Pendientes 2º Eso (Parte 2)

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1 Read the definitions and write the words.

1 You do this so that people can sleep comfortably. m_______ t_______ b_______
2 You do this when you look after animals. p_______ s_______
3 You do this when you look after children. b______________
4 You do this to make your clothes look neat. d______ t_______ i_______
5 You do this when you water flowers and dig up weeds. d______ t_______ g_______
6 You do this when you put knives and forks on the table. l_______ t_______ t________
7 You do this to make cups and plates clean. d_____ t______ w______ u______
8 You do this to make your bedroom look neat. t________ y_______ r________

2 Complete the sentences with the money words in the box.

cost borrow earn lend collect pay for save sell spend swap
win lose

1 We always ______________ our shopping with a credit card. We never use cash.
2 Dylan’s dream is to _____________ the lottery and buy a sports car.
3 How much does this magazine ______________?
4 Will you ______________ this DVD for that computer game?
5 Jenny and Freya ______________ £20 every week in their part-time jobs.
6 Can I ______________ £1? I’ll pay it back tomorrow.
7 How much money do you ______________ on clothes every month?
8 I think I’ll ______________ my bike. I don’t use it much.
9 Have you got enough money for that sandwich? I can ______________ you some if you need it.
10 You can buy a new laptop if you ______________ some of your money every week.
11 Put your money in your wallet so that you don’t __________ it.
12 The people outside the shop __________ money for charity.


3 Complete the sentences with the be going to form of the verbs in the box.

visit travel invite not have not buy not get

1 I ______________________________ to Greece this summer.

2 Zara ______________________________ any DVDs or magazines this month.
She’s saving to buy an MP3 player.
3 Harry ______________________________ his friends tomorrow.
4 Sadie and Rob ______________________________ all their friends to the party.
5 Dan ______________________________ a job this summer. He’s too busy.
6 We ______________________________ a barbecue tomorrow. The weather
forecast is awful.
4 Complete the questions with the be going to form of the verbs in brackets. Then
complete the answers.
1 __________ Jonny and Rachel ______________ (have) dinner with us tomorrow?
Yes, _____________________.
2 __________ you ______________________________ (write) to Joe?
No, __________________.
3 __________ Lottie ______________________________ (reply) to the job advertisement?
Yes, ____________________.

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of will or be going to.

1 Can you do this question? Don’t worry, I ____________ help you.

2 My cousin ____________ stay with us for a week in the summer.
3 Ella and Lucy ____________ be so pleased to see you when they get home.
4 I don’t feel well. I don’t think I ____________ go to the party.
5 Oh no! We missed the last bus. It’s OK. I____________ phone my dad and ask him
to collect us.
6 Mario ____________ buy a new coat at the weekend.

6 Complete the sentences with would like and the infinitive form of the verb in brackets.

1 I _____________________ (like / go) to university when I finish school.

2 Alex _____________________ (not like / visit) Thailand. He doesn’t like hot places.
3 _____________________ you _____________________ (like / try) bungee jumping?
4 We _____________________ (not like / be) doctors when we grow up. They work too hard!
5 Laura and Andrea _____________________ (like / come) to our party so let’s send them
6 Carlos loves his job as a gardener. He _____________________ (not like / work) in an office.


7 Read the text and choose the correct answers.

The Mountain Rescue Team

Danny Laird lives in Fort William, a small town in Scotland. It’s near Ben Nevis, Scotland’s highest mountain.
At the weekend, he often goes climbing with his older sister or hill walking with his dad. He loves the
mountains, and when he leaves school he’d like to work as a mountain rescue volunteer.
Danny’s father leads the Fort William mountain rescue team, and next weekend he’s going to take Danny and a
group of other young people up into the mountains to learn some basic survival skills. Of course, there aren’t
any shops in the mountains so Danny and his friends will have to take everything they need with them:
sleeping bags, tents, waterproof clothes and food and water.
Danny is really excited about the trip. It will be a great opportunity to learn more about mountain safety and
the job of a mountain rescue volunteer. It won’t be easy, but it will be a lot of fun.
So why does Danny want to work as part of a mountain rescue team? He says ‘It’s a really important job.
When hill walkers have an accident, the mountain rescue team is there to save them. I am very enthusiastic
about becoming part of the team because I know that, one day, I am going to save somebody’s life.’
1 Danny often goes hill walking with his ____.
a) dad b) sister
2 ____ works as a mountain rescue volunteer.
a) Danny b) Danny’s dad
3 Danny ______ be able to buy food and drink on the trip.
a) will b) won’t
4 Danny thinks the trip is a good opportunity to learn about the mountains and ___.
a) nature b) the job of a mountain rescue volunteer
5 Danny is very ____ about becoming part of the mountain rescue team.
a) nervous b) enthusiastic

8 Read the text again and answer the questions.

1 Where is Fort William?

2 Who is Danny going to the mountains with?
3 What are Danny and the group going to take with them?
4 How does Danny feel about going on the trip?
5 What does Danny know that he is going to do one day?


9 You are going to write a reply to the job advertisement below. Answer the

Garage assistant wanted

To wash and clean cars for our showroom
Saturday and Sunday, hours negotiable
£5 per hour

1 Why would you like to do the job?

2 What experience have you got?
3 Why do you think you will be good at this job?
4 When are you available?
5 What are your contact details?


1 Complete the sentences with forms of transport.

1 A l______________ is big and it transports things on roads.
2 A t______________ uses electricity. It travels on streets in cities.
3 Before there were cars, people travelled long distances by h______________ and
4 A m_____________ has got two wheels and an engine. It can go very fast.
5 A h______________ travels through the air. It’s got an engine, but it hasn’t got wings.
6 The u______________ trains travel in tunnels below the city.
7 A b______________ has got two wheels and you ride it. It hasn’t got an engine.
8 A s______________ is a large boat. It has an engine or sails.
9 A lot of people can go on a c______________ at the same time. It travels on motorways
between cities.
10 A f______________ is a boat that can carry people and cars.
11 A p______________ has two wings and travels through the air.
12 A y______________ is a kind of sailing boat. It often has a motor and people can use it
for racing.

2 Look at the pictures and write the words.

2 3

s__________________ f___________________

4 5

d___________________ p__________________ f___________________



3 Complete the sentences with the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.
1 Tom ___________________ (travel) by hot air balloon.
2 I ___________________ (leave) left my bag on the train.
3 Shannon ___________________ (live) in a small village all of her life.
4 Sofia and I ___________________ (spend) all our money on souvenirs.
5 Mum and Dad ___________________ (walk) along the Great Wall of China.
6 You ___________________ (arrive) early.
7 My teacher ___________________ (buy) a new car.

4 Rewrite the sentences in the negative form.

1 I’ve seen this film before.

2 Daniel and I have climbed Mount Blanc.
3 Henry has stayed in a caravan.
4 You’ve bought the train tickets.
5 Maria has borrowed my laptop.
6 Charlotte and Daisy have passed the exam.

5 Complete the questions with the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.
Then complete the short answers.

1 ______ you ______________ (do) your homework? Yes, I ______________.

2 ______ Evie ______________(sent) the email? Yes, she ______________.
3 ______ Max and Harrison __________(go) to Football Club? No, they ______________.
4 ______ the machine ____________ (break)? No, it ______________.
5 ______ we _______________ (win) a prize? Yes, we ______________.
6 ______ Robbie _____________ (lose) all his money? No, he ______________.

6 Complete the conversation with ever and never.

Ella: Hi Jamie. What are eating?

Jamie: It’s Tulumba. It’s a kind of Turkish sweet.
Ella: Oh, I’ve (1) ____________ eaten Turkish food.
Jamie: It’s delicious! I’ve (2) ______________ tasted anything so good! There’s a
Turkish cafe in town. I got it from there.
Ella: Really? I’ve (3) _____________ seen it. Where is it?
Jamie: It’s next to the post office. I go there every week with my cousin. His dad
is from Turkey.
Ella: Have you (4) _____________ visited Turkey?
Jamie: No. I’ve (5) _____________ been there but I’d like to go one day.


7 Read the text and choose the correct answers.

Teenage life in Nunavut
Akna lives in a small town in Nunavut in the North of Canada. We asked Akna about her
life as an Inuit teenager.
Do you go to school?
Of course! All Inuit towns and villages have at least one school. We speak English in most
of our lessons, but we also use the Inuit language.
What is your house like?
We live in a family house with three bedrooms. My grandparents live with us. Inuit
people still make igloos to sleep in when they are on hunting trips, but I’ve never slept in
What do you do in your free time?
I like going to the cinema, watching DVDs and surfing the Internet. I love sport, too. My
favourite sport is ice hockey. We’ve got the perfect weather for it!
How do you travel?
There aren’t any roads between many Inuit towns and villages so we don’t have a car. In
fact, I’ve never been in a car in my life! We’ve a snowmobile that we use to travel to local
places. If we want to leave our village, we have to take a plane.
What about food?
My favourite food is pizza, but we don’t have it very often because it’s very expensive.
That’s because all of the food in the supermarket arrives by plane. Our town hasn’t got a
fast food restaurant but one day, I’d like to try a hamburger. I’ve never eaten one!

1 Akna speaks English in ____ of her lessons.

a) all b) most
2 Akna ____ slept in an igloo.
a) has b) hasn’t
3 Akna likes going to the ____.
a) cinema b) sports centre
4 Akna and her family have got a ____.
a) car b) snowmobile
5 Akna’s favourite food is ____.
a) pizza b) a hamburger

8 Read the text again and answer the questions.

1 Which country does Akna live in?

2 Which languages does Akna speak at school?
3 Who lives with Akna and her parents?
4 What is Akna’s favourite sport?
5 How does the food get to the Akna’s local supermarket?

9 Your pen friend wants to know about your town / city. Answer the questions from
his / her email. Use full sentences.

1 How many people live in your town / city?

2 What does your town look like?
3 What can people do there?
4 What is your house like?
5 Do you like living in your town / city? Why / Why not?


1 Complete the sentences with the sports and competition words.

1 Dan is the c______________ of the team. He leads the team.

3 You didn’t win this time, but it doesn’t matter. Don’t be a bad l______________.
4 Rosie is running really fast. I think she’s going to win the r______________!
2 The c______________ will teach us you how to play our best.
5 My dad is a Real Madrid s______________. He goes to all their matches.
6 They’ve just built a new s______________ in my town. 10,000 people can go
7 Well done, Clara. You’ve scored the first g______________.
8 I’m playing the game against Mathew. That means he’s my o______________.
9 This is the last game of the tournament. If you win this, you’ll be the
10 There are 11 players in a football t______________.

2 Look at the pictures and write the words.

c s p w

o p s d

b t

3 Complete the sentences with for or since.

1 Sara and Javier have loved tennis ______________ they were children.
2 My friends have lived in this city ______________ a long time.
3 We’ve been at school ______________ 8 o’clock.
4 I’ve been a Liverpool FC supporter ______________ I was five years old.
5 I haven’t eaten anything ______________ breakfast time. I’m really hungry!
6 They have been at home ______________ two hours.
7 My team hasn’t won the championships ______________ two years.
8 Maisie and I have been in this queue ______________ 30 minutes!
9 My parents have been married ______________ 1994.
10 Alex has changed a lot ______________ last year. I didn’t recognise him!

4 Write present perfect sentences with for and since.

1 We / win every match / two months

2 I / know Diego / August
3 Zack and Stanley / support Manchester United / five years
4 I / be ill / the weekend
5 Ben / want to be a runner / he was at primary school
6 You / have that T-shirt / a very long time
7 We / love basketball / since we were children
8 Scarlett / play women’s football / she was at university
9 We /collect football cards / we were in Year 8
10 It / rain / three days

5 Complete the conversation with the past simple or present perfect form of the
verbs in brackets.

Isabel: Hi Riley. What have you got there?

Riley: It’s my lucky stone. I (1) ______________ (have) it since I was six. I
always keep it with me when my favourite football team are playing.
Isabel: A lucky stone?!
Riley: Yes! I (2) ______________ (find) it in the park and put it in my pocket.
Later, my team (3) ______________ (win) the championship.
Isabel: Hmm ... so which team do you support?
Riley: Chelsea. I (4) ______________ (like) them since I was four. That was
when my dad (5) ______________ (take) me to watch my first football
match. What about you? Do you like football?
Isabel: Not really. I like athletics.
Riley: Oh, how long (6) ___________ you ____________ (be) interested in
Isabel: I (7) ____________ (like) it since the London Olympics in 2012. Jessica
Ennis (8) ____________ (win) a gold medal. (9) ________________ you
________________ (see) it?
Riley: Yes. I (10) ______________ (watch) it on TV. She was great.
Isabel: Yes. She’s a brilliant sportsperson.


6 Read the text and choose the correct answers.

What’s your sport?

We asked three teenagers to tell us about their favourite sport and their sporting


Tennis has been my favourite sport for a long time. I started playing tennis when I was six.

My parents thought I had talent, so they arranged for me to have lessons after school.

When I was twelve, I entered my first competition. I didn’t win my matches, but I kept

trying. Last year, I became the junior tennis champion for my area. I was amazed – and my

mum and dad were very proud!


I’ve always loved football. I was two when I started playing football in the garden with my

brother. When I got older, I played football with my friends in the park. I’ve been a

member of the school football club for four years and last year I became the captain of my

team. It’s my job to lead the team and help everyone to play their best. The coach says

that I do my job really well.


I didn’t like sport as a young child, but when I was ten, my mum and dad took me on a skiing

holiday in Switzerland. I tried skiing and I loved it straight away! When we got home, my

parents took me to a dry ski slope. Since then, I’ve practised every week. Last year, I

entered my first competition and came second.


1 Aliyah started playing tennis when she was ____.

a) two b) six
2 Aliyah’s ____ though she had talent.
a) parents b) teachers
3 Oliver played football in the garden with his ____.
a) dad b) brother
4 Oliver has been a member of the school football club ____.
a) for four years b) since last year
5 Beth ____ sport as a young child.
a) loved b) didn’t like
6 Beth came ____ in her first competition.
a) first b) second

7 Read the text again and answer the questions.

1 What did Aliyah achieve last year?

2 What is Oliver’s coach’s opinion of how he does his job?
3 When did Beth first start try skiing?
4 How often does Beth practise?


8 You are going to write about your favourite sport for the school magazine.
Answer the questions below. Write full sentences.

My favourite sport: ______________________

by: __________________________

1 Why do you like this sport?


2 How long have you liked it for?


3 How often do you play / do this sport?


4 What is your best achievement in this sport?


5 Who is your favourite sportsperson?


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