disease caused
due to its deficiency.
35.What is hypervitaminosis and avitaminosis?

36.Write chemical name of (i) Vitamin C (ii) Vitamin B12 (iii) Vitamin B6

37.What is the difference between a nucleoside and nucleotide?

38.What type of linkage is present in nucleic acids?

39.Write the structural difference between DNA and RNA.

40.The two strands in DNA are not identical but are complementary. Explain.

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