Group1 Business Plan

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Course: MGT368; Section: 20

Date: 11th July 2021

Business Plan Proposal

Submitted To:

Shabnin Rahman Shorna


Department of Management

Submitted by:

Name ID

Mohammad Hisham 1812218630

Akash Podder 1821617030

Abdul Aziz 1821490630

Arpon Barua 1821897630
Abdullah Hil Galib 1931114630
1. In today's world, technology is growing at a rapid rate. We want to do a business related to
technology because we know that nowadays, thinking about a business without technology
is lame. That's why we want to do AI-based legal service. It is a business where we will
provide online legal services to people who require them. We will build a partnership with
top-class lawyers and connect them with our customers through an online platform. The
main goal of our business is to give the people of Bangladesh an entirely online-based legal
service for the first time in Bangladesh by maintaining the best legal solutions to their
problems and hassle-free than the traditional legal services at a reasonable price.
2. Bangladesh is a populated nation in the Southeast Asia region. At the same time, people
from rural areas have less exposure to the urban-related individual. With adequate
information to these people, we will reach out to lawyers concerning their issues. We
choose this sector for many reasons. The primary reason is that there is a hopeful law
enforcement rise in Bangladesh.
• Finding fresh chances in the legal industry
• Understanding the client demands that are not met in the market by the legal sector
• Recommendations on current issues and areas where they may improve and
perform better
• Enhance people's experiences in locating and meeting with a lawyer.
• People's reactions to dependable, innovative services
• People's demand for items that are not already available in the market, which our
company is preparing to enter.

We built a legal practice from the bottom up to provide the type of innovation and profound change
that clients want. We link the firm's clients with a panel of senior lawyers with the skills and
knowledge to assist significant transactions, regulatory changes, and resource shortfalls.
According to the company, it designs possibilities to assist its consultants' aspirations and, by
knowing its customers' needs, connects the correct consultant with each specific environment and
need. We have pioneered innovative methods of providing legal services by placing our clients in
charge of the legal budget. Todays in this business there very demanded. We are the first mover in
this business that is a very crucial point for us. In the future, we take good advantage.
Business Model Canvas
Key Partners: Key Activities: Value Proposition: Customer Customer
Relationship: Segments:
• IT software • Analyze clients • Create the best
& project legal process legal solutions • Online Customer • Mass
management needs for every Service • People who are
software • Advance efficient single • Home consultant seeking
development solution customer service immediate legal
tool suppliers • Adding best • Experienced • Dedicated assistance.
• Big law firms lawyers to the technology- personal • Corporations
• Banks (Cash portal and enhanced and assistance.
management, suggesting clients well-developed
loans, • Appoint lawyers
underwriting) appropriate • The quality of
lawyers, take up legal service is
and do enhanced by
complicated cases better
successfully approaches
Key Resources: Channels:
• Physical legal service. • Website
(technology • Hassle-free and • App
platform) cheaper than • Physical Center
• Intellectual traditional • On-site
(process legal services consultation
development • Home • End-to-end
methodology, consultancy implementation
copyright) service makes of legal
• Lawyers, IT it more processes.
professionals, convenient for
project managers. the clients
• Easy access to
the app and
Cost Structure: Revenue Streams:
• Creating & maintaining technology platforms: • Hourly billing projects.
hosting, servers, etc. • Home consultancy premiums.
• Software licensing. • Contract for ongoing services.
• Employee salaries and benefits. • Appointment fixing fee.
• Marketing, research & development.
• AI development.
• Infrastructure development.

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