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PRA EA National Cheng Kung University DECLARATION for International Student Application ws SEPRIBLL F SBE I do agree the declaration mentioned in below. HSB Applicant's signature BRE Date Ae 1 SAPStR eee SSS EES, = Clea weet Lam qualified for legal student status pursuant te Articla Two and Thres of the Ministry of Education's “Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies im Taiwan". L TARE SSOTSERS Ste eet he seo eMse - Thereby certify that I have never study in Taiwan under the status of an Overseas Chinese Student ‘which in accordance with “Application Regulations for Overseas Chinese Students to Study in Taiwan.” And have not been accepted for admission placement by University Entrance Committee for ‘Overseas Chinese Student, 3 *¢\SESRERe tenets ete ce - Thereby certify that if] have nationality of RO.C. (Taiwan) at the time of:my birth but! never hold a ‘household registration while application. 4 EPAGFRSSEREA- HME Raa Thereby certify that if] have had nationabty of 2.0.C. (Taiwan), but while application! have lostmy nationality of B.O.C. (Taiwan) and have annulled status regarding mvy nationality of R.O.C. (Taiwan) for no lass than B years, 5 $AGEEAGP RLU - Che FARE ARES - Ubereby that 1 am not dismissed from university / college after admussion due to behavior isvues. poor -scademuic performance or a conviction under the Criminal Law. 6 TATRA TART Re Peas SSS SEL SSEREA SERS SERN TSE DeRET eT See eS ee Cae SRR eA - ‘FH - STRSTR LS eee ‘The diploma granted by the education institute I Last attended is valid and has been awarded lesally in the country where I graduated. The certificate is comparable to that which is awarded by the certified schools in Taiwan. If thare is any cheating, violation. or forged documents, my admission will be refused, my student status revoked, and no transeript or diploma wil be tssued_ 7. S£ peer Etnies. +A cant eaghs sun l ee ee- Tmust disclose the department and university T attended if Thave studied in Taiwan now /before. B StARRAUTT SUERLRA TERRE PES - Hee Peete ee SSIMPRARERLAETSrH - PSEA - Tunderstand that at the time of repistering at NCKU. tha orginal diploma of my highest degree veritied by the F.O.C. embassies. consulates, or missions abroad or other notary institutes authorized ‘by the Marcetry of Foraign Affairs, F.O.C.. in the country where the documents were originality isrued, should be submitted. BM 2 — SBA BRAS - OE ie Pia Bats - Pe - A SS Ss - A+R i Saas PRA ‘Violation of any of the above-mentioned criteria will result in immediate cancellation of the applicant's admission or the deprivation of the applicant's recognized status as NCKU registered student, or revocation of applicant's NCKU diploma. No certificates will be awarded. BPSREEA SSNS Ieee S: acces fer. Taly 2016)

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